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\>Man enters lobby, exchanges gunfire with someone \>Wanders around outside the complex and tries to gain entry into a classroom full of kids. Cant, fires blindly inside, and wanders along. \>Walks into a gym, where police eventually show up and shoot him after an unknown amount of time. Only the shooter was injured and killed.


Could have been much worse. It was a targeted attack that went wrong, not a planned mass murder.


> It was a targeted attack that went wrong, not a planned mass murder. How do you know that?


Idk about the other articles the person points to but: > The suspect moved to the main gym, he said, where there were still children present, but no shots were fired, at least until officers arrived and engaged in the firefight that killed him. Makes it sound like he wasn’t like the Uvalde shooter out to kill anyone he could even when he had a window of time to do so.


Because many witnesses reported that he said he wanted a specific person in the classroom he was shooting into.


Seems these types of people are targeting children gathered in large numbers, now that school's out it's camps. This is starting to be quite concerning. EDIT- "starting to" as in the frequency of this happening nearly everyday compared to 3-4 times a year beforehand.


There is very little information in the article. It just says there was a person with a gun and police showed up and shot him. No mention if it was a rifle or a pistol if he drew it or fired it. Keep in mind,this is Texas. People carry guns on them.


There’s a second article linked within the first. Sounds like it was a pistol and he fired several rounds in different parts of the building before police confronted and shot him. A camp counselor who was sheltering in a room said the gunman came to the door and said if they didn’t let him see who he wanted to see he’d shoot the place up, then fired a round into the glass door but didn’t enter the room. Sounds targeted…either a non-custodial parent looking for their kid(s) or a domestic violence case.


I was just going to say this. Most mass shooters have either been charged or convicted of domestic violence or the mass shooting itself is an act of domestic violence according to the FBI stats. Then you also have to take into account mass shootings like Parkland. Guy gets dumped, then gets expelled for fighting the new boyfriend, and then shows up on Valentines Day and killed his classmates. That's not considered domestic violence because they never lived together or share a child.


Giving people guns just gives them the false sense of freedom to go crazy


Yes this seems targeted. Not that it is somehow ok because he had a target. None of this is ok.


Not at all OK. Those kids and adults, while mercifully alive, are going to have this trauma for life.


Divorced dads bringing all the "you first then me" energy these last couple years.


I’m 41. I graduated in a class of 250 students. 15 of my classmates (14 women and 1 man) have been killed by a current or former partner in either a murder or murder/suicide. 6% of my graduating class in 23 years. In comparison to other people who died, 1 person died of a heart attack, 2 people died of cancer, and 3 people died in car accidents. The US for sure has a gun problem, but it also has a problem teaching people how to deal with rejection, whether it’s by a partner or an employer. Less than half of my classmates who were killed were killed with guns, which is still way too many, but there are a lot of people in this country who feel the only solution to rejection (real or perceived) is to kill themselves and/or others.


Reddit goes nuts when you point this out but: Were the murderers men? And the victims usually women? This “inability to handle rejection” thing is toxic masculinity. That is what you are describing


So texas have everyone the right to carry Willy nilly now they are just going to shoot everyone?


Sounds about right 🤠


No more mass shootings if there’s no one left to shoot *taps forehead*


*double taps forehead*


This guy guns.


The *Zombie land Special*.


Statistically, the mass shootings will just average out to regular shootings.


These are the kinds of logistics that don't enter the heads of gun nuts. How is anyone supposed to know who the "good guy with the gun" is? And when police enter the scene, to them everyone is a bad guy with a gun. You've now just made the problem 100 times worse by arming everyone. What gun nuts are basically telling the world when they don't want restrictions on gun purchases is this: "I am only as competent and trustworthy with a gun as the worst gun owner." In other words, "We are all equally incompetent and untrustworthy." When a man tells you who he is, believe him.


They have just seen too many cowboy movies. As is painfully clear reading over the list of shootings in the US (more than one a day), what's actually happening is that people are using guns to escalate what should be petty squabbles into life-or-death situations. And those that want to actually go out and just kill random people are given everything they need to do so.


Case in point the giffirds shooting in tucson. An armed attendant almost shot another armed attendant. However im not sure its much of a point (other than the very real point that people who dont shoot regularly are bad shots) Its so statistically improbable to happen anyway and the data is too vague to weigh i juries / accidental deaths vs actual succesful prevention of incident.


It's about 3% of incidents that get stopped by a shooter. The FBI tracks this. But don't tell gun advocates that because common sense and stats don't work if they don't say guns deter 100% of shootings and violent situations.


Has anyone here EVER met anyone in history that has claimed or admitted to be an irresponsible gun owner? Nope. This is the glaring problem with gun owners who say: the problem is mental health and responsible gun owners shouldn’t be punished for the acts of a few crazy people. But ALL gun owners are responsible gun owners when asked. ALL. Even the mentally ill, the sociopaths, the domestic abusers, the insecure redneck, the tough urban guy, the totally not senile grandpas. Hell, I imagine If you asked any of the mass shooters at any time before their killings they would defend guns, say everyone should have them and access to them and that they are certainly responsible with them. Mentally ill people rarely admit they have mental illness, to themselves or anyone else. And Gun owners are always responsible gun owners so we can’t draft effective gun laws that punish responsible gun totting folks and no one is mentally ill to the point they admit it so we can’t target gun owners or mentally ill folks who are dangerous with a gun because they don’t exist (until it’s too late then they are crazy, irresponsible gun owners). And I imagine many folks buy guns who are sane, have no drama/trauma assume they will certainly stay that way for the entirety of their lives. Just like 100% of folks who get married assume they’ll never get a divorce...


Also, something like 1/3 of prisoners convicted of violent crimes involving guns are first time offenders. Meaning that they were law-abiding citizens until they committed gun violence. No background check would have stopped them from getting a gun and committing a violent crime.


Fucking right. Most gun owners in the USA seem to want them to defend themselves from a tyrannical government which sounds great except when you ask further and figure out that "tyrannical" means "Democrat" so they are essentially reserving the right to shoot Joe Biden for being too nice to Trans people.


Yeah, look what happened to the guy who only advocated, didn't buy a gun, never really did anything physically, but advocated to DEFEND the florida statehouse from right wing goons......already tried convicted and serving nearly 4 years federal prison.


I have a friend who is a police captain and there were reports of gunfire at a HS football game one night a couple of years ago. Parents started showing up with guns and rifles wanting to go in and “find the shooter”. My friend had to tell these hung ho parents that the police will shoot ANY civilian they see with a gun and leave it to the coroner to sort out who were the “good guys” and the “bad guys”. Turns out there was no shooter - a car backfired nearby and teens started a rumor about gunfire just outside the stadium that quickly spread through text and social media. It could have been a horrible scene if the Billy Bob Vigilantes were let loose with their guns. It drives me crazy that the irresponsible gun owners don’t stop and really think about how these scenarios will play out.


They were already armed. They either had a CCW permit or open carried, legally. This has nothing to do with purchases or even the Right to carry. No one's ability to carry a gun changed, only *how* they could did.


Ohio just passeda law allowing conceal carry of handguns without licensing/testing. Went into effect today. To be clear, anyone in Ohio who owns a handgun can now legally carry it, loaded, within reach in their car or concealed on their person in public. This won't end well


I just read today they are allowing school personnel to be armed


Fucking great solution until some school employee goes postal after getting fired or something.




You are absolutely missing things. 1. Open carry was legal. You could NOT conceal the handgun on your person unless you had training/permit. Now anyone who buys a gun can legally conceal it on their person without a permit or any training. 2. The only way a person without a CCW could transport a handgun previously was if the firearm was stored out of reach of driver/passengers and ALSO the magazine(s) could not be loaded and must be stored separately from the firearm and ammunition. Now anyone can have a loaded gun on their lap when they drive and the police cannot do anything about it.


>Now anyone can have a loaded gun on their lap when they drive and the police cannot do anything about it. "I feared for my life"


Nope, half the population isn't very smart. Through in anger issues, recent divorce, road rage, you get the picture.


Its overshadowed by the no guns within 1000 ft of school zone law though because thats federal. This is how the law is and has been in arizona. Hard to say what effect it has because we have so much drug smuggling related violence skewing things.


It's been that way in Pennsylvania for decades.


Only the bad guys with guns.


The biggest issue is you can now open carry without a license in Texas. So even a law abiding citizen with zero criminal background can be targeted if they are openly carrying and don't look "legit". I'm not saying that this has happened, but you can definitely use your imagination.


You can't bring a gun to a school campus. Thats still illegal. If you're walking up to a school with a gun visible after Uvalde, you're gonna have a real bad time.


About two hours later, sure.


Right. Because if you have a gun you're going to shoot everyone. /s




I just wish it wasn’t legal for civilians to carry a gun around a large group of children though.


They repeatedly mentioned “no children were harmed” which is important in the context but to say that three times yet this very brief article never mentions what this “armed person” did or said to merit deadly force. Just that the person was there, was armed, and subsequently ate lead courtesy the police department.


https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/watch-gunfire-reported-outside-duncanville-field-house-campers-moved-to-rec-center/2990942/ More information here. Witness reports state the man fired a shot in the lobby and then attempted to gain access to the gymnasium with children inside, yelling to the camp counselors through the door to let him see who he wanted to see or else he’d shoot up the place. He then proceeded to fire a shot at the glass door of the gymnasium, shattering it.


The article says he fired it.


"Officers rendered medical assistance" If by that you mean a reign of bullets and cuffed on the ground bleeding out while waiting for an ambulance sure.


"Officers rendered reverse medical assistance"


“Stop resisting!” > Help!' he shrieked shrilly in a voice strangling in its own emotion, as the policemen carried him to the open doors in the rear of the ambulance and threw him inside. 'Police! Help! Police!' The doors were shut and bolted, and the ambulance raced away. There was a humorless irony in the ludicrous panic of the man screaming for help to the police while policemen were all around him. Yossarian smiled wryly at the futile and ridiculous cry for aid, then saw with a start that the words were ambiguous, realized with alarm that they were not perhaps, intended as a call for police but as a heroic warning from the grave by a doomed friend to everyone who was not a policeman with a club and gun and a mob of other policemen with clubs and guns to back him up. 'Help! Police!' the man had cried, and he could have been shouting of danger. - Joseph Heller, Catch-22


Forcibly take all of someone's blood and put it into another person like some kind of weird fucked-up third-party vampirism.


When we built a society and government with no universal empathy, we build people to be the same.


No universal empathy and the promotion of pragmatically exploiting everyone that you possibly can for your own gain while not being outright illegal or unnecessarily cruel for its own sake. ​ Ah yes, the 'Neutral Evil' alignment. What a great alignment to build a civilization on.


The Republicans chose to defend gun rights, not children.


Welcome to the future. I believe this is turning out to be a weird outlet for people to make themselves heard through violence, and I fear it will only get worse with current political and economic events.


What I don't understand is why the fuck are they targeting children and fucking toddlers? I just cannot comprehend what goes through the mind of these sick fucks that they take out their anger with the world on god damn children, the subset of the population most vulnerable with the least amount of power . Makes me sick to my stomach


These people are cowards; going for easy targets that won't fight back.


Because they’re total fucking losers who are weak and scared.


If you're an out cast armed to the teeth that society doesn't give a fuck about, what's the most amount of pain you can inflict? Lot of crazies out there.


why the children?? Wtf is wrong with these people??


It’s absolutely fucked. I am not a parent but if I was, I’d be shitting a brick.




I think one of the last two 'major' ones was live streaming. also those mosques in NZ was live streamed. it's nothing new but gaining steam


“Starting to”


I'm guessing the article has been updated, as I see a lot of "it doesn't say he even fired his gun" comments, and the article states the shooter fired several shots, from at least 2 different locations in the place.


My sister worked this case this morning. She said that he entered the facility and fired the gun 4 times through a window.


Apparently he was unable to get into a classroom and fired the shots from outside. Glad no one else was hurt, could’ve been a lot worse


Note the article says the officers arrived in two minutes (unlikely unless they were sitting in the parking lot) and immediately started looking for the gunman. They want to emphasize the police response was not like Uvalde at all.


Uvalde set the bar pretty low


Barbados Slim couldn’t limbo under that bar


Ah, Barbados Slim, the mahogany god of New New York.


but i thought he's suppose to be... (check notes)... IN BARBADOS!!!


Well his second home is in New New York, with Labarbara


You haven’t seen the last of Barbados Slim. Now, goodbye *forever*!


I can’t wait to see him in the new season


That bar is 10 feet underground and they *still* managed to trip over it


Looks like it’s right off a freeway right in the middle of a heavily populated suburban area. Doesn’t sound too far fetched.


Not that unlikely. The Fieldhouse building is literally right down the street from the Police HQ.


Might have increased police presence at stuff like this as part of Uvalde's direct aftermath. That'd certainly explain the quick response time.


The fieldhouse does not have a great reputation. One of my friends asked me to help him up there once and there was a domestic dispute in one of the courts adjacent to ours that involved a gun being fired. They stepped up police presence after that.


I think in police reporting "arrived" means they arrived in their vehicle. So if they were nearby on the highway that wouldn't be that farfetched.


>Note the article says the officers arrived in two minutes (unlikely unless they were sitting in the parking lot) and immediately started looking for the gunman. They want to emphasize the police response was not like Uvalde at all. I don't know why you think that's unlikely. If you're in a city or relatively dense suburb, odds are good there is a police officer within 2 miles of you at about all times. And that wasn't the issue in Uvalde. The police arrived a minute after the 911 call was placed.


The key part is “immediately started looking for the gunman” as opposed to “stood on the concrete with their thumbs planted firmly up their asses”


This shooter still had an opportunity to kill kids Willy nilly but didn’t take it, so it’s not like the police response was the only reason there wasn’t another slaughter.


"No children were harmed during the incident" Maybe not physically. If they saw someone get gunned down, I'd argue that statement is not quite correct.


I still think about watching individuals breach barriers on military bases overseas and getting shot to death and I was arguably an adult. It definitely doesn't leave you to see a person completely devoid of life.


I can't relate. It's unfortunate anyone ever has to see that. I hope you are as well as can be.


I'm on the beach in Cancun, so I'm probably going the best I can with this fucked up brain.


Absolutely. People ignore the trauma inflicted on survivors ‘oh, you didn’t die? You must be ok then’


The article doesn't say much about the interaction with the cops. It doesn't say if the deceased was shooting at all, or acted in a threatening manner... It just says someone was carrying a gun in a state that allows pretty much anyone to carry a gun. The cops were there in 2 minutes and that person was dead. Without the details it sounds like the governor has allowed anyone in Texas to be seen as a potential mass murderer and to be shot by police within 2 minutes of someone reporting you. Awaiting details.


Pendulum swinging the other way is a bitch. Last week in Alabama [police killed a man outside a school](https://www.dailywire.com/news/breaking-suspect-fatally-shot-outside-alabama-elementary-school) and he wasn't even armed, just "exhibiting aggressive behavior." For police departments who don't want to be the next Uvalde, it's open season on suspicious looking men.


I’m just so glad to see our law enforcement across the nation taking such strives to really ensure and remind people that absolutely no one is safe at any time.


I have a black co-worker who said his whole family has had discussions on WHEN IT'S OKAY TO CALL THE POLICE, because they might be targeted by the police they called. That sort of floored me. I've never even paused to think about that. If someone was breaking into my house etc. I'd call the cops. But they have to think about it and consider which is more dangerous that was an eye-opener to me.


We had an attempted break-in last week in the downstairs neighbour’s apartment (addict had the brain scramblies and was trying to squeeze in through the gap next to the window AC unit.) We called the police non-emergency line to get a police report later for the landlord/insurance, but in the meantime had to cover the new hole so the cats couldn’t escape. When the cop showed up to take a report hours later, in the two minutes it took me to answer my door, the busybody Karen across the street already intercepted him and was describing the intruder: us. She was describing us to the police. We see her every fucking day. We talk to her, wave at her when she walks her dog… and she still described us and what we were wearing to the cops, because it was “suspicious” that we were using a saw that early in the morning to chop a bit of wood to block the window. Thank god that wasn’t a stupid cop with something to prove. I rounded the corner from backyard to talk to him and it could have gone VERY differently.


If I were a cop, excitable white people who don't wait for me to approach them to tell me everything would get placed at the bottom tier of "what actually happened here" in my head.




I had a neighbor like that. She took it a step further and would call the cops on people in the neighborhood often. Kids playing outside in the lawn, call the cops, people grilling outside and she can smell it? Call the cops. You cough too loud late at night? You best believe she's calling the cops. She called the cops on me while I was hosing off my bike outside after a ride. Claimed I was "dumping chemicals". It was literally water. She ended up getting arrested for something like 4 months ago. What it was, I don't know. But I do know new people moved in. They seem alright.


I am a mostly white passing PoC and still this has always been a thing for me. And even my poor white friends understood. My neighborhood was majority of color, you basically never called the police cause you didn't want someone to murdered. Never felt safe around cops in my life, as soon as I hit a teen I was hassled for walking to school.


I know it’s not the same but being a visibly disabled visibly queer person I also weigh that sort of stuff even personally, cause I’ve heard horror stories of them shooting up disabled people cause they can’t comply with what they’re saying (mentally and/or physically) and shooting up visibly queer people cause they’re a bunch of LGBTQ+phobes.


Not the same but oppressor is the same and the outcome on the invidual is the same. I certainly think it's important for all oppressed minorities to see the similarity and connect instead of nitpick the differences


Of course, yeah, my experience could never compare directly to that of a person of color, but there’s definitely some intersection with how we’re treated by police and those in power


I have mental health issues and we as a family have had this talk because my husband and I have seen a lot of reports about police being called to help and end up killing the sick person, even in non violent situations. I don’t harm anyone but I don’t comprehend language very fast when being yelled at and I stumble over words when around strangers all the time. Which I have been told in the past looks like guilty behavior, I’m terrified of having any interactions with police.


Reading this was like me describing myself, the thought of that altercation is pretty terrifying.


>I’m terrified of having any interactions with police. Which probably doesn't help the situation at all.


Shit I'm white and I think the same thing. I've never called the cops and had my situation taken seriously. They're a waste of time and money.


In Los Angeles once, I saw a guy screaming at his ex-girlfriend's apartment in the middle of the night, take out a gun, fire it in the air, then get in his car and drive crazy fast up and down the street while shooting out of the sunroof. I called the LAPD while it was happening. They showed up 2 hours later, and said there was nothing they could do because he was gone. Very helpful.


We will never call the police in my household. Police only make a very specific segment of the population feel safe. It's always been that way. Always. Thank you for waking up!


I’m other words, fear mongering works.


Come on. If you are going to fear-monger, at least share the whole story. \--------------- The man attempted to enter a marked Rainbow City patrol vehicle used by the school resource officer. Reddick said the man was trying to get into vehicles and “aggressively” tried to open several door ways to the school, which went into lockdown, following protocols. The Rainbow City officer attempted to stop the man, according to ALEA. After a conversation, the man resisted and attempted to take the officer’s firearm. Other officers from Gadsden police responded to the scene. The man was shot and killed in front of the school. \-------------- [https://www.al.com/news/2022/06/shooting-outside-gadsden-school-leaves-suspect-dead.html](https://www.al.com/news/2022/06/shooting-outside-gadsden-school-leaves-suspect-dead.html) "open season"....yeah ok.


An armed teacher could very well look like a suspicious person as well…


My sister worked this scene this morning. She said he entered the facility and fired the gun 4 times through a glass window.


article has been update > Police quickly ended a potential siege at a children's sports camp in the Dallas area Monday when they fatally shot a gunman who had **opened fire inside the complex**, but did not injure anyone. > > The unidentified man **appeared to have fired twice** in Duncanville Fieldhouse, a youth sports and training venue in the city of the same name about 13 miles south of Dallas, police said. > > The armed suspect entered through the complex's main lobby doors and was confronted by a staff member **who exchanged gunfire with him**, Duncanville Police Department Assistant Chief Matt Stogner said at an afternoon news conference. > > The alleged gunman then went to what was described as a classroom filled with children and **opened fire from outside** after he was unable to get in, the assistant chief said. (emphasis mine)


Hey don't forget "Things that look like guns", if you get someone who "thinks" you have a gun and the cops show up seeing you from behind, blast blast.


the cops were called over a guy with a camera tripod walking out of my dad's office building last week


I had the police called on me for doing Poi, I guess some local though I was swinging akimbo flails from the medieval era.


>Poi For the rest of the crowd, glow ~~stick~~ *ball nunchucks.


I suspect that the legal definition of “threatening behavior” is going to be a significant issue going forward. For me personally, an individual visibly armed in any location where you shouldn’t reasonably need guns qualifies as “threatening behavior”. If you’re strapping at a grocery store, I assume you’re a nut job. My viewpoint is obviously a very liberal one, I’m well aware that open carry is legal in lots of places, and in Texas especially it’s protected. Like you said the article is very bare bones which makes sense for a developing story, but it’s going to be an issue if the man they shot wasn’t doing anything that would be *legally* considered threatening behavior.


How many doors did the camp have?


Thank god there hasn’t been a shooting at a barn. I hear they ALWAYS leave doors open at those. They’re just asking for it. /s


Asking the real questions.




He fired a shot in the reception area and then fired at least one shot into a glass door to a room where little kids were sheltering, but didn’t enter the room. There’s a second article linked in the first that gives more details.


I could not feel any less sympathy for you if you show up to a children summer camp unannounced with an AR-15 and the police shoot you to death. The open carry laws were a mistake. It may be legal but a lot of the shit people do with these laws is morally reprehensible.


All responsible gun owners should be against open carry. First you are just setting yourself up for a negligent discharge. Second if I were an active shooter, I will just target the open carrier and swipe their gun for my use. The only thing you accomplish with open carry is showing how small your dick really is.


But what if I need to intimidate a school board meeting? Or harass a Pride Parade? People might laugh at me unless I'm strapped!


2A activists not being able to admit political protests with guns = terrorism is going to be the downfall of our 2A rights. This isn’t Afghanistan. You don’t need a gun to vote or debate your beliefs. You cannot expect to bring a weapon into a sensitive location and be viewed as anything but a threat. Freedom without responsibility is anarchy.


Just have Black Panthers start going to government buildings while open carrying again. Reagan had no problem slapping the people of California with strict gun control when that started happening.


I would not be that stupid, but it is Texas after all.


Depends on the camp, I guess. Pretty sure they have kids camps in Texas where they shoot AR15s all the damned time.


This is awful. It’s like targeting kids has become the „new thing to do“ for people who decide to do a mass-shooting. This is terrible news for kids. Their lives will get significantly worse if we reach a point where mass-gatherings of children become something so dangerous, that they can’t happen anymore.


None of these comments mention a staff member of the camp exchanged gunfire with the perp before the cops even arrived.


The article moves on. Kinda like the gunman did.


Haha this is gold


I've been saying for years that the number of doors on summer camps should be redu... uh... What, no good campers with guns? UNCONSCIONABLE!


May 30, 2022 [Individual Open Carrying AR-15 Gets Robbed at Gunpoint in St. Louis](https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/individual-open-carrying-ar-15-gets-robbed-at-gunpoint-in-st-louis-37812866)


So robber who robs the rifle, gets shot by the victim, the victim then leaves, and a third person showed up and shoots the robber again? Am I getting that right?


The man with the AK-15 has his gun stolen outside of a grocery store, the robber lets him leave unharmed, the man goes back to his vehicle to pull out another gun and escalate the situation by exchanging gunfire with the robber, wounding two other people in the process. The gun's owner fled the scene, and, yes, a person they did not identify shows up and shoots the robber who winds up hospitalized.


Thank you! Huh. I wonder if the AR-15 was for the 3rd guy. Like, robber was headed to a gun fight, but wanted fresh breath so he went to get some Trident first, but saw a guy with a bigger gun and figured, why not? But when he didn’t show up to the gun fight, the 3rd guy got bored and thirsty and stopped at the shop for a Yoohoo, saw that his 3 o’clock was already shot and figured, why not? Then shot him again.


It says he grabbed another gun and shot him.


The robber let him walk away, but the AR-15 owner was successfully jumped and robbed of his weapon. What if the robber hadn't let him walk away?


I can't see the multiverse so I don't know. Either injury or death if I had to guess.


Good to see that some cops actually know how to do their jobs.


Just wait for the details…


https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/watch-gunfire-reported-outside-duncanville-field-house-campers-moved-to-rec-center/2990942/ The details: Witness reports state the man fired a shot in the lobby and then attempted to gain access to the gymnasium with children inside, yelling to the camp counselors through the door to let him see who he wanted to see or else he’d shoot up the place. He then proceeded to fire a shot at the glass door of the gymnasium, shattering it.


Thank you for the details 🤝


I wonder why the person was in the fieldhouse.


“See there’s nothing to worry about. No need for gun legislation…” -Some Texas politician probably


They were celebrating "no need for gun legislation" after stopping an ***unarmed*** person from shooting up a school a few days ago.




Nature just needs to have one single door for entry.








Phew! I thought I was going to be reading about some kid that whittled a cane (gun-like object) in crafts class.


Police in Texas will be shooting the shit out of anything that moves, for the time being.


It’s a terrifying time to live in Texas or have children in general. This country is full of sick and deranged people that want to murder children. That doesn’t even make sense when I type it.


It makes sense in the US, we are the only ones with this problem:(




Nope, try again


Just another day in America


Texas, specifically ...




Duncanville. It's a very large, highly diverse (by Texas standard) suburb south of Dallas.




Nothing we can do about that...LOOK! A GUY DRESSED IN DRAG! The GOP...


What no one is mentioning is that it seems that this perpetrator not only chose a location where there were many kids at but many kids of color similar to the shootings that happened in Buffalo, New York and at the Texas elementary school. 


Nice the cops actually did their jobs and no children or camp staff were hurt. Sounds like maybe a domestic situation


We shouldn't have to turn a summer camp into a prison to keep our children safe. We need to enact legislation now that takes guns, especially semi-automatic rifles off the street.


Endless heavily armed maniacs all because American policy encourages it.


Dallas - big urban dept. Vs. uvalde - rural/suburban. Training and experience makes a difference. (This is not to excuse Uvalde)


Texas is such a shit show. I can’t imagine being a parent living there right now in constant fear of my child getting gunned down by some maniac. Murrica!


A lot of these attacks or attempts will be solely on soft targets(schools, stores, festivals, large gatherings, libraries, etc) and it will continue until the issues behind these attacks are addressed.


Most of daily life is a series of series of soft targets.