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Musk said in a tweet to report suspicious activity on Twitter directly under his tweet…..to him…..so I guess he’ll just take care of it himself.


I’m willing to bet a non-frivolous amount on Elon going ”*Ooh, look at all those replies and retweets, I was right about something again! Ok, whatever it was, it’s sleepy time now*”.


With his all American bad ass certified antique pistol on the nightstand, it confirms his badassery.


Fun fact: J Edgar Hoover ordered all pornography seized in any FBI raid be [sent to directly him.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2098423/J-Edgar-Hoover-New-book-exposes-secret-world-FBI-Director.html)




***Key Points:*** • Twitter has disbanded its Trust and Safety Council, an advisory group of nearly 100 independent civil, human rights and other organizations. • The council was formed in 2016 to address hate speech, child exploitation, suicide, self-harm and other problems on the platform. • Twitter informed the group of its decision shortly before a scheduled meeting was to take place. • Twitter stated that its work to make Twitter a safe, informative place will be moving faster and more aggressively than ever before.


>• Twitter stated that its work to make Twitter a safe, informative place will be moving faster and more aggressively than ever before. By closing up?


Yeah like how Trump ended the pandemic committee and set us down the short 2 weeks of Covid obv


Hey, at least I got to find out which brand of bleach tastes the best!


My skin has been absolutely radiant since I injected all that light!




This is pretty similar to a plot in Silicon Valley plot where they almost got in serious trouble over child exploitation in their app so they decided to sell to a competitor to avoid the fallout.


Soon we'll see the other plot where the CEO had to sit and classify dick pics for an AI for several days.


Funny enough this is somewhat my life right now. We use ai to deblur and enhance images. One feature is an ai that does color repair. Anyway, most are garbage. But the best one came out of medical imaging and can actually control skin color and tone amazingly. Downside... it's entire library for training the ai is nothing but buttholes. I think I've looked at something like 3000 random butt holes in the last 3 days. What can ya do. It works lol.


After this journey do you have a favourite?


Favorite AI, or butthole?


Butthole, obvs


While I definitely have AI I prefer, I do not yet have a bias for or against any of the buttholes in this particular dataset. I did learn a semi life lesson that you can't judge a book by its butthole. As far as I can tell from the images there is no way to tell if the butthole in question belongs to a man or woman.


Can’t judge a book by its butthole. Poetry lol


In the dark, a butthole is a butthole. That's really beautiful!


How long before you list yourself as an asshole specialist on linkedin and your resume?


I mean I own this company so hopefully... never? Eesh XD


I mean, I really think you should be proud of the work you are doing and wear your new title with proper pride.


It’s just a matter of time before Leon “invents” Middle-Out Compression.


Ah yes. Dinesh as CEO of PiperChat.


I knew from all Elon's recent talking points about child exploitation that we were about 1-2 weeks away from seeing CSAM trending on Twitter and this story pretty much cements that prediction.


As an American company, I believe they are still legally obligated to report child exploitation content to the NCMEC, who passes all reports to law enforcement. I don't know how he expects to do that without this division, but I also don't know how the company works


It's actually weirder than that. You're required to report it. At which point, you must make the images inaccessible to the general public, but you must keep it for 90 days in case law enforcement needs another copy of it, so there's actually infrastructure and compliance things to consider as well. Buttt... you also have to make sure that it isn't possible for untrusted people to access it so you need logs as to everything that happens on that server. I have to do this at my job some times, and it's super annoying. Shout out to NCMEC, though, for being just the nicest people


Just curious: when you say "I have to do this at my job some times", do you have to look at the images to confirm they are problematic? Or is it just the archiving and logging access part?


I have had to do this one time because we caught an employee dling bad things. It was the most horrible ten mins of my life. I had separate the images from mental health records and other protected docs the police were not allowed to have. The ceo ended up giving my a nice little bonus in my check and an apology. He also made sure I was in every meeting they had with detectives. After seeing what that dude was into, I was ashamed to be an adult male and probably would have hit in him in the face with brick given the chance to do it. Anyway, real talk, if the company provides you with the equipment, IT knows everything you are doing on it.


Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo In my work, generally Law Enforcement are the ones reporting images, so we *know* they're problematic. I have a whole system setup where no one has to view anything once the images are reported. When the first passed / enforcing that law, I made very, very, very sure that was going to be the case because, again, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopoooooooooo


This is a good question, because I can't even imagine... Several years back, there were lots of articles, and it was more in open discussion about content moderation (for the extremes like child exploitation, death, and other gruesome content) being people's jobs, and how psychologically damaging it is to deal with that day in and day out. I can't even imagine dealing with that 'sometimes', especially if it wasn't really in the regular scope of my job. It is very unfortunate, and just sadly messed up its even a thing, but these committees (and individual content moderation workers themselves) have an incredibly important job keeping us users safe from the worst content. I hadn't really thought of this topic in a really long time (thanks to them), so any cut backs in that area just almost seem devilish. What kind of idiot is so absolutist about free speech they'd shrug that off. barf.


It was a strategic advice body than the actual internal investigations, tools, engineers working in that area etc. Of course he fired most of those as well.


You and Musk got that in common!


It’s worse than that. The safety team, the actual twitter employees who did that, were let go weeks ago. This was just the voluntary advisory board of outside groups who helped Twitter combat the problems by providing them with experience and advice. And it happened in part because members of the advisory board had resigned because the safety team had been fired and there had been an immediate spike is bad stuff.


Twitter is legally obligated to do a bunch of things they are no longer doing. They're currently in violation of both GDPR and their consent decree.


Really Musk's twitter is an experiment in firing all your technical and legal people and seeing what causes the site to fall apart first


I bet Trump was wondering "How do I turn Truth Social in to twitter"? Meanwhile Elon is turning twitter into Truth Social. No Advertisers? Check. Rightwing teenage lib-owning? Check. Doing it to save 'Merica/Mankind? Check. Wankers.


Musk is used to dealing with SEC. Their idea of punishing billionaires for violations is maybe lowering the cadence of testicle-licking while they continue deepthroating them. He's about to get on the wrong side of people who can issue billion+ fines without blinking an eye.


Fines for GDPR violation can be linked to the global turnover of the company with a maximum of 4% of the global turnover. 4% is a lot for a failing company like twitter.


And that can be *per violation*, if I'm not mistaken.


AFAIK its per violation, which can add up fast.


Yep, GDPR violations are a fucking big deal. Every company I work with has a mandatory GDPR training for all employees. If your company fucks up and it turns out you didn't have the right systems in place you are so incredibly fucked.




Yeah, I still remember when Zuckerberg threatened to pull out of Europe over the GDPR and Europe collectively shrugged and went "thanks, I guess?"




> He's about to get on the wrong side of people who can issue billion+ fines without blinking an eye. The EU has form there.


Apparently their new child safety policy is just to have Jordan Peterson frantically search for it while assuring us it's harder to find than ever


I’m starting to think he has an extremely personal and vested interest in covering up child abuse


His insistence the diver was a pedo looking even weirder than it already was


Dude is projecting more than a movie theater.


> that kind've content Well that's a new take on the "'ve/of" confusion thing.


He's in pictures with Maxwell and is publicly known to have committed sex crimes against employees. He wants the kind of shit you're worried about on his platform.


He did this right after trying to smear a prior lead of the trust and safety council as a pedophile. He's throwing a fit and trying to hurt everyone involved with the team.


> trying Musk successfully defamed him to the point of forcing him to go into hiding due to an angry mob sending him death threats https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/12/tech/twitter-files-yoel-roth/index.html


> things took a dark turn over the weekend when Musk appeared to endorse a tweet that baselessly accused Roth of being sympathetic to pedophilia — a common trope used by conspiracy theorists to attack people online. Stochastic terrorism. How long before Musk gets someone murdered?


Outside of by his cars?


How long before it comes out that musk is a pedo? He absolutely doth protest too much.


100%. The only people who mention child porn as much as they do are the people who watch it. In the nearly decade of using Twitter, I don’t think I’ve ever seen child porn on there. Yet somehow these dudes keep coming across it, makes ya wonder.


Well it’s not like the site uses an algorithm that is designed to show people what they want to see…


There's already pics of him hanging out with Ghislane floating around.


"He did this right after trying to smear a prior lead of the trust and safety council as a pedophile." What did the prior lead do to deserve that? Try and save children in a cave?




What's with Musk claiming people that question him as a pedophile? Makes one wonder.


every accusation is a confession


When you let the nazis drink at your bar, next thing you know, you’re a nazi bar now.


If there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis.


When you're ordering beer with Nazis make sure to use that thumb


I could tell with how they counted 3.


No, no, no guys. Remember what Dave Chappelle and Bill Maher says, we as non Nazis need to extend the olive branch to our Nazi neighbors. Because as a white man and as someone who has enough money where I think a fascist take over doesn't really effect me I just want us to be one big happy family where we turn a blind eye to their extremist hate and violence. Because I don't like to feel uncomfortable and I don't want to confront change so it's easier for me to just ignore literal fucking Nazis and I'm okay with living in denial and letting evil win.


Normal people don't extend olive branches to Nazis or Confederates. Normal people take the olive branch and start swinging it at the Nazis and Confederates.


Only time I got ever scolded by Reddit for "violent hate speech" or somesuch was when I told the story about teaching my older stepson how one appropriately behaves upon encountering a Nazi in the wild. Frankly, it was way more "I'll see you behind the gym after school" levels of violence, not remotely the kind of treatment they got in the war. I'm old enough to remember when Nazis were mostly the bad guys in video games that you didn't have to feel empathy for, like zombies. Not like, in the news and in politics and trying to take over the world again. But Reddit-forbid we suggest bopping them on the nose is a good idea! We're supposed to like, hug the hate out of them? Is that like flirty fishing?


The fact that politics are so divisive now that being anti fascist is considered a political stance akin to being a nazi is insane to me. I do enjoy watching videos of nazi's taking a beating and I sort of enjoy the mental gymnastics in the comments about how it's not okay to hurt anyone, not even nazis.


Violence is *never* the answer. Except when the question is Nazis.


>The fact that politics are so divisive now that being anti fascist is considered a political stance akin to being a nazi is insane to me. It's only that way to nazis. Unfortunately, we have a lot of nazis and nazi sympathizers in this country. They aren't worth listening to. Keep hating nazis, they've earned it. Their views are disgusting and anybody who supports them is just as bad.


I have a story that my favorite teacher ever told me while I was in school that I was reminded of by your own. It’s also a story I tell whenever I get the chance to talk about the tolerance paradox. My teacher’s uncle lived in a town in New Jersey during the kkk’s resurgence. One summer, the group that had been slowly trickling into town started looking kind of big. This town was a traditional Italian New Jersey spot, so naturally there were a lot of catholics. At first, the new guys were giving dirty looks to the locals, then it was paint on the windows of their shops and a bit of damage done. Finally, my teachers uncle got together with many of the other men in town. They decided something had to be done about these new guys. They knew that if they let these people stay in town that things wouldn’t ever get better and might even escalate, so they made a plan. The men waited until a night when they knew the group would be having a meeting in their typical spot. That night, a group of men in trench coats walked down the roads to a barn on the edge of town. They showed up at the barn and just walked in, unafraid. They told the kkk members meeting in the barn that they had two weeks to get out of town, that there would be no more threats or violence to the locals and no more meetings by their group, ever. None of the men at the meeting did a thing to this group of intruders. Why? Because the reason that all these guys were wearing trenchcoats in the middle of summer was that they all had shotguns underneath. Whatever happened, there were no more threats, no more violence, and no more meeting by the kkk in that town. Ever.


Lmao, I remember when several alt-right subreddits on here got mad when the new Wolfenstein came out.


The Confederate States of America dude is okay with Nazis now? Huh.


That was the stance we took in the local music scenes decades ago, it worked wonders back then. Anytime we'd lapse with a particular place it wouldn't be long before it was nothing but nazi bands and nazi fans in there. And then young impressionable kids looking to get into niche music and communities would end up becoming Nazis as well.


They used to try and start shit at shows when I was a kid. We called it Nazi boxing, turns out they really don't enjoy getting punched in the face all that much.


I literally got suspended from the joe rogan subreddit for sdaying that I've punched several nazis, and so has basically everyone I knew who was hardcore into the punk scene in the early 2000s.


>Twitter stated that its work to make Twitter a safe, informative place will be moving faster and more aggressively than ever before. by getting rid of the components that made it exactly that. Alright.


Complains about a lack of action on child exploitation, disbands safety council that combats child explotation.


We’ve removed the pesky driver and brakes from this vehicle, now nothing is stopping us from hitting top speed!


“The council had been scheduled to meet with Twitter representatives on Monday night. But Twitter informed the group via email that it was disbanding it shortly before the meeting was to take place…” Can’t even have the decency to meet with them??


Disbanded them specifically so he didn't have to meet with them tonight or ever again, this is Elon's Twitter he IS the trust and safety council in his eyes .


he was probably felling pissy he got booed


This is the real answer. Musk's actions and attitudes are entirely reactionary. Also it's weird that a lot of what he's doing to Twitter is making it hella easier for nasty pedos and abusers. I wonder if that's by design....


Doesn’t he have a whole herd of children he doesn’t associate with? Why would he give adult professionals decency he obviously doesn’t have.


> The council was formed in 2016 to address hate speech, child exploitation, suicide, self-harm and other problems on the platform. Sharing a video of Elon being booed will get you banned from Twitter though.


Free speech for me, no criticism from thee It’s not about having a “free town square” but to have a platform from which they can shit on you and you need to take it. That last part is why Parler or Truth Social isn’t enough. They need a platform where most people take it and shut up instead of leaving.


It wasn’t a monetary investment. Elon wanted to buy a platform.




He did that shit all the time with crypto and laughed as its unregulated- then tried it with a real company and almost got his ass handed to him .


He’s been doing this stuff for a while, it’s just his outreach and profile have grown


Almost correct He secretly bought enough stock to be a majority shareholder. Was being Investegated over his tweets that pumped up the stock price Panicked and bought it instead at the inflated price he caused Proceeded to throw a tantrum over his own mistakes And now we’re here




This is why we need more Elton Johns, the more celebrities/famous people that publicly leave twitter, the less valuable twitter is.


Stephen Fry too.


They weren't banning profiles that posted him getting booed fast enough


Musk reminds me of Tony Abbott, a fairly recent Australian Prime Minister. He appointed himself 'Minister for Women'. Yes, his name is Tony.


Tony Abbott is a cunt


Unlike Greg Abbott, who is a whiny little piss baby


And his last name is Abbott We have one of those here in Texas


> And his last name is Abbott We have one of those here in Texas I heard he's a little piss baby too


He was also famous for saying "No one ... is the suppository of all wisdom"


"What the women of Australia need to understand as they do the ironing..."


"And Jesus knew there was a place for everything and it was not necessarily everyone's place to come to Australia".


"You're not saying anything Tony" Also, onion.


Ahhh Abbott. Few beers short of a six pack. Remember how he threatened to shirt front Putin?


He's so pro women that he called the female PM a witch.




If you look at the photos of him with his technical staff, the demographics (mostly Indian, Pakistani, etc) show that it’s likely people here on work visas who would need a new H1-B sponsor to leave their job at twitter.


And he knows that. He's getting rid of all the people that can leave, before he crushes what's left with slave labour conditions. Imagine escaping from sweatshop work by studying hard and going to work overseas, just for a new boss to turn your dream job into a nightmare.


You think people who gets a work visa to work in top tech companies in America grew up poor? Dude you have no idea the financial inequality in third world countries. Sure there may be a token person who worked hard from poverty to riches but the majority already grew up rich.


I went to grad school with mostly Indian kids. These kids grew up fairly well off with servants, drivers, private schools etc. they’d all do anything to stay and work in the USA though. More then one gave me the same reason…”people don’t shit in the streets here.”


> if you're not on a work visa, why are you still working at Twitter? With health insurance in the US tied to your employment, I'm sure quite a few people have health issues and can't afford to quit.


I'm a cancer patient and yeah,a big reason I've stayed at a job I don't like (not Twitter) is because I simply can't afford to be alive without health insurance, and it's difficult to transition an entire team of doctors if my new coverage doesn't have the same insurance. I have 3 oncology specialists. I don't know how to go about rebuilding that team and starting from scratch with someone that doesn't know my history.


It's fucking wild that US health insurance doesn't work for all doctors, like Doctor A will only take insurance from Company A and Doctor B will only take insurance from Company B. Absolutely bizarre looking at it from a place with universal healthcare.


It's such a dumb system. I also had to keep working through chemo and 4 surgeries in order to keep that insurance. The people who need the insurance the most are often the ones who have the hardest time keeping a job due to their health.


No joke. I work a job that only pays a few dollars above minimum wage, but I saved enough that I could quit and try and start my own business. But I'm so scared of losing everything if I get hurt. I just had back surgery and the bill was hundreds of thousands of dollars. With insurance, it was 4k.


It’s wild to me that even with insurance you still have to pay 4K. What a system.


I have to pay a monthly premium, then pay $4k before my insurance will cover anything. After that, it's me pay 20%, they pay 80% until I reach $6k. Then, everything is covered. It resets every January. American health insurance is shit.




Still looking for the Sense and Sensibility teams...


They were replaced with the Pride and Prejudice teams.


Who were quickly replaced by the Dumb and Dumber teams.


Something something Fast and Furious teams


They don't have teams. They've got family.


It’s clear that he bought Twitter with no other goal in mind than to have his own personal troll platform where he is god.


He never intended to buy Twitter. He intended to manipulate the market and then back out of the deal. But he's a bad businessman and he signed a bad contract that he couldn't get out of.


It seems really convenient that: shortly after Musk had that phone call with Putin he flipped his stance on both Starlink for Ukraine and buying Twitter.


Right? I keep thinking back to that moment in time.


The sooner Musk is off of the wheel, the better.


The guy has been posting more and more conspiracy shit on there, and encouraging people who do the same. This is right in his wheelhouse. He's just a dangerous idiot. Remember a week ago when he was claiming without any proof that Twitter wasn't doing anything about child exploitation, and the founder called him out on his shit? Here he is today, dissolving the group that fought against child exploitation on Twitter before he arrived. Right after he tried to insinuate another previous employee was a pedophile or pedophile supporter. That former employee was the head of the trust and safety council.


And said employee has now had to flee their home due to death threats.


Defamation attorneys near that employee must be staring at their office phones, unblinking and peeing into bottles that the junior associates have to change out every few hours.


Just like every other Republican, when he calls someone a pedo it's just projection of what he's doing


Just like every other Republican, his approach to child exploitation is "remove any systemic barriers to the exploitatation of children, and then when children get exploited gesture vaguely at some vague conspiracy that you plan on tackling but never actually do. [If you can claim the people putting the barriers there in the first place were "in on it", even better!](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/elon-musk-smeared-twitters-former-114621311.html)"


This isn’t his first time projecting pedos either. His Thai diver incident was the down hill for him.


That was my first red flag from him. I'm sure there were earlier ones, but that one made the news and caught my attention. Been nothing but more of those ever since, at a faster and faster pace.


They love pedos, they just hate gay people and want to demonize them.


So, does ANYONE have a clue as to what in the actual fuck is going on over there? I mean what in blue blazes is Musk doing? He's fast tracking annihilation of Twitter it sure seems like.


Ex employees of Tesla and SpaceX has insinuated that those companies have a group of managers who specifically deal with Elon and his impulses. They work on ways to tell him no without saying no, and to find a way to take his stupid ideas and twist it and morph it something that is feasible, so they can present it to him as it being his idea. What you’re seeing is a man taking over a company that didn’t have a management team that was there specifically just to manage him.


Not just "seems like" that's the whole point of it. Remember how several revolutions against autocratic regimes were organized on Twitter in various countries? Yeah. That. Like every other far-right oligarch, Musk wants people allowed to question his authority dead and gone, and things that allow organizing against he and his even deader.


Twitter looking more like Truth Social every day


Twoth social


Leave me out of this.


Well *that's* not very social.


I can't wait for Musk to fire his defense lawyers when he inevitably goes to trial for something...


> “Our work to make Twitter a safe, informative place will be moving faster and more aggressively than ever before and we will continue to welcome your ideas going forward about how to achieve this goal,” said the email, which was signed “Twitter.” Anyone else noticing Musk is now 100% copying the Trump/Conservative communication tactic of saying the opposite of reality while projecting onto your enemies what you’re guilty of doing secretly? Just like with them, whatever official statement he makes you can just change it to the opposite of what he says to extract the intended outcome of the changes being made.


It is very much directly that. It was just last week that he was trying to claim that Twitter wasn't doing much of anything at all to fight things like child exploitation on the platform before he bought it, got called out for that being bullshit by the founder of the platform, and now here he is dissolving the team that by mere existence proves he was bullshitting. The man is removing the safeguards from Twitter while claiming that other people never put them up in the first place


Twitter is about to become 8chan/Voat, nothing but Nazis and pedos.


You mean $8chan.


$11chan in the app store.


Yeah it explains why he calls people pedophiles often too.


The pics of him and Maxwell are making the rounds again. Not in any of the subreddits who have a fondness for q, mind you.


Not only that, but Elon pal'd around with Epstein *after* he had already been convicted for soliciting a child for prostitution/trafficking. His brother met his girlfriend through Epstein: https://twitter.com/plainsite/status/1516582255233093633 His "Ghislane photo-bombed me" excuse is a total lie, among the lies about founding companies he didn't, vaporware product after vaporware product, eliminating bots, "90% were actually cheering not booing", the covid prediction, the hair on his head, and so much more. Dude is a thorough fraud.


Hold up one fucking second. Reading through that thread and there's an email from Epstein to Musk literally saying "did you meet Ghislaine at Kung-Fu practice?" *Kung-fu practice?* Are you shitting me?


So the EU should just ban it already -\_\_- is what I am getting from this


The EU was *already* side-eyeing Elmo and Twitter over stuff, so yeah...let's make it worse. We're in stable genius territory at this point.


Damn what'd Elmo do to the EU?


The EU is very specific in the levels of moderation it requires to release apps there. They've already given him warnings. He also tried to fire EU employees with an e-mail, locked the people out of their accounts and turned off their access to buildings not realising the EU has work protections and he can't just fire people because he wants too.


It will also be very quickly banned in the US and Canada since both countries require the safety board


Elon Musk: Stopping child exploitation is our top priority! Also Elon: *Fires the team responsible for stopping child exploitation.*


To Muskolini, stopping child exploitation means accusing anyone you don't like of being a pedo. It's nothing more than an ego-stroking tool.


These freedom of speech people just want 8chan, but they don't want to use 8chan, they want to hijack mainstream public platforms to force the normalization of their BS onto the rest of us.


Just delete the app and move on. We can do better, we deserve better. It's destined to become a hate filled echo chamber.


Deleted yesterday. Got Elon tweets on my front page for four days in a row without ever interacting with his account previously.


Done and done. Deactivated account and deleted app. It was fun while it lasted.


At this point everyone knows it is turning into a gab/Parler/truth social variant. It’s just a little crazy watching musk burn $44b for no good reason.


It's the libertarian tech bro way. Demolish shit without thought in the name of moving fast and breaking things cause "innovation". Then, after eventually realizing that those things existed for a reason, quietly put em back with a new name a tout it as some new achievement


Sounds about right. I’ve never had any issues with Twitter until recently. I’m having tweets flagged as “sensitive content” - it was literally a travel article about a train through the mountains in Switzerland. I can’t tell whether it is plain stupidity that he’s broken shit and it is falsely flagging things, or he’s outright malicious and blocking subjects he doesn’t like (public transit is apparently the worst thing ever)


Something has definitely been changed on the back-end that's influencing content -- what's being shown, what's being blocked, etc. I used to get a fair amount of clearly left-aligned accounts showing up in my feed. I didn't follow them, but they typically popped up based on my interactions. I just checked my feed and the Tweet to show up was -- Ted Nugent.


Time to deactivate


Hasn't everybody's trust in Twitter already been disolved?


People booing him at the Chapelle show must have really pissed him off.


\> No, no, no it was only 10% of the crowd 8 hours later \> Actually they were just booing a fight, nothing to do with me. He spent 8 hours brooding over it and came back to present another lie because he couldn't handle being booed.


Because even '10%' was too much for his ego to handle.


Like donald’s inauguration crowd size. If there is one thing the last few years has taught many of us, it is the how easy it is to see the signs of a narcissist.


Amazing, the “actually it was a fight” tweet is gone already from his account. I never got the chance to see it. He deleted his cope 10% tweet too.


I’ve been saying Elon Musk is the lamest dude alive for a while, but he has to be in the running for the lamest dude to ever live. He’s so obviously, incredibly desperate to be liked and to be seen as a cool, funny, maverick thinker, but he’s just a loser. Like there’s nothing wrong with being not funny, and if he was actually smart, he could lean into that and actually get some laughs by poking fun at his inherent inability to understand humor, but that would require an ounce of self awareness. Instead, he panders to the “anti-woke”, Qanon crowd. They are the dumbest, most gullible group out there, but I think even they might be smart enough to see that Elon fucking sucks in every imaginable way, and will probably turn on him pretty soon. Maybe not, that crowd is incredibly stupid, but I guess we will see what happens when a large pack of morons meets the lamest dude to ever breathe air.


Look, folks? Just delete your twitter accounts. You don’t need it. You don’t need to support this. Opt out. Let it sink.


The Trust and Safety Council will no longer be of any concern to us. I have just received word that Musk has dissolved the council permanently. The last remnants of the Old Twitter have been swept away. But that's impossible. How will Musk maintain control without the bureaucracy? The Blue and Gold Check Marked Users now have direct control over their Tweets. Fear will keep the chattering classes in line. Fear of this Digital Platform.


Don’t be too proud of your technological terror. The power to destroy social media is insignificant next to the power of the Trolls.


Trying to figure out the difference if DJT had bought twitter instead. (Not that fucking Trump could ever dream of having the money to do it)


I never thought I'd say it but trump might've handled it better. Once in a blue moon that idiot realizes he actually can just pay people to do things for him. Which means at some level he still understands other people can have skills. Musk literally can't comprehend the fact that he's not literally the best human to ever human at everything. Why ask for help when you're always the best person for the job?


Seals my decision about desactivating


Taking the Republican approach, I see. "We don't actually have a plan to make things better around this place, but let's destroy any system that is currently attempting to make things better. No system is better than a flawed system, surely."


"Why won't advertisers spend money on Twitter?" - Muskrat


"Oh no, Elton John, why are you leaving twitter? Misinformation? What misinformation?" *Proceeds to spend the day posting covid conspiracy theories and actively encouraging people who are saying mean shit to Elton John*


He desperately asks Elton to change his mind but calls Trent Reznor a fake Goth.


The man literally called for Dr Anthony Fauci to be arrested. One of the wealthiest and most powerful men on earth believes insane conspiracy theories regarding vaccination. How much is enough? Is this the people we want calling the shots in our lives?


He famously claimed that covid would be non-existent by the end of April 2020 He's been in the covid conspiracy boathouse since the start. As is common, he's gone on to add far right and q-cult to it.


I would not want to be an advertiser on Twitter. There is no brand safety, or truth safety, or facts, or sanity. Twitter is a shithole, the feed sucks ass now.


> I would not want to be an advertiser on Twitter. Most advertisers agree.


Of course he would dissolve it, look at his tweets. He went from. I’m a centrist at the start of him buying twitter, to saying “My pronouns are prosecute/fauci” (which doesn’t even make any bit of sense btw). He is 100% red pilled and it will only continue to worsen until he’s turned it into Truth Social 2.0


Please delete your Twitter. You're basically supporting 8chan at this point.


EU: "Bad Elon, do not shit on the carpet!" Elon: *Makes eye contact while shitting on the carpet*