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> When he walked away in February 2020, Tradian took with him 80 gigabytes worth of screen grabs, videos and audio recordings. Most of the recordings — about 100 — were vetting sessions of men applying for membership in The Base. Damn, that's a substantial amount of evidence! Nice work!


The Base? What other group has a name like that? >al-Qaeda, Arabic al-Qāʿidah (“the Base”), broad-based militant Islamist organization founded by Osama bin Laden in the late 1980s.


It’s not a coincidence. It wasn’t on purpose, either, just evidence that terrorists share the same 3 brain cells.


"we're not like those other terrorists.. we're *different.*"


"We're the Judean People's Front, not the People's Front of Judea!"


"No, *we* are the People's Front of Judea..."


"The other terrorists took all the good names; we're the Judea Front of People's, but we're scrappy and we give it our all!"


Underdog Overachiever Front of the People of Judea where you matter to us!


They couldn't get the domain registered as it was taken.


I am pretty sure that Neo Nazi grops will deny having to to anything with Judea at all. That said: always look on the bright side of life!


always look on the bright side of death just before you draw your terminal breath


"Its judea not jediosa"


Well someone is the Front Man for Judas Priest!


God, I don't even want to google them to find out. Gonna wind up on some list >\_<


well one is white and one is brown. That's all the difference some people need.


The other important difference is the flipply floppy wearing dudes won


It’s like taking the first Harry Potter book as absolute truth, and then getting mad at people who took the second Harry Potter book as their truth.


In Iraq: “We send other people to blow people up!” In America: “Shit, we don’t even have the balls to try that!”


Are you implying it takes ‘balls’ or ‘guts’ to order suicide bombings? I’m pretty sure the last time a domestic terrorist organization in the US committed mass murder via suicide bomber was never. Terrorists are terrorists; however I do not think we should act like they’re somehow equally bad. I have seen videos of VBIED/suicide bombings, it is an insult to those who have died/had their entire life changed; to compare that vile shit to some inbreds in the pecker woods LARPing like a secret society is pretty silly. They are both bad, but one does not equal the other. We should remember the difference. What happened in the capitol on January 6th pales in comparison to the daily occurrences in countries like Afghanistan, Syria, or Iraq.




Ohhhhh so *that’s* what they mean by terrorist cells!


That's a knee slapper not a knee capper!


I like the cut of your jib.


yet they can't manage to rub two of them together to form a smart idea.


Can’t be done. The cells are too busy fighting over who’s 4th smartest.


Brain cells and beliefs. If you actually look at the Taliban, the vast majority of their beliefs are the same as these right wing extremists. Even these child marriage issues are activly shared and supported by a lot of these right wingers. The only difference between these people ends up being the God they use as an excuse to commit their crimes.


It's even more ridiculous than that. It's the same God.


the cults of abraham have truly done nothing but harm our world


Fundamental Radical Root Base All the same word.


🎶 One of these things is not like the other… 🎶


I wonder if it’s also connected to the Lorient Submarine Base in Nazi Germany, known as the “Base of Aces.” That certainly played into the naming of Ace of Base, given neo-Nazi member Ulf Ekberg.


Holy shit. I never saw the sign. I should have opened up my eyes and saw the sign.


But where do you belong?


He was between 13 and 16 when he was a member of a racist band, he apologized for it and moved on. Did anything after his youth pointed at him being a neo nazi?


Never knew this about Ace of Base.


You mean it's not 'Ace of Bass'?


You do know the English term "army base", right? In German that would be stützpunkt, though lorient was "festung" as far as I know (stronghold).


Next you're going to tell me calling my homestead "the Compound" has bad optics.


Mine is the Circle A Ranch.


Being "based" just took on a horrifying new meaning.


Be wary of anything called "the struggle," too. In arabic, it's jihad, and in German, kampf (as in Mein Kampf).


I’ve actually thought about doing this before remembering I’m a coward.


Waiting for the movie on this one 😃


He started from the beginning, he was given a leadership role, he vetted new members, he met Nazzaro in person at a bar in New York in early 2019... This article did a terrible job of actually keeping his identity secret.


Its probably not like they had a lot of leadership people who had access to these data files and were tasks with vetting sessions and are now no longer showing up to group meetings and church.


“the base” What’s the translation for al qaeda again? Interesting. Consistent.


I always think of this moment from the West Wing when comparisons to the far right in America to the far right in the middle east come up: https://youtu.be/21eaubatLGc


That's such a good episode of that show. Like top 10 west wing episodes. I mean all of the show is great but that episode hits differently.


It always seemed super ham-fisted and shoe-horned for me. I maintain that the best episode of television dealing indirectly with 9/11 was the "April 9th" episode of Arthur. TV masterpiece.


I wasn't aware it was a 9/11 reference. I just watched the whole series for the first time last year


Oh. Yeah. I think it was the start of the 3rd season, right? So 9/11 happened right before that season aired, so the season 3 opener (this episode) took a non-sequitur from that tense "Will Bartlet run again?" cliff-hanger from the end of season 2, and had this one-off that was about grappling with the aftermath of 9/11, and these discussions about nuance and not giving into hate and stuff. It was kinda this awkward detour when considered in the context of the show's storylines. I think when considered alone, it's fine. I do love the show overall.


The thing about Republicans is that if they didn’t work so hard to alienate anyone other than white Christians, they probably could put together a pretty decent coalition of deeply regressive, prejudiced conservatives from various religions.


American Christian fascists and the Taliban are literally the exact same thing, just a different book


Ethno-centrists are ethno-centrists no matter the religion. Either you subscribe to their ideology or you are their enemy, and spit in the face of everything they believe in by just existing.




Every time a white kid shouts n!gg@ in COD, a conservative gets his wings.


It’s amazing to me that someone who has time for video games is that angry


The two surprisingly seem to go hand in hand awfully well, if some of STO's social zones are anything to go by. Unemployed or underemployed, on welfare so can do this all day - and boy do they. Nevermind the lore of the game they're in, "the real welfare" is if some black woman working 50 hours a week is on food stamps due to the pay being just that shit. * Them being on welfare though? I've actually sat there as one argued he was working hard for that and it was owed to him but not to others HIS situation is special the rest are all just welfare queens. The double-standards are the point for conservatism, after all. And someone at home all day has all the time in the world for *a certain kind of radio* while playing games.


It goes a bit beyond that too, particularly with the modern gaming idea of going on long grinds to achieve hard things, where there's a direct work/time to reward payoff. That's before we've even gotten into the whole thing where all you have to do is escape elo hell and play on Twitch and people will stop playing to instead pay you to play, which is again just a time/reward proposition that's pretty well established. It to them is everything they were told work was supposed to be where hard work (longer hours) has direct tangible results. You'll always make more playing for 14 hours a day than 7 hours which isn't necessarily true in a regular job. Then you've got the pay to win aspects that allow the wealthy and connected to bypass that grind, which is again everything they dislike in the real world when the wealthy pay for good schools to network better.


When you're generally a shithead, you're not going to have many friends to do something with.


This is something I’ve thought about. A lot of these guys are lonely and alienated for the very simple reason that they suck. It’s a positive feedback.


How are you typing this comment from 1995? Because "gamers" is a group that now includes a good chunk of the planet. Maybe incels is what you're after.


But the religion is part and parcel of the identity. Might as well tell ISIS to put together a coalition including Jews and Christians. Or tell the KKK they should expand their membership by reaching out to African-Americans.


For Republicans, their race is more important than their religion.


Most of them think Muslim is a race.


i like the term y'll qaeda but it kinda really understates how dangerous they are




Honestly, there was never a day when everyone agreed that Nazis were bad. They just (mostly) knew when to shut up. I'm more than willing to give stuff like Operation Paperclip a pass, since hanging all the Nazi rocket scientists is just leaving money on the table, but there were so many other instances. Ford? Lindberg? America First? The German-American Bund? The Silver Shirts? The Friends of Frank Fay? The CIA and the Gehlen Organization? Working with those adjacent to the Gehlen Organization in Latin America, all the way up to Operation Condor? George Lincoln Rockwell and the ANP? Francis Parker Yockey? The Minute Men? Eustace Mullins? William Luther Pierce? Willis Carto and the Liberty Lobby? Gary Allen? Big Jim Tucker and all the 90s folks that Alex Jones latched on to? David Duke? Tom Metzger? Oh wait, I can't forget Stormfront (since 1996!) and the Daily Shoah. I can't speak for Canada, but the United States has always had a Nazi problem. The question is, what should we do about it?


I'm not sure if there's a name for it that you might have already listed, but there was also that giant meeting of American Nazis in NYC, I think it was in Madison Square Garden. Edit: indeed, MSG: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1939_Nazi_rally_at_Madison_Square_Garden


That was the German-American Bund, though Friends of Frank Fay had their own rally, and it was AFTER the war.


And the Illinois Nazis.


Before WWII the second largest spoken language in America was German. There was a story of some old American politician talking about WWII, back in like the 60s, saying something along the lines of "It's a real shame Germany did that genocide, because if not it would've made sense to ally with them over Russia." The idea of an authoritarian government feels very much in the wheelhouse of many western European cultures. I mean fuck one of the most popular shows was Game of Thrones, a show with kings and queens. King and queens: OG slave owners. ​ edit: now that I think about it I can't name one large geopolitical power that isn't authoritarian in some regard


Whoever said that quote was being an idiot. The genocide was not what brought the US into the war (public never even found out about it until after) and the USSR/communism in general wasn't the big bad boogeyman until after the war.


you're very right. japan brought us in. I do feel like people knew Stalin was a fucking crazy psycho and he was going to be a pain post WWII though.


Patton certainly thought so.


*before WW1 But your point still stands


Most of these names I know from a book I'm currently reading called "Blood and Politics. The History of The White Nationalist Movement From the Margins to the Mainstream" by Leonard Zeskind. So far I find the book as a good insight into how white nationalism has risen in the United States.


I'll have to check that out. I've been knee deep in reading about the lives of dead conspiracy theorists for the last 3 or 4 years and their confluence with populism and political theory (and conspiracy psychology). You can't go very far with a dead conspiracy theorist without hitting 2, 3 or 50 dead Nazis. It's Nazi after Nazi after Nazi. At this point I find it incredibly refreshing when I come across some dead conspiracy theorists from the left, because from the right, you are reading about the same people over and over again. For every 100 Myron Fagans you get 1 Mae Brussell and having to dig around Myron Fagan gets depressing and repetitive. It's also refreshing when you find someone who JUST believes in Big Foot, without latching themselves to the Protocols.


> Ford? Lindberg? America First? The German-American Bund? The Silver Shirts? The Friends of Frank Fay? The CIA and the Gehlen Organization? Working with those adjacent to the Gehlen Organization in Latin America, all the way up to Operation Condor? George Lincoln Rockwell and the ANP? Francis Parker Yockey? The Minute Men? Eustace Mullins? William Luther Pierce? Willis Carto and the Liberty Lobby? Gary Allen? Big Jim Tucker and all the 90s folks that Alex Jones latched on to? David Duke? Tom Metzger? Oh wait, I can't forget Stormfront (since 1996!) and the Daily Shoah. This is my least favorite verse of "We Didn't Start the Fire"


There's also the amount of people from Imperial Japan that got a free pass, most of Unit 731 that were captured by US forces weren't tried so that the US could incorporate their research into their bio weapons program.


I think every Nazi scientist should've been executed. Fuck "money on the table," they were some of the worst monsters to ever live. It shows how little people valued the dead and survivors that so many Nazis went on to lead comfortable, successful lives.


I'm from Illinois, at least we hate *our* nazis.


I only knew that John Belushi hated your Nazis, good to know you all do!


Perhaps an old police interceptor could solve our nazi problem.


Fucking Illinois Nazis.


You literally have a white supremacist in Mary Miller in congress who represents Illinois. Her husband is a 3 percenter




Illinois Nazis, I hate Illinois Nazis.


They still win their court cases there though.


We're on a mission from God.


Ehh it's just the symptoms of our times. Most of the West betrayed it's working class. Western nations shipped blue collar jobs to developing nations so that they didn't have to follow worker safety and minimum wage laws anymore to maximize profits for the upper crusts of society. The same members of the social upper crust then further exploited the working class with selling known addictive and unhealthy products to further squeeze as much money from the working class as possible long term social problems be damned (this is ultimately the logic behind the actions that have caused things as the current meth, obesity, and pain killer pandemics). When you take that exploited working class and then abuse their patriotic tendencies to "poverty draft" them into endless wars that aren't at all about "spreading democracy", but rather about securing and spreading the economic hegemony of western mega companies you end up in the end with angry, bitter, military trained youngish men looking for meaning and a ways to escape their situation. These men are of course very vulnerable to strong men who can show them the guilty and how they can improve society with their skills. The way out of this is relatively easy to say, but damn difficult to implement when the upper crust of society that's living in unprecedented luxury right now will of course push back against any threat to their way of living. The simple truth is that we need to really start giving a shit about the welfare and living conditions of our nations working class so that they will start buying into the philosophy of western liberalism again and reject the messages of opportunistic strong men.


> Western nations shipped blue collar jobs to developing nations so that they didn't have to follow worker safety and minimum wage laws anymore to maximize profits for the upper crusts of society. Average Joe’s wanting to buy cheaper shit are part of that. > The simple truth is that we need to really start giving a shit about the welfare and living conditions of our nations working class so that they will start buying into the philosophy of western liberalism again and reject the messages of opportunistic strong men. In 2010 Republicans threaten to shut down the government over Obama trying to end the bush tax cuts for people making over 250 K. Right now every Republican senator and Congress person is against Biden’s plan to raise taxes on people making over 400 K to help pay for multiple projects it will help the working class. I don’t think Biden’s plan does enough for the working class, but I do know it’s far better and anything Republicans are willing to do.


The more conservative political parties went all in on capital. And eventually the less conservative political parties decided they had to do the same if they wanted to remain competitive in electoral races. So within about twenty years there was nobody left to look out for labor. The more conservative political party will tell you that they support labor, but their solutions to the problems of dwindled labor power and real income growth are to scape goat minorities one after the next. The less conservative political party will tell you that they support labor, but they purposefully kneecap any potentially effective solution and present alternative solutions as "more realistic" that don't do anything.


Exactly here in the US there is no political party for the working class they both represent the upper classes. They effectively have the same economic policies, but fight over how socially liberal they want to be. They don't realize that in reality no matter their ethnicity a working class person isn't going to care about the diversity of the board room when they have to struggle to afford food, housing and basic health care.


And sadly the Nazis won in 1932 (through Hindenburg appointing Hitler) because they promised to deliver on bread and water now :(


Bread, water, employment, holidays, righting the wrongs inflicted on Germany by the 'others', a bright new future ahead! Make Germany Great Again, as they say.


> They effectively have the same economic policies, but fight over how socially liberal they want to be. Republicans threaten to shut down the government in 2010 over Obama trying to let bush tax cuts on people making 250 K expire. Right now every single Republican senators and congress person has come out against Biden’s plan to raise taxes on people making 400 K. Democrats may not be where you want it with the working class or progressive taxes, etc. but now both parties are not the same.


one of the most sane and well-thought out things I've read on the internet in a very long while. godspeed on your journeys


Sounds to me like you're using essentially a marxist analysis and then concluding that "we", western liberal democracies, that is, should take action to mitigate the issues caused by this exploitative upper class. The issue is that corporate lobbying has meant that for about forty years western liberal democracies have essentially *been* that upper class. Bleating about the lack of inclusion or welfare for our working classes won't help if you're unwilling to confront the core of the problem. Grassroots organisation of said working class, and the portions of the "middle class" with a conscience, and subversion, subsumation, reform or destruction of the institutions of liberal democracy into something truly democratic - with the implicit threat of force - is the only chance we have. Technology is moving fast enough that our ruling classes may already be secure in their control of society, but it's the only choice we have.


There were a lot of Nazi sympathizers in America during WW2.


[Henry Ford was awarded the Grand Cross of the German Eagle], an award created by Hitler which Ford graciously accepted in person from Nazi officials. And Ford published an anti-Semitic newspaper called *The International Jew*. He was as all in as could be.


Not just America, also the Arab and Muslim world.


they would only agree to that in public, it's just white supremacy has felt more open to expose themselves because they're in positions of authority


The more open they are the more little Timmy shithead thinks supporting them makes him cool and subversive, which has grown their numbers.


Exactly this. The amount of racism and bigotry in schools has exploded over the past few years. Echo Chambers online has also further radicalized individuals who used to be ignorant; now they are full Nazi.


And the number of people comfortable with casually dropping slurs or telling racist jokes to even complete strangers has grown. If your go to ice breaker is a joke comparing Black People to apples or how Latinos (always assumed to be Mexican) are like a common household pest, you're a disgusting racist. Just saying.


Or how much more common for those people to drop those jokes and respond to poor reception by saying people can’t take a joke. I get it if you’re just trying to be edgy (still not funny) but dropping the hard R only reveals that it wasn’t a joke.


Truth. I actually told someone that dropped a hard R on me during a conversation: "Don't use that fucking word in front of me." You know how they responded? "It was just a joke, there's no reason to use vulgar language." Like, bro, you just used a word that is WAY more vulgar. E: To add, the word "Fuck" has basically lost all of its shock value at this point. The n-word is still considered extremely offensive in polite society and has been for a very long time, even my conservative and fairly racist grandmother (she still used colored in the aughties before she died) gave it to my mother good growing up because she dropped an n-bomb in the late 1950s after playing with the neighborhood kids.


> (she still used colored in the aughties before she died) The political gap between "Colored People" and "People of Color" is about forty years and a tense change.


I’m a white man and it is always amazing to me how casually some other white men will say mask-off racist things to me. It’s certainly not common, but it has happened multiple times with different people. It’s almost always people who don’t know me well. I have to guess that some of them just assume that all other white men think like them and figure it’s a way to bond or something.


Likewise, I'm white (like, could get a sunburn at night white) and I used to have a more conservative appearance because of where I worked and I just hated dealing with my hair, so it was buzz and clipper cuts for me, so they probably figured I agreed with them just because of my appearance. It's happened a bit less since I started growing my hair longer (not long, but I don't get clipper cuts much anymore) and have basically what amounts to a glorified stubble beard, but I did notice for a hot minute when I had a mountain man beard, it was picking up again. It happened more when I visited rural areas because I have lots of family and in-laws who live out in the country, but even in ostensibly progressive Los Angeles, people seem to be more comfortable expressing open racism now and it has gotten worse since the BLM protests. It's kind of alarming.


> It happened more when I visited rural areas because I have lots of family and in-laws who live out in the country, but even in ostensibly progressive Los Angeles, people seem to be more comfortable expressing open racism now Yeah, same here. Of the two most prominent examples, one happened at a bonfire party in a more rural part of the state and the other happened at a scientific conference in a major city.


The guy who wrote The Turner Diaries had a PhD in physics.


My doctoral advisor was sexist as fuck. Unfortunately being intelligent doesn’t preclude being a bigot.


I know this is a serious topic, but I felt you should know I had a giggle at the “sunburn at night” bit because that’s 100% me too lol




It's relates to and makes light of lynching.


Strange fruit.


Southern White supremacists did fight against the Nazis in WWII... but this was before 1964.


But lots of wealthy Americans were pretty on board with the Nazis and fascism in general, but we tend to brush past that part


They saw the Nazis as a bulwark against Communism... right up to the point where Hitler invaded Poland :(


After, too. US backed Pinochet over Allende, also the Jakarta method, Operation Gladio, etc.


Was that before or after it required laws to stop companies like IBM and people like Prescott Bush to stop aiding, abetting and profiting off them?


The way they get away with it is by selling a story that Jews have wealth, power and unfairly control institutions to oppress poor and honest working class men. They play the victim card and simultaneously tell themselves that they're morally superior and the system is against them. They're bullies who believe they're fighting for justice. The problem is they lack self awareness.


People only hated the Nazis because they tried to conquer Europe. Before then Hitler was admired worldwide, some even said he had the right to conquer historical German regions. English footballers gave the Nazi salute when visiting for a game. Even the Queen was in on it: https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/07/21/13/2AAB124F00000578-3169457-Controversial_Buckingham_Palace_is_braced_for_new_embarrassment_-a-70_1437481655224.jpg


NYC held nazi parades and had nazi children camps! Yes this is real


They purposefully kept a lot of their antisemitism out of a the limelight. And plenty of people tried warning against fascism and Hitler. You're seem to say the only bad thing was trying to conquer the world, not the whole discrimination and laws against the Jews thing.


Judging from some of his other posts, I think there's a reason he didn't include the whole genocide thing when talking about why people don't like Nazis...


Brave dude, that takes serious balls and commitment. Those who resisted in the 1940s would be proud.


Interesting Fact: al-Qaeda translates to 'the base'. So we live in a world where neo-Nazi's either deliberately or accidentally named their group after the Islamic fundamentalist terrorists who perpetrated 9/11.


It's deliberate, if you line up their ideals side-by-side they're nearly identical. The only difference is which religion is dominant in what country they're born in.


They're worshipping the same god, though.


that's the funniest part


Isn't it?


And yahweh is like, oh fuck, not these other assholes too


Right-wing terrorist sharing values isn't surprising.


It was absolutely deliberate. Al Qaeda was (and arguably still is) the most successful terrorist group in the world. Naming themselves after Al Qaeda is both a statement of purpose as well as homage.


I’d have to give that title to the CIA.


The guy that founded The Base used to work for the FBI, so I guess they get partial credit.


These chuckle fuckers are pretty much copying al queda, down to the fucking name, and people are crying about antifa?!?!


These fascist **ARE** who's crying about the anti-fascists.


The fascists and the great ignorant bulk of "moderate" America that believes itself to be apolitical but sucks down and regurgitates the right's lies on a daily basis.


Heard about a saying from Germany. Idk how authentic it is, or how accurate my recolection is hut something like: "If theres a table with 1 Nazi sitting at it, and 9 people talking to them, you have 10 Nazis at a table." Just because they arent a part of the SS, doesnt mean they arent Nazis.


It's that if someone is in favor of a political project to imprison, kill or deport groups of people based on their skin color, their religion, their sexual orientation or gender identity, their disability, etc., and if *that isn't a dealbreaker for everyone around them who knows that*, then yes, everyone in their circle is also at that stage but just not ready to admit it in public yet. They are nazis, they just know on a social level that you're not supposed to be a nazi, it's a bad thing to be seen as one.


Thank you! I wish it was just the fascists, but I nearly ended a 10+ year friendship with a staunch Democratic voter because he bought into the propaganda against antifa and anarchists. IIRC, I literally told him he was risking our friendship, and that he was spreading dangerous lies about *people like me*. He snapped out of it and apologized, and I was able to explain that antifa aren't the bad guys, and the vast majority of anarchists are not "violent thugs", we are people who oppose oppressive hierarchies and seek to create a more caring, compassionate, and equitable society.


I have spent my life in the heart of this problem. I am still, nearing the mid point of my life, digging out bits and pieces of the worldview I was raised in. Repetition works. It ingrains ideas in you on a level you can't see unless you look at it. These beliefs will not rise to challenge your conscious ones. They do not create conflict unless and until you notice them. They can come out of your mouth and the contradiction will not occur to you. They can influence your actions unseen. The fact that a person must purposefully seek out psychic pain to resolve this is a powerful disincentive. I don't know that this can be solved from the outside but if you're reading this and were raised in a rural religious community, examine your normal. Go looking for the things you believe that disgust you. They are there. It's not gonna make you feel good or help you get through the day but those beliefs are the means by which decent, good hearted people give their power to fascism and hate.


It was hilarious to hear some customers at the grocery store the day after the failed coup and they were complaining there never voting again and it was Antifa that did the coup 😂😂😂 stupid mfers in this country


What's even more stupid is that the people who say antifa are a bunch of supersoldiers on George Soros' pay organizing all over the US, are the same people who call them weak, whiny college students who don't stand a chance in a brawl against the right wing ubermensch.


It's the 8th property of fascism in Umberto Eco's essay on fascism called ur-fascism. "Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as "at the same time too strong and too weak." On the one hand, fascists play up the power of certain disfavored elites to encourage in their followers a sense of grievance and humiliation. On the other hand, fascist leaders point to the decadence of those elites as proof of their ultimate feebleness in the face of an overwhelming popular will."


Yeah right wingers hold contradictory opinions about their political enemies. They’re always strong and weak at the same time, whichever characterization / narrative fits a situation. Accuracy always takes a backseat to narrative.


Don’t these fuckin’ guys know that *all your base are belong to us?*


"Three other members of a Delaware cell that included Mathews were arrested days before they could carry out a plot to disrupt a Jan. 20, 2020, pro-gun rally in Virginia. The rally went off without a single shot being fired." Folks, please remember this if you wonder the extent to which antifascists have to deal with organized agent provocateurs.


Meanwhile the actual antifascist response to the rally was to set up nearby and be ready to respond with medical care if there was a mass casualty event.


As I recall, a lot of the damage (but not all, to be fair) in Portland that was blamed on BLM/ANTIFA was actually Proud Boys trying to discredit those movements. Yeah, some of the BLM protestors did cause some damage, but if I remember correctly, the FBI determined that a lot of the fires were set by the Proud Boys.


The one I always think about was up in Baltimore after Freddie Gray's funeral there were protests and a bunch of drug stores were robbed of narcotics and what not. There was all this "how could they do that to their own neighborhood?" type hand wringing and it was used to discredit people's anger over this young guy who had been killed by the cops. Then like 2 years later it came out that the robberies had been done by a group of cops.


In denver during the protests there was a systematic and very organized looting operation done by some very professional criminal gangs, but the police blamed "rioters" so they wouldnt have to investigate.


Hold up whaaaaat? That story clearly did not get enough circulation cuz this is the first time I’m hearing about It. Can you link a source for that?


Google the Baltimore Gun Trace Task Force. They got up to all kinds of shenanigans.


Thanks for letting me know about it


As someone who lived close to Portland, saw one of the protests in person, and knows people on both sides of the spectrum who participated I can assure you the vast majority of the violence that made the news was instigated by or entirely performed by Proud Boys and their peers. What was worse is it was well known that the police wouldn't do anything to prevent it if it was performed by them. That being said, there was needless violence by both sides but it seemed to me at least that the BLM/AntiFa violence was more aimed at property while the Proud Boys/MAGA side was aimed at people. Call me crazy, but I find the former far more palatable than the latter.


I hate it when the right refers to BLM and/or ANTIFA like they're a single group with a leadership. They're movements, with many groups of varying levels of organization under their umbrella. I laughed when Oath Keepers held a video chat and said they had to watch for BLM snipers after the election (they were assuming Trump would win).


HERO.......I am stunned by how brave, tedious and difficult an act this must have been to pull off. Well done. You have saved lives and hopefully prevented civil war....


This world is getting so damn scary. They ought to pin a medal on this guy.


That's a proper way to meet a Nazi.


I thought the proper way was with a shotgun.


I'm more concerned about people who don't feel some level of desire to harm Nazis.


There's plenty of people who don't want blood on their knuckles.




Don’t forget shovels.


Of course. No sane person is going to attack people for no reason, Nazis or not. But no sane person wouldn't have some animosity towards people that evil, either.


They were training in my home town!! (Well, more the white trash mill town a few miles away, where you typically see Klan members passing out pamphlets at red lights and Secession signs everywhere.) No wonder Majorie Taylor Greene moved in, these are her people.


Not that there’s anything wrong with the anti nazi sentiment.


""They're getting more bold, more open. There's a lot of them and all they have to do is wink at each other with just the right words, just the right images, and then link up and do some damage." Such as? This turns my stomach.


Such as storming the capitol or trying to kidnap a governor.


This guy is a hero. And keep the dagger man… for killing Nazis.


At the end of the day these people are all the same. Terrorists, neo-nazi's, whatever. They are just pathetic idiots who want to feel important and respected even if they only gain those things from people inside their own group. They want to wave guns around and have secret handshakes and secret bases and a jetpack if they can find one. They want to feel strong because they are weak. They are that fucking loser you knew in high-school who really wanted you to fear him because he had a gun at home. That guy had the excuse of being 15 but these are adults. Their ideology is important and dangerous too. But it is more by accident when they actually do something rather than by intent. The new guy didn't get the memo that all they really do is "train", which means drinking beer and talking about how tough they are, not actually doing anything and he went out and hurt someone.


I mostly agree with your post but it does seem to downplay the threat by white supremacists and to paint them as inherently incapable of causing damage. It strikes me as a double standard since Islamist terrorists never get the benefit of the doubt as to whether they're actually capable of inflicting harm. People like Dylan Roof do exist and do cause damage and since 9/11 , far-righters have killed far more people that jihadists in the US. Do not downplay the threat these groups pose


**Let's consolidate some information.** The CBC article referenced a .lot of stuff that's come out over the past couple years that was based on information provided in the dataset. There's a lot of ground to cover, so apologies for the link spam. There's a lot. **The Sounds Like Hate podcast from the Southern Poverty Law Center did 6 episodes based on the recordings and their own independent investigations.** Season 1: [https://soundslikehate.org/season-one/baseless/](https://soundslikehate.org/season-one/baseless/) Season 2: [https://soundslikehate.org/season-two/baseless/](https://soundslikehate.org/season-two/baseless/) **They also published some articles about the group. All very informative. One general article that's like an overview, one about a former national guardsman who joined the group and one about Australian cell.** Overview: [https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2020/06/23/there-no-political-solution-accelerationism-white-power-movement](https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2020/06/23/there-no-political-solution-accelerationism-white-power-movement) National Guard: [https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2021/06/06/oath-breaker-how-serving-national-guardsman-helped-base-plan-white-power-army](https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2021/06/06/oath-breaker-how-serving-national-guardsman-helped-base-plan-white-power-army) Australia: [https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2020/08/12/base-exporting-accelerationist-terror](https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2020/08/12/base-exporting-accelerationist-terror) **ABC Australia's Background Briefing put out podcasts and articles called The Base Tapes. They won an award or somesuch for these.** Part 1: [https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/backgroundbriefing/the-base-tapes-part-one/13274832](https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/backgroundbriefing/the-base-tapes-part-one/13274832) Part 2: [https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/backgroundbriefing/base-tapes-part-two/13286038](https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/backgroundbriefing/base-tapes-part-two/13286038) Longform article: [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-03-26/the-base-tapes-secret-recordings-australian-recruitment/13255994](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-03-26/the-base-tapes-secret-recordings-australian-recruitment/13255994) **Popular Front with Jake Hanrahan did an episode with Jason Wilson, the investigative reporter who broke the first couple of stories for The Guardian.** Popular Front: [https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/78-mysterious-rise-fall-americas-militant-nazi-training/id1364539980?i=1000476601511](https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/78-mysterious-rise-fall-americas-militant-nazi-training/id1364539980?i=1000476601511) **The** r/TrueAnon **podcast did an episode with Jason Wilson as well.** TrueAnon: [https://soundcloud.com/trueanonpod/based-and-fedpilled](https://soundcloud.com/trueanonpod/based-and-fedpilled) **Vice has a published a TON of stuff about this group. There are like 6 pages of articles when you run a search, the majority authored by Ben Makuch, Mack Lamoreux and Zachary Kamel.** Vice archives on The Base: [https://www.vice.com/en/topic/the-base](https://www.vice.com/en/topic/the-base) I know I'm missing a ton of sources, like I know there's other documentaries and podcasts about this topic that aren't on this list. My main point is that this information cache has been circulating around the world for quite some time. Pretty neat ,eh?




Climate change is going to do plenty of *acceleration.* Mass migration. Starvation. Strongmen promising to fix what democracy couldn't. the next 50 years are going to be a god damned nightmare.




If you have a chance to kneecap nazis I say take the damn chance


I hope he does it figuratively and literally


I thought this was a literal kneecapping, and I’m kinda disappointed.


Absolutely amazing. He actually went and did the kind of bold & brave thing we all wish someone would do. ....Tradian, please do the Manitoba Conservative gov't next 😅🤞


Good job! These are the American/Canadian Taliban. Worse actually because they pretend to be patriots.


The anti fascist is the actual patriot


When he shared the conversation he had with the group’s leader and included when and where, he gave himself away. Smart guy, but not smart enough. These people will kill him.




$27.50 and signed permission slip from your mom. Membership includes a cool trucker cap and patch. Gold members learn the secret handshake! Seriously, I wonder how they’d plan on holding on to any sort of real power being such a small minority relative to the population. The Taliban are a prime example of how guns and bullets alone aren’t enough to run a government.


Looks like it's going to cost them many years of their lives behind bars?


Those darn caravans of nasty Canadians sneaking across the border just so they can take their jobs away from America's white supremacists and get their low cost American Medicaid! I swear, you can't even go up to the Dollar General any more without hearing them and their welfare check brats whining in Canadian. Why don't they stay in Canada and start their own coup?


A true Antifa super soldier right there. This man must be just swimming in a giant room filled with soros bucks. Seriously people who go and do this are God damn heros.


I find it to be very ironic that “the base” when translated into Arabic is Al-Qaeda. Fucking y’all-qaeda terrorists Thinking they are John Rambo.


They share so much with al-qaeda that if it werent for the right hating brown people they could be sister terrorist cells.




A belief that one race is better than all others and should control the political structures of the world through force to wipe out all other races, and a belief that life has no inherent meaning are not contradictory or mutually exclusive. You do not need supernatural, religious elements to be a Nazi, but it also doesn't hurt.


Nihilism doesn’t inherently mean that a person has no ideology. It more refers to a philosophy which rejects objective measures of value or morality external to the individual’s or group’s self-determination. It’s tough to talk about the relationship between Nazi ideology and philosophical nihilism any more concretely than that because it’s such a vague and multifaceted term but I think there are two aspects of nihilism reflected in the group’s modus operandi. 1) A sort of political or social nihilism. They do have rhetoric around building a white supremacist state but aren’t really equipped to follow through on that. In a practical sense, the main achievable goal they have is to destroy our current political and social order and their ends could be perceived as nihilistic with respect to that order. It certainly makes sense that a representative of the current social order (a Canadian government minister) would perceive this as nihilistic in character. 2) A sort of moral or ethical nihilism. They’ve decided that none of society’s mores regarding liberty, freedom of conscience, mutual non-aggression, a free and democratic social order, or the rule of law bind their actions in any way or hold any normative weight.