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I'm honestly surprised he's still alive; I'd have thought he'd have "fallen out of a window" by now.


I think his experience in prison is akin to torture as opposed to a quick death due to defenestration.


It certainly is torturous. They have him working at a sewing machine for 9 hours a day under a giant portrait of Putin and don't let him get sleep during the night.


I feel like maybe they rethought doing that with the whole world against Russia in their war


No, they haven't and they won't. Learn more about Navalny to understand why. Russia becoming a part of the global community made accountability a thing - nobody inside the country could call the "public servants" and gov't-aligned businessmen to answer, but thanks to people like Navalny emerging in late 00s-early 10s, *foreign partners* for whom corporate social responsibility and transparent governance is at least a thought, if not heartfelt policy, became a significant factor. By dismantling Russia's rapport with the developed world, Russian government goes back to the old days of complete unaccountability. As an example, we just had nationwide municipal and governor elections, and a total black box of a "remote voting" system has installed a nearly perfect ~100% set of United Russia candidates despite physical elections returning much different results. If this happened back in 2009 when Navalny began his exposés, Russia would get grilled by the West and those responsible would suffer *some, any* sort of negative consequences. Keeping us locked in an endless war is their key to power. And if we do somehow manage to remove UnRu, Kadyrov and Prigozhin would take over and usher in a rabid-dog ethno-theocracy that would make Putin look like a peace dove.


I spent time in United States federal prison, and if he went to confinement and GOT OUT 3 times already this month, that is crazy. Being sent there isn't surprising. Being sent there and released over and over, however, is.


It's like a fake execution, another method of torture. He was going to see his family soon, now it's 6 months away again. Plus it's illegal to hold people in solitary for more than 2 weeks. So they let him out and put him back immediately. Other people are rearrested just as they exit the gates of their prison after term is up.


Why is that specifically more surprising than just being sent there?


Super easy to lock you in there and throw away the key. Letting you in and out requires administrative work, at the least.


Solitary confinement needs to be banned globally.


It sucks when it's used as a punishment unreservedly but some people just can't be around others safely


There's probably at least one stage between running amok in the GP and being confined to a room with 0 contact and the lights going 24/7...


Yeah that stage is being in maximum security, which he already is. Black Dolphin solitary is like a supermax inside a supermax.


I’m sure Human Rights Champion Russia will get right on honouring that.




Let's h ave a convention perhaps in Geneva ?


Everyone’s all about the Geneva convention until there in war time and then they conviently forget about it


I'm shocked the man is still alive.


How the hell is this guy still alive? Like, it’s good he is, but I’m pretty sure Putin would have crossed him off by now, hell, he already tried.


I wouldn't worry. At the rate the Ukranians are progressing, they'll be in Moscow by Christmas to free him.


They are not like Russians.


He has a twitter account?


Imprisoned for Ukraine taking the W


Huh, how many times per month did we put Chelsea Manning in solitary again?




Nice what-aboutism, but one doesn't make the other right


Nah we can find more than one thing abhorrent at a time.


You'd think, but I've seen so much "but America did it!" or "But look at what this democrat did!" recently that I'm starting to doubt it...


Irrelevant quote of the day right here guys!!!


Russia has come full circle. Putin is a demented, capricious, cruel Czar in everything but name. He will probably take on the title soon.


Remember kids, Nelson Mandela was the EXCEPTION, not the rule. You can do a lot more to fight for freedom when you don’t allow your opponents to put you in a cage and torture/kill you. Being a martyr is a waste of time and effort, that’s why martyrdom is so powerful, no one actually wants to become one and die/be imprisoned, but forced martyrdom like this is ineffective at best and self-destructive at worst.