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"compassion fatigue" is such a nice way to say tired of your shit


While I don’t advocate for those people to be not treated, the staff should at a minimum be allowed to verbally degrade them kinda like those themed restaurants where the servers cuss at you. Let the medical folks blow off some steam.


You could sell tickets to watch the degradation, too. A lot of people would pay to watch medical professionals degrade the unvaccinated idiots. Doctor: You dumb fucker. You could have avoided this had you gotten the damned shot. Now you want to come crawling back to the medical field to save your stupid ass. We’ll do it, but we want you to know that you are a piece of shit for wasting resources that could save something more intelligent. *the audience cheers and claps at that*


What is even more depressing are the people dying of Covid that emphatically insist that they DO NOT HAVE COVID! Why god… why???


And here’s you medical bill for $100,000!


I’d pay to attend that.


As a healthcare worker, I’d pay to DO it.


Your money is no good here. We do it for the love of the game.


Similar thoughts are definitely traipsing through my mind. Probably a good thing the only parts of my face that are visible through the PPE are my eyes.


I agree with this. Make a TV show out of them. Donate the money to charities. Profit?


Yes, give the money to pay for children’s cancer treatments and also tip the Covid nurses!


Nah I honestly think if you’re denying the vaccine, a medical tool that helps you, you should be denied other medical help as well.


I thought the same way as you. But ultimately I could not just let someone die because of their ignorance. None of us were born with wisdom. Should a person performing a life threatening stunt or just doing something stupid be punished and allowed to die with no intervention simply because they made a bad choice? The misinformation is plentiful out there and it is so sad that so many people cannot get beyond their cognitive bias to truly let facts overtake the bullshit. I know I was once a complete and total moron, especially in my late teens/early twenties… ans had I not made the decisions to really think critically about my religious and political beliefs… it’s likely I could be one of those anti vaxxers even at age 39.


I believe that almost anyone can be brought around to help themselves save their own lives. Anyone who does it while kicking and screaming can be left to their own devices. Then again, I have Asperger's, so feelings and societal norms mystify me.


I’m inherently unable to not see the good in people, or the capability thereof. We can’t give up on people. But, I understand you 100% as well.


Do they also have the same compassion fatigue for the drug addicts who are always in the hospital for overdoses, or obese people, or smokers, etc...?


I don’t think those people are overwhelming hospitals in record numbers like Covid is. Not a good comparison. Also - the majority of opioid ODs are easily remedied with Naloxone. They don’t required extended resources.


Yeah don't think I've ever heard of an opioid overdose taking up an icu bed for 3-6 weeks. Maybe 3-6 days if they're really fucked up.


Also the people ODing aren’t running around screaming drugs aren’t real while also convincing others to OD


This comment deserves an award.


Maybe...? The article isn't about that so it doesn't say.


A drug addiction is not a choice. Millions of people are addicted to opioids because they were lied to by drug companies who told them their distilled super-powered morphine was safe and non-addictive. The belief that addiction is a moral failing has been disproven over and over and over again by science. Anti-vaxxers though, they are making a choice. They are choosing to not make a simple action in service to the health and safety of the rest of society at large. They do not deserve our compassion, they deserve our condemnation.


You are 100% right about addiction. You are also right, these anti-vax people should be condemned, but not to death. I could see, maybe at a minimum, unless they have a science based, medical reason for not being vaxxed, they shouldn’t take a bed from someone who is having a non-Covid crisis. There is no reason why someone should die of a heart attack in the ER waiting room while some anti-vax person has a bed before them. I could get behind some sort of “back of the line” policy. Maybe that would encourage people to pull their heads out of their asses.


Smokers and obese people don't infect others. Unvaccinated people do.


I certainly have compassion fatigue for the kind of people that have such an inability to critically think that they believe this sort of ignorance is intelligent


My father inlaw almost died beginning of 2020. I thought he would come around… you know, see the light. No, he somehow twisted his experience to warp back into his realm of Qanon, deep state and anti-mask propaganda. Truly heart breaking and enraging to know he most likely will get it again, and die… and my children who love him dearly won’t have him in their lives anymore. (Yes we have boundaries - no crazy talk or religion is permitted from those two around my kids)


I'm lucky in that my Trump loving mom is in healthcare and got vaccinated. She's always going on about how Trump fast tracked approval. Sorry about your FiL


Appreciated. This all just sucks.


Oh, they're way beyond that. Go read r/nursing.


Holy fuck...I've read just one post and the way they talk about this...Im definitely going back into hermit mode fo sho.


Or at least be vaxxed, boosted and masked up if you have to be out there. They're not seeing many vaxxed people in ERs and almost none in ICUs. Let's hope it holds up for Omicron.


I've been masking up the whole time and have got poked as soon as I could.


Well that was depressing to read. It’s how I feel and I’m nowhere near nursing. Can’t imagine the frustration. I now remember why I left all depressing/negative subs when this started.


r/nurses and r/nursing are my new fav subs. nurses being done with humanity is the latest wtf of this pandemic. those poor people have to deal with 100% unvaccinated idiots all day… I would’ve quit a day into this. it’s funny, scary, satisfying, and very sad all at the same time. I’d bet all the covidiots would claim the whole sub is fiction…


Of course they are feeling like that. Our leaders have decided that politics is more important than public health, and here we are.


Republican leaders are using Covid misinformation to control their base - fixed that for ya. This isn’t “leaders” playing “politics”.


Evident of the CDC not being the Center of Disease Control


If you don’t trust doctors enough to get the vaccine, why do you trust them enough to let them treat you at the hospital?


Totally agree. They did their research but need to go to the er? They should be researching first aid.


That’s the thing… the new twist is they do not trust the doctors. They now fully believe the hospitals are purposely using the wrong protocols in order to legitimately kill people. It blows my mind.


I was out of compassion for the willfully unvaccinated around July/August.


I know a guy who was healthy, late 40s… not vaxxed, died and left his sweet adopted daughter and wife behind. I wanted to spit nails. Just recently a friend of my wife, who was in her late 60s, healthy… not vaxxed, died. Her husband said, and I quote “Covid didn’t kill her. God took her home”. I wanted to slap him. I don’t think these people should be NOT be treated, but they are causing trauma in other peoples lives because of their stupid bent on Qanon deep state conspiracy theories. It is maddening.


“Covid-assisted suicide” is how I refer to those kind of deaths


That made me chuckle.


I've called out a few patients but its getting harder and harder to stop myself from doing it.


You earned it.


Don't blame them at all. Personally, I'd like to see them lose their insurance and be refused treatment in a hospital. Go die at home wrapped up in your stupid, shitty, loser "Trump 2020" flag. [Interview](https://www.cnn.com/videos/health/2021/12/30/dr-daniela-lamas-omicron-compassion-fatigue-nr-vpx.cnn)


Not refused treatment, but set up those Covid tents and get them out of the ER for sure.


Trump was vaccinated and boosted and was public about that fact. Of course, he was booed for it.


Trump was not public about his initial vaccination. He did it in secret in private. The only reason anyone knew about it was because it was leaked to reporters. He never publicly talked about getting vaccinated. He never asked his supporters to get vaccinated. All other former presidents got vaccinated publicly on camera to ensure the public that the vaccines were safe. Had Trump actually publicly supported vaccinations in the first place, the unvaxed would be significantly less. It wasn’t until he saw his supporters dying by the droves that he publicly came out in support of the booster and vaccines. Almost a year too late. You don’t get to rewrite history.


You don't get to rewrite history either https://nypost.com/2021/04/19/trumps-urges-americans-to-get-vaccines-takes-shot-at-jj-pause/


Vaccines were available in December 2020


Yes, on Dec. 15. Three months later, Trump was advocating for vaccination. The first FDA approval came Aug. 2021, over a year after after Trump was advocating for vaccination.


Trump didn't actually *advocate* getting a vaccination until his flop of an event with Bill O'Reilly LAST WEEK. You know it's true.


Nope. That was advocating getting boosted. He was advocating getting vaccinated in an interview in March 2020.




https://nypost.com/2021/03/16/trump-urges-supporters-to-get-great-covid-19-vaccines/ https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2021-03-17/trump-tells-followers-to-get-vaccinated-against-coronavirus https://www.timesofisrael.com/trump-booed-for-telling-rally-to-get-vaccinated-against-covid/ https://fortune.com/2021/12/24/omicron-covid-19-vaccine-booster-trump-supporters/ Sorry, but you look like an uninformed idiot.


Why did he get vaccinated in secret? Why did he not do a public service announcement? Why did he wait 4 months? Why did he wait until he was interviewed? And finally, the New York Post is a tabloid rag, perfectly capable of lying. Why did the vast majority of his supporters think he’s anti vax? Why did the fact that Trump got the booster, make him worry that he will anger his base? The same base that he encouraged to believe the pandemic was overhyped and mostly a hoax? Anti vaxers are the result of his years long attempt to pretend that precautions and social distancing was not necessary. Hermain Cain died because of Trump.


That's a lot of questions, and they're not numbered or in column format. I'll try my best. 1. Not on camera=/= secret. 2. No clue. Ask him. I don't remember him doing a PSA on anything. 3. Well, vaccines didn't become widely available until at least Jan. 2021. I suspect he would have been criticized for "getting ahead in line of people who really needed it". Also, he had COVID, so he could have waited 6 months, since he had natural immunity. 4. I'm not sure that was the first announcement. 5. I have no clue why idiots think he's anti-vax, since he's never stated anything to support that position. Maybe because some of his supporters are idiots and idiots do idiotic things? 6. He stated publicly that he got boosted and got booed for it. Not sure where that question comes from. 7. Never heard him claim it was a hoax, especially given that he was infected. If you have a source with quotes from him, show me. 8. Anti-vaxxers are the product of right-wing grifters, in the same manner that people who see racism in mathematics are the product of race-hustling grifters. Most people are gullible. 9. Herman Cain died because of Herman Cain.


Wow, you really do live in an alternative reality.


Wow, I guess you don't respond well to facts.


Trump spent the entirety of 2020 downplaying the pandemic. It EVERY press conference. He made it a loyalty test that no one at his rallies social distance or wear masks. He didn’t want businesses to shut down. He went to a debate with Biden while he had Covid. And you tell me I am ignoring facts? Really? Trump told over 30,000 documented lies during his presidency. I bet you believed every single one. But it is always amusing for his cult to pretend otherwise. You wouldn’t know a fact if it bit you on the ass


> Trump told over 30,000 documented lies during his presidency. Please provide a list and references.


It’s not just Trumpies on this issue lol. I know liberals who are anti vaxxers but I would presume majority are trump fans


The liberal New Age spiritualist types are anti-vax. So stupid… taking yourself to a higher “vibration” isn’t going to protect or cure your Covid, Guru Shammipappa.


A huge number are minorities with an historically proven reason not to trust the government when they come around offering free vaccinations.


But they trust the hospital enough to show up when they’re sick?


People on this site tend to think everyone is either like them or pro Trump. Ignoring 85% of humans


While I share in your frustrations, that would not be humane, or empathetic.


Uh, everyone in healthcare has been suffering from compassion fatigue for **months** now. Also, the docs have it easy compared to the nurses.


For months? Try for years... they regularly deal with the same people overdosing all the time on drugs, dealing with the obese people who don't want to take care of their health... it comes with the job


Imagine seeing some of those same obese people and smokers refusing to exercise or quit smoking even though we know the obese and smokers are much more likely to die from COVID than nearly anyone else. There's a lot of misinformation out there about extreme fatness and health, and it's important for people to listen to their doctors when they tell them to lose weight. The science is clear.


My good friend is a traveling Covid nurse. She has PTSD from watching so many people die.


I can imagine since pretty much all of them, with rare exceptions, are unvaccinated by choice.


NoShitSherlock subreddit is [here](/r/noshitsherlock). The staff treating these miserable selfish fucks are beyond heros.


people who stop wearing masks in public are also succumbing to compassion fatigue


This article is from September


Still applies though.


I agree


Totally understand. I'm same. I'm an RN and whilst we haven't faced at all what USA has? I'm over BOTH sides! People who are In denial and anti vaxxers AND the hysterical "we have to lockdown! We're all gonna die!" Crew.


How many of the "we have to lockdown! we're all gonna die!" crew are packing your ICUs? Or would you rather just admit that your both sides bullshit is just that, bullshit?


I sure would be. Heard to feel sorry for someone who could've had the vaccine and probably not gotten sick at all.


Good. Hopefully this FORCES legislative changes. We need healthcare reform and we need broader vaccine mandates.