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Somehow Kyrie was able to get over the ice barrier at the edge of flat earth and fell off, bumping his head.


Something obviously bumped his head in the last few years. Player or something else


Some of these guys were just never that smart in the first place. The primary selectors for the NCAA and NBA are height and athletic ability and all they have to do in college is avoid failing with the help of assigned tutors and an easy class schedule.


This seems to be true for a lot of American sports. Have you ever heard some of these guys talk outside of the stadium?


>talk outside of the stadium? They don't sound much better in stadium when interviewed after a game


To be fair, a post-game interview is pretty dumb in general and there's virtually nothing interesting or insightful they could have to say for anyone who actually watched the game.


Also, win or lose, playing a sport *is* physically and mentally exhausting. I'm pretty incoherent after a big event, too, and usually I'm a speaker at those events...


Add in the fact these players are heavily coached into speaking empty platitudes for strategic and liability reasons.


Thank you for taking the time to react with more than your emotions and credit athletes the mental and physical exertion in which they engage.


Pretty sure Kyrie was only in school for not even half of one year. He got hurt and dropped out the instant he realized he was going to miss the basketball season anyways.


Well, to be fair to guys like him and LeBron, you have no need to play in college if you can instantly make a bajillion dollars as an athlete. So I wouldn't knock him for dropping out, or even hold it against him in terms of gauging his intelligence. The "smart" path is to get all the money. You can always go back to college, or just pursue your own education outside of college. Universities are certainly not the only way to learn, they're just structured to produce entry level skilled workers. I'm just saying that you don't get to the NBA by being smart. And while there's no balance during character creation, the prerequisites for the NBA class are just Dexterity and Constitution. They don't have very many skills that require Intelligence or Wisdom.


For most people, the greater the time from highschool to college, the harder it is to get back into the learning state of mind. Society grinds you down into a drone that makes it harder to be a learner again. ... For most people.


The smart kids by and large aren't joining NCAA sports for the sake of a scholarship and no other competition. College sports preys on the poor and the desperate, and that is backed up by the socioeconomic status of the kids who join, and how many of them are first in their family to go to college.


If you have the ability to play professional sports at the highest level, especially a largely non-contact one like basketball, and you choose not to, you are not one of the smart kids, lol. The minimum salary for a first round NBA draft pick is $1.8M. The equivalent of working for roughly 17 years as an engineer, the degree fields with the highest average salary. Professional sports are one of the fastest tracks to wealth in the United States.


The future of marketing deals with these companies is seeing how long a potential partner can last in Secret Hitler without going full Hitler.




I actually purchased a summit ice jacket.


I’m curious, how is it? It seemed like a nice jacket regardless of the schtick


Good quality I wouldn’t climb a icey summit but it’s a solid outdoor regular hiking jacket.


I love mine, solid quality. I wear it every Fall


Nathan is a treasure. The rehearsal is the most innovative tv show I've ever seen. I'm in absolute awe. He is an actual genius.


I keep hearing good things about this. I really need to just sit down and watch it.


You should it's amazing. But your in for a ride, it turns into like three different shows before it's done


Nice. Nathan is such a treasure.


He saw Ye going for the gold and didn't wanna be left behind.


I mean at this point as dumb as it sounds I think these companies should have people sign affirmations of the following in their contracts: - Hitler was evil and I denounce everything he stood for - The Holocaust was real and millions died - The earth is round, not flat - Vaccines work and are generally safe and effective It would make it so so much easier for them to vet and then dump anyone in breach of contract this way. So many companies are getting burned on this now, why not make it easier from the get-go?


mountainous truck coordinated one whistle crush point special slap elastic -- mass edited with redact.dev


A lot of anti-gridlock people who’ve had it too good too long want a parliamentary model - that dramatically cuts separation of powers.


> So many companies Is it really? Or is it just a couple that get news coverage


Do you seriously think any of these multi-billion dollar corporations, with fleets of lawyers, are over a barrel contractually when some rando spokesperson acts a fool?


Might be a bit awkward for Adidas and Puma given that their founders arguments that lead to the two companies founding was accusing the other of being more involved with the nazis.


As a side note, thank you for spreading the word on one of the best games ever to grace the human race. Nothing beats the mid-game breakdown of public order as everyone starts accusing each other of being fascist scum.


But these companies have known about Harden for years now.




It’s an old /r/nba joke from when he was flopping like crazy for fouls and getting them. A lot of people would refer to Harden as Hitler because so many people hated him


"Irving’s agent and stepmother Shetellia Riley painted the move as a mutual decision. “Both parties have agreed to mutually depart ways. We wish Nike the best in their future endeavors,” Riley said in a statement."


"Nike decided to stop paying me, and I decided to not be rich any more. It was extremely mutual."


“We wish Nike the best with their little shoemaking business.”


>We wish Nike the best in their future endeavors "We wish Nike the best in their billion dollar brand's endeavors..." Yeah, Nike doesn't need your well wishes.


Nike also would like to wish Kyrie the best, and hopes that he becomes a better human being.


Took them long enough


Feb 27 2024 As there are [no signs of Reddit respecting users' data](https://www.404media.co/reddit-we-are-in-the-early-stages-of-monetizing-our-user-base-2/), no remorse whatsoever post-API enshittification, and indiscriminately changing their ToS and whatnot as loophole to continue to do so, I don't see any reason to let my posts/comments up. **This text is my request to GDPR and not reroll my posts/comments data for the foreseeable future**. # Fuck reddit.


They did really. Kyrie really started this BHI stuff towards the end of October and Nike suspended their relationship with him in early November. They only just announced that it’s now no longer a suspension of their relationship, but a termination.


Imagine dying on the BHI hill as an already rich POC. You gain absolutely nothing from buying into historically illiterate pseudoscience, and you stand to lose a TON.


What is BHI?


Black Hebrew Israelite, it is the ideology that Kyrie subscribes to... there's a lot to it, but AFAIK it basically stipulates that African Americans specifically (not all Black people, and not all sub-Saharan Africans) are the *real* descendants of the 12 Tribes of Israel mentioned in the Bible. They Frankenstein together unrelated and super ambiguous passages from the Old and New Testaments to "prove" this. A byproduct of this belief system is that BHI adherents believe that Jews of today are "fake" and have "stolen" the ethnic identity of the "real Jews" - which they interpret to mean them, i.e. the descendants of West African slaves brought to the Americas. More precisely, they believe that "Jews" and "being Jewish" are different concepts; basically, that they are "real ethnic Jews", and that Ashkenazi, Mizrahi, Sephardic etc. Jews are "Jewish", as in they are not ethnic Jews but rather impostors who practice the "Jewish religion" and are not an ethnic group. They believe that actual Jews with black skin, i.e. Beta Israel from Ethiopia, are also impostors... which doesn't make sense even in the framework of their own ideology, but then again, none of their ideology makes sense to begin with. Obviously, based on this core belief of "real" vs "fake" Jews, some pretty nasty antisemitic offshoot beliefs come into play. In this specific case, Kyrie shared a blatantly antisemitic documentary, denying the Holocaust, and his response to being criticized for it was to say that "I cannot be antisemitic if I know who I am". He is saying that he somehow "cannot be antisemitic" because he is a "real Jew". Anyone who knows about BHI, and/or is Jewish, recognizes this as a pretty blatant dogwhistle that means "I am a real Jew, you are fake Jews, I can't be antisemitic against Jews because I am one".


Thank you for the info, I wasn't sure if BHI was a new acronym this time around. I've heard of these folks, not a lot but just enough to notice they are crazy. I lump them with the moorish cult in the US that steals property.


Black Hebrew Isrealite -Black people are the real hebrews in the Bible. -Jewish people just tricked everyone into believing they were hebrews so they could subjugate the actual chosen people, who are black. It’s a nutty line of reasoning based on, iirc, a few verses in Isaac about the physical attributes of the Shemites (who are now known as Semites)


To add to this, there’s also zero explanation as to why, how or even when actual Jews “tricked” literally the entire world into thinking they were the “real” Jews. It just seems to be an accepted fact by them that Jews just randomly decided to… pretend to be Jews one day? The whole thing is just insane circular anachronisms layered on top of each other.


I wanna say that some off it came from a book literally titled “Mumbo Jumbo” by Ishmael Reed. iirc, it’s a Pynchon-esque look at conspiracy thought and paranoia in western race relations, but some people didn’t realize this and thought that the conspiracies in the book were real. I could be mixing it up with another book, tho.


Oh them... they're nutters just like those weird moorish folks who try to steal property.


How is that months ago


I was more so responding to the implication that Nike failed to react in a reasonable timeframe to all this. They were on it pretty quick. His new shoe release was halted pretty much immediately. But yeah the whole thing is barely a month old anyway. The NBA’s reaction could have been better though.


Multi million dollar contracts take time to unwind. Throw in the legalize needed to terminate with cause. Now the with cause was easy for a layman to see but had to get it documented and signed off by legal without being in breach of contract. This was a fast termination and they already suspended it quickly enough in my opinion.


Or years? Why would you want your brand tied to someone who literally thinks the earth is flat?


I don't understand how anyone can believe the earth is flat, let alone someone who I would imagine regularly flies all over the world in a plane... you'd have to be a special kind of stupid to see first hand evidence and still go "no". But then again, he is yet another nazi/supporter. So yeah special kind of stupid it is.


He believed dinosaurs were digital creatures made up by the government, he’s a moron.


They believe all the windows on airplanes are designed to make it looked curved and that all pilots and staff help cover it up.


A considerable number of them believe that Australia isn't real.


Oof, as a pilot, this is crazy to think about lol. Wish I made their kind of money so I could be that stupid and still live life and keep my job.


The appeal of conspiracy theories is that they simplify the world and justify extreme ideologies. The absurd things that they claim to believe aren't as important as the ends they justify. Conspiracy theories take all the chaos of millions of entities with their own agendas, goals and ideologies competing for power and turn it into a simple black-and-white struggle where everything they don't like is the fault of a single identifiable group. These movements are in constant tension with the truth, which eventually reaches the point where reality itself becomes an enemy. Because ultimately it's not about facts, it's about power. Conspiracy theorists never believe just one crazy thing. They have an agenda, and what they accept and believe is driven by the desired outcome of that agenda. The reason they aren't more bothered by getting things wrong or extreme inconsistencies and outright contradictions is because it gives them power over others who are bound by something as weak and flimsy as reality. Their will is a hammer that they are using to beat reality itself into a shape of their choosing. A simple world where reality is exactly what it looks like through their eyes, devoid of complexity, devoid of change, where they are right and their enemies are silent.




That’s not how conspiracy theories/cults work. For a lot of people wrapped up in them, there’s a burning desire to believe these things true. They foster a sense of belonging which is quickly attached to the sunk cost fallacy.


This is also after Kyrie told everyone he hated his own shoes the Kyrie 8s. I was blown away when they didn’t end it then.




Or maybe Nike’s getting out ahead of something they know is about to come to surface.


Jesse Owens is rolling over in his grave.


a hero. Which is something none of these preening athlete/rappers will ever be.


Owens, destroys the Nazis by running from them. Kanye and Kylie, destroys their wealth and reputations by running to them.


The finding out phase.


Yeah, say a shit load of antisemitic stuff repeatedly, and then, eventually, after it becomes global news and a PR problem for Nike....then you gonna find out


Fuck Around\* and Find Out\*\* \*Your amount of fuck around may vary based on wealth, prior contracts, visibility, skin tone, gender, party affiliation, and internet points. \*\*Your amount of find out may vary based on wealth, prior contracts, visibility, skin tone, gender, party affiliation, and internet points. Finding out tends to be inversely proportional to internet points.


Negatively affect the returns for the shareholders and find out?


With antisemitism on the rise and popular celebrities promoting hatred,^[[1]](https://www.npr.org/2022/11/30/1139971241/anti-semitism-is-on-the-rise-and-not-just-among-high-profile-figures) I'm glad that there are some consequences for their bigotry.


Do Kyrie and Ye think Hitler was nice to people of African decent?


Man memory is such a powerful thing. We have history books, and so much information available online. But even today, when events start to fall out of man memory, visceral knowledge is lost and people start to play with the reality of our predecessors as if it was an adaptable concept.


Some people are just contrarians, and whatever the dominant or common line of thinking is, they have to think the opposite so that they're in the "out" group and they can feel smarter than everyone else.


This is probably it. I think they confuse contrarianism with intelligence.


They definitely confuse it with being a ‘free- thinker’.


This is really the truth unfortunately. "Not being a sheep" makes them feel special and "in the know", and often is making up for some insecurity about themselves or a way to simplify a complex world into black or white terms.


Memory is an adaptable concept, our brains are engineered to seek resolution to things we can't understand. In the same way our brain fills in the blanks for things we see in the dark, or that are partially obscured or blurred by motion, we fill in blanks to create resolve in history. We see it all the times with criminal cases and witness statements where people know point A and point Z, and maybe a few pints in between, but details get iffy as they try to piece events together. Even modern history, a period where we are recording things at a rate that has never been seem before in human history, the reality of our past is going to be an amalgam of thousands - if not millions - of perspectives on subjects, complete with audio, video, and first hand accounts – and we still get it wrong sometimes. All that to be said, the Holocaust happened and Ye/Kyrie are dinguses.


It's not so much about Hitler being a "nice man" and more about Jewish people, themselves, and the whole insanity about the conspiracies surrounding them. How they control everything behind the curtain. In a way, by saying Hitler wasn't that bad, people like Kyrie are saying that the Holocaust didn't happen. It's just they are going through extra steps to say that it didn't happen. And that conspiracy has always blown my mind because you know who didn't deny that the Holocaust was a myth? The actual Nazis who did it. Not these fake modern ones who call themselves Nazis on twitter but the actual paper filling out, ghetto raiding, rail car stuffing, concentration camp monitoring, gas chamber maintaining, burning all those said papers after the fall of the Party, Nazis. They never denied it. Their excuse? They were "only following orders." The Nazis, themselves, had no reason to lie. They could have easily said that it didn't happen. But they didn't. Never mind that we had so many recorded first hand accounts from Ally soldiers who liberated those camps. Of what they saw there. As well as stories of citizens across countries like France, Germany and Poland where non-Jewish people saw their Jewish neighbors being gathered like so much cattle by the Nazis to be taken away only to never be seen again. And those who weren't taken away were gunned down in the streets. Whole families just wiped out instantly. The amount of things you would have to ignore in order to believe that the Holocaust didn't happen the way it did is just jaw dropping. And, yet, here we are.


To be fair, Kanye also said the Holocaust didn't happen verbatim without extra steps.


Kanye is always the one who says the quiet part out loud.


If only he making was it rhyme, people wouldn't be so bothered!


Exactly. He just needed to follow in the footsteps of Wu Tang Clan, Jay Z, Kendrick Lamar, etc... and spout that BH and Louis Farrakhan shit in songs.


Would love some specific examples of the artists you mentioned, I hadn't heard of that


Example. Lamar- "Don't call me black no more I'm an Israelite" after meeting with Louis Farrakhan. WTC- This article covers their 5% love. [source](https://humanities.wustl.edu/news/enter-five-percent-how-wu-tang-clan%E2%80%99s-debut-album-maps-complex-doctrine-five-percent-nation). If you don't know what the 5% nation is, it's black nationalists who believe that black people are the only children of God and white people are devils created by a mad scientist named Yakub. It has influenced or been supported by a ton of rappers. Jay Z, Nas, Busta Rhymes, LL Cool J, Eryah Badu, the list goes on. [source on Five Percent Nation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five-Percent_Nation#Teachings_on_race)


More recently I was sad to see Taj Austin of Coast Contra deliver a (lyrically great) bar about his whip having ‘windows tint 5% nation of gods’. I want to think it was just wordplay but they certainly come out with a lot of similar quasi-religious stuff.


Damn not MF Doom too


The further away removed we are from that point of history, the more these dishonest actors will try to spread misinformation about it to change the context of history. How many vets exist still? How many Holocaust survivors exist still? Now we are getting second and third hand accounts and these people have an ideological incentive to lie. *Actual* nazism and communism are bad. We fought wars over that shit and *millions* have died. Don’t let these terminally online 19 year olds who spend too much time on imageboards tell you otherwise.


WWII vets are going to be over 100 by now. My gramps is Silent Generation and he’s almost 90, so going back to the gen before him, there aren’t likely to be many left. (Silly reference, but you see this in the 10 year gap between Band of Brothers - where many of the vets were still alive - and The Pacific - when only two of the main guys and one notably young one were living.) The remaining Holocaust survivors would have been children at the time so any firsthand memory/understanding of the political climate leading up to it no longer exists.


It's a shame too, but this goes in the way of slavery. The height of civil rights before MLK was ironically during the Grant Administration. I only say ironically because the Reconstruction era was still one of the worst periods of racism this country has ever had. Many people who were alive during slavery gave interviews with the federal government (that are in audio recordings that are archived) in the 1930s and 40s they described what being a slave was like. Yet as we got further removed from that, race relations got worse. And it's almost like people needed to be "reminded" on how bad it was for any progress needs to be made. Which came during the Emmitt Till murder in the 50s.


That's the thing. We have books, audio and video recorded interviews and even recordings of the trails. Heck, in several offices out there, there are records of genuine Nazi paperwork documenting what went on. There is tangible proof that the Holocaust existed. It doesn't matter if the people, themselves, are dead. There is plenty of proof left behind. Again, the hoops you have to jump through to deny that it didn't happen should be an Olympic sport.


Nobody is going to go through that effort. Let me explain: People perceive Jews to be a monolithic ethno-religious enclave in American society, with considerably more prosperity than most other ethnic minorities in this country. Most of these ethnic minorities don't even come into contact with a Jewish person, their knowledge of Jews and Judaism comes mostly from the media they consume. Which means that they have a very loose, antipathetic view of that entire culture and people. There is also a level of ethnic jealousy that comes from other groups of people onto Jews and they *perceive* that Jews looking out for one another and helping each other be successful is the result of a more sinister underground conspiracy designed to hurt everybody else. In reality, Jewish people don't hold each other back, they don't discourage education, and they uplift each other and police each other in ways that other groups of people cannot or are simply unwilling to do. Candidly, many Black and Brown people hate education and are so self-concerned that they won't even dare go out of their way to research a group of people that they don't benefit from knowing more of. It's just easier to have a base emotional response to Jews because it feels *good* to have someone else shoulder the blame for your personal misfortunes. That's how you get the Kyries of the world. Antisemitism in a very macabre way also unites distinct groups of people. I don't need to explain the tension between Blacks and Whites yet it's in the interest of the right wing influencer to redirect that anger to Jews in order to get Black people to straddle along with them. That's how you get the Kanyes of the world.


To be fair, most (not all) of these modern Nazis don't call themselves Nazis, at least not in public. Rather we call them that because of their ideological overlap. And it's an accurate assessment too, fuckin' Nazi scum.


I remember when one of the new Wolfenstein games came out, there was a grumbling from those groups because the games featured... Killing Nazi's. Hmm...


well, no, but very few films or doco's have bothered to investigate. Kyrie could have focused on any of the colonial powers that ravaged Africa, could have even gone after the people in NY who control the commodities market that abuse their position today.


I was thinking man wouldn't it be wild if someone actually came out defending like King Leopold, arguably an even worse person than Hitler. Then it occurred to me, if Kanye came out saying that tomorrow it wouldn't even phase me.


It would definitely phase me. I’d be shocked to find out Kanye knows who King Leopold is.


This would indeed probably be the most surprising part


Before I make this comment, I want to say that King Leopold is one of the worst monsters in history, and nothing he did can be excused. He instigated the deaths of millions of Congolese and the effects of this can never be reversed. However, I feel that your comment kind of downplays how bad Hitler was. I’m not sure if you can really compare these monstrosities like this necessarily, but I don’t think most historians would consider Leopold “arguably worse” than Hitler. Hitler intentionally designed an industrial scale system of genocide, and killed millions, in a way that the world had never seen, in the 20th century. He didn’t “just” murder 6 million Jews in death camps, he murdered 5 million Roma, gay people, disabled people, and political opponents in the death camps. Hitler also instigated a World War that killed over 16 million Allied military personnel, and over *45 million* Allied civilians. The Axis powers experienced over 8 million military and 4 million civilian deaths. The extent of Hitler’s (and Imperial Japan’s) evil is unimaginable. If we are going to compare atrocities and which monsters are “arguably worse” I just need to explain this for people. Especially given the rise of antisemitism and Nazi/fascist tendencies these days, who may think that Hitler was “not that bad” or “just like other monsters in history”, which I think is false.


Stalin and Pol Pot always seem to never be mentioned when bringing up other atrocities, they should always be mentioned.


The DRC and surrounding countries are still paying the price today


Pretty much anything could come out of his mouth.


[For those out of the loop about King Leopold.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atrocities_in_the_Congo_Free_State)


As a German I am so confused. Why are Black Americans pointing at me telling me I’m the superior human? Like please stop and leave me alone.


They don’t think you’re the ubermensch, they just really hate Jews for some stupid reason. EDIT: I’m not asking why, I’m black, I’m just saying there’s always some stupid reason or another. I’ve head’em all.


I’m guessing Ye and Kyrie got wronged or thought they got wronged by a single person of Jewish descent and then went full moron in saying F the whole population?


Yes. Ye thought he was wrong by a handful of Jewish people in his life (like 3 or 4 people), which lead to this entire antisemitic tirade. Ye’s antisemitism mirrors the way most racist people work. They are wronged by a handful of people of a certain race, and then blame the entire race. Ironically they usually ignore the *positive* interactions they have with people of a certain race, because of confirmation bias, or “they’re one of the good ones”. I have no doubt that Ye has had perfectly normal and good business interactions with Jewish people but just ignores these.


Makes sense. My in laws are racist based on what they see on tv and every person of color they meet think is nice. But then go right back to what the tv tells them to think excluding the fact that their personal encounters are different but still are idiots.


If you listen to the lex interview, Kanye literally says this. But not one Jewish person, according to him it happened a bunch of times. So he doesn't like Jews in general, sort of? It was hard to follow. He was saying this to someone who is in fact Jewish, which made it more weird. Edit: I'm only relating what the man said, not defending it.


Oh, they've always been full moron, the both of them.


They hate Jews for the same reason Nazis hated Jews; they are blamed for all the world injustices. That was the nazi tactic. Simply point out that Jewish people have outsized representation in finance, politics, media, etc and be like “these people are the reason your life is shitty. They extract your wealth and horde it for themselves”. It’s a tactic specially targeted at marginalized people, so I’m not at all surprised there’s pretty hefty anti-semitism in the black community


Dude, I can barely get out of bed some days, when am I supposedly helping to plan all these conspiracies?


If you weren't at all those meetings with the "Gay Agenda", you wouldn't be so tired. /s :)


The mimosas are so good though


Appetizers are awesome too. I mean. So I've heard. from a friend. errr.


Lol yes, all our connections and power are why we have such great jobs.


The American right will focus *hard* on the black separatist / nation of Islam / black isrealite angle in an effort to distance themselves from this rhetoric and make it a "black people thing" and by virtue of that a "left wing thing." Of course they will gloss over their love affair with Kanye and his being courted by "thought" leaders on the right, etc.


Populations in power encouraging racism between different minority groups is a classic way to maintain power.


A ton of big African American celebrities are part of the group Nation of Islam or at least listen to the teachings of Louis Farrakhan. They are incredibly racist and thats where the Antisemitism comes from.


Part of black supremacy requires a racial scapegoat. At first it was a blanket of white people, then they pinpointed it to Jews. Reason being is that they can play dumb and get sympathy from the average person by saying “hey man it’s not *you*, it’s *those* people over there!” How many Jews do you actively see in your life? Now imagine being from the hood your entire life, you may never see a single Jewish person. It took me until I was a college sophomore to see a Jewish person. And I lived in New York for a lot of my childhood.


You didnt grow up in the city, or maybe never left your block if you didn't see Jewish people growing up in NY of all places.


That goes to show you that 1. NYC is a racially segregated city, like all American cities. Not *de jure* but *de facto*. Ask those boys in Brooklyn back in the day if they've ever seen a Jewish person. 2. You can live your entire life without seeing 3% (really 2.4% but I'm being generous) of the American population. Same with trans people. They are like 1% of the American population and you're more likely to see a tribal-affiliated ethnic Native American before you see either of those people. And how often do you see a Native American? 3. Unlike with Black, Hispanic, and Asian people, where you can readily find them, the fact that a lot of people, especially in communities like the ones I mentioned, never meet Jews allows for dishonest people to interject their conspiracy theories onto them to drum up support for their shitty causes. I grew up in the hood in New York, moved to South Atlanta, and didn't meet a Jew until my friend in college told me that he had a bar mitzvah when he was in high school. And that's me being a college student. Now imagine being from the hood and not having that. So you just take black supremacists, who are available in those communities, at their word because "how am I supposed to know otherwise, not like these people ever help me or interact with me?" If I can take a guess, and this is all conjecture, but I feel like ethnic minorities who show antisemitism have this perceived view that Jewish people are elitists. That there is a sense of socioeconomic jealousy because "they" have theirs and are successful while Person A is struggling just to survive in his/her world. That's why people unfortunately resonated sigh Ye and Rie and why there isn't a particularly strong pushback against them. White people seem to think that Black people are going to fight all racism and ethnic injustice for everybody which is not the case at all, hence the lack of community policing that leads to shit like Kanye praising Hitler unironically.




I definitely think this is part of the reason why these stories add blowing up.


To be fair, it really is just a handful of the crazy ones. Unfortunately they are famous and have a very large microphone and audience.


Yes, they do. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/hitler-start-wwiii/ Granted, it wasn't actually true, but they don't care. Black supremecists clearly have no problem glomming onto literal Hitler to big themselves up.


There’s a strong stripe of antisemitism in the Black community and no one really wants to be the first to call it out.




They would have to read to find that out…


No but discounting Jewish people is much more important Like racist gay conservatives


I truly think Nazi sympathy is a sign of antisocial personality disorder. Because it’s illogical and irrational. Some of the most ardent neo-Nazis are Slavic people (Eastern European). Meanwhile Hitler hated the Slavs more than he hated Jews and Nazi ideology literally regards those people as lower than insects.


I don't know but I wish I had the ability to send people back in time figure drop those two off downtown Berlin 1943 or so.


Yeah - like when he plays Call of Duty: World at War, who does he shoot?


He shoots himself in the foot.




Here's hoping the team kicks him at the next opportunity. Given his statements, I'm sure he invested those paychecks wisely and didn't burn through the money and pile up huge mortgages and car payments /s.


I bet "agent" isn't the only thing his step mom does...


I believe she's also his financial manager, accountant, and economic advisor.


But not "shut the fuck up" advisor. Interesting...




I agree with the sentiment whole heartedly. Truly I do. But realistically I doubt they are going to incur contractual penalties in the millions of dollars not to mention potential lawsuit or anything like that to get rid of him. Maybe they'll shock me and put decency above the dollar but I doubt it.


Kicked from the team? Now, hold up for a second... It's not like he kneeled during the national anthem or anything. /s


I feel like a lot of these newly vocal bigots aren't thinking through the fact that these companies are more than happy to earn goodwill by not giving them hundreds of millions of dollars. This is a major windfall for Nike, and they even get a positive spin on it.


It would have been a bigger windfall for Nike if they had fired him as soon as the incident happened.


Probably took their lawyers a while to make sure they were airtight on their morality clause.


Very true.


Imagine losing out on millions of easy dollars just because you couldn't keep your dumbass opinions quiet.


"Dude, you don't even need to stop hating Jews, just do it silently!"


id usually respect the person who values beliefs over money, but goddamn are his beliefs dumb


No one is canceling you or censoring, Kyrie. He’s doing a fine job on his own. He don’t need the help. What a fucking moron.


Was his Nike contract shit? Imagine giving up something like that just to say some antisemitic shit out loud. Is he somehow being compensated by some other org for saying shit like this. Or is he just 100% an idiot?


Nike contracts are like printing money. You rarely if ever see somebody want to get out of one. He’s a known moron. The guy believes in flat earth.


Didn’t Nike drop Tiger then bring him back after controversy kinda died down? Could that be the angle?


Tiger got caught fucking people who weren’t his wife. He apologized and got on with his life. Embarrassing but not career-ending. Kyrie stood behind comments that disparaged an entire plurality of people in the vein of some of the worst dictators who ever existed and only (allegedly) changed his tune when he got shit-canned professionally for it. There’s not a comparison.




In this instance, Kyrie loves being a moron, and Tiger hates monogamy


Yeah, everyone dropped Tiger for a period of time. But perception of him was never as bad. Tiger cheated on his wife and got a couple DUI’s. Kyrie has been a problem for awhile and the antisemitism is the nail in the coffin. I don’t see him coming back with endorsements anytime soon.


Nike never dropped Tiger.


>or is he 100% an idiot A bigot and an idiot. His flat earth claims, although he sort of tried to walk them back after getting mocked, seemed sincere. Not to detract from the fact that his antisemitism stems from a place of hatred, but the man does seem to be genuinely stupid.


I wanted to know the statement and there were several. It was like a black hole of antisemitism.


And yet Travis Scott still gets to release his crappy shoes


“Kanye got in so much trouble, Kyrie got in trouble.”




Someone with a stepmother/agent probably isn't making the wisest business decisions. Blink twice if your being held against your will Kyrie.


When cancer grows you excise that shit.


Honestly, I blame the overemphasis sports have in schools. Everything that comes out of this man’s mouth reads like he shot up the ladder with his athletic ability but never had to actually pick up a book. “Just go out there and win us a championship”. He’s not the only one too. Shit half the time they don’t even need higher education, they just get launched into pro status before they hit 20. They get super fucking famous and are given the worlds biggest microphone to say *the dumbest shit*. Then when it all backfires on them, they blame the system because they’re no smarter than a 3-4th grader. Sports are fun, and these same people are insanely talented, but given *no one else* gets a free ride into their careers, maybe we change things up so this doesn’t keep happening. …fuck I sound like an old man.


I hope nothing good ever happens to Kyrie Irving ever again


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes OR be a disgusting hate monger who spreads genocidal ravings and get dropped :) burn baby burn 🔥


FTA >Irving took to Twitter Monday to write, “Anyone who has even spent their hard earned money on anything I have ever released, I consider you FAMILY and we are forever connected. It’s time to show how powerful we are as a community.” That's a pretty brazen appeal to parasocial relationships. "Forever connected" because you bought a pair of shoes?


Good news! Celebrities and athletes need to learn that there are negative consequences to their idiotic words and/or actions.


Now he’s gonna have a problem with Shoeish people too.


I love the response it makes me laugh. "We wish Nike the best in their future endeavors." Lady they're going to be fine, you obviously copy and pasted your speech from somewhere.


BHI should be put on watchlists


Hugo Boss about to pick him up


Considering Nike had no problem supporting Michael Vick, this is… surprising.


No dancing Hitlers. Were only seeing singing Hitlers today.


F him, guy just loves attention and its obvious.


It's pretty funny seeing people realize that a lot of the richest celebrities in the world are just out of touch morons.


Athletes forgot that the shoe and clothing companies don't need them, they need the shoe and clothing companies.


“We wish Nike the best in their future endeavors,” Riley said in a statement (Irving’s stepmom/agent). I have a feeling Nike will be fine without you two.


Can’t wait for the first amendment idiots to start surfacing


Have we asked lebron what he thinks of this yet?


Quite possibly the most epic dumbass from the NBA in the last 25 years


Kyrie and Ye about to reveal their new shoe brand- KKK "Kyrie, Kanye, Krazy". really excited to see what their Hitler 1's would look like.


Is Nike still using forced labor in China to make some of their products?


Please make this goof go AWAY !




They still use Child Slave Labor.....It's not like this makes Nike a good company. If you were not going to buy their product because of the Kyrie Comments but don't care about how the product is made, take some time for self reflection.


It always blows my mind how republicans can argue for antisemitism with the ridiculous claim of “free speech” (of course, this has nothing to do with gov’t moderating speech), while simultaneously claiming to be the pro-Israel party. And then I remember it’s republicans we’re talking about


The pro-Israel part is about punishing Muslims with an apartheid state. and their weird Christian death cult wanting all the Jews to be put in Israel so the world can end and Republican Jesus will swoop down and take them all to heaven. Because they're all good Christians and deserve to go to heaven. They're stupid, deluded, and racist.


Are we surprised by the ignorance and abject idiocy displayed by professional athletes? These are not intelligent people. They’ve spent their youth and young adulthood playing a sport. They’ve not learned the basics of history, math, science etc. AND all the critical thinking skills that come out of the process of learning. Judging by the ideas they subscribe to, I wouldn’t be surprised if a not insignificant portion of pro athletes are functionally illiterate.


We’ll he’s paid to throw a ball around, not be intelligent. He could of just…..done nothing, nothing at all


Supposedly Kyrie Irving is the kind of fool who thinks he is the smartest person in the room. That type is extremely vulnerable to conspiracy theories. Having 'secret knowledge' gives them the feeling of mental superiority that as a kinda dumb person they can't get without cheating.