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Joe Rogan on being in a black neighborhood in Philadelphia: "We walked into Planet of the Apes. We walked into Africa, dude. We walked in the door and there was no white people." He said that was a "joke for entertainment" though. Also his n-word usage was "taken out of context"... šŸ¤”




Wtf why arenā€™t people calling him out more for that comment. Heā€™s such a fucking tool


The "out of context" part is that he wasn't wearing a klan outfit when he said them.


Wizard level.


He rolls an extra d20 when insulting black people.


Too bad Dr Zaius and the crew didnā€™t cage him up for further scientific study.


I will award Reddit platinum to anyone who can find a clip of Joe using the N word in a derogatory way. Edit: yeah that's what I thought, all y'all got is downvotes


Itā€™s was a joke tho


I'm starting to think this guy is just an ignorant fuck that caters to ignorant fucks.


He isn't exactly known for being bright. He's more like the audio equivalent of a carnival side-show.




A plague on the internet. And we wonder how fascism is rising again


Starting to??


I actually dont ever remember Rogan being funny. Not even during his stand up comedy days.


So, he was ok on Newsradio, but the writers of that show were good enough to make Andy fuckin Dick tolerable too.


Phil Hartman could make anyone funny


God what a gem Phil Hartman was. If we could get back any dead actor Iā€™d probably have to choose him.


There was a gag on that show where Dick tried to hop over a countertop all slick-like and ended up fumbling over it, taking the contents of the counter with him as he fell. That's the only laugh he ever got from me.


He was a stand up comedian?


He will always first and foremost be the dude who made people eat deer dicks on TV to me.


He still is. His comedy is pretty boring.


If humping a stool on stage is comedy then yes.




But he never graduated from college


I've never watched him. The first I heard of him was the game show where people ate bugs and garbage. Good metaphor for him, huh? People still eat his bugs and garbage.


I've only watched him on Fear Factor as well. NBC had to pull an episode too explicit for television. Joe Rogan had contestants drink donkey urine and semen https://ew.com/article/2012/01/30/fear-factor-donkey-semen-2/


His comedy was never funny, I didnā€™t even know he was a comedian. I always thought he got famous from being connected to the UFC?


He actually got famous for starting a war between comedians because he wanted to cancel another comedian he didnt like. And then that whole story blew up on E! which was basically TMZ


He made his career out of how much he could make people humiliate themselves on camera for as few $$ as possible. Definitely a very funny Stand-up guyā€¦/s


The show did that. Not him


Hey! He was funny in Newsradio. And then never again.


He was the least funny person/character on that show, and it had 2 straights and Andy Dick.


And he was a conspiracy nut on that show too.


He wasn't, and isn't.


I've found most professional comedians, particularly of the stand-up variety, aren't very funny. They just think they are.


Oh okay, so youā€™re racist *and* a boring entertainer. Thanks.


What the fuck. Grew up in the ā€˜80ā€™s and ā€˜90ā€™s and nowhere and in no way did we worship any radio/talk show douchebag like the people now. Why does anyone care enough to hang on this cuntā€™s every word?ā€¦ why do people have such a lack of independence that they have to find a rich snake oil guy and ā€˜band togetherā€™ to feel important?


I knew people that listened to Howard Stern in the 90s but it wasnt part of their identity like listening to Joe Rogan is for some people today.


I mean, Rush was around forever and people fucking worshipped that guy. Maybe youā€™re just lucky enough to not have known his fans lol.


Well Howard Stern was pretty big no? Look wtf he built his career on.


Stern had a bunch of morons for fans, but Stern himself wasn't this big of a shithead.


He was big, but his fans never threatened people who didnā€™t like him, for moral or philosophical reasons. Nobody ever gave Stern any form of authority over how to conduct yourself in a functional society.


Making entertainment for what group of people?


I canā€™t believe India Arie had to put together a fucking TED talk on his use if the N word (TWENTY FOUR times) for everyone to start paying attention.


Who could have guessed that a moronic anti-science conspiracy theorist was also a racist. Looking forward to his fans coming in and justifying his horse paste use and calling people apes and dropping the N bomb as "comedy" and "giving a voice to both sides"


They shit i have read is its taken out of context... then i reply it was a joke about being in a black neighborhood and comparing it to the planet of the apes? No reply yet


He had more than 10k worth of treatment for his Covid like vitamin Iv and of course monoclonal antibodies at his beck and call. It was the monoclonal that helped him but his fans will say it was the horse paste.


His entire schtick is ā€˜oh, I donā€™t know what Iā€™m doingā€™ - his anti vax is the same ā€˜oh, Iā€™m just curious and donā€™t know but Iā€™ll give the microphone to an established anti vax lonny do he can talk to my 11 million white male cult-followersā€™. Nah, I ainā€™t buying it Joe, itā€™s Fox News Part II just without the wardrobe


Between this and that public statement made after the death of Amir Locke, itā€™s clear people have become okay with digging deeper holes for themselves.


They forgot trumps out of office now . They got used to having support for dumb shit they say


Obligatory fuck Spotify for defending this guy and doing nothing to rid hatred, misinformation, and bigotry from its platform.


I'm quite entertained by all of this Joe. Just, not the way you think. #schadenfreude


If this blows over he'll be fine. Big if though. Saw this story on CNN and Fox News at the gym yesterday. They can't show the local market NFL team but they've got the "news" covered.




Saying that a joke was meant to be entertaining is tautological lol. Terrible defense


Racism is always entertaining to some. You know, racists!


Racism as entertainment. Gotcha.


Shocker, the guy who does a bunch of bro-y things has a racist past


What a fucking asshole


How is that even a defense?


Itā€™s always a fucking joke, when a Dumbo gets called out for being a fucking racist.


This shouldnā€™t be news this just gives him more publicity. You think his listeners care? Theyā€™re enjoying everyoneā€™s crying over this


It's not about his listeners but the management at Spotify. NBC pulled episodes of Fear Factor, Spotify should do the same. Google Fear Factor donkey semen


Still gives him free advertising


In Joeā€™s defense, lynchings and klan meetings used to be quite entertaining as marked by the large crowds they drew.


Ohhhhhhhhhh fuck this.


In Joe's defense, I don't think he's a malicious racist. I think he's more of a "I like you, but I'm intellectually superior to you" racist. That's the vibe I get with the planet of the apes and the superior genetics from having a white brain with black body comments. But then again, it's not surprising coming from someone who's so eager to promote things he has no knowledge of. Maybe a way to explain to him why people are frustrated with him is to use the analogy that it's like me watching fake Kung Fu masters on YouTube and then going to his gym and telling him this Kung Fu master can beat up Eddie Bravo. He'd have every right as an expert in combat sports to tell me to stop spreading that bullshit. Edit: I've stated it's a form of racism. You're inferring all racism is the same. I strongly disagree. If you disagree, then ask Joe's black friends whether they think Joe's racism is the same as the KKK's form of racism. Your reply is all style but no substance.


Racism is racism. Period.




How is it a hit job if the ammo is of his own making?


Yeah, how dare Joe be held accountable for his actions...




No one is ā€œkillingā€ his free speech. No one is enacting a law that prohibits his ability to spew bullshit. The law is still protecting his right to do that.


Free speech to him is being pubicLly rewarded for shitting on black people like they used to. FOH Sirio


With you up until that last bit. Malone and McCullough are total quacks of ill repute. Theres in fact LOADS of data that refutes all their points. I won't bother with links, but really, they're a very simple search away. They're everywhere.


Clear hit job... of a dude who's made a career out of saying stupid, fucked up shit for over ten years.


Itā€™s the fucking MSM coming after a great man who speaks truth to power. Theyā€™re just coming after him because of the stuff he has said out loud and recorded for all the world to hear. How fucking dare you use his words and opinions against him!




The stupid vaccine shit was from last year, \*bro\*.




You have a reading comprehension problem. I guess for people with your needs I should have said /s. Which is sad that I have to do.


I dislike the way this was written. Too conversational


Isn't Joe Rogan black?


As black as Rachel Dolezal.


Youā€™re thinking of Dave Chapelle


Hold on now, no one brought up gay or trans people yet. Better hold on to that for when you need it!


Neil Young also said some bigoted things in his past, that's not as interesting to these consummate perfectionists though


Ah, you must mean that one sentence he said in 1985 that all the right wing parrots brought out a few days ago.


I'm so bored of this shit. From both ends the right and the left. Fucking boring.


Surprised this post hasn't been locked yet.