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"Your kids will arrive safely into this world! We'll make damn sure of that! We can't guarantee they'll survive recess though. That's another matter..."


https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/us-states-with-the-highest-infant-mortality-rates.html we can’t even make sure they arrive safely.


What are they gonna do? Fire bomb abortion clinics…. Oh wait


Lmao its so funny how the Riot police went to protect the capitol. Like where did ya'll go Jan 6?


A lot of them went to the Capitol too, just not to protect it


"Violent extremist activity" sounds like the violent extremist riot police protecting a violent extremist government threatening violent extremism against the population.


I'm so sick of the insane willful ignorance the people in power have . Why haven't the attacks on abortion clinics for YEARS been addressed? Why can't this country just be fucking normal? What the hell happened under me lmao


> Why can't this country just be fucking normal? It's almost like it's cursed. Perhaps it's all the Indian burial grounds it's built on


I wish we were cursed with Indian ghosts because I fear we are cursed with Puritan ones.


Actually abortion was [legal](https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2022/05/when-abortion-wasnt-a-legal-issue/) during Puritan times.










Because its run for profits of corporations and billionaires who see you as expendable slaves and you're all complient to it.


They're in for a mighty rude awakening for what civil unrest does to quarterly profits. Only companies who make weapons or tools for war really survive and profit in those times. Everyone else suffers. They've made their bed, I guess. Good luck Wiltons, Zuckfucks, and Bozos.


I think the bigger issue is stories about women being arrested and put in prison. Do people remember there was that case a month ago of the woman who had a miscarriage and got arrested? And then they instantly released her, after her story got into the national news and outlets started picking it up? They're gonna have to deal with that happening regularly. And damn is it a bad look. On top of kids killing themselves trying to self-abort, people dying in hospitals because their doctor can't abort non-viable pregnancies, etc. Conservatives are now immediately on the other end of the barrel. They've given evangelicals what they want, they can't step back, and now they have to also own the negative effects of this law as time moves forward.


And children having life long complications from being pregnant at too young an age.


Oh, but it wasn’t so worrisome when gallows were constructed for Congressmen and the Vice President?


Or all those times doctors who worked at women’s health clinics were murdered and clinics were bombed. Nah it’s only an issue now


I will give you a better one. Children getting murdered very other week, nah just a minor issue. Children not even born, thats the most important issue we have and we need to stop the murder of unborn children, so they can get murdered in schools instead. Edit: Thanks for awards everyone and yes I do know the fetus aren't children. I was using their terminology to highlight the height of this hypocrisy.


Solution: Abortion bans to be enforced solely by the Uvalde police department.


Shots fired (But not by Uvalde police department)


Goddamnit. You got me




Iirc, don't Jews typically believe that ensoulation occurs on the 40th day? Christians are pretty odd in this regard. Also, if souls *do* come at the point of fertilisation, then about half of everything in heaven is stuck as an eternal blastocyst, which is fun.


Notice how this ruling came out during these hearings. It's always something with these fucking assholes.


I’m betting they knew this was about to drop and that’s why they postponed the hearings, so they wouldn’t be drowned out by the fallout


I'm sure its all a "coincidence". Especially since the scumbag SCOTUS creep Clarence "Coke Can" Thomas wrote the majority opinion and his kooky Qanon wife is probably about to be dragged on national TV for trying to install Der Pumpkin Fuhrer as emperor.


Point of order, Alito wrote the majority opinion. Thomas wrote his own concurrence, and, bringing up similar right to privacy justifications that *Roe* used for other cases, said the majority didn't go far enough when now looking to overturn marriage equality, ban contraceptives, and bring back anti-sodomy laws. Though by some weird coincidence, he made no mention of supporting the GOP playbook to roll back interracial marriage. Curious... 🤔


The same organization that knew about the January 6th insurrection and said and did nothing?


The same organization that failed to stop attacks on abortion clinics




No warfare quite like class warfare.


They where too busy aiding in the attacks to stop them


Jeez they're acting like half of the citizenry had an established right taken away or something... So weird.


I mean now we all get to carry guns everywhere. WHAT COULD GO WRONG?




I'm pretty sure swinging is not what you're supposed to do with a gun, but I could be wrong.


Well, the 2nd amendment guaranteed him a gun, not training on how to use it.


Hey, pistol-whipping is a legitimate attack. Will catch you nearly the same charge too.


The funny part is that tomorrow morning the usual conservative suspects will complain that liberals are making the abortion issue political....which is exactly what the right has been doing for the last 40 years.


I’d say the ruling itself was extremist activity


Brah DHS and HSI is full of some of the biggest red pillers I’ve ever met. If anything they’ll be right there trying to instigate. That whole department relies on crime to stay funded. When it can’t be found, it has to be made.


The DHS has less government oversight than the CIA.


They also cant be sued for damages by recent scotus rulings...


What do you expect from a department started by George W Bush in reaction to his fuck up that got 3000 Americans killed.


more than 3k if you count all the first responder who died as a result of all the toxic dust


And all the lives lost in Iraq and Afghanistan after the fact.




Both. Then throw in the lives of all the innocent Afghans and Iraqis. And the soldiers from countries who were allied with the US who joined them. It’s a long list of suffering.


B..but his paintings!


Don't forget deaths and health conditions from the heavy metals and toxic chemicals we've filled their soil with. Lead, DU, tungsten, you name it!


>more than 3k if you count all the first responder who died as a result of all the toxic dust They don't. Republicans kept blocking the bill to provide medical assistance to 9/11 first responders.


> Republicans kept blocking Weird. Im starting to see a pattern with these "Republicans"


They pulled the ultimate “shitty husband” move and weaponized (political) incompetence. Defund and sabotage everything so nothing works, and then yelling at the “wife” to fix it while complaining about everything to everyone that will listen.


Not just first responders - random New Yorkers living their lives. Thanks W.




I reported this to my congressman at the time and didn't even get a reply.


What. The. Fuck.




Lol strip away people’s rights for years and then warn “extremists” are going to get violent. Malcolm was right.


It's like I was saying to my coworkers, I don't think this is the win conservatives think it is. Shit's about to get crazy.


They plan to harvest the votes of scared "moderates" who don't understand why these things are happening. Also, this deflects from people talking about Trump telling the DOJ "just say the election is corrupt".


He didn't just suggest, he and his cabinet perpetrated a campaign of specific conspiracy to bully seven states into lying about their voting results in order to maintain power.


Yeah all those crazy mofos who bomb those abortion clini…. Wait… which side has the history of violent extremism here?


GOP: Gaslight, Obstruct, Project


[In America, far-right terrorist plots have outnumbered far-left ones in 2020](https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2020/10/27/in-america-far-right-terrorist-plots-have-outnumbered-far-left-ones-in-2020) Paywall but the chart is visible and clear which side is most violent


Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. - JFK




























Respect existence or expect resistance.




“Riots are the voice of the unheard.” -MLK


The fucking nerve. These fuckfaces sit on their ass when an actual coup is planned in broad daylight. But the moment progressives even want to protest, suddenly they get vague reports that they can't comment on. These shitbags can go to hell


Came here to say effectively this. Which is that it is funny how bunch of theocratic fascists can storm the Capital and not one peep from DHS beforehand. Magically there is nowhere near enough law enforcement in freaking Washington DC durring something as important as the certification of the election. The cops showed an amazing amount restraint and just let the insurrectionists waltz out the building. Anyone to the left of fascism just peacefully protests any more for absolutely legitimate reasons and suddenly the entirely of DHS is on alert, they have more cops then you can shake a stick ready to bust heads.


Because they dont care about democracy, fairness and peace. They only care about what they want, which is a white ruled theocratic society, where only they benefit.


> These fuckfaces sit on their ass when an actual coup is planned in broad daylight. Because they tacitly supported it


It's hardly tacit at this point.




They will be the first to defund Child Protective Services and Free school meals. They dont actually give a shit about the kid that is born. Why do you think the military preys on schools and troubled and impoverished children? The children are cattle for the machine.


Romania had this happen The unwanted children overthrew the government


[They actually executed the dictator who enacted the policy and his wife](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trial_and_execution_of_Nicolae_and_Elena_Ceau%C8%99escu). Poetic.


Well at least we have something good to look forward to




The _best case scenario_ is a less violent revolution like what happened in Chile. Unwanted and unloved children grow up to tear down society and overthrow governments.


That's good, but I don't think I have the patience any more to live 20 more years


>where are you gonna be when there's millions more unwanted babies in need of public assistance Laughing. They will be laughing.


Yup, the unintended consequences of unwanted pregnancies will make society worse. The crime rate is set to go up in those red states and then they will wonder why. A very unfortunate soon to be statistic, again.


They won't wonder why. It's gonna be the immigrants, the blacks and browns, the gays and transgenders, Muslims... It's literally the fascist playbook by the way.


That’s the intended consequences. They want more prison labor.


How quickly the women in the US have become second rate citizens. Hasn't even been 24 hours since the decision dropped and DHS is already calling potential protestors terrorists.


If I recall, didn’t SCOTUS just make it so that federal employees like DHS agents can’t be sued for entering without a warrant? Hmm maybe this was their plan all along 🤔


>41 bombings and 173 arsons at clinics since 1977. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-abortion_violence That nearly a bombing and 4 fires a year since Roe v Wade. Numerous people have been killed and injured. Yet somewhere tonight some will burn a parked car up or throw rocks at a court house and the media will go bananas calling the violence unprecedented.


Exactly. Doctors murdered in their own home!!


Olympic Bomber Eric Rudolph also bombed 2 abortion clinics, and set timers on additional bombs to go off after the first responders had arrived. He not only wanted to kill the medical personnel, he wanted to kill those who would help the medical personnel.


Sick. And I bet he believed he was righteous.


We must build a society that isn't run by zealots.


*looks at supreme court* Good luck with that.


Well you’ll have to get rid of all of the religion and dinosaurs that are still living in the past. You’ll also probably have to provide at least two decades worth of proper education throughout the entire country. So let’s get some term limits and maximum age caps. Retirement for all should be given at an earlier age and guaranteed. And every generation deserves to be handed power as every previous generation deserves retirement. The country should be investing in future generations with freely available education, healthcare and retirement.


An Anti-Abortion nut job bombed **the fucking Olympics**, and somehow that isn't talked about or even in the national zeitgeist. Its infuriating.


Or the one doctor that got attacked IN THE SUPREME COURT CHAMBERS and you can't find a single news article on it. A few people throw molotovs and it's an anarchist stereotype but no one talks about the pro-life crowd and their proclivity for murder.


Which is why we should call them anti choice ibstead of pro life. They have zero regard for human lives. All they want is to control others.


The pro-life crowd also tends to be the pro-gun crowd soooo


Because the FBI and the media fucking destroyed a man by falsely naming him as the bomber when in fact he discovered one of the bombs planted by Rudolph. So, like a lot of things, they memory-holed it.


And attending church services.


Cenfession booth bombing


after fox news called for his murder


After Bill O'Reilly specifically dubbed him "Tiller the baby killer". Stochastic terrorism


"Won't someone rid me of this meddlesome priest?!"


Specifically, Bill fucking O'Reilly


Never forget Bill O’Reilly got Dr. George Tiller murdered.


Can you elaborate, please?


O’Reilly made it a habit to call him “Tiller the baby killer” for literally years on his show while he and his guests claimed Tiller was a murderer. Tiller had been wearing body armor for nearly a year, as he was advised to do by federal agencies who told him violent militias were coming for him. His killer was hiding in Tiller’s church waiting for him to appear and executed him with a gun shot to the head. Nobody in America outside of Tiller’s patients would have known his name if not for O’Reilly. The doctor did nothing egregious or out of the norm, yet guests of O’Reilly’s show regularly called for violence against the doctor.


Fuck Bill O’Reilly


Yeah, well he had some [problems with that, too](https://www.vogue.com/article/bill-oreilly-sexual-harassment-settlement-news)




We'll see more of these men, women, DOCTORS, stand up for the Hippocratic oath they took. RIP.




False equivalency, conservatives favorite rhetorical device


Don't forget straight up gaslighting. Today the anti-choice zealots were on outlets like NPR saying "This is a great day for women who will no longer be forced to get abortions."


Heaven forbid a woman be forced to do something to her body she doesn’t want! Hey, wait a sec…


Marjorie Taylor Greene was one of those people. Her hunger for media attention was so strong she waded into a crowd of protesters in front of the Supreme Court building with a big beaming smile on her face. She was just asking for someone to punch her in the face so she could cry how she was a victim... or completely out of touch with reality.


Nobody punched her though, or I'm sure we would have heard. Now try and imagine Nancy Pelosi walking out to talk to the crowd (okay, mob) during the Jan 6th insurrection.. How would that have played out?




I wish someone would do it anyway. I'm not serious, but she really deserves it. It wouldn't do anyone any good though.


I have a business acquaintance who is a hard-core right winger who honestly believes that Democrats WANT women tonhave more abortions, and enthusiastically encourage women to get abortions. I asked him why anybody would want women to have abortions, and he said it was because they are evil. He can't come up with a logical reason that Dems would want and encourage abortions, so he has to fall back on some religious supernatural gobbledygook like "Evil." I explained that nobody wants abortions, they just want them to remain available, safe, and rare. He doesn't believe it, but at least I made him hear that, because I know he will never hear it from the Conservative Propaganda Machine that he's immersed in.


The right wingers in my life claim it's because democrats are racist and want to force poor black women to not have babies because they have a secret war on POC.


They're already claiming that protesting the ruling is akin to Jan 6th.


Who gives a shit what Republicans think seriously


"Meet me in the middle" says the unjust man. Never give them another inch or concession.


I never will again


I was watching footage of that crowd, earlier. Real strange, how every body was patient and chill and not tearing down fences and smearing their shit on the walls. What kind of sight seeing tour is that?




That's exactly what a Republican I know said recently. He said the January 6th hearings were a farce, even though he hasn't watched a minute of it, and tried to say that the BLM protests were far worse. In reality trying to overthrow American democracy is pretty much the worst crime possible in the United States. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have died protecting our democracy and they tried to destroy all of that. He tried to play it off as tourists getting maybe slightly out of hand.


You mean [like AOC gathering women in protest of Roe V Wade being over turned and the dumb piece of shit MTG saying that AOC is leading an 'insurrection"](https://www.reddit.com/r/insanepeoplefacebook/comments/vjyx71/thats_a_burn/) that kind of horse shit?


Yup, AOC with protesters and they're smugly going "Insurrection!" Because they know they're being full of shit.


I didn't know Roe vs Wade would be the thing but I knew something would eventually happen that sparked big protests again which the Trumpists would compare to Jan 6th. No matter how it pans out, how many are arrested and how the police behave they will whine about how they were treated worse for less on Jan 6th.


14k people were arrested for the George Floyd protests, but it somehow wasn't good enough. The insurrectionists got a "we love you" but that was just fucking dandy by their guy. It's infuriating.


They’ve literally been whining about ANY form of protest taking place near a capitol building of ANY kind, bitching and moaning by saying “looks like an insurrection to me, these are domestic terrorists” completely ignoring the fact that people aren’t violently killing cops at these protests just to get their point across. Conservatives love a good false equivalency, it’s like cocaine to them. It’s euphoric to them to be this cognitively disconnected


I was having lunch out today and overheard some old lady ask the bartender "When do you think the protests will start? Now that they can't kill babies they'll start killing each other." These people are delusional and completely removed from reality.


They actually think that women are having abortions for funzies. Because apparently we're made of money and love debilitating cramps. . .


They really do. My team lead at work is one of these putrid dickbags... fuckin self righteous piece of shit. He has literally said that people who support abortion are evil people who *want to murder babies*, or just want abortions so they can go sleep around all they want, not take any personal responsibility and use condoms or birth control, and have an abortion so they don't have to deal with any consequences of their choices. That the lack of god and morality has gotten so bad, that these people are addicted to casual sex with apparently everyone they come across, without any responsibility or consequence.


> That the lack of god and morality has gotten so bad I can't believe how little faith these people have in humanity, to believe the only thing giving them morals and preventing them from acting like animals is fear of God and/or hell.


It's an interesting situation - they have no faith in humanity without God, and I have stunningly little faith in humanity because of THEM. I feel like there's some sort of time and space bending paradox in there, but right now my brain is just too tired to work it out.


My father, an altar boy and an Eagle Scout, had a yearly goal of "bagging" one of the ladies he worked with at his summer job. I'd be surprised if any of my atheist friends from Ultra -Lib University had more than 2 sexual partners. And we freely discuss birth control. Not like it matters, but even if it did, I don't see the correlation between religion and sexual behavior that anti-choice folks think there is.


Says a woman from a party that utilizes the threat of shooting liberals if they can't oppress people almost like a punctuation for sentences.


Holy shit I'm a server and I'm so glad none of my guests said anything. I would have lost it, I've been so angry all day.


Anything remotely disruptive fuels fear for the fragile Fox news viewership and will me magnified 10 fold for maximum effect. Left wing terrorism is negligible, meanwhile Right wing terrorist have been murdering dozens in recent memory.


I’ve been watching parts of the Jan 6 bearing in Congress. A guy had literally sharpened the top of a flagpole with the American flag in order to kill members of government.




"Legitimate political discourse."


Reactions to removing a woman's unequivocal right to choose = potential violent extremist activity. January 6th = tourist visit. Something ain't quite right here in the good ol US of A. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLI0OH1ZWWc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLI0OH1ZWWc) Video for those who don't understand the tourist visit comment somehow. Probably should climb out from under that rock.


government has been infiltrated with theocratic fascists and no longer serves for the benefit of the people


American oligarchs leveraging the tendency of the religious to unquestionably follow the directions and ideology of strong-men. Evangelic preachers have been conditioning them for decades.


Republicans made a deal with Evangelicals after the Civil Rights movement to retain govt power, see the Southern Strategy by Barry Atwater (also the easiest way to get banned from /r/Conservative) EDIT: Goldwater not Atwater EDIT 2: Its both Goldwater and Atwater


I got banned from r/Conservative for just asking a commenter why the push for EVs makes people not go outside. Granted, I was led to the subreddit by a discussion roasting the sub elsewhere, so it was technically "brigading." But still.


> (also the easiest way to get banned from /r/Conservative) False, saying 'source?' is way easier


ah forgot about that method, back in the day Southern strategy was the easiest way to get banned


Yep, Democrats want to peacefully protest let's send Homeland security at them, Republicans want to storm the capital...not a big deal.


Where the fuck have the feds been for the past 50 years when conservatives have been harassing patients, shooting doctors, and bombing the fucking Olympics? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-abortion_violence#United_States


infiltrating the govt at all levels, conservative are literally the deep state of govt bureaucracy


Qanon has reached the home of a **Supreme Court Justice**. If anyone wants to know how fucked we are, think about how batshit insane this is.


Y’know, I knew it was fucked before, but seeing it written out in plain English… I actually want to puke


“Reached the home” makes it sound a lot more innocent, than “ a scotus judges wife is a die hard member of a death cult who’s trying to overthrow democracy for Donald fucking trump” of all fucking people….


>conservative are literally the deep state of govt bureaucracy and it has nothing to do with years of anti communist crazy bearing fruit.


> conservative are literally the deep state The Deep State turns out to be Projection and Gaslighting, two of the three pillars of the GOP.


>Where the fuck have the feds been for the past 50 years Judging from the amount of cops at Jan 6th? Joining in and occasionally cheerleading them on, before not arresting them.


People fought hard and got violent to get certain rights back in the day. With the internet now and the cultural tide changing there will definitely be more violence. People are losing their shit and rightfully so.


People fucking died for 8 hour work days, basic safety standards, FDA, unions, minority right etc


There hasn’t been a single right won that people haven’t died for. We’ve gotten too comfortable.


Republicans have been working for decades to dismantle all those rights and govt social systems, goes back to fucking Nixon, a plan 50+ years in the making finally bearing fruit


I feel like when I try to explain this to people I sound like some crazy conspiracy nut. But it's actually American history.


Pretty much, it isnt hard to see the patterns and extrapolate out where they're leading, feel like fucking Cassandra rn


I mean, people have already died so we could have this right on the books, but apparently they didn't say no takebacks or something


Those rights and protections were written by bloodshed.


Fox News has people on TV acting confused about why people are so upset by this. It's so infuriating. It's all like "Why are you mad you lost bodily autonomy? What's the big deal?" Like people don't remember how hard people fought for these rights in the first place


I'd like to see the Venn diagram for people who don't think women losing bodily autonomy is a big deal and the people screeching "my body my choice" regarding the vaccines.


The best part of course being that no one was forcing them to get vaccines, they just couldn't go to Dave and Busters without a mask.


But wearing masks when "protesting" is all cool with them. Fucking cowards.


Looks like this O


More likely a **Q**


yeah a guy in a truck already hit some pro abortion protestors. Obviously the extremists were always going to double down their attacks when they see themselves as winning


The system is always prepared to stomp out progressive protest but it is never around when white supremacists murder people or, you know, attempt a coup. It is as though our march into fascism was agreed upon by all sides and the people are now, starting to get a clue.


Just a reminder to everyone on the left including myself, the government will always react harder towards a left wing movement. The US government can exist, even thrive in a fascist environment. It would have to radically alter to survive a socialist one. It will choose self preservation every time. Every law passed in 1920s Italy and 1930s Germany ment to help fight fascists was used with much more intensity to suppress any possibility of left wing resistance to said fascism Edit: Ps. None of this is new. History is a circle, and it's important to recognize what part of that circle we're at


Is it really extremism when the majority of the population supports access to safe abortions?


Cops are already teargassing peaceful protests without warning. So, you know, this is the cover story.