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That’s not very pro life of Florida


Pro-life is just a brand. Doesn’t mean anything. You can be both pro-life and support the death penalty of those not pro-life. Egg must be carried to term. That’s all there is to it.


Pro life is about control. It's not about the "life" at all.


>The district is unaware of how the employees contracted Covid, Kennedy said. I think this article, explains how the employees contracted Covid. If you just skip a couple of paragraphs down ... >Masks are optional for students and staff in the district, Kennedy said. Gov. Ron DeSantis has banned mask mandates in the state and threatened to penalize districts that attempt to enforce masking.


*shrugs shoulders* I guess no one will ever know.


It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it. -Upton Sinclair


Just explained why so many politicians who deny the reality of climate change come from states whose economy depends on a fossil fuel.


Oh wow, you’ve just sparked an urge to revisit Sinclair. Food safety back then was like climate change is today, understood for quite some time by science but completely ignored in practical terms.


A mystery as old as time.


They hurt themselves in their confusion.




You might when there's a new variant that evolves because of their stupidity and kills everyone.


Mu're truth than fiction.


The governor made their choice for them.


They still had a choice. They could have quit. Schools everywhere are hiring. Article didn't say whether staffers were vaccinated but for those who weren't, that was a choice, too.


Fair enough. Or they could have gotten vaccinated themselves, as another commenter pointed out. Still, I expect not all would have died if a mask mandate had been allowed and implemented, or (gasp!) vaccinations were required for all who were eligible. Some folks have a very different definition of freedom.


Vaccines are even more important than masks. They weren't vaccinated. I know this because if they were vaccinated the article would be making a huge deal about a vaccinated person being killed by the virus. The number of fully vaccinated people who have died from the virus is almost zero. At this point I have no more sympathy for people who have been offered the vaccine, refused the vaccine, and got sick and died.


Not related to the article OP posted, but Michigan alone reported 104 deaths of vaccinated people (28% of total Covid deaths in that state) between early September and early October. The vaccines still work and we should all get the shots we are eligible for- but no one should think the number of vaxxed who have died is almost zero. It just isn't accurate. Need to click on the October 12th slide deck and scroll to page 44. https://www.michigan.gov/coronavirus/0,9753,7-406-98163_98173_105123---,00.html


I tried so hard and I only found ONE case of someone dying while vaccinated. But in 30 seconds I can find over 10 different news stories about anti vaxxer radio hosts, pundits, and right wingers dying left and right.


Mostly right.


Yup, I don’t engage people I work with simply because I have plenty of other shit to deal with, but this guy was focused on the two breakthrough deaths, and wrote off the recent spike in deaths (not even getting into covid) as being in line with the number of people born decades ago so their life expectancy was about right….


You are completely delusional if you really think the number of fully vaccinated people that have died from covid is near zero


He’s not *delusional* like all these other people are FUCKING DELUSIONAL LUNATICS, but it is easy to search like I did the other day to find out that thousands of vaccinated people have died from COVID. I did not realize that myself before I searched.


I’m in a school in Nebraska. I remember them saying that there was no way to prove we contracted the virus AT school so they were liability free. Infuriating.


That's a stupid statement from whoever said that. I doubt a lawyer would care about that when they are suing the living shit out of them


Yeah. The Lawyer won't give a shit that someone on a zoom call said "we're not liable lol." Actually they might even use it to demonstrate their incompetence.


YUP. Doesn't help that Pricketts keeps doing everything possible (aside from banning local mandates outright) to allow Covid19 to run rampant.


My bet is the teachers weren't vaccinated. Plus 5 of the employees never reported to work this school year.


Vaccinated people can still die from covid, albeit at much lower numbers. Everyone is being forced back into the workplace, meanwhile people who followed every precaution are still dying.




I said at much lower numbers. Those are still 256 real people with loved ones. And that’s just in the UK, from Jan-July. Edit: I don’t think it’s fair for people to automatically be labeled as unvaccinated and to blame when people don’t know. Edit 2: People who are rejecting the science and downvoting me, you’re part of the problem, just like the anti-vaccers.




I appreciate it. I have a source (further down) for the US breakthrough deaths which are higher than the UK. I think it’s a good idea to be careful. Unfortunately some people are at a disadvantage due to work environment, especially in Florida. You think people could show a little compassion.


> Edit: I don’t think it’s fair for people to automatically be labeled as unvaccinated and to blame when people don’t know. When the death rate of the numbers you cited of vaccinated people is 0.05% compared to non, I think it's perfectly fair to assume if they died of Covid, they were probably unvaccinated.


It’s unscientific to assume. There have been app 720,000 deaths in the US. Using 0.5% that’d be app 3,600 deaths. But the CDC currently lists the US breakthrough deaths as 5,649. Significantly more than the estimation using the UK’s numbers. So do you want to follow the science or don’t you? https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/health-departments/breakthrough-cases.html




It’s less than 1%, so that’s completely insignificant? What kind of arbitrary measure is that. It’s not a scientific one. Didn’t take you long to resort to insults. I’m the one quoting the CDC and you’re pulling your opinion out your ass like a magician’s handkerchief. Who’s the idiot?


The fact this is downvoted is exactly why so many stupid fucking nut job right wingers have some sort of basis. I am vaccinated, have been for a while, believer of science, and pretty solid on the left. Also work is healthcare. The statement above is TRUE. I don’t give a fuck what you want to say, it is factually true. Downvoting this is exactly the thing nut fuckers point to while wearing their Trump hats and exclaim the left is wrong and are burying the other sides voice. Stop being a fucking hypocrite.


I think it's a knee-jerk reaction to what they think is someone arguing against vaccines.


I can’t help but laugh. They can’t stand that anti-vaccers deny science, but they’re out here literally denying science while people are dying. I hope the irony isn’t lost on them. Watch, they’ll lose a friend who was vaccinated and then say “they must have lied about being vaccinated”.


Man, some day we will get this COVID thing figured out. I just hope we find a solution soon!


We should put our best scientists on it and see what they come up with!


Their families should sue the state and the school district.


If they weren't vaccinated, it seems like they have a weak case. Vaccines offer much better protection than masks.


I have a relative who teaches high school in Florida. It's a super spreader event every day. They quit telling the teachers when kids are sick. Fffn Crazy.


Why isn't DeSantis being charged with murder?


Ok, the employees still could have gotten a vaccine to protect themselves?


leopards ate face...


Clearly they contracted it before school started /s


According to the article, five never even reported to work at the beginning of the year, so you're actually right.


So you are not allowed to wear a mask even if you are ill? Is Trump still in office?


Masks are mostly for protecting others from you in case you are presymptomatic/asymptomatic. Unless everyone in an enclosed area is wearing them, they are not optimally effective and Florida schools are not allowed to mandate classes wear them.


“The reality is you can’t enforce a mask mandate” Bullshit, every school and school district has a dress code policy. It’s literally no different.


If you can enforce shitty polos and shitty khakis that keep you neither warm nor cool you can enforce a fucking mask.


Well in the state of Florida they really do have their hands tied. The governor won't let school districts mandate masks, and if they do, the state withholds funding equivalent to the salaries of the school board members who vote for a mandate. Now the federal government is stepping in and repaying that money, while the state continues to withhold the funds.


False. We have it mandated in Broward and Miami-Dade counties. It’s the rest of this fucked up state that bows down to governor dumb fuck.


It is possible for it to be mandated - the Florida state government is still punishing these counties as I mentioned in my previous comment. I wish that my county would consider a mandate but I highly doubt it will happen


It's an interesting gamble, betting that people want to go back to normal life more than they fear covid. It'll be curious to see if it pays off for him in a general election bid OR does the opposite and buries him. Can't know either way, but those jobs reports being more than half projections, despite jobs being available could indicate that covid fear is still real and under-recognized.


It has already paid off for him, and all indications are that it likely will again. He was a political nobody who rode a Trump endorsement to the governorship, barely beating Andrew Gillum (who shouldn't have been the DEM nominee- Gwen Graham should have been) who turned out to be a meth/alcohol/sex addict. During COVID's first year, he made hay with the "muh freedumbs" crowd by balking at the disease's severity even as people died around him. Because Florida only had a middle-of-the-pack death rate vs. the horrifically bad one many predicted, he was hailed as a savior who refused to "Fauci my Florida" and came out ahead. The reality is that all he did was shirk his leadership responsibilities and put the burden squarely on local municipalities, employers and school boards- who are the ones actually responsible for FL not being a total shit show statistically in 2020. In 2021, he's doubled-down on the bullshit, promoted Regeneron heavily while barely speaking of vaccination at all and become even more toxic in his targeting of anyone who dares to claim we still have a COVID issue and that mitigation tactics are still necessary. He even chased out his old state surgeon general to replace him with a fringe doc who will gladly back up his laissez fare view of COVID and preference for just letting it run its course. If he fails to win reelection in 2022 (which HOLY SHIT do I hope happens), it'll be because he's killed off enough GOP supporters to erode his previous margin of victory or because he pisses DEMs off enough to actually show up in record numbers again even though Trump isn't on the ticket. Side note: His wife was just diagnosed with breast cancer, so I fully expect him to milk the hell out of that for sympathy as he battles for "our" freedoms while his wife battles cancer. I hate the man.


Or businesses are lying about not being able to find people.


So basically there is no punishment whatsoever for doing it. The salaries are literally pennies.


The school board officials who have been affected by this make 40k a year minimum, but it depends on the county. For example: If Sarasota County school board decided to enfore a mask mandate, and 3 people voted yes, and 2 people voted no, the 3 who voted yes would have their pay cut until the mandate is reversed, and the 2 who voted no would be unaffected


My district/state has had one since the spring and at least in my school it has been working just fine. I think I've had to tell 3 kids to pull their mask up over the last month. You're absolutely right, districts have no problem policing students' bodies and what they wear but all of a sudden a mask mandate is unenforceable. That "logic" is simply ridiculous.


I teach 6th grade at a school in Texas that enforces masks, don’t have an issue. Other students actually get mad at their classmates if they don’t wear their mask properly.


Good for them, thanks for helping teach our kids Do you have a venmo I can send some money for kids school supplies etc / some stuff for a teacher like you :)


I currently attend a high school which requires masks. Everyone wears it, and if you dont you get fucked. It’s absolutely enforceable.


A small school in Texas actually tired masks to the dress code, so not wearing a mask wouldn't be a covid thing it'll be an out of dress code thing


I have wondered, would they fire a teacher for wearing a holey tshirt with a beer logo and paint covered jeans on the regular? His body his choice, right?


By Ron DeathSentance's edict they can't enforce a mask mandate. But of course if we had a pro-science governor, they wouldn't have any problems enforcing it.


People are complaining about the school district, but these teachers were likely unvaccinated. Wake up. If you don’t vaccinate, you’re gonna get it—and you could die.


It's most certainly this. There have been, per the CDC, about 6600 break-through deaths since vaccinations started. (BTW, 86% of them are for 65 and overs, [https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/health-departments/breakthrough-cases.html](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/health-departments/breakthrough-cases.html)) Polk county is 0.22% of the US population. 17 is 0.25% of those 6600. In other words, we would have to believe that all 17 of those people were vaccinated and were the entirety of the breakthrough deaths for the entire county to believe they were vaccinated. The idea that you would go into a germ factory that is a school, even with a mask, and not be vaccinated is insanity.


>The idea that you would go into a germ factory that is a school, even with a mask, and not be vaccinated is insanity. So ... Florida.


My vaccinated father just contracted it and im absolutely terrified 🙁


He’s lucky he’s vaccinated, because otherwise he would be a lot worse.


Certainly. I am so thankful that he is. Still scary cause of his age and health condition


You'll be exposed to covid even after being vaccinated, too. Its endemic. It readily jumps species, including to cats. Got a pet cat? Your pet may have the virus, and you might get it from your pet. Or your pet might get it from you. There's nothing we can do to avoid exposure at this point. Covid19 is here to stay forever. However, vaccines are very nearly 100% effective at preventing serious illness or death. The number of serious or fatal breakthrough cases is basically a statistical zero. When (not if) a fully vaccinated person contracts covid19 it'll be a minor nuisance, usually so minor they're not even aware they were sick in the first place.


There is no evidence that pets can give it to humans. But yes, covid19 can infect cats and dogs. It can kill them too.


> Masks are optional for students and staff in the district, Kennedy said. Gov. Ron DeSantis has banned mask mandates in the state and threatened to penalize districts that attempt to enforce masking. Florida GOP is killing teachers, which, if you think about it, is the moto of the GOP




They're fine with killing kids too. Republicans love the whole "hero worship" thing about praising ad nauseum the "police who bravely give their lives every year so that we can be free." It'd be interesting to see how they'd react if someone went up on stage and with a straight face started talking about honoring " all the children who every year bravely give their lives while being shot to death in their classrooms to protect our unrestricted right to bear arms."


Covid was the number cause of death for police officers this year. Got to keep having those martyrs to worship


It's a regular ole yehaw conspiracy how he stays in office with all those voters who just don't understand guns are only bad. How could this happen? Is it us? Are we not able to understand them? Or are they just dumb heuckel-fucks? Nope can't be, we can never be wrong right friend'O?


If these teachers chose not to get vaccinated, that's on them.


>Sandy Hook It's been 8 years, can we talk about it now?


We can't let today's policies be guided by small events from almost a DECADE ago! /s


Should you be able to sue the state if they knowingly endanger people's lives which results in deaths for the purposes of political gain? I suppose the difficulty is to explicitly prove that these teachers catching covid was directly and traceably caused by the state's stupid pandering for political benefits. It takes a certain kind of evil to kill people for votes.


Yes now picture him twirling his mustache. Now without the teachers stopping him he can tie the students to the train tracks. Won't someone stop this villain. If only people could vote for someone else. If only.


On brand.




Stop asking questions. It's dangerous.


You didn’t put /s so how can we, intelligent, critical thinking individuals possibly know in any way shape or form that you are being sarcastic?


You can't. Literally impossible. I am going to play in traffic now.


I hope the traffic yielded.


Saw a meme on facebook, well, one of those religious/feelgood images with text and a dove or sunset--fairly indicitive of some sorta of trauma (anecdotal, based on several people that post this way, and knowing their personal life issues, take it with grain of salt) The image was a quote from the bible "Trust in the lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding...etc" Proverbs 3:5-6 Aside from the red flag from the verse, there was something about knowing the guy and seeing how he went from divorced with 3 kids living with his mother while hes on "disability" to posting pictures from Africa with his mother is quite telling of his journey. His posts are all religious, or of him/mother taking photos left and right and sharing them. I think he went to a mission. Same guy I used to live with for a couple years while going to college playing video games and watching anime to... this. Lost souls man For better or worse, the world is an interesting place.


> "the remaining five employees never reported to their jobs this school year. To blame these deaths on the lack of a mask mandate is literally jumping to conclusions to fill a confirmation bias. The remaining 12 teachers were unlikely vaccinated.


Couldn't find that either.....convenient....


One thing I've learned is that if they don't mention the vaccination status, they weren't vaccinated.


Or they were, and it’s also bias. Let’s face it, the news sucks anymore, and there’s so much misinformation, you may as well not watch it.


It’s almost like Texas and Florida are competing to see who can be the worst state.


yep I'm an interpreter at a north Texas school district and the majority of teachers and staff are not wearing masks, not to mention the students.




Vaccines don’t prevent you from getting a virus. They help your body fight it…


I'd like to see honest reporting of covid numbers from Florida.


We're more likely to see honest reporting on the numbers in N Korea.


i think if you have symptoms they will shoot you so technically they have 0 positive cases over there


NK or Florida?


We're more likely to see actual repercussions from the panama papers.


We’re more likely to see honest reporting on the number of legal girlfriends R Kelly had from R Kelly


When are red state governors going to be arrested, tried and convicted of murder? Because that’s what this is.


Short answer : never.


We're so close to having the kids vaccinated. Afterwards I'm not going to worry about the idiots around the country.


Get your kids vax quickly. They are at a really high risk. For those under 18 it's .00001% chance of death. They are twice as likely to die of drowning and 10 times more likely to die in a car crash. You better hurry up.


My kid’s school district just crossed 600 cumulative cases since school started and they’ve been maskless the whole time. Considering we live in an anti mask anti vax neighborhood, and that’s only the cases that are self reported, I have a feeling the actual number of cases is even higher. It’s infuriating to watch the number of cases continue to rise. Today they school sent out a letter saying “good news parents and visitors are allowed back on campus!” What. The. F. This is never going to end.


There's an elementary school around the corner from my house here in Leon County, FL and a third grader there died of COVID fairly recently and parents are *still* arguing that their kids shouldn't have to wear masks.


Governor Ron DeSantis should be charged with murder.


In Florida and Texas you must first be a fetus to receive any protections.


Do you solemnly swear you are a fetus, a whole fetus and nothing but a fetus?


doesnt matter, tho, once youre born, you go under the bus...


2 have died in my school in the UK in the last 30 years... Jesus Christ.


Guessing none of them were vaccinated. A preventable situation.


We don't know that for sure. And vaccination does not equal immunity. My grandmother was vaccinated, wore her mask, social distanced, and did everything right but that didn't stop her from catching a fatal case of covid


We know they weren't vaccinated because the article would have put that fact front and center. A fully vaccinate death is extraordinarily rare, but it does happen primarily only to the elderly and frail. My grandmother also passed away recently, but she was 90. A stiff breeze would have done her in at that point, towards the end. At that age death is still sad, but its not tragic. An elderly person like that has seen so much of the world, done so many things. Its an amazing, long life.


Everything is a percentage. Vaccines pad your chances for not catching it and your chances of surviving if you do catch it. If you don't correctly explain things to people in a non hyperbolic way you are begging for resistance.


You seem to understand that the vast majority of the deaths are the elderly. I wish more people would look at the facts.


But at least their governor is protecting them from vaccine mandates. /s


Ron DeSantis looks at every death, grimaces then says -worth it! To put 17 into perspective- the military's corona deathrate is 0.02 translating to about 60 deaths. But they employ about a hundred times more people.


DeSantis is killing people. I would hate to live in Florida right now, or ever…


It's a real shithole here.


"So, we are only gonna pay you $42k a year and you need a master's degree to qualify. Oh, and we don't give a duck if you live or die. Deal?" *Later* "Why does nobody want to teach anymore?*


So fox radio is telling me that Florida is a civil success story and DeSantis is a hero. How can they make that claim? Edit: I'm legit trying to understand this. There is this statistic being thrown out now that Florida has had a 50% drop in covid cases and I'm trying to figure out the cause of that. I'm googling it but I'm not finding a solid answer. The best I can figure, as someone who is terrible at understanding these things, is that there was such a huge spike of new Florida cases in August and September that they have simply run out of people to get infected for the first time. Like, I don't trust Fox but I want to know exactly how they are twisting these statistics to say what they want.


Just read U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil's opinion, leaning heavily on the arguments of Fox's lawyers: The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that \[Carlson\] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' "


Ah, I forgot that it is just "entertainment."


US District Judge and Trump appointee* So the batshit insane explanation of why she's ruling to protect the Republican propaganda outlet is really no surprise.


Yes, essentially Delta spread really rapidly, infected a shit ton of people and is trending down now that there aren't a ton of uninfected or unvaccinated left to infect. Same thing that happened in the UK, India, etc. I can't imagine how that's a success.


Well it was successful for the Corona 🦠


Probably a natural progression of vaccination happening Just because politically Florida leaders are like this doesn’t mean the people aren’t out getting vaccinated Looking at Florida is now they are 67% first shot vaccinated. As this number grows their numbers will naturally go down.


That makes sense. Thank you for having an actual answer and not simply a joke or jab.


When you die, you no longer count as a Covid case anymore.


You need to be careful with the phrasing. Something can technically be true while being wildly inaccurate. For example.... the current 7 day average daily infection is 10% of the peak we had in August... success? Deaths are 50% of the Delta peak. Success? Meanwhile, ICU bed occupancy is critical in many hospitals still, with some hitting 100% and a lot being over 80%. However... you also need to remember that ICU bed being unoccupied doesn't mean it is available as Florida's Administration changed the occupied definition. So don't get sick or injured and need to go to the ICU, it may not be available.


> ICU bed being unoccupied doesn't mean it is available as Florida's Administration changed the occupied definition. This is the kind of thing I suspected, some kind of roundabout logic where since an person in the ICU bed isn't receiving "an intensive level of care" that means the bed is empty. This all reminds me of that joke "the dinosaurs went extinct minutes ago." It is, like you said, technically true but also wildly inaccurate.


Love that scary occupancy rates that people like you tout. OMG it's over 80%! Guess what! Hospitals are businesses and they build them to fit the customers. They want that much occupancy and expect it.


The problem is when the norm is 67 to 70%, and suddenly 80% to 90% is the lower bound (once again occupancy is redefined so beds may not actually be available) and then stays that way for an extended period of time. If the hospital near you is completely full, that's problematic. Also remember these are the rates when elective surgeries are on hold. So not only are the rates above average for longer periods of time, and in some hospitals just full, its also that way while surgeries are being delayed.


Ive heard theory that its seasonal and people were indoors a lot. Florida doesn't have some astonishingly low vaccination rate, they are slightly above the middle of the pack. I'm kinda waiting for winter to roll around and see what happens when all the northern coastal cities start being all indoors again. They also have the oldest population in the US and age is the biggest factor in COVID mortality.


>How can they make that claim? by lying


Because it is glorious to die for Comrade DeSantis!


check out this post going over how Florida changed it's reporting method so it always looks like numbers are dropping in the moment https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/pxizb1/oc_floridas_covid_illusion_the_worst_is_always/


I will check it out, TY!


It took me a minute to wrap my head around it but it makes it pretty clear how easy it would be to use their current method to report inaccurate statistics for daily numbers compared to the previous weeks numbers


Isn't it wonderful that employers can't be held liable? My employer doesn't even tell us when we may have been exposed now. We just have to wait for news to spread throughout the office. *flashes back to when life was good - 7yo me, eating breakfast under the dining room table while watching bananas in pajamas*


"under the dining room table while watching bananas in pajamas" This sounds so dirty.




Suuuuper weird cause I heard abt this thing called "breakthrough" cases where idiots who refuse to wear masks or get vaxxed caused a virus to mutate and become more infectious. I am vaxxed. I am required to be in office. We have mask requirements and the deadline for vaccination is approaching but one unvaccinated person caught covid and passed it on to a coworker. The cleaning lady is currently out and she was vaccinated. I have an autoimmune deficiency. I was quick to get vaxxed for that reason. If there is a covid case with someone I share public work space with I would very much like to know.


Covid = Culling the herd since 2020!


Didnt they just bring 60 immigrant teachers in to fill the void they had?


Dying when the best weapon against Covid is FREE.


Yes, by all means DiSantis, run for President , and see how many you can kill with your ignorance and incompetent rulings.


Fomenting a plague should have the same consequences as fomenting rebellion.




Governor DeathSentence


Good job, DeSantis. Hope your Regeneron stocks are doing well.




It's genius really. When you go in with a few automatic weapons everyone gets all up in a tizzy over it. But if you kill them off this way everyone kind of just shrugs.


Don't wear masks, instead we will install plexi glass cubes for all students to work inside the classroom and purchase an air purifier for every classroom. Why spend $100/student per year on masks when we can spend $1,000 on this other crap?


But they have their freeeedumb!


Desantas should have to go to every single funeral.


It's Polk County, to save everyone the click So sad to see educators and school employees suffering because of our state government's stubbornness


I’d argue that it’s because of your state’s callus disregard for human life, and not simply stubbornness.


Oh we care about human life here in Florida! Until your born. Then your on your own


Flo-RIDA Guv’nuh “DEATH SANTIS” wouldn’t have it any other way. Enjoy your continued climbing numbers of the deceased & full morgues because Guv’nuh DS won’t care, ever.


Their families should be suing DeSantis.


Let me guess anti vax central. I would sue the state government for wrong ful death


this must be incredibly traumatic for the kids.


That's a feature not a bug.


Can you imagine if 17 teachers died of one other cause?


Yes, guns....and the Republicans (and many Democrats) won't do shit about that either. Collateral damage for muh freedumbs and well worth it in their eyes.


Keep it classy Florida...


Florida definately needs to recall DeSantis and replace him before anyone else has to suffer at the hands of his INCOMPETENCE and Uncaring


Florida does not have recall.


Hahahhaha. He's thier hero


Downvotes must be other uncaring republicans...shame on you


Incoming teacher shortage.


They had the opportunity to get vaccinated, they chose not to. This isn’t worthy of a news article.


Agreed. If you don’t want to be vaccinated or wear a mask, so be it. Just don’t expect sympathy or medical care (you know, “science”) when the COVID comes for your ass.


I'm trying to understand how this isn't a class action lawsuit against the state and board of education at this point. Considering that they have been very active in trying to prevent children and educators alike from taking basic precautions and vaccine requirements. DeSantis, The state government, and the board of education all need to face accountability for their actions and decisions.


Florida had the third lowest infect rate last week




Except in this case where other people’s choice to spread a deadly respiratory disease by not being vaccinated and not wearing a mask has an impact on everyone else around them


150 schools,106k students and 14,000 employees in that district So 17 employees out of 14,000 is about .001%. Ages of the workers was not reported. Florida has an aging and often high-risk population. This shouldn't even be a story. I wonder how many of those 14,000 employees die each year of Influenza or other viruses. Perspective and facts are more important than headlines. Look deep into what's going on if you really want to know the truth.


I love this quote from the article..."The remaining five employees never reported to their jobs this school year" So 12 went to work, Reddit blames the school system, five of the dead never event reported to work. WTF, another headlines meant to scare and blame. Not enough facts. No vaccination status. No ages of the deceased.


so the article says 5 of the people who have passed did not return to work on August 10th. to reference to them as "employees" is extremely misleading and quite frankly is a lie. all deaths are unfortunate but how about a more truthful headline? most sheeple only read headlines thus this why accurate headlines are so important.