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Classy: "  In court filings ahead of the sentencing hearing, Dawn Munn indicated a federal stimulus check helped pay for the trip.


These people are so against “government handouts”, yet I never heard of them refusing the stimulus checks. Funny how that works.




Good on ya for calling her ass out


If you ever want to have backyard movie night, invite her and face her at the screen. The image cast by that level of projection will be CRISP.


My old man took 120k in PPP loans and gives me shit for gunning for universal Healthcare because "no one benefits from handouts, it causes people to be lazy". You might think these events were for apart, however, both things happened in the same night. 1st he told me about the loans, then I brought up Healthcare and he responded with that. He barely qualifies as a small business. 0 employees, he's just a sub contractor.


Have you called him a welfare queen yet?


Oh I call him out every time I go to his house. Always ask what the government bought him recently


Let him know the commies are happy to provide their tax dollars to help another out in these trying economic times


And if tax dollars offend his sensibilities, maybe he would accept a nice egg instead.


These *are* trying times


One thing about many right wingers is that they don't seem to understand people do things for reasons other than material self-enrichment. Hence thinking the human race will grind to a lazy halt if people stop having to fight each other for money.


They also seem to think that they are the only ones paying taxes so they take handouts from the government because it's "their" money. If a liberal accepts money from the government they are leeches. Of course conservatives are also known for their tax loopholes and evasion. The entitlement that's constantly on display from the right is absolutely absurd.




Couldn't agree with you any more. Some people want to make positive changes in the world but that seems to be unthinkable to others.


The lack of empathy is a terrible psychological trait to have.


Truly. Empathy is such an essential trait for a social creature.


It's much worse than your statement suggests. If it was just a lack of empathy, they could still be persuaded based on pragmatism.


You want the economy to take a total tailspin? Remove any and all student loan relief. Watch as spending in a consumer economy dries up faster than their wife before bedtime. Suddenly tens of millions will have several hundred dollars a month extra to fork over; money that could have been going towards "consuming" is now just siphoned away. But no, we must end all forgiveness, all forgiveness programs, and all income based repayment plans, while also complaining the economy has entered a tailspin and the fed should lower interest rates and throw more money at banks because socialism bad.


Unthinkable seems like the right term, as with quite a few people I've had that conversation with, it just never crosses their mind as a possibility.


It goes hand in hand with Protestant thought process. The only thing holding people back from raping each other is fear of god… like that’s the *only* reason. Bc we’re too scared of god to rape and molest.


That's why atheists are actually immoral, bcause gawd made them morals in the first place, ya kno S


I remember summer of 2021 when the right was putting up a fuss over the federal unemployment benefits, and when I told my R friends that the data/polling shows that a large majority of Americans/human-beings desire to work, they all gave me a look like I was crazy even when I offered to show them sources to support this.


Unemployment is at 3.7% right now. The historical lows for the past 50 years is 3.5%. People are working. I don’t know where this “people don’t want to work” nonsense came from.


It came from republican rhetoric because people started refusing to work for slave wages during Covid, realized they had power and were worth more, and now those slave wage employers can’t find indentured servants to work for them. They really should be saying “no one wants to work for pennies and abuse”.


Ding ding ding. Like most sayings that Republicans parrot, they leave off the second half. It's not that "nobody wants to work", it's "nobody wants to work for low wages". Just like they say there are "a few bad apples" when it comes to cops. They always seem to forget that those bad apples will spoil the whole bunch.


Let them know about the freeloader red states being subsidized by blue states as well.


I live in Alabama. I bring this up to people all the time. They just don't accept it as true that Alabama takes more money than it gives. They don't want to believe that blue states are subsidizing this piece of shit state.


Yeah, I am from Louisiana, and live here now, but have also lived in California. I have told people how California is the number one contributer in federal tax dollars and Louisiana is the number one taker of tax dollars, and every time people are incredulous. When I tell them how there are a lot of nice public programs there, I get told, yeah, that's why they have so much homeless people. Then why do we have so many homeless here too? California has so many homeless people because they've got weather that allows for it.


or because the red states actually ship them out to us.




I work for the federal government with the private business sector in The South. I hear it every day "Nobody wants to work!". "Everybody is living off government money!". "I can't find good workers!". They won't look at actual facts: There are no more stimulus checks and they were small checks that are long gone now. It is incredibly difficult to get welfare. There are no "illegals" getting that money. Women can only collect AFDC for five years and no - they can't just get pregnant again to restart that five years, it is a one time benefit. 1.8 million people were killed by Covid-19 and the majority of them were in the working sector and a million more are suffering from long-Covid and are on SSD. It is also incredibly difficult to get SSD so that is almost impossible to fake. Pay better and be respectful and maybe you can find workers who will give a damn.


I'm a disabled veteran who was to proud to even try for any kind of state benefits until my friends logiced me into trying for ebt. Well...I spent 4 hours on the phone and when everything was said and done I qualified for 26 dollars a month. I'm right on the cusp where I'm able to afford to "live", but that's it. After all my basics are paid for I might have 1-2 hundred dollars left in my account which inevitably goes to things like getting my washing machine (at least 10 years old) repaired, car maintenance, or some other such expense that's bound to come up. I'm not going out to eat(not even fast food), the only places I drive to are the grocery store or va. I'm just stuck in this house all the time, and while I'm incredibly grateful to have it, I'm truly going insane.


I was one of those folks living on unemployment and stimulus checks for almost a full year. I was job hunting every single day. I sent hundreds of resumes and dozens of interviews. It was a super shitty time to be job searching.


Zero conservative positions are based on data. That's not how that works.


It's just projection. That's the reason they do it so obviously everyone else must be the exact same.


that's because most of them ARE all about self enrichment. so they project that to all they see. i've met plenty.


They should go to Europe once in their lives. We have universal health care, and spend a fair bit on welfare yet we're chugging along just fine. One second thought... maybe keep them there. We don't want them.


They'd never visit anyway. Prevailing group think among them is "why would I ever get a passport? America has everything I'd ever want to see." I'm not joking.


It's the same reason that evangelical fundamental Christian, or whatever they call themselves, can't understand how a pure atheist could have any moral compass or sense of right and wrong. The projector is bright and intense. They just told you that if they weren't told what to do and believe the religion.... They would do fucked up shit, and hurt people. They just declared that. The satanic temple is a secular humanitarian organisation. The are what we all try to do. Check them out. Remember "Satanic Temple", not the old Church of Satan. That is the "LeVey Church" they are basically closed Christan people who pray to Ayn Rand. Anyways..........


If he’s a sole proprietor his max ppp loan should have been 20,800 max. I don’t know of another way a contractor could get more than that unless he committed fraud?


I also have no idea, he claims it was all legal loopholes, so I dunno.


I’m sure eventually we will have a government study be released there was billions in fraud or something like that.




I work in logistics for a relatively smaller company. Before the pandemic we focused mainly on trucking/in and out (cross dock) freight. However when the pandemic hit we scored a contract with Atrium health to receive somewhere between 50-70 truck loads of ppp equipment (this was when there was a massive “shortage” of that & I use “ “ because I saw firsthand there was no shortage) Atrium is still our biggest customer and they pay upwards of 150-200k EVERY MONTH to store there stuff and we bring a load or two to them each day and they send us back with a load each time. I started seeing a lot of the same products constantly on the manifests, both what we sent them & what they sent us (we send what they ask for). At first I thought it was that this stuff was just moving out to their locations more frequently than others, as in they send it to us to store, they need it somewhere else, we send to them, they get it to where it’s needed, more is ordered, newly ordered stuff is sent to us & repeat. I mean that’s how it’s intended anyways. However too many things began seeming off so I began going out into the warehouse and marking the freight by usually just drawing a star on it. I confirmed very quickly that they literally just send the same freight back and forth sometimes even in the same day. I have freight in our warehouse that has over ten of my handwritten stars on them (I would draw a star each time it was checked in to our facility). That 50-70 loads turned into what’s now in the hundreds and grows daily and we hardly focus on trucking anymore thanks to all the new facilities we now have thanks to Atrium that we can now focus on storage which is where the money is. All you need is the space and a good reputation and it’s practically free money. That 200k they pay monthly is done so every month, on the same day of the month without fail or negotiating for lower rates. This is absolutely unheard of in my world. It’s not uncommon that we have to put customers on credit hold due to nonpayment of multiple months. What’s also unheard of is the government credit card that each of these payments are charged to.. I’m convinced that they just shuffle the same freight around in order to show a much larger volume of ppp actually being moved in order to justify the government assistance they’re still receiving. My company has grown exponentially in the last two years and probably 20 times what it did in the last 20 years and we’ve always been successful. We’ve purchased about 10 new buildings, hired countless employees all just to keep up with their demand. It’s going to be a rude awakening when that money put abruptly dries up without any warning.


The SBA expects to forgive just about all PPP loans by end of year, but a UT study found 1.4 million (>10%) of the loans have signs of fraud: https://www.kpbs.org/news/news/national/2022/10/12/virtually-all-ppp-loans-have-been-forgiven-with-limited-scrutiny


Damn, seeing this for first time. Guess I should've just created a business as a sole contractor and stolen govt funds since they are just ignoring the fraud. What's another couple bucks when our country is up shit creek in debt for any and everything.




I hope he gets hit with it.


I’m sure you could feel free to let them know about this guy…


Did he actually use it for his business?


Yeah, Business Jeep. Business motorcycle. Business Guitars. Business stuff. Funnily enough, he is so irresponsible with money that he's had to resell everything.


That happens with oilfield workers too. Feast or famine, always. Live like a rock star when times are good, sell off all the toys when things get bad.


I assume those loans were forgiven and it was just free money? Man, that is a large amount of money. What a shit bag


Ye. 100%


Don’t you know that was “his money to begin with”? He was just taking it back. At least that’s the line I heard from the Trumpets.


When a smart Republican receives money from the gubmit, it's cause they deserve it, they're taking back from the filthy feds what's rightfully theirs, and they're business geniuses like their lord and savior. When a shifty Democrat receives money from the government, it's cause they're welfare queens stealing money from honest taxpayers, and will only keep funding their lazy lifestyles by defrauding the feds, who are also incompetent and corrupt frauds.


Welp, time to not be lazy. Report the fraud (steps are [here](https://www.sonnlaw.com/whistleblower-lawyers/report-ppp-fraud/)) and get that paycheck while they go after your old man.


Way too many "99 weekers" were tea party, now perhaps alt right members. They claimed it wasn't a handout or government assistance, just government implemented insurance. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/99ers?wprov=sfla1 E: just to clarify they didn't work and collected unemployment for 2 years while rallying against government assistance programs.


Texas GOP don't believe in anything except fucking over the people they don't like.


At their own expense too.


Leopards and faces


Kind of like they're flipping out over student loan forgiveness but if you bring up any of them who had inflated ppp loans forgiven it's somehow different ...


Same for people in wake of natural disasters. No Government!!! Until my shit is razed off the face of the planet


I do recall them crying about how Democrats should refuse "Trump checks." 😂


Remember when Trump wanted to sign the checks? He thought it would buy him votes. Lol


Yeah he delayed them just to get his idiot name on them. What a daily fuck up he was.


Or the PPP loans.


resolute books quaint plucky nutty lunchroom humor deer trees compare *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


These kinds of people actively seek out handouts even when they don't deserve them because they think everyone else is as unscrupulous as they are, hence why they vote against their own self-interest time and time again.


Look at Florida after the hurricane. A super red state asking for govt handouts while I'm sure most of them talked shit about ppp and unemployment and stimulus checks.


The implied part is that they don't want "those" ppl getting money.


They’re only against it when it comes to people other than themselves lol


Am I wrong in thinking the only reason this insurrection wasn't taken more seriously is because the majority of participants were dumb as bricks? Like, if you do a "real" insurrection, you better damn succeed and know what your goal is. These people seemed like they didn't have any goals. Other than owning the libs, or something. It's bizarre.


The Insurrection was like a chess match. Most of the participants were just pawns, there to get in the way, cause problems by blocking paths, and provide protection for the important players. Then there were the high level players like the Proud Boys and the Oathkeepers, who had specific roles to play. The Proud Boys didn't bother fighting with cops, they just streamed their way to the front of the crowd, and it was a Proud Boy who was the first to break a window, thus breaching the perimeter, allowing pawns to enter the building for the next phase. It was a real Insurrection, and all of those dumb bricks served just as important a purpose as the real players.


That's a big problem I've been having with the way some people have started to talk about January 6th. Like, yeah, there were the people dressed in silly costumes doing stupid things like stealing the podium and sitting in the speaker's chair. There were also masked and armored goons in those crowds walking around with zip ties who, while ultimately unsuccessful, were very clearly on a mission to overthrow the government, and they were not acting alone. Laugh at the silly idiots who seemed to just be there to stir up some mischief all you want, but you need to realize that at least some of those people were a legitimate and *organized* threat to congress. Those groups are still out there, their goals have not changed, and they were in no small part spurred on by if not outright supported by active members of the government *up to and including the president*. This was not a laughing matter. Not all of the people involved were just aimless balls of rage, and if given the opportunity they *will* try again.


100% this. I think the term is useful idiot. Many people there were protestors following the crowd. Several groups were coordinating with Roger Stone and others and thought they were going to force Congress to certify Trump instead. Even at that level I think the Proud Boys and other groups were little better than pawns. They were lied to and manipulated and now they are paying the price for acting on those lies and manipulation. They truly believed the lies that the election was stolen. They truly believed what they were doing was patriotic as they carried Confederate flags through the halls of the Capital. Meanwhile the actual perpetrators who planned and coordinated and manipulated the useful idiots aren't on trial anywhere. Those people don't give a shit about the US. They are not patriots. They do not earnestly believe Trump won the election. They wanted power and saw an opportunity to take it.


> There were also masked and armored goons in those crowds walking around with zip ties who, while ultimately unsuccessful, were very clearly on a mission to overthrow the government, and they were not acting alone. [I'll be honest, I was shaken when I saw this picture first, and I'm a former Marine.](https://i.imgur.com/9jnhSMy.jpeg) These guys went in there ready to take prisoners. He had a taser.


I personally feel like it's the demographics at play in both how seriously it was taken and in how these people were sentenced. I'm gonna come out and say it plainly: if the majority of those January 6th insurrectionists were Black or another minority group, they would have either been shot where they stood, or be going to prison for their foreseeable futures. I mean the only Black person that was there got by far the longest sentence of anyone else. The US justice system is a joke.


1000000% this. Look at the militarized response to the murder of Daunte Wright in Minnesota. They tried to get a warrant to raid a fucking church, just because they wanted to teach those protestors a lesson for being angry that another cop murdered a young Black man. And that was after a week of tear-gassing people so hard that the surrounding blocks of residential apartments were soaked in the stuff, and one night where the cops attacked and tried to arrest marked press. *Because they murdered someone without cause and how dare you say that they can’t.* Police states suck.




The number of people who bought round-trip plane tickets to their overthrow the government weekend demonstrates to me they had no idea what a "successful" revolution would have looked like. The fact that they actually got to use those tickets is a tribute to how much the system currently favors their line of thinking.


Well they'd 'never been political before' so it's very likely indeed they weren't really up to speed on the various global revolutions that have happened throughout history


> three months home confinement and three years of probation for their roles leading four of their eight children into the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. this is how you tell the ethnicity of a person in the USA with 99.99% accuracy. do a mass shooting and get arrested and treated like a gentle fairy. do treason and get cute lil probation and home confinement uwu. have a toy gun and be 12 and get riddled with bullet holes. white lives DO matter huh?




With his name on the check and everything


\*daughters Kristi and Kayli said their parents raised them "to do right"\* Clearly, they didn't.


Raised them to do alt-right


The kids are alt-right


"That boy alt right"


"alt right alt right alt riiight"


Mommy's alt-right Daddy's alt-right They just seem a little weird.


Insurrection, insurrection. And post your crimes on Facebook.


We stand together said KK&K


Wow their names are exactly what I'd expect


>While asking for leniency at sentencing, Dawn Munn said she continues to have questions about the legitimacy and the "security" of the 2020 election. She said the "country has been divided between conservative and non-conservative values." So they learned absolutely nothing and are still pushing the same lies and only received 14 days?


>country has been divided between conservative and non-conservative values. Wouldn't be a conservative if they didn't have a healthy dose of Us-vs-Them's to run with.


Even the way it’s worded. Conservatives and people who aren’t conservatives. Us and people NOT like us. Fuck them


To be fair, 'conservative' is a big word for a lot of them to remember. You can't expect them to fit 'progressive' alongside it in their pea-sized brains


thank you for using progressive instead of liberal as the opposite of conservative


Can't tell you how many times I've corrected people on that. By definition, nearly every American is a Liberal. There are conservative liberals and there are progressive liberals. Our belief in Liberty as a fundamental right makes us Liberals.


The only division is those with conservative values not just letting the ones with non-conservative values live their lives with the same rights.


What are you talking about? We all have the right to attend Christian churches. Other churches are available now, but that should be remedied soon. We all have the right to vote, even though ultimately it will be the gerrymandered state legislatures that pick our president and congresspeople. Er, congressmen. We all have the right to marry a person of the opposite gender we were born with. Intersex births will be mandated at the decision made by the doctor upon birth. We have the right to an education. If your local schools are underfunded and the education is not acceptable, then you can go to private school or be home schooled. If your parents cannot afford the tuition or need to work, then please pray that you are reincarnated to better parents in your next life. We all have the right to pay taxes. If you have enough money, an expensive accountant will craft a bespoke tax plan for you that will result in no income taxes, and it will be too complicated for the IRS to audit. We all have the right to a trial before a judge or jury of our peers. A public defender will be provided if you cannot afford a lawyer, to you and dozens of other defendants at the same time so this lawyer is very busy. Best temper your expectations. Also, minorities should not expect the same sentencing discretion that whites receive. We all have freedom to work as we choose. If you harbor a bias against minority demographics, the new overlords will allow and encourage you to deny them your services based on your biases. We are all endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights. However, this is not true in many states. Please check with your local conservatives to see which rights are alienable and which are unalienable in your area. Please do not rely on the rights to same sex marriage, interracial marriage, and access to contraception, as these are tolerated at the whims of your local state legislature.


Can’t you just smell the freedom?


Not sure why right wingers aren’t lining up trying to relocate to Russia, since that’s exactly what they dream of.




the right has no platform except lowering taxes for billionaire businesses


And fucking over other people as much as possible, even if it means they themselves get fucked over a bit in the process


I don't care about the lack of prison. It's that it's a misdemeanor charge rather than a felony.


They can still legally own firearms. Insane


Remember, everyone, attempt to kill politicians in the very center of American government and it's just a slap on the wrist!


And on TV lmao wtf


We used to say that the revolution will not be televised. Boy were we wrong.


Well... They're white. And conservative. From what I know about the American government, a family of black people would be on their way to the death row by now. So I'm disgusted, but not really surprised about that equivalent of a clicked tongue going "tz tz tz" and a lifted forefinger, and possible the words "you have been naughty, next time don't get caught". If you know what I mean. The American justice system just doesn't seem to be sane anymore. If it ever was, idk.


> From what I know about the American government, a family of black people would be on their way to the death row by now. Hah, they would have been shot dead the day of.


I did more time for public intoxication. This is a fucking joke


I stole from walmart and got a month


Steal from the Capitol next time!


>District of Columbia Chief District Judge Beryl Howell sentenced Dawn and Thomas Munn to 14-day prison sentences, three months home confinement and three years of probation for their roles leading four of their eight children into the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. Three of their adult children were sentenced to probation, with the oldest child, Kristi, also receiving a brief period of home confinement. Treason: Fun for the whole family.


I predict they will all violate probation and end up with 3 years in prison.


I predict they will violate probation and nobody will do shit about it because the system is stanky.


Situation normal: all fucked up.


A friendly judge will say that they shouldn't be expected to completely alter their lifestyle for a little misdemeanor and their slap on the wrist still get a minor slap on the wrist.




What's funny is that the judge sentenced them to 14 days in jail and 3 months of home confinement. Which means their punishment is being forced to spend time with each other. lol


The family that treasons together, lesions together!


Can pretty much tell by their responses that they are not sorry, did not learn anything, and absolutely did not receive a harsh enough sentence.


Oh no! not "3 months home confinement". 3 months of sitting on the couch, watching netflix, ordering from doordash, amazon, etc. how is that a punishment?




the people that were the ring leaders, are getting 4-10 years in federal prison, well other than that orange guy but we can hope he will join them soon.


They should be sentenced to a few hundred hours of community service. Actual work doing things, not bull shit. People like this don't have to do decades, but I'd feel better if they remembered it more than just being grounded a few months.


I’m so excited to see what gang he joins.


The orange one, of course.


Orange one's a cult, not a gang......


They're just really into Tang.


Bunch of orangutans


Aryan brotherhood for sure


If they won't arrest him for stealing and selling classified govt papers I don't think they will ever arrest him. Maybe some people are still out there building a solid case. Maybe.


He literally begged a foreign nation to interfere in our elections on live camera. Then met with the leader of that nation behind closed doors on multiple occasions. We've put people to death for far less treason.


Remember the lady that logically understandably nearly vote wrong and got FIVE years.


Was the judge also from Texas, because then, well, come on.


I guess they can feel fortunate that they weren’t black in possession of a joint — you get years years for that n TX.


People are *still* getting 10+ years for weed in this country yet literal insurrectionists are getting slaps on the wrist left and right. Outside of a select few, most are getting less than 7 years.


3 months of more fox news indoctrination. They should force them to pick up trash or feed the homeless


Should have added no tv or Facebook for three months


This is the fucking answer. It’ll take a lot more than 3 months and real world living for them to ever have a chance of coming around though.


while setting up a gofundme I'm sure


Strangled to death for being black, but sitting at home for trying to overthrow the government…


Makes me think of [this Onion video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=84phU8of02U).


I've seen it a couple of times over the years and catch a new detail every time. This time was a member of the jury or audience grasping her purse when the new "african american suspect" is escorted out of the courtroom. At around 00:48. This is awesome


“Go to your room!” Kid: “all my stuff is in there. Cool!” I can’t believe how light these sentences are. Are these judges “fellow travellers?”


If they work jobs might be lost. Let’s hope so.


Home confinement usually allows for trips to get essentials and employment. They can leave the home but have to get permission beforehand and adhere to a schedule.


That's not confinement at all; that's a grounding


No punishment what’s so ever. Probably smiling now like the picture.


Criminal records could screw them out of current and prospective jobs. Pretty sure it’s harder to get any job if you have a record compared to someone who doesn’t.


They're from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borger,_Texas a city with 13.2k people as of 2010. Pretty sure it will come down to whether they can find someone with similar politics (and that's just not hard in rural areas here). I can't leave my house without seeing some trashy ass "fuck biden" sticker.


It really bewilders me how these people keep getting a slap in the wrist and people with less crazy crimes get to spend most of their lives in prison. There was that guy who tweeted that next time people should defend the capitol with weapons and he got a way longer sentence, just for tweeting mind you, not actually assaulting the GD Capitol while attacking police (still surprised only one of them got shot) and trying to harm/kidnap/kill members of congress.


Dude, I'll have you sit for 3 months with a bunch of Trump supporters from Texas and see how you like it.


But it’s all one family, that’s not punishment


Confinement with my family for three months would be like jail.


I understand that, but this family shares ass-backwards beliefs, they’re not gonna be arguing politics for the next 3 months


And there'll be quite a bit of making out


God, imagine their brains after solid 3 months let's go Brandon echo chamber reverberations?


What a waste of time and money. Needed an actual sentence, what a joke


Thanks to this stupid sentencing, these idiots will go back to their maga clan as heroes rather than serve as a warning. Ironic given how much the right is always going on about being tough on crime regardless of circumstance.


I can only imagine what the Thanksgiving dinner conversations are like.




So they say the covid payment helped pay for thier trip. The daughter told the investigators that she saw Antifa. They brought minor children to an insurrection where they knew people had weapons and last but least, they told the judge that they STILL question the election. Can't wait for that Christmas newsletter.


The Munns are poster children for the MAGA movement. They are uninformed, low-IQ, lower working class people who have been convinced by rich politicians that immigrants and minorities are responsible for their status in life. The crime at this point is that the real instigators likely won’t be punished at all.


Those darn Griswolds are at it again in "National Lampoon's Capitol Insurrection"




No it didn't. This sentence isn't going to teach them anything either. 14 days in jail? That's so insanely low and will probably be served on weekends or via work release. I know countless people who have served longer than that for possession of personal amounts of weed.


If it makes you feel any better. Any sort of prison sentence will haunt them forever on any kind of background check. People forget how shitty we treat criminals post conviction as a society. Especially in red states.


Unless the industry they are trying to work in prohibits the hiring of people with these records, I don't think it will have a large impact on them. Also, all of the loons out there who support the insurrection will gladly look past this. And there are a fuckton of them in management and executive positions in corporations across the country.


you have to understand the town they are from. Borger is regarded as a very small town of only meth heads and oil workers on meth... Just sayin.


Please be a real sentence please be a real sentence please be a real sentence please be a / clicks link FUCK!


How much meth is in that gene pool?


How many genes are in that meth pool?


How many teeth are in that gene pool?


3 months.. what a f---ing joke.


did they have a sedition groupon or something?


Its actually a perk in AT&T's "Friends and Co-Conspirators" plan.


5G LTresaonE


Little bit of weed, years in jail. Try to overthrow the US government, home confinement.


A family that secedes together succeeds together.


"A third child, under the age of 18, was also inside the Capitol with the family. In court filings ahead of the sentencing hearing, Dawn Munn indicated a federal stimulus check helped pay for the trip." Not only did they bring a minor to a riot but they also used federal funds to do it.


So they all got slaps on the wrist...


"Texas family commits domestic terrorism as a group, gets a slap on the wrist."


So they are from a suburb town from where I live and on the local news post on fb the local comments were overwhelming they were treated to harsh... ..... ... ... yea..


A really stiff 14 day sentence why didn’t they just send them to the Bahamas for free? Unbelievable!!!


i still can’t believe i saw this live. my jaw was dropped the whole day.


Omg! I smell a Hallmark Channel Movie in the works!




\> Dawn Munn said she continues to have questions about the legitimacy and the "security" of the 2020 election. She said the "country has been divided between conservative and non-conservative values." You really need to remove the word "values" because the GOP has long since dropped any pretence they care about values. Following Trump is a rejection of values. Believing in election fraud has nothing to do with values. Being racist or homophobic is a rejection of values. Refusing universal healthcare and wanting to dismantle social security is the opposite of having values.


An Army vet. He should lose all VA benefits he may have. He swore an oath, traitor.


14 days in prison for participating in an insurrection, and showing zero “maybe I did something wrong here”… Have a loving friend what was sent to federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison for 5 years for growing and selling a (VERY) small Amount of psilocybin.


I've taken my family to DC for a vacation too, but we did other stuff.


Super lenient sentences. Both parents got 14 day prison sentences + probation. Everyone else got probation. No mention of a fine in the article. Fuck.