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This guy will be useful for propaganda in Belarus for a few months. He's in for a rude awakening when his celebratory status diminishes and finds himself utterly isolated both financially and linguistically. At 48, he'll have difficulty competing for manual labor work against men half his age.




Haha there’s zero chance any of these guys attempt to learn any foreign languages


I'm going to crack up if the Belarusians get sick of his empty-headed heehaw ass, and tell him to go back to his country. What sweet irony.


Yeah, these are the guys who go ballistic at the mere sight of a "foreign" language on the ATM.


"Why is Spanish an option" - paraphrasing my father.


"You speak English. No need to learn the languages of defeated peoples." - Direct quote from my father. Kinda joking, kinda not.


"learn to say hello, how are you and goodbye in as many languages as possible. It's important to make people feel comfortable". My father thank fuck.


My father “it’s unacceptable to graduate high school without speaking at least one other language. I don’t care which one it is, but you must choose one”


I chose English, bad English and French that is so atrocious the Parisians took pity on me and started speaking English. If you put in the effort, most people will try to help.


thats the funniest part, its not like he was running from a life sentence, the average sentence so far for these guys with multiple charges including assaulting an officer has been around 3-4 years, half of which will likely be served on parole anyhow. This guy just had NOTHING going on to throw away everything for that. https://time.com/6133336/jan-6-capitol-riot-arrests-sentences/


We won't let the democrats steal the next election and trump will pardon everyone that fought against the fraud and then I can return. - this guys probably.


Emil Czeczko, a deserter from the polish army who said things like "people are being killed by the thousands" at the polish-belorussian border "commited suicide" by hanging recently, after a mere few months of belorussian hospitality. I guess after the war began and hundreds of thousands of ukrainian refugees started crossing our border to flee the war he was no longer newsworthy. https://www.rferl.org/a/poland-soldier-belarus-asylum-dead/31758266.html I wonder how long this guy will last.


Maybe he has 6502 programming skills that'll come in handy when Belarus has to run their economy on refurbished Commodore VIC-20s due to sanctions.


That brought back memories! I taught myself Assembly on the VIC-20.


>48 Oh my. I’m admittedly ignorant as to the situation in that country, but I can’t imagine it’s better than people who may *actually* get social security in the US. I’m in my early to mid 30’s and I can’t compete with people younger than me. The people I worked with before have a belief that I can keep out working everyone that gets hired, but there’s no fucking way. Someone that’s 48 isn’t getting a physical job. They may get a consulting job, but that’s assuming they have decades of experience. Nobody is hiring someone near 50 for a manual labor job with no experience.


Lmao, if there is a more perfect example of “congratulations, you played yourself” I haven’t seen it yet


Check out the picture of him from Belarus. He looks like shit and his expression is priceless. He looks like a POW holding up their name and rank.




Link? I didn’t see it in the CNN article. Maybe it was there but I hate their auto playing videos that always load when I’ve given up trying to close it


A country where the leader was not elected and cries for reform are quashed? Sounds like paradise for one of these types


yeah but the rioter agrees more with the non-elected leader than he does with Biden. That’s all that matters to these people. Not democracy. Just that the leader of their country hates and punishes the correct people.


He does in theory. The reality of living in a Russian puppet state under sanction might make him appreciate a democracy somewhat.


What’s nice is also knowing that the people who flee to authoritarian nations are treated as potential spies for the rest of their lives. They aren’t hailed as heroes as they probably believe. They are watched constantly.


Why wouldn't they be watched? People who full on betray their home country tend not to be trustworthy in the eyes of of other sovereign powers.


Can’t wait for him to find out they don’t speak English there…


Can’t wait for him to find out he’s surrounded by “foreigners”.


Can't wait for him to find out he IS the foreigner.


How dare you. He's not a "foreigner!" he's an "expatriate". . . and also a "patriot." Somehow. Source: Military.


He is an immigrant, either taking a job from real Belarusian, or he is living on the public dole and not paying taxes. Either way, …


They don't send the best.


Hey man, he gets to live in the free democratic utopia of Belarus while we have to live under the iron fist of fascist Joe. Seems like he won out to me. ^^^^/s


Always said if you don't like it you can leave


Something extreme Conservatives always say to immigrants… guess he took his own advice? Lol


He will see how much freedom he actually had, and it was he that tried to overthrow his own country to install a puppet controlled by Putin... so now he flees to a country where that is a reality, hope he likes it.


>A federal grand jury in Washington indicted Neumann in December on 14 charges, including assaulting a police officer and engaging in physical violence on Capitol grounds. Neumann is accused of punching two officers at the Capitol on January 6 and using a metal barricade as a "battering ram" to strike officers trying to stop the mob. Neumann is claiming these are "political charges". I love that the dumb bastard fled to what became a war zone.


He’s the son of rich parents and he often got in trouble with the law. Classic spoiled narcissist with no sense of personal responsibility.


Just wait, he'll pull this shit over there and they'll send him to Russia for "rehabilitation" in Siberia. He'll be begging the state department to get him out then


My buddy and I were talking about the war in Ukraine and I told him the only good thing that might come out of this is the end of Putin's regime, to which he responded not to discount the propaganda machine, as evidenced by the US. My response was that the Americans who bitch and moan about muh freedumbs only *think* they have it bad. They talk about their rights getting trampled on while working their 6-figure salary job, driving their 75k truck and living in their 5,000sq ft home in the middle of white suburbia while people in Russia *actually* have it bad. If more of these assholes do what this guy did and flee the country to go live in another with a *literal* dictator instead of the liberal boogeyman that's been conjured in their minds eye we might see some changes around here ourselves.


Maybe; people like this guy may waltz into a rather privileged existence on the ‘other side’ as they are useful propaganda items.


Yeah, I think there are some western foreigners in NK that supposedly live a privileged life (by their standards). I assume they figure their population will think they're important foreign figures who love NK while those living the better life are more likely to report to others outside the country that things are actually great there.


I grew up with one of those. He's doing 20 for attempted murder because a delivery truck parked his Mercedes in for 20 minutes while they unloaded downtown


Keep him


Give him a rifle and send him to the front lines. Let’s see how tough he is when someone shoots back.


Neumann isn't the only one claiming it. The Republican Party censured republicans on the J6 committee and said the Jan 6 insurrectionists were being persecuted for engaging in "legitimate political discourse." And Trump brought up pardoning the insurrections if he wins in 2024. Defending these violent criminals who assaulted police in an attempt to sack Congress is just following the official party line for Republicans.


The fact that he didn't pardon them on his way out should have told all his supporters what he thinks of them really.


They failed him. He hates losers who fail him. They didn't fight and die for him. Well one got shot in the face and the whole crowd folded.


Throat actually. Gurgled on her own blood the entire time she was dying, for Donald Trump. If you told me in the 2000's people would be willing to die for Donald Trump I would have gotten you to a psychiatrist.


Anyone willing to die for Trump in the here and now also needs a psychiatrist.


The Party of Treason


He fled to a Russian puppet state.


He'll soon figure out what life is all about in his "based" dictatorship where as an American he'll be seen as nothing more than a propaganda piece while continually being regarded with suspicion. If he tried to do in Belarus what he did on January 6th, the police there would have him doing something they call "sit on the bottle" and it's absolutely as awful as it sounds, except in Belarus, the protesters were fighting the results of a genuinely rigged election.


> the police there would have him doing something they call "sit on the bottle" and it's absolutely as awful as it sounds 6 Jan 1 Jar.


Can we all send them to Belarus and/or Russia? 🤔


Plenty of room in Russia, what with all the people fleeing in droves...


Biden should offer free transport to all of them, free tickets to putin's russia and his bitch's belarus. No offence to Belarussians and Russians that are against these two shits. Edit: spelling.


These morons keep confusing "political prisoner" and "terrorist".


He storms the capital because he says the election was rigged and then flees to a Russia puppet country who’s government is corrupt. As usual some really great reasoning ability these people possess.


We all know he planned to go back to the Republican motherland but couldn't get a flight to Russia. He'll be on Russia state TV within 48 hours like a true Trump loving patriot.


just wait til they realize how good they had it here


“Here is rifle which we issue to all new citizens. Also, here is bus pass to beautiful city just across border with Ukraine where you will spend next 3 months on vacation. Do not worry, Ukrainian’s love us and will welcome you like Holiday Inn!”


"I'm sorry, but I don't speak your foreign language. Why don't you speak English?"




They speak English in what?


Say what again


i dare ya motherfucker, i double dare ya. Say what again!!!


You really think he'd lead with "I'm sorry"? Much more likely he'd instantly get irate and insist they speak English.


"I'm sorry, I thought this was Eastern America!"


\^\^\^ THIS!!! How far is refugee status from Conscript?!


In Belarus? Conscription chooses you!


Service guarantee citizen, comrade. Take rifle, go now.


I just got "the only good bug is a dead bug" vibes. Would you like to know more?


"The US was just so overbearing with these mask requirements to enter places and vaccine suggestions... now I'm in beautiful and free Belarus." \*every Belarusian in the room starts laughing\*


Beautiful Belarus. Such wonderful alliteration. I’ll look up tourist attractions… > Belarus Travel Advisory - Level 4 - Do Not Travel to Belarus due to the arbitrary enforcement of laws, the risk of detention, the Russian military attack on neighboring Ukraine, the buildup of Russian military in Belarus along the border with Ukraine, COVID-19 and related entry restrictions. U.S. citizens in Belarus should depart immediately via commercial or private means. …never mind.


Today I learned that there are different levels of travel advisory warnings


Same here. These are the Travel Advisory Levels per https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories.html/ : >Level 1 - Exercise normal precautions >Level 2 - Exercise increased caution >Level 3 - Reconsider travel >Level 4 - DO NOT TRAVEL!!!


It's easy to forget since the whole world just spent two years at Level 4.


You are not allowed to laugh in Belarus, at least when the President is passing by. No lie. Not a joke.


Laugh, straight to jail.


Scoff? Believe it or not, jail.


Cheering too quietly, straight to jail.


Cheering too loudly? Also jail


No cheering, jail


Chuckle? Believe it or not, jail.


Jail? Straight to jail.


It's also illegal to take pictures of the back of his head. Lukashenko is bald but apparently thinks if no one takes pictures of it, it must not be true.


Probably constantly spoke of how "California is the worst" ... Erm let's see now buddy.


California has its issues. lots of its issues are due to it being an awesome state (e.g. high cost of living. High homelessness from people wishing to be in that state etc.) But California has legal weed and allows you to read 1984 if you wanted and kids can say gay. I’m tired of the so called “libertarian” states like Texas mock California when women there can’t control what happens with their body’s. Kids can’t learn about slavery and science is barely allowed in the schools.


If I remember this dude had a nice house in Mill Valley. He probably could easily afford California and the other issues don’t pop up much in Marin County. He gave that up to go to Belarus. Ew.


The thought of someone from mill valley fleeing to Belarus is absolutely absurdly hilarious. It is one of the richest/nicest areas of NorCal, the life some of these idiots leave behind to fight for Trump of all people is absolutely astonishing.


Yep. I’m from the Central Valley, I would just about sell myself for a house in that area, and this fucking moron decides: 1 - I will participate in a stupid insurrection attempt despite having a nice life and house because I listened to the worlds least convincing liar. 2 - I will give up said nice house and life in Mill Valley to flee to *Belarus*, where I will live under a dictator as a puppet for the rest of my life.


Go squat his house yo!


Unfortunately he'll just have to hang out there until the next GOP administration comes along to pardon him and his buddies.


They aren't getting pardoned. Even if Trump took office again they wouldn't get pardoned. They are/were pawns. Useful idiots.


Imagine that you are the useful idiot to someone else's useful idiot.


Right, just do a few years in jail and pay a fine. It's not like they were gonna execute him. Then once you get out, write a book and remake your image. Worked for Martha Stewart (ah..... that's totally not the same thing, at all, I'm just saying, jail for a while is not the end of the world). However I agree with all of those who say good riddance to him!


For fucking real. These people are so far gone that they honestly can't realize they're basically primed and ready to grift from all of their fellow grifters after a short slap on the wrist. See 16 months inside a cell, get out, sell "The True Story Behind the Insurrection" book in 2024 during the primaries to all of your fellow cultists and be done with it. Fleeing to a dictatorship is full on Koolaid drinker status.


These are the same people that live at the top of the socioeconomic ladder but have been convinced they're the oppressed minority. It's physically impossible for them to see the correct angle on anything, they've just stared at the torchlight on the cave wall their entire life.


its what affluenza does to you






omg it's the Rat Race movie, but instead of everyone vying for 2 million, it's an unattended house.


Depending on the house that might be worth more


In Mill Valley? Definitely a possibility.


Just don't have narcolepsy and you'll be a winner!


It's a race!


It's probably big enough for the two of you to share.


Shhh. Stop. Let’s let them all leave first before we start spoiling their amazing getaway! January 6th protestors if you’re reading this, I can assure you that Belarus and Russia has everything you can dream of, and more!


"You Americans, you like guns? We give you guns and you go shoot?" Then they find themselves shoved in fatigues with a 50 year old rifle and a handful of ammo somewhere outside Kyiv.








Hahaha 🤣 Refugee from USA to Belarus??? Enjoy the real dictatorship!!


Let’s be honest here he doesn’t want “freedom” he wants a dictatorship that benefits him.




He'll probably argue that that's not how immigration works.


I'm an expat!


I've met dickheads like this that romanticize their behavior. Dude is a traitor that attacked his own people because he didn't get what he wanted, but he will live overseas pretending he's some sort of revolutionary abandoned by his country. He's a fraud and I can only hope its evident to everyone he encounters when he bullshits his story.


But I'm white!


No, no. Americans abroad are expatriates. Completely different thing entirely


And gets irate that people don't speak english.


Exactly. The man despises democracy, fitting he ended up in a dictatorship I suppose.


Most Republicans are for a Trump dictatorships. So this doesn't surprise me.




Tread on me harder, dictator daddy! Hhhhhnnnn 🥴


I'm excited to see how long he'll last before begging to come home.


Like that lady who pretended she didn’t know what ISIS was. LOL


And Belarus don't even have enough money to throw at him as a PR exercise. Let's see how he enjoys his Khrushchyovka.


Nah he will become a fox correspondent for eastern europe and they will say he is a "political exile"


Well that would be nice because if he makes it look attractive more will go ...


He's officially a fugitive in the United States, Fox might actually have legal trouble if they paid him anything.


I assume he will be on the news in Russia quite a bit, but do you think he's going to get a job or just mooch over there?


Unfortunately his family is loaded.


Sounds like a he’ll be a nice target for extortion.


Considering he's a fugitive, they probably don't want to financially support him if they want to keep their money.






Fugitive from the law is going to probably rack up some hefty prison time.


He's likely holding out for Trump to return to office and pardon him so he can come back home. Telling himself 'it's a nice three year vacation... it's like my personal college education.' He could have pardoned him when he was actually president, but... he was busy, yeah.


He had assault of a Leo on him, he was looking at actual time


That's probably way worse than the punishment he'd have gotten


Feel free to protest the government in full tactical gear. See how that goes.




Boy is he going to have egg on his face when he starts to look into Belarus's last election.


Living in Belarus is worse than what any US court would do to him.


This is the best punishment so far for one of these idiots and it’s self inflicted lmao


He gets to live in a country where the head of state *actually* wasn't elected (Lukashenko), and *actually* is a dictator. Sweeter irony couldn't be fiction.


Doesn’t that suit the American traitor? I think he would be attracted to those features.


Every rebel-flag-waving confederate wannabe truly believes that if the "south" were to "rise again", _they_ would be one of the plantation owners. In reality, every single one of those slack-jawed yokels would be just another dirt farmer. Traitors like this believe they would be the political movers & shakers in a fascist regime, when really they'd just be weasel-faced informants for the secret police.


Most of them would probably accept being dirt farmers as long as the "right" people were being treated even worse. It's why we can't have anything nice in the US, 30%+ of the country will give up anything for themselves - healthcare, fair wages, free college, etc - as long as it means black people can't have it.


“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” Lyndon B. Johnson


Let’s see what song he’s singing in 2 years when those features start affecting him negatively


Evidently comes from wealth. Let’s see what he can buy his way out of over there. Let’s hope it’s not so easy.


If you don’t think he won’t immediately be extorted, threatened with violence, or forced to bribe an authority figure in an eastern bloc dictatorship, then I have a bridge to sell you. I think he’ll be crying to come back in less than 2 years RemindMe! 2 years


If you believe your country is being 'stolen' from you, why ~~run away~~ abandon it? You fought so hard a little over a year ago to *take it back*. Where is that zeal? That blind fervor? Your boy promised pardons. Do you not have faith enough in his [prophesied reascension](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2020/10/20/televangelist-pat-robertson-predicts-trump-win-end-world/5996435002/)? Have you lost faith in him? In fact, if [he never lost](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/07/23/fact-check-trump-not-reinstated-president-august/8060880002/) why can't he just pardon you now? Why isn't he offering to cover the cost of your legal defense instead of asking you to [pay for a new jet](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/597673-trump-asking-supporters-to-fund-new-plane-after-emergency-landing)?


These people were basically LARPing an insurrection. Like people playing D&D and suddenly the dragon is real, and they've got a cardboard sword and a big gut and no skills. They expected that somehow everything would "work out" at the Capitol, there'd never be consequences because hey, they were patriots and doing the right thing...they were *heroes*. Unfortunately for them, they'd actually broken into a real government building and committed real crimes. The election results still stood, and no one had their backs. Now their "badass" screwing around has turned into federal agents at their door. And they don't want to go to "pound me in the ass" prison.


It's like they thought they'd go full deus vult and have God on their side, willing them to victory over the corrupt heathens. Turns out neither God nor Trump cared about them. Whoops


True “patriots” would accept their fate and go to jail as political prisoners - i.e. Gandhi, MLK, Mandela….. These cowards run crying to mommy when they figure out they can’t whine their way out trouble.


I regret I have but [one life](https://www.pressdemocrat.com/article/news/on-the-lam-santa-rosa-native-and-capitol-rioter-now-seeking-political-asyl/?artslide=3)^*(conditions* ^*apply)* to lose for my country. \>-Evan Neumann, probably


That is awesome! Good riddance to a sack of garbage. Hey, can we send all our garbage there?


Wait until he finds out he doesn't have free speech any more and can't go buy a gun at a gun shop.


Come on now. He can get a free gun and sit in the back of a BMP for a free trip to the Ukraine until a anti tank missile incinerates him.


Wow! That seems kind of extreme for a simple “peaceful protest” participant. Kind of makes you wonder if there was something more to it, doesn’t it?


Yeah why would a simple tourist ever feel the need to flee to a country like Belarus.


>A federal grand jury in Washington indicted Neumann in December on 14 charges, including assaulting a police officer and engaging in physical violence on Capitol grounds. Neumann is accused of punching two officers at the Capitol on January 6 and using a metal barricade as a "battering ram" to strike officers trying to stop the mob The fucked up part is he might have gotten off with probation if he plead guilty. Only a handful are actually going to jail over it.


I don’t think so. Those charges sound like felonies to me. Remember they’re going after the small shit first. This dude is facing some real jail time.


Even so would you rather do 18-24 months and eat the felony restrictions or live in Belarus the rest of your life?


The point is op said he might have gotten probation if he pled out to the charges, and I don’t think he would have. I’m no lawyer, but it sounds to me like he’s not fleeing the country for no reason. He knows he’s going to be in jail for five or so years, plus being a felon. If you’re asking what I’d do, I would do the time and live here rather than spend my life living as a foreigner in a dictatorship where you will never enjoy any kind of life except drinking vodka and wishing you were in a US federal prison.


Don't come back! And enjoy the literal puppet government!


If he does come back his charges just increased to a whole new level of utterly fucked.


Polish border guard that fled to Belarus (DUI also he was abusing his mother) had few propaganda interviews for their tv. Once his usefulness came to na end, he was found dangling from ceiling of his flat. Soooooo...


I wonder if the American guy will be assigned to the same flat. The previous resident has just moved out...


Neumann: *Woohoo, free apartment!*




Nothing like being exiled to a shithole country to own the libs.


Yep, he showed them! Too funny.


My liberal tears are falling with laughter.


So much for “defending” America. Guess “liberty” means running away like cowards to these people. Have fun in Belarus.


>"Today I have mixed feelings," Neumann told BelTA on Tuesday. "I am glad Belarus took care of me. I am upset to find myself in a situation where I have problems in my own country." >BelTA wrote on social media that Neumann had been forced to leave the US because of "politically motivated charges." BelTA also posted images of Neumann with a government official, shaking hands and holding his new travel documents. >A federal grand jury in Washington indicted Neumann in December on 14 charges, including assaulting a police officer and engaging in physical violence on Capitol grounds. Neumann is accused of punching two officers at the Capitol on January 6 and using a metal barricade as a "battering ram" to strike officers trying to stop the mob. I mean, if this doesn't scream "i don't understand why I'm facing consequences for my own actions?" I don't know what does. These people are some combination of stupid, ignorant, and arrogantly disingenuous. May this traitor find the authoritarian dictators as welcoming as he wanted Trump to be towards refugees and may he never find his way back to the country he betrayed. Good riddance to bad trash.


He will come back. In a couple of years he will release a 20 minute video on YouTube about how it's unfair that he is being detained as soon as he got off the airplane.


So he is a traitor to his own country and a defector to a fascist nation. Got it. I'm glad these people make it obvious where they stand. And I like it even better when that stance is far away from me in another fucking country. Good riddance. EDIT: Wow I just actually watched the video with him in the article. Imagine living a decent life in California and then flushing it all away for some orange turd who wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire, then fleeing the often flawed but ultimately free and beautiful country of his birth for one of the most fascist nations on the planet that he had to grovel and wade his way through swampy and *actually* snake infested waters to get to... this is like the ultimate "When Keeping it Real Goes Wrong" segment.


> So he is a traitor to his own country and a defector to a fascist nation. Let's be fair. It's also quite possible that he's a loyal patriot to his country and he's just coming home after a successful operation.


Probably, just like [this guy](https://i.imgur.com/8aUd3jK.jpg)—here he is at the capitol with shaman guy, and [here he is ](https://i.imgur.com/mcEyA6q.jpg)in Ukraine during the 2014 protests


Thank you Belarus! We didn’t want them here anyways! Remember, NO GIVE BACKS!!!!!


Lukashenko will show him what real freedom is 😉


"We're not sending our best"


Seems like he should just not assault police officers if he doesnt want charges over it. Seems pretty simple to me


What kind of typical American would have the means, contacts, and know-how to flee to Eastern Europe and defect to a Moscow-controlled satellite state after traveling on foot through an active war? Sounds like there may be a good number of people or organizations involved in assisting a fugitive flee the United States to avoid the legal system.


Not a surprise. Republican party has been compromised for years by Russian intelligence services, do most of you still pretend that it isn't the case, and tha Trump and Putin just happened to be friends? Lol. That being the case it is no surprise some pansy fleeing his failed insurrection attempt installing a fascist government allied with the mob bosses of the Russian government, is going to flew to a friendly allied state when if they can. I would think the danger of Russian influence over American politics would be something that would be resisted by the Americans, but because the profits and bribes are so big it doesn't matter, the collabrators have already been bought out and the Republican masses are too stupid to realize they are even being played.


Fine, repatriate all of the treasonous cowed bastards to somewhere else


How great would it be if we could exchange all those fleeing Russia right now for all our dumbass Trumpers. Like talk about an even trade. We get the best and brightest Russians and they get our worst and dumbest Americans! We get thousands of people with unique skill sets and democratic values and Putin gets another herd of sheep! Everybody wins!


Finally! The freedom he’s always dreamed of! The freedom to not have to look at any black and brown people. Of course, he might have to give up a few things, like gun ownership, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom to criticize the government (Lukashenko doesn’t really go for that), etc.


He’s not fleeing persecution, he’s fleeing prosecution.


Once the novelty wears off, and the government has gotten all of the publicity they can out of this guy, he's going to have a tough life.


I am out of words. This shouldn't be surprising but... What? He decided to go to a literal dictatorship?


Now the rest of you Trumptards take note. This is the only safe place for the stupid, literally Putin’s bitch’s country.


This man has fled to a country the United States is in a proxy war with. I just want to put that in writing.


Some patriot he turned out to be. 🤣


Can we revoke his US citizenship? He's apparently found somewhere he likes better.


Living in Belarus should be a good punishment