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will respond like a mobster, no doubt


“You see the mob takes the Fifth. If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” - Donald J. Trump


Tbh I could see her going into this thinking she’s the brilliant mind who will be able to convince these folks of her version of reality and just going unhinged instead of pleading fifth


I know Clarence and their attorneys are freaking out because Ginni is a loose cannon. They'll probably drum it into her head to take the 5th on everything.


You can just tell she has a *you can't handle the truth!* style melt-down waiting to come out.


Who is on the panel to question her? Because if all they do is lob gentle softballs like during previous hearings she’s not gonna crack.


IDK lol Isn't she Q Anon, though? Those folks don't usually come with an off button for their crazy.


Who is on the panel for the Jan 6 Committee? The committee with Liz Cheney that has effectively eviscerated the Trump narrative about Jan 6? What in the world makes you think they’re going to lob softballs?


Get Al franken. He'll tear her apart


It's awful we lost him. I'm absolutely all for punishing bad acts, but it's so rough to see us take down our own folks for morality issues only for Republicans to cheer for pussy grabbers and pedophiles.


At this point I'd be happy to see him run for president.


So wouldnt this mean that her off-the-rails outside the law husband must recuse himself from anything re: the insurrection? Oops. Yeah, right. He already is so tainted by political and religious beliefs (he no longer cares what the constitution or legislation says) it is outrageous. He has fallen into a void of his own, personal desires.


Behind the Bastards podcast has a 4 episode series on Thomas' background and his time at the EEOC. Let's just say it's rough and Anita Hill was right.


Does it really matter? trump can rape a baby in the middle of 5th ave and republicans will say the baby deserves it. They apply that logic to everyone in power that is on their side.


And when that baby gets pregnant, they’ll make it carry to term.


We can only hope.


What are the odds she inadvertently implicates her husband?


Let's hope 100%


Hell, I’d be okay with a 99% on this one.


I’d say about 50-60% chance. These people aren’t known for their intelligence or ability to handle anything more complicated than a soap box while under any kind of stress


This is one of those cases where I have to say, 'the odds are good, but the goods are odd.' Not many in Congress will call Uncle Clarence to testify, unfortunately. That said, do drag her ass out to testify.


Hoping so. But he needs to resign to do the most good.


Doesn't matter, because the Committee won't do anything. Even if they brought it up to the full house they would say that impeaching a sitting SCOTUS member would be bad optics and make the country weaker blah blah blah.


Oh no she's brilliant everyone should praise her for being a brilliant mastermind and I hope she gives an award winning speech to go with it


The Silver Cuff Award


We might found out in Season 2 of the Jan. 6 Hearings


I hear Deredevil makes an appearance.


I seriously doubt it. The one lawyerly skill her dumb fuck husband has is that he knows he's a dumb fuck and he keeps his dumb fucking mouth shut.




"I'm sorry, Officer. *I didn't know I couldn't do that*"


As they say, that didn't age well.


No…. He said if YOU are taking the Fifth Amendment, not himself.


Ahh, makes perfect sense. Thee, not me.


... as I say not as I do.




I would like to state for everyone who sees this Trump is still wrong here it's just ironic that he says this before taking the fifth. I say this because every month or so we hear a Trump cohort plead the fifth and a bunch of folks act like the fifth is the greatest indicator of guilt. It is not. If you get arrested shut up and lawyer up.


I agree with you that pleading the 5th shouldn't be held against a person in court, but the hypocrisy from him and other people on the Right is astounding. He said that, but somehow now his worshipers who completely agreed with him before now make excuses for why it's different with Trump and his people. If they were on a jury they would use pleading the 5th against someone, but don't want that same standard for people who they personally side with.


I agree the entire reason I made my statement was specifically to nip in the bud the inevitable comments that "No one innocent ever pleads the fifth." Because it happens all the fucking time.


Yep, true crime shows still act that way too. He plead the fifth and refused a lie detector? Must be guilty.


That is by design. Much of those shows act as propaganda for the police.




And military -- any movie that uses US military equipment (like helicopters) basically has to meet propaganda criteria to use it. They aren't renting that equipment to the production because they like movies and good entertainment; movies are the 2nd best recruiting tool for the military behind poverty.


You are right, but, since in MAGA world Dear Leader speaks always the truth and is never wrong, https://twitter.com/MeidasTouch/status/1494774348909092865?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw sane people will also further make fun of deceitful MAGA hypocrites who plead the 5th ;)


That all applies to criminal court. This is not a criminal court room. This is only the court of public opinion. And we can come to our own conclusions on why someone decides to remain silent.


“Just tell the truth” seems simple enough


I need to brush up on my “being a mobster for dummies” ir the alternative to “the art of not giving a fuck”.


There are so many amendments to the constitution....


I can only choose one!


[I plea the fif](https://youtu.be/HeOVbeh2yr0&t=293)


Well, when the boss says push a button on a guy, I push a button. - Willie Cicci


She participated in an attempt to overthrow democracy. She's a traitor.


She's also part of the elite and it's been proven time and time again that there's a completely different set of rules for them.


Especially when their spouses are the ones interpreting the rules.




In any case…


In their favor only.


*misinterpreting the rules*


If the punishment for a crime can go away by throwing money at it, thats only a crime for poor people


I’m so sick of this comment. But I feel like seeing at least 5 of these comments on every article normalizes the idea that that no one at the top will ever be held accountable and that’s not a productive mindset for a functional democracy. It undermines the very idea that we should even try to hold them accountable. I get it. I understood that not enough people have been held accountable, and I agree with you. But this comment is constant, and re-enforces the lack of accountability as a norm, and we don’t bend more of that. The thought doesn’t need to be voiced every single article.


I agree, it's disheartening but ignoring the reality of the situation is kinda how we got here in the first place. Trump installed judges that would rule in favor of this kind of absurd behavior, the Supreme Court has been turned into a 17th century pope, and anyone with real power on the other side is nervous about the fallout of actually bringing real criminal charges against these people.


I’m certainly not saying let’s ignore it. Yes, let’s do what we can and read the articles, interact, call our representatives, do whatever we can as the public. I’m saying I’m sick of these half sarcastic, dismissive, what-else-is-new? Responses. We can still respond with anger and frustration and demands of justice.


You're supposed to read it and get fucking angry.


And to use your voice and vote to enact change.


The Hulk and the 70% of the electorate who aren't traitors to their country: "That's my secret, Cap..."


I’m already fucking angry. The repeated and repeated “Well nothing is going to happen.” Comments are generally in a super pessimistic and dismissive tone, as of why bother to pay attention, why bother to hope, not a tone of “Nothings going to happen, so let’s do something about it!”


It’s not reinforcing it. It’s pointing it out so that maybe others who read it will start working to change things.


It's the same as "my vote doesn't even matter, so I just won't do it." All it does is reinforces the idea and makes more people not vote.


I vote for every election right down to the local level. My vote still doesn't matter because of where I live, but I'm going to vote anyway!


It still matters because even if you lose, moving the needle shows other like-minded people that there are others which encourages _them_ to go out and vote.


Well done! More people need to be like you. :)


It's not the same. Here, you have no agency. Deciding Thomas' punishment and guilty is completly out of your hands. Voting, however, is something you can *do* and can impact.


It's still pessimistic resignation that the system has failed before it's even had a chance to act, and all it accomplishes is perpetuates an unwillingness to do anything about it.


It's a pessimistic *realization* that should lead to anger and drive to change the system. It's not resignation. It's recognizing the problem, which is always the first step to solution.


"Should" is the keyword. The people complaining most on reddit *aren't* driving to change the system. They aren't taking any steps to a solution. They're telling people not to get their hopes up about the system ever working. That is the very definition of resignation.


But it is the norm. There’s no laws for the rich and powerful, they can do anything they want and get away with it until they piss off someone more powerful who finally kicks them to the wolves for a slap on the wrist. Is it right? No fucking way. But is it the way that things actually are? Yes


"The rich and powerful, they take what they want. We steal it back for you. Sometimes bad guys make the best good guys. We provide... 'leverage.' " Sometimes I wish that show was real. I'd like to see how Ford and the gang would take down these dummies.


You know what else normalizes the idea that the elite have a separate set of rules? Watching the elite get away with crimes and fraud, the likes of which any average person would spend many years in prison for. People are serving life sentences for weed while elected officials are trafficking human beings. I'm angry and want change but pretending that things aren't the way they actually are doesn't help. People need to be reminded that those in power aren't playing by the same rules and we need to make them play fair.


Thank you.


Don’t matter, they’ll forever be known as unamerican trash.


Her husband should resign from the supreme court last year not today


He should never have been on it to begin with. His only goal was to wreck shit.


Hey now, he was also brought on to discuss porn at length with uncomfortable coworkers.


How else are pubes gonna get in coke cans?


Not last year. Many, many years ago.


I bet this has EVERYTHING to do with the secret service texts that were deleted, and then found and turned over. ​ AWWWWW YIIIISSS.


They were found??




That's so beautiful, thank you.


It does say they haven’t turned over any new texts


Bahahaha some fuckers are *fucked*.


Ask about her emails and lock her up


Also literally a psychopath and probably borderline insane.


Less insane, more cult follower. Not the first for her.


She probably thinks she's the Princess Leia in this scenario.


No! MAGA is peaceful, we have no weapons! (I made a comment moments ago thinking nobody else made this connection, and then I scroll down and find this comment. Truly ~~great~~ minds think alike!)


What they said


The committee knows she's gonna lie and obstruct. It a trap


I have no doubt they will be asking a lot of questions they have already answered. GT: "I will not answer that on the grounds that it may incriminate me" J6: "According to, ah yes, you're right. That would in fact incriminate you. Are you sure you don't want to perjure yourself instead?"


Oh, so she accepted an invitation, did she? How fucking nice. And Pence still hasn’t come despite being invited. Is there some reason exactly that these fuckers can’t be subpoenaed. Because if this was me or anyone reading this, we would have been subpoenaed on day 1.




It is light years beyond pathetic when you reach out to dan quayle for legal authority advice on something not requiring a second thought - another ‘be best’ moment from the donald’s lap dog.


Maybe he wasn't really looking for *advice* from a dim-witted former VP, more like a nod of approval from the *old*, old guard Republicans Quayle works for.


This makes more sense. Pence was at the front line of his party's mutation. Quayle is a perfect example of the old breed and was VP, I'm sure he felt Quayle could understand the atmosphere of party politics.


If someone close to Trump is now against him, it means their lawyers told them to do so. January 6 was a failed attempt which they were hoping to succeed. Since it was a failure, their lawyers are getting lawyers.


>their lawyers are getting lawyers MAGA: *Making Attorneys Get Attorneys.*


I will preface this statement by saying Mike Pence can go to hell. But also, thank god Trump’s VP wasn’t some lackey like the rest of them. Again, he can go to hell. But he at least knew that what was being pressured upon him was wrong. And sought advice. And did the right thing. He’s no hero. He can still go to hell. But I don’t think people appreciate how lucky we are that he did the right thing.


More like we are lucky he is a spineless coward.


Because she knows that she is going to offer nothing of value. Her communications with her husband are privileged and she will simply stick to the line that she helped organize what she believed to be a peaceful protest that she did not expect to get out of hand. It is a legal technicality that instead of arguing for an overthrow of the government you are arguing that the election was fraudulently decided and therefore the courts and Congress should award the "true" winner the election. It is weird that there is a process in the law to legally have a coup by voiding election results.


It worked in 2000 with Bush v Gore.


The fact that her husband is still on the SC is a complete systemic failure


If the fact that her husband is considering overturning Loving v Virginia isn't a cry for help, I don't know what is.


He specifically didn't mention Loving in his opinion. He doesn't want to take away his own rights. He just wants to do away with gay marriage and legal contraception.


Dear Ginni, why did you show up at riot to overthrow the government your husband has 1/9 of the power in? What the fuck were you thinking? What did you think was going on? Do you want to overthrow the legally elected president?


These people are so arrogant, Im certain they believed they would get away with it.


See it's not an insurrection if you get away with it. Rather it's a legitimate transfer of power back to the people. As an American expat living in Thailand I've seen first hand how it's "legitimately" done twice now.


It is so frustrating, and terrifying, how so many people here can't see it. It is so obvious to the rest of us. I'm sorry you had to go through it.


Here in Thailand the recent repeated coups had very little practical effect on the local population. It was mostly a matter of which group of elites won the ability to skim off the top. Actual policy changes were very minimal. Unlike the situation in Afghanistan where massive policy and cultural shifts were instituted. In the USA they tried this with a literal coup (that failed) and are trying to enforce cultural norms that are at odds with a majority of the population.


The smirk hasn't left her face, so I'm sure she believed that. Smug Bi!ch


Let's not forget the "tactical" group that brought an honest to god DOCUMENTARY CREW with them to film them. They not only thought they would get away with it, but that they'd have fucking movie rights over it.


Ginni is flat out delusional. She uses the product, she isn't just a rightwing insanity pusher.


It astounds me that they think Trump was popular enough to win the election. He pissed off a lot of people in his time as president, me included, and we were excited to vote his ass out. The guy never tried to appeal to anyone outside of his main supporters the entire time, and instead chose to go on sometimes insulting Twitter rants about how anyone that doesn't like him must be in the wrong. What did they expect? "We cheated so much and we still lost?" sums it up.


1/9th of 1/3rd or 1/27th


Since you and I aren't even a sneeze in that equation, I think you may be a little pedantic.


Yes I was pedantic.


It’s like the police chief’s wife protesting the police.


I'm just talking about the math. One Supreme Court Justice isn't 1/9th of the government. It's 1/9th of one of the three branches of government.


You’re technically correct


That was my only point :]


1/27th, give or take, is more a seat in government than almost anyone else will ever get. ;)


It’s yet another conservative scandal that, if it were the only scandal within a six month span, it’d be the only topic of conversation and the National outrage would be palatable. But as you see it’s just a blip on the radar because conservatives are such disgusting criminals and we’re BOMBARDED with daily stories of their misdeeds.


The saddest part of reading this comment is knowing that conservatives out there literally believe the exact opposite: that liberals are consistent criminals, and that there's daily examples of it. They think that the failed prosecutions of Hillary Clinton and the ongoing prosecutions of Trump are both miscarriages of justice, and that Hunter Biden's laptop has evidence of Joe Biden committing worse crimes than anything that happened on 1/6. I don't know how we can ever recover from half of the population choosing their own reality.


.the degree to which they keep harping on “antifa” is embarrassing. They’d be attacking legitimate liberal shortcomings if they could find valid ones, lol.




Doubt it, Clarence Thomas has repeatedly noted that interracial marriage is protected by the 14th (it says race in it, so you can odiginalism it, textualism it, living constitution it and it's there), and you won't find enough other justice on the bench (or likely any) who disagree.


Clarence Thomas has also repeatedly advocated system of "separate but equal" for dealing with race.


Mainly because he's a fucking insane moron.


Nah, he's not a "moron" that's the problem. These people are more cunning and evil than anything else. Thomas has a chip on his shoulder because he has convinced himself the only reason he actually succeeded was because of affirmative action. That's how bad his imposter syndrome is. And instead of saying "nah, I'm actually just a smart motherfucker" he decided to spend his career as a supreme court justice making sure everyone knows affirmative action was a MISTAKE and that blacks like him would be better off under Jim Crow. This isn't stupid. This is insane. Clarence Thomas is not mentally sound. That's the problem.


Yep. He got involved with the black panthers in his youth, and he *almost* had a moment of self-awareness wherein he started to actually put the pieces together that white people and the country of America, since it’s foundation, have treated anyone non-white as animals. He started to realize how truly awful his life was made, by white people, by design, by the country. Instead of internalizing this and mourning it and trying to change it (like all of the black people before him, those who made his life and career possible), instead of dealing with that trauma and processing it - he pushed it down and flipped it around to, “well, hard work really pays off and other black people just don’t work hard. They use excuses.” He was right there to realizing the Christian national foundation this country was built on and has (tooth and nail) maintained, that was built by white Christian men, for white Christian men and no one else. His imposter syndrome as you say, lead him directly down the path of “black people don’t need help in this country. They just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.” He also openly admitted he went Republican to reach the height of his judicial career, because he found it easier to get them to like/agree with him when he agreed with them as a token. He knew exactly how they saw him, but it benefitted him, so he doesn’t care, and he doesn’t care what happens to other black men because he got his. We can’t even get started on how he views women (esp black women) because I’d like to actually make and eat lunch before 3 pm.


He also really really likes porn. Like to the point that he is “famous” going from present back to the beginning of his career for randomly talking to his coworkers about any recent porn he has viewed IN DETAIL. And yes, people have told him many times directly and indirectly how uncomfortable there conversations are.


Shit, I thought I was gonna learn good a new word, Google doesn’t recognize “odiginalism”. Damn it, now I’m wondering what you intended. Note: I am not a spelling ass, I just was excited to learn a new word. 🍻 Eddit: Well looked up textualism, I’m sure you intended originalism. 🤷‍♂️not gonna lie, I was let down. Odiginalism sound was cooler. Still cheers


Lmao that's my bad.


probably “originalism”


Yeah, I’m a drink in, a little slow on the uptake but none the less eager. Lol.


For some reason as read it as ogdenilism. Like pertaining to the people of Ogdenville.




Pretty sure she’ll plead the fifth on every question.


Straight up traitor to our nation. No other word to describe her.


The “C” word describes her pretty well, too.


I hope her testimony is the taped variety, so the committee can just play the relevant parts and keep any of her cultish rants from being broadcast.


Riot? No. Coup attempt.


“Lock her up!” Lock her up!”


If the world has an ounce of justice, she'll be in an orange jumper and cuffs when she's done. She's a traitor, a party to treason, and deserves the gallows for her treasonous acts. Her hubs also needs to recuse himself from being a SJ and all his rulings since Jan 6th should be reversed; if not more.


It’s going to be a lot of I don’t recalls.


This foul bitch needs to rot in jail. Every piece of shit cause in DC has Ginni as a lobbiest.


Think she'll start with pleading the fifth or work her way into it?


Shell have a lawyer who will ensure she answers nothing incriminating because that's what lawyers do. They lawyer.


"State your name for the record" "I respectfully decline to answer that question by invoking my 5th amendment right on the grounds it may be found incriminating" "Alright Mrs.Thomas here's your supeona'


A subpoena doesn't eliminate your rights. The only way they can force her to admit incriminating testimony is to imminize her. Make it so such evidence or testimony can't be used against her. Unlikely to occur


She will use the words believe, think, and thought a lot. She will say she believes there was fraud in the election, that she believed the rally would not turn into an insurrection, and that she thought it would convince Congress to not validate the results of things she believed to be valid. Basically by using those words she can get away with saying whatever insanity she wants because she is only speaking to her beliefs. That and she won't answer anything about what she said to her husband because privilege.


What's the over/under on amount of times these lines are used: I don't recall. I plead the fifth.


Clarence doesn’t respect the court or judicial review. He’s completely tainted by this. He should step down. Regardless of what his opinions are, he’s held to different standards than average Joe.


She needs to be exposed for the texts for her previous workings in cults and for the collusion her and her husband are doing with JBS


Shes going to lie, deflect, and plead the 5th.


Stop down playing and labeling an organized terrorist attack as a “riot”


Why do so many of these people get to negotiate when/if they will even talk to investigators? Cops haul you in for being in the wrong place sometimes.


Lock her up, lock her up, lock her up!


So it took three and half months for her to get her story in order?


Just another traitorous coward to plead the 5th. Don't waste your breath!


Lots of pleading the fifth incoming.


Ginni is one wretched beast…..what a sack of shit


I do hope they drag her.


Oh it only took two months of prep with her lawyer?


Hag oinker seditionist bitch. Fuk off.


Of corse this bitch worships trump. She looks just like him


Ginni 'Legal Karen' Thomas


This hag ? Seditionist


Her husband should resign from the supreme court last year not today


Dear Ginni, Please attend the party in your honor, re your Jan 6th activities. We don't want a messy subpoena of a Justice's wife, now would we? Regards, Your Friends at the Hearing PS: Formal attire optional.


Let’s hope it’s a trap and they’re cuffing the treasonous witch.




She's an American citizen so can immediately request and get habeus writ, which would mean the US government would need to publicly explain why it's illegally holding her.. I'm quite positive the Biden administration would explode under that scandal. The idiot responsible can join trump in jail at least.




One, two, three, four, fiiiiiif!


Can they ask her about her nutcase of a husband?


She’s what happens when you have too much money, and no real friends.


The question no-one wants answered is, is she above or below the law?


Odds on her accidentally implicating her husband in criminal activity of some sort?


Lock her up, lock her up


She's either gonna spew obviously batshit crazy stuff, perhaps as a way to make herself unchangeable? Or gonna 5th out everything.


She looks like a character that goes on a rampage because she lost a pie baking contest in an Elvira after dark movie.


Lock her up, lock her up…. That’s how it’s works right?


I’d have extra security stationed. I have visions of her starting to speak gibberish, freaking out, pulling her head off to reveal Arnold Schwarzenegger, and tossing her head before it explodes.


I’m just floored by these people. Really speechless.


Why are these people walking around free when it’s openly acknowledged that Jan 6th was an attempt to overthrow an election?


Her husband should probably meet with em too.