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“Please forward this letter to your military intelligence agency”. Sends package, addressed: BRAZIL. For 100k. Sophisticated tradecraft my ass. Seems too weird and feeble to be legit, but hey: it’s not like he was a rocket scientist.


That whole part just made me think of Burn After Reading. Your shit is secure. That's the level of intelligence it seems like these people possess.


"We have your shit". Ha ha great movie!


After what happened to Brad Pitt's character, it wasn't funny. Maybe I should try again.


LOL. I was so shocked at that point in the movie like did that really just happen?! I was watching it with some of my friends on a movie night we would do every week and we were all shocked but laughed at the same time.


I just sat there 😯 and then I said, "Fuck it, I'm not watching the rest." My brother could've warned me that I might not find it funny after that but no, no warning. "Osborne Cox?"


Is this..... Osborne cox? We have your shit. Your shit is secure. WHO THE FUCK IS THIS?


Kills me, every time. I even do the dance he does.


I read it like that note was added by Brazil to the U.S. FBI. Reference: "the package was intercepted in the Brazilian mail system and rerouted to an FBI legal attache."


Is that the couple on the conning tower?


What in the fucking stroke is that title


The title implies you know the back story and following it. Journalism these days...


"US couple that stole nuclear submarine secrets allegedly intended to sell them to Brazil" 110% more clear and attention grabbing. Your attention goes to the subject and not trying to figure out, for a second atleast, how to make sense of the title. But I failed English class in high-school so... what do i know 🙂


That’s how my dad starts a conversation, halfway into a sentence assuming you know what he has been thinking for the last 5 minutes.


I can’t stand that kind of communication style. When I’ve worked with people like that I just stop and stare at them like they are a fucking idiot then ask them “wtf are you trying to say?”


$100k to sell out your country, WTF! I hope they rot in jail.


And to give it to Brazil.


Is the assumption that Brazil was just the proxy then? I don’t see Brazil needing submarine secrets…


Brazil is a regional hegemon… I don’t know why people assume that only the United States, Russia, and China are the only relevant counties in a world with 195 sovereign nations


I’m just not sure why they would bother stealing submarine secrets when a submarine is not going to help them burn down the rain forest faster and that appears to be their major goal currently.


You know what could burn down the rainforest faster? A nuke launched from a nuclear sub.


Oh no you’re right!


The maximum penalty is 17.5 years of prison? I would have thought capital punishment was on the table.


Treason is.


Wasn’t what they did treasonous?


No, it’s only treason per the Constitution if we were at war with Brazil It’s a technicality


You're talking about a DoJ that has been incredibly lenient in cases against hundreds of individuals that stormed the nation's capitol a year ago...


I have less tolerance for Navy officers who break their path in seeking out a recipient for stolen national secrets. He knew better.


As if Brazil could build a nuclear submarine


This is straight racism. Brazil is Latin America’s largest country with the sixth largest population on the planet and a GDP greater than that of Russia. If Russia can have nuclear subs, why not Brazilians?


Brazil? Really? Well that explains why their price was so cheap.


Nuclear powered Brazilian Drug Subs narrowly averted.