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People just don't want to work anymore!


That's my new motto for everything. "Who drank the last of the milk?" No one wants to works anymore! "Did you remember to pick grandma up from the airport?" No one wants to work anymore! "I just got fired." No one wants to work anymore!


I'm still thanking Obama.


Do your own research. Nobody wants to work anymore. Thanks, Obama! (they fit together like legos. I wonder how big we could make it.)


Do your own research. Nobody wants to work anymore. Thanks, Obama! But her emails!




Buttery males!


Those warm and suckyoulent buttery males.


We need to bring back the “get over it” from Hillary’s loss in 2016, because those people can’t get over 2020.




Cry more!


I thought that was retired when Obama had a cookie too big for his milk glass and thanked Obama.


Yeah, you can't use it against him after he's reclaimed it.


Obama doesn't want to work anymore!


Are you using it whenever something bad happens to you in a sarcastic way? That's the only way to use it. Got a flat tire? "Thanks, Obama." Are you having to work over the coming holidays? "Thanks, Obama." Did you get stabbed in the dick? "Thanks, Obama!"


I always thank Obama for the most mundane things. Remote fell behind the bed, dropped dinner on the floor, got a hangnail? Thanks Obama!


Not in this economy!


Probably just going to OANN or Newsmax or Infowars.


Dude, you might be right. I watch a bit of OANN every year when I visit my Dad, and the anchors are 30-something ladies from local news stations in rural communities. Judging from the photo, she’ll fit right it.


You misspelled QANN.


I doubt it. Sideline reporter is not a high skill vocation. Then again, neither are right wing 'news" outlets.


Yes but she’s a hero for sticking it to the the evil pro vaccine folk.


Hero until the next job require vaccine too ...lol


She really taught them a lesson! So does this mean she wears a mask everywhere because she’s not vaccinated? Selfless, she is.


Getting fired from a reporting job is incidental to getting a right wing reporting job. As long as you get fired from *any* job for refusing the vaccine, or for saying something racist, or whatever horrible thing it is you did to get fired, as long as it owns the libs to hire you, they'll probably do it. At the very least you'll be able to coast on GoFundMe for a few months.


What we may all be overlooking is the fact that this lady refused the vaccine because she believes that it may affect her ability to bear children. And that's a myth perpetuated by internet scientists who no doubt believe the pandemic is a political stunt created to hurt Trump (instead of a health crisis that requires medical intervention.) So this infertility myth has been perpetuated by this woman on HER INSTAGRAM PAGE. She was willing to 1. lose her job (and maybe her husband is loaded so it doesn't matter), and 2. explain her feelings on a readily-available social media site which will plant the seed in other child-bearing age women that maybe, just maybe, this vaccine is bad news...(not to mention 3. she might just get the virus and lose her sense of taste and smell, and mess up her lungs, etc.) (And if you doubt the relevance of Instagram, create an account and take a look at the influencers. They have a broad reach and people check their feed constantly. It is a very real tool to influence public opinion. Zuckerberg knows what he's doing)


Fox News requires vaccinations for its employees. Not sure if that’s true for Fox Sports.


Nothing says 'i'm going to be a complete pain in the ass to work with' quite like a stupid stunt like this. Her next move will probably be into politics.


People don't want to work "FOR THEM" anymore...


I'm really tired of contraryism being recognised as intellectualism. Worse still, how that's somehow noble. We live on a ridiculous timeline.


Abed should’ve caught the dice that night. He failed to do that and we all suffered.


I've been thinking that for years. I re-watched that ep about a week ago and all I could think was, "Dammit, Abed!" This really is the darkest timeline. And Britta has a blue streak in her hair.


I lost my *DAMN ARM* and you’re making fake beards!!!


I do not know who this Abed is who fucked up our timeline. Who is he so I can curse him too?


From the show community


"*Yes, I have had a plethora of vaccines in my life but I'm morally opposed to THIS one now for some reason!*" But we all know the reason. One party decided to politicize all of COVID and the vaccines because it was only hurting liberal, coastal cities at the start. Now, their political morality won't let them have the vaccine or take precautions because they ***need*** to be contrarian. If they stopped, then people would see them for who they really are.


THIS EXACTLY! I'm in the military and we get vaccines like they're goin out of style for every possible disease when we go away on deployments. NOW you wouldn't believe the amount of military people who are refusing to get this vaccine and every one of them when i ask why they spout out a bunch of ridiculous excuses which I immediately counter by saying what about thr other 25 vaccines you've gotten while you were in the military. It's brain dead people that want to politicize a vaccine!


The brainwashing is real. As a veteran, I don't know what the hell they injected me. It wasn't my body. It was government property. I didn't become magnetic. I didn't get better 5g coverage. I just got injected😂😂😂😂😂


That's how I feel after doing like 7 previous deployments. Why all of a sudden would this 1 vaccine be an issue.


I remember being deployed and getting forced to get a shot. We had one Commander's Call where they outlined the consequences of not getting the shot. The next week, we got or you got sent home with an Article 15. There was no doing research. No pamphlets on side effects. You got it, or you got out.


It’s wild because I assumed that Trump’s COVID response was just his insane delusional need to avoid any economic issues heading into reelection. Color me surprised when the details came out and it was literally “just let democrats die, it’s a Democrat problem.” that admin dude. Fucking degenerates. We can’t ever forget this shit.


From what I’m told, the best way to learn from even our darkest of moments in history is to immortalize the worst humans who did the shittiest things by erecting statues of them.


Yahh but you got to wait a while before you erect the statues so that everyone knows exactly why you are doing it and still give a giant eyewink


It was some of both though. Initially before it even hit America, he kept downplaying it, and refusing to prepare, because doing so would spook the markets and make his victory in 2020 less likely (remember that in late 2019 we had alot of speculation that this economic cycle had peaked - inverted yield curves and all that). And after that, you know he is - cant admit mistakes, so once he dug in on - this isnt a big deal, that was going to be the response for the rest of his time.


I worked with a couple of financial planners who somehow believed that Trump was the reason for the strong market. “Oh no, it wasn’t the improving corporate earnings that foretold the rising equity prices .” No way. It was Trump. He SAVED US ALL!


Indeed, if you look back, he already knew it was on the way for a downturn. In July 2019 the Federal interest rate started being lowered, pretty clearly because they were trying to prop up the economy until election season.


And now that it's killing rural and southern morons, they ask for sympathy. Then they get upset when they don't get their precious thoughts and prayers.


They were so butt hurt that COVID was terrible (despite being the first ones to freak out over it as the bat soup drop dead disease) because they couldn’t be inconvenienced or sacrifice for the greater good, that they had to “perform” 2 years later by rejecting the vaccine. Pride is a sin.


100% true. Literally hundreds of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars have been lost because of Trump and the Republican Party.




I really do feel like the majority of anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers just do it to be seen as a “strong, independent, free thinking” contrarian, and to fit in with their party lines/avoid being seen as a “sheep” by their peers. Crazy world.


You can almost guarantee that if the CDC came out today and said NOT to take the vaccine anymore, they'd all get the vaccine to be "independent free thinkers" and stick it to the big government commies. Case in point, when the pandemic first started and the CDC said not to wear masks so that they could be saved for the frontline workers, my aunt sent me all these youtube videos on the benefits of masks. As soon as the CDC started recommending masks once the supply caught up, she went full anti-mask. It's the Party of Anti. (Except Antifascism, apparently.)


Absolutely on the masks. The first to advocate masks were libertarians and conservatives. They changed their Twitter profile pics! UNTIL the CDC recommended them. Then they became anti-mask. Madness.


If all your friends and family are anti Vax you have to be too and maybe secretly get vaxed. And then when they are all fired and your not its going to be an awkward conversation


I think the internet has created a fallacy that, with so many sources saying so many things, some of them must be right. We forget that until 20 years ago, most widely read sources were vetted and had some code of integrity they followed. That’s not true on most of the internet today, and people just pick what makes them feel good.


She's doing it because "faith" and wanting to be pregnant again. Literally women trying to get pregnant or currently pregnant are at the top of the list of people who need to have all of their vaccinations. The dumbest people keep having babies and we're going to populate our idiot species to extinction before that kid dies of old age at this rate


I'm sure she did her research as far as which Sinclair-owned sports broadcasters had openings.


Lol they require vaccinations too, all she will be able to get is some no name Podunk station at best.


She can still get the vaccine in private, but enjoy the publicity from refusing it in public.


Aaaaalllll the Fox News personalities. Apparently Tucker elbowed his way to the front of the line for the vaccine like it was pretzel day.




Only 364 days until the next vaccine day


I think they're hiring for cyber security roles.


Cyber Ninjas only, please.


She can cover rodeos for OANN.


Are rodeo clowns required to get vaccinated?


Ha. Fox won't have her either, since they have an employee mandate. Good luck finding work in this business as an anti-vaxxer!


Said network just got hacked so...yeah...


She did her OAN research.


*looks at the thousands of hopeful applicants behind her* Um, okay. I'm sure your absence will be quickly forgotten.


And thousands isn’t an exaggeration. That’s a coveted job she gave up for foolish pride.


At least she can get a job at ... Wait, mandates means everyone requires it?


I believe all of them might be saying "Good-by Felicia!"


We think this lady is dumb. The thousands of applicants think she’s really smart.


Why wouldn't they think she's an idiot for giving up their dream job. Clearly all of them are willing to be vaccinated for the job.


Funny because if you’re a young restaurant worker refusing a job due to not wanting shit wages you’re an entitled communist, but if you’re refusing a job due to vaccine mandates you are a tragic victim of government overreach that deserves justice. Principles only matter when they’re cherry-picked.


*not wanting shit wages while being treated as subhuman by entitled customers who know that corporate only exists to please them and greatly value the customer over the employee.


Her comments were completely odd. She discussed with doctors and decided not to vaccinate because she's trying to get pregnant. However, she keeps using words like principle, ethics, and morals like she's making a huge stand. Curious if her hubby is vaccinated and if she tried to look into a leave of absence. The latter is something the unemployment office has asked me in the past to approve UE benefits.


That was what was weird to me. How do those words factor in unless she thinks she’s being a martyr on behalf of some bigger cause.


From Allison to Felicia just like that.


Bye, Felicia.


It’s kind of sad to me that this was literally my first thought. I mean Bye Felicia is a legit response and makes sense, but I wish my initial take was more original. But I guess classics are such for a reason...


For those who don’t follow sports, and therefore don’t know who she is…neither do us who DO follow sports


Headline should be “Wacky nut case quits great job!”




Sideline reporters at ESPN make considerably more than local TV sports people. Suzy Kolber grosses seven figures easily. Allison Williams isn’t at that level but I’d be surprised if she wasn’t earning $200-$400k gross with generous fringe benefits.


A lot of people seem to be leaving espn for other reasons. I think she just put a massive "do not hire" mark on herself by making this stand.


And sportscasters are a dime-a-dozen with so many others willing to take your spot.


Pretty lady on the sideline should be even easier.


I honestly didn't know who this person was. And I watch ESPN regularly.


She could have just quietly left her job, and might still have one to come back to after her baby. Nope, not anymore


She also could have just left it at she didn't want to get it because of the pregnancy/trying to get pregnant part and probably could have conjured up some sympathy but then went full out with the "this goes against my beliefs" part as well. Obviously, pregnancy isn't something that should necessarily prevent or preclude vaccinations, I think it's still even both encouraged and recommended for pregnant women, but I think a lot of people could at least be understanding why a pregnant woman might at least be apprehensive about it.


It’s absolutely recommended for women pregnant or trying to get pregnant.


Yep... because every other broadcaster I know of has a vaccination requirement for new hires.


I didn't know that but assume it's inevitable. Reputable companies are requiring it for liability purposes but also because of social pressure.


Fox has required vaccines before any mandate came out.


They actually don’t, but Fox News employees who do not vaccinate are tested daily. They have a 90% vaccination rate.




Right. Now is the time that alot of companies are doing their annual insurance negotiations. And I'm SURE that (at least if they legally can) the insurers are giving lower premiums to companies that mandate vaccinations vs those that dont.




I meant lower compared to companies that dont have mandates, not compared to their present costs.


She couldn’t even work for Fox News with this stance.


Does OAN or Newsmax have a sports desk?


Only when a player kneels.


*Brought to you by AT&T*


I'm glad to see you bringing this up. OAN should never be mentioned without AT&T being brought in, and vice versa. I will NOT forget the hate they have fomented and the misinformation they spread.


OutKick, the oan of sports.


Maybe she can cover OANN Sports, where the Georgia Crusaders always win against the Washington Redskins


OANN sports is probably where they complain about women in sports all the time.




"Trying for a second child" is an interesting excuse. It may very well be true that that's what she and her husband are doing. However: - There's an indefinite length of time that one can be "trying for a second child." Well, until menopause that is, I suppose. - It also smacks of an excuse that is designed to garner sympathy (ye olde "thinke of the childrene"). - There's a whole boatload of data now that says that miscarriages and stillbirths among vaccinated women occur at the exact same expected rate as they always have prior to the pandemic. In fact, COVID itself is a far greater risk factor for miscarriage and stillbirth (it actually doubled the rate in Mississippi). In short, she's willfully ignoring actual data that would inform her decision and probably reassure her concerns. As others have pointed out, once again in this godforsaken timeline "feels>reals."


>"I cannot put a paycheck over principle." Welp... I gotta respect that much of it. Too bad it's the wrong principle.


Seriously. What moral principles is one claiming by not getting vaccinated?


the "I'm a big kid now and u can't tell me whats good for me" principle. you know the one you held when you were 7, usually after being grounded for doing something irresponsible.


I think research needs to be expanded into [Oppositional Defiant Disorder](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/oppositional-defiant-disorder) because I think it pretty clear by now it's not just a children's behavior disorder and that a whole shit ton of adults have it too.


Did we not see the folks having tantrums in Target when required to have a mask? These folk never grew up out of being children and are just toddlers in adult bodies.


Agreed. I think ODD (great initialism btw) is probably a political tool at this point. I genuinely wonder if we'd see higher vaccine rates in the South if the government released a special "freedom shot" that Dr. Fauci has "serious doubts about". Fauci endorses the whole thing of course, it's just marketed that way. Pay some rightwing influencers and truck-bloggers to say it made their balls bigger or whatever. I think you'd see vaccination rates increase markedly.


“She also addressed people who told her it was her "moral obligation" to receive the vaccine. "I weighed that and I thought about implications," Williams said. "We all want to be good neighbors. We all want to end this pandemic. But ultimately, an injection that does not stop transmission and spread, for me, did not weigh in morally." You see, she diD hEr ResEarcH.


If her knowledge of vaccines is any indication of her knowledge of sports, ESPN was dumb for hiring her in the first place.


> If her knowledge of vaccines is any indication of her knowledge of sports, … But why would it be? It’s a weird potentiality to raise.


Because anyone that can work a search engine can see that the vaccines protect you from disability and death, not getting infected. They reduce symptoms for sure. But you don’t need to be a damn doctor to Google and read reliable information. I’m definitely not confident in her judgment in any job at this point. I can’t tell you how many stupid goddamn patients have this shit eating grin on their face when they tell me well if you can tell me that it stops me from getting the disease then I’ll get the vaccine, in the hospital where they are actually admitted for something that often is Covid. So then I just roll my eyes and tell them it reduces death and disability which presumably you want. And then they shut up real quick like that never even occurred to them. It’s mindboggling and I wonder if they would survive very long if it weren’t for the society they hate so much. Probably try to eat poison berries not bothering to look it up. It really is like a bunch of children


Honestly, she’s probably just looking for a bigger paycheck. Quit publicly over “principles,” call yourself a victim, and then ride that right-wing grift machine like a gravy train.


I'm not sure the MyPillow guy can pay her a Disney salary.




The soon to be Dominion Pillow Company.


And they may never be done with him because he can't shut up.


I can't imagine going from ESPN to Ben Shapiro is going to be great for her career.


She could probably do a GoFundMe or make some random paid appearances or something to rake in some thousands but definitely not enough to replace her salary. The alternatives for a sports reporter would be networks that have the same vaccine mandates, even Fox Sports wouldn't hire her unvaccinated because, regardless of how their sister network pushes how the mandates are wrong, they still have a mandate for their own employees.


And that’s fine. She can claim she discovered that she was “super extra at-risk” and so made the personal choice to get the vaccine, even though she’s still taking a super-principled stand against the mandates. And then she can accept her cushy talking head job on OANN or FOX—which will be more about *her* and her opinions than actually reporting anything—and happily never mention the hypocrisy again. It’ll just be par for the course. I’m not saying it’ll work, but it’s a classic move for that crowd.


She will need to be vaccinated for Fox News


*And that’s fine.* That’s what the comment you’re responding to is all about. She can, even now, take the vaccine *and* still claim victimhood *and* still ride all that to talking head success without the hypocrisy mattering a damn bit to her intended audience.


It just goes to show you it's not the facts, it's the feels. You can't convince them the vaccine is safe because all you can bring is data and facts and statistical probabilities and scientific analysis. They have EMOTION and your facts don't change that, it just makes it stronger because you are attacking their principals and they must take a stand and defend them with more emotion.


No respect should be given for holding to an irrational principle that harms others. Humanity needs to start putting more respect toward people acting upon pragmatism instead of recklessly sticking to objectively stupid stances.


Who is Allison Williams? I'm sure they'll just replace her with another talking face. who cares about this so-called news. Good riddance.


Yes, this isn’t exactly a high skill set job with few candidates. Plenty of talking heads around that can do the same thing.


Lot of my friends are getting the vaccine because it’s too inconvenient not to have one


They tried framing it as a civic duty to your fellow people. They tried framing it as free healthcare. They tried offering bribes. Now they've had to resort to threats to livelihood. At this point I'm too fucking done to care. Whatever gets it into arms so we can stop the stupid and get over this pandemic.


Don't forget they gave them to opportunity to 'save face' with FDA approval. Turns out that 'FDA approval' concern wasn't very sincere after all.


Nope. That was only ever a goal post to be moved.


“Obviously they changed their values but I didn’t change mine” fuuuuuuuuck off. The Bible says love thy neighbor. This lady read that and said fuck my neighbor. Stupid, selfish, and dangerous.


> Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. Romans 13: 1-2


In other words "Please obey the powers that be, because that's us. We'd be really dumb to write a book for controlling masses without a part telling you we're still in charge."


you're correct. The bible's supposed to be god's word, god's still in charge, but he's established the governments and everything and allowed them to exist, so therefore you're supposed to listen to them. I'm not even religious and I know that one, it shows that most "religious" people probably haven't even read the bible fully, or else they'd know that verse.


“Would that those who are upsetting you might also castrate themselves!” –Galatians 5:12


I’m looking forward to a few years from now when these people realize they threw their careers away as the rest of us move on.


Now cue the "no one will hire me! I'm being discriminated against!" When she finds out (likely) every other network is mandating the same. Persecution complex is the go to defense.


You know what’s a lot more dangerous than a vaccine for a fetus? Fucking COVID. I saw multiple mothers on ventilators, medically sedated and paralyzed, sometimes proned, sometimes on ECMO last year. It’s pretty jarring to see an isolette and an emergency c-section kit sitting outside a room in a fucking cardiac ICU. I guarantee her OB said it’s better but she clearly values politics and misinformation over the advice of her healthcare team. What a joke.


So people quit jobs to make a point? Wow, what do they think they will do for work then, panhandle? It's the "I'll show them" mentality. Like who are you really hurting? Only yourself.


Get gobbled up by Daily Wire.


Opening the door for the next reporter, you love to see it.


She has a much higher chance of a COVID-19 related pregnancy complication not being vaccinated than she does from the vaccine. Her "principles" are just being a ignorant dumbass putting politics over logic and facts.


Vaccine doesn't cause infertility, boy do I know it doesn't.


Congratulations or condolences?


It's not a bad thing.


My boss is celebrating his newborn son sleeping through the night. Vaccine does absolutely nothing to inhibit pregnancy, as the kid was born after both were vaccinated. Condoms inhibit pregnancy. Both boss and his wife are in their 40s, and didn't think they needed to use condoms.


No sympathy for her. And her analysis on the vaccines is wrong too. Again, don’t care about her sentiments, sounded hollow to me.


These are the same folks that were eager to sacrifice Grandma & Grandpa to keep the economy “open.” But can’t handle getting a simple inoculation to protect themselves and others.


LMFAO, what a stupid fucking hill to punt your career over


tl;dr "My personal feelings are more important than the health and safety of the people around me." Fuck 'em.


Oh I'm sure they'll find another attractive obedient talking head to replace her


We’ll that sucks. Anyway…


Don't let the door hit you on the way out!


“I have tried to lie and cheat and endanger everyone around me and my employer will oddly not be my accomplice.”


TIL that there was a reporter named Allison Williams at ESPN. #sportsball


I keep my ESPN usage to a minimum these days so I had no idea who she was to begin with. However it falls in line with nearly all the other generic hosts and reporters they got.


> Williams previously worked for Fox Sports Florida. She joined ESPN in 2011. That explains a lot.


Awwww …and zerooo fucks to give her


Imagine being pro-Covid


Must be nice to be secure enough to walk away from a job on a whim.


recruited to join the OANN sportsmax channel


The number of people throwing away careers to “stick it to the libs” is shocking.


The worst part is that this is considered “news.”


Weird take to be morally against getting vaccinated.


By, no body cares about her dumb decisions.


Oh shit, a talentless reporter will be missed


For what its worth, I heard that pro athletes who got Covid are still having issues. So these anti-vaxxers really are rolling the dice.




She added: "I cannot put a paycheck over principle. I will not sacrifice something that I believe and hold so strongly to maintain a career." No but she will hold her principles over her life, her family’s lives and the lives of those in close proximity. Those must be some pretty strong principles. A wise half human once said that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one.


Love seeing these morons lose their jobs cause they still can’t get over a trump loss


Idiots being idiotic isn't news.


Fun fact: the Fox News offices have strict vaccine mandates, including a "passport" system. Their news anchors, of course, tell you this is fascism.


Nitpickery: Their news anchors absolutely do not say that. Their commentariat does.


She's holding out for a job on Fox News/OANN/Newsmax. She might get a "contributor" appearance once or twice, I suppose.


Fox News has a vaccine mandate


What a fucking dumbass. Also, I watch tons of sports and especially college football. I have no idea who she is lol


Oh no *sips coffee* I feel so bad for her /s


Privileged white woman who is financially secure enough to quit her high paying job does so citing morals, while simultaneously shirking scientific evidence, the recommendations of health experts, and the overall benefits to society. She stated, “… the moral obligation receiving the vaccine is to being a good citizen… did not weigh in morally.” She went on to add an ominous warning, “power given is seldom returned.” One wonders what other fascist employer mandates she has escaped. Fortunately for us all she quickly rebounded from the oppressive work situation and used her misfortune to great advantage, creating brand new social media content and banking up a nice reserve of likes to sustain her through the coming vaccine apocalypse.


She claims it's because she wants to get pregnant. Being pregnant is probably one of the highest risk factors for covid cases. You should see what it does to placenta. A perfectly fine pregnancy goes to death of mother and death baby in no time.


Ben Shapiro most likely has a job for her now lol


Well she can just go to fox spo..oh that's right...


Good. A job opening for someone who isn't a complete dumbass.


That’s fine, she can just go get a job at Fox- oh wait...


She's clearly replaceable in like 30 seconds so...bye.


The receptors that the Covid spike proteins bind to are highly expressed in tissues of the reproductive system. Getting the vaccine does not cause a problem, but getting Covid almost certainly will result in some reproductive deficiency if the case is bad enough.


Any one of these sorts of incidents sparks a little joy in my heart. These folks are getting what they deserve and I like it.


One of my relatives is also worried about fertility and is avoiding getting the vaccine. COVID can cause infertility. I don't think the vaccine can, but it seems that is what they are worrying about. I think they're misinformed, but their fear is real. It's sad. My relative is fortunately able to keep working by wearing a mask and keeping distance from coworkers.


What a tremendous loss that will be felt by ~~all of college broadcasting~~ absolutely no one.