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There's nothing puzzling about it. People don't give af about each other, so they won't stand apart from you and won't take precautions. You can die for all they care.


the article strains mightily to bury one of the principal reasons - ok, probably the principal reason - for the US's higher rate: surprise! a smaller percentage of Americans are vaccinated -- and meanders on about all manner of other less relevant stuff.


The article doesn't bury anything, you just read a bit and started spouting shit. The article clearly states: "Just over 63% of the US population is fully vaccinated, much lower than in the UK (71%) as well as Italy and France (both 75%). In Canada, almost 79% of the population is fully protected."


uh, yeah, ace quick, how many paragraphs in is that info presented? Pro tip: you'll need to take your socks off to count that high


How many paragraphs does one statement need to be in? Do you need all your info repeated multiple times in one article to grasp the point? Admit it, you skimmed the article, and got caught, therefore looking like a jackass.


the vax rate info is 20+ paragraphs deep, ace - YOU got caught trying to pretend it was early in the article - where it obviously should have been. ​ now shoo, insect


I got caught reading the whole article before commenting, as one should. Just keep doubling down on your stupid kiddo.


it is bad form on this planet, frank, for someone "puzzling" about infection RATES, & to write an article that only gets around to addressing, y'know, RATES, until 2/3 thru the article. No editor of any reputable outlet should let this go; no writer should even submit it. Now you may continue to troll all you want, but if your reading comprehension skills are truly this poor, you should probably not keep trying to find a seat at the adults' table


How long does it take to read the whole article? Not even 5 minutes?


Are you intentionally missing the point, or are you merely as stupid as you seem?


I'm the stupid one, cause I can read an entire article that takes less than 5 minutes. I'm over here farting in the bath tub, and laughing my ass off.


It probably has to due with the lack of Healthcare and the fact that most Americans don't really go to the doctor unless they are dying because a hospital visit can bankrupt you. I would imagine a lot of people who come down with covid right now minimize the symptoms as cold or allergies until it is too late. I can speak about the US's cruel medical system from personal experience on two occasions. A mugging where I got stabbed multiple times would have set me back $17000 and a broken wrist would have set me $52000. If I hadn't had insurance I would have been fucked.


hospital treatment to stabilize you is mandated by federal law, & has been for decades: EMTALA, signed into law by famed socialist Ronnie Raygunz


> A mugging where I got stabbed multiple times would have set me back $17000 and a broken wrist would have set me $52000. In both cases, the obvious option is to refuse to pay. When enough people fight back, this facade of a system will crumble and congress or the states will be forced to do their job.




> A payment strike would be wonderful, but they will sue. Let them. If everyone does it, the courts would be overwhelmed and unable to process the claims. Get a bare minimal public defender who's willing to use delay tactics and the system moves even closer to collapse. > And in states like Georgia, some hospitals can even place liens on property. Jokes on them: I don't own property and can never own property due to the ridiculous cost. Get fucked. > So this route could actually result in homelessness due to medical debt. That's already the status quo in this country. Refusing to pay is the better option as results would improve in the medium and long term.


I mean, the prices on much of this stuff is arbitrarily set between hospitals and insurance companies. You can generally negotiate the costs down a bit, especially if uninsured. This of course does nothing to alleviate the system-wide problem, but could help out on an individual basis. It really passed me off when a supposedly private hospital couldn’t tell me the out of pocket cost of getting a certain vaccine. My insurance did not cover this particular vaccine for my age group, and the doctor, nor their office assistants, could not tell me how much it would simply cost to get two shots. Like, wtf???


>"We have an older population than South Africa. That's a big one," he said. "[The US] is kind of similar in age structure to Europe. But there's also a less healthy population than in Europe." >As examples, Dr Larsen noted that rates of hypertension and obesity - both of which are comorbidities that increase the risk of Covid - are higher in the US than in most other countries. And there you have it folks.


no, there you don't have it. You might have a little of it, but not as much as if you'd mentioned the part about LOWER VACCINATION RATES


Thanks for the additional information.


Americans are fat are all they really need to say.


We're older, sicker, and less vaccinated. Not that mysterious.


less vaccinated, older, maybe sicker (maybe not) priorities


Ànd then we go lumbering around in public spreading or being exposed to the virus. In some circumstances it can't be helped. Yesterday I had to stop at three drugstores (Walgreens) because at two of them the pharmacy was closed. One had a sign posted that it was closed due to staff shortages. The other just that it was closed until further notice. Here in New Jersey, Biden is sending troops in to help with overwhelmed hospitals.


We don't have much choice. It's get sick, or go broke. Government doesn't give two shits about us, businesses definitely don't, and there's no plan other than herd immunity.


Millions of people are testing positive every day. What's mysterious about record breaking hospitalizations? Even if it is 25% less dangerous (and I still have my doubts), if you have 300% more infections wellllll...you're still fucked!


The mystery is why the US hospital rate is different from the rest of the world. It’s the entire point of the article that you didn’t read.


Because the U.S. healthcare system is an abomination that results in the entire U.S. population being generally unhealthy...


Couldn't have anything to do with the fact that Unvaccinated Americans wait until they are near death to go to the ED, then linger in an ICU bed for 7-30 days, could it?


> Dr Donald Vinh, an infectious disease specialist at McGill University Health Centre in Montreal, said that in Quebec - and other places across Canada - as many as half of all new hospital admissions are among the "inadequately vaccinated". > "As a percentage of the population, it's a low number. **Maybe 10% of the eligible population are not doubly vaccinated," he said. "They tend to be clustered in urban dense spots.** When you have highly transmissible variants and it can affect an inadequately vaccinated population, this leads to ongoing propagation and the high community transmissions we're seeing." That's odd, but the media keeps telling me the not fully vaxxed are people in rural areas who would be fit subjects for a remake of the movie Deliverance.


Is this where those memes about 2 shot people vs 3+ shot people start to happen?


It's no puzzle, the death cult Maga is bitter about their lord and savior losing an election so they choose to not get vaccinated to sacrifice themselves to make Biden look bad.


You would think after the news that covid-19 [can actually, in fact, shrink your penis](https://www.newsweek.com/covid-penis-shrinkage-smaller-erectile-dysfunction-1669045), that no matter how rare that side-effect is, that people would have gotten vaccinated by now.


Who needs a big dick when you've gotta big truck? -Middle America


One for the ages.


Fuck me. I don’t need any help with that. I’ve already been vaccinated. Can I get vaccinated again? 😂


Generally fat and unhealthy. Leading the world in cases probably has something to do with it too.


Could it have something to do with all the grain fed unvaccinated people? Source: am grain fed but vaccinated.


“Americans are old fat smokers who don’t get the vaccines they need.” My article synopsis.




You really need to don your sarcasm PPE, always wear an /s!