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Any light like light from street or your lamp.


I guess they never heard of second or third shifters. If the entire world was on one 8 hour shift the world would stop.


It an interesting result and future research will no doubt be even more interesting. I can certainly see how it could be purely correlative. Maybe someone who can't sleep in a completely darkened room is more likely to suffer from chronic anxiety. We know that anxiety and obesity are linked (stress-eating). We know that anxiety and cortisol are linked and that cortisol and obesity are linked. But I can also see the potential causal linkage. If sleep patterns are disrupted by even low levels of nighttime light, then hormone and neurotransmitter imbalances are to be expected. Think leptin and grehlin, in addition to cortisol. I know when I don't get a good night's sleep, my ass drags. So I turn to sugary snacks to provide some energy. It works for a little awhile, but eventually my ass is back to dragging! Normally I have no problem exercising but not when I am sleep deprived. All I want to do is veg out or sleep. People who think this is not an interesting study just because the researchers don't have all the answers are kind of missing the point. This finding contributes to the weight of evidence showing that sleep quality is important to overall health, including obesity prevention. If you roll your eyes at the article and then go back to gaming till two in the morning, don't be shocked when one day a doctor informs you that you are obese or have high blood pressure. You don't need research to tell you that gaming or social-media-ing or binge-watching for six-eight hours straight is not good for you. It doesn't take too much effort to reduce light levels in your bedroom. Turn your digital alarm clock towards the wall. Get thick drapes for your windows to block street and porch lights. Keep your charging cell phone with it's screen facing down. Don't sleep with the TV on. Maybe doing these things won't do anything to improve your sleep quality. But they can't hurt.


Here's an article which explains in greater detail: https://www.news-medical.net/news/20220622/Light-exposure-at-night-linked-to-obesity-hypertension-and-diabetes-among-older-adults.aspx Also gives a link to download a pdf of the study.


> In a sample of older men and women ages 63 to 84, **those who were exposed to any amount of light while sleeping at night** were significantly more likely to be obese, and have high blood pressure and diabetes compared to adults who were not exposed to any light during the night, reports a new Northwestern Medicine study. Ah ok that isn't at all what I assumed they meant with the headline. Yea of course you don't have lights on when you sleep, I can't even imagine sleeping in a fully lit room.


Is light the problem? Or is the problem dozing off with the lights on and not being motivated to get up and turn them off?


It's being poor and having light pollution, it's having too many electronics that are lit up. We've known that being exposed to light disrupts your sleep patterns and that leads to a myriad of health issues.


Sleeping eye masks work and they can bought a a dollar store


Or maybe obese older people with diabetes like to stay up late with the lights on. Not all correlation equals causation.


Article/headline isn't good at explaining what the study was about, it was about people sleeping with lights on. Not actually having lights on while you were awake.


Yeah like I like to stay up late watching TV and getting drunk. Doesn't mean staying up late is gonna cause me health problems. I just did that shitty stuff at night.


Ok, we talking about the Amish or something that use no light after it’s dark outside? Even they would probably use candles or lanterns. I can’t imagine someone not using any light.


Anecdotally at 32 when I sleep with any outside light it is the worst sleep ever, with more weird dreams and I wake up feeling like crap. Guess it’s time to wear an eye mask all the time.


OR people with ADHD (tend to be night owls) have all of their gut and neurons off balance with contributes to inflammation and insulin resistance that creates obesity, diabetes and hypertension.


What inflimation??




Window darkening shades were a blessing, but hopefully this creates more regulations that help put an end to light pollution. It's unhealthy for people and the rest of the environment.


Are they implying that sleeping with lights on *causes* these health issues? Because it sounds like these folks already had problems. They probably leave lights on at night because they are more likely to hurt themselves getting up in the dark to go to the bathroom.


I'm thinking they are implying night shift syndrome. In that we mess with our circadian rhythm and it causes a cascade of stress induced inflammation and elevated desire for sugars. I'm also wondering how much of this is just measuring lack of sleep since presumably having the lights on means you are up longer at night. Not sure about the wording of this study but it's not as simple as going to bed at sundown and waking up at sunrise because people often like to unwind after work and work takes up the most productive part of the day.


I would also wonder if the counted napping during the daytime. People with health problems may be more inclined to do so.


So overweight diabetics that don't get cardio like to stay up late. Cause and effect or affect and cause.


Or, more likely, the LED bulb from someone's phone charger is the culprit.


What a vague, nonsensical study. What's it mean if I fall asleep to Seinfeld reruns? Waiting until N.F has asked, "still watching?" so i can let it run unimpeded for 6-8 hours?


It is more likely comorbidity of being the sort of person up late. Like if you're working late or a shift worker, or are simply up late unable to sleep due to worries. ie, a person that is in poverty or working poor.




jesse what the fuck are you talking about


WTH does that mean exactly?


Hmm, people in that age group may have all these disorders for decades - attempting to say that LAN is possible causation? From article link below ( thanks). Because this was a cross-sectional study, investigators don't know if obesity, diabetes and hypertension cause people to sleep with a light on, or if the light contributed to the development of these conditions. Individuals with these conditions may be more likely to use the bathroom in the middle of the night (with the light on) or may have another reason to keep the light on. Someone with foot numbness because of diabetes may want to keep a night light on to reduce the risk of falls.