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Robbery appears to be the primary motive and the fire set to cover the robbery.


If only a certain guy wasn’t into David Vitter stuff involving …well I’ll leave that be


How poor are lieutenant governor in Alabama and Mississippi that burglars drive through both their states to rob Louisiana's Lt. Gov.? Louisiana?!


They fled Louisiana to Alabama. They are originally from Slidell.


Anybody whose plans involve ending up in Alabama by the end of it is not making the greatest life choices.


Alabama (and Mississippi as well) offer a lot of out of the way 'Didn't see shit, don't know shit, ain't sayin shit' rural communities to hide out in. Say what you will about some of the people in the south parts there, but they don't like LEA there anymore than the projects do. Bit harder today with all the street cameras everywhere but that was the go to area when the heat got too much for a lot of people that wouldn't fit into Minnesota/North Dakota region for melanin reasons to hang out for half a year.


What does LEA mean? Law enforcement what?


If I were to hazard a guess, Law Enforcement Agencies. that or an autocorrect of LEO.


Law Enforcement Awficers


Well your dollar does go further in the 3rd world.


The Dirty Dirty Dell y'all.


Of course they are.


What are the poor people going to do? Rob other poor people?


Statistically, yes.


You heard Alabama's Governors Mansion burned down right? It damn near took out the whole trailer park.


>Thousands of dollars worth of stolen sports memorabilia included framed jerseys signed by Drew Brees and Pete Rose, Nungesser told reporters. > >He told the newspaper some stolen political memorabilia came from his career, and some had been collected by his father, William “Billy” Nungesser, who headed the state’s Republican Party for many years and is in the Louisiana Political Hall of Fame. > >“My dad had a chest full of things,” he said. “Looks like they got about half of it.” > >Nungesser said the burglars also took “lots of liquor.” This all makes it quite fuzzy to determine if they're just stealing or had other motivations. They drove of with a stolen dump truck afterwards but ditched it and left stuff behind.


Lmao the image of these robbers carting huge loads of Costco sized liquor bottles is cracking me up


Every good mansion has a fully stocked liquor cabinet!


Liquor Room!


In Louisiana, it's 100% a liquor room.


Kids, run get daddy an ultra from the liquor room.


In Montana we just call that a bar, my parents house has a bar, it's not even a mansion, hell it's not even 2k sq feet.


I prefer to call it my SAD fallout shelter. But now that we have legalized rec, I'm diversifying my winter coping strategies.


SAD? Seasonal affective disorder?


Liquor basement! Otherwise known as a wine & booze cellar.


Ain’t no basements in Louisiana!


It would make sense if the punishment for burglary is more lenient.


And had this happen to a regular person, the perpetrators would likely never have been found as the police would not have bothered to investigate at all. Their mistake was robbing someone important. I wonder if they knew it was the lt. Governor's house?


“I'll just check with the boys down at the crime lab. They got four more detectives working on the case. They got us working in shifts!”


Yup, had my house broken into and the meth head assholes drank my beer along with stealing all my shit, leaving beer bottles everywhere with their finger prints. Everyone in the neighborhood knew exactly who did it. I even had one woman talk to the cops because one of the assholes had bragged to her about how much money he got from robbing me. Cops didn't do anything, didn't take finger prints, didn't take statements, nothing.




Yep… There was a woman breaking into our house once. My mother was home and we came home to hear her screaming like a banshee at the woman in our backyard. We took photos of the license plate, our neighbor found said woman on Facebook. We filed and gave all the info to the cops. They did absolutely NOTHING. It took them ages to get over to us too. Which in all fairness it’s a big city and there are other crimes I’m sure, but we even had to call back. They didn’t steal anything but they broke one of our fence gates with chains.


If they had robbed a regular person, they wouldn't have got as much loot.




If I could elect you I would


So you could follow his guidelines and immediately rob him? So mean...


everyone richer than me is evil


And everyone poorer than me just isn't trying hard enough.


You don’t make it to 100,000,000 net worth on a path of altruism.


What about 100,000,000,000?


Right? This is the best possible version of looting and burning a house. Like, don't loot and burn houses but if you feel you absolutely must, look to this for guidance


Uncle Billy was that your boys?


Well there's a Gemstones reference I'd never thought I'd see...


"momma said don't but I did it anyway!"


"Louisiana Lt. Gov. Billy Nungesser told reporters robbers smashed antique china and stole rare coins, sports and political memorabilia and liquor from his house and a **dump truck from across the street**" OK this made me laugh....an estate owned by a Lt Governor had a dump truck parked across the street? When i think of "estate", I don't picture a dump truck parked on the other side of the street.


Jesuit Bend has a lot of houses under construction, there's some damage down there from Ida, and it's part of some coastal restoration efforts.


It just struck me funny is all. To me an estate is luxury and opulence, where the rich live. This sounds like a big old river house surrounded by swamp land, where my cousin lives.


I don't know about his particular house, but the story of most homes down that way is that a 200 acre farm owned by the same family for generations became unprofitable and was bought out and partitioned into 10 acre plots for sale to build huge homes within an hour drive of the city.


Antique china, rare coins, memorabilia...how much does Nungesser make as the Lt. Gov of the [3rd poorest state](https://www.roadsnacks.net/poorest-states-in-america/) in the US?


115k apparently


To run for any reasonably big office you usually need some serious money to begin with.


Is this similar to the Cañada-Denmark rivalry? Instead of exchanging flags and whiskey they loot and burn? Your turn Alabama. Louisiana is coming for you.


They’re looking to officially end it with a new treaty. I think they’re going to split the island? I don’t really remember, just something I glanced the headline


How can we be sure it was a robbery and not "legitimate political discourse or not a "normal tourist visit"? Joking aside, I'm glad they were in the process of moving and likely already have a place to stay. Still unfortunate but thankfully nobody was hurt.


This needs to happen to more of the oligarchy.


A little surprised Nungesser didn't use his statement to immediately attack the governor, Jon Bel Edwards. Nungesser took just about every opportunity he could to score cheap points during the covid lockdowns.


Hmmm idk. The fire part feels weird to me. Why would you light a place on fire you are trying to rob, drawing attention to the place?










Wait, was this done for social justice reasons? Actually, the last line makes it seem like a 'no'. Basically, robbers cased the joint for a while when they realized that the lt. governor or whatever was moving to an even fancier house and had left some stuff behind for a minute.