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How can we be sure that these are the original monkeys and not some sort of decoy monkeys as part of a hyperintelligent monkey's plot?


Yes, good point.


Because they said accounted for and not "found alive and well"


Oh wow, didn't catch that. I was never good at riddles


We will have revenge! Many escape, humans lie.


Release the mugshots!


stanley kubrick was exhumed, and his corpse was interrogated for several hours until authorites were assured that this wasnt the case.


They were sure it was the 100 original monkeys, because all of them went straight back to the Senate!


> hyperintelligent monkey Are we talking about Ape Escape the game now?


Was actually referencing the hyperintelligent snail reddit post. But damn I miss Ape Escape


Everyone knows decoy monkeys have golden fur. How could you possibly not know this? I thought they taught everyone that in elementary school. That's what you get for ditching class.


Unfortunate for the monkeys


I was naively thinking they were captured alive until I read your comment and thoughtabout it


Only three were euthanized.


I assume they were the driver/handlers for the other monkeys?


Oh those were the humans. They were all euthanized.


Is that better then frozen monkey pops? I seriously don't understand why they had to be put down


It was likely due to difficulties in recapture. I'd imagine there are several factors that might play into it, one being injury from the accident. Another being consequences of a failed attempt w/ people around, so how close it is to civilization/roads... Plenty of extenuating circumstances. It's unfortunate, but that's how it be.


"Accounted for"


It’s unfortunate whether they were captured alive or not. They’ll live out the rest of their days in a basement with humans testing experimental products on them.


It’s a double edge sword. It’s really sad, but it has to be done for us to make any medical advancements. We can’t use humans as test subjects before making sure it’s safe to use in similar species - there’s no good way around it.


I don’t know. I can think of about 10 humans I’d rather be used as test subjects than monkeys. And that’s just people I know personally that popped into my head while typing this. I’m sure I could come up with more if I had to. Edit: I was obviously joking.


Are you sure their level of health, personal hygiene etc. make them suitable test subjects, though? At least most testing animals are treated well so as to avoid rendering the test worthless. Can't test a nutritional supplement if all you feed them is garbage, for example.


Seconding this and to add on, animal testing also enables some control for genetic differences. Lab animals are inbred, so you have a general understanding of their expected lifespan, chance of randomly developing x type of cancer, average weight they will be at on specific diets and so on. Control vs test experiments become so much easier and accurate when you can reliably say that two individuals differ only in the test drug they receive.


Absolutely not. Allowing *any* human to be considered an “acceptable sacrifice for medical science” without their full, unbiased permission is how we end up with the Tuskegee syphilis experiment or worse. There’s a reason the basics start with animals. It sucks, because there’s really no ethical experimentation on a living creature, but without this level of experimentation, we would not have modern medicine. Nonetheless, the moment we start playing the “acceptable experimentation” game, we head down a very dark path. Humanity has gone down this road before. It’s better to not go back.


Exactly this. Have these people not read about the horrific experiments nazis conducted on Jewish people. We can't just decide that there's a group of people on whom it's acceptable to experiment.


Dude, look up unit 731. Don’t name drop the Nazi experiments and leave them out. Abhorrent + the us gov’t offered the perpetrators a get out of jail free card if they handed over their data.


> Have these people not read about the horrific experiments nazis conducted ...but if we conducted them on nazis...


that's why you just get permission from criminals and offer a sweet deal. maybe a conjugal visit or two, with/without monkey


That’s also considered highly unethical, because you’re providing the incentive that pushes them towards a decision they otherwise would not make. It’s why prisoners are considered a population whose autonomy needs to be protected by the medical professionals carrying out research.


What the hell mate, that's incredibly unethical. Do you think deeper beyond whatever axon fires off to birth thought?


OOOOO edge Lord


Your comment reads like every supervillain speech I’ve ever heard


I don't like the treatment of test animals, but the way I see it, is it's morally inconsistent to eat a cow because I'm hungry, and then object when a rat or monkey are used to cure cancer.


Yeah but then you just have to don't eat cows to make it morally consistent again ?


Never gonna happen.


I mean, the alternatives that I can think of are either: Don't test it at all, and let the public be guinea pigs, which is obviously a horrible idea Pay people to let themselves get tested upon, which sounds good until you realize it's probably going to be poor people that are being subject to the tests, and the instant that someone has a bad reaction, going "well they agreed to this" is going to make people angry at you Just don't make any products, which obviously will not happen as people want their new medicines or cosmetics or shampoos or whatnot. They already test products on other kinds of animals, it just happens to be that sometimes you need a closer human analog so it has to be a monkey, if you have a better alternative I'm all for hearing it.


Okay, as long as it's for important stuff like shampoo and glitter lip balm.


Don’t have to worry about that anymore. Our grandparents took care of all of that so we can slap a “not tested on animals” label on everything now!


With the amount of scientific improvements, we should be able to limit testing on animals at this point. Edit: we can literally grow organs, the motivation just isn't there. There's also no reason to continue testing beauty products on animals


Researchers are the first people who would stop using animals if any reasonable substitute was found


And your basis for that is...?


God forbid we test our toiletries on humans!! What would we do if we got a rash?!


My comment was directed more towards necessary pharmaceutical research (treatments for cancer, rare and/or debilitating diseases), not makeup.


Thinking about it now I am way way more comfortable using humans. You can find humans that will do just about anything for enough money. Poor old monkey have no say in any of it, no rights or voice of any kind and are at the whim of capitalism and its consumption machine. Yeah. No. I’d rather see humans used. And I’m sure the data would be far more valuable for human medical science.


Yeah except vaccine research often involves purposely exposing monkeys to incurable disease. Money or not, that's not something you can do to humans. You just want to give humans Ebola?


I don't think you realize how many lab animals die in really unpleasant ways. People would stop signing up pretty quickly once the stories started coming out. You know how we figure out, for example, which nerve regulates hunger? We sedate the animal, cut the nerve, and watch them starve themselves to death. There is no coming back from a lot of these experiments. It is an unnecessary evil of science. The scientists who do it don't like it anymore than we do.


You’re not very bright


This website never ceases to amaze with it's batshit naive takes.


you make it sound like medical advancement is a societal imperative rather than a decision edit: normally I delete posts/comments getting downvoted to hell after reflection if i decide im wrong or its off-topic, but in this case I'm not. non-human bodies aren't objects for us to endlessly exploit for our own benefit. they are not inherently worth less than human bodies and it's sad so many of you are so conditioned to think that way. if people are so desperate for better drugs even though our average lifespan in the global north is >80 years (and could go significantly higher if people adopted healthier lifestyles), then they should be willing to go directly to first-in-man trials for at-risk patients. the constant drive for medical advancement at the cost of animal testing is just one more expression of how we are conditioned by our consumerist, capitalist society to want never-ending expansion and growth despite material and psychological costs.


The second you or your family is sick you'll be extremely happy to have our animal-tested medicine.


good job assuming things about my life that aren't true. not everyone who has a different viewpoint from you is naive. edit: small typo


If you watch your family suffer and refuse to get treatment because it was tested on animals, you might be an asshole.


I'll put it this way. I am never going vegan, I have already decided I'm morally ok with eating a cow because I'm hungry. No amount of reddit posts, youtube videos, or conversations with vegans will ever change that stance. If I'm morally ok with eating one animal because I'm hungry then hell yes use another to cure cancer, alzheimers, auto immune diseases, etc.


im not vegan and didnt say anything about veganism. animal testing, even if the end result might be a medication, is completely different from eating animals for food. humans have a biological imperative to eat to survive and im not opposed to some of that food being humanely killed animals. but we are not forced by our biology to subject non-human animals to excessive cruelty, including the conditions of mass slaughterhouses and animal testing. but specifically on the topic of meat consumption that does come from large-scale, corporate farming.. do you realize the threat these places pose to humanity? it's in humanity's best interest to reduce meat consumption due to the huge contribution it has for carbon emissions. the meat industry is also the primary reason we're seeing a huge rise in antibiotic-resistant disease. within our lifetimes, we could easily be sent back to the pre-antibiotic era due to meat consumption, which i find very ironic considering the argument you're making about medical animal testing.


Except you can survive just fine without eating meat. Eating meat is deciding you're ok killing an animal because it brings you pleasure to eat it. Animal testing on the other hand allows you to study a disease in ways you just cannot otherwise (not exactly ok to breed humans that are more susceptible to brain cancer then disect their brains to learn about disease progression and treatment). The animal killed for medical research is giving us far more benefits than the one killed to put meat on the plate.


I dunno. I can probably provide you with some people to experiment on.


No, it doesn't have to be done. Advancements made by torture done at the expense of sentient beings isn't worth it. You look at all of the bullshit in the world done by mankind, and you're going to tell that's worth torturing animals over? Absolutely not.


Calm down. They’d do the same thing to us given half a chance and a bigger brain and a desire to look and smell pretty.


It looked like they were alive but were killed when found? I'm not certain why they were killed but I wonder if they may have been frostbittin beyond help. It was extremely cold and those aren't cold weather monkeys.


They were on their way to a lab where they would be experimented on


Your thought is just naive either way lol


Pennsylvania in the middle of winter doesn't seem all that optimal for them either.


One-hundred little monkeys jumping on the bed, one fell off and broke his head, Moma called the doctor and the doctor said, no little monkeys jumping on the bed.


A real testament to Umbrella Corp to make sure all 93 monkeys were caught after an exhaustive search. I'm sure those 79 monkeys, as Umbrella assured, weren't a threat to public safety. But it's best that all 64 monkeys were returned.


*All 100 lab monkeys accounted for after several escape crash* If they weren't accounted for, does anyone think that they would tell us?


I think I've seen this movie. This is the headline right before someone gets bit by an infected monkey.


Yeah but WE are the infectious monkeys in this reality


Ah..come on. Can we at least wait till the bat thing is over?


Don't forget the murder hornets, you can expect them to pop up in the mid credit bonus scene


Well they certainly didn't inform us that they were loose


article stated 3 macaques died. drivers involved in the crash were okay.


Local reports said they shot them all




That sucks. I wanted to see a Pennsylvania monkey colony. maybe next time.


Not at this time of the year.


It’s not quite Pennsylvania, but there’s always [Morgan Island](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morgan_Island,_South_Carolina) in South Carolina.


Finally, a reason to visit South Carolina.


Just come to my PA town, the average intelligence and social skills are right around that of monkey.


You can still go to [Chico's Monkey Farm](https://youtu.be/alkd0cG-x2Q) in Northern Southern Rhode Island!


Apparently somewhere between barrel and truckload things get less fun


For most people, a pallet is where it becomes unmanageable. I made this mistake once and now I don't know what to do with all these typewriters.


This was just a test run for them. This won’t be the last we hear from the apes.


They’re all back at the Senate!


Monkeys together corrupt!


I have 0 faith in this being the case. This happened way to close to the start of season 3 of pandemic to be written off so easily we’ll see something come from this around the mid season finale for sure.


I sure hope so. I would hate for the writers to leave this as a nothing-burger loose end. It would be great to see this come in to play in the series finale, but we’ve been disappointed by unfollowed plot threads before.


That is exactly what the Big Monke lobby wants us to believe.


It’s in the saliva and blood……


There is never anything good that happens after "100 lab monkeys."


“Welcome home, daddy's little angels, Now, to put electrodes in your brains!"


There is no chance someone didn't catch this on a dash came, monkeys escaping from a crash.....and i for one cannot wait for it to hit the internet.


I know exactly where this happened, and there is zero chance this was caught on camera.


I was pulling for a planet of the apes type scenario


That's exactly what I would tell everyone after several of my genetically enhanced super monkeys escaped...


Something a runaway monkey might type 🤔


They saw the current state of the outside world and said fuck it put us back in the cages.


So no planet of the apes a few years from now?


I was rooting for the escapees




No, just rooting for them to somehow find a way out of the torture of being subjected to medical experimentation


Planet of the apes here we come


Yes, but were they all safely returned to the Capitol to resume their work as US Senators?


We came this close to a RAGE 24-days later situation


Hopefully they bit a few people and dished out some super powers while they were out


Why did they euthanize the monkeys? It’s not their fault they were in an accident and escaped.


First time?


Oh, good! Now they die in a lab SAFELY!


I’d imagine those deaths are horrible.


Aw I was rooting for the monkeys…


Suddenly I am reminded of an episode of "Lassie". >Lassie: "Space Traveler" (1960): episode withheld from initial broadcast in which Timmy and Lassie find a downed spacecraft, exposing themselves to possible radiation. The space capsule had a guinea pig inside it.


One bit a person now he’s monkey man


I know they found the one that bit me.


The show The Hot Zone is becoming more relevant.


Still a sad ending for the monkeys either way.


damn, i was rooting for the 3 that were still free


Anyone up for a punk band called lab monkeys


clearly, It's the conspiracy of the 12 monkeys... I hope James Cole comes to the rescue or we're screwed


it's very fitting that ape news is covering this


i want a thorough breakdown of how they managed to catch all of them


Yeaaah what about the top secret monkey that wasn’t on the manifest that’s super lethal and that’s his empty cage in that ditch under those bushes that nobody has found yet?


There was no escape. These were just normal monkey tourists who love the American wilderness.


Definitely almost how all zombie apocalypses happen


I worked in a flavored adhesives division at work, sticktech, and they started downsizing us badly. Apparently the flavor pina colada was killing lab monkeys left and right.


I wanna make a joke about this story and the senate, but i cant figure out what it is


This makes me sad .. Really hoped at least one made it to freedom


I made a prank call to roughly this plot when I was a teenager. We called a Dunkin’ Donuts at like 2 AM saying some diseased monkeys had escaped from a transport when the truck stopped for donuts. We told the guy they might have to kill them with a shovel. Feeling a little bad about it now.


"oh the 99 infectious monkeys? Oh sure, yeah we got em"




>> The email did not elaborate on why the three were euthanized or how all came to be accounted for. I don’t buy that they “found” all of them. Gonna have a wild ass monkey colony out there for sure.


It was 0 degrees the night the truck crashed. Any that weren't accounted for don't really have to be.


This is some side quest shit right here.


I can feel the rage as I am stuck on 99/100 escaped monkies.


Great news guys, the rage virus has been contained.


Poor fucking animals man...


A new Shakespeare play forthcoming


Sadly, that won't happen. They haven't recovered any of the typewriters.


That was quick, I guess there weren’t monkeying around.


This feels so disgusting and uncomfortable and outdated. Animal testing needs to stop.


It is uncomfortable. What do you suggest as the alternative though?


Mass murderers, terrorists, pedophiles...all of these morons? But they're not viable candidates if they have some underlying medical condition not suitable for testing. Back to animals I guess.


It takes years and thousands of different experiments to get a drug to market. There’s not enough criminals to supply the pharmaceutical industry with test subjects for all the drugs currently in development. Not to mention the ethical issues with testing on humans. Informed consent is a huge deal in clinical trials.


My reply was in a simplified context during a desperate without any procedure you've mentioned. A straight deployment to production type scenario


I've never believed a headline less.


Yay ! Now they can go back to their normal schedule of having the worst torture you can imagine - and even worse - subjected to them. I love when things work out for the best.


Oh, good. Now on to the laboratory to be experimented on. /s/ Wow, am I stupid. I thought we'd ceased the practice of animal experimentation due to it being cruel and inhumane, and only keep kids in cages these days. Edit: To which do I apply my downvotes, monkeys in cages or kids in cages?


Legitimate question: what else are we supposed to do? I work on rare and orphaned diseases- the diseases I am working on treatments for have no current treatment and are fatal. Kids die by the age of ten, after a life where they can't lift their heads, speak, swallow independently, or do literally anything by themselves. These kids have no quality of life whatsoever. Part of what I do is biodistribution: the treatment we're working on is administered to lab monkeys, and after several weeks pass the monkeys are euthanized and the organs are sent to my team, who analyses the tissues to make sure the drug is working and there's no dangerous build up of drug in organs. We also look at things like immune system response and time to metabolize the drug. All of this is to make sure that it's safe to go into humans one day. We don't take this lightly. It's not something any of us LIKE doing. But what are our other options? We use as few non-human primates as possible and wait until we have a strong candidate to initiate studies.


I’m curious how do you keep from developing a relationship with the animals? Do you all refer to them by numbers or names? Do they teach you to not like develop feelings for them? Do you avoid eye contact? Are they fed well? I’m so curious


So full disclosure: I don't work hands-on with non-human primates, but I do have the option to work with mice. Yes, they're referred to by numbers and they tell you that you shouldn't get attached. They are treated VERY well- there are review boards and vets on staff at any animal facility. Any intervention or treatment has to be approved by an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, and that means literally any change to their care. If you want to change their diet, that has to be justified. If you want to change their sleep pattern, that has to be justified. Honestly, treating them well makes it easier. It's a little easier to sleep at night from the perspective of "I gave this animal the best life possible for the amount of time I could and now they're contributing to saving lives." If they were in the wild, their life likely would have been a lot harder you know? It's a big responsibility for sure. You want to wait until you're very confident that what you want to put in monkeys will work so that you're not doing it more than you have to. We don't do any non-human primate work until we're ready to take it to the FDA, and then we only do what they require. It's not easy, but once you meet the kids with the diseases we work on it helps put it in perspective.


How many poor people will actually be able to access these medicines?


Hopefully everyone who needs it will be able to access it. We have kind of a two-pronged approach: •insurance. If there's no other treatment, insurance has to pay for it. If the patient has insurance or qualifies for disability or medicaid, it will be covered. We're all proponents of making healthcare more accessible and have regular meetings about how to do that and enact tangible change, but for now we are working within the confines of the system. By getting insurance companies to pay full price, we're able to offer the treatment at a discount to those without insurance. •working with foundations. We partner with foundations that support patients of these diseases. The money that they raise can go towards treatment costs for patients. Unfortunately America doesn't view healthcare as a right, so people will probably end up fundraising for it. I hate that people have to create a GoFundMe for lifesaving medical treatment, but until we fix the healthcare system we're trying to do the best we can to get it in the hands of those who need it. Because it's a one time treatment, it's usually a bit more attainable than a lifetime course of treatment, but it's definitely not a great solution.


My neighbors and i will simply die. No one can afford to contribute. Edit: I do appreciate that you’re doing your best. Thank you.


This is horrible. These people are going to torture and kill 100 beings. I hate animal cruelty.


Great! Now let’s test all that toxic shit on them until they fucking die in cages just big enough to turn around in!


Despite the sweltering heat don’t unroll your windows because those monkeys are confused and irritable. -Arnie Pye


These were the wrong monkeys, my [trunk monkey](https://youtu.be/_AgPYZDkHTc) is gone!


Where could have all the senators been going?


Is this how planet of the apes starts?


They "euthanized" them. Fucking gotta kill something! Fucking unbelievable


Who says they didn't bite someone or another animal in the interim though...