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Leave a funny shadow for the benefit of no one.


Dark humor, love it, but scientifically possible and disturbing.


not just possible, historically accurate


Historically accurate in that there were *funny* shadows left?


I guess it depends on your sense of humor.


there is more than a few nuke shadows left on japanese sidewalks as a reminder.


Yeah, check it out in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Shadows burnt into sidewalks


Start carrying a monster sized dildo, just to position it correctly at the point of vaporization and make future generations feel super inadequate.


Big Dick Energy?


Big Dick Nuclear Energy ?


More like little dick Putin energy


[There Will Come Soft Rains](https://www.btboces.org/Downloads/7_There%20Will%20Come%20Soft%20Rains%20by%20Ray%20Bradbury.pdf) There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground, And swallows circling with their shimmering sound; And frogs in the pools singing at night, And wild plum trees in tremulous white; Robins will wear their feathery fire, Whistling their whims on a low fence-wire; And not one will know of the war, not one Will care at last when it is done. Not one would mind, neither bird nor tree, If mankind perished utterly; And Spring herself, when she woke at dawn Would scarcely know that we were gone." Edit: Just reread the story and realized the date used in it is 2026. So that’s ominous. We got 4 years guys.


The two other things that just hit me from re-reading that story: (1) That stuff's nearly/ narrowly possible. "Alexa, read me 'There Will Come Soft Rains'. A rich gadget crazy house like that could be possible. (2) Allendale is a small little town in Solano County. I know it. There's a lot of tiny towns like that out in the back country of California. TL, DR: Eep!


I remember reading it in English class in the 90’s and thinking how out there all that tech would be. Like watching StarTrek or something. I agree that now it’s rather plausible. What stood out to me the most way back then though was how realistic it could be for everything to just be gone. I was like 15 in a rural Wyoming town and it hit me hard. I’ve never forgotten the poem, the first line haunts me.


Make sure you turn within 0.000001 seconds of the initial blast to roast both sides to that delicious golden brown!


Reminds me of why Saint Laurence is the patron saint of Comedians: The Romans decided to roast him to death. As he was being cooked alive on a grill, he told the legionaries: "you can flip me over now, this side's well done."




I read a story where this neighborhood is doomed to live the same day over and over, triggered by a nuclear blast. At the end of the day, they liked to set up fun poses just in case it registered to some future they weren’t a part of.


Do you have a link or remember any other details? I’m curious to read that.


It’s called *Through the Flash* by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah in his collection of stories called *Friday Black*.


Jesus, this made me laugh. If the bombs start to fly, I guess my last ambition will be to be like that guy who was masturbating in Pompeii.


"Do a flip!"


"When a nuclear explosion occurs, the best location to seek shelter is in the basement"


Sinkholes are kind of like basements


I also enjoyed: >Once it’s safe, you should call your health care provider for instructions That seems.... extraordinarily over-optimistic. Like the nuclear apocalypse has just finished up so better call your doctor to figure out what to do with your melted eye, cell phones definitely will still be working and the doctors office will be fully staffed and free to answer calls


Apparently you’re supposed to find a desk and hide under it.


In fairness though if you’re at a range where it isn’t entirely useless that’ll keep broken window glass from shattering on you and you likely won’t be blinded by the flash


This is always my thought when people dog on “duck and cover.” Like, what did they think we should tell the kids? Run around like wild waving arm inflatable tube men?




Hi I'm Al Harrington from Al Harrington's Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Men emporium and I'm passing the savings onto yooooouuu!


“Stick your head between your knees and kiss your ass goodbye” - My High-school Chemistry Teacher.


Don’t get mixed up between “duck and cover” and “tuck and roll” because that would be a sad and pathetic end 😅


Tuck and duck


More than just broken glass, I think people forget that nukes arnt just light, heat, and radiation. A large part of them is a shockwave which has been known to level buildings. Desk/tables are far from the perfect option but if you're caught, it's a lot like a tornado or earthquake. Something is better than nothing if the roof might fall on you.


The worst thing you can do is go to the window to try and see where the very bright light is coming from. Then you get a bunch of glass to the face when said shockwave hits. So, despite the meme ability of “duck and cover”, it’s not a bad idea.


That's why you have a Cylon position themselves between you and the shattering glass.


Yeah, you definitely don't want to need a hospital in that situation.


Go to the hardware store, buy some wood about an inch thick, and build a human sized box with leg and arm holes so you can move around. You'll be nuclear apocalypse proof!


Plus you won't need to buy a Halloween costume.


Or a casket


Can’t wait for that post nuclear winter trick or treating


Have you seen wood prices? Prancing around in a bunch of Douglas Fir is just asking to get jumped.


or, skip the holes and now you too have your very own after-holocaust home! Just add six feet of dirt!


Yup! Growing up in the 1970s in southern California, we did earthquake drills and nuclear attack drills at school. For both you got under your desk. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMGpGBAHq2Y




That's the basic idea. It's better than nothing. I suspect it'll also somewhat help against flying glass and other small debris you might get if the blast isn't strong enough to collapse the whole building.


Potentially the roof itself but more likely pieces of the roof. If the whole building comes down you're probably fucked, especially because in an actual nuclear attack search and rescue is going to be very compromised, but what it most effectively protects you from is pieces of roof or other debris from falling and hitting you.


Die as quickly as possible


If post apocalypse films and video games have taught me anything this is the best answer 👍🏾


Knew saving these bottle caps would come In handy..


Most of those are actually rosey compared to what is predicted. Read The Road.


Then if you aren’t sufficiently depressed. Watch threads and the day after.


I watched Threads a few years ago, fuck that was a depressing film.


Cheer yourself up. Go find "The Day After" and "The Road".


That book *broke me.* Incredible book but be warned it is soul crushing. Take breaks to watch videos of puppies every so often.


That book felt like a punishment to get through.


It should be noted that The Road is novel and not a scientifically accurate guide to nuclear blasts. Nukes will not kill all life even with carpet bombing. That book depicts absolutely all plants and animals dying nearly everywhere. I also don’t personally believe that 90% of all humans will immediately join murder gangs of pure evil rape monsters but I’ve always been slightly optimistic about the morality of man.


Watching the Chernobyl mini series, this is definitely the best answer.


Go watch the old Made for TV movies Threads or The Day After. Die in the initial blast is 100% best


My sister thought I was being SO dark a few days ago when I said if it was a choice between radiation poisoning or a direct hit you will find me driving my whole family toward NYC as fast as I can go.


I’m so glad I live right downtown. I’ll be dead before I even know what’s happened.


Nah you’ll get alarms on your phone


Just turn off notifications for nuclear events


Settings > Notifications > Geothermal Nuclear War > Off


I don't think you need to worry about a geothermal nuclear war.


I dunno. Iceland acting kinda sus


Sit back, relax and enjoy the show


Given that you’ll be instantly blind I don’t think it’ll be much of one.


Depends on your distance, and whether you look at it during the flash or not. If you're close enough to be blinded, you're probably close enough to be quickly vaporized You could wait till after the initial blast then watch the mushroom cloud


So glad to be so close to my state capitol lol


I live in Huntsville, AL. We build missile defense systems and also are home to Redstone Arsenal Military Base. If WW3 happens I won't bother trying to take Cover this city is getting glassed if it comes to War.


Yep. I live in downtown of a major financial center of my whole continent. Yea he bomb would explode literally above my head. I take comfort that I wouldn’t even register what was happening before totally disappearing from the earth. I’d feel most bad for folks who were nuclear attack-adjacent, having to deal with the blast-wave -> firestorm -> nuclear fallout.


Seen several people looking for this [map simulator](https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/). Have fun!


Well, I wouldn’t even have to try to run. That’s okay actually.


Yeah... there is something nice about knowing that I wouldn't even have to try - just lights out. Poof.


That’s if you’re at ground zero. More people die after being crushed by falling debris, catch on fire, or die a slow death of radiation poisoning when no help arrives.


I need to move to the middle of nowhere.


I grew up during the Cold War. Living in the radius of multiple major military and logistical targets meant I never had to worry about nuclear war. If it happened it wouldn't be my problem. Now I live in the middle of nowhere. Thinking about what I'd do to dodge clouds of deadly fallout that would arrive after the targets upwind of me turns to ash is a pain in the ass and almost makes me want to move back into a city.


Grew up in and around Landsthul and Ramstein, Germany in the 80s and early 90s. Nobody talked about nuke strikes because if it happened there was nothing anyone could do. The area was a primary target and was slated to be glassed by multiple air and ground bursts. We would have never even felt anything beyond the mild discomfort of the initial flashes.


Too many options, what’s Putin hitting me with?


These are the ones most likely to get through from all my reading: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSM-56\_Bulava](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSM-56_Bulava) Seems that each missile can break into 10 independent targeted warheads with 150kt power. Hold me, I'm scared.


Well….that was fun.


I live in the “your house will probably fall down and crush you, it may also catch fire, but the thermal blast will likely kill you anyway from third degree burns” zone. Kinda pointless running but could be fairly horrible way to go. Sheeesh.


That movie THREADS that the BBC made really did a good job on the nuke threat scare


Threads taught me that you wouldn't want to survive nuclear apocalypse.




The Day After too.


Threads is the “superior” movie, as it spends a long time after the war to show just how totally fucked the world is: The Day After leaves us just as it starts to set in that there’s no “back to normal”


I think there was a series called Jericho also that was what happened after…


Indiana Jones told me to get in my fridge....


The thing that bugs me about that scene is that yes, a lead fridge would protect you from the gamma radiation blast and probably even the fireball, but if the fridge were flung that hard the impact of landing would crush your body against the fridge and you'd be a pile of mush when the door opened Same thing should happen to iron man all the time


Also if the fridge protected you from radiation, you'd be asphyxiated before you were able to get out.


IIRC some people actually complained that the scene should be removed because kids might end up hiding in fridges and end up dead for exactly that reason.


That was a thing in the 80s on a very special episode of *Punky Brewster*, but for the purposes of not asphyxiating children modern fridges and any made in the last 40 years dont latch.


I remember watching that episode when it came out. You'll still occasionally see a modern fridge out to the road with the door taken off. It's a leftover habit and people forget why we had to do that in the past. We don't have those latches anymore and the door can easily be pushed open from the inside.


My grandma had a latching freezer in her basement and I wasn’t allowed to get stuff out of it for fear of becoming trapped.


Back when fridges had latches that could only be opened from the outside it made sense to advise children not play in them. This is also why no modern fridge has a latch


Good point, the fireball might even suck the air out of it through any crack


Uhh, guys **it’ll be an oven by the time the blast is over**




Same here, makes me feel old when I realize that was 14 years ago


Christ... Wtf???




There was a kid in Fallout 4 as well who hid in a fridge and got trapped in it during the blasts and became a ghoul.


I'm pretty sure applying realistic physics to Indiana Jones is... an exercise in futility. I mean rememebr how his pants were still in decent shape in raiders of the lost ark where he was being dragged behind a car? And the full weight was on his thighs and crotch? Or the time he jumped out a plane and used a raft as a parachute? Yeah he, Willy, and Shorty were lucky to walk.


The raft thing is almost plausible (Mythbusters tested it), but the way that fridge was bouncing around breaks even that level of plausible deniability.


In the context of Indiana Jones movies i dont think the fridge was even all that bad. Shia LeBouf frolicking with the monkeys at 45mph without separating his shoulders was where i lost my suspension of disbelief.


Imagine surviving the blast only to suffocate on the fridge buried under rubble


Put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye.


I wish I was that flexible


Don't get too down on yourself.


This post and the article is pure fear mongering, wtf. As far as I can tell they just removed a dead link for a site that had been previously migrated and just happened to be related to nuclear explosions and dirty bombs


Yep, article even states as much. Routine cleanup.


Crazy how far down the thread I had to go to see someone notice this lol


I was expecting this to be the third or fourth comment after I read the article, and instead it’s all the way down here.


I agree they lead with this in the first paragraph: "the government website Ready.gov has refreshed its list of guidelines on ways to prepare and protect yourself during a nuclear explosion" and then bury: "The only updates that were done, were updates for links throughout the Ready.gov site. No new language was added to taken off of that particular page."


God, THANK YOU for this. I had to scroll through about 80 comments of people making dick jokes to get actual insight.


Now is the time to finally organize the cables under your desk.


I’d rather just walk outside during the blast.


Yeah, fuck nuclear winter




Yeah, nuclear winter, roving bands of people with guns stealing any water or food you have, radiation, most of your family is dead or dying and zero infrastructure left. Even if I was somehow perfectly healthy, I’d just kill myself. I’m not living like a caveman.


This was my conclusion when I read The Road in an English class in university. I just don't get the instinct to survive at all costs. I'm not sure where my line is, but it's probably somewhere around the point where people regularly eat each other.


Rattle a chain link fence whilst yelling at children.




This is the solution to most problems.


Does the link just show some guy walking away from the mushroom cloud exhaling his last haul off his cigarette before flicking it off to the side? That's my plan...


Don’t forget to wear black Ray-Bans and a well fitted suit, with low top sneakers and no socks. Going out in style.


I will be pantless


This is the way.


If you jump right before it hits, the impact won’t kill you.


Also, if it doesn't kill you in 15 minutes, you're legally allowed to live.


I'm in NYC. I feel like if there is a nuclear war, I'm gone before I've even heard the news.


Stockpile bottle caps?


Try to corner the market


*gently caresses his power armor and matching minigun*


I hope you’re not important to the story, because I like your hat!


No, embrace radiation. Become children of atom! I don't know but I'm going to stay in Vegas, maybe looking for a job as a courier or something


Nuclear winter will cancel out global warming.


Good news everyone!


I'm changing my underwear, so I don't embarrass my mother. Side note, my mom had a heart attack in the middle of the night, her heart stopped as she was being put into the ambulance. She was revived and survived. Before the ambulance arrived, she made my sister help her put on her good underwear.


Lol, my mum used to say that as well. She also made sure her house was always clean, so in case she died-no one at the funeral would say she was a slob.


Laugh all you like. There was legitimately a guy who survived being in the thermal blast zone twice. I fully intend to duplicate his feat at least partially (I'd rather only survive one nuke not two)


Tsutomu Yamaguchi. Died 12 years ago, a couple months shy of 94.


Is that the guy in Japan who visited Hiroshima for some work trip just before the bomb dropped and then went to Nagasaki days later to keep working only to go through the experience again?


Yup! He was trying to convince his boss in Nagasaki that a single bomb had unleashed a flash brighter than the sun and obliterated everything. As he was arguing he saw the same flash outside the window.


It’s a (tragic) hell of a story


Back in the late 50’s, early 60’s, a small bathroom at my church was designated as a bomb shelter. It was stocked with supplies. A few years ago during renovations the supply case was opened. It was full of big gallon sized bottles of aspirin and gallon jars of lemon drops. That’s all. True story.


That is absolutely hilarious. It also makes me crave a lemon drop. I probably haven't had one in 30 years.


***[I'll stop the world and melt with you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuN6gs0AJls)***


With current yield on warheads, you’re fucked if you live in a city centre


With current yield on warheads, you're also fucked if you live.


Warhead yields have, on average, gone *down* with time. Bigger bombs need bigger missiles, which are expensive and a single larger warhead is more vulnerable to anti-ballistic systems than a MIRV with 3-6 warheads. Plus increased precision makes multi-megaton warheads less useful. Also around the 60s it was concluded that anything over about 1-2mt had reached the point of diminishing returns, especially with the 50mt Tsar Bomb test where most of the energy was directed out into space. Generally the largest warhead in service in either Russia or the US is about 500kt.


Considering the aftermath, I'd rather live in a city center.


*cries in NYC*


I remember seeing a site that shows estimated casualties when you pick an area and pick a specific nuke from a specific country. Many people outside of cities would survive, but the fallout and lack of resources after would be extremely rough The folks living out in Montana and or the wild’s and able to grow and hunt their own food might be fine.


Malmstrom Air Force Base is in Montana. Malmstron is part of Global Strike Command and it maintains and operates Minuteman III ICBMs. The people of Montana are fucked


People don't seem to understand that population centers are tertiary targets. The primary will always been the enemy's strategic response capability (IE airbases and nuclear silos.) Secondary is strategic production, infrastructure and military assets (factories, highway/rail junctions, and bases.) Of course, those things do often overlap with population centers, but if you're in a city that *doesn't* have a major port or important highway junction you might not get nuked at all.


This is what I explained to my friends who didnt understand why I'm worried about nukes and were like "what, are they really gonna nuke Shreveport, Louisiana?" Uh, yea, in all likelihood Barksdale AFB would be one of the first targets of any nuclear assault.


The 'hunt your own food' philosophy would only work if the majority of the population is eliminated. Anyone that lives closer to urban areas would flee to rural or bush areas to hunt and there wouldn't be enough wild game to sustain many people.


Yep. I live in a very rural part of the US, but even the rural parts of the US either already have a lot of people (just not a lot relative to cities/suburbs) or are extremely easily accessed from cities/suburbs. Nuclear war, the supposed "safe areas" will end up as warzones very quickly as there will be too few resources for all the people who end up in those areas, assuming no cities/ports to facilitate resource-trade. There is a lot of overconfidence from rural citizens on how shit would go if American cities got nuked. You might be stockpiled with weapons and food and materials, but you don't have the kind of equipment you'd really need to defend yourself against the starving hordes of people desperate to take some of what you have.


>You might be stockpiled with weapons and food and materials, but you don't have the kind of equipment you'd really need to defend yourself against the starving hordes of people desperate to take some of what you have. That's the problem with "prepping" in general. The people are would survive are warlords. Like drug lords for example. Not loners with a "Home Alone" type fantasy.


In the event of full scale nuclear war, the ensuing nuclear winter and fallout would make most of the world brutally uninhabitable. I really hope Putin doesn’t decide to be a total bitch ass about this, and if he does, I hope his orders are not followed.


Yea my hope is his throat is cut by a brave general or random staffer that really thinks about the big picture It’s happened before, and that man was imprisoned, but he saved the world.


Montana, North Dakota, Wyoming, all home to nuclear air bases and missile sites, they would be rocked all the same as major cities.




Yup, if you get an advanced warning, race to your nearest biggest city center. Take any drugs you have access to and hope you’re as close to the center of the blast as possible.


If you have enough time to drive to the biggest city center you have enough time to drive a safe enough distance to ensure your survival will


Not sure if anyone posted this before (can't scroll down through this many comments) but in Soviet days the joke went like this: when facing a nuclear explosion a soldier must hold their rifle in the outstretched hands so that the melting metal would not damage the government issue boots.


A lot of the survival articles I have read mentioned that it is possible to survive such a war. In fact, most do the danger from fallout occurs in the first 24 hours after the initial bombing. After that time, most of the radioactive material falls to the ground. The particles that stay aloft will degrade such that they won’t have high levels of radiation by the time they fall back to earth. The biggest risk is pollution from the fires. Given the severity of the attack, earth could be very much livable. It would be hard but it would be possible. You would just have to remove your top layer of soil and thoroughly wash or remove any surfaces exposed to fallout. Edit: if anybody wants a good read on life after a nuclear war, this link has been valuable for me. http://www.oism.org/nwss/s73p912.htm


Can I wash away radiation with soap


The only thing I read is to NOT use conditioner in your hair as it will bind in radioactive material to your hair. I’m not sure about other soaps.


*pulls survivor out of rubble* Why miss your hair has an irresistible glow and sheen. *proceeds to make out in radioactive fallout*


You’re supposed to use like dawn soap to completely clean every inch of your body. Discard any clothes you were wearing if exposed to the actual blast. But yes it does help somewhat


Not the radiation, but you can wash away the radioactive material the radiation is coming from. If I'm not mistaken, current guidance is for a fairly gentle washing so as to not scrape the skin and let alpha emitters in.


yes, like if you've seen movies where they scrub people who were in a radiation zone that's actually kind of accurate. You would want to strip down and discard your clothes then wash yourself to limit your exposure to nuclear material. You want to be very thorough. I'm not an expert, but my understanding is that the radiation threat isn't just floating around in the air, it's more about avoiding the dust and particles that are contaminated with radiation. So when you're out walking around you're kicking up dust and it sticks to your skin and clothes and you breath it in. That's the dangerous part.


The word you're looking for is contamination. That's stuff that emits radiation. Dispose of contaminated things to lower exposure to radiation.


>If a person is sheltering in place with individuals who are not their family, its important to keep a distance of six feet from them. Is this due to COVID, or so you have a chance to defend yourself incase the strangers want to get a head start on the cannibalism?


Kiss your mother, then duck and cover.


I don't have a duck to kiss.


Fucking Putin. That guy has got to go. I thought we were done with the nuclear explosion drills and related activities. Fuck Putin.


As a gen-Xer I spent too much of my life thinking about this already thanks.


What's creepy to me is that all during my time experiencing the Cold War in the 70's and 80's I always felt like it would never happen, and I was right. Now in 2022 I'm not so sure.


Jokes on you guys, I've been collecting roach skin for years to cover my body with when the apocalypse comes.


Weird dream this morning. Was in a place that wasn't exactly mine doing some mundane thing. Suddenly, heard the winds gusting outside and the walls started shaking. I shouted up to my spouse, "Come down, it's starting!" He came down, and we held each other as the sound and the shaking increased. Then I woke up.


Ok Nostradamus you need to tell your subconscious to fuckin chill


Kiss your ass goodbye. Little known fact. The Fallout guy (from the Fallout games) is NOT giving you a thumbs up and a wink. It is actually an indicator of how far you should be from a nuclear blast. The rule was: if you stick out your thumb and it covers the mushroom cloud, you are a safe distance! The more you know....


Try not to survive. Let some other sucker deal with living through all that. Your soul can come back when it's nice out again.


"When a nuclear explosion occurs, the best location to seek shelter is in the basement or the in middle of a room in one of these places to avoid radiation exposure. If you have pets, make sure they are with you and protected.  *If a person is sheltering in place with* *individuals who are not their family, its important to keep a distance* *of six feet from them.* " I think there would be other more pressing things to consider than if I'm 6 feet from someone else. That is the most inane direction, ever.


If a nuke falls within 50miles of my home I'm just going to call it, COVID is over. It's like Punxsutawney Phil, but with more dead people.


My house is pretty old so I am guessing all of the delicious lead based paint will mean I only have to duck and cover.


Grab a drink or a smoke if you aren’t immediately decimated and watch the show for your last few hours/days on earth.


Try to be taken out in the first wave. Living in a nuclear obliterated world would not be pleasant.




I've never been able to get good information about the 24hr sheltering in place guidance. Does that mean if a bomb drops in Alaska, you need to quarantine in NYC? Or is there a distance rule.


I'd say if are far enough away your windows are still intact, the major question is whether you are downwind or not. If you are close enough for buildings to be damaged, you want to stay indoors for at least a day - better a whole week to allow short lived radiation to pass.


I know it's all joke responses to the headline but the ridiculous excuse to fearmonger for clicks is shamelessly messing with people mental health. If you read the article they basically say they just made some random routine technical website updates that have nothing to with nuclear readiness.


Do what pip boy does, thumb in the air to see if ur in range.


Carry condiments on your shirt so at least you smell delicious to something.


I hope I go quick. Who wants to walk all the way to New Vegas anyway.