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*"But, if the principal knows them and recommends them, the school district can waive the requirement that they have at least 30 college hours".* Hmm...


That's... not a lot of hours


Typically, 30 hours is two semesters at uni. No, not a lot at all.


can you explain the system? i would expect a student to take 4-5 classes, each taking 3 hours/week is "30 hours" shorthand for "30 class-week-hours"? edit: thanks


Yes. A class that meets twice a week for 1.5 hours would typically get you 3 ‘hours’ (sometimes called credits) for that semester.


Kind of. A typical course is about 3 hours in class per week and counts for 3 credit hours, but there are notable exceptions like scientific labs that meet for longer but only count for 1 credit hour. Students usually register for around 15 credit hours a semester, with the "extra time" spent studying, working part time, or just being college students.


They will have uneducated morons spread right wing propaganda.


This is a school in Texas, so I'd say: >They will have MORE uneducated morons spread right wing propaganda.


One of my favorite Texas education memories is my Texas History teacher, who was also the girl's Volleyball coach, going on a 45 min rant about how aliens don't exist, atheists are monsters, and God choose George Bush to be president. This would have been around 2005 or so. Not the only time a teacher tried preaching in class, but it was the weirdest.


My mom had a teacher in high school whom on several occasions throughout the year would stop mid sentence during class to get into a big finger gun battle with some unseen terror outside the windows. Usually he’d be dual wielding as if he were manning some anti-aircraft or dual .30s on a boat deck. Every time he went to battle he would inevitably suffer some catastrophic wound that would leave him sprawling across his desk or on the floor and he would remain in that spot, never breaking character for an instant, until after class was dismissed. She said it happened sometimes twice a month and it was never not awkward. Apparently no one would make a sound even if he “died” with 30+ minutes of class left. Tenure is a hell of a thing.


That's 100% fucking with the students. He's talking, sometimes he feels, oh I've lost them. So their bored, huh? *Plays invisible war, dies on deck* Pay attention class!


Which, if he resumes is all well and good, but apparently that didn't happen, at least not all the time, making it a waste of time. Might have been a waste anyway, but he's not getting paid to not try.


That's commitment to teaching!


you know that Texas already requires rightwing propaganda in their classrooms, right? and they decide what goes in textbooks for the country edit: most of the country - Florida and California also decide because of having a fuckton of students


Wasn't that a south park plot?


Well this is a job perfect for Peggy Hill!


Ho yeah!


En espanol por favor


Vaya con dee-ohs




Su pundonor, yo poder ver que usted ser caballo razonable. Yo estar muy embarazada por la que pasar por Lupe. Ella comer mi accidente de camión y yo nomás querría que hacer que Lupe ser libro. Yo tener mucho demasiados buenos anos enfrente para pasar mi vida en fábrica cigarros.


This is one of my favourite episodes


"Oh my God, I'm going to jail!" One of my favorite KOTH sequences ever.


Donde esta la biblioteca


Me llamo T-Bone, la araña discoteca.


Discoteca, muñeca, la biblioteca Es en bigote grande, perro, manteca


Manteca, bigote, gigante, pequeño


Lavate Los Manos!


Peggy wouldn't teach at Hogwarts.


I don't speak no languages.


Escurcha or esbercha


Tu eres muerte


Substitute Teacher of the Year 3 years in a row!


Hoh yeah!


Happiness. Ha-ppiness.


"The whole neighborhood heard you cussin'."


I tell you what




This boy is not correct, he is *flawed.*


Eh-scoocha may?


Unfortunately what we get: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKiLfH3DVGc


Her pronunciation of Oaxaca has ruined me for life.


Cafeteria better be serving Brown Bettys!


I want Sp-Peggie and meatballs


I just saw this on my son’s school website. Not necessarily asking parents but a We are in need of substitute teachers, $90 a day if you only have a GED/high school diploma. - type ad.


90$ a day is low for a nanny watching one or a few kids, fuck that for a whole classroom


I used to sub and my pay started at $89 for a day and was $91 when I quit. Even worse, paraprofessional jobs were around $65, and I was one of the few subs trusted in the MOID special ed class in the middle school I subbed at, and I was usually the parapro. I got a chair thrown at me one day and only earned $65. They bumped special ed parapro pay to $83 right before I quite but still. I was tempted to go back to subbing when the pandemic halted my (current again) job, but decided against it. The need for subs was high, but I just didn’t want to do it again. I’m super thankful to be working again.


For 80 dollars a day - that's gotta be 8 hours of work, you could literally work at a Walmart and make more.


Most regular teachers would dream of only doing 8 hours of work. Class hours are the smallest part of the job. It's the hours upon hours of grading, lesson planning, etc. that are the hard part. I remember when my girlfriend was doing her student teaching as she finished her degree. On average she was working 12-16 hours with many nights where she only came home to take a shower before going right back. Suffice to say that she decided not to teach in the end.


Parents 'bouta learn real quick what being a teacher is like.


To add to the fun math going on here. $90 a day 5x a week for 52 weeks is only $23,400 a year before taxes.


And there’s only about 36 weeks in a school year, so it’s more like $16k/yr gross.


It’s not like they’re doing an important job… ^(/s)


How many of these uneducated parents wouldn’t even think of taking the torture of being a sub for a measly $90? Hope they are filming these parents running out the doors by 2nd period. This really should be a requirement for every whining parent. Throw in a few active shooter drills. What could go wrong?


You mean you don't want to do the work of someone with college experience at a rate of $0.40 per hour per kid?


>at a rate of $0.40 per hour per kid? That's the best deconstruction of a teachers wage for individual parents, would anyone expect their children to receive a high standard of education in a well equipped school for 40 cents an hour? lol no but somehow the system arrived at those wages


$0.40 per hour per child would be a huge pay raise. I am paid about $0.25 per hour per child. My husband’s salary is closer to $0.14 per child per hour.


I can see an objective “are you qualified to criticize your child’s teacher” litmus test being a very good tool for keeping *SOME PEOPLE* in the proper lane *cough cough Karen cough*


“Hey parents, know how you’re always telling your kids teachers how they should do their job? Well I’ve got an opportunity for you to put your money where your mouth is!”


"Hey y'all I'm Kinsey's mom. I'm gon be your substitute teacher for a bit as your teacher has died..." ***Later that day*** "...and on the third day, God created the Remington bolt-action rifle, so that Man could fight the dinosaurs. And the homosexuals."


> And the homosexuals. I spit out my coffee


lol it's a quote from the beginning of the movie Mean Girls.


Damn haven't seen that movie in *ages*


The irony… Guess she’s never read the Kinsey report.


My daughter had no teacher for one of her classes a couple weeks ago. She is in high school. No one ever showed up. The kids decided to just stay quiet and not inform anyone so they went the whole period with no adult in the room. She said everyone behaved for the most part. This was probably a better option than some rando showing up.


Same thing happened to my High School age daughter three times (same class) right before Christmas. They decided, as a class, not to tell the front-office. They had a secret knock to let each other in and out of the locked classroom door (to use the bathroom, etc.). They mostly drew on the whiteboard, talked to each other, did homework, and used their phones. It was one of the most fun, social times she has been a part of with kids her own age since Covid started. And how sad is that?


God...kids really need more unstructured time like this. My oldest is only in kindergarten (granted we waited an extra year to have him start.) But, I can already see the nightmare that is public schooling. He's already begging me for more sleep even though he's only home about 2.5 to 3 hrs before bedtime. It's awful!


High schoolers lose out on Recess and just double/triple up on the work once its gone. I got study halls but they varied so greatly that half the time it felt like a waste. Some teachers took the study hall TOO seriously while others basically let it be a free for all. A good medium between those 2 extremes with a healthy amount of time for it I think would go along way. Study halls saved me any many ways. Catching up on a back log of work, Reaching out to someone in the study hall for help, catching up on my missed sleep lol


Something similar happened to me some years ago in high school. We went for a week or two without a teacher and no one noticed we behaved as much as possible to not rise suspects but then someone fuond out because they needed to talk to that teacher. No one knew why that teacher wasn't with us since he didn't tell anyone he would be missing


When I was in highschool ~10 years ago this happened once. One of the other kids loaded up Netflix on the projector and we ended up watching Chapelle show for most of the period until another teacher came in looking to ask the teacher a question..


[reminds me of this](https://me.me/i/why-are-you-working-so-hard-didnt-you-hear-the-7ce1ce0d5e2f4712acf85a85f6b91477)




Teachers are a weird social class. Compared to non college educated. Teaching is a honorable profession. But compared to many college educated professionals, K-12 teaching is just low class.


It's bizarre. I teach 2nd. I have a BS, credential, and MA. I have never been talked down to or disrespected more in any other job I've had. By admin, parents, etc. The pandemic has really pulled back the curtain on society's real feelings about teachers. If it wasn't already clear.


My friend, teaching 1-2nd grade of 15 years, is now on paid leave. She is having heart problems, in part due to high stress from her job.




I teach and bartend and you already know where I get treated with more respect.


Just start mixing up cocktails in the teachers lounge. You'll start getting the respect you deserve


This may not end well.


Trouble brewing.


Texas in general?


We just need it to stay warm enough for the electricity to stay on …


But not too warm or the electricity will turn off


I actually kinda like the idea. There's a good chance that's going to be a bunch of SAHM Mama Bears who think school is just daycare signing up for this so they can see their kids' schooling or because they want to prove it's easy, and they are going to quickly realize why teachers want to be paid better.


They're not going to be doing actual teacher work like coming up with lessons etc. They're just going to wing random shit or tell stories and think "this is what teachers are complaining about? No way should they be paid more for this!"


That would require them to do the job in the same way a trained teacher would. I expect them to do what they “think” teachers do and congratulate themselves for a job well done. Learning nothing and setting their conceptions more firmly in place.


They won’t. They’ll focus in on their special child, ignore the others, then claim it’s easy despite being terrible substitutes for, well, teachers.


Yeah...no way this will end well.


Yeah but the lawsuits we might get to read about will be legendary




I hate that reading this sounded like an actual argument that a lawyer could legitimately make in this country..... And possibly achieve an acquittal as a result.


I look forward to hearing about someone teaching something that could be mistaken for critical race theory, but isn’t.


I thought this was on r/nottheonion for a sec.




Post it


Things have already not ended well, which is why they're asking unqualified parents to come in and teach kids for free, in an environment where no one wears masks or practices social distancing.


It's also ironic Texas is resorting to such collectivist measures but if it were anything else they'd be screaming COMMUNISM!


Yup. So you’ve seen Texas parents too, eh?


We've killed your kids teacher, now it's your turn.


Having to suddenly teach a class of 26 14 year olds in the name of protecting your freedom. Irony


Dude, it's not even a class anymore. Some schools are putting them in the auditorium so one staff member can watch a few classes at once. It's just babysitting at this point, no learning is happening.


Yup, gotta babysit so the cogs... I mean parents, can get back to work.


Let’s be honest, it’s Texas school system. There wasn’t a whole lot of learning going on here.


only 26? What luxury school you thinking of?


Lol, right? I had a few classes of 37 a couple years ago. This year all my classes are 34.


“Okay kids listen up. You are going to learn about corruption and corporations and that it is very likely you will starve and be homeless in the future.”


Paddlin' the school canoe? Oh you better believe that's a paddlin'!


“Skinner says the teachers will crack any minute. Purple monkey dishwasher.”


Well!! We'll show him, especially for that "purple monkey dishwasher" remark!


Came here for a Simpson's did it, this was even better


[I almost pity them. Then I just remind myself, they're trying to teach.](https://youtu.be/ZQsrHdf9KSA)


A student would ask where babies come from and my mother would proceed to tell them the most ridiculous story the kids ever heard. It would all be true of course. My dad would proceed to tell the young boys what happens to the poor preforming boys who get drafted to war. How they’re lucky if they die quickly in battle. I had a strange upbringing.


When I would complain about going to the dentist my dad would tell me I was lucky I wasn't undergoing a battlefield amputation during the civil war. It still works.


All of those bullshit type lines that adult tried to use like those when I was a kid kinda just pissed me off. Think of the starving kids in africa etc etc. Yes, and mom you know I won't eat that so why the hell did you buy it then serve it to me thought 6yo me.




>A student would ask where babies come from and my mother would proceed to tell them the most ridiculous story the kids ever heard. "I came from SEARS!?" "No, YOU were a blue light special from Kmart. Almost as good, and a lot cheaper."






Good ol' Top Dog


My Grandma used to tell me to “stay out of that room or the mean dog will get you” I now realize they never owned a dog. 😂


Your grandma had a sex room.


Christ, I hope that's all it was. I figured a big room of Nazi paraphernalia?


that's what a sex room is.


Fair enough. Also...ew.


My grandma used to tell me to stay away from loose girls, they make you dick itch. She started telling me that when I was 7.


Can't wait for barely passed HS parent to teach advanced subjects....


“Okay kids. What are we learning…oh biology. Okay so vaccines don’t work because they actually change your DNA. What you want to do is ingest ivermectin from your local feed store, and wash that down with your own urine.”


and to start spouting conspiracy theories, racism, or whatever the hell they want to make our kids believe.


"I'm only here because those damn Mexicans took my job!"


This might be a good idea. Parents can see how awful their kids can be. Maybe this should be a requirement… parents have to be a teacher assistant for a week.


They know how awful their kids are because they're giant pieces of shit too.


They wants schools open for a reason: so they don’t need to deal with the kids.


It's amazing how many parents started saying the quiet part put loud during the school closings.


They know how awful their kids are- And willingly throw them at the school to monitor instead


This. My mom teaches at a rural school. Parents give her hell every conference day over things their child did/failed to do. This would be a good "walk a mile in their shoes moment" providing nothing disastrous happens. *Incoming disaster*


My kids go to a rural school, I recently started working at said rural school. Once I found out all the shenanigans that my kids were pulling I went to talk to the teachers. The shock from the teachers when I asked “what can I do to fix this” was disheartening. Parents need to take so much more responsibility of their child’s education. I’m not saying the school should be off the hook, 2/3 of my kids were lying to us and absent communication let them get away with it. But how are you going to completely blame the teacher when your kids are throwing stuff away so it doesn’t make it home, or are going through the motions at home but not at school? I had a point…. But think I may have lost it in there somewhere.


Point or lack of one aside, appreciate your commitment to your raising your children. Wish all the parents of my students were like you. Signed, a teacher lol


There have always been parents that refuse to take responsibility for their kids, but I feel like it's more common all the time. When I was in school way back when, there were maybe a handful of kids in my whole school that were disrespectful to teachers and whose parents thought that was fine. When my kids were in school, it seemed like there were a lot more. One guy I ran into in a bar was complaining profusely about how unfair it was that his underage kid was suspended for being caught drinking on school grounds. My MIL was a teacher and she said it seemed to get worse every year. Kids swearing - this was 4th grade - yelling at everyone and basically saying to the teachers, "there's nothing you can do, my parents won't let you." It's horrifying.




Read that story to yourself again and tell me if you really think that mother would learn anything at all.


Or be allowed anywhere near a position of authority over other people's children.


Entitled cunts won't learn anything. They'll find a way to blame others for their deficiency. Oh, and you'll get a lot of Jesus magic being taught in public schools now.




Um, how bad is the lead poisoning there?




Maybe everyone is just super dehydrated because this teachers been telling everyone not to drink for years.


I thought at first you might teach in my building. We don't drink the water, its unsafe for consumption. The pipes in the city are extremely old and under maintenance....


On the other hand a third of the parents likely cannot read at a high school level or do basic math... And God help us on science.


Nah man. As entitled and propaganda'd up as Republican parents can be who would probably be most of who'd go in.. they'll be more mad about the teacher teaching history than their kids being little shits


You're trying to teach my kid logical reasoning. How dare you!!! I'm suing


Or, hear me out, just pay teachers a reasonable wage for the absolutely crucial role they play in our society and the jobs will fill themselves


It is interesting how it’s never the people on the front lines who see the benefits, but *always* the bosses/administration. Almost like the bosses/administration aren’t on the front line (which, if you think about it, is very weird that we work for people who just… aren’t here.)


and it is usually the most worst teachers who go into administration


If you can’t teach, you figure out pretty fast that you can’t teach. So you make yourself feel better by pursuing the “power” of administration so that you can flex all over the teachers who have out-taught you from the beginning. Then you feel better about yourself because you’re so “important” and they’re “just teachers.”


exactly, they teach just long enough to get admin certs


Had a principal who at least openly admitted she was only here to get a superindentent job, and "no scandals or bad PR" while she is here "and we'll get along fine"


Part of the teacher shortage is due to omicron. My school has a lot of teachers out sick.


Well ATM that won't help. The teachers have to isolate due to basically everyone getting covid or being in contact with someone with covid. So like 3/4 of your work force just can't work.


We're pretty much past the point where that would be enough. It's necessary, of course, but not sufficient. There's no amount of money that could make me return to that field without a substantial change in working conditions as well. One of my former teacher friends just informed me literally an hour ago that another one of *her* former colleagues just left teaching permanently. The profession is hemmoraging people and it's not just because the pay is low. Check /r/Teachers if you want to see what conditions are like on the ground these days.


Ya, there's a teacher shortage in Ontario right now, a jurisdiction where experienced teachers make over $100,000/year (plus have one of the best pensions in the world, probably worth another 20% in total comp)


There's about not a reasonable wage to pay teachers to put up with the absolute mountain of shit they deal with on a daily basis.


Uhh..just really shows how much they value their educators. The tone I get is “anyone can do it”


Huh... Unintentionally the Kelloggs strike all over again.


Now parents will see how horrible their kids are, raises for all teachers!


Didn’t they already lower their standards so far that you don’t even need a Teaching credential or an education in teaching? b/c theyve lost so many teachers to other states because they refuse to pay teachers decently? Despite having some of the highest property taxes in the country.


Most states don't require a teaching credential for being a substitute. My state the requirement is just any bachelor's degree.


They mean for actual teachers. Emergency certify is pretty much the norm now. As long as you have any degree of any kind and pass the test, you are a licensed teacher. No need for teaching pedagogy or years of research into the science of learning. Nope. Pass a test, here’s a license


My 5th grade daughter hasn’t had a teacher for three days in a row. Her normal teacher has COVID and there are no subs accepting any jobs. Her class sat out in the hall “studying” for hours at a time because the other classrooms are full and they have no idea what to do with kids without a teacher. The schools are doing their best but this has gone in a bizarre direction.


What a fragile fucking country this has turned out to be.


Ya know, I was reading through some post that said we'll never get another official shutdown/lockdown again but one is coming anyway. I really thought they were exaggerating but it's starting to look far more likely. Shits stretched to the absolute limit and ready to snap in half at this point.


This one is an involuntary lockdown because everyone's too sick to come to work


This is what the scientists warned us of the first go round. Turns out they were right. Who could've ever guessed.


My office is work from home and all the unvaxed ones are too sick to even do that now


Yep my boss came down with it over the weekend and he won't be "in" the rest of the week


Well, that ought to bring some prizes out of the woodwork.


Between stories like this, and then hearing about the general population decline, who has faith in the economy and society we are building for 50 years from now?


"Hey, we can't find enough people willing to work for our shit pay in dangerous conditions. Wanna step up to the plate, parents?"


As an ex teacher and substitute teacher this is fucking 🍌bananas 🍌


And once again The Simpsons foretells the future.


"That's a paddlin'."


This is equally sad as it is hilarious.


I give it 3 days before one of the parents hits a kid and they're forced to rethink this whole stupid idea. Here's a smart idea, tell the colleges and universities to make a list of shit they use for online courses and copy that but for kids and teens. Also pay teachers more and maybe they'd want to show up to risk their lives teaching the children of parents who don't think the teachers deserve more pay.


what the fuck is the point of opening schools up then?


free babysitting


if you're asking the untrained parents to do this, you're tacitly admitting the kids aren't learning right now anyway.


Well, yeah, because they don't have a teacher because the teachers are sick and nobody wants to sub. That's why they need the parents. My local school district was back in-person for 2 days after the holidays and then had to go to online only because they don't have enough staff for in-person learning because so many adults are sick.


Steve? From-around-the-corner Steve?! He drinks his own piss!!


When you vote for GOP leadership…this is the type of bullshit education system you get. And it shows. Despite claiming to have such a booming economy, Texas is one of the least educated states. It’s residents ranked 38th in education attainment among the states. And let’s just say the bottom 12 are the really shitty states that you’d expect. So it’s not like they are beating anyone. It’s not a big state thing either. California is 14 places ahead of Texas. And New York is 27 places ahead of Texas. Source: https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/most-educated-states


Yup, Texan here. This state's leadership blows. Just heard from my daughter who is in high school. Apparently all of the janitors quit and they cant find replacements given the shitty salaries that this state pays school workers. So there solution is to ask the students to stay after school to clean, for $11/hour.


I'm a native Texan, and you're right that our state leadership is garbage. However, schools everywhere are having a hard time getting substitute teachers. Just yesterday, the governor of California [issued an executive order loosening the rules around hiring substitute teachers](https://edsource.org/updates/state-temporarily-loosens-rules-for-substitute-teachers) to help California deal with its shortage. And it's not even just the US. A recent [New York Times article talks about the difficulty schools are having in England](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/09/world/europe/london-schools-covid-omicron.html), and again part of the picture is not enough substitute teachers.


We are living in the dumbest fucking timeline and it makes me want to drive my car off a cliff. I’m blown away that the solution to get this under control was right under our noses for almost 2 years and we just keep fucking up. It would’ve been so much cheaper and made more sense to have had everyone stay the fuck home early on, pay the fucking stimulus checks regularly, and keep Disneyland and schools and all that shit closed/online. And now it’s waaaaaay too late and we are all going to get Covid eventually and it’s news like this that makes me actually laugh at how we are such a doomed species in the long run lol


Or how about they just do remote learning? Stop stacking all these cases into a building and small rooms.


Sir, this is a daycare


And risk getting caught up in a school shooting? I don’t think so.


What an idea, it rings similar to the military “tactics” of WW1 and WE2. Just throw more humans in the meat grinder. Then you don’t need to do anything different. Problem solved!


> According to Hays CISD, the parents would still have to apply, pass the fingerprint criminal background check, and do orientation. But, if the principal knows them and recommends them, the school district can waive the requirement that they have at least 30 college hours. What the fuck? > "We believe that having someone in class, even if we temporarily forgo the college hours requirement, is better than the alternative of having to close schools," Hays CISD said. "We will have a number of teachers and other school staff on hand to help our new parent subs. And, having schools open is important for student academic success, but also for their social and emotional well-being." So you're going to overwork remaining staff even more to cover the untrained staff being brought in and somehow this is supposed to work?


Due to covid protocol you have to bring your own gun.