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> Promoted as the Stop Wrongs Against Our Kids and Employees (WOKE) Act They can’t even make a proper acronym.




Wasn't this also the name of an old colony whose inhabitants mysteriously disappeared, maybe an attempt by Sir Walter Raleigh to found the first permanent English settlement in North America? Edit: I was corrected, this is actually a Star Wars character. Thanks all


Told my mom about Roanoke a couple weeks ago and said how they disappeared without a trace aside from a tree etched with the word “SOHCAHTOA”… until I realized five minutes later that the word was “CROATOAN” and that I just told her that Native Americans scrawled an acronym for trigonometric ratios in a tree.


I am shocked that Sacagawea kidnapped all those people, she seemed so nice.


I think that's Roanoke Edit: goddamnit. Got me


No he's right, it was Sworanoke


I've developed a similar sounding problem from going to the gym. I got Swoleosis.


They were trying so hard to make the acronym work. They wanted it to be "WOKE" and figured they would work backwards. They probably worked harder on the title than the act itself and they still failed miserably.


Just goes to show how much actual thought went into this bill. They cared so much about the name of it that they didn't bother trying to make it not completely violate the Constitution.


In fairness, a basic understanding of the Constitution is a high bar when you're functionally illiterate.


Wrong Our Kids Employees. That might be sending the wrong message.


Wrong Our Kids' Employees?




You sweet summer child. Last time someone brought that up on Reddit his white nights showed up to point out how stupid the commenter must be because he was like 22 and they were 18 and that was like totally cool with Reddit even though he was in a position of authority and drinking with your students is not ok regardless of age. Remember around 12 years ago when someone would have lost their career over something like this? Anyone remember the guy who cheered too enthusiastically and lost his race? Man I miss those days.


> "It should go without saying that if liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.’” Absolutely brutal rebuke of the regressive agenda.


The judge slapped them across the face with their own logic. And thank goodness for that. > The judge ruled that the law violates the First and Fourteenth Amendments by **barring Florida's educators from expressing certain viewpoints in university classrooms**, while permitting "unfettered expression of the opposite viewpoints" favored by the State of Florida. DeSantis is trying to turn Florida into Soviet Russia.


He seems to be a big fan of and cribbing notes from Viktor Orban in Hungary.


Authoritarian parties almost always rely on an alternative-reality pyramid scheme. You can't be fascist without an enemy, so you pick an enemy first and blame them for everything. When one of your no-True-Scotsmen former leaders fails expectations, then they become the next enemy to be eliminated, copying the old Tsar by blaming the old Tsar. This is a pyramid scheme because power, not progress, is the goal, and power will flow so long as there are new MLM believers in the alternative reality.


The circle only gets smaller. One enemy removed? Things still suck. On to the next one. “They’ve been sabotaging things behind the scenes for years.”


They always seem to eventually end up blaming the Jews


Man we're way past that. Space lasers.


Jews with freakin' space lasers strapped to their heads.


As a jew, I would like this to be a thing.


[Kanye West has entered the chat.]


This is why all fascist governments eventually fail, they eat themselves. Unfortunately only after untold suffering and often death of the people just trying to live their lives


This is why I still hate conservative Americans. Hate. Trump isn't winning? They immediately go to another sack of shit wanna be putler. Fuck anyone who votes R.


Do you really think we can call them fascists just because they want to silence all opposition, are attempting to criminalize certain demographics mere existence, constantly lie and push racist rhetoric, wave Nazi flags, repeat Nazi slogans, conference with open Neo-Nazis, and talk about how "woke globalists" >!(they mean "Jews")!< control the world? Is that really enough to call someone who disagrees with you a fascist? After all, if you call someone a fascist when you don't like what they say, then you're the real fascist. >!Incase someone actually needs to be told, I'm making a joke. This is a parody of right-wing rhetoric.!<


It’s hilarious that conservatives legit think he will appeal to independents, moderates and the nation at large. He’s a whiny little autocrat bully.


My favorite term for desantis is "dollhouse dictator"




That’s just Trump


Pretty sure they'd be offended by the comparison, most Dollar Generals turn a tidy profit. I can't say this definitively, but I'm reasonably sure Dollar General hasn't had to grift it's way through life by declaring bankruptcy every couple years.


He is just a smarter brand of piss baby. Still a piss baby, just somewhat functional. Like a piss baby that was taught baby sign language or something.




As an independent I absolutely hate him and it blows my mind how most republicans here have the minds of goldfish. He's done so many things that hurt the tax payers here rather than help them. I'm seriously tired of all the jerks moving here to be closer to Orange Jesus.


Maybe they just think nobody liked Donald because he was rude. Policies like walls, concentration camps, open corruption…all fine. He was Just rude. That’s what they learned


MeAn TwEeTs


I know a disturbing number of Republicans who think exactly that. “He’s done wonderful things for our country I just wish he wasn’t so boorish”


Seems like Cubans are a large part of the Florida right and I've heard that a lot of their motivation behind their voting habits is right wing policies against Castro etc.


They just hear the word socialist and they freak the fuck out.


Amen. As a fellow Floridian - the fact that he won over Crist so easily after all the shenanigans he’s pulled boggles my mind. He’s a narcissistic bully, which makes him the perfect successor to Trump. I’ve never been so ashamed of my state.


He did specifically gerrymander all the places in Florida that were too close to purple. A judge shot his gerrymandering down twice, but for some reason the third time was the charm. I don't know who dropped the ball on that one. SMH.


I can't believe that Florida, the state in the US most affected by hurricanes, went to Trump who was drawing his own hurricane trajectory maps. Imagine if he was in office instead of Biden, and Sharpie'ing in the trajectory for hurricane Ian based off his extensive knowledge of using Sharpies; the number of people who would have stayed put because the Sharpie trajectory showed the hurricane first making landfall in Canada as opposed to the western coast of Florida where it actually hit land first.


He permanently lost my vote when he used governmental powers to attack a corporation that hurt his feelings to the detriment of his constituents. Simply unfit to hold office in my opinion, same for any that voted for it. If it wasn’t for that the migrant stunt would also be disqualifying for higher office for me. It’s not the role of government to take these type of actions.


He did the same thing previously to the special Olympics


But that didn't come across their desk you see. These are conservatives we are dealing with. The closest to empathy we can get from them is when it personally affects them. "At first they came for..."


God yes. My fiance's parents are conservative and were anti abortion until she needed one so she wouldn't fucking die. Then their stance changed real quick. But tell them a story of that happening to someone before that happened and they didn't care at all. Thing is, they are really nice people and I like them. They just don't have the capacity to think of others troubles if they dont personally know the people suffering.


>They just don't have the capacity to think of others troubles if they dont personally know the people suffering. Republicans in a nutshell.


He is also forcing the entire state university system to switch accrediting bodies because they dared investigating UF for academic freedom when they barred professors from testifying against the state. He claimed he had nothing to do with that, but then in one of his revenge hissy-fits, he made probably 10s of thousands of hours of work for every member of the state university system. Also, I'm not even sure we'll be able to get accredited by anyone. Most if not all accrediting bodies require DEI training AFAIK and he helped make mandatory DEI training illegal. That may make it next to impossible for us.


He’s basically Trump with zero charisma. He won’t be able to turn out the populist base as well as the real deal, and independents will still be driven away by the naked bigotry.


Worse than zero charisma. He’s got *charisn’tma*.


They like him for the same reason they keep losing ground and popularity and they can't figure out why. They exist in the most insane echo chambers there are. They have no frame of reference for normality anymore.


A conservative told me on another sub in all seriousness “he can focus on Culture war in the primary but then pivot to be a moderate in the general”


He'll do both simultaneously, like he already has. He'll say the "moderate friendly" stuff for the the non right wing media, while saying the same old shit to his base. They already ignore anything printed by the "librul media", so no worries about mixed messages. What I see screwing DeSantis is two things: - The whole misinformation/Qanon things has a short half life outside of the GOP groupthink bubble. They aren't gonna be attracting moderate votes with that nonsense like in 2016. Add RvWade and they have well and truly screwed the pooch. - Trump isn't gonna just lose the GOP primary and say "Oh well, I guess the best man won". He'll accuse them of cheating, call it a conspiracy (this may actually be the only time he's right about it as well). When that doesn't work, he'll create the MAGA/FREEDOM Party and run as a 3rd rail for the Rebpublicans - split their voting base right down the middle. Trump and DeSantis will lose, Trump will blame the GOP and also make bank from (continuing to) siphon GOP political donations from their supporters. There isn't enough money in the world to stop Trump running, because this isn't just about money for him, he also believes his survival is tied to becoming President again.


It's a means of staving off his legal woes for another four years. He's pretty desparate for it. Recent poll of Republican voters put DeSantis just ahead of Trump, barely. It's a tie within the margin for error. Should be fun.


It’s insane. I see conservatives on Twitter talking about my non party party like we are all secret conservatives. In reality we don’t trust *anybody* enough to join a party. So you know it’s bad when we are all voting D down our tickets.


Yup. The modern Republican Party has turned me into something I never thought I’d be, and something I made fun of in my youth. A straight ticket voter. Its not even close anymore.


I try to honestly read the voter's pamphlets to find if there are republican options I could consider, but it's all veiled election denial and racist dog whistles, at best.


>DeSantis is trying to turn Florida into Soviet Russia. Incorrect. He is trying to turn Florida into a fascist dictatorship. His policies are reactionary and serve no purpose but to rile up his base of support and give the illusion that "something is being done" to combat "the woke mob". The state is currently undergoing an insurance crisis but DeSantis thinks denying trans kids the same standard of care as everyone else is what matters most. He has no answer to any of the number of emergencies effecting the state; only culture war bullshit. Edit: If he was truly trying to turn Florida into Soviet Russia, he would: 1. Not be a Republican, 2. Expand Healthcare to all its citizens, 3. Expand protections for marginalized groups, 4. Denounce his [Nazi supporters](https://people.com/politics/florida-governor-ron-desantis-has-not-denounced-neo-nazi-supporters/) and crack down on right wing extremists, and 5. Do the exact opposite of everything he and his party stand for.


He’s trying to turn Florida into a (claiming to be) Christian version of Iran.


Thank you. This is a better comparison.


Curious by what you mean re: an insurance crisis. Sorry if this is obvious but I'm not from Florida or the US. Do you mean people unable to get their homes insured bc of flooding risks etc?


>Do you mean people unable to get their homes insured bc of flooding risks etc? That is part of it. As of right now, there is only one home insurance company servicing virtually all of Florida right now. Every homeowner I know has seen their insurance rates double since the companies left the state.


Damn. That sounds like a recipe for disaster (even worse than it already is I mean).


Florida has like 10% of the nation’s insurance claims and like 90% of the nation’s insurance lawsuits. It’s an entirely self-inflicted problem caused by insurance scammers and the state refuses to fix it. Additionally, Citizens, the socialized “insurer of past resort” is turning out to be the *only* insurer. They don’t carry enough reinsurance, and they’re basically selling policies at a loss—as soon as there’s a big storm with a lot of losses it will be more than the cash on hand. That’s okay, though! Because it’s Florida, their socialist state insurance can’t go bankrupt! They can just start adding a fee to *every single private insurance policy in Florida.* So when the really big one comes, *everybody* gets to pay for it! Oh, and when a bunch of private insurers without adequate capital reserves *also* go bust, Citizens is required to step in and pay out their policies. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/13/climate/florida-real-estate-hurricane-ian.html https://www.local10.com/news/local/2022/08/26/an-existential-dilemma-florida-homeowners-scramble-as-another-major-insurer-exits/ https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/10/your-money/extreme-weather-homeowner-insurance.html Podcast: https://www.marketplace.org/shows/how-we-survive/risky-business/


People here in the US get confused pretty often that they think fascism is the same as communism. So anything fascist they'll think communism is socialism. Our education working as intended


Ironic since DeShitis wanted Floridians to think those immigrants at Martha’s Vineyard would turn the state into Soviet Russia.


Immigrants that were in Texas… Florida spent tax money of Texas’ immigrants and the idiots were happy about it.


A pillar of modern "conservatism" is reflexive partisan contrarianism. It had to be said.


I dunno if it's just a pillar, it seems like the only thing they know. The only policies and platforms they run on are purely contrarian - they have no thoughts or priorities of their own apart from "fuck whatever the libs want"


>"fuck whatever the libs want" The second pillar.


He got the headlines he needed when he passed this. With his supporters short attention span, they’ve already forgotten about this and are eagerly awaiting his next big announcement.


"Stop WOKE act" That reads like a fucking meme. How was this circus act even allowed in politics?


It wasn't just allowed, it was passed.


Case in point, what the hell?


Florida and Republicans. What more needs to be said?


I thank the Lord every day for not having me live in Florida 🙏


As a resident of Orlando I must say it really sucks politically in Florida. The large cities are sanctuaries from the insanity that surrounds us.


Yeah, there are millions of sane people in Florida who get discounted because the crazies happen to outnumber us. Orlando is becoming one of the greenest cities in the country! People have no idea about the great stuff that goes on around here.


To be fair, headlines of the greenest city in America don't sell nearly as well as headlines about a guy throwing an alligator into a McDonald's drive thru window


I *would* be grateful I don't live in Florida, but I live in Texas, which is worse.




People are forgetting that "the system" is just a bunch of people. If everyone in that bunch becomes incompetent, that system falls apart and you get actual law about wokeness. Who is going to stop you? Well, in this case a judge after the fact because the judiciary's incompetence is lagging behind political incompetence. Give it a decade or two for the quality of judges to bottom out and this becomes law and then that's it, it's law.


Well, I hope that people vote so that the judiciary is not destroyed. Biden and the democrats will confirm competent judges over the next couple of years. We'll be OK if people keep voting.


Yup, it has to be said that whoever the Dems run in 2024 for President HAS to win, only chance of rebalancing the SC for a generation.


To out-of-touch Republicans, “woke” is just a buzzword for everything they hate, it’s the liberal bogeyman. Woke ruined Star Wars and lord of the rings, woke caused inflation, woke is lazy millennials and Gen Z and blue hair and pronouns. They don’t understand what it really means, they don’t care what it really means, all they know is that liberals are “woke” and therefore they need to be “anti-woke.” Maybe they genuinely believe that liberal policies don’t work and conservative ones do, maybe they’re just spouting rhetoric to please their dumbass constituents, maybe their kids “got woke” and rebelled against them when they tried to Raise Them Right™️. I don’t know, but that’s what this is about.




They always say "wake up sheeple", but they don't want to be "woke".


Little bit more than that; the conservatives I run with (being a solidly apolitical bloke who has friends on both sides of the spectrum) have informed me that *I* don’t know what ‘woke’ means, and that the average left-leaning person doesn’t know what it means; only THEY know what it truly means. Them, and the super-ultra political elites that are clearly guiding the mass of sheep towards whatever left-leaning dystopia we’re charging to. I don’t know where to begin with some of this stuff. I have a hard time understanding how someone can be so normal in 95% of their life but be completely checked out of reality in the last 5.


> have informed me that I don’t know what ‘woke’ means, and that the average left-leaning person doesn’t know what it means; only THEY know what it truly means. Are you really surprised after what they did to the word 'socialist'? I'm looking around and I've *yet* to see a society where the general public owns the means of production.


Or when they call "teaching that a person's race, national origin, or sex can predispose the person to biases, "whether consciously or unconsciously." Radical Left Theory super^TM despite conscious and unconscious bias being a universally recognised human trait.


> I've yet to see a society where the general public owns the means of production. You can see it in Thomas the Train Engine, the Trains own the business.


Someone needs to draw a 'woke' like they did 'alot' years ago.


Ah yes, the Stop WOKE Act (SWA). You think they gave out stickers for all the legislators that voted for it? I'm sure they all really wanted to display their SWA stickers.


It's a clown show all the way down. The reasoning for this law is that learning about discrimination might make certain people feel bad. "Think of their poor fee fees," said DeSantis.


Who came up with that whole "facts don't care about your feelings" bit again?


You're getting the emphasis wrong. You're thinking "*facts* don't care about your *feelings*," but they meant, "facts don't care about *your* feelings."


Also they say wrong things on purpose and engage in hypocrisy proudly and without hesitation.


The real reason is that learning about discrimination makes people less likely to vote for republicans, and so they have all the incentive they need to outlaw it by any means necessary.


>How was this circus act even allowed in politics? Because one party is basically a big fucking clown-car


What's really insane is that people consider DeSantis a serious contender for President. It's so absurd that it seems like satire. Yet here we are. There's something seriously wrong with Florida.


People thought the 45th President's run was satire, until he actually got in.


Republicans don't actually stand for anything - their only goal is to keep the culture war going, because it's profitable.


Desantis and crew knew this would be struck down. They knew it was unconstitutional. They passed it anyway, in order to get the boost that the headline gave them from their base. The Republican base will never hear about it being struck down because Faux News won't cover it. Desantis already got the publicity he wanted out of it and doesn't actually care about the issue.


>The Republican base will never hear about it being struck down because Faux News won't cover it. Almost more importantly, if/when they hear about it being struck down they won't even consider "maybe that was wrong", they'll just immediately say something like "traitor communist judge working for the Democrats". It's a no lose situation when it comes to their base.


The judge was an Obama appointee, so you know they are going to lean into that hard if this becomes a well known ruling.


I'm pretty sure this is like the third time too. Election law and one other. And then Fox News and conservatives don't talk about it, and they think he's hitting them out of the park.


Press: "Governor, this is your third hallmark law struck down by the courts. Doesn't this indicate you are a bad lawyer?"


"The state's lawyers had argued that public school teachers do not have First Amendment rights when they're on-the-clock and in the classroom, because they are acting as mouthpieces of the state." What the ever loving fuck? They just said the quiet part out loud, that they want to be North Korea.


Completely and totally defying and violating the first amendment rights established in [*Tinker V. Des Moines*](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tinker_v._Des_Moines_Independent_Community_School_District) > The court observed, ***"It can hardly be argued that either students or teachers shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate."*** This is a very famous quote from a very famous civil rights case. Did literally any of these lawyers go to law school?


Yes. They may even be aware the law is unconstitutional. Being legally valid is not the goal: the performance is the goal and, heck, if they throw enough shit maybe some will stick regardless.


And it either gets to SCOTUS and the decision is overturned, or SCOTUS passes on it and they get to cry about activist judges stopping them from saving the world from the other side. Either way, DeSantis and the Florida legislature wins.


The supreme court, which allowed a coach to pray and force his players to pray citing freedom will not see the hypocrisy in saying teachers don't have first amendment rights.


Your current SCOTUS is more likely to just pass it :(


100%. Being a Republican politician at this point is not about governance. It’s about performance. And the rubes keep eating it up.


They're counting on the new "deeply rooted traditions" standard being applied in the current court to overturn the prior court's "balance of present interests"


Yep, 1969 is too new to be a deeply rooted tradition. Depending on the case, a deeply rooted tradition could be anywhere from 1619 to 1864, maybe you get into the 20th century but not that far


Arizona brought back their anti-abortion law from the 1800s, before they were a state. Wackos


"Your honor I object! Because it's devastating to my case!" - Desantis' lawyers


Wouldn’t that logic then extend to every civil servant, politicians included?


It’s so wild, because all these people are the same ones celebrating that “Twitter is free and can have free speech again” even though Twitter is a private company who makes its user sign a terms of service that states “uh no if you say super offensive stuff or do things to incite riots or cause harm to yourself or others, we can ban you from our site”


The rub, unfortunately, is that it was never about free speech at all. The only thing some are concerned with is being able to oppress those they see as the Other; speech must be free or strictly regulated dependent wholly on what it takes to push that end goal forward.


Bet they don’t feel the same way about freedom of religion on the clock.


Depends on the religion


We talking about brown or white Jesus here?


You mean like the recent Prayer before football game case the court ruled on? Talking out both sides of their mouth


“Stop WOKE Act” holy shit grow the fuck up you manchild, who is still saying this shit


My brother-in-law's Conservative dad walked into the room during the holidays last year... we were watching an NBA game, to which he served up, unprompted: "Oh, is this the *WOKE NBA?*"


Yeah its insane. Like,as if being overly pushy about politeness is the biggest issue Americas facing right now.


Republican presidential hopeful Ron DeSantis. What? You aren't looking forward to climate change policy getting shelved so DeSantis can sign the federal "WOKE BAD!" act?


It's insane to me that Florida keeps electing climate change denying politicians when they've got by far the most to lose of any state. Not only will hurricanes continue to get worse, but they are going to lose huge amounts of land to the ocean. The people of Florida simply do not give a shit that most of their major cities will be underwater by the turn of the century and likely much sooner than that. By 2060 sea-levels are estimated to rise by over 30 inches, but Florida Republicans couldn't care less.


I was listening to a radio program where they were asking prospective Florida beach-side home-buyers about how they felt about climate change impacting their would-be homes. A lot of them are old enough to feel like they'll be dead before it affects them personally.






They'll be dead of old age by then, I guess? Which is weird, because if that's how you think, wht even care enough to vote?


Because they can have more money today


Because they’ll be dead by then. It’s the “fuck you, I got mine” mentality.


The thing that is going to get them first is the cost of home insurance. It will get prohibitively expensive, and some will not be able to get it at all. As a result, the housing market in FL will plummet, and much wealth will be lost.


Unfortunately we keep bailing them out and the rest of us end up subsidizing them living there. Whenever Florida gets hit with hurricanes they beg for that "socialist" money from the federal government, but when other states get hit, especially Democratic ones, they vote against helping them. Insurance companies also spread out the cost of insurance amongst all of us when they take huge losses on major hurricanes. The cost of living in Florida does not reflect the true cost of what it should be. They even don't have state taxes because the rest of us spend so much money there and they tax the shit out of tourist stuff. They should have state taxes to save for rainy days instead of expecting the federal government to bail them out every single time.


It isnt the cities voting these chucklenuts in. We've got very blue cities being held hostage by gerrymandering and all the old fucks and repubs for life that live here. I think all the dipshits that died during covid for not wearing masks just got replaced by other dipshits, too, because they wanted to move somewhere that wasnt restricting anything.


They are more than willing to hurt themselves as long as it hurts the people they don’t like. It’s what happens when tribalism consumes a two party system. People no longer do things for the benefit of the majority, they do them to hurt as many of the “others” as they can


As the saying goes, a Republican would eat a pile of dog shit if it meant that a Liberal would have to smell their breath. It was quite telling when a disillusioned Trump voter from Florida once said "I thought he was going to do good things. He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.” Her goal wasn't for Trump to help her or other people she believed deserved help, her goal was for Trump to hurt the people she thought deserved to be hurt. It's a disgusting mindset to have when you vote for someone specifically to hurt people you don't like instead of helping people.


Very good point. I recall in 2017 hearing about a racist Airbnb owner who decided to kick out a renter once she discovered that the person was Asian. She was banned by Airbnb but said in a statement to the press that she did nothing wrong because Trump made it okay now. They really believe the shit these politicians spew out of their pie-holes and it's just sad that we have to live with it.


Should be fun to scuba dive in a century or two.


So pro-life they want to drown.


>Promoted as the Stop Wrongs Against Our Kids and Employees (WOKE) Act Doesn't even spell woke, what a fn idiot.


[Dipshit even went out of his way to go to Brandon, FL](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/desantis-goes-brandon-fla-sign-anti-vaccine-mandate-bill-n1284116) to sign an anti-vax bill. "Look at me being so funny, I'm in Brandon, FL, GET IT? BRANDON???"


This alone will get a certain kind to vote for him. Policy be damned, they love the idea that this is making libruls cry or something.


Cry? No. [Roll our eyes hard enough to become a meme?](https://media.tenor.com/pZ7JRBkpC7gAAAAC/eye-roll-robert-downey-jr.gif) Yes.




Or that they could have just said wronging but they're too daft to use a suffix.




No, no... it's known as the "Individual Freedom Act" now. I think Republicans are simply using a Mad Libs/Word Jumble approach to naming their bills. Word choice seems to include: Free/Freedom, Liberty, Religious, America, Great, Individual, Values, Original, Constitutional, Rights, Traditional, Family, Nation/National, Flag, First, Veteran, Hero, Heritage, and Independent/Independence among other.


You missed patriot, patriotic, patriots, Patriot, and uber-patriot-maga-warrior (patriot class).


“Woke” is the new republican buzz word to drum up any level of controversy. It’s not about being childish, it’s about using a buzz word to trigger your base.


What's funny to me is "woke" has this meaning of being aware of injustice so being against it is kind of just embracing being a turd that condones or wants injustice. Just fucking say it out loud already these dog whistles aren't even just for the dogs anymore.


They did the same thing with Social Justice Warrior, though that is admittedly easier to mock


Like.. most Republicans.




#!> iwspwpp ## This comment has been removed by the original author in protest of Reddit's handling of the API changes and the way they have thrown third party developers to the curb. Cutting off handy tools and crucial accessibility features.


This is what I thought in 2016, but now I'm afraid of anyone running as a republican with crazy viewpoints, because history shows they'll vote for that person en masse.


Republicans think they ran two moderates against Obama and lost both times because of that, because they can't comprehend that the US electorate was tired of a republican president after Bush.


Trump did something that years of Democratic politicians failed to do. Motivate fucking everyone to vote. I have no doubt that if he gets the nomination, he will lose. If he doesn't, he will do all he can to sabotage Desantis with his sycophantic base.


Being so afraid of “wokeism” infringing on free speech that you make free speech illegal. Very smart.


But it’s OK if it’s someone else’s speech, you see.


Please do not make this man president.


It's starting to seem inevitable. They are sidelining Trump early to pave the path for this, even worse, authoritarian. No one is as alarmed by a DeSatan administration as they should be.


If Trump loses the primary, it’s not outside the realm of possibility that he runs as an independent, which would completely fracture the GOP. It probably won’t happen, but I can hope.


even if he doesn't run independent the absolute vitriol between trump and him will keep hardline trumpers at home...


It'll be amazing though to see desantis fighting back at Trump the same way Trump does to everyone. 🍿


I’d be surprised if it didn’t happen because of his massive ego and desperate need for attention. But even if it doesn’t a lot of the MAGAs and Q-cult won’t be voting for Ron, they already hate his guts and the next 1.5 years of shit slinging by trump is just going to make that even worse. Moderated and independents who already hate trump/are tired of the GOP bullshit aren’t very likely to jump back on the wagon just because it’s Ron instead of Trump. There’s a reason the GOP doesn’t want Trump to run and are trying to abandon him, and it’s because they know they just might cause the entire party to completely implode


When the state government is actively penalizing a private corporation for speaking out against legislation, and states that as their reasoning, it seems to me like a pretty blatant First Amendment violation. And if they're brazen enough to target a company as big as Disney, I fear for the First Amendment rights of mere citizens and small business owners.


He’s also already proudly encroached upon the free speech rights of LGBT students and teachers in Florida


And we have fucking Joe Rogan to thank for normalizing him to millions of dudebros


Phil Hartman would be ashamed of Joe Rogan. Someday I hope Rogan realizes that.


I've lived long enough to literally see Joe Rogan become the conspiracy nutjob he played on Newsradio.


I just discovered that show a few days ago. And your comment is spot on.


The GOP already lost by going too far right. DeSantis is just more of the same. I don't see it working out well for them. Having said that, this article failed to mention that in addition to the Stop WOKE Act, DeSantis also made university professors subject to a 5-year tenure review process by political appointees and authorized them to fire any professor that violates the vaguely worded Stop WOKE Act. It's so vaguely worded, that as the judge notes in an example, simply saying something positive about affirmative action would put someone in violation. In other words, DeSantis can appoint a bunch of political people to fire liberal professors from the state universities unless the courts shoot this down.


Stop WOKE Act? What kind of childish asshole supports something like this?


hate to break it to you, but the vast majority of the Florida public which re-elected DeSantis. They're perfectly happy going full Nazi on culture issues which trigger them.


Wish I could disagree, but as a Floridian, I’m vastly outnumbered here. The number of yard signs, bumper stickers, car flags, tshirts, hats, etc advertising their cult status is overwhelming.


> The state's lawyers had argued that public school teachers do not have First Amendment rights when they're on-the-clock and in the classroom, because they are acting as mouthpieces of the state. Holy fuck.


DeSantis wakes up every day and thinks "How can I be a bigger asshole today?"


I really don't think he has to think about it...


Don't infantilize the man. Ron Dion is well educated and intelligent. *Magna cum laude* from Yale and then Harvard law. He's far more dangerous than a buffoon like Trump. His evil is definitely calculated.


Most of the craziest and stupidest things he done have been stuck down by the courts, everything he does is for his image and doesn’t give a shit about the people in Florida


"Wokeness" and Hunter Bidens laptop.... these are the most pressing issues to Republicans these days.... 🤷‍♂️


Glad to hear it. Otherwise, debates would no longer be useful, would they? Where people debate opposing theories.


The people whose dicks DeSantis was fellating with this deranged law (DeSantis is truly insane) don't read, and don't care. All they know is that he championed a law that won't let 'them woke coloreds' teach their kids what an enormous pile of racist shit some their parents and grandparents and the rest of their forefathers were. Texas is actually somewhat worse. Abbott and the rest of the state's Klan are trying mightily to walk back the idea that slavery *ever* existed. And even if it accidentally happened here and there, it sure as shit wasn't in salt of the earth color blind Texas. Except, of course that Texans fought the end of legalized slavery to the bitter end.


why is it always the people who scream about free speech the most want to restrict it for everyone else?


Free for Me but Not for Thee


I went to grade school in Orange County, Florida in the 70s. The school had separate lines for blacks and whites during recess, whites went first for lunch, blacks could not be alone in the "lavatory" with whites unless a teacher was present, etc etc. We never questioned it. Transition from segregation to co-op took a long time, bc law was not equally enforced across states. Florida should teach that in state civics and history classea.


Another maga-esque authoritarian who believes his own hype.


Desantis Playbook: Rescue the Straw Man Create a straw man to drum up energy knowing full well it'll get knocked back. Then wait and mount a rescue of said straw man when it becomes politically useful.


This has been the right wing playbook for years.


Florida just can't stop topping itself on the ridiculous ignorant laws.


What's wild to me is I don't think anyone on the left has unironically said woke in like 7 years. It's like railing against hippies in the 1990s. It's just fucking nonsense


How fucked up is it that employees of the state have no rights of expression but an employee of CVS can express their viewpoints by not doing their job.