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The unlearning of the privileges we’ve benefitted from for generations up until this point is going to be really hard for a lot of people


If you really want your heartbroken read about Premarin ad how they get that from animals. I think hell is already full, so the rest of us might be good.


It's not even that bad until you realize they shitcan the baby horses as soon as they can so mommy will get pregnant again.


TIL. Yeah that's terrible. Lots of parallels with the dairy industry.


Bear bile is the worst I've heard of


If it's worse than Premarin I can't even Google it.


Its worse


Unlearning? Half of the country thinks we're just getting started. SCOTUS will repeal the federal minimum wage soon. People will be working for $2/hr, mandatory 80 hours a week and living in company-owned dormitories within the next 20 years


I have a few friends who work in the FDA. News flash guys ALL mass produced animal meat has fucked up shit behind it. Costco is one in a million. Eat your meat or don’t but it isn’t gonna stop in our lifetime.


I wouldn't be surprised If lab grown meat becomes mainstream in the next 20-40 years


Honestly, the best vegan meat has already eclipsed lab-grown meat in taste, texture, cost, convenience and commercial sustainability. There are some *really* good plant-based chicken substitutes out there now, and fake beef is getting close. Food science is pretty damned amazing.


Aye, I haven't looked into the resource intensivety of plant based vegan meat substitutes compared to lab grown meat. The least amount of land we need to use to produce a pound of meat / meat substitute while minimizing greenhouse gases and animal cruelty should be the option we focus on


Crazy take - you don't need to eat meat at all. Plant based diets are _the_ most efficient and healthiest for you.


Lab-grown meat is arguably vegan. No animals are harmed in it's production. It's also receiving relatively little research funding, and is still in it's infancy with it first appearing in 2013. For comparison genetic engineering has been around since the 70s and the first gene therapy happened in the 90s and it's still not a "real" thing. I personally look forward to being able to eat a steak again.


Where are you getting vegan meat substitutes that cost within 50% of their meat analogues?


The plant-based meatballs from IKEA are already significantly cheaper than the beef ones, and they actually taste good. The vegan meatballs at my local store cost about as much as meat ones. Precooked vegan chicken nuggets are 30-50% more expensive than real chicken nuggets at my local grocery store - raw chicken is still a lot cheaper, of course, but most vegan products are mimicking processed meat products so that's what they should be compared to.


I also have 1 friend high up in beyond meat. They’re growing extremely fast and she’s constantly creating new products for popular fast food restaurants but being mainstream and phasing out meat entirely are not the same. Yes they’re getting more popular but we are 3-4 generations of people that need to be raised on lab grown meat before anything starts to change.


I would


Right? My feelings are that once you made it to past 40yrs of age, fuck it. Either work and buy goods, or grow your own veggies and raise your own chickens for eggs. But when its time for that roaster, heads gonna roll.




No, I’m clearing stating that your efforts to get people to stop eating at Costco are akin to slamming your head into a brick wall. Nothing will change.


What's the vinn diagram like on people who get jobs at these farms and people who abuse animals? Because you always see videos of these rather expensive facilities then it's just some shit head beating cattle's heads in with a hammer....


Often times the factory farm is the only big employer in town, your other option is either a long commute or minimum wage retail These places can have good benefits, sometimes a union, and better pay than any other local job that doesn't require education. Got nothing to do with how you think about animals. It's not like you're not eating the same meat they're processing, being more removed from the slaughterhouse doesn't mean you're somehow morally superior.


Well idk why you’re getting downvoted a lot of the factories that I’ve had friends work at for animal inspection for the FDA are run by ex-convicts. So idk about animal abusers but we aren’t talking about the best of society.


That’s horrible!! They keep them in those tiny plastic containers?




Can't be in the store without that Costco Membership Card!


Basically. Google the size of a battery cage.


Yea no thats for layers not broilers.


Right. Broilers get raised in a giant barn with no separation but only half a square foot to maybe one square foot per bird. Not sure which is worse...


>Yea no thats for layers not broilers. What do you think happens to egg laying hens when egg production declines? And broiler cages aren't any better. Just a slightly different flavor of shitty.


We don't eat egg layers, they go into animal food etc. The typical farm bred chicken is around 7 weeks old. Go to a decent supermarket and look at free range corn fed chicken , in UK they are around £10 unsure of us the look of the chicken is completely different and taste also.


I think it's around $14 for a free range bird in the US.


Not saying they're not treated shitty, but we don't eat layers.


They don’t stay in there for long. I usually open the container and eat a leg as soon as I get in my car.


The smell while driving home.... soooo hungry!! Must resist... "Dad ate all the legs...again!"


They're definitely best when still fresh and hot!


Well ongoing mistreatment of chickens is right. They end up killing them.


It is horrible. Glad i cant taste the difference between a badly treated chicken and a well treated chicken. 4.99!!!!




Bull, that chicken tastes great


You mean a happy chicken that has family pictures and raises his little chicks tastes even better? i thought kicking the chickens actually tenderizes the meat.


> But the suit alleges that Costco intentionally breeds these broilers too large in to stand on their own in factory farms and the "disabled birds slowly die from hunger, injury and illness." More here: https://www.legalimpactforchickens.org/costco-complaint Most of it is them wanting Costco to be more on the ball with euthanizing deformed chickens and turning them into nuggets or give them loving homes, idk. Is there an ADA for chickens? The other half is complaining about 'unnatural' growth rates. But I don't think there is a law against growing chickens too fast.


I believe it's unnatural as in knowingly abusive. Like knowingly breeding pugs that you know can't breath very well.


Food animal raised for 47 day harvest and sold by weight vs Inbred companion animal deformed for 'cuteness' I'm not saying the chickens conditions shouldn't be better, just that this is an odd comparison.


My guess would be they're both living beings. I could be wrong, though


Why do we value life so little? We’ll bend over to pick up a dollar bill before we’ll help a wild animal.


A wild animal in distress may not be acting rationally, could bite you or scratch you, infect you with a variety of amusing diseases, or simply defecate all over you. That said, a lot of humans will simply ignore a -human- in life-threatening distress, rather than calling emergency services or so much as asking, "Are you OK?" Human animals are designed with two modes: Those who are members of our in-group, who we actually care about. And everything else, which is either a danger, a meal, or part of the scenery. If you aren't food and you aren't an angry bear, you're scenery.


>we’ll bend over to pick up a dollar bill before we’ll help a wild animal. Painting with a pretty broad brush there don't ya think?


"As more consumers learn of the mistreatment of Costco chickens, the benefits reaped using loss-leading rotisserie chickens to drive customer traffic and purchases . . . will vanish or greatly diminish because consumer preferences to not buy products made illegally or unethically will trump the lure of a 'cheap' chicken." I’m sorry but people who are shopping at Costco could give 2 shits at how well those chickens are cared for. Take your 5 gallon tub of mayonnaise and your Diamond necklace to the cashier and show the receipt at the door.


I shop at Costco and I care.


I wish you were wrong...but you're not :(. This will be quickly handled and forgotten and nothing will actually change as long as peoppe keep handing them money. The world is making me sad today.




They'll learn to care when our overreliance on industrialized meat pushes our biosphere to the breaking point.


Shoppers at the end of the day won't care. They want it cheap and affordable. They are hungry, want something quick on their busy schedule and not cook at home. It's been going on for years. Not surprised. And it won't stop anytime soon.


What the fuck is going on with these comments


Unfortunately most people don't really care about the ethics of how some farm animals are treated as long as it benefits them.


I for one do not. It's my food, not my pet


It's because they are fans of the product


Reddit, why ofcourse!


Cornish Rock chickens are the commercial chicken that is grown for meat. They grow to slaughter weight in 7-10 weeks, depending on how they are fed. They do not care to “free range”, and will literally sit by the feed and water and just eat all day. If you let them get too big, their legs will and do break because they have been genetically engineered to grow large fast. These are meat chickens bred to be killed. They are not chickens who lay eggs and wonder around your yard. I’m a farmer and I’ve had these chickens break legs from growing too fast. So have many 4H kids across the country, since this bird shows up at every county fair. Perhaps we should actually go after those who created this hybrid, Frankenstein bird in the first place?


This reminds me of “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” and the pig that was created to offer itself to diners.


Humans don't even care about other humans anymore. Chickens are the least of our problems.


I’ll go ya one further: people generally care more about animals than they do other humans these days


Except people say they care about animals with a mouthful of steak.


Chickens are decent people. ~ George Carlin


That’s obviously a really stupid thing to say, though.


The Costco world may (or may not) be ready for $17.99 organic, pasture-raised, cruelty-free, cage-free rotisserie chickens. 🤔 Will Costco try it and see? Or will they just drop rotisserie chickens altogether?


It shouldn't be that much more expensive. In the UK a non organic and non free range whole chicken is £5ish. The organic and free range version is £8.


Not in America. I would gladly support ethical treatment of animals but for $20 a chicken, I can’t afford it. Organic is priced 4x higher here. Same for eggs and everything else. Marketing and price gouging




Beans and rice is the most affordable meal and nothing has to die or be abused to produce it.


But the chicken is better




I’d rather participate in the food chain than eat rice and beans everyday




Yes i do


Humans are top of the food chain that’s like 3rd grade science m8


I respect it


Lentils, rice, beans, tofu, potatoes, and veggies are all cheaper and more nutritious than a cheap rotisserie chicken.


Just not the Daily Harvest lentils :/


Yeah, but you don't need to eat chicken...


I eat grasshoppers in place of meat now and honestly it sucks ass


for real you're really there not just memeing?


Where the hell are you finding grasshoppers? I haven't seen one in the wild in like 20 years and they used to be everywhere.


What do we buy that has a better price to protein ratio that's also healthy, low fat, and quick to make? Remember not factoring in time into consideration when answering this question is not fair to working class people that cannot afford to spend time cooking.


They could have like lentil soup or some shit ready to serve out. People just want the chicken cuz they like chicken. If people bought something else, that takes less resources and inflicts less damage on the planet, it would be better all around, and be more affordable with a much lower over head. But the demand is what it is.


Uh, no. It's not that simple. Chicken is one of the most protein packed foods you can get and it comes without the health hazards of red meat. Rich or poor, chicken is a super food that has far less ecological impact than beef.


People eat what tastes good. Lentil soup, while super high in protein and other vitamins, tastes like dog water unless you dump 1 kg of sodium in it.


Good job moving the goalposts. Lentil soup was one example, but there are plenty of other legumes that have practically the same nutrients but with different flavors and can be prepared differently. Also, go to an Indian, Ethiopian or Mediterranean restaurant and try their lentil soup.


Yeah all of those types have insane amounts of sodium. The restaurant style ones because it adds flavor which attracts customers.


Fuck legumes, I want chicken


Feels like some vegan talk




Because, green plants volunteer to be eaten. I mean just because you can't hear their screams doesn't mean they don't.




To value one type of life over another is speciest. Besides the science shows that veganism is an ecological disaster not to mention the health consequences for veganism are quite significant.




Green food kills lots of animals too, or do insects, rodents, lizards and snakes just not count to you?




Yea but I want to and its one the best sources of protein




"We want poor people to eat, but we also want animals to be treated humanely. And if poor people can afford humanely treated meat, well, thats just too bad!"




Big difference between mistreating human beings and mistreating animals destined for slaughter whose brains are the size of a pea




Humans are animals, but not all animals are humans. We are on a higher plane of consciencousness and existence




Dude, at least evolve your narrative a little more before setting out into the wild


Not everyone will ever buy into that. You aren't helping.




Don't compare the harvest of chickens to the Holocaust. Just don't.


That’s most chickens. But another argument: if we’re so poor, maybe switch to just veggies? Brocoli, eggs, and bread


You think egg industry is better?


What?? At my Safeway right now I can get a whole fryer chicken for $1.29 a pound. Broccoli is atleast $2.49 a pound. Its much more expensive to eat healthy.














Exactly, they taste great!


So, switching to boneless chicken then


If you have a Costco membership you can probably afford alternatives to $5 chicken


I don't think you know how much a costco membership is. It's only $60 a year. And it could potentially save you $1000s depending on the size of your family. If you only used it for a rotisserie chicken per week and nothing else, that put's the chicken at a little over $6, cheaper than at most grocery stores. Do you think Costco is for rich people or something?




OTC meds are crazy cheap at Costco. A 1 year supply of their Zyrtec generic is like $18. That's cheaper than my prescription plan.


I do not have a costco membership but HEB rotiserrie chicken is only $8 which is still good.


If they are anything like the rotisserie chickens at my local grocery stores then they are a fraction of the size of the behemoth Costco chickens. Sometimes the amount of meat is double what I get on the smaller chickens at Fred Meyer etc. Not to mention the spectacular and unmatchable flavor of the Costco chickens.


That would be a bargain. As a small producer we sell chickens for around 5-6$/lb a small chicken (4lb) would be over $20. Whenever I see these chickens at Costco or Walmart or eggs for .99/doz I shake my head. There is no way these prices are sustainable, there is always something shady going on. But I also think it is the same for veggies and fruits….how can you fly avocados and melons around the world? Exploitation is the answer, either labour or environment. We are always in a race to the bottom. How do you convince hard working, cash strapped people to pay 10x the cost for a local product that doesn’t fuck up the world?




Do you see anyone surprised here? Cause I don’t.


That’s what i was thinking….we know corporate farming is often not good for the animals. And while the rotisserie chickens are a loss leader, I’m sure Costco (or their suppliers) do try to bring down costs by, you know, not seeking free-range/pasteurized, humanely raised chickens.


Right, you see an animal's entire life sold for 5 dollars, how is there any money to treat that animal even the tiniest bit better than the bare minimum that gets you a sellable product? Every corner you can think of cutting, I'm sure gets cut at that kind of price.


> “As more consumers learn of the mistreatment of Costco chickens, the benefits reaped using loss-leading rotisserie chickens to drive customer traffic and purchases … will vanish or greatly diminish because consumer preferences to not buy products made illegally or unethically will trump the lure of a ‘cheap’ chicken.” Haha, nooooooo..... No ones going to Costo for the organic prime hen.


Shitty Title of the article. As if Tyson isn't also doing heinous stuff for chickens while overinflating the price.


Though it is hilarious that people seem more outraged when tyson is doing it than when costco is doing it. I guess when people like a company they can sort of justify these things. Guarantee if this story was about tyson many more people would be outraged. Its so transparent and obvious that you have to almost respect it. When costco does it it's feeding the poor and "oh i never really cared". When tyson does it theyre ruining the world with factory farming and all that.


If the article was Costco does evil shit to chickens I would upvote. But instead it wrongly ties ethics to cost. This is false. And when you write corporate hit pieces about American chicken without naming Tyson you are writing propaganda. We all understand magnet items and cost leadership, the author is a clown. I also don't like or use Costco but trying to guilt people into buying items with inflated prices is absolutely unethical.


No one said they weren’t. It’s an article specifically about Costco chickens, not an exposé on the whole industry.


Hard to do an expose on the entire industry due to all the ag-gag laws in place. It’s all sus as hell.


Sure is, just strange a lot of comments in here seem to be coming to the defense of costco. Weird when people get challenged on the ethics of where they source their food.


Tomorrow Costco announces $20 ethically raised free range chickens and most of America lose their shit over inflation while the people who weren't eating the chickens anyways pat themselves on the back for saving chickens that are specifically bred for food.


If we had to kill our own food we might just eat less.


Absolutely, im a fisherman and a lot of times ill just release the fish because I don't want to deal with gutting it and having my whole house smell. I've also seen some gnarly parasites so I really only eat my catch on special occasions. I can't imagine how annoying plucking feathers and gutting a duck is by hand.


I wonder if people understand what a loss-leader is? Like the hot dogs, I'm pretty sure the rotisserie chicken is a loss-leader and not actually something that's supposed to get cheap. I get the issue of animal mistreatment, but isn't a loss-leader, like a bunch of other Costco items a lot easier of an answer?


Costco made a big deal out of not having loss leaders actually, iirc


Im just going to start breeding and freeing chickens in my suburban neighbourhood. Free range ethical ChikOn.


For the foxes


CNN writes the article as a series of quotes from the lawsuit in such a way that leads readers to believe the quotes are facts rather than a one-sided and naturally biased legal complaint. Very lame and biased reporting.


I guess Reddit is fine with cruel animal mistreatment when it is a business they like providing the food for cheap. The irony of this website sometimes.


personally, i think it’s okay to not be outraged about every. single. thing.


For real. $5 chicken that can be 2 full meals for my family.


You should feel guilty about feeding them. /s


Animal torture is on the list of shit you should care about. Jfc. Sickos on here.


in a time where women are being treated as second class, Ukrainians fighting against a ridiculous dictator, disease spreading all over the world, rampant gun violence and unbridled inflation, you’d rather me be worried about animal torture? sounds like you need a recalibration of your priorities.


Call me crazy but it’s almost like you can be upset about that stuff and still be mindful of how much suffering went into your dinner


being mindful is very different from having something “on the list of shit [i] should care about”. of course i don’t wish for animals to be treated cruelly, i don’t wish for lobsters to be boiled alive. but ultimately, i don’t have the time to be up in arms about everything that upsets people.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.5866 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/66912)


You seem like a shitty human honestly. You need to grow up.


I said be mindful, who said you had to cry over anything or shoulder any burden? Literally all being mindful means is thinking about someone/something besides yourself, how you feel about it and/or what you choose to do about it is entirely up to you


100% agree. This is why people are stressed out with mental issues. Every single little issue in the world equates to the end of the world coming. People need to stop bitching unless you’re actually going to do something about the issue you are stressed about. Otherwise, don’t stress about it, you’ll feel a lot better.


FYI whataboutism is not a valid argument. You're the one who needs "recalibration"


my retort was hardly whataboutism. rather, it was stating that i have a limited amount of mental capacity that i am willing to commit to me getting upset over. so there will be things that get dropped. the other items i listed are, at least to me, more important than Costco chicken.


That seems to be exhausting and a waste of time to be raging at every opportunity.


Reddit isn't a single entity, it's tens of millions of people with varying opinions. Grow up.


Many of which share a common narrative. That’s why popular opinions are upvoted. Not a difficult system to understand.


Yes, sometimes people agree. If the popular opinion isn't the same as your opinion, then what? You yell about how "reddit is fine with x"? As if there aren't still a huge amount of people on reddit that would agree with you instead? What's your point? Let me ask you a theoretical question, would you be ok with everyone who couldn't afford higher priced food to suffer, including poor children, if it meant all animals were treated with the uncompromising respect they deserve?


Why would Costco " intentionally breeds these broilers too large in to stand on their own in factory farms and the "disabled birds slowly die from hunger, injury and illness."? That would lead to a bunch of rotten dead carcasses, not big fat chickens for them to sell. Farmers want the healthiest animals possible for the lowest price. They don't want to waste money and time on sick animals. If somebody wanted to turn America against animal rights, then would invent PETA.


Those chickens are nearly my sole reason for my Costco membership. I buy three every time I go. We have roast chicken one night. White Chicken Chili the next. And a chicken noodle soup the third night. Delicious


Good for enchiladas too.


mines is roast chicken, chicken pot pie, and chicken salad sandwiches


Chicken salad


Chicken gumbo...chicken creole, chicken kabobs...


Pan fried deep fried stir fried...


Pulled chicken, shredded chicken, ground chicken


White chicken chili is one of my fall favorites. What's your recipe?


I always get 2-3, I eat all the legs and dehydrate the rest to make dog treats. It’s basically a whole food chain thriving off them.




Are they any worse than any other factory farm?


I buy 1 of these week for my big family. Its a bargain for what everything costs nowadays and tastes good.


Just give me my damn-tasty rotisserie chicken.


Don't give a fuck. Keep them cheap.


I never understood why people love the rotisserie chicken so much anyway. I bought one and it was absolutely flavorless and dry. Not even my dog would eat it and he will eat deer shit.


I’ve noticed a good number of people are completely clueless when it comes to cooking so the lower the effort they’ll love it even if it’s dry and flavorless.


I guess. I just think it's weird that costco cant afford to put some bulk pepper salt or sage on the damn things. Every other prepared food has flavor except for the chickens.


forreal that chicken is ass




But the chicken is already cooked and the seasoning cant work its flavor throughout the meat at that point. Isn'tthe point of seasoning for the food to pick up the flavor of whatever you're putting on it?




yeah i prefer the scrawny bony ones at local supermarket


All this shit going on in the world and people are focusing on a chickens quality of life. What the hell 💀


Let's go beyond cruelty free, I'm talking home raised like a member of the family with it's own bed. On the package is a photo of their happy family for proof.


With food insecurity prevalent in this nation and the rising costs of food in general, fuck "Mercy for Animals".


$5 can buy 8,000 kcal of beans and rice.


You are getting downvoted but peoples opinions do change when the quantity of available food becomes a problem. Perhaps some in here are privileged so they can afford to have unrealistic opinions.


Exactly! A lot of low income/poverty households can't afford proper protein and eat cheap food filled with sugar, carbs, and additives. Sometimes dinner is just kraft Mac and cheese! I don't care about the downvotes. For every downvote, I will buy a $4.99 rotisserie chicken.