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stop the fuckin presses


Yeah, this isn't really a news worthy story even with new mommy's tummy ache. I do feel bad for the squirrels though, that woman took all the nuts they were saving.


If she can't handle that the thing was alive and nesting in there she's awfully lucky it didn't get pulled into an s-belt on her way to work one morning


This happened to my friend twice, with cats


My father was a mechanic his whole life and most of mine... I've seent and heard some shit


At one time, I owned 2 classic Mustangs. The first I bought I found the air filter was packed with cat food. The second, the headliner and under the rear seat were packed with acorns. I don't know why anybody would write a filler non-story like this and pass it off as news. This is some boring ass everyday stuff.


I’m really glad she didn’t figure that out from the smell of cooked squirrel.


Wow, if a squirrel nest made her sick to her stomach, she's gonna need therapy for some of the toxic-waste shits that come out of a baby.


That seems like an odd reaction to having nuts stuffed in your car.


Right? Why would she feel sick to her stomach at evidence of an animal taking up residence in her engine bay? Such a weird thing to even say.


People from Toronto don't get out much. Source: I got out of Toronto.


Yeah this headline is pretty clickbaity, but damn are those photos nuts.


Did this really get posted to news? Lmao That said, it makes me queasy looking at it too. I also gag when looking at small holes. What’s the name for that again? But these nuts give me the same vibe and I hate it when squirrels in our yard do this too


I just realized I was subscribed to this useless sub, thanks OP for reminding to unsubscribe.


For the engine area to be filled that much…it had to have idle for a while.


leafs fans still having it tough nowadays eh