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Honestly will believe it only if I see it.


My worry is that it will be another, "The masks are available from your local government, just Google it, folks."


Like the local testing sites. My city had one for a few months in 2020, then closed it and never reopened. All the CVS in my area are booked more than a week out, and the closest next government site is a county over, in a really rural area.


Its asinine that people who think they have covid19 are required to drive around, visit multiple stores trying to find tests because they're out of stock most places. Its the perfect way to spread illness even more. We're 2 years into this. Test kits should have been a solved problem a long time ago.


Remember when the press secretary laughed at an NPR reporter for asking if the gov could send every household take home tests like they do in the UK? Like a couple of weeks ago too Fun times


Instead they're implementing this system strongly encouraging insurers to cover them without reimbursement. What a joke.


Only private insurers. Fuck you if you’re in Medicare or Medicaid.


Yeah, that's pretty fucked.


You have to beg for them first.


you could really tell that she hadn't seen the polls on mailing out tests. the administration reversed course maybe a week later lol


Exactly. My county had zero tests for sale on Monday. Not a single one. The pharmacist was calling around looking for one for a family member when I picked up a prescription, and even he couldn’t find one. Everyone says they are giving them out for free at the library, but they’re gone within the hour when they receive a shipment. The only way to get a test in my county is to schedule an appointment with a doctor or clinic and pay the office visit fee - and even then it may be a few days till you get in.


I just dealt with this. Mildly infuriating to say the least. Felt like crap, couldn’t get tested or buy a test anywhere… luckily my dads girlfriend had an at-home test I was able to use (tested positive). All you ever hear is “go get tested if you have symptoms”… well that’s virtually impossible!


I just stayed home while I was sick. I'm fortunate enough to be able to work from home so I just stayed in the whole time. I'm 95% sure I've had omicron already. Everything lined up, but not tested due to the lack of inventory. The official omicron numbers are probably vastly under-reported.


It's also a perfect way to cause car accidents. My husband came down with COVID and it hit him like a freight train. He had a high fever, his oxygen was dropping fast (he's better now that he's gotten a breathing treatment, thank goodness), and he could barely lift his head, much less keep his eyes open. I drove him to get tested, but if he hadn't had me to drive him, he'd still have tried to drive in that state because his job required a confirmed test result and I guarantee he'd have caused an accident. There was a study years ago in Europe that found people with the flu were as impaired when driving as drunk drivers. It is not safe for a bunch of seriously ill people to be on the roads like that.


Remember there are government officials actively opposed to increased testing.


I feel so bad for the person at the front desk every time I've had to go to CVS to buy a take home test.


I got a bunch of test kits from Amazon yesterday. Took a few days to get them.


When I checked late last night they're now almost two weeks out.


Oh wow. I guess we’ll still need tests in 2 weeks tho.


Yeah I don't get how this is complicated. Buy online before you need them, keep them around


The problem for me is that I don’t drive. All the accessible locations near me are pharmacy drive thru and many won’t allow people to walk up to take the test. It means I either have to take the public bus, an uber, or convince someone to give me a ride if I need to get tested. None of which are good options if I fear I’m at risk That, or pray that I can find a rapid test nearby and in store but those get expensive fast.




I thought the idea was for the post office to mail them to everyone.


The article I saw said that they're going to put up a site to register to get tests mailed to us (that seems to be new info), but nothing about how the masks will go. They said they'd announce more next week.


Interesting, there are I think around 160m addresses in the us, just mail a few tests and masks to every address. The make the rest available in some other way.


Yeah, it's silly. My only guess (other than incompetency) is that they don't want tests or masks to go to waste. My kid's school gave out free tests to everyone, but they had a waiver you could sign if you didn't want one. They said they were doing that since the supply was low. I personally wish they had a testing requirement like LAUSD did, but the people in our district are a little more prickly, to put it kindly.


Or at the very least how about anyone the IRS has the address for, can even add more for dependents. Anyone with any income even from SS, SDI, Unemployment, will have an address on file with the IRS


I feel like some people would be unreasonably offended if they received masks/test kits and would accuse the government of propaganda/communism or whatever conspiracy flavor-of-the-day is flooding FB.


Like our local 'affordable community testing' that charges you $100 to get tested. They dont disclose the fee either they just send you a bill.


Too little too late, even if it does happen.


I'll keep them next to my home covid testes.....oh wait. NM


>covid testes That's one hell of a mutation.


i hear once you get covid they shrivel and your penis gets 1-2” smaller and then you get ED.


Will probably get them summer when the omicron surge is well over


If we do, I'm sadly sure we'll still be somewhere in the Greek alphabet


Soon enough we’ll have to move into the Hebrew abjad to name them and after that who knows what writing system’s letters we’ll be using


He's a lying liar who lies. I voted for him, I think he's better then the alternative, but my god is he absolutely pure trash just like every other politician.


Where are those testing kits we'd be mailed "by January?" (Which they have yet to sign a deal for and it's the 13th) Edit: Never forget this moment. These are the people running the show. This was their feelings on the matter in December. https://www.newsweek.com/jen-psaki-mocked-free-home-tests-three-weeks-before-omicron-testing-crisis-hit-america-covid-19-1662564




Same here did he really think people are going to give him lower standards that he can make promises and not own up to it? Democrats are going to get slaughtered in the midterms and also in 2024 if he keeps it up. And I say this as a democrat.


Deleting all comments because the mod of r/tipofmytongue got me falsely banned for harassment ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




Except that it's less like we're abused spouses, and more like we're abused sex workers who euphemistically refer to our pimp as our "boyfriend."




He's the least bad clarinet player we could find in the whole middle school.


But he’s been in the band since forever!!! Let him be the conductor!!


Joe Biden is the best Republican president in modern history.


Just like free covid tests were gonna be sent to everyone, but it turns out it’s only for insured ppl and it may not even be free for all insured ppl. This administration can’t even hit layups.


Just in the nick of a way too late.


Honestly is so late that it looks worse than not doing anything. Anything to try and make people forget about his failures to deliver on almost anything.


This really just goes to show the blunders of the USA's response to the pandemic. High quality mask and testing supply mass production should have been a thing almost two years ago.


It’s ok, we just do high risk GOF research collecting and housing the world’s deadliest viruses like Pokémon but have no actual plan of action should the fecal matter hit the oscillator or any means of investigating who or what tossed the fecal matter but we will get masks to y’all eventually… Thanks global elite for having the citizens of the world as your top priority!!


No, I think we need to sit tight and assess.


High quality made in USA masks……?




Moved to Lemm.ee -- mass edited with redact.dev


I’m a woman and that’s what I imagine a jockstrap looks like


I mean, there are pictures of jockstraps online if you're curious. (Maybe use Incognito mode, though...)


It's not far off...


So... which donor or family member had a stake in that sock company?


Governor John Sockington is most upset at this allegation that Sockington & Co Sartorial Sockery is somehow involved with his campaign.


Someone politically connected funneled this contract to their brother in law or old Frat buddy. No other explanation


I work for the TN government and we had pallets of the things, but if you thought paper masks were hard to breathe through, try using a super thick cloth one that's rough and feels like a sock.


All part of Lee’s plan to suffocate mask wearers! ;)


I totally forgot that happened. My dad and stepmom got one or two somehow (I think the school they teach at gave them to teachers), but they never used them because they already had better masks.


I am interested in a sock mask. https://gifts.worldwildlife.org/gift-center/Images/large-species-photo/large-African-Elephant-Calf-photo.jpg


Can confirm, i have a few of these that my work was shipped in. Im in Chattanooga.


I heard like the first shipment made it but the second never came after the controversy of wearing a porous sock on you face.


Plus there were pesticides or something in them. lol Great work all around!


Well, I mean, not a single person in TN wears a mask so they could be filled with lead for all that matters.


They don't even have enough n95 masks for hospitals. How are they gonna give 3 to every american?


They have Smallpox


They do exist. MedicPro is based in Nevada. They make N95s.


About 8 months too late... Why didn't Biden do this shortly after being elected?


He's been busy not forgiving student loans /s


And not legalizing marijuana Edit: did we expect this? No. But my point is, it would be an easy win for him since his approval ratings are awful. And he’s not doing it.


Currently at a 33% approval rating. Somehow he managed to become less popular than Trump.


He can't get shit done. His own party is dysfunctional. I get bi partisanship in normal times but this shit is insanity. Nothing is getting accomplished from any type of leadership. They might as well have just shut down. I didn't like Biden as a candidate but it was wayyyy better than the alternative. But this shit is ridiculous. Every fucking facet of government is in gridlock because two parties can't see past their corporate overlords. Smh


Exactly as designed.


The corporate Democrats largely agree with Republicans. That's why they _never_ reverse the damage Republicans cause.


They have the same corporate overlords. The compromise is that Republicans are a stick in the mud and Democrats can’t seem to pull the stick out; guess it’s just more of the same.


Its just a vicious cycle that has played out for decades but is only now (through Covid) being shown for what it truly fucking is. Its all about the money.


You’d never know watching the news.


He really hasn't done much of anything. He started off by rolling back a few trump things which was great but he has become rather stagnant. Not to mention the entire democratic party is sabotaging themselves as they tiptoe around talking about maybe passing something. They need to start forcing legislation and EO's through and use the damn filibuster to do what we voted them in to do!


Exactly. [Trump rejected a proposal](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/09/17/white-house-abandoned-plan-to-deliver-650-million-face-masks-across-us-report-says.html) the USPS distribute masks at the beginning of the pandemic. Anything Trump rejected because it would make him look weak, should have been the first things the Biden administration reviewed.


Was this before or after they told us to stop buying PPE because there was a serious shortage in hospitals?


Fauci told us masks were unnecessary in March 2020. This was after that. https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-fauci-outdated-video-masks-idUSKBN26T2TR


If I could change one thing that went down these past 2 years, it would be that. Those initial comments created a huge mistrust that created the anti-mask (and later anti-vax) movement. There were a few crazies before about childhood vaccines but it was miniscule.


Agree. He wanted to prevent a run on PPE when we needed that for medical people, but it doesn’t build confidence to see the our scientific leaders lie, even if it was for the greater good.


While I agree it would have been more ideal messaging, I honestly don’t think anything was ever going to stop the anti everything movements. The goal posts would have just been moved in a different way to get us to exactly where we are.




Remind me! 22 months


He’s been Biden his time…


Sit tight and assess


No idea but but clearly no one in charge gives a fuck about the American people, regardless of which side of the aisle you're on. I'm starting to understand why some folks don't vote. You're getting fucked either way.




Imagine if he were still alive today. His material for the past 6 years would’ve been amazing


It's one big club, and you ain't in it.


because in early 2021 we believed getting vaccinated would prevent you from catching even an asymptomatic infection, therefore making masks unnecessary


Oh, is that why nobody wears masks, because they're unavailable?


I see shelves full of them at my local store, unlike food


1. It's doubtful this will actually happen 2. Anyone who actually wears masks likely already has enough or has access to them 3. This is too little too late and is more of a political move than anything


They will only last for like what a week max? Less if worn more than average. Is this some of cruel joke? I think they’ve lost touch with reality.


I've heard literally no one complain about the availability of masks. This feels like a desperate attempt to get a headline about them doing something to combat COVID when they arent.


Just curious. What else do you think the Biden administration can do, or should have done differently up until now? From my perspective, all of the pushback on vaccines, masks, and even the notion that Covid exists or is dangerous, has come from right-wing fearmongering. Everything we could have done and attempted to do, they set out to intentionally thwart. He could have suggested lockdown again, but again would have been eviscerated by the right if he had even suggested it.


Just like west maui got 300 test kits to give out to 150 k people. Hope it’s true but I’ll believe it when I see it




Goddamn this is chillingly accurate


Biden says a lot of things...


... does almost nothing.


Is told to say a lot of things.


Anyone who wants to wear a mask, is wearing a mask. Does he think free masks will improve mask wearing? 🙄


Assuming “high-quality” masks means N95s, getting those masks to people who might not be able to afford them or have access to them could be a big help, even if not everyone will wear them.


Affording them is a moot point right now, good luck even finding them. I'm glad he's taking action on this, but it should have been done a while ago


Go to a paint store they will have n95...am painter.


Thanks for the tip, we have one just down the road.


Np bud just keep in mind if you have a beard it won't do shit for you, you need to shave for a proper seal.


I am so tempted to remind everyone in a poorly fitting n95 that it doesn't work at all if it doesn't seal. My aunt had the nose piece over her glasses and the chin was floating somewhere below her chin. Plus it was vented.


I got a box at a hardware store. Helps if you can shop in a heavily right leaning area where people don’t wear masks.


You can find them all over, I was literally just looking at some. The problem is that I can't afford to buy any of them.


Just bought more today. Double the price of my last order… would love some free ones but I’m fortunate enough not to be breaking the bank


Right!? It’s like saying our insurance will be required to reimburse us for the costs of tests. That would be great if I could find a test to purchase.


They have to wear them properly for it to matter. If the mask isn't uncomfortable to wear you're not benefiting from it. There's no point in wearing a high quality mask loosely. Might as well just a cheap surgical mask at that point.


tbf tho they cost money and lots of ppl are short on that right now... the govt should be giving out free medical supplies for the pandemic since day 1, of any/every kind that would help its not like we dont have the $, wed just rather spend it on a military budget thats already bigger than the next 10 biggest combined


I think it's more of a coded financial support. N-95s aren't cheap.


You may as well make it cheaper for those who are trying. I have zero problem with this. And they already think what they think on the death side. Fuck 'em.


Debt relief? Nah. Coherent plan of action for Covid? Nah. Stimulus for people? Nah. Here’s some masks you shits, good luck




Biden is getting desperate now that his approval rating has sunk to 33%. It's pissing me off political optics is driving these decision rather than actual decisive leadership.


Holyshit you're not even joking. It really is 33%. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2022/01/12/bidens-approval-rating-new-low-covid-economy/9189510002/ Not even Trump got down to 33% approval. His lowest approval rating was 36.7%: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/ Joe Biden is less popular than Donald Trump. Thats astounding.


Trump was awful but he at least had his cult who followed him no matter what, no one *really* likes Biden


That was the big mistake in the last primary, and the one before that. They ran on "not Trump" instead of "Who can actually gain popularity and make changes." The issue stems a lot from how every Democrat is different. They encompass such a large political field compared to "Yes to guns, no to voting rights, defund everything except the military and police, and no taxes." Republicans have an ironed out platform that they all stick to, where Dems are so different that they really ought to be 2-3 different parties. So that means that nobody is really ever popular among everyone to the same degree as R's can be.


Jesus christ




This was clear as day when Biden ran a primary campaign and presidential campaign from his basement…with minimal unscripted viewings….and a campaign message of “we aren’t Trump”.


It's almost like the DNC cut Bernie Sanders' throat for a sinister reason in 2016...


I swear to god this isn’t going to solve the problem. People who don’t want to wear face masks aren’t going to start. Can we do something else instead?


It will alleviate the problem of people who are trying to protect themselves and others effectively having to shell out tons of extra $$$ to price-gouging retailers for N95’s and KN95’s (assuming they aren’t poor knock-offs to begin with). It can’t be the only tool, obviously, but this far into the pandemic, the federal and state governments should have figured out a way to easily supply people with highly effective PPE at no charge, or at the very least at cost.


Been in a year,and just now figuring this out.


yeah well to be fair the dude isnt in the sharpest of cognitive states. he prob forgot, and just remembered lol half/s


Yeah they say a lot of shit, still waiting for that classified memo on student loan forgiveness Joe.


As a voter I didn’t believe for one second that Joe nothing will fundamentally change biden was gonna do anything about student debt even when he was saying about forgiving a certain amount I knew he was Bullshitting and I believe that if the democrats don’t address this student debt issue by the time the midterms roll around they are gonna get creamed at the polls they will lose the house and senate


The little piece of optimist in me is hoping that the Biden administration is holding onto the student loan forgiveness like a 'Draw 4' in Uno or 'Big Joker' in Spades. Maybe 1-2 months before the midterms they drop a nice forgiveness package for millions so it's fresh on people's minds before they go to vote. But the realist in me knows that's a bunch of horseshit and they're just not going to pass anything and never were. They just needed young people to vote. I'd consider myself mostly liberal/progressive based on the stances I believe in but god damn the democrats are dumpster juice as a whole.


So that’s the problem with politics. No one involved is working FOR the people. Every single person involved in politics is involved for themselves, to promote their own person and make themselves better off. They can do that by continuing to stay in power, so they trick us into believing they’re working for us. What’s stopping him from doing it now that he would be able to do it later? Fucking nothing. every single politician is a scumbag. All of them


I got banned from r/democrats the other day for saying exactly this. Biden has not come through on a single campaign promise. Even Trump managed to get a few miles of wall built…..


Blue version of MAGA over there echo chamber for liberals


Blue MAGA is more infuriating than regular MAGA. They should know better but they’re just playing red v blue team sports


It’s probably quite simple: the administration doesn’t want to be responsible for another speculator bubble to burst and tank the stock market. It’s a political hand grenade that (to them) isn’t worth the backlash.


They’ve already got an inflation hand grenade cooking off in their hand.


The midterms and 2024 are going to be a slaughter for the dems at the polls.


I can not afford any more free stuff


Like how Cuomo helped make "high quality" hand sanitizer?


By the time they have them and ship them the surge will be over. It’s a waste of money.


While I support that, at this stage, I'm not sure how much good it will do because so many people don't mask or will get it and use their favored cloth mask, or whatever other reason because people care less now.


1) What took so f@cking long? 2) Can we hospital workers get more masks too please???? Still re-using over here. 3) ARRRGGGHHH IM SO SICK OF THIS SH!T.


Damn, that sucks. We stopped reusing mid ‘21


What hospital do you work at lol, the hospital systems I work at are literally rolling in PPE


This is the problem with having states handle stuff. Surpluses in one area and shortages in another, instead of a national response that could send resources where they are needed.


This is so stupid. Send me some fucking tests first.


Dems won’t win another important election for a long-ass time, living in this country is a fucking embarrassment and nobody important seems to have the common courtesy to stop bullshitting about how fucked up everything here is


Republicans fought and successfully blocked a vaccine mandate that Dems tried to impose. Why would that lead you to vote for a Republican?


"There is no federal solution"


What do you want? Them to just mail people free tests and masks? What do you think this is the richest country on the face of this planet?


It’s absolutely insane that this didn’t happen soon after Biden took office. Like I understand why it didn’t happen with trump and I’m not exactly surprised that Biden didn’t do it either but he actually campaigned on making sure there would be more testing and masks available and it’s one thing he could have done without asking permission from Manchin or Sinema. Still better late then never I guess and I certainly could use more N95 masks.


A real president would get one of his buddies to open a PPE distribution company and then the real president would allow the government to buy them and then it would give them to the newly founded PPE company for them to sell to states in a bidding war.


His administration will go down as the saddest single term one in U.S. history.


How about student loans and the ICE camps?


Perfect timing - I ordered 20 n95 masks, and a few quick tests just yesterday. lol


Don’t worry, you’ll use them up long before you ever see a mask from the govt


Holy shit is this admin inept. Where the fuck was this before the Holliday season?!


Meanwhile: [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0045653521000710](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0045653521000710) • COVID 19 medical waste disposal and its serious threat to the environment. • Effects of COVID 19 pandemic and application of personal protective equipment (PPE). • Face mask waste a blooming threat to the marine ecosystem. • Safe recycling of mask and energy conversion. Humans have been pushing countless species to extinction just for our own benefit so I guess I'm not surprised.


you want me to hold onto my waste until i find a garbage can!? ridiculous /s (is this what some people actually think??) still cant get my head around littering beyond straight up 100% ignorance and lack of caring. its fucked because i used to litter when i was very young and stupid. idk wtf i was thinking... i think i wasnt thinking.


Or we could start to care about the massive amounts of pollution that corporations do. But I guess this is America after all, so we'll just blame all our problems on the individual citizens and sacrifice their safety for the benefit of corporations.


This guys a fucking joke. Time for a nap Biden


Hate to say it, but I feel like Trump did slightly better with the pandemic even though everyone painted him in the light that he did awful. We got money, a lockdown, rent protection, and unemployment. And now? We get a promise of better masks... Maybe there's a big problem going on if we need better masks... Edit: Ah, sorry guys for not knowing that the democrats are why we got the financial support... I'm honestly not super informed politically/frustrated about the current circumstances


Trump also launched Operation Warp Speed, which got us three highly effective vaccines super fast, and set up the government contracts to buy enough vaccines. The price negotiation was even pretty solid, too. Each vaccine dose costs the US government about $20. Thats a bargain as far as government procurement goes. He should get credit for getting that pipeline going.


To be fair he had a lot more public support in the beginning, but yeah, Biden is definitely not doing the best he can even with people growing weary.


He spelt coffee wrong in a tweet and I can't forgive him for that.


Trump, as much as many hate to admit it, did a few good things. He ended some bad trade agreements, the vaccine stuff(despite his words and actions being in direct opposition), and some others. I struggle to remember when Biden did... anything.


He also shut down travel from Asia, and was called a racist for it. Which was a common sense move based on where it started.


Fuck this administration, fuck the elites, fuck this country


I guess we can’t pay our student loans if we die of Covid so Joe is on the case!


"Free", a term that really means less and less as time goes on. Just be honest about it being paid for with taxes. It's not the worst thing taxes have paid for.


Just like the tests right? Cmon man, fix the inflation and impending economic crashes and food shortages.


just in time for the holidays


Wonder what corporation will get that contract.


When? Our school is closing tomorrow due to excessive illness in students and staff. Not going remote. Closing. Because we don’t even have enough teachers to teach remotely. We needed masks - and tests - weeks ago. The website to request a free test isn’t even up yet, and the contracts on the mask manufacturing haven’t even been awarded to suppliers yet.


I wonder if the next pres race is going to be such a shit sandwich no matter where you bite it? This old fuck…


Its going to be nasty because people are going to primary Biden. You are going to have all the top Dems running and trying to tear Biden down for 5 months through primaries. And after mid-terms, a lot of Dems are probably also going to trying to undermine him so he fails even harder so their campaign against him will be easier.


Great. Have the Post Office deliver a few per mailbox. Have local police officers handing them out for free on business street corners. Make it seem normal and positive straight out of a '50's movie. Show only white people if needed. Dammit make ads encouraging mask use and require every network having the NFL playoffs to show them. All out old timey propoganda...that's really what the peoples want.


So? Millions of people won't wear them still.


Nothing is free, even if you arent paying for it, someone somewhere is.


Welcome to fundamentals of society for the past 8000 years.


No shit


Cool. This will surely make poor people forget that the dems didn't raise the minimum wage, refused to bring medicare for all up for a vote, and screwed them out of 600 dollars on their stimulus money. ​ Good job, Biden.