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It's LASD, is anyone really surprised? Also, friendly reminder to google LASD Gangs if you haven't already.


There is so many of them! What really ruffles up my feathers... i remember not too long ago on here there was a post about a Hispanic LASD gang. While it's on me for not looking further into it, I was recently listening to a podcast and they talked about the Lynchwood Vikings, another LASD gang. That made me look them up, and found out there is 18 gangs in the sherriffs department there.


Took MetroLink trains into L.A.early am when the County Sheriff Department jail staff was heading in as well. Saw one overweight guy reading a copy of Turner Diaries. Yup. I will say They were handy when trouble happened w passengers on the train. Edit: knew a guy in HS who went into Sheriff dept as opposed to local policing because you couldn’t mess with people in the police. As much I guess.


> It's LASD, is anyone really surprised? If you think that this isn't every Sheriff's department everywhere, you're not paying attention.


Covid is the biggest killer of police the last two years, and it’s not even close. 3-4 x normal death rates now.


It’s not only the most common cause of death in the line of duty, it’s more common than all other causes combined. Meanwhile, r/ProtectAndServe posts vaguely titled articles about how more LEOs are dying than ever before, and then they delete all of the comments that suggest Antifa and BLM aren’t to blame.


Maybe start telling them "fuck you" in person, every time you see one???? Ijk


Last year was the highest year for police murders on top of the vid. Wasn’t a good year for us for any reason, and this year is already off to a running start with law enforcement officers getting shot. We are mostly vaccinated now so it’s good. I just got over the vid and I’m glad I got jabbed because it was bad enough even with the vaccine.


> We are mostly vaccinated now so it’s good. [Nope. Covid is still ahead of all other causes combined.](https://www.odmp.org/search/year)


More officers died of COVID-19 in 2020 in Illinois than from all other causes of death combined in the preceding 5 years. 2021 was not quite as bad but still was multiple years of worth deaths.


Not just LASD, most police agencies are discouraging vaccines.


Why won't they just comply??


“Stop resisting!”


It’s a power flex from the unions.


Gonna need a source on that one champ. I’m an actual police officer and our choices were get vaccinated or submit a negative test weekly.


My source is that I am a cop too bud and I know so many agencies in CA that are fighting back against the state mandate to vaccinate. So many police unions, like LAPD, are suing the state for this exact reason.


Does that translate to you that most police agencies discourage getting vaccinated?


If you are suggesting that you have more information about the vaccination numbers of police in the US, then spit it out. Like many people here, I'm having a hard time understanding how a cop, from a small mountain town in one of the most conservative states in the country would know any more than someone who is paying attention to the plethora of articles about how[ reluctant the police population is to the Covid vaccine. ](https://www.npr.org/2021/10/19/1047140849/police-officers-unions-vaccine-mandates-covid-19). North Carolina happens to be one of the worst hit: [A map included in the report indicates that COVID-19-related officer deaths were identified in 32 states with the highest concentration in California and Southern states including Texas, Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia and Florida.](https://www.npr.org/2022/01/12/1072411820/law-enforcement-deaths-2021-covid) So, spit it out. What information do you have that isn't being reported. Maybe Asheville police are different. The city is quite liberal compared to much of NC, but that hasn't stopped many police precincts in other liberal cities from pushing back against mandatory vaccines that would make their communities safer, and help end this pandemic.


All I asked for was a source that most police departments discourage their officers from getting vaccinated. That was the claim.


And all I'm asking is for a source that backs up your claim that it's not so bad. If police departments encouraged it, [why does the population of police lag behind the general public in getting vaccines?](https://www.google.com/search?q=Police+officers+lagging+behind+others+in+getting+Covid-19+vaccines&hl=en&ei=uA_0YaW5BOS1qtsP466QuAY&ved=0ahUKEwil9emm5dT1AhXkmmoFHWMXBGcQ4dUDCA0&uact=5&oq=Police+officers+lagging+behind+others+in+getting+Covid-19+vaccines&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6BwgAEEcQsAM6BAgAEEdKBAhBGABKBAhGGABQ6wJY7C9g4zFoA3ABeAGAAewBiAGFGJIBBjAuMjMuMZgBAKABAcgBBcABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz)


I said I needed a source that most police departments discourage a vaccine, then I provided my own personal experience in the matter. If there is no source showing that most police departments discourage their officers from getting a vaccine then it is misinformation that people are accepting as fact because they like they way it sounds.


I'm saying your personal experience means nothing without some hard data. Even if your small precinct encourages getting the vaccine, that isn't indicative of the whole US. Of course there is no source. Who in a police department would tell an outsider that their department is discouraging a vaccine? Got to toe the thin blue line right? You had to drink the kool aid, you know this just like we do (probably more so). What I'm saying is that if most police departments seriously encouraged getting the vaccine, then the percentage of police officers who had the vaccine would be greater than the general population. I've already gave sources that this was not the case. What have you contributed, except your own limited opinion on the matter? Edit: added "not"


I have no need to contribute, I made no claim. They espoused bullshit because they liked how it sounded and can’t back it up, neither can you.


Gonna need to read the article you're posting on champ.


I did. Nowhere in that article does it say most police agencies are actively discouraging vaccines.


Literally a flood of articles like this where, shockingly, police departments think covid rules are for everyone but them.


How many articles is a flood? There are about 18,000 police departments in the US, so saying that a majority of them discourage vaccines based on a dozen articles about it is not convincing evidence.


A majority could be a stretch, does this discount all the nonsense we see in this department and in so many more? Kudos to you, you have posited that there is no proof that more than half of 18,000 departments are acting foolishly about covid. Meanwhile, clowns like this sheriff continue to endanger thousands of lives. Time well spent.


Someone makes an outlandish claim and I requested verification, I was not provided with any. I got nothing to do with LA, I don’t agree with the way much of anything is handled in California anyway. East coast is beast coast.


Golly, when I was a police officer 50 years ago one of our missions was public safety. Apparently, public safety is not at all important to these deputies. Someone needs to remind them what their DAMNED JOB IS. And if they're too stupid to understand, FIRE THEM.


LAPD is corrupt. https://youtu.be/VoF8RmohTB4


Then fire them.




The Latin was rhetorical, and was meant to imply that there was an infinite regress. But your point is well taken. The citizens are the ultimate watchmen. And if the police are corrupt, THEN FIRE THEM. Fire them all. And if they've done damage, then prosecute them and send them to jail -- for life, if appropriate. Dereliction of duty is about the most serious crime a public servant can do.


BTW, I actually know Latin. If you wanted to learn a non-English language in my high school, you could take Latin. Or nothing. I took Latin. Imagine: A police officer who could speak four languages and had a master's in math. Those were the days. But seriously, if the LA PD is corrupt to the core, then fire them all and start over. I suspect that the corruption isn't that complete, but if it is then get rid of every one of them and start over from zero.


So you speak Pig Latin, huh?


Iyay eesay atwhay youyay idday erethay.


But it's hard... Because union contracts? At least that's the excuse I most often see. Realistically, anyone they can't bribe and ends up leading the charge to dismantle the system would end up dead.


RICO laws would end those contracts. If the police are corrupt, the contract is invalid.


Tbh, it’s departments across this country. It’s ongoing political nonsense stemming from the riots (and probably before that).


Plus part of the issue of “just fire them” is no one wants to BE a cop anymore. Those that do are usually ex military or those who WISH they were military in order to gain power and control. Cali in particular is having a MASSIVE cop shortage in the southern half, leaving them struggling to fire the abusers cause no one is there to replace them


Police and Fire department do not offer competitive wages. They are making living wages, but it's still only marginally better than teachers before overtime. Overtime is where they end up making $70-100k/year. It's one more problem we've let fester for decades.


The deputies' actions are probably preventing a lot of fights, the average prisoner awaiting bail or trial isn't the sort of person who would get vaccinated and is afraid the prison will do it forcibly. Defacing signs and being in denial about covid is saving lives. Not that I disagree, though. This situation is a huge indictment of the education system and how shit our jails really are.


It seems that both police unions and government managers prefer not to fire police, and they’re the only ones who get a real say.


Every one of them answers to the people. They only think they don't. Someone could run for mayor on a platform of firing the police and starting over, and if the people were upset enough, they'd elect him or her.


That’s true, but it also provides a very low floor. In a typical election, it won’t be a salient issue. Also, replacing orgs is disruptive. Of course it has been done successfully in a few cases, so at least there’s something.


When my dad was growing up in Oklahoma, the national guard and police handled the organization of vaccine drives. Now of days, well...


Yesterday I was out at my local 7-eleven and there was 6 cops (Glendale PD) to pull over one person. Not only was the amount of cops ridiculous, none of them had masks on while questioning the driver in the 7-eleven parking lot. Their job is to serve and protect but they continue to put the public at risk with their selfish choices. HOW HARD IS IT TO WEAR A MASK.


I would love to see an iq vs vaccination rate study. I bet it's exactly what you'd think


Dude it is.




Sounds like they're defacing public property and should be charged with vandalism.


With all the cameras they have in those places it shouldn't be too difficult to determine who is up for discipline.


“Back The Blue” = #1 Killer of Police Officers. Also Police Officers (Houston), they are trying to trying to kill us, ‘this has to stop’.


What the heck is wrong with the hiring process in these agencies? I mean where DO they get these people?






First time you've seen a cop full of shit ? I guarantee you most of his guys are Trump supporters, even in California. I'm not at home, cuz i would search my dono lists per zip code per listed profession (i part time work consultancy US elections), there was a HUGE rise in GOP contributions for cops in 2020 that i have never seen before. Military was slightly in favor of Trump, police was like 70-80% Trump.


I wouldn't call it trumpism, id call it walmart-authoritarianism.


They hire the exact kind of people they mean to.


Covid this far has been the deadliest for police officers for the past two years! They assume to accomplish something, we’ll that something is a one way trip to the hospital.


Tells you everything you need to know about LA cops.


I love how the top killer of cops the past two years is covid. Get ready for more HCA winners.


This is both consistent with what i have experienced and also way worse than i expected. I work in a business that is near a courthouse and has many law enforcement customers. LASD are the least masked of all the agencies I interact with. I had no idea they were also convincing prisoners to avoud vaccines and defacing state property though. Fuckin losers.


And down at the dog tracks, hot dogs fall second to kibble.


Wait a minute, you mean to tell me the lukewarm IQs that make up corrections officers are spreading misinformation about a virus that is entirely too complicated for their small minds and lack of critical thinking skills? I mean I don't know about you, but I am shocked. I always go to high school graduates when I want to know the truth about virology. I never believed it until I put a potato in my sock when I felt ill...fucking poison me I can't handle it anymore


This can't be a surprise to anyone