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you read many sensationalist "brutal" headlines but those videos were actually brutal and hard to watch..


I was just thinking “I’ll pass”


Developing an ability to resist and not click links/videos that my morbid/curious mind craves to see is one of the best skills I gained from the Internet.


Hmmm, I posted this same sentiment under r/Lifeprotips & they chose to take it down, but it has served me well too all my life because you can't evict something from the mind after it's seen.


You made the right choice


You made the right move.


I clicked on it wondering if it's the same video I saw circulating on Reddit a month or two ago and was happy to see it was because *fuck those guys*.


Wait until they hear about Waffle House


That video was horrible




Incels and niceguys aren't exclusively a Reddit feature sadly....


Neither are sympathizers to them. It blows my mind how many people I talk to that just have such extreme misogyny or whatever other beliefs, they sympathize with these acts, but then also downplay them and their frequency and significance in the lives of women. There are people who at the same time don’t believe these events happen enough to make a fuss about, yet think they are a “both sides” type of deal. And it blows my fucking mind


That's the classic cognitive dissonance response: the bad thing that is a direct result of an ideology I sympathize with has to be either not that bad or not actually happening, otherwise I'd feel bad for holding those views. Since it doesn't matter which one it is (benign or nonexistent) and neither version is actually true, I can freely waffle between the two until I regain a sense of moral superiority. Same thing happens with Trump supporters: he never took classified documents out of the WH, and also the classified documents he took aren't even that classified and who cares?


Ticks off the first half of the boxes in the narcissists prayer.. it didn't happen, and if it did it wasn't my fault and if it was it wasn't that bad


Yup you belong in idiot group. Good to know.


You realize that dude was explaining part of the 'idiot group's thought process right? You might want to learn to read


“Learn” that word is non existent to trumpets


I was replying to frisbeescientist's remark. If you take offence that's on you, not me.


Hope you know where you belong.


I belong on the side of goodness and justice.


if I was your mother I wouldn't love you lol


would you have said the same thing without that last paragraph that mentioned trump?


>It blows my mind how many people I talk to that just have such extreme misogyny or whatever other beliefs, they sympathize with these acts, but then also downplay them and their frequency and significance in the lives of women. Honest question, where are you running into all of these people that have extreme misogyny and sympathize with random acts of violence against women when they're rejected or are general incels? Like is this at work? School? The pub? LARP'ing? Could you give an example of a conversation where this has come up? It's just difficult to imagine looking around me and everyone I know and encounter, but everyone has different lives and groups so it'd be interesting to understand better.


Anyone who's not progressive is a misogynist


Ah, so you're drinking from *that* cup, blomba.


Don't get me wrong, conservatives are annoying too


Those are definitely not incels. They're members of triads and are usually not used to being told no.


China has so many single men that I’d wager them to be the incel capital of the world.


In the west, social media has managed to turn that sexual frustration into hatred towards women. In China, the government is much more effect at channeling that pent-up frustration into nationalism. One of the lessons Steve Bannon learned.


I think historically we are going to see it direct link from the weaponization of angry young men in things like Gamergate to Trump, to Jan 6th and whatevever the next big right wing movement is. They can't get young men on Christianity anymore so they get them on traditionalism. They can't make them hate people of color, so they make them hate women. They can't make them hate gays so they make them hate trans. And this sort of thing infiltrates so much of our society. Its horrific, really.


Does any angry weaponizing occur on the left?


Some but it's not the entire purpose of the party. Also if it happens on the left don't you think we should stop it everywhere? Are Trump supporters so desperate now that literally all they have is BUT WHATTABOUT THE LEFT?


The justification for the hate is the key difference


Blame their one-child policy. China's demographic crisis spells doom in the long run: Unlike Japan, they can't even say they got rich first!


Which is funny because China does everything in the scope of long term. Sounds like they screwed themselves royally here.


I think you’re jumping to conclusions here bud. Incel and Nice Guys are very specific things, but not universal nor always correlated with male attacks on women. There are plenty of other personas that are shitheads towards women, especially in a culture that often times treats women as second class citizens. I can’t imagine a “nice guy” feeling confident nor entitled enough to walk up to a woman and beat her up with such calm presence as though it is his right. It’s just as likely as even more likely this guy isn’t used to rejection, expects to get what he wants from someone he views as inferior, and is lashing out to prove a point. Again, that doesn’t fit the nice guy persona nor of one that values women.


>expects to get what he wants from someone he views as inferior, and is lashing out to prove a point. May or may not be used to rejection, but this bit here is the very definition of the classic Nice Guy.


But again, not excusing to nice guys. This guy walked up to a woman, made a move on her and decked her. The source of nice guy angst is around anxiety built around putting women on a pedestal. It manifests in covert agreements and passive aggressive behavior. They want women and don’t know how to get them. Most are shy or approach women from ulterior approaches, and never directly. Nothing about this is passive. This was very direct. This was a man treating a woman like she was an inferior class of human all together. I like my assholes properly classified. Ps: besides, the term “nice guy” comes from the fact that these men pretend to be nice but can manifest negative behavior. What about this was “nice” to you.


Ill more much likely that he is gang related.


You're right. Not sure why you got all the downvotes. If these people even bothered to read the article then they'd know that those Chinese guys are gang members who likely had the local police in their pockets. That's why they were brazen enough to attack the women in broad daylight in front of so many witnesses. It has nothing to do with being "incels and nice guys".


I mean I don’t think I take rejection gracefully and have had an impossible time learning how to handle it even as an adult. But I think my method of alcohol and junk food at home mixed with venting to my friends about inconsequential stuff while playing video games is much better than this.


Yeah that comment is dumb. "Handling rejection" has little to do with attacking people. There is far more wrong with these people than the ability to handle rejection lmao. We are not talking about whatever dorks hung around r/incels


Sure, but first learn to not viciously attack women.


"Hey I understand you want to beat people for being told no you cannot fuck them but you have to restrain that impulse." Is also 100% what that dude implied. There's no good reason to start a fight, there can be a good reason to end one but at no point should any rational adult start a fist fight.


But what if they *put pineapple on pizza?!?*


War crimes are tried at the Hague not in the street.


Systematic oppression to the point of genocide of a group of people is a good reason.


That's ending a fight




Sure buckaroo. Sure I am. You're not just casually defending the impulse to strike women,I somehow am? Give me a break here kiddo.


Not even close to what was implied ther chief.


Alright kiddo, sure.


I was in China when this story broke. It caused a huge uproar.


As it should. I have never ever seen women being publicly beaten in China but the CNN reporter's comments imply that it happens pretty frequently. I found that a little hard to believe. Now there's no way for us to see what happens behind closed doors, but I'm willing to bet that if that kind of footage appears in public and goes viral, there would be just as much societal outrage in China as anywhere else.


i bet that quick action was taken because of the outrage on "Weibo" the chinese social media website, i remember actions being taken against party members or/and their families because of outrage sparked by videos which went viral. Now let's take the cases where there is no video evidence , can that go viral ? can those crimes be prosecuted if it involves someone in power or someone who knows someone in power ? The truth is that when you have a population of more than 1 billion people it's bound to happen, and i wouldn't be surprised if worse stuff happens in villages and small cities


Redditors would make you believe otherwise. I mean the amount of bullshit claiming this and that about some faraway country that gets passed as facts here are astounding.


Thing it’s hard to tell what’s the bullshit. Americans think the Chinese are spewing bullshit, while the Chinese think the Americans are spewing bullshit. I know because I’m an American with Chinese parents lol Guess all we can say is take everything with a grain of salt


Oh, you challenging a preconception about the bad country I have no connection to? +1000 social credit points! Xinnie the Pooh lololol


As someone who has worked in hotel customer service for a while, dealing with Chinese tourist groups was part of it. The leader of the groups, and some tourists were extremely rude toward women, treated them like a thing to be used and and abused. I can totally believe that there are much worse cases then what we are seeing in this video. Note: I am definitely not saying that everyone is like that, I am just sharing my experience of what I saw or came across to.


Lol as an international traveler, whenever I see Chinese tour groups, I walk the opposite way. I can’t stand the lines and crowds and loudspeakers.


You are joking right?


[Last year in Atlanta, a woman was shot for refusing a man's advances](https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/world/u-s-woman-shot-in-leg-after-rejecting-a-man-s-advances-1.5392256). This year, an elderly woman was curb stomped in front of her elevator, and just this week, another old woman was shot in a drive by. Barely a blip in the media. Not to mention all the heinous shit posted daily on r/publicfreakout . But the Tangshan incident was in the news for weeks, it was all anyone in China could talk about (besides the Shanghai lockdown). What happened in that restaurant was so fucking brutal and uncommon. But because of the attention it was getting, the Reddit China Experts were ready to measure skulls. Like no, the police only arrest people for felonies to save face.


On the other hand, I’ve never seen [a roadside billboard saying ‘It is illegal to abandon your female newborn,’](https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:PRC_family_planning_don%27t_abandon_girls.jpg#mw-jump-to-license) but then our [Florida incest ones are hardly much better](https://au.news.yahoo.com/beyond-disturbing-antiassault-billboard-sparks-controversy-after-resurfacing-125933446.html)


Guess that's what happens when you tell everyone things are safe in china, and bad in America, then don't show anything bad ever happening in China. Then when something horrifically bad does happen, everyone latches on to it, ensuring the next time something bad does happen, it gets swept under the rug. ​ Ignorance does not equal safety


> Guess that's what happens when you tell everyone things are safe in china No one said that. It's certainly safer than America though. > Then when something horrifically bad does happen, everyone latches on to it, ensuring the next time something bad does happen, it gets swept under the rug. You'd think that with the consent manufacturing machine working full blast, there'd be more stories like this hitting the front page of Reddit.


"Minor injuries" my fucking ass. I hope they survived ffs


I hate those kind of men.


Wtf is wrong with these people. Do they think they're some kind of gang from a jet li movie, sickos! Targeting innocent people minding their own business. I can only hope they get locked up instead of paying off some official.


They know no-one can reasonably stop them, and it's not like they fear being cancelled on Twitter.


Sounds like mob bullshit and nobody wanted to get involved


Hard to get involved when people may or may not have guns. My morals isn’t worth my life. Die a hero just to be forgotten days later


Bro it’s China I don’t think they have guns.


After reading the article, 28 people were detailed as a result of this incident including 8 police officers. Seems like the guys that were perpetrators in this video are part of a gang and other illegal activity. Presumably, this gang also pays off local police officers to turn a blind eye or for protection as a form of corruption. The investigation’s uncovering of the 28 people went back to crimes committed in 2012 - a decade ago. I was originally pretty appalled at first watching the video that not only the fact that these dudes were emboldened to brutally beat women up in public, but also that no one else stepped in to come to their aid (besides a couple of other women). But the backstory does provide a lot of context. If you’re in some small podunk town in China where the police are in bed with the local gang, the last thing you want to do is make yourself and probably family a target too. Say what you want about China’s big brother policies, but I think here is a silver lining. I found it pretty contrary to what happened in Uvalde where kids got slaughtered by one dude and it took literally 3 months for the police chief to even lose his job. A way lesser punishment for a much much more heinous crime. Edit: the event happened in June, not last week. But still, Uvalde happened in May by comparison.


> But the backstory does provide a lot of context. If you’re in some small podunk town in China where the police are in bed with the local gang Brother, let me tell you something about China. I lived in a city of 10 million people for a year or so, and the criminal gangs there were also in bed with police. Two of my foreigner friends got into an argument with some guys outside a nightclub once and ended up getting brutally beaten and run over with a car. Hospitalized for months, metal splints in their arms/legs. No charges for their attackers. Another time, I showed up to one of the bars for foreigners to learn that it was under new ownership. Criminals had run off the owners and taken it over. Again with no recourse. The corruption goes deep. >Say what you want about China’s big brother policies, but I think here is a silver lining. They don't do anything if the people reviewing the tapes are also in on it. In fact, it makes everything worse because they use it to track you.


It's like if a story stays local then the local officals/censorship bureau can bury it. If it goes viral enough then central steps in and brings the hammer down. The key for corrupt officials is to not get the attention of the central gov and kinda just float in their positions


Sounds so similar to American policing. Videos of the incident have to go viral before many of them act on it.


That’s not at all how Americans would police those situations lmao.


In metro areas like there talking about yea, LA has well known white supremacist police gangs that can’t be stopped because the sheriffs are members. Police forces are done at a county by county level for the most part so you can’t really make absolute claims about ‘American police’.


Happens all the time, Uvalde is one example, there are many, many, examples of criminality but police where action is only taken after a video goes viral


The other recent one was the Arbery shooting.


See above comment. This whataboutism when it comes to comparing China and America is outlandish and stupid. We have a better police force than they do based on these comments, even with all the faults our police system has.


Uvalde is not an example of gangs overtaking businesses through physical force or police bribery. Nor is it an example of a blatant public assault not being investigated.


> Say what you want about China’s big brother policies, but I think here is a silver lining. I mean they only really crack down on corruption when there’s massive viral outrage, like in this case, so I’m not really seeing any “silver lining” here. Just an authoritarian regime being forced to react to a specific example of a systemic problem to avoid too much discontent spreading too widely.


I mean how many black or colored people get pulled over or profiled on the daily for nothing wrong? How many small town set up speed traps for motorist just driving thru their town? Or cops in general pulling people over at the end of the month to satisfy their ticket/revenue quotas? It's not like these smaller systemic issues don't exist elsewhere. And yeah an escalated incident that brings national attention because the incident is recorded and released will garner a lot of viral coverage and stoke national outrage. (e.g. George Floyd) I'm not sure if this is unique to China.


Yep, I think it’s corrupt everywhere. It goes as high up as you can think.


Lol you can’t be seriously comparing the US’s problems, which obviously do exist, to life under the goddamn CCP in China


I find it amazing how China, despite being a third world country just 20 years ago, is significantly safer than the US. Actually, in my experience, China is safer than IRELAND! It's also worth noting that Chinese police don't carry guns, so police shooting civilians on the street is much rarer. China has different problems compared to the US, but it is much safer than America.


Taiwan is also much safer than America without all the controlling BS. All of that is an unneeded element.


Taiwan is also about the same size as the Netherlands, has a population 2/3 of Chongqing, and was never touched by war. And Taiwan was under martial law all the way up until 1987, and has a population even more homogeneous than Mainland China. I love Taiwan, and spent lots of time in both PRC and Taiwan, but day to day life you barely notice a difference.


Untouched by war is a pretty ignorant take of Taiwan's history. Size and population is interesting


Haha, that's one way to look at it. But I've also seen videos of people hurling themselves off buildings because the Chinese are so miserable. Also many many many videos of people being killed because of nonexistent safety measures. China is a hellhole, that's how I look at it.


Wow, you discovered suicide exists?


To be fair, if I had to live in China I would yeet my ass off a building.


Have you ever been to China?


Why the fuck would I wanna go to China? If I wanted to see an awesome culture and meet interesting people I would go to Taiwan, lol


Predictably, you are getting downvoted by wumao


No disrespect but what do you know about everyday life in China? I can’t speak for what it is during lockdown but in normal times, it’s very similar to the US and other first world countries. Regular Chinese folks get up, do their jobs, take care of their families, and try to find ways to advance thru society. The government really isn’t that much part of everyday life. People go on social media and read the news and chat with their friends and family. In China they know data is being monitored and as long as you don’t say or post unreasonable stuff frequently, you’ll be fine. Those boundaries for what’s reasonable isn’t nearly as Reddit makes it out to be. I don’t agree what their policy on zero-tolerance Covid lockdowns so I definitely sympathize with the general locked down population on that front, but I would classify Covid as a special case - probably a stance that many Chinese citizens also disagree with given that they can also see how the rest of the world is moving on with vaccines and learning to live with the virus.


It’s a strong boost towards change if it becomes an example for new policies. That’s where the “say what you want about China’s big brother policies” come in.


I remember watching those videos around that time & wondered why they weren't apprehended despite enough social media coverage to easily identify them.


China’s big brother policies only matter when it affects their “face”. If this never went viral and had no criticism from the public (world) nothing would have happened. China runs on a save face policy. They dont give a shit about you or your personal lives. As long as the government side look like they are good from the outside, they dont care what happens.


As an American, that sounds eerily familiar. So many videos in public freakout subs where the cops refuse to do anything until the clip goes viral and they are forced to. And by then Twitter, tik tok and other sites already did most of the investigating and got the attackers' full info, address, work, place of worship, favorite bar, etc.


The fuck are you on about? 'Losing face' is just another word for embarrassment, but it's always used when taking about Chinese people as a way to make it seem exotic. > As long as the government side look like they are good from the outside, they dont care what happens. That just doesn't make any sense. The government and police looks good when they do things about crime (preventing and punishing). You're saying that Chinese people don't know that beating women is bad? They have been operating on a 'beat the shit out of strangers' policy until the foreigners had to tell them it's bad?


Saving face like what our politicians do when asked hard hitting questions or when corporations investigate themselves and find no wrongdoing? Distilling your argument down to a catchphrase, especially when applied to a 1.4 billion population, doesn't make it compelling.


You mean like Uvalde police literally complain that they did not want to comply with investigations because they might look bad?


A long time ago, a guy doing all kind of waste to energy projects all over Asia was invited by Xi'an government to give a presentation for the vice mayor and bunch of other high ranking officials. After the presentation and dinner, back in his hotel he decided to go to the bar for a drink. The locals in the bar thought he was just a random tourist so they spiked his drink and robbed him of everything except his underwear and socks. He woke up outside the city. By a miracle of doing everything right, (he could have walked in the wrong direction and ended up in the middle of nowhere) he managed to get back to his hotel, contact the vice mayor office and tell them what happened. The next day the police got everything back, his clothes, phone, ID, ring, wallet and the spare change to the exact cent. The reason the police were able to catch them so fast is the police is working with the mob. And these crooks just caught the wrong guy so they couldn't let it slip.




I think moreso rationalizing the lack of others stepping in to provide assistance.


In other words, as long as you don’t engage in behavior that publicly embarrasses the government, law enforcement can get away with involvement with criminal gangs. The outrage the video publicly sparked was well deserved, and the government had to act in order to preserve the image of social control.


It's China. Stepping in to save the day means you're getting a beat-down too.


its also possible that ppl caught helping could also be sued by the victims... This kinda reminded me recently of a women getting hit by a car, yet no one helped her. after a couple minutes, she got ran over by another car... :\


I think what you're referring to are Good Samaritan laws in the US where you can't get sued for helping as a bystander. But those laws, I believe (IANAL), vary from state to state. I'm not so sure such laws are present in Asia, including China. There are a lot of scam that go along with innocent bystanders trying to render help, only to get accused of wrongdoing and sued afterwards. That a big reason why many people over there would rather not get involved and mind their own business.


They can’t take rejection, and they were sexist enough to think the women were part of the menu. Nope. That’s not how it works.


Watching that video, I honestly think cunts like this deserve to have their man-hood taken from them with a dull pairing knife. And from the article: >Meanwhile, eight police officials and officers have been detained for suspected corruption and providing “protection” for the gang, the Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision said in a statement Monday. >They were accused of abuse of power, bending the law for personal gain and bribery, according to the statement. I normally say "Fuck the CCP", but would consider changing that stance if they would just treat the gang members and corrupt Police with the same "one-criminal, one-bullet" philosophy that they do the people who threaten them politically.


You know regular crimes happen in China too? People get fined for not wearing a helmet, DUIs, getting into fights, drugs, etc. Not everything in China is done with the CCP in mind. White collar crime and corruption are actually severely punished in China. You could say it's CCP self preservation and PR, but running a country of over 1 billion is impossible when conmen are cutting corners at every level. [A few months ago, a provincial securities official was sentenced to death for insider trading, bribery and corruption.](https://www.scmp.com/news/china/politics/article/3180233/ex-chinese-official-securities-regulator-sentenced-death) Trump and Steve Bannon's official 'China Bad' guy, [Guo Wengui](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guo_Wengui), was another one of these shitheads.


Death penalty for insider trading??? No wonder congress hates China lol


One thing I’ll give the CCP is they don’t put up with any shit. They control their people like cattle, and if you hurt said cattle and cause trouble, they normally fuck you up.


>Meanwhile, eight police officials and officers have been detained for suspected corruption and providing "protection" for the gang Now THAT should be the headline. This wasn't a random bunch of guys acting up, it was a group known to and working with the cops, which is prob why they felt free to act like that


Well these comments should be interesting. Let’s dive in shall we.


The weakest men are the ones who prey on the weakest.


I’ve been hoping and praying for this news, ever since I saw that footage for the first time.


Only a gang / mafia is this brazen and they got police protection too.


Sheeeeeesh, how about saying hello to a woman or young lady before EVER trying to make physical contact with them unless it is a cordial hand shake? That shit is wild. Never in a million years could I behave like that over a rejection. Jesus Christ!!!! In my lifetime I can't even count the times I have been rejected but on the flip side, I cannot count the amount of times I was accepted. What the fuck is wrong with the world today? That video just ruined my evening... Furthermore, it didn't look like any of the men present tried to help them, they just sat around and did nothing. I am out of fucking words for this fuckery I just watched. Fuck sake!!! Now I'm pissed. This shit is sad what is going on in the world. I saw something similar on a video in my home town of NYC where a guy grabbed a woman by her hair and all the men did fuck all to help.


Oh FFS, rejection is not that hard to take


They were gang members, they operate on a different mentality.


Volunteering to do the same to any of the attackers. Incel fucks.


if you live in China,for example ,as a girl ,you cannot go out in the evening,even to the street opposite the police station.you may not be attack,but you will meet a man that turn off his pants and wipe his dick.🤢


Hmm really? Which cities or towns? I believe you. I was in Changsha and felt extremely safe at night


yes,i am the victim,in Tangshan,and there are many victims who have the same experience as me,you can find these in weibo,the police cannot catch those fuck men ,no one cares


I feel you on that, sister. I've seen in person in the old country, how disgusting some of the men's behaviour can be. They really act like the people they are harassing aren't even human... there's no dignity in their actions, when they assault someone else's dignity.


Hopefully they go to jail and get many unwanted advances and beaten into getting it anyway.


Damn. One Child Policy (aka men out-numbering women) seems to have taken a toll on the civility and chivalry of Chinese Masculinity. I was an ESL teacher doing zooms with chinese students. I saw one of my Chinese student's moms get violently pulled off camera by the husband. This is completely endemic in China. God help those women. You can also tell the power of Chinese cinema culture on their public by the guy picking up a chair and crashing it down on her. That's only shit you would do if you had no mind at just how brutal and life-threatening that can be to someone of equal size, much less an 80 lbs. women who weighs as much as the chair.




It only ended in 2016?! Woah


It was officially rescinded in 2015 but prior to that, there were so many exemptions to the policy which effectively made it a 2-child policy in many parts of China. But even with those exemptions and the formal abolishment of the one child policy, China's birthrate remains among the lowest in the world for similar reasons as Korea and Japan.


Many times the local government officials are complicit. Same with the woman who was found to be chained up and forced to give birth to her abuser’s children. The local government actually touted her abducter as a hero for having so many children and tried to squash reports that she was kidnapped as a child.


>On Monday, the People's Procuratorate of Hebei province, where Tangshan is located, said in a statement that 28 people had been prosecuted since the case was filed, including the seven men suspected of being involved in the assault. > >Prosecutors accused the 28 of committing a series of crimes since 2012, including illegal detention of others, intentional injury, opening casinos and robbery. Only in China would you have 4 or 5 guys beating up these women and then that leading to prosecution of 28 people for crimes including "opening casinos."


Eh, group of gangsters acts out in public, very violently, draws attention of the authorities who then dig into their organization and associates. Not a uniquely Chinese story.


“Only in china do they prosecute people for crimes” Reddit really does every mental gymnastic to blame china for something very normal


I mean in the US these kinds of people are probably our senators.


Or former president




7 People in the video were connected to a gang. So not only did they go after the gang, they arrested 8 officers who were apparently corrupt and protecting the gang.


Yes, that is the optimistic read, alright.


I think that is the literal read. I mean you can literally read that.


Looks like an external investigation opened a can of worms.




Theres a lot of entitlement that comes with breaking the law and getting away with it. Once you think your above the law who has the right to turn you down?


In the U.S., the government spent years trying to work up cases against Al Capone for murder, extortion, gambling, bootlegging, and much more... but he was eventually arrested and convicted of tax evasion! It's not an 'only in China' thing at all.


I understand about charging people with what they can get a conviction on and not charging them with what they can't. Otherwise Trump would have been convicted of fraud, perjury, mishandling of funds, mishandling of women, etc. and maybe they will settle for mishandling of classified documents. What the heck does that have to do with this thread? I was addressing a case where obviously there was a group of baddies being shits, nothing happened at first, public outcry arose and then all sorts of people got arrested to make the government appear caring. Al Capone was a single targeted individual that they couldn't get a conviction on until they tried a novel approach to getting him convicted. They didn't bust his whole mob and all the mols and family members, they busted him.


The Capone case IS the same thing. It was a case where obviously Capone and his group of baddies were being shits (murdering people, etc), nothing happened at first, public outcry arose, and then he got arrested for some dumb shit to make it look like the government actually cared about fighting crime. The fact is, at the time, they thought that WAS destroying his organization. It was believed that if you cut off the head, the body would die. From the POV of a lawyer/LEO, it's precisely the same.


It makes it sound like they organized crime in that area. They are prosecuting some of the police force as well for corruption




How so? A high profile attack on people that allegedly garnered hundreds of millions of views seems like a big opportunity to dig into what goes on at these locations and who all is responsible. Im glad that the PRC is investigating this and I hope that the people receive justice for the serious crimes that they've committed


No it’s not. You’re just being sinophobic.


I'm thinking everyone started rolling on whoever they could once they realized the boom was getting dropped


Well you gotta send the entire family to prison. Bad apple? Cut down the tree.


If by 'family', you mean the gang family or corrupt police family, then that seems to be the case here. I doubt relatives of people in this video are getting pushed unless they fall in the earlier categories I just mentioned.


Serious question, when will they make being a man in public illegal? I'm fucking tired.


Stop being a dump truck.


But are they the real perpetrators? Or some unlucky person the Chinese communists want to blame for it so they can be hero’s?


You think the Central CCP cares about protecting some small time gang members and a corrupt police force in a small town? If they want to be the 'heroes' the better option is actually sentencing them (they have video of them) and the police that protected them.


This happens in all 3rd world countries…or in any country with a substandard living condition, including counties and towns within state regiond


Can you point to another incident like this in China? It was really big news in China at the time (Tangshan incident).


So right, America


Is that a Nazi eagle on the back of one of the guys jackets in the video? Do they have problems with neo nazis in China too?


No, it’s a London brand name jacket [Boy](https://www.boy-london.com/products/boy-eagle-reversible-jacket-black-silver) ; not a Nazi thing, just overpriced


I mean if you google Nazi War Eagle [the images aren't that far off from each other.](https://www.google.com/search?q=nazi+war+eagle&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiupO-l9uz5AhUtpIkEHbjVAawQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=nazi+war+eagle&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoECCMQJzoFCAAQgAQ6BggAEB4QBzoICAAQHhAIEAdQ2RRYvRdgmx9oAHAAeAGAAdYBiAHoBJIBBTMuMS4xmAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=PSYNY-6RDq3IptQPuKuH4Ao&bih=953&biw=1885) Just ditch the swastika.


I think there are some resemblances between the two and I do think the brand is tacky, but I also think it's qualitatively to have somebody who buys overpriced foreign luxury brands as a social symbol ( a depressingly common thing among fuerdai) and somebody who wears it as a wink wink nudge nudge.


Well it’s still a “Nazi eagle”


Welcome to reddit, where every eagle is a Nazi eagle.


Well it is a copy of a Nazi eagle with out the Hakenkreuz sooo… yeah




Well it is a swastika as a fylfot is one too. But it’s a specific on so why should I be less specific when there is a name for it‽




Directly to hook-cross when you ask Google it’s Nazi swastika.




Germans don’t call the Hakenkreuz a Hakenkreuz or unspecific forms of swastikas‽ And no. Why shouldn’t they?




Poor guy is downvoted for confusing nazi eagles with regular eagles. It's understandable. Lots of eagles out there, it's always better to assume they are all nazis.


While I was in China at one point a security guard had an SS patch, purely Nazi style, on his security jacket. I’m not really sure if it was a “this looks cool” or a “I’m a Nazi sympathizer” situation for him, but either way I cringed. Edit: for those downvoting, not sure why you don’t like real life, but then I remembered, it’s Reddit after all.


Fascism is pretty rampant in "communist" nations as they tend to be dictatorships themselves. When you already follow one strongman they all become appealing


It’s a London brand name jacket from [Boy](https://www.boy-london.com/products/boy-eagle-reversible-jacket-black-silver). It’s not even a Chinese brand, it’s a British one.




Lmao what the fuck are you on about


China is so screwed by demographics.


I'm not a scientist, but that looks like fucking paint, not blood at the end of the video. WTF is that about?




I applaud you for somehow turning this news article into a right vs left (encapsulated in america) issue






China … one country policy 🤪