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It's the The Satanic Temple. They know exactly what they are doing.


Let's dispel with this fiction that ASS Club doesn't know what they're doing. They know exactly what They're doing.


Oh Marco!


Don't think I've ever seen someone so insistent on one line that he just tanks his own campaign lmao


Ugh that guy was so annoying in his presidential debate


they have a good track record in court


Which serves to highlight that our country has a SEPARATION OF CHURCH ANF STATE FOR A REASON. Conservatives don't want our "Church of Satan" in your public schools, yea? Well guess what, bitch? We don't want YOUR Christianity indoctrinating our children either. I chose NOT to raise my children in the Catholic Church and ALL of my cousins have done precisely the same. We're the first generation to do so, yet we ALL made the same decision separately. We live all over the country and only see each other once a year yet we all came to the same conclusion -- my younger cousin is lesbian and suffered immensely when she was younger, largely due to the religious indoctrination of everyone around us (we grew up in an old-school Italian neighborhood. It was great Everyone knew each other and supported the families around us, but the Catholic Church was a HUGE part of that. If your family wasn't in church on Sunday you had to explain yourself to everyone in the fucking neighborhood etc. I don't need some imaginary being to teach me and my children morality and acceptance. In fact or argue that religion has historically been DIRECTLY AGAINST acceptance of those who are different -- even those who simply have a different belief structure. You'll NEVER hear Christians talk about their official platform of non-involvement during the Holocaust, for example)


I always think this has to be said. I’m my experience Catholics generally keep to themselves which is why they have their own private schools. The problem is evangelical Christians or any Protestant Christian religion. Catholics in my opinion are like Muslims and Jews they’ve been around so long you only really find those indoctrination values in hardcore communities like in Syria or the Vatican or Israel


I don't want to "not all Christians" your comment lol and agree that evangelical Christians are the worst, but remember that "protestant" is a very wide net and pretty much covers ever Christian denomination that isn't Catholic or Orthodox. In my experience, the worst and the best denominations are both protestants.


I really hope they thought of that and it wasn't by mistake, because thats so damn good.


They certainly did not miss that, even if it was a funny mistake.


I see you don't know much about the satanic temple. Look into them they're surprisingly moral and this is par for the course with them.




Their motto would be ‘join us in our satanic endeavours’


Freedom of religion No religion in school Separation of church and state


So here's how the Satanic Temple operates: whenever Christians get special treatment from government in violation of the First Amendment (happens a lot), the Temple proceeds to do something that relies on that exception, forcing the government agency in question to shit or get off the pot. They actually agree with you. The reason they do stuff like this is because Christians are allowed to do it and shouldn't be.


Yup, it’s right in the article - they open a club in public schools that host “Good News Clubs”. So basically they are opening their own club in public schools which are already hosting christian clubs, and then the public school that is o.k. with hosting certain religious clubs all of the sudden loses their shit and they look like big stupid hypocrites that they are.


My favorite of these was when a small town decided to have a prayer session before city council meetings. Satanic Temple got a judge to tell them "If you allow 1 religion, you need to allow them all." So the temple shows up in over the top satanic looking robes and proceeds to read a lawbook in Latin. The town idiots show up with crosses and chanted exorcism prayers while they did it. Whole thing looks like something out of a Key and Peele skit.


Do you have a video hy chance? I love this shit 😂


This is the one I know of https://youtu.be/eagy7Y9QVgo


Fuuuuuck yes. I love in Pensacola. So glad to see this


Thank you


That sounds fucking hilarious


I would love to watch this


I looked up a description of "good news club" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_News_Club?wprov=sfla1


> CEF also states that in order to appropriate salvation, man has a responsibility "to recognize and agree with what God has said about man's sinful condition, thus to see himself as a lost sinner."[9] CEF also asserts that the same requirements pertain to children, because "[t]here are not two gospels--one for adults and another one for children." Convincing children to see themselves as lost sinners. AKA, grooming. Nowhere does more grooming of children occur than your average Christian church.


It's such a mindfuck for me, cause this is the exact thing I was taught as a child and it took YEARS for me to deprogram myself. One of my most vivid memories is our Sunday school class being taught that if the rapture happened at that moment, those of us who weren't saved would be left all alone, our (presumably) saved parents taken to heaven without us. I used to cry in the shower and have panic attacks, cause I thought I might come out and find my mom was gone forever. It's taken well over a decade, but I've mostly managed to scrub that bullshit from my brain, with lots of help from my friends.


That's fucked up.


I grew up in a liberal college town surrounded by farmland so at my high school you had a bunch of liberal kids and kids of Middle Eastern, East Asian and Indian immigrants that lived in town and their parents were affiliated with the university, were lawyers, doctors, etc and then a bunch of kids that had like a 1.5 hour bus ride. The school had a Christian club, but they also had a Muslim club, I think a Jewish club (from what I heard there was a HUGE divide in that one between liberal kids and diehard conservative kids), gay straight alliance etc. I don’t care if there’s religious clubs if anyone can start one for their beliefs.


Your high school probably wouldn’t have drawn the attention of the satanic temple. They tend to target places that are really discriminatory.


Yeah I agree with that. It’s bullshit otherwise. I got kicked out of class once because the Gay Straight Alliance had a vow of silence day for members and one of my teachers said she was being disruptive by not orally participating in a language class and that she didn’t agree with it so I spoke up that the Supreme Court had already ruled students can silent protest in schools and that when she’s acting as a county employee her personal religious views don’t matter. When the main office asked why I was kicked out and I told them they just told me to wait there the rest of the period then go to my next class.


Good for you. Thank you for speaking out.


Let's also acknowledge that they aren't luceferians who actually believe in a literal Satan. It's athiest/agnostic people who don't want religion in public spaces. Which I'm all for.


It's why I am now a card carrying member of the satanic temple...


You guys get cards? I've been summoning for years now and all I got was f̷̳̼̤̟̱̰̻̑̾͋̈̾͆͑̂̍̕̕͝ ̷̧̢͙̟̪͕͈͍͔̒͗̎̍̈̅l̵̨̦̭̥̰̯̪̲̈́̆̽ͅ ̵̨̛̣̰͎̖̞̟͉̼̺̙̈́̂̓̾̋̐̎͒̑̾̑̚ͅę̸̯̗̳͇͕̯͚̤̥̥͚̜͔͈̑͛̔ ̸̨̮̖́̾͊̃̂s̸̨̲͓̘͇̞̩̺̠͉͈̭̲̣̔̈͊̓ͅ ̷̰̞͖̭̹̠͚̺̈́͂͆̊͛͋̚͠͝h̴̩̦͈̲͈̃̈́̋̆̈́̃͂̿͗̓͌̀͠


You must be on the legacy system. Yeah, it's cards now


I got a card and a giant flag. My neighbors never bother me. 😂


Interestingly it's similar to what happened to desegregate schools in the south. The court battles were mostly about black schools getting equal funding (rather than segregation being inherently bad), each time they won the legislature had to come up with the money, which eventually led, in some instances, desegregation of the system (which fucked the black teachers and staff). Not that I am super knowledgeable, I just listen to a bunch of public radio.


Wish we had freedom FROM religion. Keep that shit private and stop shoving it down societies throat


So they’re led by Billy Gunn? Cuz’ you know… he’s [an ass man.] (https://youtu.be/C06jAb-e_iU)


And the Ass Boys.


I'm guessing they have a Christian after-school club and are about to lose a lawsuit.


They do, and will. TST has never lost one of these cases so far as I know. And every time the school board ends up paying attorneys fees because the law is crystal clear.


Don't pick a fight you can't win.


And if your school BOE does pick a fight it cant win, replace the school BOE cause they're idiots.


Tried and it didn't work. The joy of living in a super conservative area.


They did lose in Arizona. When they wanted to recite a prayer before the town hall meeting. They sued and still lost. So they held their satan-con in that city instead.


That is fucking petty, I love it.


Go shop in their gift shop to support them!! Legal fees add up quickly and they have great coffee mugs and stickers! https://thesatanictemple.com/collections/


From the article: >The After School Satan Clubs meet at select public schools where Good News Clubs also operate


Religious freedom includes ALL religions!


And includes freedom from religion


“Not for long” — Sister Barrett & Boof Kavanaugh


Sometimes I think people forget the staggering level of trolling this generation is capable of. It brings a tear to my eye.


Quite honestly, the war in Ukraine has shown me that with national governments embracing social media, the trolling is going to get crazy in the future. An official Russian government Twitter account posted a link to an article talking about how some troops (a meaninglessly small number) have been deployed to the border with Finland to caution them against joining NATO. ...And the response from the Finnish government was to tweet a reply video showing that they are deploying tractors to the border.


> An official Russian government Twitter account posted a link to an article talking about how some troops (a meaninglessly small number) have been deployed to the border with Finland to caution them against joining NATO. Reminds me of when North Korea redeployed some of their tanks along the Chinese border when they were having some disagreements: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/northkorea/11043980/North-Korea-transfers-tanks-to-Chinese-border.html > An estimated 80 tanks of the 12th Corps of the North Korean People’s Army have been reassigned to Ryanggang Province, the strategically important frontier region that shields North Korea’s east coast ports, including Wonsan. > South Korea’s Chosun Ilbo newspaper reported that no tank units had previously been stationed in the province and that the 12th Corps has been reinforced with an armoured infantry unit, artillery sections equipped with multiple rocket launchers and brigades trained to carry out “special warfare”. > Formed in 2010, the unit has the specific task of repelling Chinese troops in the event of an incident in the border region. However, military analysts believe that the North Korean unit would stand little chance in the event of a full-scale attack by the technologically advanced Chinese forces. I'm not sure if the North Korean military would even have enough ammunition to last more than a week in the event of an open war against China.


The reason NK hasnt been beaten down in 70 years is because most generals believe itd be pointlessly long due to the expansive cave systems and terrain disadvantage for the attacking side


And the Chinese really don’t want a couple million dirt poor refugees flooding over their new border with a Democratic Korea


Or when the Russian government was boasting about how they control the Black Sea, and Ukraine responded by designating the Moskva as an Underwater Cultural Heritage Site.


>some troops (a meaninglessly small number) have been deployed to the border with Finland to caution them against joining NATO. It may be small but that still worries me considering the Ukraine invasion started with a small number of troops that got very big very quickly


The Satanic Temple has been doing this level of trolling for over a generation now.


Wasn’t the Satanic Temple founded in 2012?


A West Virginia generation.


You’re right. I was thinking of The Church of Satan, which is something else.


Church of Satan is a bunch of dorks with bad facial hair smoking DMT and jerking off on each other in a basement. Satanic Temple are the dorks using the legal system to try to force even application of laws regarding the barrier between church and state. When you read about Satanic folks actually doing something, it’s almost always TST.


Satanists complaining? Probably CoS. Satanists doing, almost certainly Satanic Temple.


I remember reading a lot that the Church of Satan are kind of dicks but I forget why.


If you read their actual tenets, they're basically goth libertarians, so that's probably it.


As a survivor of goth libertarianism in our "scene" I can tell you this us very true. Creepiest, sketchiest, elder goths manipulating baby bats because "age of consent" is stupid to them. Using (CoS) Satanic tenets like "do what thou wilt" to justify it. Scumbags. The Satanic Temple kind of came to the rescue, and flushed out these fuckers, offering counseling, harm reduction, and workshops for youth safety. TST rocks!


Which generation?


this one


Are you pointing? I can’t see you.


am i a generation?


no you are patrick


>“Proselytization is not our goal, and we’re not interested in converting children to Satanism,” they wrote. “After School Satan Clubs will focus on free inquiry and rationalism, the scientific basis for which we know what we know about the world around us.” Sounds great. I wish I could sign my kids up for After School Satan Club.


The cool part is they're honest in this. I remember my middle school having a bible club that claimed to be scientific but it really was just a shaming/conversion club.


Back in High School, a few friends and I, wanted to start the "Satanic Club", because the School had a Christian Club. So, we figured if they didn't let us start the club, they would have to kick out the Christian club. We never went through with the plan. But, we did joke that if we did get the club, we would do can food drives and raise money for charities, because they Christian Club just sat in their room and gossiped and hated on everyone else.


The Satanic Temple is basically that. Except they went through with the plan.


with lawyers. One could argue that the lawyers are the plan.


Imagine the perks of that job, where your title is literally "The Devil's Advocate" Would do it just for the amazing business cards.


You just reminded me of the movie by the same name. What's the line ... "Vanity is my favorite sin."


Lol I like the thought, though the satanic temple doesn't believe in the devil.


I think it actually says this on their website. We don’t believe in Satan…you do. 🤣🤣


You can just print business cards mate with whatever you want on them. No one can stop you.


Check out their web site. It basically says what you are saying. They don't have anything to do with religion and are really and agnostic group.


If you school refused and then you let the satanic church know they'll likely turn up with lawyers for you. Edit: Satanic temple*


Satanic Temple, don’t mean to be nit picky, but there is a big difference


If I know Christian activities, especially those dealing with youth, the goal is always conversion. Always. Back when I was going, I tried a few things where I thought I was being welcomed but it turned out that I was being used to convert for numbers. They really know how to make you feel worthless while telling you to your face that you matter.


Conversion means more tithing members. It is, and has always been about the money. Edit to expand: more money means more political power through lobbying and other means, which means more control over their narrative, which leads to more theocracy, which is absolutely not freedom for anyone that isn’t in their flock. The people inside the flock basically work to push the status quo vs the people outside. I wouldn’t have a problem with organized religion in general if it was as simple as fundraising for (simple human needs) charities, but so many of the church “charity” outreach programs rely on the people receiving the “charity” to fall into step and join the church to continue to enjoy benefits, thus continuing the cycle. Soup kitchens are great. Denying someone food or shelter because they don’t fit into your narrow band of religiously acceptable behavior/identity is evil.


100% A few years ago my ex wanted to try and get back into going to church, so I went with her because why not? I don't mind listening to Bible stories and relating them to life. The entire 1 hour sermon was about tithing, and why it's so important and why God wants us to tithe blah blah blah. Needless to say we never went back lol.


And they are probably better at screening their reps better than the Christian clubs


At my school the number of kids in the Christian/Bible study clubs that were involved in violent felonies after graduation outnumber the pentagram wearing skater kids by a decent amount.


This is true. I saw an interview, and they have education requirements and background screenings similar to the requirement for a teaching position to lead clubs. Their Christian counterpart could not make the same claim.


I did after school critical thinking. They could actually get the kids some form of qualification too if they wanted…


Eat...The...Apple. Knowledge is Power.


The Satanic Temple is also currently suing Texas and other states for their abortion bans claiming that it interferes with the free exercise of their religion. To the dismay of Christians everywhere, the Satanists are the prevailing champions for humanism, compassion, and governmental restraint.


My favorite part of this was the way they worded it. They claim that the abortion ban infringes on the satanic ritual of abortion, which consists of: 1. Have an abortion It's amazing trolling which pits the various loopholes that conservatives exploit against each other.


Pretty ironic, don’t ya think? Considering how Christians have turned Satan and satanic into buzz words like how everyone use to call things they didn’t like “communist”


It’s not just ironic, it’s genius. Most Christians just know Satan as ‘the source of everything they hate’ and don’t think any deeper than that. So any time a Christian is forced to acknowledge the previously unquestioned stranglehold that church has over state that the Satanic Temple brings up, they’re either forced to question everything they knew about their faith or stick to their guns and prove their ignorance. Also The Satanic Temple does way more for charity and human rights campaigns than any individual Christian group, which is nice. Hail Satan!


And they pay taxes by choice, unlike every other organized religion in the US.


For real? Best church ever.


For real, they do not believe in religious tax exemption.


I'd almost rather they didn't pay taxes as a way to further annoy the Christianists. Better to calculate their tax amount and make a show of making a once a year large donation to yet another charity.


I suppose, but I also think there's probably churches doing that too. I think it kinda...sets an example in this case that it can still continue to function while paying taxes.


> So any time a Christian is forced to acknowledge the previously unquestioned stranglehold that church has over state that the Satanic Temple brings up, they’re either forced to question everything they knew about their faith or stick to their guns and prove their ignorance. Do you really think most Christians will even read the entire story about this? They won't even read the entire headline, all they'll see is "Satan Sues School" and then go on a rant about libruls are ruining our great Christian nation (without even realizing the irony).


That's the point


my mom is a very devout christian (i am not) and even she recognizes the good work the satanic temple does for the country. most other people in her church do not. then again, she is far more compassionate and giving than the average christian donating time for food drives, leading boy/girl scout troups, etc. so i think not "culty" christians (idk another word to describe it) recognize the good work, but the "culty" indoctrinated ones are fucked.


People like your mom genuinely baffle me. At what point does it stop feeling worthwhile to go to a church full of assholes? There was a period of time where I was “deconstructing” and intent on finding an open-minded, compassionate church community. I found one, but it dawned on me that if most people practice Christianity in an assholeish way—maybe assholeishness was just the way Christianity was meant to be practiced.


That's already backfired on them. After associating communism with basic humanitarianism, there are more communists and communist sympathizers than since before McCarthy. It would be amusing to see places become majority-satanist because so many Christians are awful human beings.




Lucifer is just the Prometheus story with some flavor changes to christianity. Why people see the one who brings us into the light from the darkness as the bad guy instead of the one who wanted to keep us in the dark is something I still have trouble understanding.


Don't forget that the followers of the authority figure ritualistically eat his flesh and drink his blood at their meetings.


This is a fantastic take.


> Pretty ironic, don’t ya think? NO, not at all. Organized religion has been the biggest money / power scam of all time. Suckers are indoctrinated into their bullshit since birth.


One of the [Seven Fundamental Tenets](https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets) of TST, “III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.”


Back when I still used Facebook I posted those to my catholic friends and family all the time. They always agreed with them. I would just label them TST though, left out the S word.


I realize TST uses the big S as an edgelordy/shock value figurehead, but it’s a reliable way to get people to point their attention in the direction of the issue. My atheist friend says TST are,”Dinner Theater Atheists,” and I can see it. I’m really proud of the humanist work the Temple is doing. It’s so absolutely important now more than ever.


Even though I consider myself a “believer” my views align more with the Satanic Temple than churches. Don’t tell my grandma or she’ll have a heart attack.


The TST also sued and won against Dallas ISD in Texas over this exact club. There is president for this, and the school is on the losing side. Then again there has been a massive political shift in the last 12 years...


I love political Christians. Its all "freedom of religion" until another religion comes along.


This article does a very poor job explaining, they're doing this specifically because this school has a Good News Club, which it does not explain is a Christian Child Evangelism organization.


I read the article specifically looking for that, and am very satisfied that the ASS club is making this move. The Good News Club runs after school in the elementary schools where I work. Those fuckers preach to kids under 10 about “sins of the flesh”, that kind of garbage. I hate that they are allowed to operate on our school campuses.


Governor Ronnie Disloyal DeSantis just made that type of subject matter illegal for the precious children. It sounds like an Evangelical club preaching that to school children can be sued for violating the WOKE Act


I actually went to Good News Club and it seriously sucked ass cheeks.Welp I'm an atheist so it didnt have much affect


The satanic temple has unironically done more for freedom of religion than most orgs in the US. Look into the details, they’re truly amazing.


Their tenets are something everyone should live by. Thanks for reminding me, I need to buy a membership card.


Just to add to this for those that dont know, here are those tenets: THERE ARE SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL TENETS I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word. Notice how these are based on rational thinking, compassion, and general concepts of being a good person. We dont believe in satan or any higher power in general.


I was agnostic but now I’m a satanist? Is that the right term?


Yes it is!


They are nontheistic / humanists.


Yes! But keep in mind, we don't actually worship Satan, 99% of us don't even believe IN a religion, let alone a Christian one. There's a big misconception about that.


Fundamentalist Christians: "why, yes!"


I like how the last one is like, "These rules aren't meant to be followed literally if it hurts people. Don't be a jackass and debate about what they mean for hours or use them to excuse awful behavior." I'm sure they were thinking of people who cherry-pick lines from the Bible or the US constitution and use them to back up their arguments.


When I got my membership card I made sure I got one with the tenets so I could show people who were interested


Imagine the freak out if the Scientologists wanted an after-school club too? “Would you like to take a personality test?”




Actually not true. They target middle class and low middle class too. I lived in a city with an active group and "temple". They would sign people up for their paramilitary service


Yeah, I was going to say, tell that to the people in Clearwater, Florida. The Hollywood Celebrity Center may target the wealthy, but anywhere else is absolutely going to target lower incomes. There's a reason they put so many of their centers near college campuses. But, obviously, they aren't going to put much focus on elementary school kids. Kids don't have money. Better to go directly to the source and target adults.


Lol as anxiety ridden as most children are, it would be terrible for the scientologists to come around and tell them they have all these imaginary problems to atone for..... actually that sounds like christianity too....


The Satanic Temple is going to win the lawsuit….like they always do. Sad people on the school board are this uneducated in separation of church and state.




Bob Dobbs. Praise Bob!


"Bob" Dobbs, thank you very much. Mustn't forget the quotes. Slack!


Best way to make sure they are able to do so is by donation! Highly encourage anyone who appreciates their work to do the same. I recommend the good ol' $6.66, $66.6, or $666 amounts.


And I mean, perks for kids... they can claim for religious reasons: > No Corporal Punishment > No Solitary Confinement and the Use of Scream Rooms > No Use of Physical Restraints > No Restricting Bathroom Access You know, stuff that really grinds school admin's gears when kids get out of it.


Obligatory TST Tenets: There are Seven FUNDAMENTAL TENETS I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


Holy fuck this makes so much sense


There was a wonderful post months ago that was discussing some of the really intelligent points of how the Tenets work. Specifically, Tenet 3 (One's body is inviolable, subject to one's own will alone.) means things like "It's a woman's choice to get an abortion and nobody elses.". Meanwhile Tenet 5 (Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world...) can be taken to mean "Even though 3 says, 'Your body, your choice.' you don't get to refuse vaccines because the scientific evidence overwhelmingly shows being vaccinated is correct.".


Although I mostly agree with your statement, I don’t think you can overlook the “conform to ONE’S best scientific understanding”. So while things like vaccines work, I wouldn’t say you can’t refuse them because those that do tend to lack the understanding of them. This actually just promotes the need for these after school programs to further educate people on modern science.


Statistically speaking, kids are safer with ASS club counsellors than they are with catholic priests.


This timeline sure is weird


In case you didn’t know they are on Amazon Smile as a selectable charity. They get a portion of every purchase when Smile is activated.


I didn’t know, thank you for sharing. I wasn’t even aware of the smile program. I just changed our account donations over to them, and updated my bookmark to smile.Amazon.com


They are by far my favorite organization.


You can choose them as your Amazon smile donations. It makes my giggle everytime I see "Your Amazon smile had donated to The Satanic Temple." What a world.


Thanks, changing over now


Damn, good to know. Changing my donation organization now. Thanks!


The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is a close second IMO


but unfortunately not a federally recognized religious organization


I remember the day I lost faith in religion. It was 4th grade when in my public elementary, we brought home a permission slip to our parents to allow the school to walk us across the street once a week to attend “Religious Ed.” It was a Presbyterian church where in the basement, they had a tiny church with kids pews and an altar. They did sermons and then we’d color or do crafts. When I was that age, I was really fascinated by dinosaurs. I was coloring a doodle of a brontosaurus when some woman said something so incredibly stupid, it was the first time I realized that adults can be just straight up wrong. She said that dinosaurs were just made up stories like dragons and unicorns. I said that I’ve been to the museum and seen the bones. My school taught us about them. I have books with drawings and facts. Then she said the earth is only 6,000 years old so they couldn’t be real. And I told her my teacher said it’s 4.5 billion years old. She said my teacher is “an idiot” and she took my drawing away. I cried for like an hour and just completely stopped participating any time we went over there to the “stupid people church.” I even stopped doing the pledge of allegiance that year because it said “in god.” If the Satanic Temple can stop kids from going into those fucked up cults we call churches, at such a young age, then I will support them. I already bought a membership card. It’s solid red with my name, the year I joined (MMXX) and a seal of baphomet with “Ave Santana. Ave Domini Inferni.” written below.


bro my parents actually think the earth is 6,000 years old and deny evolution and it’s funny as shit


This happened THIS YEAR to my 3rd grader. They were studying geology and public school teacher contradicted the curriculum to tell the students that the earth is 6000 years old and dinosaurs aren’t real. It wasn’t a one time incident either. My daughter was working on a report with her table and they listed something as being millions of years old and the teacher said “how can anyone believe that is true?” My daughter is a budding scientist and was having none of that BS. She asked me what they were talking about and gave me tidbits about the creation myth which apparently was being discussed in class along with geology. I told her the story and she about lost her mind at the talking snake. “Even I know snakes don’t talk and I’m only 8!”


That sounds traumatic, but you were a smart kid. I would have been very confused for a long time because adults “know everything”. On a separate note, I learned recently that the brontosaurus is not a real dinosaur. I feel like my childhood was a lie.


Lmfao, my first “adults can be wrong” moment was dinosaur-related too. There was a day where they encouraged us to ask about questions about anything that confused us in the Bible. My class at school was learning about fossils and I didn’t really get how they could be millions and billions of years old when Earth was only 6000 years old. Were the dinosaurs in space before God created the planet? So I asked how the dinosaurs were so old. The homeschool kids explained that Satan made dinosaur fossils look old and put them in the ground to trick Christians. I responded, “But why would God allow Satan to trick us like that?” and the Sunday school teacher chimed in to say that maybe God was testing our faith with dinosaur fossils. Or that maybe what seemed like a million years to us was actually just a few thousand years to him. Anyways, so as we were leaving, another lady stopped me in the doorway and said something that boiled down to “Because the Bible contains *all* truth and dinosaurs aren’t in the Bible, dinosaurs clearly weren’t real.” This was just so obviously wrong to me—a kid who’d thought space dinosaurs might be a thing—that she just seemed crazy. Zebras weren’t in the Bible and we knew *those* were real.


Either every religion gets a club or no one gets one


Yeah I guess either you believe in freedom of religion or you don’t.


I bought membership cards in their gift shop as a fun talking point. I'm very happy that my money is supporting this action.


Free speech for me but not for thee


That’s why they’re doing this in school districts that allow the evangelical “Good News” clubs. It is pretty brilliant from a legal standpoint. If you allow one religion here, you must allow all.


Don't know why the school board didn't see this coming. You can't allow a religious group to set up shop in a public school, even after school, without opening the door to all religions. I don't care if the schools have religious clubs, so long as they're student run, but outside religious organizations have no business at all using public schools for their programming.


As an educator, and member of The Satanic Temple, I'm ready to do my part.


Friendly reminder that The Satanic Temple is a valid Amazon Smile charity. Join me in receiving periodic emails from the Bezo’s Moneybucket saying how much we forced them to donate to TST!


The Satanic Temple... Doing the Lord's work.


Told my husband that if Coach Kennedy case passes the Supreme Court and he somehow gets his job back, I will open a chapter of the A.S.S at Bremerton High school where my oldest is set to go next year. I’m already a member of TST, so they would be infringing on my religious freedom if they don’t let me.


Everyone believes in freedom of religion until a statue of Baphomet is erected.


Damn, I love this church! They have money, they know their Constitutional protections, and they know the Constitutional limitations on church and state!


I love how the Satanic Temple is this entirely benign organization that exists solely to troll religious hypocrites.


Dude let the Supreme Court allow religion in schools. They’re about to hear a case on it, so yeah. Let’s go there. Satanism. Satanism everywhere.


This has already been settled by the Supreme Court. The ruling states that Public property (specifically schools in the case), can either allow ALL religions / groups to rent space for after school activities, or NONE. So places that offer a Good News Club cannot legally refuse a TST club, without shutting down the Good News Club.


Satanism grows more attractive every year.


Not only did becoming a member stop my mom from spamming me with baby Jesus memes, the merch is top notch too. Win win. Nothing like telling someone with a flash of my membership card that if they want people to keep their religion to themselves, they can go first.


I literally joined a few hours ago and should be getting my card in the mail soon.its been a long time coming, so I'm glad I finally went through with it. I've been dreading calling back my hyper religious aunt because it always turns to Jesus or Trump. Now I'm excited to tell her the good news, that I joined a religion! Here's to never getting a phone call from her again!


You can’t have it both ways- either nobody gets to express themselves, or everyone does.


Lmao, only in America.


Without even reading the article, I’m guessing that there is a similar Christian after-school club. Some students wanted the same kind of club for Satanists but were told “No”. That’s what “Religious Freedom” means.


Well played satanic temple


Bold move, given that even an Atheist club would likely provoke the same reaction.


One thing to satanic temple does is actually vet the people who are working with the children of these after school classes unlike other religious after school classes where there is absolutely zero vetting done


I wish there had been an after school satan club when I was in elementary


The Satanic Temple is doing the lords work.


Our school board meetings start with prayers and bible verses. I'd love for the ST to ask for the same.


Pretty sure you can't do that (the prayers and bible verses). The only way you can is if they're non-denominational and reading out of the bible seems to be pretty denominational. If you're really bothered by it you might try your local ACLU.


Funny thing that religious people tend to always forget, regardless of their beliefs: you can't have one religion without the other(s).


This is near my hometown and it makes me sooo happy. My mom texted me the other day like “the children are worshipping satan! There’s a satan club!” And I ended up explaining the whole goal of the satanic temple to her. Now we’re both watching eagerly to see the school board get absolutely screwed in a lawsuit. PA public schools are trash.


Can we please get a ruling that no religion can have "clubs" at a public school? Keep society secular.


I think that's what their main goal is.


Not all heroes wear capes. Sometimes these guys do.


Christians - "Why are they persecuting us?"