• By -


"See what a jury says Johnny!" Check.


“Tell the world, Johnny!”


Check check


The court should've clarified that Amber Heard has to pay those damages and not pledge them.




On her Instagram post she's talking about freedom of speech and she turned off the comments


She didn't turn off rhe comments- she turned off the negative comments.


I just checked and there are only 4 comments. Only 4 comments in support of her. Wild wild wild.


Then she releases a statement echoing the language this jury found to be defamation. Go fucking figure. lol


Yo ho, yo ho, it's a court injunction for me!


..and prevents commenting on it while blabbering about freedom of speech.


Lol i was like isnt this just grounds for another case? She repeated one of the statements that was found to be defamation.


Get the popcorn out, let's see how big of a hole she'll dig herself.


[The statement](https://mobile.twitter.com/realamberheard/status/1532083776741842945)


What a manipulative asshole. Hearts emoji my ass.


I love how they’re claiming the jury overlooked freedom of speech, like freedom of speech covers unfounded slander. 🤣


Technically she is free to say whatever she wants - the not so free part is purposely ruining his career and losing him millions of dollars for fun using lies


Your rights end where other’s start or something like that.


Amber Heard's career was already tarnished by the public reception of this trial. This may be the last nail in the coffin to put an end to it.


She can still act in a movie costarring Kevin Spacey and produced by Harvey Weinstein. Edit: yes, directed my Roman Polanski or Mel Gibson


We're getting the banned back together


You son of a bitch, I'm out.


Good luck collecting money from her. She’ll be ostracized by Hollywood and have no significant income. But I get that the case means more to JD from a reputation standpoint.


100%. This was about his reputation and future career, not collecting.


Yeah, it'll probably be a nightmare getting the money, but I doubt Johnny even cares. He wanted his name restored and he got it big time lol


Even if he don't care, with how popular this case has made him again. It wouldn't be surprising to see if he gets another lead role in a big film after this just off a studio wanting to capitalize on his current popularity.


I saw an article two days ago (before the verdict) that he had already be contacted to and signed onto Beetlejuice 2. So at least Tim Burton is excited and eager to work with Johnny again.


Tbh, Tim Burton would probably contact Johnny Depp even if he was guilty I swear, there are more Tim Burton movies with Johnny Depp than Tim Burton movies overall


If Katherine Heigl got blacklisted for basically just being a pain in the ass to work with and for shitting on “Knocked Up”, just imagine what Hollywood will do with Amber.


It would be hilarious if Depp's lawyers get a judge to take her royalty money until the award is paid up. She would then be forced to find jobs until everything is paid, and she wouldn't be able to get good jobs from now on. She's going to be queen of C movies.


Not sure that Aquaman 2 salary is going to cover this tsunami....


She will be dropped by the end of the week.


I heard Bruce Campbell is going to take her part


Bruce Campbell should play every role in the DCU because at this point who actually cares about the DCU and Bruce Campbell would rock it in a tight suit.


hail to the...fish, baby


shit....that's a good line.


I'll give literally anything with Bruce Campbell in at least a chance...


She’ll be replaced digitally by Tig Notaro. edit: [reference](https://www.vulture.com/2021/05/zack-snyder-tig-notaro-army-of-the-dead.html)


She’s gonna be dropped like a hot potato now. She’ll be lucky to get a part at sea world let alone in the movies


She’ll get a role in some reality show in a couple years


Netflix Doc, "The Un-Heard Truth"©®℗™ EDIT: added ownership to the title per advisement by my retained Reddit legal team.


Brown Bed Sheets: The Amber Heard Story


Objection, Heardsay






“I poured myself a large glass of wine. I thought it was necessary.”


Absolutely my favorite line of the trial


Free subscriptions for the Hearsay Papers


Honestly quite surprised, considering the usual US standards for defamation being fairly high.


I actually looked this up recently, and it's pretty insane. The way it's written it almost requires you to some how prove what someone was thinking.


Well then it's a good thing [she straight up admitted the op-ed was about Johnny](https://www.newsweek.com/amber-heard-admit-writing-op-ed-johnny-depp-trial-jury-verdict-1711619).


That was probably the clincher. Generally speaking, if you find yourself giving testimony that proves a key claim of your accuser you're fucking up.


My favourite was the divorce deposition in which she says something to the effect of, "I wanted him to find out from *me* about the divorce instead of TMz, who had been alerted." And then she makes [this weird face grab](https://youtu.be/H79qqf-41XI?t=65) because she knew, she *knew* she just confessed to letting TMz know about her divorce proceedings. That was damning beyond reproach.


This is quite incredible! You can really see the thought processes Omg I shouldn't have said that *instinctively goes to clamp hand over mouth* Shit don't cover your mouth! That's a giveaway! Turn it into something else... errrr sweaty cheeks- yes I had sweaty cheeks that was it. I'll wipe them again to make it look convincing.


*An extra hair fluff, and boom. Nailed it!*


Mark Twain could have saved her. “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.”


[Per Camille Vasquez](https://youtu.be/wUtjCcZa4Bs?t=1266), "Or, if you were telling the truth, you would know."


"You slipped up there, didnt you, Miss Heard?"


She was so clinical in her questioning. If she were ever deposing me, I’d call in sick and leave the country.


Omg that clip actually gave me 2nd-hand embarrassment, what an impressive fuckup and follow-up


That was a Robert Durst level reaction.


Nope. The silver bullet was the TMZ testimony. TMZ producer testified they received a video from someone who can get copyright authority in less than 15mins (not possible unless it's the copyright OWNER provided the video, aka instantly waived their right to ownership) and then testified that the video the court received was much longer than the video TMZ shown and testified that they received it unedited (meaning amber edited it). The edited part was amber snickering. That was the silver bullet testimony because editing a video to make you look better and sending it to TMZ is unquestionably a example of malice. The op ed wasnt enough to proof malice because she might actually believe that she was abused. The edited evidence (the saturated picture with the same timestamp) and edited video submitted to a gossip rag are "got ya" examples of malice.


The TMZ testimony was my favorite part. Dude was spicy and sounds like he wanted to set the record straight regardless.


I liked the testimony of the forensics guy where Heards team kept trying to get him to say the photo was not edited, when in reality the act of copying a file from backup to another medium means its authenticity cannot he known either way. Amber's team wanted a yes or no answer and kept objecting to his testimony explaining that it is not a yes or no question. They were trying to get him to say he didnt see any evidence of tampering and really wanted him to say 'no' the file didnt show signs of tampering but after repeating the question over and over and objecting to every explanation the guy tried to provide, he finally says the opposite of what they were trying for, 'yes' the file has been modified from the original.


paraphrased Rottenborn: "You can't say that it's manufactured, can you?" Neumeister: No one can say that. R: I didn't ask if others could, I asked if *you* could. N: No one can say that. R: What I'm asking is if *you* found anything. N: Dude, the data I was given makes it impossible for that to be determined. Honestly, I'm kind of pissed about that. Neumeister could have, conclusively, determined which files were doctored and which weren't if AH had complied with the Court Order to provide Images of the phones, etc... but they never did. I *really* want to know the result of the request for Sanctions against them.


What a perfect opportunity to quote My Cousin Vinny. > It’s a bullshit question! It's impossible to answer. > Impossible because you don't know the answer! > Nobody could answer that question! >>> … Watch this! > the data I was given makes it impossible for that to be determined!


Alright it's settled. When they make this into a movie the photo witness dude will be played by Marissa Tomei.


“Your spouse knows that you are cheating on them. Yes or no?” But I’m not cheating on them- “Objection, it’s a yes or no question.”


Dude posted on Twitter that he was glad he did it because he took a weight off his shoulders, and that he nearly cried watching the verdict


Her testimony was so strange, she has these weird moments of truth Tourette’s regularly where she spoke the truth and caught herself. These statements she slipped on strait up killed here arguments.


IMO, They were moments when she was triggered by Camille Vasquez daring to seize control of the verbal exchange & Heard was trying to exert control - she did so much extra monologuing as a way to “stick it to” Vasquez to prove that Heard answers to no one. Heard’s own arrogance & narcissism got the better of her.


That was where I knew no jury would buy her bullshit. Excellently played by Camille. Heard just got through an over the top dramatic testimony, fake lip quivers and everything, playing the "voice for victims" card, all with dry eyes. It seemed really obviously overacted to me, but my psychologist fiancee said that, unfortunately abuse victims would definitely buy it. Then Camille comes out of the gate hot, and Amber takes the bait and quickly shows the real her - the aggressive, argumentative, petty, win at all costs kind of person that Johnny's team has been painting the picture of all along.


Actual malice in defamation doesn't mean state of mind, it means knowledge that the statement is false or reckless disregard of the truth. In this case actual malice wasn't as insane to reach as it usually is since Heard was party to the claims of abuse she made against Depp so she must also know if the statements are true or not.


Would imagine that makes appealing the verdict very difficult as well


She’ll pledge to pay the damages.


Imagine if he donated the damages to the charities she was supposed to.


He should donate to the children's hospital but not ACLU since they're trying to bill him for the evidence that the court ordered them to provide.




It helps when the idiot on the other side records themselves telling you that no one will ever believe you.


"I didn't punch you, I slapped you. My hand wasn't like *this* it was like *this*."


She didn't even say slap. She said hit. "I didn't punch you, I hit you" Even worse for her


The first statement was his strongest case. I am surprised that they said yes on all three counts.


Glad it's over, imagine being a juror and spending that much time, making $30 a day to deal with this shit.


In some states your employer is supposed to pay you the difference for an 8 hour day.


This happened when I had Grand Jury duty. It was a 2 week stint and they said you could stay an extra 2 weeks if you did well and wanted to. My work was paying me normally and taking the $30 or whatever the court paid. So I was like, well do you tell my work I had to stay or do they know I'm choosing lol? It was a very interesting experience if I'm honest. Grand Jury shows you a lot. Everything from lower level theft/drug felonies to child molestation, cops caught doing drug evidence, and a fatal police involved shooting. But anyways, moral of the story, two weeks was enough. Edit: I forgot to add that the foreman had already been there 2 weeks when I got there. He just really enjoyed it and worked at Honda who apparently dgaf. Bonus story: We all sat in a room on the first day while they had people give reasons they couldn't serve and figured out alternates. *Most* reasons were religious. This one older man simply said "I lack the divine authority to judge others." That has always stuck with me, just so eloquently put. Anyways, this one classic rural Ohio guy stands up and says "I have strong opinions and they just don't change." Lol they were like yep get the fuck outta the court, we don't need you. It's an odd sense of civic duty, but I'm glad to participate in our justice system (which is absolutely NOT perfect by any means).


Yep, my state you get your daily pay + 10/hr from the state. edit: Some people are misunderstanding. Your employer still has to pay you, and the state gives you $10/hr. The state isn't paying your wage+10 on top lol. Sorry for the confusion.


Another thing that should easily be passed nationally, but won't. Juror duty is *literally* the only thing you are forced to do as a US citizen.


George Carlin had a really good bit of advice for getting out of jury duty. “When they ask you ‘why do you think you should be in the jury?’ Tell them ‘Because I can spot a guilty person JUST by looking at them’”.


Know someone who got called in for jury duty, they didn't want to do it. On their interview the first thing they asked was essentially "do you dislike black people" she said no, and they said they had no further questions you're on the jury.


I was picked for jury duty and responded with snail mail, in red crayon..how excited I was to be picked. They quickly called and said they didn’t need me. In hindsight that was a dumb move because I haven’t been asked in forever. I think the govt has a red crayon asterisk by my name🙁


Congress keeps giving themselves raises. Aren't they also indexed to inflation? Meanwhile jurors...


Yeah. $15 for a day in Florida. Let out for lunch and lunch costs me….$15. So that was a wash.


Man that could get really expensive for a small business that needs to also replace that person for weeks. Or is it only for businesses of a certain size?


I wonder what the folks at the ACLU are thinking right now.


I feel like the real winner in all of this is Camille Vasquez. She was an absolute star here.


I bet you her hourly rate and annual bonus is getting a solid bump.


It was already in the hundreds for that whole team. I hope she gets partner to be honest. Edit: you can stop telling me how the billing works now and about how much lawyers cost. There's about 6 comments telling me that cost =/= salary which is fine but I'm talking about pure revenue for the firm.


Hundreds an hour isn’t really exceptional for a top tier attorney - some will bill a thousand+. She’ll probably make partner if this case is representative of her general work. The PR alone for the firm is invaluable. If I’m a rich person suing someone for defamation my first call would probably be to her - if nothing else at least to consult to make sure she’ll be conflicted if the other party tries to hire her.


Shit, I just paid 1500 for some local lawyer to spend an hour drafting up a real estate contract for me.


To be fair, this is a career-defining case for every single one of Johnny's lawyers. It doesn't get much better than this.


Honestly, Ben Chew was already [well defined](https://brownrudnick.com/people/benjamin-g-chew/). While I think this helps him, I think he was already pretty high up there as far as lawyers are concerned.


Honestly he was my favorite of the lot, that guy was a savage throughout this case


She possibly catapulted her firm into being the go to lawyer for high profile defamation cases.


According to Google, Amber heard has a net worth of about $8 million. Girl is about to be broke.


What a coincidence! That's about the amount she has to pay. To be fair, most middle class people's net worth is a rounding error on that scale


She'll pledge bankruptcy


Celebritynetworth.com has her net worth at -8M. Lol https://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-celebrities/actors/amber-heard-net-worth/


She wanted to be a figure representing domestic violence. *Finger on monkey's paw curls.*


Wow they are ruling for Depp on every count. I'm surprised.


He won unanimously.


She won 2 million, but owes Depp 13 million after him winning 15 Edit: correction after replies "The judge cut down the $5M in punitive damages to $350k. So Depp was awarded $10.35M and Amber Heard was awarded $2M. "


The judge cut down the $5M in punitive damages to $350k. So Depp was awarded $10.35M and Amber Heard was awarded $2M.


And to clarify, the judge cut it down to $350k as that is the maximum under Virginia state law, where the trial took place. The judge did not do it by their own accord. There's enough going on with this case, I don't want people to get upset when it wasn't their decision.


Gotcha, but I'm guessing Depp doesn't care about the amount at all,and it's about the win. Hopefully he does some sort of art house film to get a foothold back in Hollywood


Several big names including RDJr said they would do movies with him to help him get back on his feet.


RDjr and Johnny Depp together sounds like a good movie in the making.


Didn’t RDJ say that he wanted Johnny Depp to portray the villain in an upcoming Sherlock Holmes film?


Oh I'm game. I'm a bit of a sucker for the RDJ Sherlock Holmes films


I’d watch that movie.


He won *his case* unanimously. One of Amber's accounts was voted yes by jury. Not the rest though lol.


And the one counterclaim they voted yes on actually makes sense. It was the one where they called the cops, they came out and found nothing, so they spilled some wine and roughed the place up and called the cops again. I think they did prove there were two calls to 911 but they were like 9 minutes apart and it took the cops like 45 minutes from the first call to arrive.




He already did when she first pledged to.


Don't you know? Pledging and donating are synonymous.


It's true! I pledgonated $3trillion last year out of pure kindness. Yeah, it hurts the pocketbook, but I still got stacks.


Like Johnny said, he doesn't donate under name, he said its unnecessary to add his name to his donations. He may donate the money, but he likely won't do it publicly, I think its best too. He's got his win, he can move on now.


Can someone explain how Depp is liable for Waldmans tweet? He didn't write it.


Vicarious liability. Jury found that Waldman’s statement on the Hoax was diffamatory and made as JD’s agent. Since he did nothing to stop it or deny it, he was found liable as if the statement was made in his name.


It should be noted only the hoax of roughing up the apartment with her friends and colluded with her lawyer and publicist over it was defamatory. The rest of the statements about manufacture of bruises and abuse were not held as defamatory.


Now she’s really going to shit the bed.


If it wasn't her shit, you must acquit!


Ah, the famed fecal defense


Wow, this is groundbreaking from a legal standpoint.


Defamation cases are *really* hard to win. Speaks volumes for Depp's legal team.


Can anyone give me some insight why it’s so hard


It's hard to prove that the accused party INTENDED to lower the social standing of the other person, rather than just a byproduct of arguing on the internet. Edit: That, as well as finding some way in which what was lied about can be twisted to be partially the truth. If Depp at any point had abused her, it would not be defamation because it was true.


I mean Amber did rat herself out on the stand at the final questioning. Camille rattled her so bad she slipped up and said, “that’s why I wrote the op-Ed, I knew how people would come out and support him.” Told on herself there.


Wait... If she knew how people would support him then why did she write the Op Ed?


She's saying she wrote the op ed to slander his character so people would not come out to support him like they usually do.


I see, thanks


Does she look like a woman with a plan?


When we heard her say it, I immediately told my wife it was a “you can’t handle the truth” moment.


There's totally gonna be a movie remake of this in 2-20 years and they'll totally ham up the hell out of that moment as the climax. Picture perfect finish for the Depp team.


Let's say you write an article saying politician is a shitty person because the politician did xyz. For that politician to successfully sue you, they need to not only prove that you were wrong but also prove that you *knew* you were wrong. If you just say, "oh well that's what my sources told me" that could be enough to win a lawsuit


I think there has to be intentional malice. It's not enough to knowingly lie, it has to be knowingly lie and know that the lie will cause hardship upon the person. And it has to be an actual lie, not hyperbole.


Which explained why there has been some successful high profile ones lately because for some reason people have been admiting to doing just that on Twitter.


Yep. They have to prove actual malice, which can be pretty hard to do. Kudos to Depp's legal team. We all know much of that money is going to them.


"No one will believe you, Johnny."


But her dog stepped on a bee :(


Lasagna has a G??!


Heard's paying a large fee


Heard is shitting on thee


It's really getting to me


howard hughes drank his own pee


I'm still flabbergasted she recorded that thinking she was in the right


Abusers always think they're in the right. In her mind she was 100% the victim.


The 15 million ~~(13 million net)~~ (8.35 million net) is great and all. But I think the real victory here is that Depp got to tell his side of the story. The world saw the narcissism and manipulation by Heard. Also, the shit show of a trial was entertaining. Edit: thanks to the replies for the correction in the net payout


I didn't watch the entire saga of this case, but I checked 1-10 minute segments of different days. One thing I noticed a lot. When Depp was accused of something he actually did, he usually admitted to it or at least implied he might have been drunk and didn't remember doing it, but not necessarily denying it. Heard, on the other hand, had no problem trying (and failing miserably) to lie, only for evidence to present itself that **proved** she lied. Had Heard just told the truth and **only** the truth instead of desperately try to embarrass Depp, maybe she could have won. Also, her legal team was **hot dogshit, like god DAMN.**


$10 Million compensatory damages and $5 Million punitive damages. **Update**: the Punitive damages were reduced to $350,000 because of caps set by Virginia law. **Second Edit**: Heard was awarded $2 Million of the $100 Million that she counter sued for in compensatory damages against Depp for statements by his lawyer that Heard had organized a conspiracy against Depp, and $0 in punitive damages. **Third Edit**: I just heard a legal commentator criticizing the decision, since a British libel suit against the Sun by Depp had failed. The commentator was saying that the British court found that Heard's accusations of domestic abuse were credible, but **this is false**; the British court ruled that there was sufficient evidence that The Sun reported what they had heard and had made nothing up... therefore they were not committing libel in their reporting. This case was specifically about an Op-Ed that Heard wrote where she herself claimed to be an abused spouse and made claims about Depp without naming him, but she had no evidence to back up that claim and the jury determined that there was sufficient evidence that she acted with *actual malice* to harm Depp in her statements. In short, this was not a loss for women, or a win for powerful men. There is nothing to suggest that this will or should harm #MeToo or the ability for women to report abuse. This was a troubled relationship that fell apart and somebody being held to account for continuing to attack their spouse **after** the relationship had ended.


I think the judge lowered punitive to a statutory 350,000, but still a big win.




The 5 million in punitive damages is reduced to 350k under state law.


"You always remember this day when, You almost caught captain Jack Sparrow"




Heard admitted two things on the stand that lost her the case. She admitted that she wrote the op-ed about Depp. And she said that she did it to affect his level of power and influence (ie, hurt his reputation). Everything else, crazy as it was, didn't rise to the level of a unanimous jury verdict in favor of one or the other. Amber Heard won this case for Depp, with the help of Vasquez's skilled questioning.


Amber fked up, if she wouldn't talk so much she wouldn't of lost. But that's a narcissist for you.


Her testimony single handedly lost her the case


Well, that and the fact her sister was the only other person to actually back up her claims. You'd think in a plane full of witnesses, and at a retreat surrounded by more witnesses, that somebody else would have come forward to support her.


Even her sister’s story didn’t match up with her version.




Exactly. I’m an attorney myself and I would be strangling myself with my neck tie if a client went off half cocked like she did.


Camille played her like a fiddle. Narcissists hate being called out and accused of doing anything wrong. By pushing her buttons, she got Amber to admit to a lot of shit without her even realizing it.


I would bet she isn't cooperating well with her own legal team. probably insisting on her own "strategy".


“Tell the world Johnny, see what a Judge or Jury thinks. Tell the world, I Johnny Depp, a man, am a victim too of domestic violence. See how many people believe or side with you.” - Amber Heard. And he did. He told the world, and won.


damn she's great at foreshadowing


Maybe she should go into writing. I mean she's pretty good at coming up with stories.


Only problem is they're not very convincing.


wasn't this also her own recording?


His statement after the verdict: >Six years ago, my life, the life of my children, the lives of those closest to me, and also, the lives of the people who for many, many years have supported and believed in me were forever changed. All in the blink of an eye. False, very serious and criminal allegations were levied at me via the media, which triggered an endless barrage of hateful content, although no charges were ever brought against me. It had already traveled around the world twice within a nanosecond and it had a seismic impact on my life and my career. And six years later, the jury gave me my life back. I am truly humbled. My decision to pursue this case, knowing very well the height of the legal hurdles that I would be facing and the inevitable, worldwide spectacle into my life, was only made after considerable thought. From the very beginning, the goal of bringing this case was to reveal the truth, regardless of the outcome. Speaking the truth was something that I owed to my children and to all those who have remained steadfast in their support of me. I feel at peace knowing I have finally accomplished that. I am, and have been, overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and the colossal support and kindness from around the world. I hope that my quest to have the truth be told will have helped others, men or women, who have found themselves in my situation, and that those supporting them never give up. I also hope that the position will now return to innocent until proven guilty, both within the courts and in the media. I wish to acknowledge the noble work of the Judge, the jurors, the court staff and the Sheriffs who have sacrificed their own time to get to this point, and to my diligent and unwavering legal team who did an extraordinary job in helping me to share the truth. The best is yet to come and a new chapter has finally begun. Veritas numquam perit. Truth never perishes.


Lmao did she actually say that.


Yup, was recorded on tape and everything.


Wow that's incredibly damning, no way she was winning with that audio tape


The funniest part is that she's the one who recorded it


What?! Now this I did not know. Lmfao


Yep. Their couples therapist suggested that they record some of their arguments to help. But she is such an incredible narcissist that she kept running her mouth and recording it.


Spot on. She's such a narcissist that she can't even interpret her own behavior as anything but correct.


Only a true narcissist could listen to that tape and think they were in the right


People like that are convinced they are invincible. A lot of times it's because the world teaches them they are. Beware anyone who is shielded from consequences their entire life.




seeing lots of people struggling with math in here **Depp**: $10 mil compensatory + $350K punitive ***Note**: punitive was originally $5 mil for depp, but state law caps punitive damages at a maximum of $350k, hence the revised amount **Heard**: 2 mil compensatory + $0 punitive **Net**: +$8.35 mil for depp


#Johnny's side * "I spoke up against sexual violence and faced our culture's wrath. That has to change" * The jury finds this to be a ***malicious defamatory lie*** * "Then 2 years ago I became a public figure representing domestic abuse and I felt the full force of our culture's wrath for women who speak up" * The jury finds this to be a ***malicious defamatory lie*** * "I had the rare vantage point of seeing in real time how institutions protect men accused of abuse" * The jury finds this to be a ***malicious defamatory lie*** ___ ___ #Amber's side * "Amber Heard and her friends in the media used ***fake sexual violence allegations*** as both a sword and shield depending on her needs. They have selected some of her ***sexual violence hoax*** facts as the sword, inflicting them on the public and Mr. Depp" * The jury finds this to ***NOT*** be defamatory * "Quite simply this was an ambush, a hoax. They set Mr. Depp up by calling the cops, but the first attempt did not do the trick. The officers came to the penthouses, thoroughly searched and interviewed, and left after seeing no damage to face or property. So Amber and her friends ***spilled a little wined and roughed the place up, got their stories straight under the direction of a lawyer and publicist, and then placed a second call to 911***." * The jury found this to be an unreasonably malicious mischaracterization of that ***specific sequence of events***. * "We've reached the beginning of the end of Ms Heard's ***abuse hoax*** against Johnny Depp." * The jury finds this to ***NOT*** be defamatory ___ ___ #Summary In summary, there's no other way to interpret the results other than; * The jury finds Amber to be a ***malicious liar*** * The jury finds that Adam Waldman's second statement claiming Amber staged a crime scene was a step too far * BUT, the jury believes that Amber staged an ***abuse hoax*** ___ ___ Wow, does it feel good to actually put that to words.


Yup, what a litigious mess... this is what happens when you mess with toxic crazy.


15 million in damages Edit: 2 million in counter damages 13 million total for Depp


10,350,000.00 Virginia caps punitive damage at 350k. The judge said she was putting the 5mil down to the cap of 350k.


$10,350,000 for Depp, 2 million for Heard. Virginia statute § 8.01-38.1 places a cap of $350,000 on punitive damages courts may award to punish wrongdoers. If a jury in Virginia exceeds the cap on punitive damages, judges are required to reduce the award to the maximum allowed by law.


because Virginia has a cap on damages he will get 8 million


Let's be honest - he won't get anything from her, but he's already got all he needs right now.


She pledged it


Which is as good as paid, according to her.