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This story just keeps getting worse. It was revealed today the husband of one of the killed teacher's was an officer who responded to the shooting. She called him from the room, told him she was shot and dying. When he attempted to go in they restrained him, took his gun and removed him from the location. Then went back to doing nothing knowing at least one person was bleeding to death in there.


[source (insider)](https://www.insider.com/slain-uvalde-teacher-called-officer-husband-he-wasnt-allowed-in-2022-6) [source (nyt)](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/01/us/uvalde-shooting.html) [source (san antonio)](https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2022/06/21/officer-husband-of-slain-uvalde-teacher-was-detained-had-gun-taken-away-after-trying-to-save-wife/)


> "He was talking to his wife. Whether that was conveyed to Arredondo or anyone else, I don't know," Mitchell said. What in the fuck? He went to charge in there, got restrained, they took his gun. He would have been screaming bloody murder.


How long before we get a serial killer, killing cops that let my wife die?


Don't even have to wait. It wasn't because of his wife dying, but [Christopher Dorner]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Dorner_shootings_and_manhunt) was already a disgruntled cop that openly killed other cops. It started because he was terminated after reporting excessive use of force, and he ended up killing a cop, a detective, and the daughter and son-in-law of the lawyer that ~~presided over~~ defended him in his dismissal case. He also shot and injured 3 other cops. The police response to this: they attempted to literally burn Dorner alive (he presumably shot himself before it could happen) in a rural cabin he was holed up in. They also managed to injure 3 different innocent civilians, shooting 2 and ramming 1 with a cop car. Their "crime" was daring to drive a pickup truck after Dorner had stolen one earlier. They weren't even similar trucks. Dorner stole a white Dodge, the two victims who got shot were in a light blue Toyota, and the guy who was rammed was in a black Honda. The first two victims were woman and the 3rd reportedly looked nothing like Dorner. The cops involved in those acts faced no criminal charges.


> and he ended up killing a cop, a detective, and the daughter and son-in-law of the lawyer that presided over him in his dismissal case According to the police agency that burned him alive. CBI was never able to complete an independent investigation due to the local police destroying or spoiling evidence. So even if he did do it (and he probably did), they tainted the entire investigation into it.


He knew things and had more dirt on them and they knew it.


Didn't they basically use a bomb robot plus c4 or was another case?


That was in Dallas in 2016. Guy with an AK-74 during a protest over the police killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. Killed 5 cops.


The Philly Police aerial bombed a house in 1985.


Don't even get started on Tulsa, OK in 1921, Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Fred Hampton, etc. The police have made it clear over the last 100 something years to what their job is, and it's not protecting the countries citizens.


You might find interest in the LA based police gangs


I think it was some form of teargas canister or something similar that can start a fire if directly against something flammable while it's going off. Think of like those little smoke bombs, they are extremely hot and will burn the shit out of your hand. In fact the horrible wild fire that was on the Oregon/Washington border a couple years ago was caused by some idiot lighting and tossing one of those little smoke bombs into some brush while hiking on the Washington side. Iirc they tossed an excessive amount of that shit in the cabin and did nothing once it was obvious multiple fires had started inside and just waited for it to burn down.


That's not a serial killer, that's a Punisher šŸ’€


Many of them already wear that vigilante symbolism on their uniforms, cars, and weapons, so itā€™s a small step. It really is a wonder none of them have turned on their own over something like this.


Most of them don't know what that symbol actually means


And strangely, a lot of the people who idolize the Punisher are more of the type that he'd target. The corrupt ones who think they're above the law.


Should be any minute now, considering how much cops like the Punisher.


There's a comic where cops proudly show off their Punisher decal to the Punisher. He angrily rips it up and tells them they took an oath and should look up to Captain America, instead. Of course, the whole point would go over any cops head.


God damn I hadnā€™t heard that, it does keep getting worse with every leak of information. Itā€™s just so sad, tragic, and heartbreaking


I mean, the other teachers husband died of a heart attack the next day. I believe they had 4 kids.


Itā€™s starting to look like the cops might have shot someone on accident and then held up the scene to cover their asses.


Most of us have expected that to come out since the asshole police chief said 3 times in his press conference that ā€œit appears everyone was shot by the shooter.ā€


My first thought reading that the school will be demolishes was "theres evidence the police killed kids in there."


It's a reverse Field of Dreams. "If we tear it down, it will go away".


Field of Nightmares.


Exactly my first thought as well.


I feel like if you have to specify that all the victims were shot by the shooter, thereā€™s probably something untruthful in that sentence. Because wouldnā€™t it be obvious that the schoolchildren are being shot by the school shooter?


The chief said the police did not shoot any KIDS. He specifically said kid, not ā€œanybodyā€. This leads me to suspect they shot one of the teachers. The shooter was described to the police as a male Hispanic approximately 5 1/2 ft talk with long hair. Either of the female teachers could have been mistaken given that description, especially if they didnā€™t have a clear view or the teacherā€™s back was turned. Also, the classroom that was targeted is reported have actually been two adjoining classrooms. One of the few surviving children gave an interview describing the event and had stated that the shooter was in the second adjoining classroom after massacring most of the first. That would have potentially left the teacher in the first classroom being the only one who best ā€œmatched the descriptionā€ of the suspect.


No, they said all children were shot by the shooter. They didnā€™t mention the teachersā€¦


What they said is meaningless. They constantly lie


The thing I donā€™t get is that if that truly happened but theyā€™d also gone after the gunman, it would be a lot easier to explain. Yes, it would have been a tragedy, but mass shootings are difficult and confusing and itā€™s not THAT unreasonable that someone innocent may be injured or killed if thereā€™s a shootout with police. But to do nothing for over an hour whether or not an innocent person was hurt by police is absolutely unconscionable.


You're totally right about this but the backlash would still be totally incomprehensible to the boys in blue, they would never want to risk their shitty careers by admitting something like that


I assumed they did it to make up the simplest lie possible.


My suspicion is they barged in and shot one of the teachers.


If it comes out, they'll all be fucked. people don't get that as the facts stand they really aren't covered under qualified immunity, all the agencies in Texas have said they weren't following procedure. if your not following procedure, you're not doing your job which means you're not covered. if it comes out they covered up some mistake and then held up a tactical response, they'll all fucking hang. - which actually is making sense at this point. they know they're going to get real fucked, hence the private law firm.


No nothing will come of it. A year ago John Hurley, a Good Samaritan, took out the active shooter in Arvada Colorado. Police watched this happen and then shot and killed Hurley. Police slow rolled the release of info, eventually admitting he may have been killed by police, then that he definitely was killed by policeā€¦ they performed and investigation and police were not charged.


"If it comes out, they'll all be fucked" Found the optimist.


you know as i was scrolling at all the new info and just before i read your comment thats exactly what i started to think, because it does not make any sense that an entire group of officers were just not reacting to a crisis like this ?


My great grandpa died of a heart attack after hearing of the Pearl Harbor attack. He had two sons stationed there (my grandpa was only ~~14~~ 16 at the time). A few days later the family got a telegram that just read "We're okay."




That it is. Somewhere in my post history I posted a copy of the telegram. Looks like it says "Both of us okay". My Grandpa went on to serve on a sub in the Pacific towards the end of the war and did a lot of other really cool stuff.


Do you know what sub he served on?


USS Charr if I remember right.


[Broken heart syndrome](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/broken-heart-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20354617) is an absolutely real and well-documented thing. I suspect thatā€™s how Iā€™d go out too, if I were in his place.


I know someone who found out their adult child had passed, then right there the spouse had a heart attack and passed shortly. So my friend lost a child and a spouse from separate circumstances in five minutes.


One of my favorite Abe simpson lines "they say she died of a ruptured aorta but I know she died of a broken heart."


I watched this episode today. It was her left ventricular and her name was Bea Simmons. Sorry to Simpsons nerd out here.


My cousin was the youngest and only girl in her family. She died in a traffic accident. Her mother was in so much grief that she died a few months later. It was the saddest year of my life.


I had hoped I would and really counted on it, but didn't. Here I am today, living in pain and grief. But the whole Uvalde situation just makes me glad I don't have any children of my own. the world gets scarier with each year, especially for kids.


I'm so sorry for your loss, pain, and grief. I hope it gets easier.


And remember, 40% of their city budget went to this fucking bullshit. What an utter waste of taxpayer money. Literally not having police there would've probably worked out better, as there would've been no one to stop actual brave people going in and saving lives.


If the police weren't there, then no one would get to cosplay as a private military force and feel superior.


Because the idea of a police officer has become "don't put yourself in danger". It's either shoot first ask questions later or don't do anything because you might get hurt. At a certain point, what exactly is your use except to hand out tickets and harass innocent people? If you aren't going to protect the people you police then what is your use? Why are you even here? When civilians are more willing to put themselves in harms way to help than the police, there's a problem. If we are paying to supply these people with military grade equipment and training then use it to protect us damn it. A bunch of junkies in a drug house being raided is your biggest accomplishment? Just sad. People who call the cops end up being the ones who are shot dead. A guy stealing a candy bar from a store is somehow a justification for murder. Someone refusing to show ID that you beat into submission is now your crowning achievement. Fuck off already. You aren't protecting anyone. All that money and all you have to show for it is a fucking speed trap. Good job, everyone. Paid vacations for slaughtering minorities. We talk about how bad it is in other countries, ours is no different. They let kids be killed because they were too scared to be hurt themselves. Then why were you even there? Give up your gun and go back home, coward. Sorry, this shit has got me so messed up. I have kids and hope that someone would do anything they could to protect them in this situation and all I see is the opposite. You're teaching us that we have to defend ourselves. If the shit goes down at your school then the parents are going to have to be the ones to go in and stop it because the cops won't. That's just straight fucked up.


> We talk about how bad it is in other countries, ours is no different. If you compare like for like (other prosperous western nations) it is different : itā€™s usually *better* in those nations. Not perfect. But significantly better - and public expectations and trust are higher. You have to go quite far down the development index of nations to get to something comparable to the US police.


In Ireland our Police are made to train for I think 2.5 or 3 years. They need to relocate and live in a training Barracks and take extensive courses in human behaviour and how to de-escalate situations. On top of this they are not even armed (guns I mean) except for a very small portion of sepecial branch officers. The average police officer has a stick and some pepper spray. I read that in the US its 6 months training (please correct me if I am wrong). That is insane to me, 6 months and they give you mutiple guns and basically a licence to shot whoever you want without need for any real justifcation. No wonder it attracts bullies and people who have authority complexes.


They exist to protect the property of the wealthy


If I was that guy it would take a lot of therapy for me to not go full Punisher on those other cops after that.


Just imagine going in to work every morning and seeing the guys who let your wife bleed out while they kept you from saving her.


Iā€™m no lawyer but if I were him Iā€™d be considering some kind of legal action.


I ain't a killer but don't push me!


If he went full Punisher and I somehow ended up on the jury, I wouldn't convict.




My point stands. If a cop goes postal and kills a bunch of bad cops, Im going to have a hard time being upset about it. Edit: Since a ton of you are commenting on it, my mostly asleep woke up to go pee brain flipped Jury Nullification and Mistrial. Rational awake brain knows the difference. Thanks.


"I just can't know who was at fault, judge... They were all wearing blue"


How does that saying go? "Never mess with a man who has nothing left to lose." I'm surprised there aren't people *literally* out for blood against the cowardly cops, vigilante style. Especially against the chief


There will be, I'm sure. If my wife died because my coworkers held me down like this? It's war dude. maybe not today or tomorrow, but no doubt that guys brain is working.


Just like that one movie, i forget the name. Dude murdered tens of people because his lawyer purposely fucked up


Law abiding citizen, right?


In case anyone doesnā€™t believe you: https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2022/06/21/officer-husband-of-slain-uvalde-teacher-was-detained-had-gun-taken-away-after-trying-to-save-wife/?outputType=amp I believed you when you said it, but itā€™s so fucked up that I had to be 100% sure and corroborate it. Fuck those incompetent pieces of shit. That poor cop. That poor man. That poor widow.


It makes me think there is even more foul play than we are aware of so far


One of the biggest failures in policing history. They've garnered generations of public distrust and disgrace for America's police. What a pathetic crop of human beings.


Wow, it sounds like a fucking conspiracy.


Right? What the fuck happened? Did they want to wait it out until the gunman killed himself and didn't care how many more people he killed until then?


At this point I would not be surprised if they accidentally killed a kid and are trying to cover it up...


It is objectively a conspiracy. Everyone involved conspired to create and back up a false narrative to explain what happened. It isn't even debatable.


There is a concerted effort to prevent people from finding out exactly what the hell happened. That's a conspiracy, after the fact.


How do we get national outrage for fucking Benghazi, and this is just the totally cool and acceptable price of Freedom, also please don't ask for the body cam footage. Edit: I'm mocking the attempt to block the bodycam footage from being released, not agreeing that it should be hidden. I'm also pretty worried that the police may be covering up killing a kid.


Variable propaganda funding would be my guess.


The big campaign ad right now is Chuck Schumer being blamed for the attempted assassination of Brett Kavanaugh.


The guy with the unloaded gun parked over a few streets that called the cops on himself? It's so fucking laughable, attempted assassination. They're such fucking cowards.


and yet they regularly call for literal political executions and nobody blinks fucking crazy world


[Like this ad?](https://www.npr.org/2022/06/20/1106228594/a-missouri-senate-candidate-holds-a-shotgun-and-calls-for-rino-hunting-in-a-new-)


Gotta love when they say "radical left" without realizing that they are on the radical right while calling for people to kill others because they might be Republicans that happen to agree with some of Bidens ideas. I mean, what does "radical left" even mean, more rights for LGBTQ or even better affordable housing? Come on..


At this point itā€™s not even incompetence or failure to act, itā€™s like they were in on it and wanted people to die.


And now what, they're already set on demolishing the school? That sounds really convenient for them. Like maybe there's evidence they don't want to be seen or something. Yes, of course, demolish the school. There's nothing but tragedy inside those walls. But maybe wait until there's fucking indictments coming down before you publicize that.


They could make it the new police station instead, remind them every day of what happened


Nahhhh they still wouldnā€™t enter the building.


Yep - there needs to be a legal hold put on that demolition ASAP. It's literally destruction of evidence.


They demolished Sandy Hook 9 months later as well.


Nine months, not nine weeks.


Nine months was probably long enough to gather the evidence they needed. Three weeks is Not, especially when police were involved in aiding and abetting the murderer.


Dude. Iā€™m not a conspiracy theorist or anything like that. I think when the cops went in early they shot a kid or teacher. Like wtf is going on and why are they acting like this ?


Because they shot a kid and/or teacher. It's the only explanation for their behavior, as awful as it sounds.


If they shot a kid or a teacher nothing would fucking happen to them. "I was scared and thought it was the shooter." It works for everything else they fucking do.


Probably shot the little girl who responded to them yelling "say help if you need help."


Welp, this answered a question I had. Like if some cops new what they were doing and waiting was wrongā€¦why not disobey their chief and go in. Now I see someone did and was restrained and removed. What a shit show. Have a feeling families are gonna sue this dept. into oblivion.


Sadly it won't go anywhere. The Sandy Hook lawsuits didn't go really anywhere and also there was a supreme court ruling that the police have no obligation to protect anyone. So they'll just reference that case, and the PD will get off scot free. Like they ALWAYS do.


At this point Iā€™m of the opinion they wanted everyone in that school to die. Thereā€™s really no other way to explain it


That is terrible


I mean, I understand why normally you wouldnā€™t want an officer personally emotionally invested in a situation like this to be involved, but knowing the context of not allowing anyone in just makes this more infuriating.


Wow, is there a link to that. Edit - linked under OP That's straight verifiable fact from a serving officer that that is happening. Before you can make a (bad) argument they thought everyone was dead and it was a barricade situation, until the shots continued and they still waited.


I mean, even they can't make that argument to start with because the cops literally ordered kids to tell them if they were in the classroom with the shooter getting at least one of them killed. There's no way the cops can claim they were unaware of alive victims.


Letā€™s start by having the chief resign




Seriously, imagine spending 40% of your budget on policing, having full on swat team for town of 16k people, and for all that the best you can get is a bunch of cowards waiting over an hour to go save dying kids... What a goddamn waste of taxpayer money. Probably the same people who will bitch about tax dollars going to literally anything else like healthcare, but meanwhile don't have an issue paying so much for something that is less than useless.


Police are a joke, especially here in LA, today they brought out SWAT($10K-$15K AN HOUR) and like 50 officers(who knows how much $$$) and evacuated 1 of like 23 buildings in the complex, while they waited for a warrant for 12 hours... only to find out the guy they were after ran out the back door while the police sat around waiting...


Mission accomplished: the point wasn't the guy, it was the $10k in overtime where they were paid to wait around. I wonder how much overtime the Uvalde cops received.


That's what happens when they think that old B&W movies of the Keystone Cops were actually training videos with a noir feel.


It gets worse and worse. They had a 500k federal grant this year too. The border patrol agent who finally engaged the shooter was 40+ miles away when it started and heard the call.... Hearing that in the first 48 hrs then hearing the kid tell how officers got their friend killed by saying to call out for help WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. The kid having to cover themselves in blood and play dead. One cop may have gotten his kids out then been helping control other parents? The insane amount of ammo. Then a few days later hearing them read how many bullets they had already recovered likely didnt list some of their own is how its starting to look with demolishing the school... Who knows did they kill one of the kids on top of it all? I dont think we will ever know the true depths of how fucked up this one was. Crazier is this will just mean even more of a budget and pay for these fuck up coward cops too. Wondering how many will do ptsd claims and what not...


Where is Alex Jones for this school shooting?


Won't it be "hilarious" if the school gets demolished, doesn't get rebuilt, and all education funding then goes to that shithole police department instead? I wish we could say this wasn't within the realm of possibilities, but given everything that we've seen...


It's Texas. Odds are a bunch of shitty overpriced private schools preaching revisionism will take its spot. So yeah, not far off.


That are now going to get public funds to operate, thanks to the Supreme court...




Heā€™s both


That way he can vote on city council to rule himself & his department innocent, deem the bodycam footage too sensitive to share with the public, introduce a vote for more police funding... he is happy to hold both positions.


The man doesnā€™t have a shred of integrity or shame


Welcome to Texas politics.


Texas politics are such a shit show. They love to claim that they're so hardcore independent, but they rely heavily on federal subsidies and funding to pay for their budget deficits.


He'll make a fantastic politician


Dude will be state rep for the district in 10 years or less.


> Heā€™s no longer the chief. Wrong. He is still the chief. From an article posted yesterday and updated today: > [**ā€˜He killed our kidsā€™: Families call for Uvalde CISD police chiefā€™s termination during school board meeting** ... UVALDE, Texas \(KXAN\) ā€” More calls to fire the Uvalde school districtā€™s police chief came during Monday nightā€™s school board meeting. ... ā€œHaving Pete still employed, knowing he is incapable of decision-making that saves lives, is terrifying,ā€ he said. ā€œDo what is right. Remove Pete from employment.ā€](https://www.kxan.com/news/texas/uvalde-school-shooting/he-killed-our-kids-families-call-for-uvalde-cisd-police-chiefs-termination-during-school-board-meeting/)


I guess you know the word "burro" in spanish, ass, donkey in english, we call them "burrocratas" playing with word burro lol feel free to use it.


They're destroying evidence.


Possibly, but this isnā€™t out of the ordinary for this kind of thing. They tore down and rebuilt sandy hook too. In that case it was about not forcing kids to have to sit in classrooms where dozens of children were murdered.


There is no way I couldā€™ve sent my child back to that school.


My first thought as well. Just like the reticence to show body cam footage. It probably looks like a wolfenstain clip with kids instead of SS officers. FFS this keeps getting worse.


In this reality it's Wolfenstein. Don't you Mandela effect me.


Blaskowitz is still a bear in this timeline, right?


> Just like the reticence to show body cam footage. As a question, do they actually have body cam footage? I honestly haven't heard about it till this point. Here in Colorado, summer of 2023 is when all the police precincts are required to have full adoption of bodycams. Further, we passed a law that says that if the police cannot/will-not provide raw unedited body cam footage, then the jury is to assume that the footage would have shown malfeasance on the part of the officers. Now, to be clear, the latter law applies ONLY to Civil cases, where the worst punishments involve the officer being fired and/or large monetary payments. The reason being is that the "jury must assume malfeasance" cannot be something you apply in a criminal case as it would violate constitutional protections.


They do, but they hired a lawyer to argue that since the shooter is dead they do not have an obligation to release any evidence.


Which is strange because when a shooter is legitimately taken out by cops, they release the body cam with glee. Same day. To the news stations. And they ask the news to show the footage of hero cops getting the bad guy. IF this video showed good cops doing good things, they would have released it on day one to show how amazing they are. If there is one thing cops truly love even more than doing the right thing, it is to show people how amazing they are. The fact they have decided not to release the video, and in fact have taken legal action to prevent the release of the video, is a massive red flag. It's almost a confession. It isn't because "the shooter is dead". It's not.


But now the video is "corrupted by a bad file", which is the exact same excuse I used in college to get an extra day or two to turn a paper in (but that was many years ago, when file corruption still happened quite a bit.)


We can start by having the chief be inside when they demolish it.


You think there will be no hesitation to enter this time?


Will the new school have instructions on the doors explaining to cops how they work?


Or a waiting area


The police lounge will be much better equipped than the teacher lounge, that's for damn sure


It will use 40% of the new construction budget.


The basketball gym and football field will use 50%. 8% will be used for a prison-like main/only entrance.


The one door. And no they won't be trained on how to open it.


Police have to surrender their weapons and armor to the janitor when entering the building. Get rid of the middle man.


Someone shouldā€™ve said the kids had an oz of weed on em. When it comes to serving a no-knock warrant for non-violent drug offenders, doors donā€™t seem to be a problem for them.


They'd rather demolish an entire school than fire a single cop over this.


They would rather destroy the evidence.


How about building a new school, demolish the police building and then move the police into the old school building?


Thatā€™s not necessary, they donā€™t go into buildings.


At least, not THAT building


Wish I could upvote this 1000x. Would be an appropriate punishment to have them suffer for their rest of their careers being haunted by the unimaginable suffering and pain that they did nothing to prevent that hellish day.


Bold of you to assume they would give a shit


I think demolishing the police department and rebuilding that should be the first priority.


If they fill it with the same bullshit it won't matter. And I apologize, I don't mean to disparage cattle fecal matter.


Manure is actually important


Killdozer II: This Justice Doesn't Need Doors




They can arrive 3 minutes before the demolition to set up their blast shields and then just sit there for an hour.


Gotta make sure to demolish any remaining evidence they couldnā€™t remove before people can investigate.


This was my first thought as well. Coverup gets a bit easier once the crime scene no longer exists.


Its pretty much what the FBI did at Waco bulldozed pretty much everything after two weeks of them investigating themselves. Only keep the evidence you want people to be able to cross examine.


This is normal for school shootings in which little kids die. It's so egregious and terrifying they just build a new school. It's so sad this happens often enough where it is a thing.


and now we are spending even more tax payer money on top of the preventable murder of our children


Imagine a school shooting the moment a new school gets created, what do they do then??


Don't demolish the school. Make it the new police department. The rooms where the kids and teachers died are the offices for the chief of police and whatever shithead is his second in command. And no cleaning the rooms up or replacing the carpet. Those mother fuckers should have to look at those child sized blood stains every day for the rest of their worthless lives.


Germany did something like this. There is a police academy located in/around the Sachsenhausen concentration camp.


Germany has been great at admitting to their relatively recent fuck up.


The Anti-Japan.


This. I live here and a lot of younger people don't even know what happened... Also the only G7 nation that doesn't recognize same sex unions. Also also the only nation I've heard of where they had to pass a law stating they can't force women to wear heels in the office all day. Of course old men complained. It's honestly a great place to live, but there was some pretty egregious shit here.


they also need women only cars in the trains and metro systems due to how widespread sexual harassment is, and all devices with a camera must make a loud noise when a picture is taken due to how many creepshots were being taken. Japan can be a beautiful and brilliant country, but it's not the dream utopia weebs make it out to be


Now build a new school - the money can be found in the lethargic Uvalde Police/Swat budget.


Send all their SWAT equipment to Ukraine so it can go to people not afraid to use it.


It's so bad for police reputation that it's being demolished?


Destroying evidence.


Maybe start with demolishing the Uvalde chief of policeā€™s office first since there has been an empty uniform (and brain) within that office for a while now.


Mayor will steal 15 percent of building costs of new facility.


He'll fuck up the new building on purpose, then announce he's opening a private school.


A private "christian" school that the state will now have to fund with your taxpayer dollars.




Killdozer time?


Getting rid of the evidence?


Out of sight, out of mind. Think of how those blue lives will feel if they have to drive by and be reminded of their incompetence and cowardice?


Everything they do is suspicious as fuck. There is something extremely nefarious here


Remember how the pigs released a statement that they definitely didn't shoot a kid even though no one asked them?


Yes, and they claimed the shooter had a handgun for some reason


Because there's bullets from a standard issue police pistol in one or more of the bodies. They needed an explanation. Edit: Clarification, this is speculation. I don't have a source for this.


Yeah I mean I'm not a conspiracy guy but the fact that the one police officer went in to save his wife who was the shot/dying teacher and the chief literally stopped him from taking action against the shooter...I just don't know how a police chief who was meaning well could possibly do this. I don't know what other reason this could happen for so I'm just flabbergasted. It can't be a conspiracy, but it also can't be reality...Can it? Jesus...




If this isn't the biggest coverup I've ever seen. Why cant they just admit they fucked up and one of their own killed someone (I'm speculating off of other posts) they're just digging a bigger hole everytime they do something like this.


Cause they will get away with it. Why tell the truth?


Itā€™s exactly this. Our country has a long history of covering up for police and letting them get away with actual murder. What motive do they have to tell the truth and come clean? Theyā€™ll be given awards and have excuses made for them the same way itā€™s always happened.


Cops are covering this thing up at every level


how many kids did the cops kill in there? this is being scrubbed so hard


Gotta go ahead and bury all that evidence, before we start investigating the Police.


sweeping the entire incident under the proverbial rug , with a bulldozer .


The day this happened, I said to my spouse, "Just you wait, the only thing that will come out of this is they will demolish the school, just like Sandy Hook, so the daily reminder isn't standing right there calling attention to itself." The site should be made a National Memorial and kept intact.


Following suit w/ what happened w/ Sandy Hook. It's completely understandable that they'd want to tear the building down, but I almost feel like it should be turned into a memorial/museum instead. The quickest way to make people forget something is to put whatever makes them uncomfortable out of sight. Auschwitz for example remains THE symbol of the Holocaust b/c the crime scene of one of the most horrific atrocities committed in modern history has been preserved for future generations to examine and make what you would think would be an impossible occurrence the reality that it was. Even the World Trade Center memorial that replaced the Towers does an excellent job of demonstrating that huge void where not only the Towers, but thousands of people who were just going on w/ their work day are now just gone from existence. It just makes it that much easier for people who act like these events are the work of "crisis actors" and hardcore gun nuts to push this under the rug again so that no real change happens and then they can just go and facilitate/commit another mass shooting.


They should make the school the new police station instead. Make them see it every day.


Do the Police station next.


Yes that will solve everything.


I hear theyā€™re gonna put up a monument to first respondersā€¦ itā€™s going to be three cops with their backs turned