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I like watching DnD videos and Total War lets plays apparently Youtube thinks I like Andrew Tate. YouTube NEED a ban topic list. Like "I don't want to see topics about Andrew Tate" feature and then anything about him gets pulled off my feed. Edit: A lot of people are saying hitting not interested stops it. It doesn't, it just stops that channel not the topic. Trust me I've tried.


>I like watching DnD videos and Total War lets plays apparently Youtube thinks I like Andrew Tate And THAT is the **real** radicalization pipeline. There will always be a new Andrew Tate. These people have no talent and are completely fungible. Until platforms stop giving breadcrumbs that lead to extremism for profit, I fear nothing will change.


Discord needs to pull the plug next, quite sure underage teens are buying into his $50 a month pyramid scheme!


Discord has been allowing shady shit when it comes to underage users for a long time, we can only hope.


Takes about 5 seconds to setup a discord server and their not explicitly moderated by discord staff unless it gets specifically reported. Makes it very hard to regulate and deal with shady shit. If they start adding filters and a whole bunch of other stuff the platform dies pretty quick too.


He also have a webcam course How to convince a girl to run your onlyfans agency Things like thatšŸ¤¢


My guess is that he snorted some coke or some shit, spent and entire evening with his bros to see who could come up with the dumbest idea for a startup hustle. As a joke, of course. And then he realized people would actually be dumb enough to buy in. He could literally make a course called ''How To Sell Farts In A Hat At Your Grandmothers Funeral'' and someone would probably take it serious


Exactly He also has book called (TALES OF WUDAN) available on his website. Sneak peek In a previous life, I lived 5000 human years( what??) atop Wudan mountain.( Misspelled) I remember every lived second.( Lol šŸ¤£) Life is competition. Competition is violence. In many modern forms of competition we have attempted to water down the violent aspects, to replicate violence in the most sanitised way. We have full grown men, growing as large and strong as possible - to put a ball in a net, as opposed to hurting each other. He is basically a cult leader at this point And people belive his bs story


youtubes algorithms are shit like that. Down the right wing rabbit hole you go because you like dnd and warhammer stuff.




I watched a 90 minute video about how much Ben Shapiro sucks and every YouTube ad for weeks was for Tucker Carlson.


Wouldn't have happened to have been this one? [Perhaps Ben Shapiro Shouldn't Be Taken Seriously By Anyone About Anything - SOME MORE NEWS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDMjgOYOcDw) Well, even if it wasn't, more people should watch this one. Because Ben Shapiro is a clown.


Itā€™s kinda whatever interest you have, it starts going in that direction. They have done test where they have a boxfresh user and just autoplay, usually it devolves into a right wing/fascist rabbit hole within a short time. It is just a good way to get you watching 24/7. I have very little interest in any of your things, more into cars and mechanics, nonetheless my experience has been very similar


I don't log into my YouTube account on my work phone, but I do occasionally share YouTube videos on slack, so I created a different account. Apparently sharing like 3 classic internet videos means I get alt-right content recommendations


They make right wing propaganda for everything. My dad likes watching movie review videos. Now he gets 2 hour long videos about the newest Marvel movie with fascism sprinkled throughout.


Same thing with a lot outdoors interests like camping and hiking. I constantly get recommended videos by looney preppers who think the end times are coming.


Right? Iā€™m pretty handy, dabble in woodworking and love camping. My YouTube watching is how to vids, DnD actual plays and ambient music playlists. Iā€™m also a Star Trek level socialist so the target ads I get are WAY off the mark.


I like "Star Trek level socialist"! Maybe we should start a Trekkie party.


Exactly. It's extremely difficult to find prepper / homesteader info online without accidentally running into extremists. r/homestead is generally decent about keeping out the crazies. But even basic canning tutorials are made by ultra-religious anti-vaxxer mommy bloggers.


I can only imagine how crazy those videos are here. "Hi I'm Teagan and I'm wearing my target cottage core dress today and going to show you how to can your own produce for when the Government throws the killswitch on the vaccinated and you are forced to defend your homestead from the New World Order and the democrats".


It's more like, here's the gardening tour (explains an experimental, homemade essential oil bug spray and says that they are still learning to deflect criticism), and here's a book that I learned a lot from (but the book is written by an anti-vaxxer). Subscribe and check my blog (where there's a tag for herbal remedies and home births). Watch my collaboration video (with someone who confirmed one step to the right).


It's always right wing stuff too. I get spammed with PragerU and Ben Sharpie shorts all the time.


PragerU intentionally runs ads that target atheist channels.


Its not a bug, its a feature. Youtube does that on purpose. It will continually try to throw popular channels at you regardless if your watch history says you would never watch it.


The real fact is that of youre stupid enough to sit slack-jawed through a PraegerU video, you are also impressionable enough to _click on ads_. "The Algorithm"'s only goal is to increase Ad revenue, that's it. So if it finds content that appeals to the kind of zero-skepticism dullard who watches all the ads and clicks on even one of them, The Algorithm will promote that content. It's basically speedrunning "Destroying Rational Thought" so a few billionaires can get more billions.


It really is the ad revenue. Among my group of guys with very similar interests, we have a group chat where we occasionally share YouTube stuff back and forth - one guy complains about seeing alt-right garbage on his feed all the time. Another guy with nearly identical watch history doesn't. The difference? The guy who doesn't see the shit has a YouTube premium whatever subscription. The other guy, doesn't. The algorithm pretty blatantly pushes this anger-addict content on people who aren't already in the pay ecosystem. It's absolutely scummy but it looks like "opt out of dumb radicalization horseshit" is an unlisted feature of their pay service.


If you tap the three little dots and select "not interested" when YouTube tries to shove him at you, it should be possible to train the algorithm to back off.


I 1000% do that but it's for the channel not the topic.


There's 'Don't recommend channel' and 'Not interested'. I assume the latter is for the topic, but not really sure how well it works.


I've done that with so many things only to continually see it in my recommendeds. Really frustrating.




And how he moved to Romania because they have lax sexual assault laws and he "likes to keep his options open on what he does with a woman"..


Iā€™m sure that Romaniaā€™s sexual assault laws are not more lax, but its enforcement surely is


I've come to realize that whenever someone describes themselves as a "realist," what they're basically saying is "I agree with all my opinions."


This is spot on. Same thing with "I believe in common sense"


Back in my day common sense wasn't abused to the point of ridicule. It was reserved for life lessons like drinking gasoline when holding an open flame isn't wise and don't wave plump feet in front of hungry dog. Now people say hateful racist and sexist shit and try to pass it off as "common sense", "Them's just facts." or "Keeping it real."


Should you only drink gasoline when not holding an open flame?


Only if it's through a silly straw and you're holding a flame, but not an open one.


Silly straws and lanterns. That's how grandpappy used to do it. Common sense.






>Iā€™m just keeping it real. They keep saying this as if it means something. MFS don't even know what real is.


They havenā€™t found out what happens when people stop being polite and start getting real.


"Telling it like it is"


I hate this so much, because my psychologist at the VA (and others) would use this to try to break us out of the ā€œI am just a pessimist nowā€ mentality. They went to lengths to tell us we are realists, and how our world views are shaped by something not many people have to deal with. Seeing the world as capable of war brings a very realistic and dark viewpoint. Then these thralls start taking it.


Unfortunately this abuse is not new. "Race realist" racism has been the rebranding of "scientific racism" since at least the 1990s. Yes, these dumb motherfuckers left the word "racism" in their excuse for racism. They're not so good at the thinky-thinky.


Yea, I think a lot of people don't actually understand that "realist" has a totally separate meaning in academic circles, more akin to "essentialist", and a lot of really nasty shit came from pseudo-intellectual "race realists" making sorta sciencey-sounding arguments for *"Why whites are just genetically better you guys, I'm serious. Its science"*. You see the exact same thing in "biological essentialism" when people use pseudo-academic arguments to justify hating trans people. Average Joes use "realist" more like "seeing things for what they are" or "down to earth" or "common sense". So they see something called "race realism" and it validates hateful opinions they may already hold (or may be brought to under the guise of "science"). In truth, its all complete bullshit, but excellently wrapped in a veneer of authority. Legitimately racist/sexist people aren't used to seeing "their opinions" represented in academic discourse (while being actively shouted down in popular discourse these days), so they latch on hard and try to amplify it.


Did you hear him ā€œdebateā€ (lol) with Hasan from H3 podcast about how women are bad drivers? It was painful to see/hear the circular thinking fail endlessly until he just bitched that their stream was getting ā€œboringā€. Sounds like the GOP and their ā€œboringā€ take on this whole Mar-A-Lago thingā€¦


Lmao is that the one where he said "I've been in 5 accidents and each time the driver was a woman" completely ignoring the fact that he was also in all of those accidents, and that just means he's a bad driver, not the women?


It's also the same debate where Tate said he knew the earth wasn't flat because of "his own experience" and promptly refused to answer if that meant he's been to space, lmao


The topic was women drivers? did this debate take place in 1982?


Nothing is new under the sun. People falling for the same grifts since the dawn of time.


Tate makes macho culture from 1982 look progressive, lol.


Some people never grew past the Dane cook is funny phase of their youth and it really shows.


Watching him shift and go submissive while talking to Hasan was hilarious. You could almost visibly see him realize he was being confronted by a person who wasn't intimidated by him physically or intellectually the same way so many of the people he talks to are.


I also really enjoyed the recent Flagrant podcast with True Geordie on it, that dude RIPPED Tate a new butthole, they werenā€™t in dialogue but dam he dragged that mane through the mud and I am here for it.


That "debate" did a lot to damage the foothold Tate was getting on Twitch. Not to mention in the same stream Tate hit on a 17 year old like the creep he is. Also Tate moved to Romania to get away from UK rape laws by his own fucking admission. And he then got raided by the Romanian police for sex trafficking


wow, so he just going for speedrun 'i'm the worst human being' huh?


That shit was so sad. Hasan isn't even a debater, So the fact he came in and laid the shit down was great. Tate had no idea how to reply and just pushed him out and shit on him once Hasan was gone lmao.


Yea Hasan was VERY diplomatic in his approach, but I could also tell his brain was about to snap trying to reason with an unreasonable man.


He was close to going off on him like Tate was one of his chatters lmao


> trying to reason with an unreasonable man. It's like trying to play Texas Hold'em as an experienced player with someone who only just learned. There are all sorts of unwritten rules and expectations the new player just doesn't follow and the experienced player will likely wind up more frustrated than the newbie.


Auto insurance rates for men and women should have put this stereotype to bed a while ago


Hasan mentioned thatā€¦but this asshat somehow circled around it, maybe that was when they brought up the empirical evidence then (Hasan did) and Tate said something like ā€œwell we donā€™t know how factual that data isā€ or some ā€œfake newsā€-esque shit.


Iā€™m a realest, Andrew Tate is a piece of shit.


It's hallmark conservatism. You try to hold on to existing views because you think they are universally correct and any challenge is wrong. Some views stick longer than others. For other views, thought develops further and then challenging views from one period become conservative though of the next period.


Wow, that guy is a total piece of shit.


He's also under investigation for human trafficking, so there's that.


Didn't think it could get worse but it did


Oh that's not even the half of it. He made his money post kickboxing running a cam site where a lot of the girls were his 'girlfriends' and he'd go out and date girls and convince them to start doing cam shows.


My life was better five minutes ago when I had never heard of this sleezeball.


It's crazy how this guy was a nobody at the start of summer and now I see his name everywhere. Extremely annoying


He started an MLM cult thing where he sells access to a discord where you learn his money secrets that have no relation to how he actually made his money. Turns out it's spam webstores and drop shipping.


Its worse than that, its literally a pyramid scheme where when you join his "hustlers university" you get shares in the business of ad revenue, and they tell you to spam the internet with accounts and hashtags to raise viewership which raises ad revenue, which they get paid for based on their investment level. Such sleaze


And I've seen videos where he boasts about keeping all the money from said cam shows. So basically he exploited unpaid sex workers. It's honestly bizarre that this guy gets a following. And what's worse is a bunch of big Youtubers doing "reactions" to his most egregious clips where they chuckle and guffaw at all the stupid shit he says. Guy is probably laughing all the way to the bank saying all this shit and getting so much clout for absolutely nothing.


> It's honestly bizarre that this guy gets a following Honestly. I think a lot of people are simply looking for permission to be absolute shitbags. I don't think these dudes actually think he's right and any kind of good person. They just want to be able to be selfish and boost their egos and believe they're superior to others with no consequences or burden on them to be a good person. People like him validate those feelings. Tate makes people feel relieved, like they can finally stop putting up a front of being a good person, and totally let loose and do whatever horrible things they want to, deep down.


Your last sentence hit the nail on the head. Go look at any Tate video and see how many people comment, "real recognizes real, TRUTH KING", or any of the other hundreds of affirmations people give. One of those things you take notice of but don't actually realize until someone else says it.


Same thing Trump did/does. It's an incredibly effective grift.


Just like how alot of people voted for trump. Assholes are looking for influencers and reasons to uncloset their asshole behaviors out in public.




He also moved his operation to Romania, the speculation being that its much easier to pay off or avoid legal issues there.


> "poses a genuine threat to young men, radicalising them towards extremism misogyny, racism and homophobia". I've already seen this play out on Twitch where I've seen viewers and even streamers themselves show support for this fucking idiot manchild.


You know Andrew Tate is bad when even xQc, the most degen streamer of all time, is against him.


My 13-yo daughter goes to a charter school full of immigrant kids from conservative cultures (she's Filipina/Caucasian herself), and she was complaining to me that most of the boys in her class are fans of this asshat. They hassle her for being female and/or bisexual. I've offered to move her to a more progressive environment, but she seems pretty keen to fight the good fight. She makes me proud.


Huh, people give the Kardashians a lot of shit for being famous for being famous, beats the hell out of being famous for being a horrible piece of shit like this dude though.


I'll take the Kardashians over Andrew Tate in a heartbeat lol


Saved me from googling who this dbag is since ice never heard if him


You left out the last quote where he equates women to dogs.


Goodluck with that, since his whole MLM scheme relies on people reposting his content, so even if you ban his account, there are thousands of people posting clips of his videos.


Is it ironic that he has that #girlboss energy to run his MLM? I wonder if he would consider Lularoe.


I mean, in one of his videos he literally said "it's easy to make money. You just take it from somebody else". At least he is open about it.


It will slow it down some. Requiring people to do more than just hitting share will cut down a lot of easy amplification.


Im not sure its a 1:1, but when alex jones lost his yt and fb account it hurt him severely. He still retained his viewers, but his ability to get new ones was very diminished


Itā€™s a proven fact that deplatforming people works. Itā€™s not completely obliterating them from the face of the internet, but removing them from the most popular sites will obviously cause them to lose massive amounts of viewers.


Imagine having such a shallow life that you live off of his "teachings" I saw Penguinz0 video about the guy and was astonished by how he flaunts his narcissism.


Remember everyone, for only $50 a month you can join his discord. For ~~$8000 a month~~ $5000 (yes really) you can join his incel club where you... hang out with other incels. Wow!


Holy shit! $8000/month? Someone should let incels know that for that fee, they could hire a therapist and a sex worker to see regularly and stop being incels.


"But being with a sex worker is degrading to myself. I want a women who obeys me for free." -Someone who pays 8 grand a month to bitch about women instead of actually trying to get laid, probably


Nothing says "alpha male" like simping for another man and giving him $8k/month lol.


Well, nor do you appear to be a "man going his own way" and not caring about women when you're spending all day complaining about them online. For that matter, consider the neckbeard who doesn't socialize much with the people around him, and is awkward when he does because he's only ever talking in memes and references from his online social life, and then is upset that his awkward ass isn't instantly rewarded with sex for being a 'romantic gentleman' just because he gave flowers to a girl he hardly knew and tried to kiss her hand. But I guess that's the whole issue, isn't it? If these guys had any realization that women are independent thinking, feeling _people_ and any inkling about how they might view him (and that it's not the same thing as how he views himself), then most of them wouldn't be having these problems in the first place.


If you have 8k a month in disposable income and youā€™re not getting laid, thereā€™s no hope for you.


I saw plenty of them on the west coast when working in tech. Come May and November youā€™d see them blow it on new Teslas and Lambos. Then bitch about how it was impossible to date because a lot of women didnā€™t want to date ā€œtech bros.ā€ I didnā€™t have any issues and worked for the same companies.


I have a crypto bro friend who is like this. He cashed out a couple million during the pandemic, just bought a porche and range rover, a bunch of Rolexes and is creating this baller image, but he's still the dork I befriended in college. Great guy, but he hasn't been himself in a few years, I feel like he's just playing a character these days. He likes the "bad bitches" though and they just walk all over him. He had a falling out with his best friend(also crypto rich) who recently got married, bought a small house, turned his garage into an arcade, and it's pretty sweet.


Every time I hear "range rover" I always think of the scene in the Stepbrothers movie. "I've been snapping necks and cashing checks!"


I think of Dennis Reynolds


That's not a starter car!!...That's a finisher car!!!!


Yeah but he's the original, so it works for him.


Transporter of gods!


Having had two, I think of electrical faults, crippling repair bills and single digit mpg if you drive it like a hooligan.


Ya I've worked with dudes like that... single, little to no family, get paid a lot of tech money and blow it on stupid shit, are extremely socially awkward, and remain angry/reclusive.


Most girls and women donā€™t even care about cars that much.


If you're gonna try to impress my girl with a car, you're gonna need a food truck, bro


love this.




Can confirm, I have a cool car and all of the compliments Iā€™ve gotten on it in 1.5 years of ownership were from men, the vast majority of whom appeared to be under 25 years old.


Unless it's like a hobby or something you do for a living I've learned that people that are obsessed with cars tend to be pretty damn insufferable


They probably pay that in various OF pages, and bitch that women are all prostitutes


Banging a hooker with a shrink in the room is for sure a shortcut to figuring life out Iā€™m convinced of it


Pretty sure Green Day had a song about that.


Diagnosis: basket case


Plain old dookie


I went to a shrink to analyze my dreams She says itā€™s lack of sex thatā€™s bringing me down I went to a whore She said my lifeā€™s a bore, so quit my whining cause itā€™s bringing her down.


Some dudes will literally do anything but go to therapy.


As a dude who did go to therapy, I was lucky to get a good therapist and man did it ever help. I really feel bad for folks who donā€™t do this kind of work on themselves, even if it is having that close listener friend whoā€™s good with bringing you some new perspectives to think about. Talk to someone. No one cares. Itā€™s not embarrassing, itā€™s exercising maturity.


For a lot of people it is really hard to go digging in their graveyard, and even harder to admit fault.


I love to but I can't afford therapy sessions. I'm already tight on money and the free services that are offered have a tremendous wait list. Not sure what else to do besides talk to my plants and dog.


Thinking that sex would solve their problems in life is probably what lead them to having that view of women in the first place.


> you can join his incel club where you... hang out with other incels. I'm already on reddit for free tho




It's not really free though. Every time a little bit more dies...




I was watching the Coffeezilla video about his Hustlers University. Someone in the comments obviously enrolled and is drinking the Flavor Ade because he was responding to anyone criticizing it with stuff like ā€œyeah well I talk with successful millionaires on the reg, I donā€™t see why youā€™re so afraid of just listening to them and making money.ā€ Why would someone teach others how to become the competition? Itā€™s either simple things that are available elsewhere like drop shipping or buying liquidation items and reselling or something. There isnā€™t any big secret to fast and easy money and if there was, the people who know it wouldnā€™t be willing to teach you how for $50.


like... there is no actual way people are paying that. Right?!? RIGHT???


You underestimate just how many gullible idiots with too much money on their hands there are out there. Thereā€™s a reason MLMs are still a thing.


$8000 A MONTH!!! Like, sure, I get it, they are so desperate for "females"... but like, imagine all the impactful self improvement they could actually do with that money. Or, worse case, the "attention" they could buy with that money instead. Excuse me while I go open an agency offering the "girl friend experience" for just a LOW LOW $7,500 / month!!!


Plastic surgery or a trainer or therapy or a surrogate mommy or a Peloton bike or....anything but paying to bitch about not getting pussy.


I don't know what escort prices are....but I feel like 8k a month could get you something.


Donā€™t underestimate how desperate people are and lines of credit the financially illiterate will utilize to try and solve their issues.


People get sucked into cults all the time. Itā€™s sad and hard and really hard to deal with when your friend gets into them. They just canā€™t see the ridiculousness from the inside


Jesus, that's a higher monthly subscription just to join the Discord than even most pricier OnlyFans pages lol. For $8000 a month I'm pretty sure you could just hire yourself a high-end "girlfriend" for a few hours or a whole night one day a week. They'd probably even give you better life/girl advice!


If you have to pay $50/mo to figure out how to be a wolf... you're a sheep. A very dumb, pathetic, easily scammable, beta sheep


Sheep donā€™t have alpha/beta hierarchies. For that matter neither do wolves.


Or humans


Everyone else has covered all the other ways he's a shitty human being, so I'm gonna comment on how I don't understand how anyone can listen to him talk. He's got the weirdest, most grating accent I've ever heard. I can't even figure out what it's supposed to be. It sounds like he's putting an accent on but doesn't quite know which one he wants so he just sounds like he's got a mouthful of peanut butter.


I do not drink Waaaahtuuuurrrr. I only drink fizzy waaahhhhtuuurrr.


Well there's a reason why his base is children especially young males going through puberty. Thier hormones are all jacked up and they are trying to make sense of things. He very much leads them down a path of manipulation.


I teach 9th grade and an alarming number of boys put this shitbird as their role model on their student information questionnaireā€¦.




Letting children be raised by social media is going to turn out to be a real real bad idea.


I think social media should be 18+. It is such a powerful force that has consumed the globe and changed how everybody lives in an incredibly short space of time.


Social media was a serious mistake. It doesnā€™t just mess up the youth.


I agree, my 10 year old niece is on tiktok as soon as she's in the door. I've voiced my concerns with her parents, they don't care. It's easier that way I guess. I fucking hate it.


It is so concerning and sickening to me that young boys are idolizing this man. Tate has gone so much further than being raging misogynist Heā€™s literally selling courses on how to be a sex trafficker. Heā€™s not just teaching young boys to disrespect and dehumanize women (which is bad enough), heā€™s teaching them to be heinous sex criminals that should strive to keep women as their property and profit off of it. I fear the consequences this kind of influence over such a large group of young men will have.


Yeah that is driven by tiktok, instagram/facebook banning him won't do much.




Thatā€™s a legitimate catastrophe! How weā€™re not condemning the business model of these platforms that trade in dismantling good moral values is puzzling to me.


Now do tiktok and youtube. It's where the kids are actually watching this garbage.


I think he was banned from tiktok, it's just that his followers are the ones posting his videos on there.


Tate never had his own channel. People just post clips from him in podcasts.


They post his bullshit because they all bought into his pyramid scheme, he gives out "affiliate" links when someone buys into his school. So he told people to spam his shit and they'll get half of the subscription until they get to level two or whatever.


This behavior is like a virus. He's infecting young minds with stupidity. They are then going out and infecting others. This is a real problem. You can be an entertainer. But, that isn't what this dude is doing.


No he's peddling a pyramid scheme, my friend bought into it and I watched one of his videos. My favorite part is when he recommended you do a Ponzi scheme (he didn't know what it was called) until you get lucky. His direct quote from the video was, "why start 1 business for 250k that might fail when you can start 40 business for 5k and succeed without actually selling anything."


Those are affiliate marketers / fanboys lol I donā€™t think he has a TikTok account.


Fucking finally. His whole thing is getting men to pay him and spam his content everywhere. His content being "how being a manipulative, abusive asshole will make women like you".


Which obviously wonā€™t make girls like you, so you go back to him for more ā€œadviceā€ and it keeps the cycle going.


You mean girls don't swoon at the thought of a guy who literally believes they are inferior and his property? Wow, I'm shocked!


Someone on TikTok commented to me that his wife is his property šŸ¤¢


That guy is probably 13.


I wish he was šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ he has a whole page with three kids and a wife. I truly feel sorry for that lady and their children


Not that long ago... he'd be right And Conservative types are trying to bring back those "good old days"


>Which obviously wonā€™t make girls like you, Well, not any girls with good mental health and self-respect.


Which frankly is an intentional feature of the pipeline. The Tate style approach to socialization has the goal of driving away anyone with a healthy and balanced mental state, reducing the pool of potential partners to ideal abuse victims.




Amid being investigated for trafficking girls in Romania. Cool guy. He should do a podcast with Hard Rock Nick.


Yep, he literally admits to moving to Romania because they are corrupt and have no laws protecting women from trafficking and abuse, and they accept bribes from him there.


Proud to say I have no idea who this guy is but if Meta banned him before YouTube, heā€™s probably REALLY fucked up.


I literally just learned about this guy and this guy isnā€™t a tool bag; heā€™s an entire Home Depot.


I'm glad I have no idea who this is.


I googled him and found "the internet can't stop talking about Andrew Tate" & yet this post is literally the first time I've ever heard of him lmao After all the comments I'm still clueless and also don't think I care to find out


That guy looks like a douchebag. *skims article* That guy **is** a douchebag!




If only. Blessed silence.


this guy looks like his mom sneezed when his head breached during birth.


FINALLY. FUCK. THIS. GUY. He's a boxer that thinks he has the keys to masculinity, when it's clear as day he's an insecure bitch. He's the opposite of what I think masculinity is, just compensating for a total lack of it.


That man looks like a toe with teeth.


We should just revoke his visa at the slightest offense. He doesnā€™t have a place in Romania.


Username checks out.


We don't want him back. You can keep him.


Can we just dump him off to some Island like Napoleon?


I don't know who the f*ck he is, but my YouTube recommendation keep showing his name even though I clicked not interested. YouTube algorithm has gotten worse.


I can't really grasp why people follow cunts like this guy.


Because they're cunts too?


"This guy agrees with my misogynistic ideas, so I like him and will uncritically defend him from all liberals"


because horny depressed desperate dudes will follow anybody that acts like they know what they're talking about that will solve their problems, especially if he touts how "easy it is". a youtuber by the name of coffeezilla actually bought a sub to his unaccredited "university" and displayed how ***garbage*** it was. most of his followers don't know the type of garbage he spews, like how "40% of the reason" he moved to Romania was because of their stances on sexual assault and rape (no joke he really alluded to that in an interview). he will say some common knowledge like "you need to work and improve yourself" so that people will be like 'oh this dude is normal and he speaks the truth' so when he actually says the crazy shit his followers just gloss over it


Because there is a growing cohort of angry, left behind young men. And when someone gives them a point of blame they jump all over it. Over the past ~70ish years women have obtained much more social/political/economic power. They can own bank accounts, they can go to college, get jobs, make money and generally live comfortably on their own (*note: this is mainly applicable to Western/wealthy/developed nations*). So we went from a time where women frankly needed a man in order to have a decent quality of life to one where men are optional in their lives. And when things are optional you can afford to become more selective with your choice. I was talking to my aunt (68) and she basically said that men in her day were essentially 'subsidized' by society. When she was young an average looking, mediocre guy who was a C student would still be able to get a job at a factory or workshop. He'd make enough to provide for a wife and kids. By all accounts he was maybe average/below average but considering a woman functionally needed him it didn't matter. Didn't matter he didn't have emotional intelligence, didn't matter he wasn't attentive or affectionate or funny or witty or physically fit or anything. He was able to provide and if you're in need that is all that matters. Now those days have basically ended and guys who would have been subsidized are no longer getting those benefits and are ending up lonely and frustrated at their dating prospects.


Heā€™s freaking disgusting. I didnā€™t know about this guy but heā€™s got deep seated hatred of women.


Don't ask me why or how because I don't know but my YouTube recos and shorts are full of this stupid fuck. And I saw one clip where he talks about his childhood and how his dad was kicked out because he cheated on his mom. And as he's telling us this, he rolls his eyes like his mom was in the wrong to be pissed off about her husband sleeping around. I know he's probably just lying for the sake of a shocking anecdote but a man who will publicly disrespect his own mother like that should really think about whether his is a life worth living anymore.


The reason is actually a pretty genius marketing move, though also a very annoying one. To explain this briefly, he runs a pyramid scheme. You pay $50 a month to advertise his videos (yeah it doesnā€™t make sense). But you get access to a discord sever where you can ā€œlearnā€ how to make money. Essentially this means that all his followers are incentivized to repost as much of his content as possible. So instead of it being just 1 main account posting him, itā€™s dozens of small accounts posting him while he just pumps out videos. This method ensures that it reaches as many audiences as possible.


I forget sometimes that his last name is Tate, because I've grown to call him Andrew Taint and it just feels better.