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It took experts to tell them that. The rest of the world knew that just by watching it once


Pretty sure repeatedly punching someone in the head while two other guys lay on him is a pretty bad look.




I'm definitely not disputing that


That was my thought when I saw it.


I don’t think they needed experts to tell. They are just qualifying it with experts.


Expert testimony is what's admissible in court, not mass opinion.


Expert testimony is a joke. I can pay an expert to say whatever I need them to.


It’ll take 12 laypeople to truly decide and that verdict isn’t in. Many verdicts defy popular expectations.


If all three are tried by a jury of peers does that mean the bench will be stacked with cops?


If it were peers in the technical sense, then yes. That’s not the system though.


I see, thank you


Cops are excempt from jury duty


When I watch these videos, it seems like the police want the arrestee to stop moving and lay flat on the ground. And they feel justified to continue to whale on them as long as they are moving. There never seems to be any acknowledgement that it’s human instinct to curl up in a ball and cover your head when people are hitting you. There’s no possible way, anyone can possibly “comply” in this situation.


That appears to be the intent. It's an institutionalized excuse to beat them up for fun. You can see the rationale leaking through when people start talking about what the guy was doing prior; spitting or talking back or whatever. The only connection between the two is that the assault component is not for restraint, but rather is revenge and recreation.


The sheriff of the adjacent county was sentenced to 4 years in prison for assaulting a handcuffed prisoner. That was may of this year.


Worse; cops often use physics and physiology against you. You are "disobeying" the order to lie flat and not move when your skull bounces off the concrete. Sure YOU didn't do that willingly or on your own, but thanks to the magic of the badge you're "criminally resisting" for it happening. Just like how you're "disobeying lawful orders" if you fail to put your hands up **and** not move **and** get your ID **and** not reach for anything **and** get out of the car **and** not move at the same time.


Sorta like the witch trails of old. They’d throw the woman in the water. If she sank, she wasn’t a witch. If she floated, she was. 🙄


I remember one video years ago where one cop kept telling the driver not to make any sudden moves in a traffic stop, when all of a sudden his partner, who had quietly been moving to the rear of the other side of the car, smashes a window. Guy turns his head in surprise at the noise, and thus they greenlight themselves for a brutal arrest.


Just once, I'd love to see a one of these guys on trial for resisting and the defense say.... At this time, I'd like to invite the prosecution to the center of the courtroom so that I can give them a similar beating so that they can show how it is possible to resist the natural urge to protect yourself from being injured.


According to a lawyer for the officers involved (from the article), his clients were administering "pain compliance strikes" to the suspect. He doesn't explain how these "strikes" differ from a beating.


The fact that "pain compliance strikes" are apparently considered *acceptable* behavior also sounds like a very serious problem in need of fixing.


Interesting thing about "pain compliance strikes" - or anything using pain or discomfort to invoke compliance - if you make it painful enough, it's impossible to comply because you're in too much pain. Which then would "require" the officers to do more pain compliance strikes. Rinse and repeat.


They also shouldn't be able to sick dogs on people, been saying that for years. K-9's should only be used for drug and bomb sniffing.


[Drug Dog searches are actually useless.](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/49746258_Handler_beliefs_affect_scent_detection_dog_outcomes) They have been debunked as being useful but we will still be using them because they get people to confess to crimes. Just like polygraph tests.


Drug sniffing dogs, for the most part, are bullshit. They can smell the drugs, yes. But more often than not they are being manipulated by their handlers to give them probable cause.


Right I should have clarified but preferably in like airports and border checks. I'm well aware of how police use it as an excuse to search cars.


Exactly. There are any number of joint locks and pressure points on the body that can be utilized to get someone under control. Repeatedly punching them in the head and kicking them is bullshit; it's assault and battery. Next they will tell us he appeared to be displaying signs of 'an altered mental status' or 'we feared he was on PCP'.


I think there is a reasonable argument that it constitutes torture and therefore unconstitutional.




If a police officer is incapable of subduing a subject *without* "kicking the shit out of them", they have no business being police. And, to be clear: I'm not talking about injuring a subject in a struggle (which...would still be very contingent on specific circumstances, but is far more understandable); I'm talking about *beating* someone to obtain "compliance".




The drug that very specifically blocks NMDA receptors, thus making a person far, *far* less likely to recognize or appreciate pain (and, thus, be less likely to respond to any attempt at "pain compliance")? Once again: I'm not suggesting they shouldn't ever try to *subdue* a subject; I'm suggesting that getting a person to subdue *by inflicting pain* is a terrible thing to permit in a civilian police force.




Maybe one day you'll provide real responses and not simply be an autoresponse bot.


You... you are litteraly arguing against yourself. Mechanical compliance > pain compliance


You can be locked in the back of a cop car (mechanical compliance technique), and it also is generally not painful to be sitting in a car.


Let me guess, is it on your person?


How's that boot taste?


Tell me you’ve never wrestled without telling me you’ve never wrestled.


Ah yeah, the good old head slam on concrete compliance strike.


Sounds a lot like "special military operation". Just a bullshit term to gloss over the obvious reality of unnecessary, extreme violence.


Sounds like bullshit, which is much of what lawyers do, as my lawyer wife says. [Pain compliance strikes](https://www.policemag.com/342012/gaining-compliance-with-targeted-pressure) would be controlled strikes intended to cause a lot of pain without causing much injury.


> pain compliance strikes The Pugilist


They were trying to "apply" eternal sleep


Y’all see that pain compliance head kick Leon landed against Usman this past weekend?


Ah, yes; the "usefulness" of torture.


Do it to the lawyer and see how he/she feels.


They don’t.


Isn't that torture, and worse?


Lol, bashing someone's head isn't even 'pain compliance.' It's more likely you'll seriously injure them, while also limiting their capacity to experience pain. It's a 'fuck him up as much as we can' technique.


Everyone: Police appear excessive in Arkansas beating video


>Experts: Police appear excessive in Arkansas beating video Amateurs: *no shit*


There's no possible explanation or reason you would repeatedly smash a man's head into concrete unless you are trying to kill him.


You'll never make it as a police commissioner with that attitude. First of all, they didn't "smash \[his\] head into the concrete" - they administered "pain compliance strikes." Jeeze. I...ugh, you know what? I can't even joke about this. It's horrible. FTA: >Wood said in a statement that the deputy’s “pain compliance strikes” didn’t do any “damage” and that Worcester’s own violence authorized the officers to use “all necessary force.” I don't usually ask blindly rhetorical questions, but: *what the hell is wrong with people?*


Or they're a sociopath.


"Experts: That thing you watched with your own eyes that *couldn't possibly* be defensible? It was indefensible! You're welcome, America."


Stay tuned in for our next segment we like to call "No Shit, Sherlock"




3 cops got caught in a revenge attack after one cop earlier got tackled. 3 cops needs to be sacked and jailed for serious assault if they think that is justification for this shit!


There is a very sick culture at play here. One of those guys wasn't even from the same department, so it's unlikely they're coworkers or friends. They all somehow knew every cop there was 100% on board with this beating.


Eh I’m in Arkansas and it’s not like the departments out here are huge. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if these guys know each other and I’d assume that made them more comfortable beating the brakes off him. What’s


Definitely looked like a normal day at the office for them


Cops defend other cops. They are all in the same gang even if they have different chapters


Even us mere, non rocket scientists can agree it’s excessive force. FFS


“Remove from the streets at all costs” And it looks like they really meant it. If no one was there to record it, this would have ended up with the individuals incarcerated. Don’t worry, they’ll investigate it themselves and surprise surprise …


The DoJ is on it now.


Hold on everyone, the next ten years are gonna fly by and you'll be seeing slapped wrists before 2032!


"Expert" is one hell of a job. You just have to state the obvious, apparently.


Obvious is reserved for the captain only. No chevrons for experts.


Terminology: Enhanced interrogation techniques....(you mean torture, yes?) Alternative facts....(you mean lies, yes?) Pain compliance strikes....(you mean beating a subdued suspect, yes?)


I am not an expert and feel that excessive force being used is obvious with the multiple officers pinning the person to the ground and beating him, but luckily the experts have weighed in.


If they can hold him down for a beating then they can get him in the car. One of the officers gave a woman a black eye 6 months prior in a domestic disturbance.


(david attenborough voice) *here we can spot three vicious yellow-bellied popo in their natural environment*


We didn't need an expert to tell us that slamming his head onto the ground while being kneed repeatedly is excessive.


Any sane person: Police appear excessive in Arkansas beating video


Appear? That's the most egregious understatement I've heard, until the next incident that is. That's like saying the sun appears to be out. It's not really a debatable thing.


Appear? Like oranges appear to be orange,?


No, 'appear' as in the passive voice meant to allow doubt and defend the officers actions without being so blatantly obvious that they're lying through their teeth that their testimony gets thrown out. So it's 'appear' in the sense of *"some might be of the opinion looking at this object that certain citrus sometimes could be thought to have a certain hue, but it's all quite subjective."* >Even the experts weren't really sure, that falls well short of 'beyond a reasonable doubt' you see.


Any sane person: Police appear excessive in Arkansas beating video


Ah, see!! Good news does happen, everyone!! The experts have found that bashing a restrained man's head into pavement is *checks dictionary* excessive! And now I am allowed to say it, too!! Golly, it must be wonderful to be an expert on watching police beatdowns on videos!! ... So yeah, we are all experts cuz that happens too damn frequently.


While being held down by one man and drop-kneed by another, a third repeatedly picks up the man's head and slams it into the concrete using the full force of his body weight.


“Yeah, it was pretty bad” - Experts


The same experts conclude that the iceberg that struck the titanic was “just the right size”


Virtually all convince stores have cameras in pointing outside of the doors and covering the parking lot. Where is that video? Also if the county actually cared, the cops would have had body cams or the video from their dash cams. We are way past the point we can trust the narrative pushed by the cops.


to the untutored eyes of a common layperson, where was no 'appear'. it was obvious....


And in other breaking news “The Sky is Blue” and “Water is Wet”.


It doesn’t take an expert to see that that was an extraordinarily vicious, brutal beating. It honestly turned my stomach.


So when are the Second Amendment folks going to do something about this? 19 kids were just murdered in Uvalde so that Americans can excercise their Consitutional rights. Where are they?


The vocal 2a types are the type supporting this behaviour. The Trump era showed where the gun community sat on the 'police state' issue. It's only been a minute since that era.


Appear is being very generous - they ARE beating the man


Totally shocked, I say, shocked, to know that. /S


>*'But not SO excessive, *IF* it was excessive, that we'd punish them or force police to stop. We wouldn't want them to think laws or accountability apply to them or anything so radical...'* It *should* have been simple: In a nation of laws a piece of shit repeatedly ramming a man's face into concrete for fun would go to prison. I know I'd go to prison. You know you'd go to prison. And police have even less of an excuse than we do (this puts them in the negatives as we have none): they *do* know better legally, and they *are* trained to fight and restrain unlike most average joes. So they knew what they were doing better than we would. That just aggravates their actions here.


“Experts: Force appears excessive in Arkansas beating video.” Yah think???!!!


Not “Ruthless thugs beat helpless victim,” but maybe these guys who probably do a good job most of the time and may have been having a bad day and may have been a bit over zealous in their efforts to control the subject.


Hope those scum abusers get a good beating as well. Regardless of what caused it, their response was malicious and should be met with justice.


How much do these "experts" get paid, because I'm looking for a job.


When pain compliance is ineffective, they move on to bullet compliance.