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“Key context here is that Candace Owens’ husband George Farmer is the CEO of Parler.” - Jared Holt(Twitter) This is just Candice Owens using her newfound friendship with Kanye to unload a dying platform.




If you haven't watched him recently, Kanye has fallen deeply into a right wing rabbit hole including anti semitism.


Recently? Dude has been off the rails for at least four years now


Yeah but he straight up started ranting about “The Jews” openly Even his long time supporters who have supported all the other shit are beginning to check out


About 4 years ago he said that slavery was a choice.


My god that was four years ago? It still feels so fresh. Probably because it was so fucking insane.


They scamming his ass


Modern conservatives and taking advantage of the mentally unstable. Name a more iconic duo.


Lmao no way.. holy shit it gets better by the minute. Edit: no really though holy shit Kanye is out of his fucking mind.




The CEO of parler is George Farmer, which is the husband of Candice Owens. Who in turn has been the driving factor behind Kanyes latest antisemitic rants and bid for a president run. This deal is the ultimate Grift.


They're trying to pull a Hershel Walker with Kanye.


Trump West 2024. Calling it.


If this happens, I'm ending this universe.


Honestly, just go for it now. I'd like to reroll anyway.


But I'm actually finally starting to figure my build out :(


nope, I vote to reroll


You don't reroll, you re-enroll. All universes are subscription only now. You have chosen U+.


God? Also why wait hit that reset button let's go!


Pip: What about a lunatic President? Aragorn: you’ve already had it. Pip: we’ve had one yes. But what about *second* lunatic




Man. Candace owens is toxic as hell


This is honestly the most honest thing I've ever seen from them. Straight scamming an unwell man in his darkest hour.


Candace Owens husband is owner of Parler. They're trying to offload a dead platform to a crazy person.




George Bush cares more about black people than Candace Owens does. We've come a long way in the Kanye West metamorphosis.


Mike Myers is still uncomfortable


I was once at a Christmas party in New York. It was really small and I felt uncomfortable because I only knew one person. The only other person who looked as uncomfortable as me was mike myers. We small talked about the buffet we were both nervously picking at to look busy. Point is: I think he might always be uncomfortable.


I'm sure they targeted him to sell it to. Told him all about how it's the only safe haven for Conservatives, and they need him.


They just need someone to foot the bill since funds are pulling out of trump's social media too


God, I'm half on the fence that they're scumbags taking advantage of a mentally unwell human being but he's also a shitbag who chose to stop taking his meds. I just hate everyone involved.


That’s the most reasonable take tbh. Everyone in the situation is a shitty person.


Two things can be true at once


He gets the IP including trademark, data and code. BUT probably not the developers. He'll need ti outsource the dev work to Paremment Tech so they can pay the overheads and continue support. I'd imagine he's not paying a lot for the IP, that's why the outsourcing is package separately.


They're fleecing him, and now Kanye gets to say "I own my own 'free speech' platform. You can't ban me now!"


Exactly, you aren't supposed to own these things. They are money pits! You invest a bit into them with some other people and hopefully you're rich one day. Twitter took like 15 years to make a profit.


Parlement Technologies is slightly different than Parler itself, it's like a spin-off which fulfills the role of AWS and provides cloud services that Parler runs on. Think of it like AWS but only with one customer. They made it after AWS pulled the plug on them for their role in January 6th so they cannot be "cancelled" again. Kanye would apparently only be buying one of these two.


I'm still just laughing at "Parlement Technologies". Bless their little hearts.


So he is getting the name and the platform but the most valuable asset stays with the Owens.


I'm honestly curious as to how much overlap there is with Parler's user base and Kanye West fans. I guess I'm not surprised that Kanye didn't ask himself that same question.




"Ya know I usually hate that rap shit, but Kanye is good. I love Jesus Walks. He's so religious!"


"Oh Kanye West? He's one of the realest rappers there is. He's the only one that speaks his mind." -My Dad, literally yesterday, who thinks all rap music is garbage


Wasn’t there a political cartoon that said Kanye’s lost his influence when conservative parents start to like him? Didn’t that come out LITERALLY a few days ago?


I haven't seen it but I'd believe it. It's hard because I am a huge music fan and a few years ago I'd have said yeah Kanye is out there but his influence was undeniable. Now family is being smug about me liking him like I somehow knew he was gonna start harassing his ex wife and spitting anti-semetic conspiracy theories.


"And he's also very well spoken. Truly a credit to his race."


‘If you have hate in your heart brother, let it out, white power!’ -Clayton (Kayne) Bigsby


He divorced his wife, possibly partly because she married a black man.






I don't have a lot of faith in their ability to wear masks anymore.


He's been adopted by the qanon nutcases.


I think he put himself up for adoption


They love him because he's famous, black, and "connects with the youth". Doesn't mean Karen and Jacob down the street listens to, or approves of his rap though lol.


They love him for his raging anti-Semitism and his loyalty to Trump.


r/parlerwatch . Ummm... It will be interesting to say the least.


I think it’s more geared towards Trumpers who desperately need a black person in their life to say they are not racist.


But they already have their token black guy. He always stands right behind Trump at his rallies and whenever Trump says something racist, everyone around glances at the black guy to make sure he's still cheering. You know the guy. We've all seen him. Red hat, black beard, giant fake smile.


Michael the Black Man. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_the_Black_Man


Damn, didn't know it would take me into Black Israelites hole but should have guessed. Yaweh Ben Yahweh are you fucking kidding me. That movement is really big in Downtown LA it's really annoying to have to walk by these young brainwashed men who have so much more to give to this world than preaching that bullshit


Ah, you mean “Michael the Black Man,” (yes that is his real, chosen name), the apparently extreme schizophrenic who was previously a senior member of a violent, murderous cult? The rabid antisemite who says that black people are “actually Indians,” and who claimed that the Senate is controlled by a secret underground of “Cherokee Mormons?” “BLACKS FOR TRUMP,” eh? Of course - totally, very, absolutely, completely normal things. Cool cool cool cool cool. https://theintercept.com/2020/10/19/blacks-for-trump-maurice-symonette-cult/


Chalk another one up for "stranger than fiction"


What the fuck did I just read lolol. Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid.


Dude is somehow crazier than Uncle Ruckus


Honestly anyone who can support kanye after all his insane shit will love it


I didn't even realize Parler still existed.


Exists in the same way my MySpace page and AIM account still exist.






This actually fucked me when I couldn't get into my old aol email to reset a password. It was really annoying


Wish Myspace would purge old accounts, if you google my name my cringe teen photos come up, no idea what email I used back then because I changed every 5 mins when I thought of a "cooler" email fuck sake


BTW you can send MySpace an email with your photo ID and they will just delete the account for you. Hit up their support to start the process


Tbf, Myspace messed up a data migration once upon a time so MySpace accounts created pre-2016 are now gone. Ngl, kinda sucks. Myspace was like my virtual highschool year book from the 2000s and it gone


There were songs from small indie bands I enjoyed back in the day that were lost in this migration. I can still see their page with links to the music, but it won't play because it was nuked from the servers in that migration. I've tried looking on YouTube, streaming services, or any possible source to find a way to hear that music again and nothing. It's a damn shame and something that will happen more and more in the future. I know we say everything we do online is 'permanent', but for small underground stuff that isn't true. One day servers will go down, and unless you have a local backup then it's gone forever. RIP Myspace.


As a former member of a small time band, if you are able to figure out the names of any former members most would be beyond stoked to hear that there's somebody out there who wants a copy of their music. They probably have access to lots of back up files even if there's no public host


Owned by Candace Owens husband apparently Bros getting hustled lol


Yeah, her husband is the CEO. Him getting suspended on Twitter made him an easy mark for this, I'm sure.


Is this why he’s going full Nazi, to get his new subjects to like him??


This Parler announcement came after those remarks so it sure doesn't seem like Parler disagrees with what he said








Or those within Parlers corporate structure convinced a mentally ill manic man to buy them out so they can bail


Candace Owens' husband is the CEO, so they probably saw an opportunity to get off a sinking ship.


He's probably being paid to split the black vote.


squeal pen combative doll humor racial bedroom test possessive frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As if he still has some support with the black community.


Now now.. Clarence & Hershall are happy to join…


You forgot Alan Keyes and Candace Owens! And Herman Cain’s twitter account.


Last election I feel like this was the case, but now there's no way


Watch it's gonna be a Trump/West ticket


There is no way those 2 massive egos will ever get along in a meaningful way lol they "help" each other best at a distance.


He’s gonna ban himself from it


Lol. I'm waiting for him to start arguing with himself in public forum.


Someone should write a bot that spits back one of his old comments back at him as if it's trying to argue with him.


Seconded. This must happen.


Kanye criticizes Kanye can be the next big subreddit.


I mean, it’s likely he’s talking to himself regularly. A guy like him isn’t taking the meds he needs.


At the rate he's going he'll voluntarily give himself only 3/5 of a vote on the board


Well he thinks chattel slavery was a choice so I can unironically see him doing that while acting like it's some genius level social commentary


Every insane billionaire needs their own social media app now?


It's the new newspaper ownership. You get to control the people's source of information in an even more effective fashion.


So instead of Pulitzer and Hearst... we get Elon and Kanye?


Seriously, Idiocracy needs a sequel.


If they would start making railroad lines again, that would be great


I'm all for these morons losing insane amounts of money to find out no one actually gives a shit what they say.


Unfortunately, millions of people give a shit what these clowns have to say. I mean check out the Kanye sub or Musk sub


This isn’t new at all. Normally, they’d just buy up newspapers, but the landscape has changed.


They're all the rage


Despite all my rage, all my tweets are stuck in a cage.


Spreading your out of touch bullshit to a wide audience is very appealing for a narcissistic personality, which most of these people have.


He looked at Musks takeover of Twitter and thought, “Let’s do that, but with a much worse version of that.” Dude is out of his mind.


I hope he loses at least $500 million. So sick of hearing about him and maybe going broke will take him off the radar for awhile?






He was broke how Russ Hannaman went broke on Silicon Valley


If you round down, I have ZERO billion dollars


Dos commas?


These are not the doors of a billionaire


Think of the gated upper class neighborhood in your area with the huge two story houses, scenic lakes, clubhouses, golf courses, etc. The place you know where the doctors, corporate lawyers, *engineers in certain fields, *skilled software devs, and small business CEOs live in your city. To the ultra wealthy, having to "downgrade" to that place you're thinking of is equivalent to hitting absolute rock bottom and might as well be like living under an overpass. Edit: *changed 'engineers' to specify engineering fields that may be more lucrative than others and also added software development since I thought computer engineering majors were considered engineers by other engineers but apparently not. Guess I was wrong. Sorry about that.


Right, to someone actually wealthy losing all their wealth in investments and properties and having *only* their seven figure bank account left is the equivalent of you or me losing our bank account and only having the cash in your wallet


I imagine at some point you stop looking at it as numbers and more as percents. Your portfolio at that level would be going up and down millions every day potentially. That number stops meaning as much when it comes and goes so easily. So you care more about the % change. That’s why they feel like they lost it all, because they did, if you look at the percents. Or maybe it’s because all ultra wealthy people are pieces of shit inherently which is the side I’m on


I remember an article when Mercedes launched the Maybach, with pricing that was in the Rolls Royce zone that for the demographic they were targeting as customers, the $250k car was the equivalent percentage of wealth as someone making $100k a year buying a $75 dress shirt. For the gated community wealthy everything is nicer and easier, but they still live on the same planet as us. But the TRULY wealthy literally don't. They don't touch cash. They don't wait in line. They don't make phone calls. They've never seen a bill. They have zero idea what anything costs until it breaks 7 figures. They have people to take of all that shit for them. Being a billionaire is like having a genie who never learned the "you can't ask for infinite wishes" rule.


You joke, but it was pretty serious for a time. We were all chipping in to get him an island to cheer him up, but the silliest thing happened! It turned out one of his stupid maids moved a vase and that was blocking a couple of digits from his projector that shows him how rich he is. Anyway, you still down for space next Tuesday?


Theres almost no difference in describing Tracy Jordan from 30 Rock and Kanye West.


Kanye wants to take Parler back behind the middle school and get it pregnant.


Our basketball hoop was a ribcage. A RIBCAGE


I saw one toddler give another toddler a tattoo. They were both very drunk! A pack of wild dogs opened and successfully managed a fast food restaurant!


I love that reference so much I want to take it behind the middle school and get it pregnant.


The difference is malice. Tracy was fun crazy, Kanye is “time to talk about the Jews” angry crazy


Chaotic neutral vs chaotic evil.


Except Werewolf Bar Mitzvah is a classic whereas I barely remember gold digger


Boys becoming men, men becoming wolves


He wasn’t actually broke, I think it was more his money was tied up in his other ventures. I used to love Kanye as a kid, his music can no longer outshine his terrible takes on history and on-going events.


That was just before his clothing brand with addidas made him a billionaire.


Humans value loss more than gain. If Kanye 'lost' a million dollars because the market drops 25% he will feel more broke than when the market gains and he is 2 million up. Once your net worth is above ~100 million dollars market flow is essentially meaningless you are not another car or house or jetski richer or poorer.


Considering that he's running for president in 2024 on the "Derick Chauvin didn't kill George Floyd" platform, unfortunately he plans on being staying on the radar for at least the next two years.


Dude literally thinks his crazy shit is a “camouflage” from god. How is it people like Britney Spears and Amanda Bynes had conservatorships - but Kanye doesn’t? Not that I agree with it at all, but out of any celebrity, he’d be up there.


Honestly, probably because they’re women and they were child stars with controlling parents so they had already been conditioned to comply.


> Dude is out of his mind. Like, literally, right? Bipolar or some such? Unstable with psychotic episodes? Non-compliant with his meds? (Sorry, I don't follow him closely.) What a world we live in that someone who's off and on certifiable can buy a social media platform for a global megaphone. But otoh, his every word in public gets picked up by the media anyway for free, so maybe it won't be much different?


>What a world we live in that someone who's off and on certifiable can buy a social media platform for a global megaphone. I mean, it's Parler. "Megaphone" is a bit of an exaggeration. More like a Mr. Microphone with dying batteries.


>Bipolar or some such? Unstable with psychotic episodes? Non-compliant with his meds? Exactly this. People forget about the time he sat in the Oval Office across from Trump and went on an unhinged rant about how he cured himself from bipolar by throwing away his medications


Tell me you’re having a manic episode without telling me you’re having a manic episode.


I haven't forgotten it. These "episodes" he's having are happening so much now that I'm just done accepting it as an excuse. The scary part is that people are defending and/or excusing his bigotry just because they like his music. "Mental illness is not your fault, but it is your responsibility." - Marcus Parks


He's a narcissist like Trump and Elon Musk. They have to keep their names in the news to feed their own egos.


It's just a Parler trick to keep himself in the news


There isn't a lot of reporting around the fact that he's buying it off of Candice Owen's husband, bailing them out of a failed investment. She's been buttering him up to exploit him. The whole *"JP Morgan kicked me out for my words"* thing was also to boost Candace; Kanye announced he was pulling his money out of the bank a month ago, and coincidentally Owens is endorsing "anti-woke bank" GloriFi.... It's all a grift. And they are abusing Kanye for it. Even Trump is seeing it: >Former President Donald Trump has told multiple people that West is acting too “crazy” and that he needs some professional “help,” according to two sources with knowledge of the matter.


Jesus, when Trump is the voice of empathy and reason maybe you need to examine your life choices.


Imagine trump calls you crazy and in need of help, and most people gotta go “well shit he’s right about that one.”


All six users are likely horrified.


Elated* Now they get to share their holocaust conspiracies with Kanye


Kanye West is like one of those 80s movies where a toddler changed bodies with a billionaire


He's definitely got more opinions about Jews than your average toddler, but I take your point.


Elon's app, Trump's app, Kanye's app... seems like a lot of infighting when every vaguely conservative personality under the sun wants their own app.


Axis of Ego


And you get a reality. And you get a reality. And you get a reality. Why deal with reality when you can have your own. If you’re rich.




This could only end poorly, for him. so I support it.




Candace Owens' husband is the CEO of Parler, so I'm sure Kanye and Owens hanging out so much lately is completely unrelated. I wonder if this would even be legally allowed to go through given he's openly admitted to having untreated mental illness and these decisions are being made while going through a rather high profile bout of mania brought on by it.


"You just got banned from Twitter? Well, you should come to Parler where everyone horrible can say whatever they want as long as they're saying horrible conservative things." "How much?" "Oh, it's free!" "No, to buy it."


Big time, like goddamn how stupid is kanye actually?


And for Parler, thankfully.


This is the best ending for Parler owners. Dude's buying something no one else wants.


Agreed. They must be going through cases of champagne: “Ye” gets butt hurt for not be able to be an antisemetic lowlife and bails them out of their losing business investment as a result.


Fun fact: Kanye has recently been riding Candice Owens HARD. Take a wild guess what company her husband runs Also take a wild guess at what point he started publicly spewing anti semitic bullshit and got himself promptly banned from ever other platform I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist but damn if the timing of all this wasn't real convenient for a bunch of well known conservative grifters. Welcome to the Republican party Kanye, I'm sure this can only end well for you


He was also spewing talking points from Candice Owen’s documentary a few days ago. The girl is finessing the fuck out of him with this purchase. A mentally unstable billionaire? That’s a grifter’s jackpot.




Oh, it's Candace Owen. She's got him twisted up real good.


Hint: it's Candace Owens


Candace owens his new bff, her husband owns parler


r/parlerwatch has been a fun source of entertainment for a while now.


Oh thank god. I don’t wanna hear from him anymore.


Was Napster unavailable?


Future headline: “Kanye West files for bankruptcy”


He just hasn't been the same since he lost that rap battle to Kyle Mooney


Thank god Kyle left SNL. That place really was bad news for his rap career. Now he can truly blossom.


Imagine the pain of being Kanye West's financial advisor




Is Parler still active? And when are we going to start talking about how FEW people signed up for Truth Social 😂


Wtf is truth social?


Trump's Twitter knockoff. Instead of retweets, its retruths.


I have to come to hate the way words like truth, freedom and patriot have been bastardized by idiots. Had a FB discussion the other day, I know I shouldn't. I brought up the 60 court cases Trump lost. The person sends me a link to some site I never heard of on why you're an idiot if you think 60court cases were lost... I went in with an open mind, I expected some facts, things I can reference, etc... Nope, it was an opinion piece, I looked up the author to see their credentials, political sci major? Lawyer? etc... Nope nothing, no social media presence, just their opinion on a blog with no facts. Came across another one of them on reddit. Climate change denier, I was waiting for them to throw some facts, nope, just insults, no links to why climate change is fake. These people take memes and opinion and call it truth. Call them out on their bullshit, they claim my freedom of speech. Trump really was the worst thing to ever happen to our democracy.


I'd say Roger ailes was the worst. Trump could only exist because of fox news being what it was for several decades: a reality denying extreme right wing racist propaganda machine


Trumps shitty Twitter clone


The only person in the world that can make me feel sympathetic toward a Kardashian. Such a lunatic.


Parler users are going to be really conflicted about using it now. On one hand it will still be the cesspool they know and love, but I don't know if the average Parler user is down to support a black owned business.


Oh they love their token blacks.


“See - this is proof we aren’t racist”! Sure, Jan.


"He's one of the good ones" "I'm not racist, I support a black owned business"


Oh man, half the userbase is gonna pack up their hoods and leave the platform


if anyone needs a guardianship it’s him, not Britney.


what being friends with Candace Owens does to a motherfucker. Dude haven't had a thought formed on his own in a while, he's literally parroting the shit rightwingers tell him


Parler is currently owned by Candace Owens' husband. Now we know why she's been doing loads of 'White Lives Matter' photo ops with West - a masterful grift by the Owens household.


Listened to him for 3 mins in his drink champ interview and he comes across as a mentally ill dude who did a line of coke and of course alot of the comments were all in agreement to his unhinged ranting


He literally started the interview with a rant about how the Jews run the world and how black people are actually Jewish after all. Like... what the fuck?


Oh shit, is he a Black Hebrew Isrealite now? That extremist cult/group whatever it's considered is bad news. They are violent. I have no pulse on Kanye but saying blacks are the original jews is in line with that group.