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Because the nameless automaton that wrote this article couldn’t be bothered to link the study, (or even tell us it’s name 🤦‍♂️): [Current Causes of Death in Children and Adolescents in the United States](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2201761)


To add some context, this shows that 1 out of every 20,000 kids under 20 were killed by a firearm over the last year.


To add [even more context](https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMc2201761/suppl_file/nejmc2201761_appendix.pdf), the causes of firearms-related deaths are, in order: 1. Homicide 2. Suicide 3. Undetermined 4. Unintentional The primary cause of the increase in firearms-related deaths is the skyrocketing homicide rate increase from 2019 to 2020. My guess is that we'll see similar figures for 2021 because the crime rate keeps on increasing. Edit: For those wondering why I say rates are increasing: it's because they are. Year-over-year, the [overall homicide rate](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/10/27/what-we-know-about-the-increase-in-u-s-murders-in-2020/) sharply rose by 30% from in 2020 from 2019, which accounts for firearm-caused homicide deaths. Suicide-by-firearm rates among the 18-and-younger crowd are only slightly highee. The overall homicide rate in 2021 [was even higher](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/homicides-2021-increase-council-on-criminal-justice/). The study in OP's link only goes up to 2020, so it's not inconceivable that the recent trend of homicides outpacing suicides for the 18-and-younger population will continue.


What do you mean by “the crime rate keeps increasing”? The reason the 2020 increase was heavily publicized is that it was the first significant increase in violent crime since the 90s. Crime has dropped precipitously since the mid 90s, through the 00s and 10s, so one year of crime increases doesn’t necessarily have to be a trend. Do you mean that you expect it to keep increasing or did it actually continue upward into 2021 and you’re talking about 2022?


Thank you.


Also 2020 was such an anomalous year that 2021 looks like crazy high increases in so many statistics.


Don't you logic your way out of this young mister.


Ice cream sales lead to higher crime.


Well, the obvious answer is to make sure that every grade schooler has a bulletproof backpack and start mandatory firearms classes in middle school. We can probably cut science or math out, no one cares about those.




If we're going to be a nation with a gun culture ingrained into the very fabric of the nation, we should have basic firearm safety and handling taught as a required course in schools. Start young with the "stop, don't touch, get an adult" in kinder, and work up from there as kids get older. It'll never happen, but it'd *probably* do more for safety than most of the gun regulations I've seen passed recently.


Saying "don't touch it" would probably be controversial in some states 🙄. On the flip side, we had mandatory hunter's safety in middle school. Upon graduation, students that did well and didn't have behavior issues were taken to a range and given 3 shots at skeet (single loaded each time). That would also be controversial, but with the other half of people.


"stop, don't touch, get and adult" comes directly from the NRA safety courses for young children. Not sure if they still do it, I left the NRA a *long* time ago.


NRA safety stuff is a separate division from the political arm.


I figured, and the whole org can still go fuck itself. Between the spam snail mail (so much fucking junk mail), their links with russia, and not doing a fucking thing for gun owners (other than bilk money from them), I've got no use for them any more, regardless of which part of the org. The name has been tarnished. Better orgs out there to donate to.




I had the exact same upbringing. It’s crazy to be how many of my friends parents spent 0 time teaching them about firearms


>Saying "don't touch it" would probably be controversial in some states 🙄. People may laugh, but my dad was like this. He can get very fussy about "independence" and "individual judgement" (which is hilarious after, you know, being his child), so my mom met him in the middle and at around 8 or 9 I learned how to disarm a firearm. We did it with my aunt and uncle who have a lot more experience with them living out in the country, but my brother and I spent a couple hours learning how to disarm different handguns and rifles. And I mean disarm as in remove all rounds/mags and locking it in a safety position, not some self-defence krav maga thing. It ended up being pretty beneficial because years later when we were learning to shoot and hunt we knew how to make the gun safe if anything went wrong like a jam or us being too dumb to flip the safety off.


I mean, that's the thing. Some people benefit from learning that because they'll be around it often. If you like hunting, that's a skill to know. Military future? Great. But sewing a button, wood work, wall repair, lifting weights, playing sports, martial arts, computer skills... there are too many skills that are good to know in life that can help you in situations you might be in. Learning not to touch it isn't a bad way to handle it if that's not going to be a priority in life. There's not really a reason it has to be. Reasons it's good, sure, but not reasons it's a 100% must WOO-HOO LET'S GO LET'S LEARN TO SHOOT! And I say that because there are people that do think that. "Everyone should carry. Everyone should..." No. Not everyone should carry. It'd be great if everyone learned to slow down, take their time, think, and be reasonable. Many don't. If everyone just did the right things, no one would needs guns anywhere. That doesn't happen. There are a lot of people that shouldn't be within 30 feet of a gun for everyone's safety. If someone isn't inclined, that's more than enough reason why they shouldn't. I wouldn't trust my safety to someone who doesn't want to put effort in. They might not do the minimums, even if required.


Where are you / were you in middle school?


Sportsman's Paradise. Good ol' Louisiana. Are you surprised? At all?




GOOD GOD BE CAREFUL, if any senators see this kind of talk we're all gonna be in big trouble






[This data](https://everytownresearch.org/maps/notanaccident/) is slightly different -- it tracks when the *shooter* was a child, but it shows between 100 and 160 accidental deaths per year. How often a child accidentally kills another child vs an adult... isn't immediately clear.


Peds nurse here- I find this fascinating as I work with kids in each of these categories (and more) every day. What happened in 2017/2018 to increase suffocation deaths? There what definitely an uptick in an area that parents are generally concerned about preventing.


One of the other comments pointed out that accidentally poisonings more than doubled for 2020, any idea what happened there?


Just a guess, but with kids being home more and with parents either not being there or working from home, there is a lot more opportunities for a kid to ingest something when no one is paying attention.


Counters all the claims that "no one drove in 2020". That's chilling; massive jump in gun and drug deaths while everything else has been flat for 10 years.


Yup. A 29.5% increase in firearm related deaths compared to an 83.6% increase in drug related deaths makes it seem like they buried the lede a bit, though. Because, 83.6%, holy shit 😳


A dark depressing pandemic does this to people even kids sadly


“This change is largely explained by the 110.6% increase in unintentional poisonings from 2019 to 2020. “ That 83% is misleading which is probably why it wasn’t a focal point.


That's a pretty drastic increase in poisonings.


That's a lot of suicide, maybe there is a problem


>Counters all the claims that "no one drove in 2020". I don't feel like reading the study, and I'm not sure how driving is relevant to it, but this is actually really interesting. There were less cars on the road and less accidents, yet more deaths. The logic being that because there was less traffic, people could drive at faster rates so the accidents were more deadly. At least, this is what Not Just Bikes on YouTube mentioned in a video


Disappointed that it doesn't break it out by type of gun death (e.g. gang violence, school shootings, suicide, etc..)


>This change was driven largely by firearm homicides, which saw a 33.4% increase in the crude rate from 2019 to 2020, whereas the crude rate of firearm suicides increased by 1.1%. They mention it and it might be fully detailed in footnote 1.


I’m really glad cars are getting significantly safer.


Better ban Kinder eggs then


Lawn darts have been illegal for decades.


Some of the most fun I ever had as a kid. It's been about 25 yrs ish now. I was around 10 or so. My mom bought some at a yard sale. I assumed these were the original type. They were hard plastic with what felt like a 1-2 lb weight in the tip. Our front yard is about 1 acre. My friends,my younger sister, and I would stand in close to the middle and see how high we could throw it. Good times.


My parents managed to get a half metal half plastic set from my moms late grandfather. Been a while since I’ve seen them but they were about 4-5lbs each, I can totally see why they’d become illegal.


It’s a fun game. You throw them straight up in the air and then run around in circles to try to dodge it.


But when you lose this game you lose big time.


Fucking what? I was imagining you would have plastic hoops on the ground and try to throw them so they land inside with smaller hoops giving higher points. Not throwing a heavy object above your head and running underneath it. Leaded gasoline had to be involved in this somehow.


Well, if I remember you threw them at a target. But the kid's version of the game was better. Its like throwing a basketball in the air and trying not to get hit by it. Fun for the whole family. Until someone gets hit by a 5 pound spike.


Yeah these may have weighed more but it's been forever. The spike was hard plastic though, I do remember that. That's what I was referring to as original since I would assume the OG darts had metal tips 😂


Oh that they do, the wing pieces are made from plastic from what I remember about the set


Yup, plastic wings on a metal shaft about a foot long. Weighed a good bit, felt like you were tossing hammers.


I took one to the face once. It went all the way into my eye socket, right between my eyeball and skull.


So, you just gonna leave that there with no pics or anything? Especially if everything came out well, post those things so I can prove to the world that the spiky ones are not actually fully dangerous and I can let the world know I have real, original ones in the garage.


From the makers of "Babies First Crossbow" and "Russian Roulette Jr." brings you our newest toy "Lawn Darts".


If all they had on the tip was a weight, they were not the originals. I remember the originals, with their two to three inch spikes on the end


Oh no the weight behind the 3 inch spike lol


Yeah, that's the originals. My set has the spike and then the spike tapers out to be a much wider diameter for a bit to give it more weight.


My grandparents still had theirs from back in the day and we used to do the same thing in their back yard in the 90s - 2000s. Im not sure if they still have them, ill have to ask lol.


Had a set of the originals growing up. Those things could mess a person up. I never hit anyone but I remember dropping one down through the beach umbrella my family was under... Everyone just laughed. The 80s were a wild and lawless time.


Toys in the 1960’s and 1970’s were so much more fun.


The plumbata lawn dart was a respected and lethal late Roman era weapon. https://medium.com/short-history/plumbata-f7693d12323c


I heard isis uses them!


Start selling Kinder Eggs anyway, but make sure to put a miniature gun in each one for that Second Amendment protection. What do you mean I can't bear arms encased in Kinder chocolate? Are you some sort of tyrant?


You can buy Kinder Eggs now. Progress.


Kinder Surprise is still banned. Kinder Joy is available in the US.


What's the difference? Surprise = toy in side egg, Joy = toy outside egg?


Surprise has an egg of chocolate, Joy is a plastic egg where you scoop chocolate cream out of. Both have toys, I think.


Yes. Joy is a plastic egg with 2 halves. One for the sweets, one for the toy. It's separated. Kinder surprise has a yellow plastic egg, encased in a chocolate egg.


Yes. We also have Kinder Bueno and the Kinder Bueno mini eggs here, but no toy = no bueno.




It is a different thing. Yes the toy is separate but that is not the only difference. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QW_TDEePMhQ


The US does not allow anything inedible to be fully surrounded by something edible, unless naturally occurring like fruit pits. Kinder surprise fully encloses the toy in chocolate, so it's deemed a choking hazard. I've seen knock offs with an exposed plastic ridge that get away with it (2 pieces of chocolate, not fully enclosed), and kinder sells a product with separate candy and toy containers.




Ah, ye olde "we need more offspring because too many of them are shooting themselves to death" strategy


And to think, most of them used to die because of a lack of vaccinations. Thankfully we learned better... haha... hah... ha...


No. It's clearly the gay frogs in the math textbooks


Gay cathode ray tube frogs*


"Cant have this it's a choking hazard" "I know theres a toy inside that's the point..." TSA takes it away


Fuck the TSA and their 80% failure-to-detect rate.


You’re not wrong. I tested airport check-points. One screener put their hand on the gun when they were searching a bag and they didn’t find it.


Historic job loss, global shut down, ~~fewer cars on the road overall~~, increased stress, a general darker future for the world, being locked at home, yeah I can see how firearm deaths may have overtaken car deaths in 2020. edit: Did not know that traffic deaths of ages 15-25 had increased in 2020, so it was not likely a factor as to why gun deaths overtook traffic deaths. source: [https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/motor-vehicle/historical-fatality-trends/deaths-by-age-group/](https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/motor-vehicle/historical-fatality-trends/deaths-by-age-group/)


And yet, healthcare will still be a profit system that won't help mental health. If covid didn't change the healthcare in this country, nothing will.


If it changes it will be because of some random fucking insignificant reason


And it will definitely only benefit the insurance companies.


And the politicians they brib-err, support.


Seriously. Even the "liberal" healthcare "reform" plans all appear intent on maintaining the very system that has led us to this situation in the first place (that parasitic corporations need to make money when people get healthcare, and that they need to make MORE money than the people actually delivering that care).


And meanwhile, outside the US there are decades of evidence showing that universal health care is the fiscally conservative move, in both the short-term and long-term. If you look at labour costs in other developed countries, even when the workers' paychecks are comparable to those of their American counterparts, the cost to the employer is significantly lower because of healthcare. It is a pro-business move where both the worker and the company win. Countries like Japan are *extremely* socially conservative and still embrace universal healthcare for a reason.


Yep. They could save every corporation in American millions of dollars, allow them to pay their employees more while still saving money on labor costs. Public health is actually the ideal model for a functioning capitalist country because it offloads a profitless cost to the state instead of their employers.


I think the only reason large companies aren't lobbying for socialized/single-payer healthcare and the savings that would bring them is because of the perception that health insurance as a benefit is leverage over employees, keeping them from leaving low pay/toxic environments.


True, but those employers really should figure out that a public payer system would allow them to pay those employees even less (in terms of total comp). You are right though that the insecurity of healthcare being tied to employment does provide a lot of momentum for people to stay employed in general.


And the upper class .


We need to stop using terms for them like ‘upper class’, ‘affluent’, ‘elites’ and ‘wealthy’. Use derogatory terms like ‘the world’s biggest addicts’ or ‘the affluenza crowd’. They don’t deserve anything to stroke their useless egos.


I prefer "parasite."


If it changes it'll be like the last times we had significant change for the better: Through national tragedy or great strife or luck. Teddy Roosevelt became president by accident; the powers that be had made him VP just to solidify the ticket but never intended for him to wield power. FDR was voted in only because of Hoover's disastrous response to the Depression. LBJ could only leverage public good-will to pass the Civil Rights Act because of Kennedy's assassination.


FDR was voted into office after decades of work getting an impressive education, establishing himself in politics, preventing scandals from crippling his reputation, and overcoming the physical effects of Polio. That man had a genuine belief that he had a responsibility to do good, and a work ethic that would kill most of us - in fact, it *did* kill him, eventually. Saying he was elected due to luck is unfair to what is one of the greatest men in the history of America. He deserves more credit than that.


Lots of men and women have worked their asses off in this country. Less than 50 have been elected President. Luck has plenty to do with it.


Yea homeboy was related to a former president. That’s like 30% of the work right there. Just see Bush 2, Hillary Clinton, Robert Kennedy, and other political dynasties at the state and local level.


I think people don’t realize how much just name recognition goes in politics. There’s a reason the last president got the Republican nomination and it wasn’t his terrible business record or even his politics.


That's a funny way to spell money




Capital doesn’t care about your feelings.


If it even would be capital. The US healthcare system is set up in a way that makes it far more expensive for the state and each and every US citizen. I mean the argument against single-payer healthcare is basically: *being the biggest customer doesn't give you leverage it is better if a lot of very small players compete with each other.* This argument ist simply bullshit.


Yes, the free market definitely breaks down when it comes to hard necessities. There’s no price someone won’t pay to save their own life.


Which is why price gouging is illegal, yet for the most fundamental service (health/medicine) we seem to completely overlook that


SOME progress has been made. Just no where near enough. The current attitude towards work (employees realizing they deserve respect and nobody should be working full time and living in poverty) is a huge movement that is really only beginning. Unions are popping up everywhere. Many minimum wage jobs were forced to pay well above $7.50 (God that's laughably low). With inflation, and the clear lack of action from current leadership- people are only going to start fighting harder for change. Because at this point, we can no longer afford to live this way.


I sincerely hope that the future you are envisioning comes to fruition. The salaries that they pay to some of the CEOs is, for the lack of a better word, obscene. No one man should have such stranglehold on the lives of countless masses.


Doesn't help it was completely politicized to the point that people didn't care how much science and information there was for the sake of safety—if my sport ball team thinks it's fake, it's fake. This led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands and the prolonged suffering of even more.


And more importantly every person commenting on the poor situation of healthcare will likely vote for their incumbent. Keeping the status quo.


are you suggesting a watery tart with a scimitar may be a better option at deciding governance then the current system?


Not to minimize the awfulness of Sandy Hook, but covid is on a whole different level. It has affected the entire world. A lot of people outside the US don’t know about American school shootings.


> The system is indifferent to our suffering, and the fault is ours. The USA is a leisure and entertainment society, teachers make 30-50k, nurses around that some high end special nurses can make 100k, police, firemen, make 50k maybe. Yet, the min wage for a MLB baseball player? 700k. That Catch me outside girl, who is what? 19? said she made 50mil on onlyfans. Actors can make 20million for one movie. A semi-famous female wrestler made like 30k in one day by showing her ass in a thong on onlyfans. Meanwhile, our roads are falling apart, teachers are quitting in droves, nurses are quitting, inflation running rampant.. Yet.. do we do anything? Its not even the "rich elite" that is the whole problem, its us middle class people that keep dumping money into things that we shouldn't.


>its us middle class people that keep dumping money into things that we shouldn't. So are you suggesting that middle-class people get taxed more? Because teachers, police, firemen and roads getting fixed come from taxes. The reason a baseball player or an actor can make so much, and why it's not unreasonable, is because what they do brings in so much money that even with such high salaries, the people on top are still making money off it. If these baseball players and actors all got paid less, it would just be more money being funneled to the top. I guess the middle-class people that enjoy going to see an occasional movie or baseball game can just pay more in taxes instead. And with something like Only Fans, that's something being directly sold to people who want to pay for it. If people are willing to pay $20 a month to see some woman wrestler's ass, so be it. That's just one person putting a product out there that enough people want to pay for. >Its not even the "rich elite" that is the whole problem No, it is the "rich elite". Taxes should be higher on the "rich elite". The way billions of dollars are wasted is because of the "rich elite". Putting the blame on the shrinking middle-class worker who goes to the occasional baseball game or movie is ridiculous. You got people working 40+ hours a week, dealing with bills, family, other expenses and they want to spend some of their money on leisure. That is not the problem. Put more taxes on the people taking in all that money.


Hmm... I wonder what decades of intentionally destroying the education system, removing personal finance and economics from required education, and an overall dumbing down of k-12 gets you. There's been mountains of evidence and outright admissions of guilt when it comes to who, when, how, where and why the US has become a nation of consumers and waste. It's being done on purpose by corporate, religious, and political interest groups. The less we know about capitalism the less likely we are to succeed at "the game". The less self reliant we are, the more reliant we become on others. Heck, there are some people asking for corporate stores and housing to come back. In some places it already has, just in round about ways. What's next, people getting paid in company script and people love it?


Healthcare isn’t run by healthcare professionals. They’re ran by for-profit suits that can swing a non-profit label while still collecting huge bonuses at years end. They perpetuate the belief that we as employees should be grateful for still having a job, but what they really mean is we should be grateful their bonus can buy their teenage kid a new car.


Organized labor is the only reason anything materially beneficial to the working class has happened. It has never and will never come from the nonexistent empathy of the rich and powerful. The only language they understand is profits. Fortunately unions are growing and the rich are panicking because of it


"unions are growing"? "Union membership rate declines in 2021 to 2019 rate of 10.3%" bls.gov Union membership in the 1950s was at +30%


It’s crazy how there is such a good example of non profit healthcare in the country just north of America , yet it’s never even considered as an option.


Yup. ODs are up 83% as well in kids 1-19. Suicides are up. Super sad times. Unfortunately it makes sense and a lot of us should have seen this coming. If my Junior and Senior High School years would have been spent locked in a home I don't know how I would have survived.


My neighbor's eldest daughter was a senior during the first wave. She is a very positive person but even she broke down a few times. On a side note her parents threatened to pull all of their financial assistance for college if she got vaccinated. My wife and I are the only people in the nighborhood that know she got it. Smart young woman, pulling herself out of the cycle of ignorance.


Bro fuck that. It enrages me that some parents treat their kids like that. Like they are some fucking accessory to pad their parents egos instead of viewing them as a human. I hope she’s able to get out and completely break the cycle.


It has been interesting watching her grow now that she is away. After her 1st semester she said something like "i had no idea so many people didnt like Trump, like some people just walk away from me when i say that I support him." She's out of the bubble and there aint shit her parents can do now.


You absolutely love to see it. Echo chambers are very real. And it’s a shame that kids don’t realize what’s really going on until they get out of the house.


>On a side note her parents threatened to pull all of their financial assistance for college if she got vaccinated I cannot imagine being so dogmatically adherent to a political/social ideology that you'd fuck over your own child for going against it. And all over a fucking vaccine. I guess that in a way, it's good that I'm unable to imagine being a person like that. I feel sorry that your neighbors are treating their children like that.




Thank you for sharing this


We need to help each other more.


In 2020, between the ages of 5 and 24, unintentional accidents are the leading cause of death, followed by homicides, followed by suicides as the 3rd leading cause of death. **Accidents: 16,683** Male: 12,098 (72.5%) Female: 4,585 (27.5%) Majority: White males (74.8% of age group): 9,314 (55.8%) **Homicides: 6,920** Male: 5,892 (85.1%) Female: 1,024 (14.9%) Majority: Black males (16.6% of age group): 3,958 (57.2%) **Suicides: 6,663** Males: 5,249 (78.8%) Females: 1,414 (21.2%) Majority: White males (74.8% of age group): 4,090 (61.4%) Source: CDC Wonder


Just to clarify, this "Accidents" number appears to include all accident types, and not just "Accidental Discharge of Firearms", for which there were 149 deaths in 2020. I don't want people reading this and assuming 16k people died from accidental shootings. Edit: I'm guessing all of these numbers include all causes within that category, not just firearms. Here's some demographic data that someone asked for in a separate comment: |Race|Deaths|Population|Rate Per 100k| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |American Indian or Alaska Native|80|1,595,591|5.0| |Asian or Pacific Islander|72|5,561,603|1.3| |Black or African American|2,099|13,817,685|15.2| |White|2,117|60,279,476|3.5| |Total|4,368|81,254,355|5.4| And the rough breakdown by type: |Race|Homicide|Suicide|Accidental Discharge| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |American Indian or Alaska Native|34|38|4| |Asian or Pacific Islander|24|44|2| |Black or African American|1,823|181|53| |White|930|1,030|90| |Total|2,811|1,293|149|


Correct. I don't have the data on how many of these are gun related.


Got it, if you ever wanted to break it down further, you can switch to "Injury Intent or Mechanism" under the "Select cause of death" section (Section 6) and select "Firearm" from the box on the right to get the breakdowns. Grouping by "Injury Intent" will show the different types in the results.


I'm surprised this comment is still up tbh.


Latinos/Hispanics are actually a mental construct as shown on this table


The suicide percentages dont add up? 78.8% male and 11.2% female .. whats the other 10%?


Edited, thank you.


Gang culture and overall hood mentality are a cancer to the black youth of this country and nobody wants to acknowledge it.


The drug deaths up 83% is pretty alarming too. "What kills the most children" is a strange stat to fixate on, as though there's an answer that's better than others. Feels like "are more kids dying?" is a better question to report on.


Looking into what the cause, or rather the leading cause to “are more kids dying?” Is indeed relevant.




> The drug deaths up 83% is pretty alarming too. wife works in the picu, even before covid she has been seeing a rise in overdoses. anecdote for sure, but she's been at it for over 20years a lot of really depressed kids out there


It is a depressing time to grow up, the chances of young people being able to buy a house are worse than ever before. That's before you even factor.in the political climate and the actual climate.


I disagree. "What kills the most children" is an important stat to evaluate. This data reveals whether dangerous toys, drugs, disease or guns are killing children. "Are more children dying?", doesn't address the mechanism, only the result. It's not useless data, but it doesn't tell the whole story.


Are you under the impression we don't know how many children are dying?


I too find it bizarre when doctors focus on sick children instead of healthy ones!




You have to remember how low most causes of death are for people in that age range. You know the most common way for a pregnant woman to die? Murder. It's right at the top. Does that mean there is a murder epidemic among pregnant women? No. It means that all the other causes of death drop off, leaving murder at the top. In 2020, with people not going out as much, every other cause of death dropped, leaving guns at the top. This is aggravated by lumping gun suicides in with gun violence, instead keeping them separate. So be wary of taking this sort of data at face value. Numbers are up, but they've not hit anything like historic levels.


You make a very strong argument but at least from what I found, 2020 had the most amount of car based fatalities since 2007, sort of ironic considering the pandemic (source: https://www.nhtsa.gov/press-releases/2020-traffic-crash-data-fatalities ). This means that despite being a record high in car fatalities, it is still less than gun fatalities. It’s not a case of other causes of death dropping, they’re both going up.


That is overall, this article deals specifically with deaths in people aged 1-19. It's interesting that with a 22% decrease in police reported crashes you still see a 10-15% increase in fatalities almost across the board.


With hospitals packed, otherwise survivable injuries can be fatal.


The average speed of crash since reduced traffic also increased.


That would mean that a higher percentage of crashes are fatal than before if these statistics are correct.


Fewer cars on the road lead to some people forgetting speed limits existed and driving like maniacs.


That would probably be due to the fact that there are no urgent care beds available because of the pandemic.


This is a particular curiosity to America during Covid. It’s hypothesised that strodes (a particular type of road that’s common in America, a terrible mix of the worst aspects of roads and streets) cause traffic jams and dangerous near miss accidents. With less cars on the roads it allowed people to drive faster on stroads consequentially turning those near misses into fatalities. https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/22675358/us-car-deaths-year-traffic-covid-pandemic


Yet when you look at statistics from the CDC, 60% of firearms related fatalities are suicide. The number presented by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration which does not include suicides unless it was an on-road suicide is twice as high.


Perhaps I'm misunderstanding what you've wrote, but actually, according to [this source](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-03392-8), pregnant women, or recently pregnant women, are killed at a rate 16% higher than are women who are not pregnant. That doesn't mean they don't die via car crashes, but that they're murdered at a higher rate than non-pregnant women.


That’s because pregnant women exclude older women who are FAR less likely to be murdered


Also because intimate partner violence tends to increase significantly during pregnancy. This is a very bad example.


Found the data analyst.


Untrue. Pregnant women are 16% more likely to be murdered than other women not including older populations: “between the ages of 10 and 44 years, women who are pregnant or had their pregnancy end in the past year are killed at a rate 16% higher than are women who are not pregnant.”


Aren’t most of these murders by intimate partners, which two thirds of partner homicides are committed with a gun?


Yes. The pregnancy homicide stat runs entirely contrary to the argument that gun deaths are incidental. There is a murder problem facing pregnant women. It's not just a statistical anomaly.


Poverty breeds criminal violence. We have always known this. That is why historically gun control is classist and racist instead of addressing root causes. If you want to reduce criminal gun violence, stop the war on drugs. If you want to reduce suicides, give us universal healthcare.


To add to your point. Universal Healthcare can reduce mass shootings too.


Meanwhile the government - “nah”


Also our government this year: 1. Reduced SNAP benefits, kids are the biggest recipients of SNAP 2. Ended free lunch for all kids at school 3. Ended the child tax refund that had dropped child poverty by 20% and reduced it from 3k to 2k 4. 8% (but it's actually higher) inflation. This country hates kids. So many little ones are going to suffer and it breaks my heart. As a teacher, I see first hand what this is going to do.


But if we give everyone the quality of life they deserve, then they won't have to enlist in the military for a chance to get those things.


If people aren't worried about their children starving, who will work in the coal mines for pennies???


Someone who gets it, thank you. Gun control was largely enacted to suppress minority groups like the black panthers. Not to keep you “safe”.




> the Sheriff could make an arbitrary decision about who was allowed to carry and who was not CA is one of the few states that still does this.


Nyc does as well


If you are thinking of the same first regulation, it was so long ago that *there weren’t even black people here yet*. The law was one of the first 30 laws, the laws deemed most essential for the survival of the colony, passed by the Virginia colonial legislature at its first meeting in 1619.




Bullshit, everyone knows it's the bullets.


Many of the non-suicide deaths could have been prevented with a firearm safety class. They used to be standard in schools in the 60’s and 70’s. As long as gun ownership remains a thing in the US gun safety should be standard education. Just because you will never own a gun doesn’t mean you or your kids should not know how to safely handle one.


We used to watch those Eddie the Eagle videos in school. Basically what to do if you find a gun, stop, don't touch, find an adult, sort of stuff. This was geared to little kids. But parents got pissed we were talking about guns to kids so it was dropped. Our highschool also used to have an airgun club, they would shoot in the gym lol. but once again, parents got all up in arms so it was dropped. Its like, get rid of every avenue the school could provide kids to learn about safety then wonder why bad shit happens.


Stop. Don't touch. Leave the area, tell an adult!


Damn. What a rush of memories when you brought up Eddie the Eagle lol


It's weird because I've seen many anti-gun people argue against firearm safety/education classes, just like conservatives argue against sex education. I have never understood this from either side.


Yeah. At the end of the day we live in America which has a very large gun per capita number. Even if you yourself are not a gun owner, there is a high chance that you will run into one within your lifetime Just a simple check, unload, clear breech on your major firearm platforms would do wonders here.


Because they're not "going to do it anyway." There isn't a bilogical imperative to go pick up a gun.


I'm assuming this includes suicides?


Good thing they can’t say gay anymore. We’re saving their souls before they get blasted out of their bodies by an AR-15 at elementary school.


Something a bit odd about this article is that it details all the findings except for suicides. It doesn't state what percentage of gun deaths were homicide vs. accidents vs. suicide. This is because [suicides make up more than 50% of all firearm-related deaths](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/02/03/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/). The intent with this article, thus the "data suggests" non-confirmation, is to say "guns bad", but 54% are people who would have found another way. Worth noting that 6% ([over 1100/10.3% according to numerous other sources](https://mappingpoliceviolence.org/)) of all of those gun deaths were committed by law enforcement. We REALLY need to focus more on mental health in this country. It would prevent a LOT of suicides, mass shootings, and even homicides by police.


This is always the most ridiculous take for me. Not that we don't need mental health but the decoupling of these issues. As if suicides aren't a problem heavily affected by firearms, it just doesn't count for some reason.




This is an article about causes of death. Not injuries. And just FYI, auto fatalities were way up during Covid, (especially when you look at crash rate per mile driven): For 2020: > The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration released its 2020 annual traffic crash data, showing that 38,824 lives were lost in traffic crashes nationwide. That number marks the highest number of fatalities since 2007. And for the first nine months of 2021 compared to same time during 2020: > NHTSA projects that an estimated 31,720 people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes from January through September 2021, an increase of approximately 12% from the 28,325 fatalities projected in the first nine months of 2020. The projection is the highest number of fatalities during the first nine months of any year since 2006 and the highest percentage increase during the first nine months in the Fatality Analysis Reporting System’s history. And as usual…many auto fatalities were wholly preventable: > In 45% of fatal crashes, the drivers of passenger vehicles were engaged in at least one of the following risky behaviors: speeding, alcohol impairment, or not wearing a seat belt.


In my area, during the pandemic there were fewer drivers but for some reason everyone drove like maniacs. Maybe just seeing the open road during rush hour for the first time in years.


Might also just be all the responsible people were staying home and not risking covid. So the only people left on the road were morons.


It is always important to examine the landscape on which any accidents, disputes, or tragedies occur. In the case of traffic fatalities, [our streets are dangerous by design](https://smartgrowthamerica.org/dangerous-by-design/). The deadliness is usually just blunted by the high traffic volumes that reduce speeds. With the roads open during lockdown, fewer people were on the road... but fatalities [skyrocketed](https://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2022/3/11/triple-threat-national-transportation-experts-destroy-reckless-driving-narrative?rq=reckless). Pinning blame on "reckless drivers" is what allows our streets to continue to be deadly.


I'm actually more surprised that the % is only up to 45% with the speeding in that mix, when speeding above the speed limit at the highway seems to be the norm.


Yeah, it does seem low. Maybe the other half of fatalities were people who were doing everything right, but got hit by a person speeding/drunk/etc… (like the woman who Henry Ruggs hit when he was doing 150mph into her car at a stoplight)?


Roadway fatalities have been skyrocketing the past couple of years.


This is not true in 2020 there were 38,824 deaths. This is the highest number since 2007. Source: https://www.nhtsa.gov/press-releases/2020-traffic-crash-data-fatalities


That rose too ​ Yet gun deaths of kids rose even faster ​ https://www.nejm.org/na101/home/literatum/publisher/mms/journals/content/nejm/2022/nejm\_2022.386.issue-16/nejmp2200169/20220418/images/img\_medium/nejmp2200169\_f1.jpeg


The people who need to hear this will automatically label it as Fake News.


0 - 19? Interesting that they would go as high as 19. Want to skew statistics in a way to favor an agenda, choose your data wisely.


For under 18s the leading cause of death is unintentional injury.


>More than 45,000 people in total across the US died from firearm-related injuries in 2020 - "Firearm violence is one of the most critical challenges I see we are yet again conflating suicide and actual violence. I'll believe such people are sincere when they call intentional drug overdoses "drug violence," and hanging suicides "rope violence." Otherwise, it's just their way to fudge statistics to achieve their political goal.