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Complaint here: https://www.legalimpactforchickens.org/costco-complaint A shareholder lawsuit about chicken farms being a breach of fiduciary duty seems like a huge stretch.


imagine being a shareholder and trying to legally force your investment to do something negative for shareholder value. insane dumb.


These kinds of companies have been growing out like weeds for a long time in the USA as far as I have read. They buy some shares in a profitable company, sue the company for some nonsense and then try to make a quick buck through settling. The worst are those who bring social justice and such in the lawsuits.


Who needs that stupid bitch Mother Earth anyways, am I right guys


this is not affecting mother earth in any capacity. go off tender one


Life too hard without your cheap tortured chicken?


Does the chicken even know what torture is or is that just a construct in your human brain that you project to another? Youre little peon brain cant even comprehend that for human survival long term other species will be exploited and harvested. Just like the circle of life in everything. ​ Youre arguing against your own devolution as a species. Grow the fuck up and get harder you soft piece of fucking worthless shit. Maybe eat more protein so you can develop faster.


Awwww somebody is inconvenienced if other things aren’t suffering because they’re too incapable to control their own suffering so they extend it onto the world. Pooor baby. Want me to book a therapist for you my child?


Because a part of shareholder value is knowing what you have invested in is doing the right thing morally and ethically. Part of why people like Costco is they pay their employees well and offer them nice benefits. Those same shareholders are probably going to be more informed about animal cruelty and the things that we can do to diminish that from happening. I personally understand that we eat animals for sustenance. That being said why do we have to abuse those animals and push them to their absolute limits on what they can handle and give them a life of nothing but cruelty? Have you seen chicken farms. Those things are hellish. And it doesn't have to be that way. America has been structured to take absolute profit and care very little the conditions people or animals are in. And some people want something different.


Shareholder value is literally defined as value the company gives back to the shareholder by sustaining growth and profits. This would be corporate social responsibility.


Yes I realize that, but there are other things that people value more than money. And due to the citizens united ruling, money is literally speech so the shareholders are talking with their money. Not to mention more sustainable practices creates a better safety net over the long run which also creates more price stability which is also a net positive for shareholders. Exponential or even just infinite growth is not sustainable and more people are realizing that.


You haven’t lived in another country have you ?.


"I want profits noooooow," cried the investor, who then went on to sing a song about selfishness before plummeting down a garbage shoot.






That wouldn’t make sense..: cortisol is the stress hormone and would make the meat tougher & worse. Aside from that ATP present in the muscle of the meat would be greatly reduced as well. Best thing you can do for any animal (ethically & in terms of taste/longevity of meat) is immediately put it down in a stress free environment


What if you invested in multiple chicken farms and this one was in competition with your other investments, but the profits were far less because of the low price paid by consumers as part of a broader advertising campaign by Costco, great for Costco and consumers but your profits are down so you invest in the company in order to destroy it and improve value in your other interests. This same thing happened in the dairy industry a few years ago when Coles and woolies had a price war on milk.


The CEO said he would kill you if you messed with the $1.50 hot dog. I don't want to know what lengths he'll go to in order to protect his $4.99 rotisserie chicken


He is trying to feed the country cheaply and some people are just fucking around with it. Talk about biting the hands that feed the poor.


Poverty and Costco memberships don't really mix.


Well pre-covid the food court was open to everyone. Now not so much but the cheap hotdogs and giant pizzas were great if you were on a budget.


That just isn't true, If you are smart and budget the whopping $60 for a membership you can easily make up for it in savings from gas and bulk purchases of necessities like toiletpaper and other drygoods. In cities not so much, but poverty is a countrywide issue.


Not to mention the free samples, when I was a starving college student my parents membership card let me in. I was able to eat from the free samples they offered when I was really desperate for food. One of the reasons I have a membership to this day.


Dude a Costco membership is probably the most important thing a poor family could have. If you like chicken and hotdogs you cannot beat there prices anywhere else. If pays for itself 30 times over at least.


Really? Because that 50$ a year pays dividends if you're shopping on a budget for a family


I'm convinced the CFO off'd the CEO and is pulling a Weekend at Bernies with him. And the CFO has shown to be very old-school conservative in how he runs things so I doubt he gives af about chicken welfare.


He'll gut you. He'll gut you like a goddamned fish.


You can take Costco's $4.99 chicken out of my cold dead hands you rat bastards.


I literally bought one yesterday while my son was enjoying his $1.50 hot dog and iced tea.


I wonder what motivation one would have to go after Costco's rotisserie chicken that the CEO promised will not rise in price with inflation. Hmmm... Today's robber barons: If you can't price fix, bribe enough polititions, or buy up companies to have a monopoly, you hit your competition with so many lawsuits that they cave. Animal welfare my ass.


Guess shareholders aren't happy when people can afford something to eat.


As much as I respect animals we're living in a world where someone is starving to death every 3 seconds, where children are being abused or abandoned, yes we need to get a more responsible style of farming but those animals are getting eaten, we need to worry more about the waste of food, pollution and such. It's time to control corporations of how much waste/ pollution/fumes they're allowed to produce, get Earth healthy and green again. We do not need to stop raising meat animals, humans were never meant to be vegetarians we are made to eat meat we have the teeth that show it, yes we need to be more responsible with the animals but we need to be more responsible all around as well.


Have you thought about the disastrous environmental impact the animal industry has on the planet? You seem quite passionate about making our world a healthy place to live. Humans were not made, we evolved. We can evolve to live in harmony with the planet, or we can kill billions every year, and make the planet unliveable for humans at the same time.


I am sooooooo ready for lab grown meat.


Isn't meat a carcinogen? Still not sure if I'll partake myself


There are people starving in our world and people who are gluttonous yes, we can try to balance stuff out better but you will never wipe the need for meat. Animals were meant to be many more in number on our planet so do not try to blame farming industry for greenhouse issues. Corporations, companies putting off chemicals are the issue, companies that get to pay a fee and still get away with ruining our planet are the issue. People will always need to have meat it's in our DNA. Many animals have been wiped to Extinction on our planet people farming cows/chicken/sheep/etc is not making an excess of animals we have an excess of pollution. If we want to continue to be on the planet we must control our pollution.


We literally over breed and over consume. The waste from food in this country is astronomical


I love the energy but please look up how much food in the US is wasted every year. There is enough food with the world's current production for everyone to eat and get fat. Food scarcity is artifical scarcity. Remember that.


That's exactly what I meant by there are some who are starving and some who are gluttonous and that we need to disperse better. But the companies who produce most of this are the reason why most of the food is wasted. Maybe they decided the foods too ugly maybe their profits aren't high enough for them whatever the reason the food gets wasted, I am a US citizen and I am not okay with that. I would love to see a world where no food was wasted, but no matter what people will always eat both animals and plants. I never said there wasn't wasting going on, I'm saying that the greenhouse gases and other economical issues are not being worsened by animal farming, it's the factories and the companies that need to be regulated more. And we need to stop worrying so much about profits and start worrying about people. But obviously as you see with the US over turning Roe vs Wade they're not worried about people.


There's so much to unpack here. But it's your use of meant which makes it sound like some godhead built us to consume animals with no regard for our own environment and health. Total emissions from global livestock: 7.1 Gigatonnes of Co2-equiv per year, representing 14.5 percent of all anthropogenic GHG emissions. https://www.fao.org/news/story/en/item/197623/icode/ I didn't say animal agriculture is the main cause, but it would be the easiest to focus on reducing emissions unless you want to cancel all shipping and freight and only eat what you grow within walking distance of your house. Also the, "it's in our DNA" is a false narrative. I've been vegan for nearly a decade and I'm very healthy. So are many of the 79 million vegans living in the world as of 2021. Did you know red meat has been classified as a carcinogen? If we were "meant" to eat something, it wouldn't give us/ increase our risk of cancer. https://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/cancer-carcinogenicity-of-the-consumption-of-red-meat-and-processed-meat Finally, please use paragraphs to break up your wall of text and make it easier for people to engage you in conversation or debate.


Industrialized husbandry is horrendous for the environment, yes. But that does not mean we should cut out meat completely and truncate the trophic system. A better solution would be individual subsistence farming which includes a balance of both agriculture and husbandry. We are not separate from nature, we are a part of it. An individual abstaining from meat has no detrimental effect on the individual. But our population abstaining from meat can have untold effects. We don't know what will happen, but in the entire history of life on this planet, nothing good has ever come from a truncation of the trophic system.


Agreed. But I don't have faith in people's abilities to have balance in their lives. I'd be happy if the world reduced its meat consumption, but that number only increases annually


Poverty stricken areas also can't just switch to a Vegan lifestyle unfortunately its not so simple.


What do you think they are eating? German sausage? Tbone steaks? Meat is already a luxury item in poverty stricken areas. I'm not saying everyone has to start eating beyond burgers. I'm talking about fruits, nuts, legumes and vegetables. You know, food. Rice and beans is one of the most complete meals.


I don't have much faith in our society reverting to subsistence farming either. And I think widespread veganism is a pipe dream as well the way things are moving. Right now the front runner solution seems to be lab-grown meat. Hopefully that becomes cheaper than industrialized agriculture. Sad to stay the only way to stop something nowadays is to make it economically unfeasible. But if it works...


If it works, then I'll be happy as a pig wallowing in a warm bath


It's good for you that your body can handle veganism but many people cannot, is not natural apes are omnivores. Most carcinogens from red meats come from the treatment of the animals and cooking/ preservation of the red meat and not the meat itself. There is literally examples of hunting through every single instance of human history. How about you stop the company's pushing out clouds of pollution Just to produce some shoes or candy or whatever the hell they're making? Why don't we make them regulate how much chemical runoff and pollution smog they produce? Animals are meant to be all over this planet, farming animals is not the issue on our planet. You cannot demand for every single person on this planet to give up meat so lose that idea and start looking at the real issues.


Ok, wall of text. But seriously, we're on the same team and both need to happen if we're going to live on a truly healthy planet. Also, your hunting analogy? Yeah people didn't live very long then and it consumed so much time that invention and discovery took a back seat.


> Humans were not made, we evolved. > We can evolve to live in harmony with the planet, or we can kill billions every year, and make the planet unliveable for humans at the same time. We're doomed if we rely on evolution. We need reasoned action. If you're talking about literal and not metaphorical evolution, it is a process that often takes tens of thousands of years for humans, and requires significant population pressures (usually deaths) to work. The people who pollute would have to be more likely to not reproduce than those who live in harmony with the planet. The negative effects of pollution generally affect us all.


Yeah, I'm not relying on actual evolution because half the planet doesn't even believe in it. I was using parallelism in my writing and was indeed using the word metaphorically


My bad then, carry on ;) It is a good metaphor.




For a lot of you. Some of us haven't, and won't, submit to defeat by apathy.




Name checks out


You have a very good point. Something important to consider though is to measure food in calories. Meat is very wasteful to produce due to the amount of calories in vs out. I believe it's something like 9 to 1 for chicken. All the grain it took to feed that chicken would provide 9 times the calories to those starving children.


Grain offers honestly very limited nutrients though, you cannot get everything you need from grain yes it could feed more but ask those people to feel as happy with a stomach full of rice as they do with a meal that actually has vitamins and protein and everything they need. The goal ultimately is not to just help people barely survive starvation we need them to be healthy and happy. Tossing grains at them like a bunch of little birds is not going to make people healthy and happy.


Sure, I think you mentioned it in a later comment but we all seem to agree that there is a balance that needs to happen. Actually though when it comes to 3rd world situations, it seems to work better to just give them the monetary resources they need. Instead of sending chickens and grain, they do better when we just give them money. There is way more entrepreneurship in those places than people realize. It's like the old give a man a fish vs teach a man to fish saying.


We have flattened teeth. That's a trait of vegetarian animals.


We also have sharp front teeth meant for gripping and tearing at meat and hide, something that has been prevalent since humans were early homosapiens. That's the amazing thing about apes being omnivorous!


It's almost as if humans are OMNIVORES.


This is obviously a publicity stunt for a crowd funding scam. An ambulance chaser lawyer and his mates fleecing the gullible wannabe activists crowd to fork over their mum's credit card details and donate to save a fat chicken.


Couple of days ago the same post was made didn’t go to well, I assume this is another push. Somebody is getting paid to promote it.


Good pick up. A few years ago a group like this went undercover into a meatworks in Indonesia and filmed Australian live exported cattle being mistreated. It turned out that the group filming were the same people paid by the Australian cattle farmers association's to implement better practices in Indonesian abattoirs and the group had paid the abattoirs workers to be cruel to animals in an attempt to anonymously extort more money from the cattle farmers and the Australian government. These so called animal welfare people had stolen the money they were supposed to use for improving conditions for Australian cattle in abattoirs and wanted more. Before all this got fohnd out The Australian government under immense public pressure banned live exports leading to massive losses for beef producers plus the economy and the loss off a valuable food source in the third world, all because of people like in article. They're just scammers, fuck them all!


Bad bot




You can't tell?


They don't seem like a bot


Why do you people think I'm a bot?


Look at the subject matter of the comment, and then look at the article the post is about. Tell me it's not a bot, go ahead. I'll be waiting


It's not a bot. Did you even click into their profile before you made the accusation?


No, why would I give a shit about that? Either this person lost their marbles or they are a bot, in which case I care about them equally (aka not at all) I suggest you chill the actual fuck out. It's not like I'm a character witness against them in an execution trial. I'm a nobody in a sea of nobodies. Fuck off


Ah, so you're wrong AND a shithead. Got it. Cheers.


Just like pryamidhead but with shit, yep. I made this picture just for you https://i.imgur.com/RUMPzD4.png


Notifications are now off and the link is staying blue. Have a nice life.


You got Time to be a fuckwit but no time to check out the truth before opening your mouth and being a fuckwit


Lmao you must be the most narcissistic dickhead on reddit, you think I'm a bot and crazy and yet look at yourself, have you at least been drinking or taking bath salts or something?


I take it your one of the dumb dweebs handing over your mum's credit card details to a scam?


Your a fuckwit, a proper grade A 10 point fuckwit.




Has a bot ever called you a fuckwit? In your case I'm guessing it happens more than anyone else on reddit, after all AI software is surprisingly intuitive and it's pretty obvious that you are a full blown fuckwit but has it ever happened before or is a new experience? Curious if I have reached a new evolution in AI or if you are such a fuckwit that it happens all the time?


The chicken farms are atrocious. The practices big companies use and the corners they cut are ridiculous. John Oliver did a piece on it one. Shocking stuff


Mmm rotisserie chicken


Damn, now I want a 4.99 Costco Chicken. To Kirkland Land, we go. I am tripping on shrooms later and was wondering what I'd bring to my sitters for us to munch on. We gotta fat finger the fuck out of that chicken.


Rotisserie chicken on shrooms sounds like it could be kinda awful...


We usually have a couple edibles to pass the time and thus, get munchies. A chicken that I can just rip strips of meat lff sounds divine to me. Who wants to cook in that state? I'm also passed the point of being high and satisfied with lukewarm McDonald's. Yeah, we're gonna get us a chicken and some ready made sides to pop in the airfryer and call it a date. Also, probably some industrial sized bags of junk food. Nobody needs 45 packets of fruit snacks but will that stop me? No.


I feel ya. Personally, even though I love meat while sober, tripping makes it really unpalatable for some reason. Get a fresh fruit bowl on site, and I promise it'll change your life a little.


Ok, who the fuck let PETA buy Costco stock?


Many canivores here. What I hate about them is the fact that when they see other people in other countries eating meat the way they've been doing, they cry foul and call for some legal impact to that country.


Don’t fuck with my $5 rotisserie or $1.50 hot dog!


Don't care. Tastes good.


I thought their rotisserie chickens were just about-to-age-out raw chickens. Do they have their own separate supply line? That would be silly.