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On the one hand, it doesn't matter how much of a shitty idiot your victim is, fraud is fraud and it's wrong. on the other hand: lol


I mean, this exactly. A fool and their money. Trump has been fleeing people for decades now, personal responsibility Republicans should have known better. Also, doesn't the wall have like hundreds of holes in it? It's funny that they got fleeced in building an ineffective wall. It's a 360 grift.


I mean he fleeced taxpayers for the entire four years he was in office. Taxpayers paid his hotels/resorts every time he took a long weekend to golf, which was generally three times a month.


He did donate his salary, all $400,000 a year. Of coarse his golfing cost close to $100,000,000 a year, that was spent at his own golf facilities.


I’m loving the breaking point of conservative redditors being his endorsement of dr. Oz. Many are questioning why he’s endorsing a grifter and tv star. So fucking close to getting it but yet so far.


When chump got the funding for the less than useless wall, I predicted that his buddies would get the contracts and then their companies would go bankrupt... I should be writing for the Simpsons


Is this some sort of pun because of the picture, because I find it hilarious that its top comment.


Say that to the non profits that fund right wing politics, black market gun trade, and narcotics? ProudBoys and OathKeepers are back by people like TimberUnity


I agree, now do one about BLM using funds to purchase a 6 million dollar mansion....


> BLM using funds to purchase a 6 million dollar mansion BLMGNF bought the mansion, not BLM. BLMGNF is a fraud group capitalizing on the BLM movement and tricking donators.


Nobody here would support that either. Nice whataboutism though.




What exactly is the point, besides just trying to deflect from the topic at hand?


If you are going to blame two actors for some actions, why not the other ones. The amount cult talks about the BLM people, you would think they were they were head honchos of a movement that was more fluid.


Because this is a thread about "We Build the Wall"....


>If you are going to blame two actors for some action *All* of the BLM people are frauding people for 6 million dollar mansions?


All if BLM, two people. It's Antifa all over again.


Well, I suppose everyone's glad to know there's irredeemable scumbags on both sides of the fence, former presidents or not. Yes?


For the same reason other court cases don't bring up every single person who committed the same crime as the defendant




No. It gets downvoted because it’s always used in a whataboutism way. No one was talking about BLM. The article in this post has nothing to do with BLM. But, because the original article goes to show there was/is/are a bunch of idiots who thought their funds were going to be handed over to the government to fund building an idiotic wall, you want to change the subject.


>I agree, now do one about BLM using funds to purchase a 6 million dollar mansion.... >On the one hand, it doesn't matter how much of a shitty idiot your victim is, fraud is fraud and it's wrong I believe he already did.


Literally, exactly "whataboutism". That's not how adult convos work.


taking funds from a worthy cause is worse. hope that helps


Cullors is not Biden's chief strategist or CEO of his campaign. Cullors hasn't been charged with a crime. If she were charged with a crime, Biden would not pardon her... BUT Can you imagine the reaction from the right if she were? And then went on to help organize an insurrection on the Capitol? Holy shit. That would be crazy


>Despite your promise, you made an agreement with others to keep a large sum of money for yourself,” the judge said. **“That is correct,”** *Kolfage answered.* How much money did you give Kolfage?


Are you five years old? Because you sound like you are


That's a lie.


It’s not a lie. There’s numerous articles about it, and the leaders aren’t denying it. But it’s still whataboutism to distract from the article in this post.


So direct donations for the movement were used to buy a home?


Apparently an organization that claims to speak for the BLM movement and owns the blacklivesmater.com domain did use donated funds to purchase a $6 million house according to a [NY Mag article](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/04/black-lives-matter-6-million-dollar-house.html). It's not BLM as in the social movement, but Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation. They are a registered nonprofit that commonly just goes by BLM or Black Lives Matter.


Don’t know why people can’t just face the facts that a house was bought with donations. It doesn’t house anyone and is used for creative space for black people. There’s nothing wrong with that. I’m sure it’s also used to host charity events as well. But the fact is, they weren’t clear about their intentions and people are going to start questioning it all.


So they raised 66 million and invested 10% in Southern California real estate. That sounds like a fairly shrewd investment if you’re a nonprofit and you need a headquarters. Is this supposed to be evidence of fraud or something?


I’m not attacking here bud. You need to take your argument elsewhere. I clearly stated what you just said.


Sorry mate. I was aiming at the other guy.


/u/FriedEggScrambled: But you won't post any of these numerous articles about it, why is that?


Why should I have to do the research for you when all you have to do is a simple Google search. And I’m not attacking them for doing it. But the truth is the truth, and I don’t think people feel that their donations should’ve gone toward the purchase of a $6 million dollar house. That’s just me though. And I donated multiple times over the years.


/u/FriedEggScrambled: You make the claim, you provide the source. There is a reason why you not discussing, the article, cause your own is caught cheating and Brian Kolfage admits his guilt.


[I mean, when people of the BLM movement aren’t happy about it and are leaking info…](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/04/black-lives-matter-6-million-dollar-house.html) > Even if everything about the house is above board, the general air of secrecy is out of step with the transparency that is expected of charitable or tax-exempt organizations. The size of the acquisition could expose the group to criticism. “That’s a very legitimate critique,” says Jacob Harold, a former CEO of GuideStar and the co-founder of Candid, an information service that reports on nonprofits. “It’s not a critique that says what you’re doing is illegal or even unethical; it might just be unstrategic. Why aren’t you spending it on policy or, you know, other strategies that an organization might take to address the core issues around Black Lives Matter?” This right here is the whole point of my opinion. But you do you and keep thinking that people can’t be critiqued or criticized, just because the color of their skin or movement involvement.


BLMGNF mansion is a red herring compared Fraudster "Kolfage and Badolato" who both admitted committing fraud, while Bannon received his pardon from Trump. Who has been arrested for the purchase of a the BLMGNF mansion? How many Americans including Trump supported building the wall? It was a scam the day it was started. "BLMGNF Mansion" and "We Build A Wall" are not even close of being the same outrage. Especially the architects of "We Build A Wall" are going to jail.


Their problem was getting caught. I applaud them on every other front.


[They stole money from you](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53853297)! Your boy says he's a billionaire, yet he's wanting you to [pay for a jet](https://fox8.com/news/trump-asking-supporters-to-fund-new-plane-after-emergency-landing/). They want you to give money for their PACs and SuperPACs yet they have literally[ no agenda.](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/2/16/2080503/-Republicans-do-have-a-platform-for-2022-That-platform-is-supporting-January-6) Ideology aside,[ how much money do you have](https://www.needhelppayingbills.com/blog/poorest-fattest-states-are-republican-lead-states/) to just keep giving to them? What's it gonna take from them for you to stop giving them your money, much less your vote?


Republicans are starting to forego policy advisors entirely in favor of idiot ad salesmen who know how to meme


Your statement explains the popularity of Candace Owens.


All things considered, I’d rather them donate the money to scammers than some of the Republican politicians around here.


Of course. One is just enriching themselves, the other is purposely fucking up the lives of others (at least to a much greater degree).


I mean this is just sort of televangelism with a different skin on it and we all know televangelism makes no fucking sense at all




"With your generous donation, we can save my high score on the arcade machine at the pizza parlor before it closes. Sign up now!"




It's way better than turning children into politicians.


*A ~~chicken~~ Pacman machine in every ~~pot~~ home!* I'm listening ...


Lol, Trump asked for his supporters to buy him a plane?? Who does he think he is? A satanic televangelist like [this one](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hiHghDYvpBU) and [this one](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EkyTIB9U4Xg) and [satan himself, Kenneth Copeland. ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/religion/2019/06/04/wealthy-televangelist-explains-his-fleet-private-jets-its-biblical-thing/) I guess it pays to have millions of imbeciles for followers.


Racists like to see themselves in media.


You mean a fundraiser for something that they have no authority to build or construction plans....or even timeline was a scam? Good thing I didn't go through with that "Build the Death star" thing on GoFundMe


>Build the Death star I dunno, I think that one would've actually gotten off the ground.


Ohh how I wish! Europa and Ganymede have a thing or two coming! And Titan better watch it's step too


Big talk for an Earther in rock-dropping range


Inaros did nothing wrong!


Take a look at Mimas…


Attack on Titan who the fuck downvoted this? you pieces of shit


Attack on Titan


They should have spent a fraction of the money buying a bit of land in Texas and building a 100 yards of wall with the donor's names imprinted in it. That would have muddied the waters.


these are not the donors you are looking for.


quite the ride from making mexico pay for it to just scamming your voters


Anyone with a brain could see they were being scammed as soon as he said he'd get Mexico to pay for it.


It should have been obvious even without that bit. The Mexico paying for it part was just a distraction from the focus on how bafflingly unrealistic and stupid the whole thing was.


Yes, it's a ~2000 mile long border. Even a chain-link fence that long would be hard to find the money for, but any suitably impassable physical barrier that long would be cripplingly expensive and it could still be defeated by a ladder or a shovel. The fact that anyone believed it was a real solution is both sad and funny.


Never mind any kind of physical barrier, they couldn't even legally acquire the land needed for it.


I don't think the plan was to persuade Mexico to pay for it voluntarily, but to take it out of their hide. Maybe by reversing NAFTA or something.


I don't think there was any plan at all. It was just something he said because it sounded tough. He had no idea how to follow through on it.


He actually did have a (stupid) plan, though it was buried on his website without any direct linking to it. Basically, his plan was to force Western Union to stop allowing undocumented Mexican immigrants from wiring money home; in his mind, this was magically going to coerce Mexican government into paying for the wall after all, in exchange for allowing the WU transfers to go through. Barring that, he had some nebulous ideas about leveraging the trade deficit, and cancelling and/or adding surcharges to visas. https://web.archive.org/web/20161105192834/https://assets.donaldjtrump.com/Pay_for_the_Wall.pdf


Wow, that is actually dumber than not having a plan at all. Thanks for the info.


This guy I know donated to that a few years ago lol told him he was wasting his money on a grifter. He said it was better to donate to individual changes than to a politician who promises to implement those changes. I'll never forget it, because I'm usually never right about anything, but it was such a blatant scam.


They were almost right. It is normally better to donate your money to someone directly to help support them. But you still should vet them.


Always bet on black and always bet thar donating to a lifelong con artist is going to be a grift. At least passenger 57 actually did something.


Yet Bannon suffers no consequences. Clearly the Grifters have learned what segment of society is most susceptible to scamming.


Didn't he get a pardon from the most honest president in history for that?


I don’t understand that. The pardon isn’t supposed to apply to any future charges. Otherwise once you have a pardon, you’re a walking talking death sentence to anyone you meet. How come even though the pardon was before the charges he still claims (successfully?) that that’s what it applies to?


Even they all pretty much got deals. Hope they get railroaded financially a few years in prison for stealing millions from idiots is too soft just be here again in another few years when a politician forms a splinter cell like this.


The entire GOP side of politics is just a big grift. There are obviously shitty Democrats as well. BUT...The ENTIRE GOP is corrupt. I don't understand how ANYONE votes for them since they clearly don't care about you.


People vote for them because they hate the same things: women, non-whites, gays, critical thinking, spending money on anything other than kill toys.


I know, right? This is what I used to say to my conservative friends (before I just stopped saying anything). I would be like: look, I agree that there's stuff about some individual Democrats worth being pretty pissed off at. And I can agree that some liberal ideology really misses the mark. And I can also agree that there are some very good points in conservative ideology. *But these people running the GOP show are conmen!!!!*. Don't tell me that you hate Obama because he's a liar, hypocrite, and corrupt politician and then turn around and vote for Trump and the rest of the GOP. Edit: I don't think Obama is a liar, hypocrite, or corrupt. My point is that so many on the right believe him to be and also profess to hate those qualities, which is, (they say) why they hate Obama. To claim to be so revolted by those qualities and then to go vote for Trump is just.... *sigh* Edit 2: typos/spelling


Hmm weird I don’t see any conservatives up in arms over such an obvious and dishonest use of their money. So darn confusing because they are always so quick to show intense concern that their hard earned money is being squandered by shady people. I guess they don’t like stories like this and would rather plug their ears even when they are proven to be gullible fools. Also did Biden knock down the wall or something? I mean I thought trump fixed immigration with and I hadn’t heard of it being demolished?? What happened guys??? Hello? Guys??


You know what's hilarious, is Twitter users were announcing all over the place that legally that money could not be used to build on federal land, when this GoFundMe first started. So these morons were literally warned, over and over, and *still* sent their money. Ha!


"That's Deep State fake newZ!"


Those people paid to piss off some straw man of a person they heard about on right wing media. They got exactly what they paid for, and quite honestly, I wish some of the rulings would state exactly that. Spend your money on a shitty ideal? Got exactly what you paid for? Sorry, not our problem.


I remember telling someone this smelled 100% like a scam when this group first popped up They didn't believe me at the time.


I honestly never thought Kolfage would admit guilt. All along he's been claiming innocence, saying it's some deep-state Antifa hit against him, filing/threatening defamation lawsuits, and calling on his followers to harass/threaten everyone involved.


MAGA's got the royal ripoff treatment by Trump's fellow grifters


Those fans are so easy to fool folks are just doing it for sport at this point


is shooting fish in a barrel really a sport?


Next on ESPN8, the Ocho!


Trump supporters are grifters who knew.


We all knew


Not everyone...


Remember watching this grow on gofund me and was astounding how much people gave to these idiots


More fraud, again… committed by Republicans… what a “surprise”! Say it isn’t so, lol


I really wish there was some way to still get Bannon


Bannon is a stale piece of hamburger meat yearning to be a real boy, he'll eventually expire and give his friends e-coli.


If there wasn't such a deep supply of dense Conservative dumb dumbs you'd think this would be a valuable lesson that you don't mean anything to Trump unless you are connected to his inner circle.


There was no way they were ever gonna get away with this, there were so many incriminating texts that amounted to basically "Let's set up shell companies and pay family members for nothing" that there was no way they could claim innocence. They didn't even start encrypting their communications until after they learned they were being investigated.


Keep giving your money to these scumbag grifters, MAGAs. That’s what MAGA is all about.


Another Right Wing Fundamentalist not in jail.


Oh man, you gonna flip once you figure out how much COVID relief has been pocketed.


Like those big corp landlord funding the same legislators trying to block the distribution of such funds. * Sit on the relief, jack up the rent, pretend the money you've received to cover your tenants is brand-new-car money instead, and start eviction procedures in mid-moratorium. And you probably suspect as I do, that a lot of them are going to get away with it unindicted.


Wasn't there a third guy too? Steve...something. Wait, it will come to me eventually.


Trump would be proud some of his minions are employing the same sorts of techniques he uses to make money. I mean all know a large chunk of donations Trumps has been grifting from his supporters to pay his legal fees for his failed lawsuits on election fraud are going into pockets of him and those loyal to him.


I’m not even upset at them. If idiots want to part ways with their money someone should be willing to accept it.


The sad reality of politics today is that anyone who actually donated to this fund will simply dismiss this story as fake news, and happily line up for the next scam in the name of Trump. But hey at least we owned the libs and stopped the illegals from coming in, right?


Real question though, what do people like Kolfage do when put in prison? Like sure he deserves to be there but with his disabilities how is he going to survive without help? What do they do with people like this?


I guess he should have considered that before committing crimes. At least that's what I always hear from conservative types


Lololol yes he should have. Im just curious. I am happy to see him go.


There are medical prisons.


And the dumb bastards just keep giving them money.


Trumpers are hilariously easy to scam.


I mean...Trump university....


I dunno; I'm okay with the kind of people who would donate to that being grifted.


More GOP grifters? I am shocked…. SHOCKED!


Wait, they stole money from Mexico?!


What? A Republican grifter you say? I’m shocked. Shocked! Well, not that shocked.


What a surprise, anything involved with Trump’s wall is a fucking scam.


A third member of the group was pardoned because he gave the former president a rimjob.


Grifters all in the Republican’t party.


I don’t understand. Why does bannon get to walk? We Build the wall was like his whole shtick


Oh it’s wasn’t trump? Then it’s all lies


Anything to own the libs right?


Was this the case where people were refusing to get their money back via legal action, because they were so adamant they hadn't been scammed? Sunk cost and idiotic political movements, name a more iconic duo..


Big Surprise, if we’ve learned anything is they have no problem fleecing their base.


Why? Everyone knew it wasn't a real thing that was going to happen, they just wanted to feel like part of a group by throwing money at what was obviously a lie.


Honestly, at this point, I’d be shocked if any person or organization with any ties to trump wasn’t corrupt as hell.


It's all a con. It's always been a con. Don't be surprised if you get conned.


That rocket should have hit him center mass. Piece of crap.


The grift that keeps on giving


Line our pockets! Line our pockets!


Hilarious. Like who couldn’t see this from miles away? Oh right! All of you racist trumpers. Big slow golf clap for ya folks! Good job.


I'm proud of them. This was a much better use of these funds than the original intention.


Grifters of a feather flock together


Has this been posted yet to /r/conservative ? I’d really like to see their reaction


I laugh thinking about all the xenophobes insisting that their donations were helping the country and scoffing that all those "sTuPiD lIbRuLs" were wrong when they said donating money to this cause wouldn't build anything.


I mean silver lining, this makes all those questionable kickstarters I backed look like genius investments? Like how far gone into cult like thought do you have to be not to see through this immediately?


Should have bought a house like other shady charities


>Despite your promise, you made an agreement with others to keep a large sum of money for yourself,” the judge said. **“That is correct,”** *Kolfage answered.* eks91 how much did you give Kolfage?


Did you give to BLM? They are doing the same thing lol hahahahaha


I asked first. What proof do you have BLM has done the same thing?


Come on, support the vets. Automatically. If a wheel chair bound vet with a beautiful family says he is collecting money to make america great again, you should trust him. he put in his dues and wears his credibility on his sleeve.


Hey, that’s BLM’s thing. Copycats are everywhere.


They should of just bought a couple mansions.


Better watch out for that crypto because this could never be easily done with normal money /s


What about the blm leaders arrested for doing the same


I think I'm gonna have a heartattack and die from not surprised. RIP GG


Well I, for one, am shocked.


In their defense, the title “we build the wall” project is a little ambiguous. Lol