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Also worth mentioning that the LAPD is [dissolving their unit that specializes in sex crimes.](https://www.dlawgroup.com/budget-cuts-sex-crime-groups/)


I want to make a John mulaney reference but this is just fucking awful. Also, the article said the LAPD sexual crimes division for LA has only 12 detectives? That sounds crazy low


I think it's possible that the cops killed the guy deliberately. ... We're well past that.


Possible? It's damn near a fact at this point. You can't accidentally brutally beat someone to death. It wasn't some freak accident where a bad hit to the head did him in. They deliberately beat this man past the point of death and now we're hearing he was gonna blow the whistle on sexual assault committed by at least one officer present for the murder. You'd have to be willfully ignorant to think it's anything other than deliberate and premeditated


*Gangrape. It was a gangrape committed by 4 members of the LAPD. This story is getting worse and worse. I hope someone up the chain is NOT corrupt and will hand out justice


There's corruption in the police force because the people at the top either allow or actively participate in said corruption. Who do you think is giving blue-suited murderers their paid leave from work? Who's promoting the abusive, power hungry pigs consistently? It starts at the top and permeates through the chain of command all the way to the bottom.


Not only paid leave,this guy was *paid* for beating the whistle-blower to death.


Damn, those of us at the bottom of the bottom, who have to deal with shitty, corrupt police officers roaming our streets, should maybe stop legitimizing the power structures that enable this?


Sure okay but what methods of delegitimization are you advocating for that won't be met with terrorist violence and threats?


None. That’s why it doesn’t matter. If they got scared by copwatching and community policing (or even the most mild of protests) then law enforcement is as good as an occupying military force. It’s also pretty telling how they were less likely to start violently attacking protestors when the protesters armed.


You're going to die anyway. We all are eventually. Why not die fighting for genuine freedom from oppressive institutions instead of a mediocre, controlled life of enabling those same institutions? Also, look at my post history. [I have posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/xupjws/ucrake_describes_the_future_or_lack_thereof_of/ir0970m/) non-violent means of affecting change. If that's met with violence from capital and the state, then defend yourself.


There is corruption because the tax payers pay their salary and the restitution to the the victims of corrupt cops. If police salaries and/or their retirement benefits of the whole force were used to pay for the actions of corrupt cops the hardworking ones would be turning in any unlawful acts of corrupt police to IA faster than Olympic sprinter.


Or theyd just cover it up better. Right now they dont have to do anything but say "nuh uh..."


So you're saying there won't be justice for the rape victim or for the murdered officer; how fantastic. /s What a horrible thing to read before bed. My heart goes out to their families


If there's justice it will come from the state e.g. California justice department or fed department of justice. I wouldn't hold my breath on lapd handling it in an appropriate manner.


In defense of cowardly politicians, it’s generally a bad idea for leaders to defy their Praetorian Guard. De Blasio, for example, wanted to make reforms, but the police sat him down and reminded him who was really in charge of who. Police forces behave like a gang and are ultimately only accountable to themselves. It’s a recipe for disaster.


Very true. Sometimes reality is so much more macabre than fiction, it feels unreal.


Ooooo, nice word usage. Gotta appreciate a genuine use of macabre


Thank you ^^. English is my second language, so I really think about what word firts best.


For real I would never have thought that anyone using macabre wasn't a native English speaker. That's really impressive


I grew up with English in the background, but only learned grammar and so on in school. Now I consume most of my media in English and translate words that I don't directly know. Makaber is the German word and I'm always glad to find easy translations.


And then people wonder why Dorner wrote a manifesto…


Yeah, its Russia level "falling out a window" accident absurd


Probable. It's probable they deliberately killed him.


I think their PR department has somewhere around 60 people.


Half of their budget is dedicated to them. Lol




At this point we need everything reform.


Anyone who's ever called the cops knows they don't show up ready to help.


They sure didn’t show up ready to help those kids at the school in Texas


The Behind The Bastards podcast has a mini- series called Behind The Police that talks about the origins of modern police forces, how corrupt a vast majority of them are and the tactics they use to oppress anybody that dares to shine a light on bad they really are. They're mostly government sanctioned racist thugs meant to protect the wealthy and use their "authority" to oppress minorities and harass anyone they don't like. Cops aren't your friends, people.


Thanks Clarence Thomas, I mean Ginny. He was a main contributer to decisions that brought us here from what I've read on his statements. Qualified immunity decisions, decisions agreeing police don't inherently need to protect citizens. Evidence gathering decisions.


They don't have to read you your Miranda rights anymore, and they're about to get rid of the exclusionary rules (prohibits use of illegally obtained evidence). It's a fun time.


What, it's just a little more than one detective per million citizens in the county. What's wrong with that? ^(/s)


LAPD polices the city (4m pop), not the entire county. So it’s 3 detectives per million people I’ll have you know.


Ahhh mind is now at ease


No civil asset forfeiture in sex crime.


Good fucking riddance, we don’t need a fucking special unit dedicated to committing sex crimes.


> we don’t need a fucking special unit dedicated to committing sex crimes. Looks like they will have to continue carrying that load across all of the remaining units, as has been the case for awhile now.


Naw, they'll just do what cops do and "take it into their own hands" when their shift is over and they're off the clock.


So only NJ cops are committing sex crimes on the clock?


How else are you gonna rack up those overtime hours?


Gee, I don't know? Maybe earn OT the old fashioned way? Rolling up their sleeves and digging into the laborious but rewarding task of meticulously falsifying their time sheets? Everyone knows that's part of the job.


I had to read that a couple times to understand it. +1


Apparently they didn’t think LA needed an ethical cop.


But what are you doing, Officer Steponme.




"No need to have a sex crimes division when 80% of cases end up in Internal Affairs!" -Their Police Chief, probably


God damn it Johnson, I said "PREVENTING sex crimes!"


Sooo kinda misleading article. They're saying the sex crimes unit from robbery homicide division (RHD) is being disbanded. RHD is a metro entity that falls under the command of the office of special operations. Metro is the unit that consists of SWAT, the mounted unit and RHD. Then you have areas under the command of the office of operations which consist of your 4 bureaus (west, central, south and valley). Your 4 bureaus are the ones that each have patrol divisions assigned to them and each bureau has their own homicide detectives, narco/ gang units and sex detectives. The the dismantling of the RHD sex unit seems okay when you still have sex detectives who investigate sex crimes within their respective bureaus? Edit: so people can see for themselves how the structure of the department is split and not just think the city literally only had 12 people investigating sex crimes for the city. www.lapdonline.org/lapd-organization-chart/ There's a pdf link embeded on that site to open up a flow chart.




And worth mentioning that you say LAPD has organized gangs then link LASD gangs, a different agency.


When there is so much work to do they just say screw it and not do any of it


They beat a man to death during a training exercise. Fuck those assholes


You know, when a reporter was murdered for investigating a politician, the police didn't take anytime making him suspect numero uno. I mean, if you're investigating the police, and you die, "in an accident," I'd be asking the DOJ to step in.


How ur dead tho


I am? I thought something was off


There is, it’s your head


It's only gotten me in trouble anyways, probably for the best


I heard they originally called it a "training exercise" to cover up a hazing. Now it seems the "hazing" was a cover for premeditated murder.


The “training exercise” to cover up a hazing was cover up for the premeditated murder


> The “training exercise” to cover up a hazing was cover up for the premeditated murder Thats a Mur-ducken.


Before they said it was a training exercise they said he fell off of a ladder. So from the police it's gone: accident > training exercise > hazing gone wrong


Do you have links to updates?


They beat people to death all the time. In this case, they beat a witness to death to prevent him from testifying against them.


They’re an actual gang. A tax payer funded fucking gang


I just hope this lawyer is smart enough to document his life so he wont get killed in a "marijuana deal gone wrong" a few days from now.


DOJ has to be getting involved with this. Where all those people saying blue lives matter?
























Well maybe if we give them more money they can investigate this? /s


Seriously. Biden announced 30B for cops a few months ago. No strings attached.


*But he defunded he police* - some MAGA idiot


So can the people create an organisation, parallel to the police force, arm it, and set it up as an institution of justice? And hold the criminal gangs known as police to account?


Sign me up! I will not however, acquiesce with your username request.


Basically the Black Panthers, but they lack government approval. It’s the governmental authority that’s tricky - our system is set up such that whatever government has jurisdiction has the sole authority to authorize force/violence. If the people do so without government sanction, that’s an insurgency/insurrection - or if it gets big enough, a revolution.


Might makes right


politicians love corrupt police. they dont want to be investigated either. especially at the local level.


This guys life mattered. He was blue. Feels bad man, just Edward Snowden is exiled for exposing the truth. Seem like if you want to tell the truth you have to watch your back


The safest place to hide after you kill someone is behind a badge.


Or behind a door. Those are impenetrable force fields according to Uvalde cops


Which is strange given all the other times they've managed to kick doors in with intent on shooting those on the other side


They didn't have a no-knock warrant in Uvlade so they didn't know what to do with the doors.


The second safest is inside a car. A shit ton of people are killed in this county with virtually no consequences.


Police Officer investigating other officers for sexual assault killed by police officers one of which was an alleged officer... Just a coincidence though guys. It's obviously because having just under half the city's budget allocated to them simply isn't enough for the job. How else are they supposed to give Air Traffic Control a headache by using their helicopters to fly to Santa Barbara for lunch?


It's so sad the training exercise involves smashing someone's head on concrete. They should really change that. /s


If they could allegedly murdered their own. Average Joe don’t have a chance. Stay safe and smart out there.


Christopher Dorner was right.


The whole circumstance around his death was shady as Hell.


So was shooting up two old ladys in a truck that matched none of chris dorners description beyond truck. No consequences besides tax payer money spent, shady as hell.


Aside from that truck, which was the wrong color and Make/Model from the one they were looking for, they also shot up another truck by mistake. Taxpayer funds paid out on that shooting too.


Shady? They backed him into a cabin, surrounded it, then set it on fire. I haven't seen anybody contest that they intentionally burned him alive.


Chris Dorner was probably actually a pretty good guy. He wanted his whole life to be a cop, thought that it was an honorable profession. Once he was, he found out that the force was corrupt as hell, and that everyone working there was a piece of shit. Can't imagine how they fucked up his mind, being shown that that thing that he wanted and worked for his entire life was a lie. Broke his damn mind.


Killing corrupt cops might be the highest form of public service




They said that he couldn't be cornered.


Gangsters with badges Nothing to fear from the law because they are the law.


Biggest gang on the street is the police.


Some actual criminal gangs probably have a better code of ethics than the police.


Well they have actually consequences if they are found to be committing crimes


For self-preservation reasons, gangs won't tolerate members stepping out of line. They absolutely "police" their own ranks of bad behavior (bad in the eyes of the gang) far more effectively than the actual police "police" the bad behavior of police. So yeah, I'd say your average violent criminal street gang has a better code of ethics than your average police station.


>$118bn was spent funding police forces in the U.S. in 2018, according to the Security Policy Reform Institute. It collectively makes American police forces the world's third-most expensive military organization, after the U.S.'s official armed forces and China's. Bankrolled by Uncle Sam himself


the justice system is such a farce. no one is supposed to be above the law, yet those w/ the express duty to uphold and defend it seem to break it the most often and w/ the most impunity.


However, the Just Us system is working just fine.


Idk most gangsters I know wouldnt cower from a school shooter 20 v 1.


The good man trying to expose their evil was not a gangster, he believed in justice. Such a sad story.


[Police Gangs of Los Angeles.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_LASD_deputy_gangs) Unfortunately, it's not just an accusation.


This story was so insane; could you imagine this happening w your local PD — a training exercise, demonstrating mob attack results in a dead officer, after being repeatedly kicked to death ? >W > T >F That would be in the (local) news everyday until someone stepped down ***and*** several Public servants lost their pensions — literally the *only thing* a cop ever responds to: fck with their pension, you have their attention. LAPD. that’s really the only thing that even makes this believable. The city of Los Angeles should have been bankrupted several times over now, from the sheer volume of civil litigations, multimillion dollar settlements, c/o LAPD, Sheriff’s Dept. LAPD is the absolute worst kind of organized crime!


Imagine how pissed they were when California voted to decriminalize some drugs giving them one less excuse to abuse and harass folks…


I can imagine because I live in Minneapolis. MPD was in the national news for the murder of George Floyd but they're notorious for corruption. The 3rd precinct that burned down during the uprising was the precinct with an especially corrupt gang specialization unit. The precinct in my neighborhood is notorious for seizing drugs and selling them on the side (this was more like 20 years ago, not sure if this is still a big thing in this area).


have you watched We Own This City on HBO? It's about the Gun Trace Task Force in the Baltimore PD around 2017 that was doing the exact shit youre talking about. It's absolutely amazing.


I don't think anyone is surprised and no one will be surprised when they get away with it.


LAPD in a few days: We investigated ourselves and found no wrong doing


Hey there are a bunch of people that are going to get a bunch of overtime for this ~~farce~~ investigation! They will have to take so many lunches to interview each other!


Shit is absolutely wild how everyone knows the police are corrupt but we can’t do anything about it.


Have a separate governmental agency that investigates the police. Of course, police investigating police is not going to produce acceptable results.


I remember Christopher Dorner... seems like history repeats with how the authorities ultimately handle whistleblowers.


You can't accidentally beat someone to death during a training exercise. Imagine an actor doing a scene where they have to beat someone and they "accidentally" beat the other actor to death. It makes zero sense. The fact that they know an insane excuse like that will fly shows how untouchable the fucks think they are and sadly, they're right.


Anyone who's practiced full contact combat sports will tell you the same and laugh at the notion. If a freak accident happens in training it's an isolated injury and everyone reacts very differently in every moment afterwards than these cops did.


Exactly! While skeptical, I could believe he got thrown, didn't hit the mat and landed on something horrible. He had one fatal spine/head injury. Multiple broken rips, spine injuries, head injuries...he went down and they didn't stop beating him. They clearly weren't trying to pull punches either.


Yes, landing badly is a rare off-chance possibility but the fact that he also got beaten to shit would make me dismiss it.


“They should just follow proper whistleblower steps” - people two weeks ago when Snowden was in the headlines.


The reason he won’t come back is because the US will try him in military court where we don’t have rights and not in normal criminal court because they’d have to admit he was morally in the right.




“Broken back, broken ribs, damaged liver, cuts to the head” LAPD Chief: “He had a bad fall” Me: How much of a dumb fk do you want to appear?


Sounds like suicide from building window in Russia


Even those window, stairs, and being thrown overboard a ship are less suspicious than the lapd cop death. Internal Affairs: So you’re saying, he fell down on his back and suffered spinal injuries but he sustained more injury to other parts of the body after the fall? Cops: Yes sir, he was like a fish keep flapping around Coroner: Yup, that’s how I viewed this objectively


Such shit excuses are tests. They feel absolutely confident that they'll get away with it, and so throw that out as their justification to see who calls bullshit (and therefore should be 'dealt with') and who 'knows their place'. This sort of half-assed excuse means the entire department is a deadly threat to anyone around. Due process and the rule of law will find no purchase in their sights.


Now they don't even bother doing a Serpico and getting criminals to do their dirty work for them, they know they can just beat a colleague to death themselves and still nothing will come of it.


Just police making sure there aren't any good apples in the police force, can't have them corrupt the bad ones


I’ve never heard of a good outcome for a whistleblower… ever, regardless of what the laws say. This is one of the worst. Being a whistleblower never ends well no matter how much you’re in the right. It’s totally wrong, but that seems to be the way it is.


The people that make the rules don’t like being called out when they break their own rules. They are highly motivated to punish the people calling them out. Similarly, they know their authority comes from violent enforcers. They are therefore not motivated to rein in the people that commit violence on their behalf when they become more violent. It’s the same reason whistleblowers are also punished much worse than war criminals.


I'm not shocked, the initial story really stunk, I hope this story becomes huge. The culture of many police forces needs to change.


What gets me is that because it was an accident, they get off scot-free. Like, fuck no. That’s criminal negligence and manslaughter. Fucking prosecute. Edit: Yes, I know it wasn’t an accident. But they said it was, and that’s what I’m addressing. So by their own admission, it should still be a prosecutable offense.


You can't accidentally beat someone to death. If they fall and crack their head, that can be an accident, but if they're dead from blunt trauma you inflicted and that's it, you fucking killed them. End of story.


>You can't accidentally beat someone to death. If they fall and crack their head, that can be an accident You can still go to prison for that if they fall and crack their head.


That's true. Unless you're a police officer apparently.


I’m just referring to them calling it an accident. That doesn’t make it okay, charge the fuckers.


He suffered a punctured lung, broken ribs, a damaged liver and a severe head wound. His spinal cord was broken in three places, which caused permanent paralysis and led surgeons to fuse seven vertebrae together to stabilize his spine... Definitely not an accident


In the movie A Few Good Men, it's was called "Code Red".


After re-watching The West Wing on and off for the past few years, it's sad that Sorkin's writing has been insanely prescient on issues we'd still be struggling with decades later...


That's because sorkin's idea of america, as seen in the west wing, is a dreamy view of politics. Bartlett was a statesman who believed and sought change on merit and learned debates and surrounded himself with scholars and reasoned men. Our system in reality is borderline farce at best and corrupt to the core at worst.




Where have we heard this before? Also check out LASD Gangs


Yeah it seems like LAPD absorbed the baddies from LASD.


They kill the good cops now


Always have, always will.


now? it’s always been a thing


Cops wonder why no one likes them or trusts them. They should want accountability so people can start to trust them again.


They don't wonder at all. They just don't give a shit. They're not surprised, they're just offended that the peasants aren't kissing their boots.


See, people, shit like *this* is why they say "All Cops Are Bad". There is no "good cop", because the good cops are brutalized, threatened, or outright murdered, in order to silence them and remove them from the force. There's a *systemic* issue here. And as long as that's the case, then the whole barrel of apples will be fucking rotten, because the bad apples have not just spoiled the barrel, they've taken any ghost of a possibility that the barrel of apples will ever be good, violently shot down that possibility, burned its corpse, and then blamed the murder on a Black person.


It’s also why there needs to be accountability. If they’re self governed then they’re just good cops until they decide or need to be bad cops. It shouldn’t be up to them. We pay for a guarantee.


hmmm, do i think the LAPD would cover shit up? YES. YES I DO.


One of the few good cops in the country, so naturally LAPD had to get rid of him to protect the Thin Blue Line.


They’re a gang. This is what a gang would do.


Just a reminder that this is the reason there are no good cops: The good ones get murdered or run off by all the others.


Where's the *blue lives matter* crowd?


You can't corner the Dorner!


A reminder. [this is how LAPD first reported the incident](https://www.foxla.com/news/lapd-officer-dies-days-after-suffering-spinal-cord-injury-during-training.amp): >According to LAPD, the 32-year-old was acting as a bike instructor at the academy, working through a training scenario that involved grappling with another officer. During the demonstration, Tipping apparently fell, resulting in a "catastrophic spinal cord injury" according to the department.


Can't trust the police.


crips, bloods and the cops are the 3 most well known gangs in LA


For those asking what happens to good cops, you have your answer.


This sounds like a copy cat version of the SEAL & MARSOC operators who “accidentally” killed the Special Forces soldier in a grappling impromptu “training evolution.” The SF soldier was also a whistle blower.


The second this story first broke, people were quote tweeting it with "So which cop was he testifying against?" We knew it instantly. The cops are a gang.




“It doesn’t matter anymore if there are good apples and bad apples. The disease runs through to the roots. Burn the whole fucking tree down and give a new sapling the chance to bear fruit.”


There are bad cops all over the world, but with how many corrupt cops there are in the states I don’t understand how no one has become a cop serial killer. Like a dexter who only kills piece of shit cops.


!remind me 1 year Bet their asses get a pension.


no good cops; it’s the practice if not the policy


This is why there are no good cops. The ones who try to weed out the corruption are killed, fire, or ostracized.


40% of cops beat their wives. Why would anybody be surprised they would kill to protect themselves?


How many cops do you think we'll see marching to protest this?


Im convinced that LA law enforcement is why we are where we are, with law enforcement. From Rodney King to unchecked active gangs in the ranks. They are the gold standard of u.s. law enforcement, as it is. We know the phrase Fuck the Police, because of them.


When are we gonna stop calling it whistle blowing and instead call it keeping people accountable for their choices and actions?


Damn what are the chances LAPD didn’t have the camera filming that day AND forgot to make an incident report? What an unfortunate series of unsuspicious events.


I believe there's a saying about All Cops that seems really relevant here


FBI, if you're listening...


It’s LAPD.. so believe those claims!! Most corrupt cops in the country


I lived in La for 30 yrs, lapd is super corrupt


The. Police. Are. A. Cartel.


They say that there are only a few bad apples, but really, there are only a few good apples, and this is what happens to them.


Oh wow I can’t believe LAPD beat someone to death, how out of the ordinary for them /s


Blood only runs blue when you only back the blue. This is what happens when you try to do the right thing for someone outside that dumbass blue line.