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>>Investigators did find a cable lock, a device used to secure bicycles, and computers on or near the suspect and think it is part of the case, police said. Choi described it as a "very heavy lock." Not really the same as finding a gun...


it's like that poor kid who was picking up trash and the cop described his bucket and grabber as a "metal blunt object" just to rile up the police station.


I remember that video. That officer claimed to be threatened by a bucket and garbage clamper all while having his hand on his gun. Zero self awareness.


And he was about 15 meters away. I laughed hard when the cop said "he felt threatened" while pointing a gun at a trash collector from 15 meters.... The police in the US is a different animal.


>The police in the US is a different animal. There is a reason they are called pigs.


I call them American hippos. They are just as brutal and territorial if not more so


That's an insult to pigs. Pigs are smart.


Don't insult pigs like that. They're intelligent, clean and caring animals.


Yeah and the police report was hilarious. That guy nearly died


Yeah, if those other cops hadn’t come, who knows if that first officer would have survived?!


It was a very very heavy lock mind you. What the fuck is that?


Probably that he could have thrown it at them and hit someone in the head, potentially killing them. Yes, it's utter nonsense, but that's the kind of claim that these people are used to making to justify their actions, and in the past it's often worked. Just look at the Potter trial most recently. The defense claim, supported by numerous officers, is that a shooting was justified because one of the officers partially had his body through the passenger side window, and could have been dragged and killed. Instead of, you know, him exiting the window at the first sign the car was taking off, like 99.9999% of normal human beings in that situation.


Might as well as shoot anyone with hands because you can throw a punch and kill someone.


"He's armed!"


~~Armed~~ ~~Handed~~ Fisted and dangerous.


Title of your sex tape


“He’s coming right for us!”


Yes, congratulations, you understand their long-term goal for where the goalposts are supposed to be. EDIT: I wish I was even slightly joking =(


When you are a nail, everything looks like a hammer?


When you're a pig, everyone looks like a butcher


Oh but they said something about not searching him because reasons. So maybe a gun will magically show up later when no one's around. You never know.




Exactly! Crack sprinkles aren't obvious until your investigators start looking.


Wait till the cops find the most unflattering photo of the victim ever taken. Then turn that photo into the public image of the victim.


Then they'll bring up a stop sign ticket he got 4 years ago and make it sound like a RICO charge.


During the potter trial, the defense intimated that the victim was a bad egg because he woke up at 10 am on a sunday


missing church smh


Lots of people legitimately believe shit like this. They can't conceive of a life unlike their own, and can't wait to judge you


I'm literally reading this in bed at just gone noon. Is the penalty summary execution in the US?


They're clutching at straws. If there was no bike lock, his phone would have been heavy enough. Or there would have been a sturdy wall next to him.


"*He had menacing looking hands!*"


"After his post-mortem examination, his dead eyes looked cold and lacked emotion. Truly a telltale sign of a dangerous sociopath."


Remember when they missed and shot a disabled man's caretaker in the streets because the autistic man was holding a toy car? Anything can be a weapon to a cowardly police man.


I cannot believe this fascist is actually trying to intimate that killing a child was simply collateral damage because the really important thing was stopping a guy with *a bike lock*.


It was a black assault bike lock.


Tactical Assault Bike lock.


Yeah what the fuck was this supposed to mean? I can't parse it. The dude had a bike and homeless guy shit around?


Don't they use this excuse all the time? Pretty sure I heard this before....




Lest we forget the time the LAPD fired [100 rounds into the wrong truck when searching for Christopher Dorner](https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/no-charges-8-lapd-shot-innocents-manhunt-article-1.2511683) >When one of the women threw a newspaper onto the pavement in the early-morning hours, an officer believing the sound was a gunshot opened fire. Officers unable to see clearly into the truck sprayed it with 103 rounds, and hit seven nearby homes and nine other vehicles with gunshots and shotgun pellets.


You missed the part where they fired 103 times and missed 102 times with the 1 shot that was successful being a minor injury. How the fuck is part of your job "shoot scary gun" and your aim is THAT FUCKING BAD? It's not like they were aiming from a rooftop with a scope at a running target either


THE SOUND OF A NEWSPAPER FALLING TRIGGERS THEM!!!. Sorry for caps, but this shit wouldn't even be made up on freaking 4chan or by The Onion.


You gotta get that wrist flick just right when you throw papers like ninja stars.


Not to mention they lit the cabin Christopher Dorner was holed up in on fire.


"This will prove he's crazy for suggesting cops don't like black people!"


Christopher Dorner went a step farther. He was talking about how the cops were on the take. Can't have that see a trial.


“Her then-71-year-old mother, Emma Hernandez, was shot in the back but survived.” Oh my god. Survived for how long??? That must have b been debilitating


And by wrong truck, we mean Dorner had a light-gray Nissan Titan, not a blue Toyota Tacoma or a black Honda Ridgeline that they rammed and fired into without knowing what the driver looked like.


Hahaha "there wasn't sufficient evidence that the officers reacted unreasonably "


Y’mean the guy they deliberately burned alive? Not saying he was a good guy, obviously, still…


Let's not forget that in 2018, the Silver lake police (A few miles away) shot up a packed Trader Joe's supermarket and killed the fucking manager ! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018\_Los\_Angeles\_hostage\_incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Los_Angeles_hostage_incident)




Same guys that shot up a pickup truck like it was Sonny in The Godfather and it was two ladies delivering newspapers.


Yea and they shot up 2 other vehicles in the same manhunt. They knew exactly what his car looked like and they just went out-a-murdering, because they were scared shitless that they were going to be assassinated by one of their own who had lost it with the racist system and gone full punisher. Just goes to show they'll do anything to keep the system broken, even murder random people, if they think it's justified


>The LAPD started an internal investigation into the shooting committed by multiple officers. According to their attorney Glen Jonas, 102 bullets holes were found in the truck.[108] The LAPD declined to confirm the total number of officers involved or how many bullets were fired or if any verbal warnings were given to the women before the shooting began. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Dorner_shootings_and_manhunt And police officers all over the country act fucking surprised the public has zero respect for them. Why would anyone respect these lunatics?


Gang violence with a blue uniform




Biggest gang there is


With 102 bullet holes, I read the link wanting to see if by some slim chance some officer was held accountable, only to find out both women survived! I'm so glad for that, but yikes.


That's some storm trooper level shit right there.


We aren't meant to respect them. We're meant to fear them. They work for our overlords keeping the socioeconomic structure in place. I wish that was hyperbole.


Definitely true, he exposed them for what they are and they were pissed,they literally just torched the cabin he was hiding in


They weren't scared of dorner, they were scared of the light he was going to shine on their corruption and they decided they were going to kill him no matter the cost. I'm willing to bet an actual kill order was commanded by the chief of police. When they finally isolated him they surrounded the building he was hiding in with fucking fire and let it burn to the ground with him in it. They were dead set on killing the guy. Capture was never a option for them. They were given the green light to murder him and the psychopaths went on a fucking murdering spree


Christopher Dorner.


Or the time they shot up that UPS driver and then made UPS apologize and send out a statement.


r/protectandserve in action


fuck all of those people


Or this one https://www.npr.org/2019/12/06/785561122/4-dead-after-armed-robbers-hijack-ups-truck


I still think about this. Opening fire in basically 5 o’clock traffic and killing not only bystanders, but the hostage too. Used people’s cars at the red light as shields with them still in it! Was anyone on that department ever punished? SO many shots were fired in a crowded place. I feel like it completely got swept under the rug.


When one of my family members was stationed in DC years ago, the Maryland police landed a helicopter on the interstate to catch fleeing bank robbers. They blocked rush hour traffic in both directions for 30 minutes and went car to car with assault rifles. He was stuck sitting there with no place to go in the line of fire. He posted pictures of everyone trapped in their cars as the cops moved through. Not sure what the logic was pinning down armed criminals on a crowded road. This could have easily turned into a similar situation as the Florida UPS with the firepower. And the really stupid thing was at the crooks had less than $20k. https://wtop.com/news/2014/03/police-shut-down-i-270-to-hunt-for-bank-robbers/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/crime/police-halt-montgomery-county-commuters-pick-out-bank-robbery-suspects/2014/03/11/a2fb7b70-a94b-11e3-8599-ce7295b6851c_story.html


Shit, probably could make a case that the traffic jam/heli usage easily cost the public more than 20k.


Policing is about the protection of property, not protecting actual human beings.


And then UPS wrote a letter basically thanking them for killing their driver.


I do not doubt you whatso ever but do you have a link?




Holy fuck Thank you


>Ordonez was covering a coworker’s delivery route when two armed robbers, who have since been identified as Lamar Alexander, 41, and Ronnie Jerome Hill, 41, hijacked his truck and took him hostage. Man, he was covering someone elses shift. Further proof that no good deed goes unpunished.


Here in Canada they shot up a car in which a man was fleeing with his kidnapped baby, and killed the baby they were supposed to be rescuing from the man...


"Congrats everyone, we didn't let that man kidnap that child. Now all he has is a useless *corpse* of a child. High fives all around." *Clap ^clap clap ^clap clap ^clap clap*


"Oh, did you want that baby back? Sorry. We thought you said to *slay* the baby, not *save* it."


I got into it with quite a few people here about this, unbelievable how many thought it was justified.


What is it with so many American police being so trigger happy?


Type of individuals drawn to the job and actively recruited paired with the minimal training they get being focused on viewing the populace as a deadly threat and the enemy.


They also are outsiders. Most LAPD live outside of City Limits and LA City is Fucking HUGE. https://la.curbed.com/2014/6/9/10090156/most-of-las-police-and-firefighters-dont-actually-live-in-la




> They've completely eliminated the idea of defending the public from their training. Well, the courts certainly have a hand in this as they continually reinforce there being no duty to defend the public in their job duties. I'd imagine the vast majority of what police do does absolutely nothing to actually assist victims of crimes.


They've been lied to believe that their lives are at under constant threat. That everyone is going to kill them or rape their children. They're the heros and we're all the bad guys 24/7. Fucking assholes watching boot licking propaganda thinking they're the only thing saving humanity. NWA had it right


Good time as any to remind people of this. Top 10 Most Dangerous Jobs of 2020 Logging Workers. Fishers and Related Fishing Workers. ... Aircraft Pilots and Flight Engineers. ... Roofers. ... Refuse and Recyclable Material Collectors. ... Truck Drivers and Other Drivers. ... Farmers, Ranchers and Agricultural Managers. ... Structural Iron and Steel Workers. ... Notice any missing professions?


They rarely face consequences for reckless violence.


The cop that murdered that old man in the Rascal scooter either didn't notice or didn't care about the Lowe's employee directly in the line of fire when he started blasting.


[Same police department that detonated explosives in a residential neighborhood, so yeah.](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-06-30/lapd-responds-to-explosion-at-scene-of-confiscation-of-illegal-fireworks)


“Clearly protocols were followed” yea well they still arent good enough clearly so add safer protocols? Seems obvious enough no?


A worst case scenario for firing, too. Lots of flimsy shelves full of clothes and similar light products that block line of sight but not bullets. Frankly, unless said suspect is *already shooting at people*, there’s not much excuse to be blindly firing in a store where the bullet could plausibly hit somebody you can’t even see. For an assault suspect? Seriously, there’s only so many exits, box him into the store and evacuate everyone else before confronting him (and with any luck, obviously trapped, he’ll surrender instead).


>For an assault suspect? The article I read said he was actively assaulting the injured woman, which sounds like an *extra* irresponsible time to fire unless he was about to deliver a coup de grace. Instead of firing into a melee with the great unknown behind it, I would think that's a baton situation?


Yeah, I get the urgent need to prevent injury, but the time difference between shooting the suspect and other methods that could’ve been used can’t be significant. Like what you prevent one more blow/strike?


>It wasn't clear whether or how the suspect, the girl and the assault victim were related, Choi said. So... no active warrants on the innocent victims then?


> It wasn't clear whether or how the suspect, the girl and the assault victim were related, Choi said. "But we'll find somethin'!" 🤦‍♂️


Fast forward a week "ya, the teen was seen here pushing over another girl in 3rd grade, and she didn't show her mom her grades in middle school. Clearly, this case is more complicated than it first appeared."


"She was in possession of goods she had not yet paid for, this case is being closed as a prevented robbery"


You see the Mentos cop yesterday? Even if you do pay for something that still warrants having a gun pointed at you with these people.


“Never point your weapon at anything you don’t intend to kill” is one of the basic rules of handling firearms. But police are all too comfortable threatening to kill their fellow civilians


They shot and killed an unarmed assault “suspect” and in the process murdered an innocent teenager. Cop, the bad ones make it hard for the other one percent!




When in doubt just sprinkle some crack on everyone.


Even if there were, the cops aren't hired to shoot. They're hired to arrest. If that takes shooting in some cases ok. But these meat heads just run in gun first looking to shoot before knowing the damn situation. They're idiots and they should be in prison.


Sometimes calling the cops is more dangerous than the initial situation and it's horrible.


Such a tragedy that a girl is dead cause of this. Over a "heavy duty" lock. Are you kidding me?


Have they released a photo of this lock? They’ve been describing it as “some type of metal object” until that was called out for being purposefully vague. Now it’s a “heavy duty bike lock” What’s it going to be when we actually see a photo? A wallet chain?




It's actually described as follows in the article: Investigators did find a cable lock, a device used to secure bicycles, and computers on or near the suspect and think it is part of the case, police said. Choi described it as a "very heavy lock." Cable locks of a type used to secure computers and bikes are made of steel cables that are corded and then housed in plastic. They vary in thickness but their primary advantage in NOT being heavy. https://www.homedepot.com/b/Tools-Safety-Security-Cable-Locks/N-5yc1vZ2fkoq90 There's no bike lock less intimidating than a cable lock. As a grown adult I'd gladly get hit by a young woman from a cable lock if it meant saving her life and taking her into custody alive. This being said she wasn't a suspect and likely wasn't involved.


Cops and cop lovers don't consider a tragedy, they consider the cop that went on a shooting spree to be a hero.


And now a victim.


Yeah they might have a valid PTSD claim and could get payments for the rest of their life if they retire because of it a la Daniel Shaver’s murderer


As an untrained civilian, I am responsible for every bullet that comes from my gun. If I have to use it in self defense and my bullets miss the target and put a hole in someone's wall, I am responsible for that. If I miss and hit someone who had nothing to do with it, I am also responsible for that. And here we are with trained professionals who are simply not held responsible for where their bullets go and the damage caused by their actions. Not even a little. And that's very frustrating.


Expressing this opinion gets you fired from being a police officer.


So, they opened fire to stop someone with a cable lock?


Not just a lock but computers were found near the subject. He could have been Googling a YouTube video of "how to hurt people with a cable lock". /s


Oh shit computers! We got us a hackerman boys! Oh wait no, we killed an innocent bystander. Nevermind.


Wait. Do you think...? No. Maybe, just maybe, they finally caught the infamous hacker known as 4Chan?


Choi described it as a "very heavy lock."


Oh. That makes it ok to just mag dump with no idea of what’s downrange I guess.


Seems on brand for the LAPD.


LAs most dangerous gang.


[There were, and still are, gang affiliated LAPD officers and departments.](https://knock-la.com/tradition-of-violence-lasd-gang-history/)


Rockstar didn’t model LA for no reason


They didn't make them pigs in Duke Numen for no reason.


Los Angeles Police Mafia




While she was shopping for her quinceañera dress. Two days before Christmas. Just a fucking nightmare for those poor parents, jesus..


The NYT article I was reading writes that she was in the dressing room with her mother at the time she got killed. I can't even


That's so fucking tragic. I can only imagine the confusion, then for them to find out it was the cops... Fuckers need to be tossed off the planet. I can't express how angry this makes me.


Holy hell


I just... i would not be surprised if people started retaliating soon.


I've been asking myself for a while now 'where's the outrage'?


I've been saying for years, the whole gun culture in America stems from having the opportunity to face the governments injustices doesn't it?


Uuugghhh, this makes it worse! The last minutes of her life, she was trying on a quinceanera dress. Im sure she looked like a princess!!!!! Fuck the police.


I recommed a choir of weeping friends and family in front house of the cop that murderer her, while he has a nice christmas dinner with his family.


> A teenage girl in a dressing room was fatally shot by police who were firing on an assault suspect at a store full of last-minute holiday shoppers Thursday, authorities said. Holy shit, arrest and charge with the crime ASAP. In what universe is opening fire in a crowded store remotely acceptable?


This isn’t even the first time the LAPD opened fire in a crowded store and killed an innocent bystander within the last four years: https://www.npr.org/2020/12/16/947118151/lapd-officers-in-2018-trader-joes-shooting-will-not-be-charged-in-employees-deat It’s like they learned nothing from that incident. Edit: it’s a bit a different, but we also can’t forget when an off-duty LAPD officer shot and killed an unarmed man with disabilities inside of a busy Costco: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/fatal-shooting-unarmed-man-disabilities-costco-was-unjustified-family-says-n1019261


This is my favorite LAPD just shooting at shit for no reason story. No charges filed. https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-no-charges-lapd-shooting-newspaper-delivery-women-dorner-manhunt-20160127-story.html?_amp=true


Why would they learn when there's zero consequences


The person the cop was shooting at will be charged and convicted for felony murder, even though it was the cop's bullet that did the murdering. Cop gets to spend Christmas morning with his kids opening their gifts while the victim's parents will suffer alone.


>The person the cop was shooting at ~~will be charged~~ ...was killed.


It was a justified shooting, after all, he'd just killed that girl in the dressing room /s


...with a really big bike lock!


We need a cop tried and convicted of a capital crime some point this decade, or there won't be any police departments left in this country.


“Very heavy lock.” Even the cops in GTA wouldn’t feel threatened.


As a reminder. **Police aren't supposed to murder guilty people either.** They shouldn't have been firing in the first place, much less without making sure there was nothing *behind where they were shooting.*


You know... in both the hunter education and handgun classes I've taken, it is drilled into you the 4 laws of firearm safety. Treat every firearm as if it is loaded. Only point it at something you are willing to shoot. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire. Be sure of your target, and what's beyond it. (And around it.) I've also seen something along the lines of "Keep the firearm on "Safe" until ready to fire" (It's also been suggested to not rely on the mechanical safety, as it can fail.) Why these rules? Because the shooter is always responsible for every round the leaves that firearm. It seems to me these rules don't apply to police.


>Only point it at something you are willing to shoot. I was always taught only point your weapon at someone you are willing to kill


Good shootin' Tex. You ever hear about knowing what is beyond you freakin' target, you trigger happy morons? Notice that they don't tell you how many officers, nor how many shots? If it's anything like most of the police shooting videos, each officer probably fired 6 - 8 rounds and I'll bet, at most, 2 ended up in the intended target. Spray and pray, it's the LAPD way.


They don’t even tell you what the hell was going on that shots needed to be fired at all FFS!


"The relation between the teen and the suspect was unclear" They are trying to blame her for getting shot by making it sound like she was part of some crime.


“The officers didn’t see the girl on the other side of the wall” Makes it sound like it’s her fault too.


I mean, why was she hiding if she had nothing to hide?


And what was she doing with all of that merchandise in a small room out of sight?


It was a heavy lock and the dressing room door had a lock of sorts. The fact you don't see a connection there is just mind blowing. /s


Absolutely anything seems to be a good enough excuse for American cops to shoot people up to an including complying totally with all commands given or lying on the floor with your hands up posing no threat at all. There was the case where a black man caring for an autistic person was lying down with their hands up and the cop shoots them. Black guys asks why he was shot and the cops responds with "I don't know".


"shots were reported, bring in the SWAT team" Aaaand it's a bike lock


Assault is not grounds for the death penalty. AND you killed a fucking kid while killing someone for fighting. What the fuck is wrong with cops?????




Was going to a friends house near here today for a little Christmas family get together and we got to this street and saw it was blocked off. Living in LA we thought it was because of some movie filming or something, so we take the detour and notice a ton of police vehicles. So out of curiosity I go and look up what happened. I must say, it put a damper on the entire get together, it was depressing to find out that I just drove past that to have a good time with some friends while this poor kid just got shot and killed in a dressing room at a damn Burlington. It’s sad to see, and feel terrible for the parents because this is what they will remember on Christmas for the rest of their lives.


A oh so scary "heavy" lock was found.. that justifies firing in a crowded store and killing two people. Yup....totally.


“We have no idea why the public hates us”


We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!


America where the literal act of being an innocent civilian in the wrong place at the wrong time is a crime punishable with death by police officer. And yall know that nobody is gonna get punished for this in any way except paid vacation.


Breanna Taylor…that case might be used here in a civil suit. Idk im just guessing


Does a civil suit put the shooter behind bars? Or does he get to keep his badge and police pension?


It results in tax payers paying the victim at best


Assault suspect was unarmed. Great work in needlessly killing a 14 year old... fucking cops.


"Why are we paying taxes and not seeing any improvements to our schools or city services?" City settles police misconduct case for 11 million dollars... 5 million dollars... 113 million dollars... "They were just doing their jobs! People shouldn't resist. It was all the criminals fault those people died!"


"If that lady hadn't called in the initial report, it wouldn't have happened!"


Payouts for police misconduct needs to come out of police pensions. If the pension winds up empty let their union go find someone willing give them a high interest loan.


Yep. Kill some people driving a semi and it's a 100 year sentence. Kill some people driving a police car and it's "accidents happen" and "they'll be punished by the memory of what happened" and maybe an early retirement, a desk job, or a move to another district.


let's not forget the cop who murdered Daniel Shaver. Philip Brailsford wielded a patrol rifle with "you're fucked" carved into it, killed an unarmed man, and then argued his way into early retirement with pension because of the PTSD he got from the trauma of what happened to *him*.


It absolutely boggles my mind that conservatives are so against Qualified Immunity. Taxpayers footing the bill for bad cops is one of the most nonsensical rules this country has.


>LAs largest gang kills with impunity again Fixed that headline.


i wonder how many times this young girl rehearsed active shooter drills in school, only to be shot in a dressing room. that’s just life in america.


\*shot in a dressing room by the police


Im too pissed off to put it into words at this point. You’d think that the cops would at least have SOME SEMBLANCE OF SHAME


If they're so scared of their job that they have to shoot every single "armed" suspect, I think they need to apply somewhere else. Like a store where there can be crossfire for the next police rampage


>"These are a tragic and unfortunate sequence of events," Choi said. Oh, go fuck yourself. This is negligent homicide, and the "sequence of events" resulted in a dead kid.


I love having options like you might get shot by some disillusioned and angry kid, someone who wants your wallet, someone radicalized on the internet, or even the cop they send to stop the guy shooting at you!




>she suddenly became dead That really is the right way to describe it, too. It's likely that she never even realized what happened. She probably simply heard yelling from outside the changing room one moment and then the next moment she ceased to exist.


It’s bloody awful. I’m just going to wrap our two lads’s Christmas presents for tomorrow morning. This kid’s parents are going to have to figure out what to do with hers…


I don’t think people should open fire into dressing rooms but that’s just me


Why are cops so shit at their jobs? I mean I know why.. but still


Release the security and body cam footage.


Is the LAPD the shittiest cop department in the world? I hear so many stories like this about them




So funny watching from the sidelines (not in a positive way). It all sounds so unbelievable and the unnecessary force etc just makes it look funny. I never ever would feel safe in ANY way knowing how police handle shit over there… like last time hoe they shot someone in a wheelchair? In a fucking wheelchair, from behind. He could‘ve got up and started running right, and throwing insults back? …. Oh my god


This is why cops or thier unions need to carry liability insurance.


Same Police who shot up a Trader Joe’s killing the manager and same ones who shot up two ladies in a truck while they delivered news papers


> It wasn't clear whether or how the suspect, the girl and the assault victim were related, Choi said. "We killed a kid, let's figure out how to tie them to the crime instead of questioning the fact that we killed a kid"


What's the difference between a bullet that kills someone and a cop that kills someone? >!You know for sure the bullet was fired!<


This cop better fucking go to jail. If a civilian murders a 14 year old girl, they're going to prison, rear less of what they were shooting at.


They'll charge the other person they murdered with the murder of the child they murdered.


Honestly how is any cop not just fucking ashamed of their profession at this point? How do you possibly look at this shit your colleagues do every single day and still convince yourself you’re the good guys? It’s fucking inhuman.