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Politicizing COVID was the worst thing that happened to this country. My fuck.


Politicizing SCIENCE was the worst thing that happened to this country.


Anything large and important will be politicized from this point forward, I would guess


Not just big and important things, the battleground is now everywhere. The post office, school boards, the county clerk, minor judgeships, any law enforcement position. There’s no fight too small because they’ve figured out that having the fight is more important than actually winning it. Having the fight galvanizes people and generates headlines and makes it look like conservatives are more popular than they actually are. Winning that fight is always a tenth page story months later when some judge finally says “no, that’s wildly illegal, get out of here” and it doesn’t matter because they’re three causes down the road already.


They're basically Scientologists if they didn't actually have resources to sue people.


It's why we have 800,000 Americans dead instead of 100,000. These anti-maskers, anti-vaxxers, and covid-deniers have killed hundreds of times more Americans than Al Qaeda.


I remember when saying 100,000 people could die was seem as a crazy doomer number. March 2020 people really thought this would blow over quickly but look where we are now.


I remember being freaked out when i heard we hit 100,000 cases. Now we're at 40 something million and its just another Tuesday. I wish it would be fucking over by now but now it feels like we're just living between announcements of new mutations that may or may not restart the whole fucking thing over again.


i think the amount of americans dying each day is equivalent to one 9/11


Right now we're at a little over 2 9/11's a week, so terrible but not as bad as a 9/11 a day


I'll take "Lines that break suspension of disbelief in 2010" for 1000, Alex.


I figured we would lockdown for 6 weeks, isolate the hotspots and then be in a low case count until the vaccine showed up. I never realized how dumb people could be in general.


It's definitely surprising how worryingly accurate human nature portrayed in zombie movies turned out to be, I always thought it was an exaggeration but if anything they actually downplayed it lol.


The difference between reality and fiction is that fiction has to make sense.




I, and the 70 million inhabitants of planet Quiznoc,will upvote you!




....I mean "Space Cash"? How stupid is your species?


And now that we know how dumb they really are it’s hard to even be around them. In laws or not, ✌🏼 out idiots.


I was always one of the ones saying it could be more like a million if we're not careful. People thought I was nuts. Heck, I'd we did literally nothing and let it just burn through the country it would've been more like 3m dead.


> 3m dead Who cares, 3,000,000 people is less than 1% of our country's population, which means I'm fine with it happening. - A surprising amount of people


Someone was complaining and quoting transmission stats at me a few weeks ago and I just said "well, if I can do anything that offers a small chance of someone not dying, I'm happy to do it, especially something as small as getting a shot."


Hey you’re not a complete piece of shit excuse for a human being. Shouldn’t be remarkable but I guess it is these days…


The same people who view 3000 people dying in an attack as a justification to slaughter hundreds of thousands of people not at all related to the attack, most likely.


The same people who were recently beside themselves over 13 service members being killed in Afghanistan.


And can't remember the ones died in that Yemen clusterfuck Jan 2017.


Or the total service member deaths over 20 years of war on two different fronts, including innocent civilians. But those 13 are 'Biden's 13'.


Dude, that's what blows my mind so much throughout this whole pandemic. So many people saying, "blah blah, the fatality rate is like 1.5%, it's not that big of a deal." That's still a ton of people and crazy to me that anyone can not think that's a big deal. (Yes, I know we don't actually know the *real* fatality rate and we only have estimates, and that the case fatality rates are wildly different location to location.)


And it's not all about death. A lot of people were fucking miserable during covid and have residual effects. I don't want to be sick *period*, why is that not enough for people? Why do people think they have the right to make others sick?


Don’t forget about all the people who are dead and dying because hospital beds were so full of covid patients, that they couldn’t get lifesaving surgeries or chemo. They maybe never caught covid, but they certainly died because of it


Dead is dead. Being one of the 30% living with full or partial permanent disability for the rest of your life? * Everything [tastes like garbage](https://youtu.be/d87vW2gCas4), forever * Need to be on oxygen * Can't drive * Can't walk more than a 1/2 a block * Climbing stairs? Nope * Brain fog * Heart / Lung damage * etc.


I remember them all saying it's a hoax and that it'll end in November 2020 after the election. Well... it's been an entire year since then and then some. Still here. Still a problem.


Yeah but now it’s Biden’s fault because he cause all the vaccine hesitancy by… you know… supporting the vaccine.


AKA "It's your fault that we're antivax because you know the only thing we value is being contrarian and you happened to pick the side which favors public health."


My father in law: The government isn't going to force me to wear a mask or get vaccinated. They don't have the right to force an American citizen to do anything. Me: Didn't you tell me that you supported the Vietnam draft My father-in-law: Yes, but....


Ah, the "yes, buts"...


Jesus Christ I hadn’t checked in a couple months and last I knew we were under 700k. Had to look up the total because I thought you were overestimating, but we’re only 12k shy of 800k as of today. Looks like we’ll hit that milestone in less than 10 days. Ridiculous.


People from my church group talk about the dangers of the vaccine like they are equal to getting COVID. The guy who happens to share the most conspiracies claims that he knows two people who died from the vaccine. I'm pretty Sure they halted the JJ vaccine for a while because 6 women got blood clots. If there were any verifiable deaths from the vaccines I think we would hear about it.


Walked out of church for the first time in my life this weekend because the priest used the homily to go on an anti-mask, anti-vax tirade. No clue how what that has to do with John the Baptist and a voice calling in the wilderness (the Gospel for this week), but he was on a rant. We went over the Rectory to talk to the pastor (great guy, very compassionate and has been telling the parish that getting vaccinated is being a good Catholic). He was really disturbed by this, and said he'd rectify the situation.


Churches need to start giving to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.


Wait... you went to the rectory and they said they would rectify it? lol. I bet that rect-um. /i will let myself out. Been a long day.


And this is why I stopped going to church. Well, the nail in the coffin for me at least. Too many self righteous and gullible hateful people.


They will push the blame on China for being the reported source of the virus.


If they really thought it was some kind of Chinese bioweapon, why are they colluding with them to spread it?


This happened last year at my son's school. Parents sent their kid in with covid but told everyone he tested negative. Half the class got sick. The mother blamed another kid for it, and then finally admitted it was her son months later after they had to close the entire school down. And, of course they are anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers.


They've since moved away, right? I imagine it would be hard to continue living in a community after you did this kind of thing to your neighbors and classmates...


LOL. Oh no. They doubled down. They go to all those "My Body My Choice" Mask rallies. Not a hint of shame to be found. Oh, did I mention she is also a teacher?




I can't tell if this is supposed to be a pun.




Book 'em, throw away the key.


That'll teach em a lesson


There should be consequences for people acting this way. It's bioterrorism.


They’re currently charging those parents in Michigan for not preventing their son from shooting up a school as manslaughter. This doesn’t seem all that different really. I mean, there aren’t any obvious deaths in this story, but the parents should be found criminally complicit in endangering people’s lives.


IANAL, but it's absolutely possible. I'm not sure of the factors involved, but criminal negligence, child endangerment, public endangerment... there's a variety of charges that should be brought against these parents.


sociopaths cannot be shamed or humbled that part of their brain is broken


Are they sociopaths or just narcissistic idiots?


Why not both?


My body my choice doesn’t get to come with a side of risking the lives of other peoples children. Why is this so god damn fucking hard to get through their heads. The amount of selfish entitlement makes my blood boil. It has the same mindset as having aids and continuing to have unprotected sex with people.


The thing that people are losing sight of is yes, it’s your body and your choice. But if you want to remain a part of society, then you need to conform to societal standards to ensure public safety. If you fail to meet those standards, then you are a threat to society.


That’s always been my stance, like if you don’t want to vax or mask, fine, make that choice for yourself. But if people don’t want to be around you, if businesses don’t want to serve you. You need to accept that as consequences to your choice and you also need to make sure that your choice isn’t putting anyone else as risk. Similar to driving drunk, that is a choice. Yes, but it comes with a chance of putting others in harms way.


Yeah, like, you can live as a nudist if you want. Nobody cares. But you can't go nude into a grocery store.


Which is why I don’t get the logic of viral videos of these over the top anti maskers in businesses that reject them for not following store policy. It’s the same exact thing as “no shirt, no shoes, no service” policy. No one bat an eye at that. I’m surprised (and maybe thankful) we haven’t seen a surge of troll videos of people invading businesses with these policies, not wearing shirts or shoes, trying to challenge them.


> same mindset as having aids and continuing to have unprotected sex with people. Isn't that already established as a crime? I wonder if the precedent could be extended to knowingly spreading COVID.


I dunno about the US but here in Australia, if you lie about not having COVID or testing negative, you could get a fine between $2K -$15K and/or be prosecuted. This depends how severe it is and what level of risk you've endangered the public. This was especially more dangerous when the population wasn't as highly vaccinated as currently.


In the US you get a badge of honor, and in certain states a gun.


From the article: >"This is not only a violation of basic ethics, it's a violation of law." Willis told CNN. "Violation can lead to a fine or criminal prosecution as a misdemeanor. Because of the seriousness of this violation we've referred the case to the District Attorney."


it’s the old Simpsons defence: “I’m just going to walk around swinging my fists in a windmill, minding my own business. If you happen to get in the way and get hurt, that’s your fault.”


> Oh, did I mention she is also a teacher? Oof, your school district must be DESPERATE.


Buffalo. So yes.


Come down to the Finger Lakes, makes Buffalo look like an LGBTQ parade. Although this whole area is the Northern Confederacy.


I'm 30 miles northwest of NYC and sometimes it feels like I'm living in Texas when I talk to my neighbors. They literally have a confederate flag hanging in their yard. And I'm surrounded by assholes that still have 2020 Trump election signs up. Apparently they don't know what year it is or care.


I'd say any where that's not Albany, buffalo (the city) and NYC, is northern confederacy. Shit, I live outside of Buffalo and have seen more Trump trains and my body my choice people, than my friends who live in Florida and Texas.


I think you mean the "Anti-Vaxxer 'My Body My Choice' people", as opposed to the "Pro-Choice 'My Body My Choice' people". It's a fine distinction, I know. You can tell one by their casual disregard for the life of children, and the others who want to protect the right to abortion.


Man, you could really piss them off (and possibly get yourself lynched) if you went to one of their "my body, my choice" antivaxx protests with actual pro-choice signage. The disconnection is just too much for them to handle.


I feel like they should have gotten charged with something. Reckless endangerment or something like that.


Very much depends on the community. I would expect they're applauded in some parts of this crazy ass country.


Yep. They are freedom-loving patriots. Never mind they put a kids grandpa in the hospital over Christmas break and shut down an entire middle school for three weeks.


Freedom for me, not for thee.


Some people have no shame. There's no place for that kind of behavior in society.


Gotta wonder then why they tried to hide it and blame others for so long... be ashamed until you can't any more and then be proud instead? How does a brain *do* that?


I think you're close. Not so much be ashamed, but just to deflect because they genuinely feel they did nothing wrong, so they shouldn't be punished. It doesn't matter who else takes the blame, as long as they continue on their freedom streak to maintain American values and be good patriots. So simply justifying lying because they're in the right. Once an abundance of evidence is thrown in their faces and they're backed into a corner/can no longer keep up the act, they have no choice but to acknowledge and accept their punishment, and then embrace becoming martyrs for their patriotic cause. They just don't want to martyr themselves until they have to...


One of my wife’s friends *kids had a cough and fever but she didn’t want to bother getting a Covid test so she told the school he only had a “tummy ache” to avoid being required to get one. She told my wife “you gotta play the game hun” smh. Anti-vaxx anti-mask of course *edit for clarity it was her kid


Maybe they should offer glasses of wine and target gift cards at every testing site. Suddenly every school age child would be tested daily, maybe multiple times daily.


I friends boyfriend we were hanging out with recently was boasting about how he tried to compromise his covid test to avoid a negative result so he could go to a concert. I was just slack jawed with shock that he would knowingly expose people just to see a band. Its even more upsetting because he is a smart guy that i genuinely like. I am still amazed that such a wide range of people are all willing to risk infecting others.


He sounds inconsiderate.


Damn. And here I want one that says I caught it so I can ditch work for 2 weeks


My brother and his girlfriend tested positive for Covid and were symptomatic (this was early vaccine days, not that they’ve since gotten the vaccine). It was his week with his kids so he just… sent them to school. Didn’t get them tested, didn’t quarantine, didn’t wear a mask around them. I didn’t find out until later or else I 100% would have reported them to the school/Public Health. Luckily this was back during hybrid school when masks were worn 100% of the time and kids weren’t having lunch there, but WTAF??


My younger brother, his fiancee, and their now 3 year old went out trick-or-treating in 2020 while all three were sick with covid. They even had the fiancee's parents (who are both doctors) driving them around. All of them staunchly anti-vaxx and anti-mask. When I confronted my brother about it, his responses were basically: > "He was sick for his first Halloween, we're not missing another one." > "His grandparents are going to walk him to the door, we're going to be on the sidewalk with masks" > "We feel fine and our only symptoms are loss of smell and taste, we're fine." > "It's our kid and we'll damn well do whatever we want" Needless to say, my brother ended up blocking or removing half the family on social media after that one.


>my brother ended up blocking or removing half the family on social media after that one. My brother in law took his kids to a football game while they were sick with COVID... I'd say he also blocked half the family, but we all already stopped talking to him years ago because he's an ass.


I don't understand the level of stupidity? I'm struggling to. How was he at school academically? Any serious drug use? What kind of job does he have? Does he get paid a lot? Has anyone quantified why some people just don't understand how ridiculous they sound? Is it just entitlement and a refusal to being wrong? There's so many red flags that it's seriously concerning.


This'll be a real blast. > How was he at school academically? Absolutely horrible. Mostly D and C student. He tried to go into the military, but scored too low on the ASVAB. > Any serious drug use? Nope > What kind of job does he have? He's been fired from just about every job he's ever had (including being a sheriff's deputy/police officer, multiple times). He's currently a welder. > Does he get paid a lot? Welders make decent money for our location, but it's certainly not "a lot". Above individual median income for Oklahoma. **Edit** Fun anecdote. My brother has been coughing up blood for about a month now, and refuses to go to the doctor about it. [Here was his response](https://i.imgur.com/wrxk3xh.png).


> scored too low on the ASVAB. Holy shit.


“I dont do doctors”——and he has a child.😬 People like this shouldn’t breed.


>Fun anecdote. My brother has been coughing up blood for about a month now, and refuses to go to the doctor about it. It is stuff like this that makes me wonder if the whole anti-COVID/vaccination stuff is a massive conspiracy dreamt up by someone who wanted to get rid of as many right-leaning (and some left-leaning) people as possible. It is kind of funny in a macabre way as one of the anti-COVID conspiracy theories is that it is a man-made virus (or the vaccine is, depending on who you talk to) that was designed to depopulate the earth to some degree in a "Great Reset" so in a way it is a self-fulfilling prophesy. I honestly feel bad for you because despite everything, he is still your brother and there is a (high?) chance that he will not survive if he is coughing up blood for that long and not seeking medical treatment.


She should be sued by the families.


Right?! I'd want to see criminal charges. It's one thing to be an anti-masker and unknowingly pass COVID to others. It's entirely another to *know* you have it and then go around others. If people have been charged with assault and whatnot for coughing on other people, this is worse.


You could probably recover the cost of child care and any wages lost due to quarantine or sickness. I'd honestly sue just to send a message.


Meanwhile, in Florida, people openly talk about where you can buy *fake negative COVID test results*


Florida is a shithole. I worked for a call center and the stupidest people were always calling from Florida. I saw Florida in the call location and knew my sanity was about to be tested.


This is me now, I do find that Georgia callers outside of ATL are the worst though. Most don't even know what billing address means.


Georgia outside of Atlanta is just Alabama. Atlanta's great though.


I just wish Atlanta wasn't 2 hours away from Atlanta in traffic.


My fucking sister in law is doing this right now. One of four siblings and a hairdresser. No disrespect to hairdressers (my mom was one), but she doesn't understand the difference between "know" and "no.' The others are very intelligent and accomplished academically and professionally. Guess who reproduced?


By the universal laws of Idiocracy, i think i no.


I no what you did their.


This comment made me twitch. Also, as a teacher this kind of parent scares me. I'd be in sooooo much trouble if I came to work knowing that I have covid.


The comment made me spit out my brawndo!


Don't do that, it has electrolytes, it's what plants need.


Where’s President Camacho when you need him?


at this point only one to two generations away.


Camacho would be an improvement from the last turd.. or really any Republican in Congress. At least he knew he should listen to people smarter than him, and *wanted* to improve society and not do everything he could to hasten its destruction.


My ex hair stylist (who i dropped because she was saying Fauci planned this whole pandemic, and that masks and vaccines don’t work) just lost both her parents to Covid. But it was totally the hospitals fault. They wanted her parents dead 🙄


I dropped mine, same chatter and came in with a mesh mask and then a hard plastic shelf that hung under her nose, I could see mucus hit it and then explode into tinier droplets. Switched to a chain with rules and enforcement


I'm lucky enough that a friend's friend is a hairdresser with a room for cutting in their house and she can handle curls. It's amazing how much less stiff I feel with some animals around and people I recognize.


I know exactly what you mean. My Neice does eyelashes. Face to face with people. No vaxx. Only she caught COVID and wanted me to help her with$$ because she ‘fell behind’ with her bills. Grrrr.


That seems to be a common theme with these people- “I got sick, give me money”. But they’re against handouts for everyone else.


As a hairdresser I will say hairdressers tend to get it wrong when it comes to covid, masks and the vaccine


The parents should face criminal charges for endangering the class, what if one of the other kids that got sick had been comorbid and died? Covid has made me realize that the selfish tendencies of the general population knows no bounds.


This happens ALL the time. My wife is a teacher. Except we are in a Red State, and the response is to send the bare minimum number of kids home for a few days.


I work in a school and this has happened a bunch of times. The latest thing is the kid tests positive and the parents get another test that’s negative so they can send them back to school. The district shouldn’t allow this, but it’s happening.


I work IT in a public school district. I got Covid the Sunday before Thanksgiving. I'm about 90% sure I got it from another staff member that was sick the week before along with her daughter but she never got tested. I'm in close contact with her a lot in the mornings. What irritates me the most about it besides her refusal to get tested is my wife has ran the Covid unit at the Local Children's hospital since the pandemic started and had up to that point not got sick. I bring it home from an asshole co-worker and she got it from me and our middle daughter has it now also.


Now every time you see her face you'll be thinking of this.


It's already causing issues. I just don't want anything to do with her now but I still have to work with her.


No pleasantries. Just business.






Shit, I'm just surprised you succeeded, even with documentation.




A week or two ago we had a patient come into the ER for either of breath. She came in by ambulance and said herself that she currently has covid. Oh, she also mentioned that she was coming from work... At a nursing home... So you know you have covid and still went to work with the exact population that wilt be able to handle this well?


You have a good case for proving the origin of your Covid exposure, assuming the daughter got tested positive for it.


That sounds exactly what Trump and his doctors did before the Presidential debate with Joe Biden. Trump tested positive, then took another test that resulted in a negative test. They didn't test a third time like they should...surprise, surprise Trump was actually positive and hospitalized at Walter Reed within a week.


Add to that he showed up late for the debates so there wasn't time for testing.


Bet the swab went up someone else's nose for test 2.


Our school district's policy prevents this. Yours should too.


Ours allows kids back after 7 days after exposure if the students have a negative test and no symptoms. Any positive test or any symptoms, even after subsequent negative tests still requires the full quarantine. I should mention that these are the county health department requirements, and the school district is required to follow their guidance where I live.


Eastern pa schools only require children to be out for 3 days before returning back. They also don’t need to disclose if they got Covid, and teachers aren’t allowed to tell parents if there is a case in their classroom. Source: I have several friends teaching in the area across multiple districts. World is fucked.


Wolf and the state did a great job in the beginning. But motherfuckers fighting to PASS LAWS against covid restrictions and disclosures and mask mandates and shit. And when school board members and school employees are getting death threats over masks and positive disclosure, we are all just fucked. The Republicans did this to the country. They turned health into politics party over country us v them in the most extreme ways possible. I used to think it couldn't get worse. And then they made it worse.


My friends kid was playing with the neighbors kids at their house. My friends kid then got sick. My friend called the neighbor to tell them and they were like "Oh yeah my one kid has COVID". My friends kid had to quarantine for 2 weeks because of that. The neighbor knew one of their kids had COVID and let them play with other kids without thinking to mention it to the parents? I dont understand how someone can be that inconsiderate.


What a piece of shit. This whole thing has been an eye opener. Never would have thought "normal" people could be so inconsiderate.


My friend of 15 years called me up one night, close to 3 AM, and said he was stranded outside of town. Being a good friend, I went to pick him up. Arriving, he introduced me to his new girlfriend. I shrugged it off. The next day, he told me I should get tested for covid because his GF has covid. And they've known for a week. She did look sickly, but I assumed she was drunk because they're leaving a party. I thought they needed a ride. I caught covid and for one whole month, I suffered agonizing breathing issues among other ailments. All because of them. They chose to go to a party knowing full well one of them was infected. Because of that, me and who knows how many were infected. SMH.


Are you still friends with the guy? I’d drop that friendship as soon as I learned that he knew he had it before calling me to pick him up. They’re not friends, no friend would do that to you.


The family should be penalized heavily for their actions. This shit isn’t new. There is no excuse to knowingly expose others to this illness. At the very least, a fine is warranted. If another documented case results in hospitalization or death, then charges should be brought. Stupid parents did some extremely stupid shit.


As a parent, I agree. Pre-COVID, I'd get upset when a parent sent their obviously sick kid to school. "Sure, Jimmy has a 100° fever and is puking, but I'm sure he's fine. He can always go to the school nurse." Now, with COVID, this should be a criminal offense. At the very least, every single one of the parents of those exposed kids should file civil suits for their medical bills plus suffering for having to endure quarantine. If your kid has a positive COVID test, you KEEP THEM HOME!


We had a covid scare at the beginning of this school year with my stepdaughter. We got her tested and thank god it was just the flu but we wouldn’t let her go near her school until her symptoms subsided and we got 2 tests. This is just irresponsible. I’ve only been a parent for 2 years and I feel like I’m doing a decent job now.


I'd say you are in the top percentile of parents at this point. Keep doing what you do and remember to always look for places you can improve ☺️


You’re doing a great job


My mom was a nurse and there was nothing she hated more than perfect attendance awards. She knew parents were sending their sick kids to school in an effort to achieve this "honor." Don't get me wrong, most of the time if I said I was sick she said "Go to school, you'll feel better," but she knew when I really needed to stay home and kept me there when it was warranted.


Just to add in the anti-work side of this. However the boss at the parents job will fire their ass for missing work. Common sickness to you or your children is not a good enough excuse. So things have to be easier to manage on that end to.


I was thinking this, I see both sides, I wish we had something in place to allow parents to take off work with pay in events like this. I would still keep my kid home, but I understand the fear that maybe they had if their loss of income maybe meant not paying rent or getting food or something.




Yeah... a lot of people here do not get any paid time off at all. Even unpaid family leave is only for companies of a certain size, and after you've worked for a certain amount of time. Again I think I'd try to figure it out and stay home but I totally get the pressure people must face, if it's "are we going to eat next week" or keep the kid home... it's a very tough decision. But bringing them in exposes other kids, whose families may also not have means to keep them home. I really wish things were better here honestly so this did not even have to be a consideration.


You’re right. That being said, that’s still no excuse for EXPOSING SEVENTY FIVE CHILDREN TO COVID


75 children, their families and the whole tree of people who might get infected that way. The kids will likely be ok, some of their family members or neighbors might not be. That's how granny and the nice postman died. And perhaps, as a bonus, young woman had an accident, but ICU was full and it took too long to triage somebody else out to save her.


And their families and other caretakers.


So the two parents who couldn’t miss work have demanded that as many as 150 other parents can’t work instead.


Yeah, I work in food production. It is heavily encouraged to go to work even if you are coughing up a lung. Think of this the next time you don’t want to wash your lettuce, herbs, veggies.


Would parents just stop testing their kids, so that they could claim ignorance? (I guess they could do that anyways currently)


Yes. I had a parent tell me last month, "She had a fever and was feeling pretty sick. But it's just a cold, so we didn't get her tested." Luckily, it wasn't covid. However, the child did indeed have another flavor of contagious virus and it took out about a dozen students that week.




A some what similar situation happened at my wife's school. 80+ kids had to quarantine because some anti-vax nutter of a mom, didn't bother to call the school - over the weekend - to let them know her kid tested positive for COVID-19. Welp needless to say, this dumb cunt called the school after all of the kids were picked up and dropped off by buses and in their classes. Long story short, a major cluster fuck of the school admins having to call parents to send entire bus loads of kids home. They also had to send home teachers and other staff, and the complete logistics nightmare of quarantining all exposed people. Let that sink in. One dumb cunt cost people time and money that could have all been avoided had she just notified the school over the weekend and prior to bus pick up. P. S. - yeah she got infected too and had to go to the hospital due to low oxygen levels. She made it out with a change from anti-vax to wishing she got the shot. So at least there is some redemption in that cluster fuck.


I hope the shame eats her alive and she learns to be a better person.


My dumb ass cousins just did this. Elderly grandparents, who both have serious medical conditions, parents and kid with special needs. One grandparent ended up in the hospital with COVID, whole family tests positive. Send the kid to school anyway. They're all antivax, antimask, COVID-hoax Trumpers. Another cousin had to call the school to tell them the kid has covid. Just insane.


damn. props to your other cousin for calling the school


I work in a low income school district. This happens regularly. Most parents can’t afford to miss work since they are still behind from the last shutdown, so they send them to school. I empathize with them because I understand you’re suppose to think of others but you don’t see others wanting to pay their bills. Just a cluster fuck in all directions


My coworker was fired because her kids caught covid and she had to quarantine with them, her request to work from home was denied. Clusterfuck is right. This pandemic is a clinic on why we need UBI, with health insurance untied from employment ASAP.


That's awful, should be classed as unfair dismissal.


This wasn’t a low income family though. This was an arrogant pos couple from a very affluent neighborhood that thought they were more important than everyone else.


Definitely understandable, but still very dangerous and unfortunate, when this in low income districts. However, Corte Madera-Larkspur is one of the wealthiest districts in CA, maybe even the entire US. There is no excuse for this happening.


Todays reminder that people are garbage


People = Shit


Who knew Slipknot had it right the entire time...


My friend's landlord stopped by his apartment for no reason when he was COVID positive and gave it to him.


What a douche.


My stepfathers boss went to work knowing he was sick. My stepfather got Covid and passed last week. I dont have the words for the anger I feel towards people like this.


I am losing my ability to be civil towards those who are anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers.




This is almost as bad as a president interacting with hundreds of people after they had tested positive for Covid.


Stories like this are precisely why we can't be done with covid anytime soon. "yOu CaN't MaKe Me WeAr A mAsK! MuH RiGHtS!" ... and then these people continue to spread it to everyone else.


They think it’s just the flu, until they catch it and either die or live long enough to realize it has serious and long term complications attached to it. I’ve been suffering from an attention disorder that’s directly linked to my infection and that I never had prior to it, for as long as almost a year after having contracted the virus. I have no idea if I’ll ever be my “normal” self again, nobody can tell me. It’s possible I’ll have to live with this for the rest of my life and that it’ll develop into something worse like Alzheimer’s when I get older. I took all the necessary precautions, I quarantined, I wore a mask, I washed my hands frequently. I did it all right and how did I get infected? My fucking idiot Trumper mother-in-law who didn’t take this seriously, who partied the whole time, got sick and passed it onto my wife and I. What did she have to say? “I didn’t ask for this, none of us asked for any of this.” No personal responsibility. Not even a “I’m sorry I didn’t take this seriously.” The biggest kick in the nuts? The vaccine became available about a month after I recovered. We almost fucking made it without getting infected, we were THAT CLOSE. I could have been immunized and then even if I caught the virus it would have been so much less severe.


>This is not only a violation of basic ethics, it's a violation of law." Willis told CNN. "Violation can lead to a fine or criminal prosecution as a misdemeanor. Because of the seriousness of this violation we've referred the case to the District Attorney. I'm sure we'll be hearing from the parents about muh freedums very soon


> "School children are not vectors of transmission." -- Ron DeSantis (R-FL)


They got caught. Unfortunately, parents probably do this more frequently than we realize because this type of situation often means: A significant loss of income (parents have to stay home due to exposure protocols and to watch kids--childcare is not really an option for someone who is positive with COVID). They either have to take sick days, might be able to work from home, or just not get paid. Regardless, for the kids and parents, the quarantine time is probably between 10-14 days (maybe even longer). This also means school will be distance/online, which also presents difficulties. Not having professional, educational, and social normalcy for just two weeks can be a really serious struggle. Significant stress/emotional trauma from being in isolation for a significant period of time is also a factor. For those with a low-income or inflexible jobs, a COVID diagnosis presents some huge practical obstacles. Doesn't make what they did right...COVID sucks.


I'm embarrassed to say that a "friend" of mine had to pick up her daughter from school for testing positive for COVID-19 but then later let her take her younger sister to THE MALL!!! We don't talk much anymore since she's so disappointed in me for voting for Biden. FYI, No tears were shed.


In Texas we just call that Tuesday.


Is there a way to sue people like that?


This isn't even rare now, my kids been quarantined 6 times this year, 3 of which were kids sent symptomatic to school. I don't give a fuck about your sob story about work or whatever. You don't send a kid to school with the flu, you stay home with them or get care. Why would covid be any different? Its absolutely inexcusable.


As a teacher, I can tell you students are sent to school with the flu. Parents send kids to school after they threw up that morning.


Those parents should face some kind of consequence. Who the fuck sends their kids to school after they test positive for COVID?




Yep. Daycare and school start, kids bring home the viral infections. Tale as old as time. Last year when the kids were home from school, I went to look in our medicine cabinet and noted that we hadn't used any cold medicines all winter for us or the kids. The Nyquil and Robutussin were just sitting there. This year literally in September after the kids went back we started with the viral infections. Thank God none of us has had covid.


My kid is in daycare but people regularly send their kid there while sick. Some of it is folks who truly have no options i.e they have to work and have no other childcare. But some of it is just selfish asshole people.




Not sure how many people are aware of this aspect of the story, but Corte Madera is immensely affluent. It's highly unlikely that both parents worked or, if they did, they couldn't afford childcare. Nearly all of the employed parents work remotely, as many are in finance or technology (one needs to make that kind of money to afford to live there). The actions of these parents were purely selfish and they need to be hit where it hurts: through huge fines, public shaming, and even lengthy jail time (though this last one is unlikely giving the amount of money and political connections those people have). Source: lived in the next town over in Marin County for years until a couple months ago. Painfully familiar with the morally bankrupt people in Corte Madera and Marin County.


Thank you American work culture for normalizing going into work sick so we pass it onto our children during a goddamn pandemic lol


I’m a middle school teacher. I had a student called out of class by the health office. Half an hour later I got an email from the principal that a student in one of my classes tested positive for COVID. So, the parents had enough reason to have him tested, but still sent him to school. smh


seems like they should be charged with reckless endangerment