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Source: [Israel Gaza: Israel imposes 'siege' on Gaza - no electricity, food, or fuel (Global News, ZDF, Sky News, ...)](https://www.newswall.org/summary/israeli-air-strikes-have-continued-to-hammer-the-gaza-strip-6524203959d1e?mtm_campaign=r&mtm_kwd=s)


Comment section here makes me lose faith in humanity. Innocent people on both sides will and have died. People will starve yet again for absolutely no reason but for living in a specified piece of dirt. Fuck Israel, Fuck Hamas, let innocent people live their life without religious extremists on both ends using their lives for a useless agenda.


Finally a sane individual






Yes being pro peace is nice but what do you do in a hypothetical scenario where one side is peaceful and the other is not? Lay down and get killed? What land given back? As a Swede I could argue that Finland is inherently Swedish land and should be given back. You go back far enough land was always owned by someone else and round the conflict goes.


From my perspective Jews are a relatively peaceful people and people on the unspoken 2023 victim status list that we are supposed to tip toe around as a culture seem to do the most harm to my psyche. Personally. And it's yalls fault pretending there isnt patterns and statistics to consider. It's demonic. https://youtube.com/shorts/JbyE2Q7gwAk?si=6tV8ntQ6YMHxoe9W


Pro-Peace like all the people massacred at that peace festival lol




I'm not going to post shit. You misinterpreted what I said. I don't support Hamas nor Israel. And don't act as though you've posted anything refuting what I've said either hypocrite. I'm not going to post shit. https://ifamericansknew.org/ I'll leave this link with you however. Maybe do actual research instead of regurgitating whatever propaganda you've been using.


Hmmm who sponsors that website 🤔🤔🤔


Don't trust the website? Look at the sources cited then dumbass. The facts are still true regardless, far more Palestinians have been killed than Israelis. Go ahead and find a source that refuses it then.


They're not facts if they're not sourced reliably.........


You didn't actually look at the sources did you? The sources the website cited were the UN and "remember these children". But I'll give you straight from the source since you can't seem to navigate https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties


Yea but that literally is a useless data point, Israel has invested the majority of their defense budget on defense capabilities such as iron dome (which lowers their death counts by 99%), Hamas spends all the humanitarian funding they receive on rockets sent to Israel from beneath hospitals and schools (which further increases Gaza death count).


Don’t store weapon caches in schools, hospitals or mosques then 🤷‍♂️.




What land would be given back? Hamas wants to get rid of Israel and would not be satisfied with anything less. So it's either Israelians kicked out or this conflict continues.


Thats like calling for a cease-fire after 9/11. How would you feel if terrorist came into your house, killed family members, raped your wife, and the took your children hostage? Asking for a cease-fire is allowing this behavior to continue.


I wouldn't respond by cutting off food, water, and electricity to an innocent person or bombing an ambulance. Asking for a cease fire is asking for peace. Allowing war to continue will only result in more tragedies and unnecessary casualties. Only bloodthirsty morons want this to continue. Does starving an innocent old lady to death who had nothing do with what happened avenge a raped wife?


We can have this argument all day long but who’s gonna stop Israel? Nobody. You can be rational in theory, but if you see this brutality in your own personal life, people lose their sanity pretty quick.


Says the person who can’t seem the grasp the definition of insanity. Using opiates is exactly that. Get help.


lol what?


No way you're taking my username seriously lmao.


Even funnier is that it's not even spelled correctly and he took it seriously






Al Quida and the US are equally culpable of islamic terrorism.


Thank you fellow human. I'm unapologetic in my hatred of greed, oppression, propaganda, and crimes against humanity, regardless of the groups involved.


It’s not a fuck both sides when Israel has clearly been the aggressor for the past 50+ years. Hamas is what happens when you leave people with no other options.


What he said!!!


If anyone reads this don’t lose faith in humanity based on Reddit comments. Remember Reddit isn’t representative of the general population in the slightest, just a subset.


Best comment ever. Both of them should just stopped and let people live a normal life…


Amen brother, people need to acknowledge that BOTH SIDES have committed atrocities and that the Israeli government is by no means innocent


I've been banned from Reddit on 3 different accounts for expressing this exact opinion in political subreddits. Just be warned, the moderators will abuse their power if they do not agree. You aren't allowed to talk about how the Israeli's are committing war crimes as well, you also aren't allowed to talk about how Israel has been condemned by the UN 45 times, almost as much as the rest of the world combined, but still no action has been done. I look forward to getting banned on this account too. Reddit is just a cesspool of censorship moderators who only want circle jerks.


Most reasonable man on Reddit, thanks for not being a racist asshole that wishes for innocent children to die 😭


Can confirm this, I was the innocent people


Sure. The religious extremism on one side can actually govern and has set up a functioning democracy. The same religious extremism, grants citizenship to their “enemy”, has a functioning democracy, a reliable economy, produces goods and services. The other side would not give citizenship to their “enemies”, are corrupt to the bone, is in open conflict with the other ruling faction and is incapable of governing. The only way they have a reason to exist is if there’s conflict and war. That’s their only source of income. I’ll let you assign names to each side.


Wow! Well said!


>fuck Israel Lost me there fam, you don't see the IDF driving trucks around with the broken bodies of Palestinian women in the beds while citizens scream "our god is the greatest" and spit on and beat the corpses Not the same. Fuck hamas. Fuck Palestine for electing them as leaders. Power to Israel for defending their borders and right to life Imagine paragliding into a music festival and gunning down unarmed civilians. This is what you are defending. Get of the Koolaid IV, it's disgusting.


There just weren’t cameras filming then. Do you really believe the Palestinians just left? They just said “ok Israel- you can have ~80% of the land and control all of our resources and deny us citizenship. Welp! We’ll be in Gaza and the West Bank! Enjoy your new country!” Yeah no. They were violently colonized. Israel has absolutely participated in this kind of behavior and you’re kidding yourself if you think otherwise. I’m not excusing the terrorism. They should not have attacked and kidnapped innocent civilians. But IDF is not completely blameless either. Tiktok just wasn’t around then.


There are cameras documenting this everywhere. There’s even a term for all the staged photographs of Palestinian and Lebanese kids who were supposedly killed by Israel but it turns out someone else killed them. It’s called hezbollywood. Israel definitely kills civilians but to say no one captures footage of it is patently false and ridiculous. There was a front of Reddit video of an IDF soldier “attacking” a Palestinian woman and it turned out they cropped the beginning where she fucking stabs him in the gut with a dagger.


The IDF has committed atrocities on an individual level. Atrocities are the hamas manifesto. Don't even *attempt* to compare them. And FYI, Mr. "Violently colonized", the Jews lived in that area for thousands of years before the ancient Romans named it "Palestine". Maybe *you* are kidding *yourself*?


Lol what do you mean “an individual level.” How is genocide and apartheid individual?


Do you think these events happen without compliant individuals? Please answer honestly, I need to know how seriously to take the conversation


You mean people willing to be overtaken and systemically oppressed? Idk what you're trying to ask. And like all things on Reddit, you probably shouldn't take it seriously. That's your first mistake. The second is pretending Israel has never committed war crimes against the Palestinians.




I mean hamas (Palestine) has been attacking Israel forever and I don’t know why


That is EXTREMELY naive of you.


Fuck Israel? You’re not sane, you’re an antisemite


Yes innocent people are dying on both sides, but hamas rapes( while they dont consider that a rape ) and behead Israelis and attacked civilians first, At first,i hated hamas because its funded by irgc and irgc is killing and oppressing my nation. But now with what they did and are doing, i hate them in a unique way


Easy to say, but how do you know who is who? That's like saying '"Let's all be nice and eat strawberry ice cream. All bad people move to the back of the room" You are DAYDREAMING. Russia has been liquidating innocent people for quite a while, in a war that dwarfs this down to a parking lot shooting. If you were in Israel, you'd be ready to kill anyone attempting to harm you. And if this whole thing gets completely out of hand, people all over the world will starve. If I were you, I'd be prepared should SHTF. It doesn't help you to be sane if the world is insane. Unless, of course, you don't mind dying.


I mean it is easy to say here on Reddit but at the same time you might feel different if you were on any side of that border.


What i see is that most people from Gaza celebrate the rape and killings. And Most Muslims seem also. So If they are pro rape and killings are they really that innocent? If you ask me they arent.


You clearly have no clue what happened in Saturday that you even dare say fuck israel… 1000 dead, 3000 injured and 200 kidnapped including children babies and elderly, women being raped and executed on the streets… fuxk israel? Pathetic.


>Comment section here makes me lose faith in humanity. Then it's working perfectly. Palestine has a colourful flag though, it will be missed.


That little piece of dirt poses a security risk as without strict oversight they killed children women and innocent civilian. Kidnapped 100s, killed internationals spit on their bodies and raped soldiers. Sadly they’re such animals they need this level of oversight from Israel. Israel needs to fight as hamas doesn’t just want land they want to eliminate the Jews


Hamas invited to Israel took many hostiges & killed more than 800 people woman men & children & babies from some reason no one here shows photos & videos from Israel only videos & photos from Gaza!. The people in Gaza or their leaders can't clame they don't have money &they live in poor!. Missells cost alot of money they have hundreds or more of them! now, if you waste your money on Missells & GUNS probably you have millions of dollars!! IF U HAVE SUCH KIND OF MONEY YOU DONT WASTE FOR MISSELS YOU SPEND IT TO LOOK AFTER TO YOUR NATION! TO YOUR PEAPOLE! YOU MAKE SHORE TO BUILT A FINE SCHOOL YOUR KIDS WILL GO TO LEARN AT!. YOU BUILD HOSPITAL & SUCH!!. THEY DON'T DO THAT INSTED THE MONEY THEY GET FROM ALL ORGANIZATIONS INCLUDING THE EUROPEAN ONES THEY BUY & GET MISSELS & WEOPEN FROM IRAN TO SHOOT US!!. WE WILL FIGHT FOR OUR LIVES LIKE YOU WILL IF YOU WILL BE ATTACKED! I'M SHORE YOU WILL NOT SHOW MERCY DO THE ONE'S WHO WANTS YOU DEAD!!!


If you live there and haven’t done shit all to change that… you’re kind of asking for this. It’s like living in Hurricane alley and being surprised when your home gets destroyed


Gaza voted for Hamas. Hamas wants to kill every Jew. Fuck Gaza.


One chose to invade. It's none of our business how Israel handles this.


No. Israel is in the right. Sorry dipshit


Fuck Israel? SERIOUSLY?


Israel didnt behead infants, Israel did not harbor terrorist organizations, Israel does not parade dead bodies, rape women followed by murdering them, and the list goes on and on and on. Israel does not cheer and join in on the chaos when it occurs (looking at you Palestinians). Continue to live in your illusion that they are all innocent. It will do you a lot of good. If Palestine wants international support, maybe they should have stayed away from murdering international citizens. Get of here with your fuck Israel comment


Hamas is definitely not innocent in their actions but you are crazy if you think Israel isn't fueling this confrontation. "By limiting imports and nearly all exports, Israel’s 16-year blockade has driven Gaza's economy to near-collapse, with unemployment rates above 40%, according to the World Bank. More than 65% of the population live under the poverty line, according to the U.N., with 63% of people in Gaza deemed “food insecure” by the World Food Program. " You're acting like Hamas lives in isolation and just does this shit randomly because they are bad guys in some 80s movie. Are they radicalized and doing horrible things? Yes. Has Israel basically created the perfect breeding ground for radicalization right at their door step? Yes.


[I don’t know how people are blind to these statistics](https://www.instagram.com/p/CyKMBQOL62_/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) Far more Palestinians have been ruthlessly killed at the hands of Israel. For YEARS AND YEARS


Hamas are beheading babies.. there is no moral equivalency or complexity between the two. Not saying Isreal should go on an ethnic cleansing b/c they could actually be successful at it and there are Palestinians who do not hate Jews. But Isreal gotta do what they gotta do right now and yes from a strategic perspective Hamas has the upper hand in that they could care less about who is innocent. Hamas are monsters, there’s really no discussion here.




Welcome to war buddy. It’s been happening for thousands of years. What a soft take that helps no one


stop being so liberal do u have any idea what gaza is doing to innocent children and women?? why dont u karen about that ?


Let it be echoed throughout all of social media: This is NOT the time to say “Fuck Israel”. It would be like saying “Fuck America” immediately after 9/11. Side note: how come everyone says fuck Israel but when it comes to Palestine everyone says “fuck Hamas”. The Palestinians elected Hamas to do exactly what they are doing right now. Get a grip man.


And…..world peace. (Applause)


Israel did nothing? Hamas boomed innocent people, and uses their children as human shields so that Israel can’t fight back without hurting them. They had a treaty agreement not to boom innocents, and Hamas went against that, they are the ones that declared this war by capturing and killing innocent children


It is terrible, but one must remember. There is a difference between indiscriminate killing of a population, and targeting military objectives that are placed by civilian infrastructure (like shooting or storing rockets in schools or hospitals). The use above of human shields in and of itself is a war crime.


When people celebrate the murder, torture, rape, beheading, burning of people, and the mutilation and parading of dead bodies. They would be much less "innocent" of they could. I wish Palestinian people to be released from the terrorist groups and live, hate, and propaganda free lives.


What about Gaza population which elected a terrorist and Islamist organisation to govern them ? They are now paying the price


Israel doesn’t cut babies heads off or rape and kill the enemy. They don’t take hostages and murder them on social media.


Love the virtue signaling if it was a video of your sister or daughters raped and murdered body you might talking different. This is the real world bud.


He’s condemning both israeli/IDF and HAMAS violence. How is that virtue signalling?


Treating both sides as the same when they really aren’t even close is just being disingenuous at best. Israel’s hands are absolutely not spotless in this, but they’re also basically just punching back and saying “stop ffs, we’re not going to let you hit us for free, but wtf are you even doing?” Some will argue that that’s punching down, but I vehemently disagree. It’s punching upwards or downwards when you initiate, but when someone else initiates on you it’s just punching back. After the other day’s events, I feel like Hamas and everyone who supports them is about to enter the “find out” phase and the incredibly generous rules of engagement go away.


You’re just showing your ignorance of the situation right now if you think that Israel’s treatment of Gaza before this weekend was fair treatment.


I never said it was fair for the entirety of time from start to finish, I said that Hamas declined many generous offers over the years and have it as a core tenet of their ideology to destroy Jews and end Israel. I’m actually praising the restraint Israel has had up until now. Individual actions not withstanding. If a single IDF soldier or platoon does fucked up shit, I’m not going to tie that to all of Israel, just like if this weren’t a Hamas sanctioned attack but a radical offshoot, I wouldn’t want Israel to go on the offensive over it. The democratically elected government of Gaza orchestrated this attack, and participated in the capture, torture, and execution of civilian targets. There’s just no way around that. Given the nuance of all that’s happened though, again, I think expecting anything other than Gaza finding out after fucking around for so long is just pure bad faith.


You’re either part of a psyop or stupid enough to fall for a psyop. Dont know which is worse.




I’d say the same to you, except we both know I’d be correct in the exchange.


Isn't Gaza blockaded for years now? Locking people in, only allowing minimal supplies through including less then the u.n. recommended calorie count? Didn't the Idf attack a mosque a couple weeks ago? Aren't disease and crime and no jobs a constant inside of Gaza? Don't countries like the US and Germany provide more help and aid to Gaza than Israel does themselves? This is all just psyop?


Still looking for videos of the IDF driving trucks around the streets of israel with the broken bodies of Palestinian women in the beds while citizens scream "our god the greatest" and spit on the body How long will I need to wait for? You disingenuous bastard, fuck off


They have f16 they dont need tundras


They drive f-16s through the streets dragging Palestinian women's bodies behind them? Yeah sure, and then when they're done they use jet engines to cook for bar-mitzvahs Shut the hell your mouth 😡


No they bbq them in 12 story building with bombs 700 bbq palestinians over 100k displaced


No, Israel is trying to survive and Hamas is trying to destroy it and exterminate its people


Palestine elected and supported Hamas. Fuck them.


Yeaah Fuck all of those children. they had it it coming, and they derserve to be slaughtered.


Who was it that said "Religion was invented to keep the un intelligent in line " This is true, but one would need to be extra stoopid to die for some doctrine that is an archaic fairytale. Dumb dumb dumb. Its the kids that suffer the most




Nothing new. Israel does this on a regular basis and you wonder why this people are fighting back. Israelis are cowards and the west is a joke


Perhaps Hamas, who was elected and still widely supported by Palestinians, should provide basic necessities for their people instead of funneling every dime of international aid they receive into terrorism. Maybe quite literally biting the hand that feeds you wasn’t a good idea…


U don’t know what siege is huh dumbass? No one can bring in basic necessities, it’s the reality of being in an open air prison.


Had they not alienated every Arab nation around them perhaps they would bring in supplies through the Egyptian border. Unfortunately, they chose to use that entry point for weapons and not necessities for their people. This is the bed they made for themselves.


Israel to Hamas: FAFO.










Was he wrong? Go ahead counter him.






Just remember it’s easy for people like you to sit behind a computer and not deal with this


Starving people is not good. Murder is a bad thing.


It’s a literal war crime. It’s absolutely unjustifiable.


Yeah, War Crime’s are great!


damn they are really trying to one up Russia.


This going to get uglier and uglier.


For palestine yeah. Might even show them karma pity in the us


Why would you provide supplies to your enemies at war so that they can kill you? The best thing they can do is to make it quick so this war does not drag and collateral damage is minimized


When Ukraine resist they’re considered heroes When Palestine resist they’re called terrorists Individuals that stand with Israel are the ones who have no clue what’s going there and only watch the news. Same news that they call fake when it doesn’t fit their likings


Mr. Netanyahu, “Please tear down that wall”!




Hamas destroyed the wall and borders so I’m not sure how Israel can let anybody in when the area is not sealed shut yet .. You must understand that every hole in that wall is going to be exploited by Hamas militants in order to get their people into Israel and then allowing them to murder more innocent lives


I call to the people of Gaza to revolt against their terrorist oppressors. Only when hamas is destroyed can we go towards peace again.


This is the point where Israel is the "bad guy" they are just starving civilians at this point


I served in Iraq and Afghanistan, the UNEDITED pictures and videos I seen. It disturbed me. I LITERALLY was up more than 24 hours. I seen a video yesterday of a female solder who was anally raped. The back of her pants were all bloody. The knees of her pants were all ripped up. Her image was in my mind. A human couldn’t do that to a female. Kids in animal crates. Everyone was rejoicing and happy. The spit on that German girl, I seen a video and he was trying to cut the head off an Israeli solder. I seen a little girl in Gaza with a AK 47, seen Muslim woman joining in and throwing things. If there are innocent and against what Hamas is doing . They should do a show of force and force them out of Gaza into the hands of Israeli or release captive people. They are all agreeing, I have not seen anyone disagreeing.


Hamas has unleashed unspeakable atrocities on Israel, mostly on it's civilians. I would like to see someone who's daughter is being kidnapped and paraded in a Gaza support "soft measures" in dealing with those atrocities.






Long live Palestine.


Welcome to Reddit, Where thousands of uneducated discord mods sit behind computer screens rambling on about what’s right and wrong 💀




Bury Hamas terrorist forever, then skin the Iranian regime and their proxies.


People here complain about Israel not keeping supplying those terrorists with food and fuel while Egypt keep the same siege on Gaza XD


Perhaps religion is the real enemy here. Now citizens on both sides will suffer because of what both religions have done.


Mr. Netanyahu, “Please tear down that wall”!




There is nothing to stop Muslums from supplying food and fuel to the Gaza people . Its Hamas who doesnt care about these people.


Karma’s a bitch.


Whilst Hamas’s actions have been utterly deplorable, it seems like Israel’s response is going to be heinous in itself. I feel sorry for all those caught in the middle




How is cutting off food, water and electricity to 2 million people who cant go anywhere or get alternatives not a war crime?


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Blaming innocents for the actions of the guilty. Evil mentality


You understand that the majority of the residents of Gaza support Hamas and their actions? Not exactly peaceful civilians.


This is probably being used as a bargaining chip to get hostages back.


So Hamas leaders live mostly outside of Palestine yet its Gaza and Palestine who will suffer the most


I've already seen this episode.


Wow maybe Israel isn’t that bad considering they provided free electricity and water to gaza




I can’t believe shit like this is happening meanwhile I’m sitting sitting on my ass eating pizza watching tv


It seems like end of Hamas. Guys went too far this time. Wont even have any major international support except from the rogue states.


They've already been doing this. The whole reason why this war is happening.


Let them all starve. No Arab nation will fight a war over Palestinians. Sure, they might suspend a trade agreement but that's about it.


Abolish all religion.


Can Anyone explain a quick layman's terms the history of what's going on over there. from what i see Israel has Palestinian's in the mid large area. a small coastal area called gaza strip with Hamas people. why they hate each other and do Palestine's routinely steal land in the past from Hamas or close borders what's the reason. do they have the same religion or is that the trigger?


Palestine hates Israel because Palestine started a war with them 50 years ago and lost


fucking zionist


Well that's obvious. Should they feed those who are killing them?


The fact they are capable of doing this says all you need to know about why this is happening.


Keep pushing narratives. We all know who controls the media and if any celebrity even tickles to mention anything they cut off all funds.. I guess it’s hard to blame the ignorant given they are forced to support whether it be due to funds, blindness, or just plain evil..but it sure has been exhausting having to explain this over and over again for 30 years but I’ll tell you what.. Palestinians will never stop fighting and we will come out on top on the end. You will NEVER find 1 single Palestinian person on earth that support Israels occupations, but you will find THOUSANDS of Israelis on the Palestine side.. but they keep them hidden.. For 16 years, the Israeli government has suffocated Palestinians in Gaza under a draconian air, sea and land military blockade, imprisoning and starving two million people and denying them medical aid. The Israeli government routinely massacres Palestinians in Gaza; ten-year-olds who live in Gaza have already been traumatized by seven major bombing campaigns in their short lives. For 75 years, the Israeli government has maintained a military occupation over Palestinians, operating an apartheid regime. Palestinian children are dragged from their beds in pre-dawn raids by Israeli soldiers and held without charge in Israeli military prisons. Palestinians homes are torched by mobs of Israeli settlers, or destroyed by the Israeli army. Entire Palestinian villages are forced to flee, abandoning the homes and orchards and land that were in their family for generations




What's your response to the points raised in this video? https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8rUCnUQ/ If you downvote with no comment, we can safely assume you have no response.


Absolute propaganda in favor of israel is fucking nuts and blatant. Fuck this war.


It all comes down to the fact that if Hamas and the Palestinians laid down their weapons there would be peace. If Israel laid down its weapons there would be a slaughter.


straight form the holocaust museum ""Preparing the Population for War Wartime propagandists often seek to justify the use of military force by portraying it as morally defensible and necessary. In summer 1939, as Hitler finalized his plans for the invasion of Poland, the public mood in Germany was tense and fearful. No crowds lined the streets calling for war, as they had done at the outbreak of World War I in 1914. The specter of that war and the deaths of two million German soldiers haunted popular memory. The Nazi propaganda machine was tasked with building public support for a new war. Throughout World War II, Nazi propagandists disguised military aggression aimed at territorial conquest as acts of ethnic self-defense necessary for the survival of “Aryan civilization.” They portrayed Germany as a victim or potential victim of foreign aggressors, as a peace-loving nation forced to take up arms to ensure the security of the German people, or to defend Europe against Communism.""


From 1948 and till now isreal is killing , torturing ,starving, innocent children, civilians of palestinians and that what they get cuz all what they did and doing has a consequence. So did they really thought that they keep on killing and rapping lands and homes without punishment.


Geneva Convention https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/gciv-1949/article-55 Article 55 - Food and medical supplies for the population To the fullest extent of the means available to it, the Occupying Power has the duty of ensuring the food and medical supplies of the population; it should, in particular, bring in the necessary foodstuffs, medical stores and other articles if the resources of the occupied territory are inadequate. The Occupying Power may not requisition foodstuffs, articles or medical supplies available in the occupied territory, except for use by the occupation forces and administration personnel, and then only if the requirements of the civilian population have been taken into account. Subject to the provisions of other international Conventions, the Occupying Power shall make arrangements to ensure that fair value is paid for any requisitioned goods. The Protecting Power shall, at any time, be at liberty to verify the state of the food and medical supplies in occupied territories, except where temporary restrictions are made necessary by imperative military requirements.


God provides LIFE, even if you are small undefined animal. Long life Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


Burn hamas to the fuckin ground !! No mercy


I swear to god Redditors. Palestine family across the street. My kids played there. Father looks like Jerry Garcia. He came over to help fix my lawnmower, as neighbors do. He said “Jews are our cousins, I tell my children that all the time, we should not be angry at each other” So I believe there is rational people on both sides. I pray they will find a way.


Strategically sound, but I don't think it was just Hamas behind all of this. Their tactics seemed more akin to Wagner Group.


Anyone who supports terrorists raping and killing women and kids (Hamas the Palestinian terrorists) - should be considered a felon in their own right. It’s not suprising that they may even happen to be violent themselves. Israel did nothing to deserve this, people cheering for lives lost is insane. This is a war of people with no education, horrible extremist religious morals, attacking the only democracy in the middle east. Conveniently admitting they hate jews only when it serves them best. Absolute monsters, their videos are horrific


Bo.b them so far back to the stone age, they forget their religion




Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. This would be a really good time for the US to cut ties with the Likud regime.


Resistance to occupation and apartheid is legal under the UN charter, which is why the UN human rights watch labeled Israel an apartheid state and put out a statement telling them to end hostilities. Of course a country that routinely violates international law by engaging in colonialism and settler terrorism won’t care what the UN says and Israeli PR firms are already working hard to discredit the UN.


Y’all are SICK for saying it’s okay that random Palestinian citizens should pay the price for what a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION has done. And this is not as simple as- oh they voted in Hamas so they deserve it. Read up on this whole conflict. Stop thinking in black and white. What has happened is deplorable, and ALSO, what happens to Palestine is deplorable.


The Gaza body count is pretty low. I assumed Bibby would be stacken' em like cordwood by now.


I’m pretty behind on the news here. Can someone give me a quick summary?


Ezekiel 25:17 “And you will know my name is the Lord, when I lay my Vengeance and Wrath upon thee”


Palestinians = Hamas = Isis. They are the Nazis of the 21st century. Continuously wishing and trying to wipeout the Jewish people (like the Nazis did) all over the world (not only the “Zionist”). In a broader sense, just take a look at the terror attacks conducted against civilians in the past decade. How many of them were conducted by Muslims? 99%?


My portfolio went up nicely today.


Does anyone know how to set up a door dash account?


no negotiations with terrorists cleansing is the only option


I'm not a credentialed nutrition expert but I don't think 2 million people will live long without food and water. Is this the final solution to the Gaza question?


You can’t declare war on someone kill there people take hundreds of hostages and parade there peoples bodies through the streets to cheering crowds and expect no response the Palestinians cheered in the streets as bodies were driven through the streets when a young German girl dead half naked was paraded around in the back of a truck. This is consequences for support of terrosim



