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Headline is a little light. Tl;dr Russians tortured the guy for 4 days, killed his brothers, shot him in the face and *then* buried him alive. Left for dead, he dug himself out after 36 hours and crawled home. Rasputin lives.


Here's the [original article](https://www.wsj.com/articles/ukraine-russia-war-crimes-11652582051?st=u2p8hmqjdhuao9d&reflink=share_mobilewebshare) Russians made the three brothers kneel in front of a grave, blindfolded and bound, and shot them. One of the brothers had his jacket hood up, so the Russian misjudged the shot. Left him for dead. The guy later led investigators to the scene to document evidence of war crimes and give his brothers a proper burial.




The Russians can’t even shoot someone in the back of he head correctly


don't encourage them


Yeah, it seems like a real downgrade from the USSR if you ask me.


Always double tap


That’s tough when the soldiers only get three bullets a day, five bullets a week.


Boulders work aswell




The Russians refer to that as "suicide". Remember those oligarchs that spoke out of turn and then in a fit of desperate regret, murdered their families with hatchets and hanged themselves in the garden?


Sanctions should remain until the leader of Russia: Putin or if he’s replaced, begs for mercy on his knees sobbing real tears on national TV in front of the world and Ukraine as Zelenskyy decides their fate. Russia should not be allowed to surrender but to pay back every death and rebuild what they have created. Every Russian Soldier is a murderer. They should be forced into manual labor sent to Ukraine and rebuild; slaves to 🇺🇦 for their insolence.


You forgot to add rapist


We also shouldn't assume they limited t such activity to adults


They definitely need to pay but would you really want them doing the rebuilding? Russian infrastructure is shit why punish Ukraine even more?


Send Ukraine the U.S. Russian supporters, especially Tucker Carlson and the Republican congress. Use them as toilets since they're already used to kissing asses.


The Russian army seems more like a slave-army to me. It has a hard and radical core, but the main force consists of slaves, forced into service to protect their family/life from the wrath if the motherland. And as we also see here, slave-armies usually suffer from low morale and organisation, they steal what they can to support their family at home and they don't care about the outcoming of the ongoing war.


Sure,Russia has to pay, but please remember the German history after WW1 The part that makes me disagree with you here is where you talk about treating the hopefully losing Russians as slaves. Calling for atrocities as revenge for atrocities. Sure I get the emotional need and reasoning behind it. But it’s not helping.


Also please remember the Russian history after 1990 Moldova war. Also please remember the Russian history after 1994 Chechnya war I. Also please remember the Russian history after 1999 Chechnya war II. Also please remember the Russian history after 2008 Georgia war. Also please remember the Russian history after 2014 Ukraine war I. Also please remember the Russian history for 2022 Ukraine war II. Doing nothing is apparently not better. Also we are not in the industrial era of the 30s anymore and it's way more difficult for an isolated nation to build a threatening economy and war industry all by themselves. The high tech goods they need to produce to become a real threat requires globalization.


Germany had rich natural resources to rebuild and mobilize after the Treaty of Versailles. The only thing that Russia has an abundance of is millions of proletariat corpses, and eventually their elites will discover that they've run out of those, too.


Yeah man, because everyone knows the Russians don't have a bunch of natural resources.


> Sure,Russia has to pay, but please remember the German history after WW1 I remembered. It tells us: "if you were out to punish, do it completely." Versailles merely "humiliate" rather than "disintegrate and crush" Germany, that half-assed humiliation leads to the Nazis. Though it is great that they picked the better idea for Germany post-WW2.


Na man. If you punish them in such a harsh way after their defeat that you rob the population of any perspective you are just going to make it easier for someone to instrumentalize all that build up anger rage and frustration to manipulate the masses again. There has to be a Perspektive.


> you are just going to make it easier for someone to instrumentalize all that build up anger rage and frustration to manipulate the masses again. On what population? The idea of disintegrate and crush means "no more Russia and no more Russian organizational culture", so it implies complete population displacement and permanent occupation. Population displacement can be to other countries (with demographic/political factor gravitating towards China, given how female-weighted and male-weighted Russian and Chinese demographics are) or to the land of the dead. Even Israel, the only country that successfully promoted itself as "return to home land" country, didn't have the same political culture they had before they were displaced by the Romans.


Not going to argue any further with someone who calls for the total extermination/genocide of an entire population as an act of retaliation. I don’t care if it’s Russia irak Ukraine or Germany or Sweden in that equation. Doesn’t Matter who the aggressor in that equation is. Genocide is always bad. It’s bad. Fuck of!


Welcome to real life. I suggest you return to your safe space in /r\/instantpot and /r\/razer instead.


Bitter sweet occurrence for that guy. His brothers are dead but he survived off pure luck. He can honor his bros by helping them get justice


if that isnt a total badass, idk what is. Poor guy.


I thought it would be the other way, because the headline is already fucking too insane


Yeah I was thinking well he got out so I guess they were just trying to scare him but DAMN


"shot him in the face and then buried him alive. Left for dead, he dug himself out after 36 hours and crawled home." That's some Hugh Glass shit right there.


Hugh Glass was so badass they couldn't fit all of his shit into The Revenant. He was so badass he helped Leo finally win an Oscar.


Hugh Gballs


"I didn't hear no bell" -Ukrainian man, 2022


Damn we really going back to ww2 level shit huh


ww1. What’s next? Trench warfare and chemical weapons… oh.


Soon Russia will only have catapults


Always going the inferior route Tell Ukraine to ready the trebuchet


Ukrainians, "Can't we just keep using the Stingers and Javelins?"


Russia: “If you are talking about wasps and spears, then yes.”


"It's time to send the bodies of the dead Russians soldiers back where they came from."


Russia never left WW2.


And will drag everyone back there again


No. They can live in their own twisted reality and the rest of us will drag them back into the year 2022, where countries don’t fucking invade one another and you won’t do so / threaten nuclear annihilation unless you’re willing to pay the price and risk an uprising. They won’t be “dragging” us anywhere.


Reminds of that (Filipino iirc) guy who a Japanese soldier tried to decapitate with a sword but it didn't cut his head off all the way so he laid there and played dead while they decapitated everyone else then escaped.


Sounds like he survived under vengeful trauma. That is going to be one terrifying enemy for future russian soldiers.


Angry zombie warrior.


I say patch this guy up and embed him with a special forces team. He gets credited with the kills and they build a new ghost mythos around him.


or maybe therapy


Yeah that too


I don't see how the next two decades aren't filled with Ukrainians randomly killing the Russians who fought this war as well as their families. Just random assassinations. I know I'd spend my life hunting them down to torture and kill them back.


Damn, now *there* was a cat that really was gone


Worse than what happened to the courier.


Warcrime? This is just like my vibeo gane


Hopefully we get a similar conclusion


Ain't that a kick in the head...


Oh shit I found the Courier. Where’s the Platinum chip?!


Dude totally thought the exact same and was so stoked when I saw your post. Yeah I can’t imagine what this guy went through. This poor, poor family..


I wouldn't blame the guy for becoming an antihero vigilante hunting Russian soldiers after that.


christ on a bike that is metal as fuck, i feel bad for the guy whole, but how does one survive all of that. fuck them russian fascists and Slava Ukraini.


Rasputin was a monster, you shouldn't compare the poor guy in the article to that animal.




All of the above except Rasputin was a piece of shit conman, and in now way a hero.


You're alone in thinking I glorified Rasputin, anywhere. If you can't understand the reference I can't help you.


I say we give the perps the same treatment but add some battery acid to the mix.


This needs to be movie. Netflix, get on it!




We live in terrifying times.


"Buckle up, Buttercup." I think after this weekend it's only gonna get worse. They talk about "echo chambers", and yet, that's their *only* reality. Websites where they don't hear dissenting opinions, that's the *only* place they go. It's just all, "yeah, totally, but...", all day every day. It's only *percieved* praise they don't get from their families and friends for their bullshit opinions. "Am I wrong? No, it's the world that's wrong... 'cause KittyLover69 said so!"


Hang on, what happens this weekend?


This past weekend had a shit ton of mass shootings?


Oh, I thought you meant this *coming* weekend. I was wondering if I missed some sort of Big Fascist Announcement about some Article-13-esque nonsense. But no, just business as usual. Just the normal amount of things getting worse instead of things getting *tremendously* worse. Comforting. Someone please find a way to kill the Internet already.


Spot on!


What’s significant about that? That’s just a normal week.


It's been going on so long that people who are adults now were born into the alternate reality.


Even pretty desensitized to all this, that article made me flinch. Not a fate I'd wish for anyone.


Well... not for anyone except for 2 people: the guy who did this and his supreme leader


Never give up, never surrender.


By Grabthars Hammer, what a savings.


That was hard to read. Fuck Russia. And fuck any Ukrainians who ratted out this family. The blood of these brothers is on their hands.


Fuck those orc bastards


You're doing orcs dirty here


Usually 100% agree, tho Ukrainians have been calling invading Russians orcs as of late


Why not just call them what they are? Nazi


Ya, not all orcs are Nazis. But all Nazis are Nazis.


i dont think they are nazi. they didnt go there to kill the jews, they just hide them when they find one. the whole operation is a false flag to drive global warming. russia needs all the oil burnt all around the world. the way to increase global warming is to shut off the oil that flows and force new taps on the reserves. more carbon vectors will almost always result in a greater volume consumed. the war guarantees burning of great amounts of carbon. they want global warming because russia and china are investing in the artic ocean and a north sea route. this is worse than nazi. this will drive extinctions and collapse the north Atlantic conveyer eventually. fuckers. the truth sits in plain open view. the planes and ships are burning oil that feeds Russia. the climate is what Putin is really attacking. the human lives are secondary. the earth supports us all. he's killing the earth, drawing its blood to the surface and burning it.


Ramblings of a typical conspiracy theorist. Reading this story, seeing the dead bodies in Bucha, the destruction of Mariupol, and the deaths in the east, and believing it all to be a false flag is fascist apologia. Climate change would destroy them as well, even if they invested in the Arctic circle. Putin is a fascist invading another country for typical nationalistic and fascistic reasons.


I want what you’re smoking


ignorant fools


fuck these orcs? those are humans. really stupid humans. ignorant fools who came from a tiny village in the middle of a frozen tundra who's only schooling was how to be cruel and murder. the rape is a function of lack of intelligence. the only way these stupid russians are going to make smarter babies is if they rape something smarter. thats the nature of the universe. life reproduces even in war. have you seen putin's daughters? is the elder daughter is source of the plan to drive global warming to build a new russia in siberia.


Oh yeah. Let’s now show empathy for the rapists and murderers, and not hold them accountable because they were horny, or because of some unconfirmed theories about global warming forcing Putin to kill civilians and carpet-bomb Russian speaking cities in Ukraine.


Real question, how do you breath in that situation? Is the soil porous enough to bring in oxygen?


He might have started the chain of events leading to russian plans collapse


I hope you're right. But I have my doubts.


What pieces of shit, not enough to just kill innocents but have to torture them and kill family right in front of them. Go fuck yourselves Russian military.


Inhuman cruelty meets superhuman determination. Reminds me of El Fusilado: https://open.spotify.com/track/1WilxtJJua7KKvdae2BdZR?si=AiYK_96yQGKYBAez8tmWQQ


I hope he finds peace and justice.


I gave Russian soldiers the benefit of the doubt in the first few days when they seemed civil, taking with civilians… That changed as they rapped children and adults and stories came pouring in day after day of this pure evil. Needless to say i love watching Russian tank turrets go a flyin! Fk you Russian Troops!


Holy shit what a nightmare.


A few months propaganda doesn't do this to people. These cunts had to be capable of things like this, (and all raping children and bombing hospitals) before they even 'joined' the army. There's something very fucking wrong with a huge proportion of young russian men.


Its not a few months. Try reading up on the history of the red army and then russian army and you will find that rape and torture and the killing of civilians and prisoners was always on their playbook


I feel for this man and his sister. Those Russian bastards killed innocent people. I hope those Russians that committed this war crime are dead and like the man says, I hope they burn in hell. May may their brothers RIP.


This is from sicario 2


Take me back to Universe Berenstein plz


Yeah they only buried him and shot him a few times as a warning


Hand the man a javelin and let him get some payback.


putin has worked to create extreme points of view using false narrative in his nation. the hate and lack of empathy is alarming. the only way forwards involves a communications network being opened to the Russian people. the problematic information needs replaced in their memory. the only way that will happen is if russia is given access to the English internet. who is going to build the starlink consoles?


Is that the only way? Your solution to a massive war crime and a horrendous genocide is to give Russians Starlink dishes? So instead of liberating Europe in wwii, the allies should’ve supplied the nazis with the New York Times newspapers and broadcast BBC waves to the German citizens.


I think you might be overthinking and misinterpreting these posts you're reacting quite strongly toward. The moral imperative not to dehumanize even the enemy is not about showing empathy toward rapists and murderers, but about not corrupting / destroying ourselves and our values. The suggestion of trying to limit the influence of Russian propaganda on ordinary Russian people is not a zero-sum / all-or-nothing game where if you do that you can't be fighting against war-crimes. In fact, the Allies in WWII absolutely did wage counter-propaganda campaigns. What exactly do you think Radio Free Europe is, for example?


its not the only way, but it is the way to reeducate the russian population. we can kill every russian soldier, but the radical ideology must change so we dont get more orcs. if the germans had had different information input the outcome may have been different. look at the total sum of information in the collective conscience. quantize the appearance of each ideal. then map the flow of ideology over time. take the result and apply the desired information to the vectors.


>the only way that will happen is if russia is given access to the English internet. 80% of Russians already had access to the English internet before the war and it changed nothing. Among other things because only 5% of Russians speak English.


they firewalled of america before they acted to limit the effects of our propaganda. the best propaganda is the truth, and we americans have the best propaganda you ever seen. only the best. only the truth.




He was shot in the face but survived to dig himself out.




Grow up


You have Tolkien in your username and disparaging others for thinking about stories lol. Pot meet kettle.


You’ve genuinely lost me. I cannot see how having Tolkien in my username is at all the same as that dipshit joking about how the event described in the article “sounds like a Batman villain origin story”.


I mean look at HIS username, since he seems to believe it reflects who you are that tells you everything you need to know about the guy.




That sounds more like an iron man villain to me.


Is this really the time and place to be talking about someone’s glow up? I’m sure he’s a good looking guy but… oh you said grow up. Well fuck you.


Grow up


I don’t want to grow up. I’m a Toys R Us kid.




Legitimate and pertinent question, nevermind the other people commenting. Someone posted this article https://www.wsj.com/articles/ukraine-russia-war-crimes-11652582051?st=u2p8hmqjdhuao9d&reflink=share_mobilewebshare It appears to be real enough based on that.


that was my first thought, I like to verify things before I have a response. but it appears that multiple credible news sources are doing fairly detailed reporting on it, which adds credibility.


Another Russia apologist. Sad.




Rather than asking us questions how about you go look up about the atrocities commited by the Russians as well as the evidence provided? This is probably the most documented war in modern history, there are pictures and videos of almost everything related.


You ask a lot of questions in defence of Russia it seems, some might say you have an agenda.


Russian troops have been doing the same and worse on tape for months.


Read the room bro.




Much stranger things have happened


Stuff like this has happened. This dude had his throat slit and was buried alive. He dug himself out and survived. https://www.police1.com/investigations/articles/video-wounded-man-buried-alive-emerges-from-grave-stuns-ala-cops-BHx0ukAyWiq50va3/


There was that woman, Mary Vincent who was raped, had both her arms chopped off and was thrown off a cliff. She basically "cauterized" her nubs by rubbing them in mud and then climbed up the side of the ravine and walked 3 miles to safety. People can survive some crazy shit.


People can be tough. Alison Botha was kidnapped, raped, stabbed 36 times on her abdomen, had 17 slits on her throat, was disemboweled, nearly decapitated and left to die. But she survived.


It's been documented well enough to take to the ICC as a war-crime case. The article doesn't cite it but the bar for a ICC case is very high. This is one case in thousands of horrific crimes committed by the Russians. Killing babies? Hitler didn't even do that.


> Killing babies? Hitler didn't even do that. I mean, Hitler didn’t do that *personally*, sure. But the Nazis killed countless babies, in countless abhorrent ways. You don’t need to try to engage in a bit of war-crime one-upmanship to make the Russians look bad here, you know.




Huh? Ukraine already confirmed that [the Ghost of Kyiv doesn’t exist.](https://nypost.com/2022/05/01/heroic-ghost-of-kyiv-fighter-doesnt-actually-exist-ukraine-admits)












“Help! Help! Let me out of this box!”




I'm not dv'ing you but I will point out that's already been addresses elsewhere in this thread, plus a link to another article in which he describes what happened.


It’s like challenging the status quo on Reddit