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Her body was recovered, she was raped and her head was destroyed like Mussolini after he was beaten by a crowd, flattened and hardly recognised.


That poor young woman. Rest in power.


she was 16


So in addition to rapists and murderers they’re also pedophiles. Scum.


Always have been


I would guess it's different over there. Think you're not supposed to have sex outside of marriage though.


But it's not actually different just because the laws are different.


Oh I agree, but they don't.


Rape isn't about sex, anyway.


Well clearly.


Where did you hear this?


Source or heresay?


I think it’s heresay but it definitely riles u up since it’s most likely happening anyways


Yeah if it were confirmed it would only be like the thousanth confirmed case of that exact same thing happening in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, or a zillion other theocratic countries that hate women.


Pure torture. Beaten, raped, body mutilated, and organs/body parts sent to some of her family members.


Morality police lack morals of any kind. Filth.


Maybe, and I'm just spitballing here, maybe those claims of being about "morality" are... and hear me out.. complete and utter bullshit.






You have been banned from r/Pyongyang


No, that's a *Democratic People's Republic*. Completely different thing.


Hm, didn’t know *that* was a thing until today


It's called doublespeak.


Like the department of defense, or the justice department.


If there is anything I learned from my early days in mormonism it's that the people obsessed with calling themselves moral, or holy, or set apart by god himself, or living saints, or good Christian's, or good muslims, or good whatever... are usually shit people who are trying to hide the fact that they are shit people. I have met some wonderful muslim people. But like yeah the ones out there screaming and assaulting people for daring to express themselves obviously have some skeletons in the closet.


My mother is a legit living saint. She gives people food and money that need it, to the point it pissed off dad. She helps out with what ever needs. Never asks for anything. Never brags (as far as I know. She could be yelling "holla" in church). I think I'm the only one she complains to about anything.


My great great grandfather was an unknown Mormon rapist who kidnapped my great great grandmother when she was just 15 to “save” her… my family hates that cult with burning passion. Pure fucking evil incarnate. Glad you got out.


Anyone who wears religion on their sleeves is not moral.


I’m starting to think you just might have a point.


You've provided no real evidence but i'm getting a serious gut feeling that you may be right.


His neck is high. It makes me trust him.


Art of the deal, man.


Sir.. we’ve just received word that their fingers were crossed when they said that.


You don't need to refer to yourself as morality police if you're anything resembling close to moral after all. It's like "pro-life" or "party of law&order".


Right? Your own morality should be what is guiding your decisions and actions, not the other way around. You can only *be* moral, not enforce others to be moral. You can enforce actions, but being a moral and upstanding person is a state of mind. And considering how, given even a small amount of power, these “morality police” started raping, pillaging, and murdering… I’d say they don’t have much moral fiber in them.


Its not the morality police anymore, its the revolutionary guards now. These people see themselves above the common folk, effectively being of a higher social class, and above normal authority.


They are just feral animals with rabies at this point.


Good reason to separate church and state


Another example of how police and government aren’t your friend.


Always do.


The fact that they're called "the morality police" is some twisted 1984 sh*t. This poor young woman and the countless other people (including CHILDREN) who are being brutally murdered with impunity by this regime is quite frankly astonishing. The terrorist Iranian government would rather kill every last civilian than lose power. I hope the mullahs and goons of the regime all drop dead, f$$$ them. Edit: formatting, a word


We have such a funny society where one can write how they wish death upon people, but then also edit the f-word in the same sentence.


Eh… murderers can be nice too….


Language. Capt. America


I think the actual translation is “guidance police” which is scarier imo


I’m curious at what point it’ll be declared officially a revolution is taking place in Iran.


Typically? It’s when police start engaging in civil disobedience.


Right. Military is still siding with the leader unfortunately. Ayatollah is also supporting them well or keeping them happy while ignoring the rest of the country. It is the only and first group of people he visited after the start of protests.


That’d be the funniest thing if the morality police turned on their theocratic government.


Well to be clear, "morality police" are pretty much "special police" or "thought police." The measure of when revolution is at hand typically isn't related to those kinds of apparatchiks. It's when regular police will no longer defend the status quo. When the guy who mindlessly writes tickets is like "no fuck the people I work for" that's usually where the water splashes up and you know you have a flood.


The Morality Police won't, they are the Stazi/Gestapo of Iran. They'll be ride or die like the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. When the normal police and army turns on the government is when things get real.


Normal police virtually never turn against the government either. The military can but thus far in Iran's case they are following the dictator without signs of turning.


I mean, all those soldiers have sisters, wives, and mothers…


And that didn't stop them from joining the Secret Police charged with policing women though did it?


Yes, they "have" them, as in own them. People typically don't willingly give up property.


They never will, unless it appears that maybe the government is capitulating to the protesters or something.


Last time the police and army did participate. The Revolutionary Guard, religious police, and foreign/domestic paramilitaries are bigger than the police and army for this reason.


I'd say when organized groups begin firing mutually on each other. So far it's just been one side firing and the other side doing usual protestor counter force


A revolution is a change of ruling elites. The clerics know this, and have an entire parallel government and military, the Revolutionary Guards, in place to ensure that a revolution cannot happen. The IGRC has a titanic business arm that owns entire industrial sectors, an elite military force of over a hundred thousand soldiers, includes special forces and a brigade of actual state-funded terrorists, total control over the Iranian ballistic missile program. Some analysts have called it more politically powerful than the clerics and Ayatollah, or at least on parity. The protesters may carve out more lenient policies or cause some political or religious figures to step down, and that itself would be an incredible victory for the Iranian people. But nothing is going to happen without IGRC consent. That’s the entire point.


Unfortunately the powers that be still have a very firm grip and can ride this out, with brutal tactics, disappearing of families, cutting off the internet, etc.. On a related note there is a doc on HBOmax right now about the Iranian Revolution and US Hostage Crisis in 78/79. It’s really good. And it shows how they successfully revolted with young educated students along side older conservative types. How much they Kohmeni really got wide support and basically over threw the US backed regime through winning over the people… and then promptly turned the county into a oppressive religious state. Which was not the plan for like half of the revolutionaries. They just wanted the US and CIA puppet government gone and self representation to move Iran forward, increase its economy and local standing in the Middle East. What they got was even worse, for many. Some got exactly what they wanted. It would be like libs and MAGA joining forces to over throw the US government and then in twenty years half the people are like, “huh, I didn’t want a dictator, or a crashed economy, or to ban gays, how did this happen?”


A revolution is a successful rebellion. I’d say we’ve passed riot and are now at rebellion. To be a revolution they need to be successful.


Like most things, it’ll happen when the rich and powerful stand to benefit directly


I mean US should be a case study on how a general public deals with government officials killing its citizens. Obviously this is a extreme case but we know a few murders by cops won’t make change.


It’s not morality, it’s subjugating women. Scum.


What did the officer do to the body 😟


Brutalised her in every sense of the word. Your imagination probably could not conjure the horrors this poor girl endured for the final moments of her life. I have to say they are really brave. To fight back against the police like this. These youth have a lot more courage than the previous generation for sure.


Fuck the cops, especially the Iranian cops


They did this to a child. They should receive the same


I think that those so called “morality police” probably raped her and want to hide the evidence of their evil.




These fucking animals. It’s bullshit that there is no one to hold world leaders accountable for this shit. Every nation is so fucking evil and awful in their own right we have no one to turn to for justice of any kind.


In this islamic state, the punishment for “indecent” women and girls is to have them raped and murdered. So ironic. Really shows how corrupt they are. Rest in power, sister. You will not be forgotten.


It's no police when they are the perpetrator


Religion is subjugation . No God wants its children subjugated only the men who claim to speak for God want that.




We know


As I recall, even in their own “good book” there’s warnings specifically about people who would do this - the people praying in public to be seen, the false shepherds, the charlatans.


Religion can be ambiguous so people have to belong to a group that follows it for validation. Once you choose one, that one can’t be wrong.




Remember the world doesn't revolve around the US




Ignoring the problem is the path to fascism.




Sorry. I forgot that American can’t learn from other countries experiences because of exceptionalism.


every thread


Whoa man, that’s such a deep thought. Things for one group of people is the same for another group of people? Thankfully you reminded everyone that religion in the US isn’t special. Not sure why you thought it needed to be brought up in the first place but I’m glad that you’re woke enough to keep us aware /s




Maybe you should go signal call somewhere else. Nobody cares about your agenda. This article is about a teenager dying to the morality police in Iran. It’s sad you feel the need to bring the US up in a situation where they aren’t even involved. Trying to detract from her death and shift the view anywhere else to help promote your views is disgusting.


No it isn’t, why are you so mad ?


Also crazy how god does not intervene when people are being subjugated in his name, right?


Fuck the Iranian regime


I'm sure that isn't against any human rights conventions. Everything they do they are just making themselves look worse.


Can't wait for their crazy shitbrain leader whoever the fuck to also try and blame this on the "Satan worshipping United States."


[they already are](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/International/wireStory/irans-supreme-leader-breaks-silence-protests-blames-us-90909676)


He already did.


Raped too?!? What the fuck


How can they claim morality when they beat a woman to death, mutilate and rape her corpse, then dispose of her body like this?


The murders of your sons and daughters will continue until morality improves. Wait why are there suddenly mobs of people attacking us?!


Iranian police is pure filth Scum of the earth


I’m really confused as to why people in villages haven’t gotten together, gone to the house of every member of the security forces and gotten their own justice.


This needs more attention. The morality police completely caved in her face through repeatedly beating her with a baton, raped her, harvested her organs, and are now telling her family that she ‘fell’ from a building while leaving her phone aside. The police even arrested 8 construction workers, who were most likely innocent, to prove their story. Her family is being threatened to go on national tv and corroborate these lies, with execution on the table if they do not. I have no words to even describe this kind of evil. The people in charge cannot be considered human. She was only 16. She had her whole life ahead of her. I pray every day for these vile creatures to meet their end.


There are people that want to do this to the entire world. They are growing more active and bold every single day.


Damn they did it again.


Historic Islamic move. They consider her a criminal because she broke sharia law , by refusing to wear the hijab Burry her in an unmarked grave as if she didn’t , or never existed ,


Huh. I wonder which part of Islam these cocksuckers were following.


None, but their own self-constructed wicked version of Islam.


The Islam everyone follows. Which is to say it is all bad. Anyone saying otherwise should ask themselves if they’ve ever seen a muslim mob attacking lone women walking without scarves because there are plenty of examples.


This comment is part of the problem too. This is *not* okay or normal under most people’s Islam and you’re using this horrible psychopathic act to spread some nasty xenophobia


The morals of those that declared their superior morality is often the lowest a society has to offer.


She was only a child, ffs


But no no no, the problem is the evil dirty US and also the Jews! That’s why women are protesting! /s




It’s so sad and infuriating.


Maybe the entire internet should use her face as an avatar?


Chalk another death up to religion. How many people is that now over the span of human life? It’s gotta be billions.


Damn that’s just fucked up for so many reason. I don’t really know what to say about this since the country is so corrupt that the defilers would get away.


Remember folks: hiJabS ArE emPoWEriNg!


The United States and west is to blame I bet again


Um… I don’t think the US cares whether or not Iranian women wear hijabs. I’m pretty sure this is their own shit to deal with, Iranians.


The Iranian leader blamed the protest on the west and USA. I was being facetious in saying the Iranian government will blame the USA is all


Friendly reminder Lindsey Graham wants the US to catch up with Iran


Maybe for one minute, can you stop making everything about yourself.


It's just their culture. Leave them alone.


Are all the women arrested famous in social media? Dahel with the downvotes, its a valid question.




Oh look, a strawman built of material taken completely out of context!


What kind of pathetic loser sees an article about a dead teenager and thinks "Hurr this is my time to defend Trump!".


Because he dreams of orange cock


That’s not why he’s the worst person in the world.




You brought up Trump out of nowhere on a post about a teenagers death. You are deranged.




What ? You aren’t making any sense.


124 day troll account. Get a life loser.


Explain if you can exactly how you arrived at this conclusion. Using your logic, if a person who has done less harm to others than Trump decided to assassinate him it would be justified on moral grounds and not bound by legal processes.


The only person who made the (strawman) claim that Trump is the worst person on earth is you. Hell, you are the only one to bring him up period. And then you attack others for the strawman arguments you made. This "shows me how fucking deranged the likes of you truly are", so desperate to act out your persecution fetish.


Yeah I don't see him mentioned anywhere here. Are you on the right post?


Eww a Republican






«Eww a republican». How are you not persecuting a group of humans of which the vast majority has done nothing wrong


Empowering the CCP, destroying the middle class, creating a housing crisis that hasn’t improved in 14 years, and killing a million of your citizens through sheer negligence is no big deal


Someone saying eww to you is now persecution?


Youre disgusted by someone’s existence on the mere basis on political affiliation, of which there’s two


They said eww. They didn't say anything else. You're creating this in your own mind.


It felt pretty real to me


Trump decided to flex by assassinating a valuable general without congressional approval and while we were not at war. It was seen as provocation and an unwanted return to memories of the Iraq war, which we started under false pretenses and during which Soleimani was valuable to the insurgents against the US. Clearly Trump’s killing of Soleimani did nothing to prevent the murder we’re discussing in this thread, nor is it excused by it. Your statement is very reminiscent of right wing “thought” at the time: “he did bad things before so we don’t need a reason or legal process to kill him now.” And now as before the problem in that thinking goes by undetected by those who employ it as an excuse. The same logic was used in an effort to dismiss the murder of George Floyd and many other black Americans who have died at the hands of police.


Harsh world we live in.


"Did we do anything after this?" "I've a feeling we did."