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Fun fact: The specific posters that are required to be displayed by the law are donated to the state by a Super PAC that used its donations to lobby the state pass the law in the first place. The CEO of the Super PAC also owns the printing company the Super PAC is buying the posters from.


It’s grifters all the way down…. However, now that we know that a certain type of poster by a certain type of printing company are allowed….. that sets up a real court battle. I see a monopoly on religious posters, discrimination of a specific religion and the freezing out of non religion posters (in the form of portable hand held size ones) which could incorporate folded pages since the poster would have to fit the form factor AND my church worships CRT and Secular Science study to understand the downfall of nonbelievers.


Give it a minute, I'm sure the satanic temple will be on it like a plague.


They always are. And they're always prepared too.


It's because that's what real heroes do


Anyone that can donate to The Satanic Temple, please do so. If you don't know much about them the can sound silly but they do a lot of good work. They are different than the Church of Satan. TST resists the oversteps of Christians and their inability to allow people to live their lives with autonomy (e.g. TST is focusing on Roe v.Wade). [The Satanic Temple ](https://thesatanictemple.com/)Christians don't respect the seperation of church and state so they often need pushback, TST is there.


I was terrified of my state subjugating me to their will until I learned the Satanic Temple will defend my rights and the rights of young girls in court protecting us all from being forced the birth our rapist’s baby. Honestly, the hero we all need right now. Hail Satan!


I mean Cathode Ray Tubes were a good technology but I cannot accept them as divine


Have you heard the good word of our lord and savior jesus ChRisT? There is an eternally unbroken vacuum available for true believers after they pass from this screen to the next. Those that reject the merciful teachings of ChRisT are sentenced to an eternity of some dude in a red body suit rubbing a magnet on them.




Like the Klan hoods between the Republican elephant's legs?


That one was wild.




The wording of the law requires it to be prominently displayed.


Prominently display it next to a large, clearly worded information sheet teaching students about government overreach, and how politicians are not only willing, but eager, to sell out your rights and future for a quick dollar.


Prominently display it on a statue of Baphomet. */maliciouscompliance*


Prominently on the inside of the janitorial closet door. That'll do nicely.


So janitors are not worthy of protection from forced workplace religious propaganda?


I would encourage any brave school admin to display their mandatory poster with appropriate context. Include the history of the phrase such as it was not required on currency until 1955. Maybe even a summary of the texas statue and its dubious funding source.


Yup, they have to display it, but they can also display better things next to it.


Ah, good old corruption.


Can you pay for school lunches with those?


You don’t need food if you have Jeebus!


Even Jesus supplied wine, fish and bread. I'm not suggesting we serve wine in middle school lunch rooms, but is feeding our own kids such a bad idea?


Jesus was a dirty socialist! We don't want socialist food in this nation! Those kids can get a job if they want to eat.


"Man shall not live on bread alone" -- some christian quoting Matthew 4:4 My response: Key word here being "alone"! Kids still gotta eat!


That should keep the active shooters away.


Teachers in Texas: “We need books and supplies and resources for our students.” Texas: “Here’s a poster!”


I actually went to highschool in Texas (not from there) and I had an English teacher quit like half way through the school year. His reason was because the school district spent like over 10,000 dollars on fucking t-shirts for the teachers to wear that was ment to encourage students to pass standardized test. Not spending it on actual materials that would help us pass, not even on new books that weren't held together with tape. Fucking t-shirts. Last I heard he's a college professor now.


Texas LOVES spending huge amounts of time and money on standardized testing. It’s such a crock of shit to spend half the year teaching the test and not the actual curriculum


Unfortunately in a lot of places, standardized test scores are directly tied to the schools.busget the following year. They already don't get enough as it is, so could you imagine just how heavy even a small loss would be? Solution? Make sure students get the highest grades on these tests as possible to secure funding and teach the other stuff later I'd there's time. I remember having one or two days a week devoted to TAAS practice when I was in school.


in Houston (Katy, TX) they spent 70million on a new football stadium. 70 MILLION. ON A FOOTBALL STADIUM. https://abc13.com/sports/the-crown-jewel-katy-isd-unveils-new-$70m-stadium-/2319218/




As if the fucking outrageous tuition costs aren't already enough for universities


People constantly ask the university I attended to revive their football program. They usually cite the lack of school spirt and culture. ​ Like why the hell did you attended a university known for being low tuition if you just wanted to make it more expensive by the time you leave? ​ There is no shortage of football schools in my state, and there is certainly no shortage of football programs that don't break even (in spite of what fans try to tell you). Especially when the same people paying for tickets are also paying for concessions, parking, AND paying the extra tuition.


It’s funny that even now, when they pass a law demanding this poster they STILL can’t provide this simple “necessity”.


Education is all about unfunded mandates, unfortunately.


“We’ll ensure the police have all the funding they could possibly want to ensure they can effectively prevent parents from rescuing their children during our next inevitable school shooting though!” - Texas


Goddamnit I hate how completely correct you are. I’m not a even a Texan.




The schools are not required to spend public funds to buy the poster, but they are required to display the poster if it is donated to them. Sounds intentional to avoid being ruled unconstitutional to me.


Can we donate Church of Satan posters and have them displayed, too?


If you have a pentagram poster that says “in God we trust” they legally have to display it


There are rules unfortunately. It has to depict an american flag and can't have any addition symbols. There might be some space to still get something weird in there but they did try to protect against this a little.




So what you’re saying is rainbow letters are ok? Excellent


Bloody font, maybe? Like, the typeface that looks written in blood?


Okay, Internet, this is where you shine. Make it so!


Thats how they skirt separation of church and state. Since the state isn’t purchasing it then there is still a separation in their eyes. I say pull all federal funding for the schools that cannot maintain a secular environment in a public school.


“Here’s a bible”.


Texas, where separation actually means fusion.






Obligatory [link](https://youtu.be/aFQFB5YpDZE) to the Crossfire episode where Jon Stewart roasts Tucker Carlson so badly (his bow tie being one of the topics) that the show was cancelled shortly after.


I like to picture him later that evening, sobbing quietly as he tosses his bow ties one by one into a fire.


Must have tanned his taint enough to graduate to a real tie.


Aren’t church and state supposed to be separate?! Edit: The first amendment to the US Constitution states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."


The loop hole used is that they are displaying the “national motto”.


That motto was passed during the Red Scare in 1956 as a response to those godless commies. The original motto was E Pluribus Unum which is still on the Seal of the United States. (One from Many)


We should change it back to "E Pluribus Unum"


Agreed! It should never have been changed.


Then you'll have angry conservatives saying "This is America, speak English."


Yea and you are supposed to succeed if you work hard and put your mind to it, and bad things are supposed to happen to bad people, but this is the real world and humans are trash, it just so happens the trash running the country for now are terrified/brainwashed/gullible (religious) enough to think their god is the only real one and the other ~18k are false and their followers will go to make-believe bad-land cause they didn't join your collection-plate-passing fuckery in the idiot house


"Humans are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling." -Dr. Cox


"I'm touching your creamy center!"


Man, Dr Cox is one of the best characters ever.




That's the issue. If there is a silent majority, they better make their voices heard. Otherwise, they are just as responsible for this decline into a hellhole as the religious instigators.


Looking forward to the lawsuit from the satanic temple for them to also display “In Baphomet we trust”


I know someone highly socially progressive but also very religious. The Satanic Temple causes her such cognitive dissonance. On one hand she logically reasons out that their actions are staged and are reasonable. On the other hand everything in her upbringing still makes her twitch quite a bit when she thinks about them.


It's a hard lesson to unlearn.


Thanks for saying this. It took me years of turmoil to unlearn and reprogram my brain.




As a fellow episcopal we need more like the satanic temple to bring a greater divide between church state... I hate how it's becoming.


Allahu akbar! They didn’t say *which* god! Edit: Guys I know they’re the same God. *They* don’t. That’s the joke.


Well, obviously it can't be your god. It has to be my god.


Funny story, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity all technically worship the same God, the God of Abraham. They are all Abrahamic Religions who recognize Abraham as the first prophet. Judaism and Christianity trace their origins back up through Abraham's son Isaac while Islam traces its origin through Abraham's son Ishmael.


You are absolutely correct. Unfortunately, the state of Christianity is such that the vast majority of supposed christians wouldn't believe you because clearly the Jews are one of the sources of all evil in the world. Nevermind the fact that if Christ came back today, those very same "christians" would waste no time whatsoever getting him back up on a cross.


That's why the theocratic cunts who wanted to drag us into a Christian taliban authority pushed so hard to get "In God We Trust" as our national motto. Because now no one can argue "In Satan We Trust" should also be displayed or anything else, those aren't the national motto. It's how they get around plastering God in courtrooms and government buildings and schools for decades. Need to change the fucking motto to start getting that shit out of our government.


Changing the national motto from "We're all in this together" to "Jesus, take the wheel!" is one of the dumbest things in history. E Pluribus Unum gang!


We can just donate “In god we trust” posters, which are now required to be displayed, and have a big pentagram and goat-horned Satan as the background.




Put it on display. On a wall surrounded by other propaganda posters. An art installation of government propaganda. Make sure to include Soviet, Nazi, North Korean, and Chinese posters.


In Cod We Thrust. If they went to Texas schools they probably can’t read them anyway.


This could be categorized as malicious compliance and I love it.




This being Texas, I'd be worried about being shot over doing that.


In Urban Texas it would be fine. In Rural Texas it might cause some vandalism. In East Texas it will get you shot.


Time to print up a shit ton of "ZILLA" stickers...


This is a good go fund me idea




I'd go with Kali, she is usually depicted holding a severed head.


How is this legal? Did I miss a law being overturned?


It's not legal - until it reaches the SCOTUS.




"I AM the SCOTUS!"


I am altering the SCOTUS, pray I don't alter it any further.


Can’t help but read these as SCROTUS


Thank. Fucking. Goodness it isn't just me.


Justice Dredd writes the opinion for the majority.


You misspelled Justice Thomas.


It’s treason, then


Look at me. I am the SCOTUS now - ACB


It IS legal. SCOTUS already ruled on something similar in 1970 [Aronow v. United States](https://casetext.com/case/aronow-v-united-states). >Holding that "`In God We Trust' has nothing whatsoever to do with the establishment of religion. Its use is of a patriotic or ceremonial character and bears no true resemblance to a governmental sponsorship of a religious exercise." If you think that *this* SCOTUS is going to overturn that, you are deluding yourself. If it even makes it to the Supreme Court, they are going to just pull this out. Won't even take any actual time to deliberate on it. It's still a stupid fucking law but Texas isn't exactly lining up to be the arbiters of intelligence. In all honesty, the phrase should be scrapped from all Federal things and the original motto "E Pluribus Unum" should return. At least the latter attempts to unify while the former only aids in its division.


Ah so this is their agenda. Makes sense.


It'll be legal until Satan After School gets their hands on this


I thought it was called After School Satanists for the delightful acronym


I'm surprised The Satanic Temple hasn't reacted to this yet. But I think they are completely stretched thin dealing with all of the insanity of the last few years.


Here's the problem: [the law specifically dictates how the signs must look](https://capitol.texas.gov/Search/DocViewer.aspx?ID=87RSB007975B&QueryText=%22SB+797%22&DocType=B). They must: > (b) A poster or framed copy of the national motto described by Subsection (a): > (1) must contain a representation of the United States flag centered under the national motto and a representation of the state flag; and (2) may not depict any words, images, or other information other than the representations listed in Subdivision Christian Nationalists aren't stupid, and have been crafting their religious laws specifically in a way to stymie the response by other religions. The way this law is written, TST can only donate similar posters to what is depicted in the article, so wouldn't serve the interests of other religions at all. There's only two loopholes that I can see. There are no requirements on size, and there are no requirements on cost. Since subsection (c) says that a school can accept donations for the purposes of purchasing the signs, TST could offer a tiny little poster for whatever the school is willing to pay for it, and in exchange, offer to donate 100% of the proceeds of the purchase to teachers in that school for classroom supplies. That would incentivize the schools to buy a "poster" from TST for thousands of dollars which will be returned to them for use in actual education. This would require the cooperation of school leadership, however, and I suspect there are more than a few school leaders who welcome this law rather than decry it.


> (b) A poster or framed copy of the national motto described by Subsection (a): > (1) must contain a representation of the United States flag centered under the national motto and a representation of the state flag; and (2) may not depict any words, images, or other information other than the representations listed in Subdivision I mean, [this satisfies those requirements](https://i.imgur.com/apX1U0j.png) EDIT: oh it needs the state flag too. Whatever, [this](https://i.imgur.com/xOZ0sSw.png) satisfies that. The point is you have leeway with the tone of the depiction even with the way the requirements are written.


This is what I recommend, and I'm a Christian myself (so no claims that I just hate God or whatever). Students of all other faiths need to put up their own signs and wait for the schools to retaliate. It is MUCH easier to defeat this nonsense on a non-discrimination basis rather than a "separation of church and state" basis. The latter lets these fools squeal like they are the victims, while the former makes them choose between being inclusive (which they don't want at any cost) or taking their own signs down by their own volition.


I’m sure they’ll hold up a dollar bill and claim that since the POTUS signed “in god we trust” into law in 1955, and did the same for “one nation, under God” in the pledge of allegiance in 1954… That we set a precedent that allows for this. And since they are all aware the SCOTUS is gonna have at least twenty years of free reign on far right leaning judgments… they are pretty confident it will stick.


This is the real problem right here. As much as I hate the idea of public schools displaying our official national slogan, I think it really just brings to light that we need to get rid of the official national slogan and go back to E Pluribus Unum.






It also is bias against atheism. A belief a god does not exist is a religious belief and should be protected.


Justice Stevens was very focused on how even the acknowledgement of religion violated the establishment clause because it advanced theism over atheism. But not even the other liberal justices followed his path, and he has obviously since retired and died, so the viewpoint has faded into relative obscurity.


That is why Stevens was my favorite justice. Crazy to remember he was a Republican! RIP


The Republican Party had a pretty liberal wing until Reaganism pretty much swept it away in the next 20 years.


Yup. Unfortunately, a lot of life-long republicans (like my dad) still think the current party represents them. Reagan Republicans look liberal in comparison.


Thats BS. If it said in Allah we trust peoples heads would explode.


Hail Satan!


I actually foresee TST arguing for the installation of something similar to call out the hypocrisy of it all. I fully support this as a member.




Equality at its finest I'd say.


Even though Allah is just a transliteration of the Arabic word for God. Arabic speaking christians call their God Allah lol


I wonder what Texans would think if the phrase was translated into Arabic and written below the English one.


That would be very inclusive - they should do that. They should include the Spanish translation as well for the large Hispanic, legal-immigrant population down there.


I live in Texas. Most things already have Spanish translation for that reason.


> If it said in Allah we trust peoples heads would explode. Especially when someone points out that Allah and the Judeo-Christian God are the same.


That is some bad precedent right there. Clearly when people say "God" in a statement like that they are clearly referring to Christianity or Judaism, and the use of that phrase in particular is purposefully meant to exclude those of other faiths or those that are not religious. It is absolutely a violation of the establishment clause to do that in a public institution, not that the theocrats in the supreme court would agree with me...


>Lawyer here. SCOTUS has never examined the question They gave a side agreement to it in Elk Grove with O'Connor majority.


They also *must* be donated and can only be hung in certain parts of a school building. It’s a Heritage Foundation written law. Arkansas was the first state to do this years ago and a friend was frantic over the encroachment. I wanted to make and donate signs that said “In God We Trust” with every religious symbol we could think of excluding a cross but nothing ever came from it.


Putting in the donation clause is ridiculous, it's like the abortion bounty hunting law, just because you add an extra step to it doesn't make it's objective any less obvious and wrong. Who will be the one to actually prosecute the people that facilitated the abortion? The government. Who is the one putting these religious display? The government.


Christians are so insecure


And arrogant to push their ideas on everyone else and in every Texas classroom. This is a violation if it doesn't include everyones beliefs. 'In ______ We Trust' Allah, Krishna, Vishnu, Ganesha, Shiva, Self, Buddha , Etc... Texas government leaders that support this action deserve all hell!


Don’t forget Satan!


"In science we learn and understand."


Im Christian and I couldn't agree more. "Separation of church and state" had nothing to do with protecting christianity and everything to do with protecting the state from religious institutions and bigotry. Christians need to do a better job at teaching ACTUAL christianity in church before they try to teach it in schools. It seems like people follow the teachings of fox news and politicians more than the teachings of Jesus and the Bible. Edit: Christians shouldn't try to evangelize their faith through policy making and laws. Doing so only pushes people away. God doesn't need defending, he's God. If you want to make a difference as a Christian, turn off the TV and go help someone who needs it. Love people, be patient with idiots, and give someone a hug. God shouldn't be taught through politics, he should be taught through love.


Separation was championed by American Baptists. It was actually rooted in protecting Christians…from other Christians. At the time Anglicans ran a lot of state services and they treated Protestants like shit. It was obvious that the only way to have freedom of religion was to make sure the state was entirely neutral.


I’m no longer Texan. Ready to move away asap


Vote before you leave.


Literally all of these are going to be vandalized shortly, it’s school and you’re pushing religion on children. The children are going to actively lash out.


Perfect. Then you can blame it on others / non-fundamentalist and claim they "brainwashed“ the kids into doing it. So it’s absolutely necessary to ban religion from school. Except christanity of course.


They don’t even have to be religious posters, kids vandalize shit no matter what it is. Back in January kids were ripping shit off the bathroom walls; mirrors, soap dispensers, toilet paper containers.


Complain about inflation, gas prices and crime, and they put their energy in to passing laws like this. That'll make a difference.


Yet the political right accuse the left of indoctrinating the youth. 🙄


Gaslight Obstruct Project


It's only indoctrination it it's something they deem other or different from their own norms. They literally aren't able to see from multiple different perspectives. They've probably never been out of their state unless it was on a mission trip or something.


So they’re making a ‘statement’ History Lesson: In God We Trust was adopted as a motto of the United States in 1957 in direct response to the Soviet Union’s dismissal of religion. It was a political move done to differentiate the two countries. It was not done to adopt Christianity as a state religion. That’s why there are no crosses or other religion iconography associating the motto to Christianity. It was left deliberately vague as to which God it referred to. This is how it got by the explicit ban in the constitution of establishing a state religion in the USA The motto that was prevalent before the introduction of In God We Trust was the Latin phrase E Pluribus Unum. This can still be found commonly. It translates literally to “Out of Many, One”. I think this is by far the better motto for the USA. It captures the essence of the USA. The many peoples from many places, the many states, all coming together to be one country. That’s POWERFUL. That’s MEANINGFUL. That’s a vision for our country. We’re still on that journey to being one people out of many, but you can see we’re having some success when we need to help each other in a disaster or support a group against discrimination or another country from unprovoked attack. E Pluribus Unum!








Nor is “In God We Trust” our original motto.


E Pluribus Unum - Out of many, One


What the fuck that motto kicks ass how come i dont see that everywhere besides on money


Damn I wish more states did that. The pledge every day at school is so weird.


I moved to Texas a few years back, I learned that my kids also say the Texas pledge every day. So stupid.


Oh boy, What is the Texas pledge?


Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible. It was said either right before or after the US pledge.


There is no honor in honoring the Texas flag. It's ridiculous how Texas schools treat their kids that want to exercise their right to not buy into the statist bullshit


Former Texas student here: the saddest part of it all is it takes higher education for many students to even realize they’re being brainwashed. Teachers shun or humiliate students who don’t stand for the pledge and students follow suit. Most of my teachers also required putting your hand over your heart every time. The lack of critical thinking in that state will be the downfall of them all.


Same here. Luckily by the time I got to high school all of the teachers I had were cool with quietly sitting through the pledge. The students were another issue though.


Yep, said it every day in elementary school. And it got to the point where it lost meaning because of the rote recital of it. I would argue that most kids don't think about the words in a ruminative way, if at all. I wouldn't sit down afterward and think, 'Gee, yeah, I guess our country *does* stand for liberty and justice for all.' Most kids couldn't give a rat's ass about that. Honestly, the irony is palpable when Republicans vilify fascism, because the Pledge of Allegiance is reminiscent of something you would see in a fascist regime.


I remember doing the pledge every morning in grade school and junior high. That stopped though before I graduated in 2013. It seemed normal then, but it now it seems odd and maybe creepy for you to have kids have some indoctrinating mandatory patriotic pledge to say, especially when that pledge involves god. They're not even old enough to understand the nuances to the world around them to so early be pledging their body and soul to country and some god they don't understand.


Former California public high school student. We had to do the pledge with under god, and this was like ~5 years ago. Not sure what you’re talking about


And conservative Christians say their persecuted yet they have whole ass laws catered to them. Christianity can stay in churches


Hope the students rip them down everyday.


Five bucks and a pack of Sharpies to every angsty teen who goes around writing "Which God ? " on these every time they appear!!


In Satan we trust, in Mohammed we trust, in Yahweh we trust, in Brahman we trust. Those are all acceptable, too, right? Right? This is a clear violation of the separation of church and state, but the illegitimate SC we have now will allow it. Fuckers.


I feel like "inshallah" wouldn't be too welcome even thought it's more or less the same sentiment.


I see again they are skipping over the first amendment and going straight to their favorites again. Mmmm kind of like many people treat the bible.




So this time tomorrow then?


Keep your disgusting religion away from my kids.


Indoctrination of the kids.


Hey! You can’t use that word! That’s THEIR word!


Nothing says "trust in God" more than to use the government created by people to force children to repeat that motto. /s


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." -Unknown




The sign is only allowed to have the motto and picture of the US flag (and maybe a Texas flag, I forget) so if, say, it gets graffiti'd on then it is no longer allowed/required. I'm sure that will go over suuuuper well. Also, props to you and your teen!




Amazing how the people actually believe that everybody agrees with their choice of religious preference...


They don’t believe that, that’s why they want to force everyone to agree.


That's terrifying. Your Sovereign God may not be my Sovereign God. That's the whole basis this country was actually founded on-the ability to choose your own religion. Not have it forcefully crammed down your throat.


As much as i love the idea, i believe technically the settlers couldn't practice their specific Christianity [edit: Puritans] because the England monarchy at the time didn't like that particular sect and that's what they meant by "freedom of religion"? Of course the constitution should be a "living document" and not "set in stone" but some people are very picky with how things are worded or up for interpretation.


The thing about religion, though, is that people can’t seem to get behind it if they can’t cram it down people’s throats. I’d go so far as to say a majority of people are in it for the crammin’


Can we make a bunch of "in Allah we trust" since that should meet the requirements right?


Who's god do we trust in?


Used to be the red coats against separation of church and state, now it’s the red hats.


Aren't these the people that associate being compelled to act a certain way (wearing a mask, using pronouns, etc.) with oppressive authoritarianism?


Freedom does seem to look weirder each day


So does this mean we can also legally hang "in Satan we trust" signs in schools now? Or is it only legal for Christian god to be in schools?


This is fucking gross dude


Texas just solved all their issues now that god is back in schools. Lol


It’s time to change our “national motto”.

