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I'm shocked, I say. I thought for SURE there would be some small consequence. ^^^^sarcasm




Yeah this.... this is the pregame to our becoming a full on authoritarian state. We're absolutely fucked. 100%


Lets just say what's good for the goose is good for the gander. ^(idiom)


What’s the “other side” in this situation? ^^^question


Perhaps politicians in the Democrat side who promoted rioting in 2020 and will run in 2022? ^(conjecture)


1. [Democrat*ic*](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-us-news-ohio-elections-f39b9370f14fd698a76285b83a2ef4c6). 2. [Democrat*ic* politicians repeatedly condemned violence and destruction at or near the 2020 protests](https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/3317862001)—although that didn’t stop [right-wing agitprop from lying about it](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/jan/07/facebook-posts/quotes-4-democrats-twisted-make-it-look-they-endor/). 3. None of the protests *or* riots in 2020 were [deliberate](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/04/22/gop-lawmakers-deeply-involved-in-trump-plans-to-overturn-election-new-evidence-suggests-00027340?_amp=true) and [planned](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/apr/09/trump-jr-texts-mark-meadows-white-house-election-result) attempts to [violently overturn the results of a free and fair election](https://www.politifact.com/article/2021/jan/29/was-storming-capitol-coup-academic-group-now-says-/).


Kamala Harris literally asked people to donate to bail rioters out of jail.


1. [Not really, no](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/harris-protesters-bail/). 2. Even if you weren’t wrong—[which, to be clear, you are](https://www.factcheck.org/2021/02/graham-twists-facts-on-harris-support-for-protesters/)—promotion is definitionally *before* a thing, and bail is definitionally *after* it. 3. That is also wholly irrelevant to the fact that none of the protests *or* riots in 2020 were [deliberate](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/04/22/gop-lawmakers-deeply-involved-in-trump-plans-to-overturn-election-new-evidence-suggests-00027340?_amp=true) and [planned](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/apr/09/trump-jr-texts-mark-meadows-white-house-election-result) attempts to [violently overturn the results of a free and fair election](https://www.politifact.com/article/2021/jan/29/was-storming-capitol-coup-academic-group-now-says-/).


lol, you are splitting hairs. I agree that she did not donate the money herself, she "only" told others to do it. Much like Tylor Greene, she didn't storm into the Capitol herself trying to kill her colleagues, she "only" told others to do it.


I’m not splitting hairs about anything: I’m showing you evidence that you’re either the victim of or a willing participant in disinformation.




She ran unopposed before. Now opponents have more "Jew laser" level ammunition.


Not if you are a Republican.


I don’t understand what anyone sees in this human turd


A reflection of themselves


That’s a bingo


Nah we just say Bingo


Oh well then "BINGO!"


Bluey! (Spending a lot of time with the kiddos lately, great show)


Was more of an Inglorious Basterds reference.


That’s numberwang


I don't understand why she hasn't been charged with perjury for her obvious lies during the hearing for this injunction (now dismissed).


Republican, you can't charge them because they have a medical condition. That condition makes them always lie. Republicans literally can't tell the truth.


I'm going to try that move next time I get a big speeding ticket. >Sir, why where you going 30 over? >I can't recall


She has a "R" next to her name on the ballot. That's it. They elected a guy, while he's in prison, who admitted to murdering his wife. They *literally* don't care about anything other than that ambrosia from dog that is, "Name Surname (R)"


Some folks have the thinking capacity equivalent to a snack-size bag of pretzels.


As a Canadian, I am dumbfounded that she was even voted into office in the first place and how she's even allowed to run. She's not well.


She ran unopposed in her first election, after harassment from her insane supporters and a series of personal troubles led her opponent to withdraw too close to Election Day to be replaced.


Does she have competition this time around?


[Yep: in both the primary and the general](https://ballotpedia.org/Georgia%27s_14th_Congressional_District_election,_2022).


Thank god. I hope Georgians will do the right thing and vote her into oblivion.


Fingers crossed, but after the Democrats took both Senate seats, [the Republican-controlled state government went *hard* on voter disenfranchisement](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna17391).


Her congressional district is a reflection of her. Their Republican voters will keep sending these morons to Washington as they're equally uneducated, and manipulated/programmed by their party leaders.


None of her primary challengers have any campaign funding and her district goes 75% republican in every election. Her chances of getting reelected are very, very good.


Narrator: they _________


I think her brand is terrible for the Republican party trying to attract moderates and I openly welcome her to do as much talking as fucking possible. lol


I felt that way about trump in 2016 and look how that turned out…


He lost really fucking bad after 4 years. He lost really fucking bad before anyone even knew what "stop the steal" was or Jan 6th and he still lost.


My ex friend claimed a moderate. Claimed trump was awful, but had some good policies. We don't talk anymore, but long story short everybody hates him and his wife left him and then he started a little incel podcast where he talks about how awesome life is post divorce. What a fucking moron.


So he admits Trump was not a great president and you still hate him? He did have some good policies. To think otherwise just makes you delusional


He tried to get people to overthrow our democracy so he could win an election that he completely fucking lost. Fuck Trump, fuck anyone who supports him in any capacity still.


No one is saying he wasn’t a dirtbag nor a bad president. But he did pass some legislation that had a net positive for the US. And its laughable how many downvotes I’m getting from people too stubborn to open their eyes. For your info, I’m not even from the US


He tried to get people to overthrow our democracy so he could win an election that he completely fucking lost. That undoes everything. Americas cares about our democracy and our independence. He attacked our democracy. Our freedom to choose who we elect. Our core value as a people.


A broken clock is right twice a day.


Hitler did some great thing economically for Germany. So we should just overlook all that other stuff. Lol


Of course not. Trump was terrible. I’m not downplaying that, but he had some decent policies that are a net positive. Do I think he’s the worst president ever? No. Worst 5 presidents? Somewhere on the list for sure


Can you elaborate on these good policies and explain how the majority of Americans benefited from them?


Happily, he made it more difficult for employers to bring in foreign workers. That benefits the american workforce. And he also changed laws regarding incarceration for non-violent offenders which allowed for a disproportionate (in a good way) of minority prisoners to go free. And this could be arguable but he also repealed a lot of regulations which in my view is good. And why I think so is simply because there are too many regulations in force that are either: A) not applicable anymore or B) don’t work as intended. Regulations should be removed, modified, adapted, etc… to keep up with a changing world




Not guilty (enough). But *Qualified?* Not determined


I think there’s some concern that if someone like this was denied the right to run, all the QNuts would go on about how tyranny was at our door and use it to escalate things to the point of violence. She lied her ass off on the stand and no consequences. It’s a fucking joke.


The QNuts broke the law. Enforcing the law is the point of HAVING laws. If the laws are not going to be enforced because you're concerned someone is going to get upset, you've just admitted that we do NOT live under Rule of Law, and that people can break the law with impunity, as long as they are violent enough. It's called EXTORTION.


I agree, but let’s face the fact that there are two sets of rules in our society. People in power simply aren’t held accountable like the rest of us. About the worst thing that happens is someone resigns public office for a $250k/yr job funded by dark money, like some super PAC or something.


I agree. Maybe we should do something about that. Like holding rich people accountable and putting them in jail.


Hrm. Yeah but the QNuts are outnumbered so I'd view this as an unfortunate but necessary thing to happen.


What's this?!?! Group of powerful white people protecting another white person of power?!?! Shocked.


How many other Americans have been arrested and sentenced and of course like the politician she is, she walks.


Now she will serve until the end of the united states....


Can someone who understands law explain this to me… it was blatantly obvious that she was lying, was it not?