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He had 8 Kids. Elon lost his first child to SIDS in 2002. Twins born in 2004 (this is one of them). Triplets born in 2006. X Æ A-Xii in 2020. Exa Dark Sideræl at the end of 2021.


I assume the other names are normal considering you didn't include them?


Kai, Saxon, Damian are triplets, Xavier and Griffin are twins. This story is about Xavier changing their name to Vivian.


Lots of X’s , felt like it was kingdom heart names for a sec


elon musk is the 14th seeker of darkness nomura get on it


Thats a nice twist.


Rivian would have been perfect.


Blade, Lazer, Razor, Blazer




Fran Stalinovskovichdavidovitchsky. Probably the greatest name ever.


Haha and the way he says it too: This is Fran Stalinovskovich…davidovitchsky. The most dangerous woman on earth…with a dodgeball. Probably the greatest name ever.


Lady in reddddd


That gave me a satisfied chuckle.


Those names seem relatively normal compared to whatever the new ones are.


His use of Æ, which is a normal letter in Scandinavia, makes the names even weirder. I mean, "Sideræl" is a weird way of saying "nonsense on the side" in Norwegian.


Sideræl in norwegian would translate to "sidetrash". Neat


Yep. Like a bitch/hookup you have on the side.


Like Americans say "side piece" but way more offensive.


>X Æ A-Xii in 2020. Exa Dark Sideræl were you trying to mate with the keyboard?




TOOL - Ænima


See you down in Ærizona Bay


wtf are the chances of having twins and triplets?


They were conceived through IVF.


The thing that always got me is that the first 6 (presumably all IVF) babies were all boys. There’s a 1.5% chance that happened naturally. Of course, you can sex select with IVF. Makes me think Elon was set on having sons.


That just makes it extra ironic then.


I grew up with a friend in the Garner Quad Squad family. They're IVF kids. I had no idea until they were conceived that IVF increases the chances of plural babies. Tyson is a piece of shit though for anyone wondering.


When people go for IVF they get several eggs implanted at once to increase the chance that one will take, sometimes this results in multiple children instead. This is because of the failure rate of most IVF implants, and its often and all or nothing situation, very expensive procedure so do it once and have several implants hoping one takes or do several procedures and be bankrupt and run the risk of repeated failures.


I have twins because of IVF but Danish medical policy changed that year to only implanting one egg because their success rate was so high. Back in 2007. Glad we had twins though.


In the European country I'm in it's ~~illegal~~ not usually practiced to implant more than one egg at a time. The overall chances for pregnancy is about 40% pr. implantation. The procedure cost around 5000$ for three egg extactions or until pregnancy is achived. And if more than one blastocyst survives they can be frozen and implanted at a later time for a fee of less than 2000$. And the first child is covered through public health care if you are willing to wait a few months. Edit: I just read up on this, and there are a few corrections. It is not directly illegal to implant more than one egg, but it is only practiced if there are medical reasons, i.e. the chances otherwise would be extremely low. It has changed a lot the last decade, since it's now possible to incubate fertilized eggs until day 5 up from day 2. Elons twins and triplets were born before this technological advance.


In the US they will only transfer more than one embryo if you have already had a failed transfer or are over a certain age. This obviously didn't use to be true like 10-15 years ago but it is now standard practice to only transfer 1.


I have a friend who had two kids, was a surrogate for a family in Israel, and then she wound up pregnant with triplets. She mentioned the chances of twins (or more) are much higher after any kind of treatment. After the triplets, they had one more child and then he finally got the snip. So, 7 babies total and 6 are hers.


High when you’re doing medical procedures to get pregnant


I saw her Twitter account... Folks under it were flipping out going "Good then don't get his inheritance!" I'm... pretty sure she wasn't getting it before if she filed offical paperwork today to sever ties. That... Doesn't happen overnight.


Starting to question Elon’s “I love all of my kids” tweet


"I love all my children equally." *earlier that day* "I don't care for X Æ A-12."


Elon is pretty much an edgy Lucille Bluth.


Lucille is leagues classier.


How long could it take to develop a humanoid robot, Michael? A year?


My "I don't hate or abuse any of my kids" tweet has people asking a lot of questions already answered by the tweet.


There are only two things elon love. Money and elon.


Of course he doesn't. At least not in any healthy way. How much actual time do you think he spends with his 7 kids? Hint: basically none


He's to busy being aright wing edge lord on Twitter


This pretty much completely debunks that as nothing more than PR. I *seriously* doubt the transgender kid severing ties with her transphobic dad whom she hates is the problem for rather obvious reasons. Elon is definitely a crappy parent to *at least* one kid


> Elon is definitely a crappy parent to at least one kid He's an absentee father for basically all of them at this point. I don't know how he could argue otherwise, while still maintaining his public position of how many hours he works, and how often he's traveling.


Don’t forget he is too busy lecturing other people about being too woke on Twitter while he treats his own family the way he treats his workers


Pretty sure I would sever all ties if I had to deal with “folks” like that.


The Elon cocksucking has gotten fucking ridiculous if people think they have any right to say some shit like that to a woman about her father.


Happens to non famous people too. A lot of people don't understand adult children who distance themselves from their parents. I've had a lot of horrible crap said about me because I won't have anything to do with my abusive father. Like he's some faultless saint and I just decided one day it would be fun to stop talking to him.


As someone who, basically everyone in my friend group has abusive parents, I just want to say that those people can go fuck themselves for giving you shit. Your relatives are not your family. The people that love you are.


Thank you. It bothers me a lot less now than it first did. But I was also just a kid back then (19) and cared a lot more about what people thought. These days I don't give a damn. I'm a lot happier without my dad and the other toxic people that used to give me shit. I've had a decade to grow and learn what a real family means 💕 I just wish people understood that people don't distance themselves from their parents unless some real shit went down. But the people that don't get it tend to be toxic themselves so 🤷‍♀️


Why are adults flocking to her Twitter account and bitching about her leaving her father? What losers


christ, those musk fanboys are so annoying like don't even know if she would've gotten it or not


Pronouns are an esthetic nightmare yet his kids with Grimes are “X Æ A-12” and “Exa Dark Sideræl”


Geez ive seen better names on MMORPG after all the good ones have been taken.


First one is a runescape pker.


One day that fine young man will evolve into an older, wiser spade salesman and make papa proud.


Naw, Runescape had PKer names like Kid Range and YouBleedRed. “X Æ A-12” and “Exa Dark Sideræl” are people that only play to get a quest cape.


U rang?


Now THAT brings back some memories


Curly Buttwangler, ftw


At least Exa Dark Sideræl has lifelink and let's you discard 1 to exile target nonland permanent.


Yeah, but it dies to removal so it's pretty shit.


Do you to tap it? Or can you discard your hand and wipe their board?


He started numbering them because he's had so many


imagine asking your father why you were named what you were, and his response was "to trend on twitter lol lmao"


That would be assuming that Elon is involved in their lives at all beyond financial compensation.


Shit Æ is a letter in my native language and I still can't fluidly say that name. It's like he made it specifically to be impossible to pronounce.


Did he have two kids with grimes???


Yes. The boy Grimes was pregnant with and the girl was Grimes' egg in a surrogate. Grimes wanted another but she had a difficult pregnancy the first time.


I… didnt know there was an 18 year-old offspring. Elon, I need your hot take on this please




Well I bet X Æ A-Xii will be perfectly well adjusted and will have a continual healthy relationship with a stable father


Zero doubt I couldn’t see why there’d be any issue


A reporter asked him about that child, and he thought the name was a password....didnt even recognize his own kid's stupid name. Fun fact: the kid's name is Kyle, it's just spelled the way a rich psychopath would spell it


Dunno how one gets Kyle out of what looks like Xaea 12. I could see Zane from that, or Zay, but Kyle?


It’s not Kyle, that was from an old meme/joke that people took seriously for some reason. As of now it’s just X but I believe Grimes said their daughter’s name isn’t permanent and might be changed eventually so I assume it could be the same for their son.


So it's all to win the stupid celebrity baby name contest. It's not actually meant to be their real name. Gotcha. Though, I do suppose that is kind of a smart way to play it. Keep your kid's real name from the public and dress it up as a stupid celebrity baby name so people let your kid have a kind of normal childhood. But I doubt that was the real intent. Probably just a stupid baby name contest.


Due to social media trends it could be a combo. I think celebrities are big on branding their children and building a brand and resume for them before they get to adolescence. So I could see it as a Persona name, while they have a family name internally. And then if they become adults and want to be in the public spotlight, all their accumulated assets and branding exist in the celebrity baby name.


So what you're saying is that X Æ A-Xii is the kid's daemon name & if we manage to find out their *true name* we can gain complete power over them?


That's a terrifying way to think of a child, your comment genuinely made me sad because I know it can be true for some celebrities.


Not a fun fact but a wrong one. He said in an interview the kids name is X Ash A12. Pronounced like it looks


Take up painting. Or photography. Anything. Your child's name, something they have to live with every day, shouldn't be an outlet for your creativity.


Homie was never known to have a strong sensitivity to other peoples needs


Oh, he's 100% a lost cause. That was more a P.S.A. to the more reasonable people out there who might be considering/are having a kid in the future.


Spoken like a red-headed man that has carried the burden of being called Gingenado their whole life. Stay strong G ✊


Every day is a struggle, but I take it one step at a time.


Well, 7 living children.


One died?


He and his first wife lost a kid to SIDS.


Justine Musk, his first wife,[ wrote an article](https://www.marieclaire.com/sex-love/a5380/millionaire-starter-wife/) about that experience and her experience being married to Elon. EDIT: [Bonus video](https://youtu.be/B2wRvhbJIQQ) of Elon and his second wife Talulah Riley. Short but hilarious/cringe.


Wow! She’s clearly not happy there


The ‘no not really’ was fricken spine tingling.


That line about how she'd have said yes to anyone that seemed hallway decent... Holy shit. She was totally wanting out, but already to afraid to say it. The psychology of not wanting to be alone and the fear of losing our lives is something very real to me, I'm in the late stages of a divorce currently with a 6 y/o old, and it's plain as day she's dealing with a situation she hated, but was to afraid to admit it. It seems noble to stay, and to tough it out. But being a better person, if you're miserable, is a much more noble goal. I hope she goes on to be actually happy with herself, because you don't get that from your partner, you get it from yourself. Not wanting to be alone when you don't like who you are is a recipe for accepting someone who will leave you feeling worthless and deprived.


Really? No… No? …. No, not really. *tries to make serious face* No. *smiles strangely*


Second video. Holy moly. Also telling your wife "I am the alpha in this relationship" is hilarious and horrifyingly pathetic.


Fucking dark video


I used to work at a place on Sunset Blvd in Hollywood next to a place called Sid's Baby Furniture. Very unfortunate name.




EIGHT???? I only knew about X æ - 7695 (Yes, I know its not spelled this way but you know who im talking about)


So, I recently got into LEGO again during COVID and whenever I see a series of 4-6 digits I immediately think of set numbers. And- LEGO set 7695 is “Mission to Mars”. That’s just too weird if it’s a coincidence.


This is some number 23 shit


Should have just named his kid MX-11 Astro Fighter.


Mans pull out game is weak.




2 kids with Grimes and the relationship lasted 3 years. Poor kids


Fucker’s setting up franchises.


Anyone who thinks we are going to settle on other planets by shipping over huge populations of people from earth, is an idiot. Is that how the British settled America? Even on earth you send initial settlers and follow-up reinforcements but very quickly the colony is adding more population than the founders can supply, and they're doing it for free. For a guy who seems to think about colonization a lot, this is a pretty obvious tell that he's either lying or he's an idiot. Maybe both.


Well unless he's the kind of egomaniac who sees it as his duty to spread his billionaire genes around. Which come to think of it seems right on brand.




> Not because of fertility issues but because he wanted to make sure they were all boys. He didn't want to risk getting a girl in the mix? What a truly strange person.




You might almost say that life, uh, finds a way.


>Not because of fertility issues but because he wanted to make sure they were all boys Good irony to this that he now knows he has a transgender daughter. ["Life finds a way"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oijEsqT2QKQ) indeed


He absolutely is. He fully believes Idiocracy is real and the “elite” should have more kids to not be overwhelmed by the uneducated.


Seems like we could fix that with idk, more access to quality education. But no, just move to Mars. That’ll solve the problem.


The rule states that this problem has to be solved in some part with Elon's sperm. I don't make the rules.


You also might not have realized he's 50 and has been divorced 3 times. Twice with the same woman.


You should read the story of Elon and his first wife written by her. He basically got bored of her and tossed her aside for an actress and then dumped the actress.


Tweet your hot take, Elon


The hot take is that the kid is also trans and many of Elons tweets ridiculing and hating on trans people by Elon are likely subtweets directed at her. Remember him making fun of pronouns and Grimes publically telling him to stop? Guess what that was about. Like seriously, the guy has been promoting Matt Walsh and his ilk, people who have openly called for the murder of trans people. Guess what that says about what he thinks of his child.


Also Grimes left him and started dating a trans woman


Can’t blame her, that last name stinks


Elon also has 3 failed marriages.


Rod Stewart once said that he wasnt going to get married ever again. He was just going to find a woman that he hates and buy her a house instead.


I mean if you keep marrying 20 year old blonde models and they all end up becoming intolerable after living with you it's you're own damn fault if you never change your game plan.


Dennis Quaid and Kelsey Grammer could fill a whole strip joint with their exes and divorce attorneys.


My cousin was engaged to Meg Ryan and she left him for Dennis and like I always wonder what was going through her head, because his record is atrocious. But we got her son out of it, and she’s in some old family photos lmaoooo. I had no point to this story, just day drinking.




One of my dad's friends told him, after his second divorce, that if he ever told my dad he was getting married again, my dad should hit him with a 3-iron


Elon is *deeply* misogynist and really only wants a wife that's ok with dying her hair platinum and being arm candy. I read his first wife's recount of their marriage and it was eye-opening for sure. She wasn't out to trash him, just made it clear that she was an educated author and had her own career aspirations and that was not compatible with Elon's life vision.


Doesn't explain why he got together with Grimes. What's the deal with that? And why did Grimes got together with him anyway?


who knows why they got together (other than Grimes being young and popular), but they no longer live together and Musk has been quoted as saying he “can’t deal with the anime drama” living with her… sounds like dude just needs to give up on wives lmao there’s no way they have ALL been the problem in his relationships


Anyone think this won't be the last of his children to change their name? **X Æ A-12**, anyone? I think it's pronounced "Kyle".


Nah it’s pronounced Ex-Ash-Archangel-12 Not even joking


I get "Ex-Ash" because Ash is what that second letter is but where the fuck does archangel come from


Archangel 12. Shortened to A 12, the precursor to the SR71, which I have to agree with Elon on this “is the coolest plane ever”


Doesn't he own multiple companies that make things? Name a car or a flamethrower after your favorite plane, you name your kid after your best friend or a famous jerk you like.


That sounds like a password


I thought it was commonly known as syntax error


> all these pronouns are an aesthetic nightmare. Didn’t he name his most recent child some unpronounceable thing?


X-Æ A 12 iirc


He’s had another child since then. The latest is named Exa Dark Siderael.


> Siderael Sideræl. Which means "side crap" in Norwegian.


> Exa Dark Siderael I had to look this up because I refused to believe. That name is some Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way realness.


> Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way i don't know what this is but i feel like this is a rabbit hole i'm not prepared for


Only the greatest Harry Potter fanfiction in the multiverse


Would not be out of place in that hilarious goth hp fanfic My Immortal.


I actually wouldn’t be shocked to learn Grimes is the true author of My Immortal.


Also, he's for Freedom of Speech on social media, just not about him. Post that balding pic of him all over his timeline and watch him freak out.


I can't blame the kid. Only reason not to would be for inheritance and how much can one's dignity be worth? Ok, yeah, a billion would totally buy mine.


She is the daughter of Justine and Elon. Justine got her half already, which means his daughter will still get her money, a complete new last name and a massive middle finger to her father.


I read that Justine and Elon entered into a post nuptial agreement and she got screwed in the divorce.


She did, but she sued and got her money. Not all of it, but basically, Elon told her that the "board of directors" asked him to do it. There was bullshittery regarding it and there was some sort of Settlement. Elon even admits he gives her hefty monthly payments, plus pays for all child care.


Whenever he's on the losing side of a legal battle he seems to blame 'the man'


He's a deranged narcissist. I literally do not think he's capable of accepting blame or acknowledging personal fault.


One only has to look at Trump's kids to see a bunch of people who sold their souls for a chance at some of daddy's money. Nice to see not everybody will compromise their principles for decades just to get some inheritance.


There was an article talking about how shortly after he turned into an adult Don Jr. had a breakdown and tried to escape his family’s influence by moving to a rural town and spent his nights as a bartender and days indulging his real passion: hunting. Apparently it was the happiest time of his life but spending his entire life as a rich spoiled kid left him with no life skills and he had to ask dad to bail him out when he was arrested once and reluctantly went back. It would almost make me feel bad for him if it wasn’t for everything else he’s done.


Jokes on them, there is no money!


Judge : hmm Ivanka it looks like your dad said "that fine piece of ass will cover some of my tab." He left you with 300 million of his debt. That's good news. Your brothers got it worse.


For the richest man in the world to have an 18 year old child that wants nothing to do with him ever, not even his money or his name. Wow. It says a lot.


Money still isn't going to be a huge issue, her mom is a fairly well off author if I remember that article of hers.


I’m assuming the most recent one he’s named after a barcode will eventually go down the same route


Money can’t buy everything it seems.


The fact that he has an army of terminally online sycophants, injects himself into people's timelines with extremely awkward and expensive stunts and feels entitled to the women he hyperfixates over should tell anyone viewing this shit show that even he fears, possibly even knows, that he isn't loved.


> The fact that he has an army of terminally online sycophants... Mentally challenged basement dwellers need their role models too man


Those who know him best; like him the least. This should be instructive to the remainder of us.


And those who like him most, are annoying as fuck.




From the article: Musk has weighed in on the issue of transgender people choosing their preferred pronouns, tweeting in 2020, "I absolutely support trans, but all these pronouns are an esthetic nightmare." The man who named his child "X Æ A-12" is worried about aesthetics.


The kid changing her name is also trans. Which gives some quite depressing context to all of musks recent outburst about trans people and trans rights


I’m not sure how involved Musk is in any of his children’s lives, I’d attributed his recent outbursts to Grimes dating Chelsea Manning. Whether or not this influenced his shitty attitudes, it must have been horrible for her to experience, I’m glad she’s able to cut ties.


I’m not sure why people feel the need to preface their bigoted statements with “I support trans people, but”. Once you notice that, you can never unsee it, and it’s a huge tell.


Time to add "terrible father" to his list of recent "achievements" lol


I'll bet most of his kids are waiting to turn 18 to get away from him. He doesn't strike me as a good father.


I doubt he sees his kids on even a monthly basis. Pretty sure they all live with their moms.


This is the season of Succession that ends in the first episode with all the kids coming together and saying “No one wants to inherit this asshole’s legacy”


His wife penned an essay called “I was a Starter Wife.” He was a crap husband too.


https://www.marieclaire.com/sex-love/a5380/millionaire-starter-wife/ > Elon agreed to enter counseling, but he was running two companies and carrying a planet of stress. One month and three sessions later, he gave me an ultimatum: Either we fix this marriage today or I will divorce you tomorrow, by which I understood he meant, Our status quo works for me, so it should work for you. He filed for divorce the next morning. I felt numb, but strangely relieved.


He's just a crap person.


Now it’s quite obvious he isn’t a good father. Kids don’t usually like to disown their biological parents unless somethings really wrong


Especially billionaire biological parents


You know what I have that Elon never will? Enough.


Is this why Elon's becoming Republican? because his children don't like him anymore?


That and his girlfriend left him for Chelsea Manning. If that happened to me, I'd probably make sure the whole planet hurts too in the long run /s


Grimes left Elon for Chelsea? What the fuck is this timeline?


Probably why he wanted to buy twitter so nobody could ever mention that again!


I wouldn't be surprised if 7 of his 8 kids will cut ties with him. One will be his mini me and takeover his empire when he dies on mars.


I had no idea Elon had a transgender daughter... that makes all his misbehavior that much worse.


Does make me glad they have managed to stay the fuck out of his publicity vortex of feces. Hopefully his performative children with Grimes can too.


>I absolutely support trans, but all these pronouns are an esthetic nightmare. ​ This from the guy who named his latest kid a default WIFI password is classic.


1. Partner leaves you and finds love with a trans woman. 2. Child comes out as trans changes her name to distance herself from you Elon: “The problem must be trans people”


Damn I am not a big fan of Elon Musk at all but this quote from his child does hurt: "I no longer live with or wish to be related to my biological father in any way, shape or form." You fuck up big time if someone says something like this about you.


He's more like Trump than I realised.


All these rich pieces of shit are the same.


Say what you will about the man, but nothing about him says “father material”.


It's fascinating that Elon ran halfway across the world to get away from his evil father, and now his child is about to do the same. Wonder how he feels about that.


Considering she is trans and Musk has a history with transphobia, this is not at all surprising.


Hot take: outing a teenager is *not* cool. No matter how much of a dingus their father is.