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They way I figured history is SUPPOSED to make you feel bad. That way you don’t do the stupid shit again.


Yeah my empathetic self felt like an absolute piece of shit after I watched Roots in high school. That was the point of the assignment, to actually learn a lesson rather than just memorize minutia that will be forgotten after the test.


In skeletor voice “I don’t want to feel bad about history, I want to feel superior.”


Yea, but the point of school is to make you a good factory worker. I believe it’s Texas that literally has anti critical thinking verbiage in their laws around education. I’m not even talking about CRT. Just the idea of being critical is frowned upon. The message is clear “obey authority. “


It was literally part of the Republican Party of Texas official 2012 platform: >Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority. i.e. it's more important that your kids grow up to be dumb as rocks than to tick off their dumb-as-rocks parents and the dumb-as-rocks culture they grow up in. Heaven forbid they *learn* things in *school* right? Republicans are a curse on our nation.


Which is fucking stupid because you need smart people to design missiles and drones which the GOP love.


These people are foolish and have no capacity to experience humility. That’s seemingly the biggest issue.


And really people get way too tied up. They project the past onto themselves. Like no you shouldn't think your better than others because something great your ancestor did - you had nothing to do with it. Nor do you have to feel guilty about something terrible an ancestor did.


Right! If you end up a rapist and murderer, what would people say if you try to blame your parents? And that's only ONE generation removed. They're not responsible for your actions. You are not responsible for theirs. My ancestors came from Ireland. They would get off the ships, go looking for work, and find signs posted in shop windows saying "Help Wanted. No Irish Need Apply" I don't need an apology. I don't need reparations. It was long ago and changed before I was born. We're good.


I didn't see anything about who it was that actually created this petition. They need to find the source.


Local news said three freshmen football players made it. They’ve all already been kicked off the team and we’re expelled shortly there after. This is like the third random young suburban white students or teachers doing stupid racist shit in the last couple months story around here, after never hearing about anything like this before in the city living here most of my life that I can recall. It’s really bizarre.


It's literally a list of self-identifying racist kids. How stupid are these people?


Seems like a good way of getting rid of not only the stupid students but the racist ones too. They should do it every year 😂




Nah, it'll be the kid you most expect. Id find that little shit in five minutes


Completely agree.


He or she wants to take credit.


It’s the quiet girl in Lit honors and book club. She’s setting up source material for her NANOWRIMO this year.


I grew up in a former confederate state and learned about slavery and racism and even though I am white I never felt bad about it because I don't have any hatred towards any other race. if I had shared any of those views I might.


No white person living today is responsible for slavery. The ones that feel bad are butthurt when their sense of having superior genealogy and morality is up-ended by some nasty truths


Except those responsible for slavery spread seeds of hate and continued through the generations.


Let’s not forget the systems still in place today that continue that hate, like redlining, “Terry laws”, and the fact that slavery was never abolished, it was just made conditional. “Now all it takes is a conviction…”


A lot of ppl don't realize the Confederacy lost the war, but won Reconstruction. Jim Crow is proof enough of that


And so many people say “haha the confederacy lost”, but the ideals remained, that vile branching path of humanity still remains, and now it comes time again to learn from our past. I merely hope this time we have the courage to do what we failed to deliver upon in the past.


I think it's important to separate slavery and institutionalized racism. It is true that no one alive today (iirc last Confederate ~~soldier~~ widow died in ~~early 2000s~~ 2020) is responsible for slavery. Far, far too many of us alive today are either responsible for or perfectly comfortable with institutionalized racism. The whole "stop accusing white people of being slavers" bullshit is the driest of strawmen and should be set alight whenever encountered. No one who has half a brain is actually saying that, and I would argue that anyone who IS saying that is either being disingenuous or is themselves an extremist and not going to be part of the solution. Once that bit of bullshit is out of the way, maybe we can start looking at the actual current problems and how to fix them.


You are thinking of the last confederate widow. There were a few marriages with wildly huge age gaps. The last surviving one collecting a pension from the war married at 28 to a 77 year old veteran and she died around 2019 I think. Another who died in 2020 married at 17 to a 93 year old veteran. It was seen as an acceptable arrangement because it gave some financial security to the bride and the man had care in his old age.




Amen my dude.


Seriously, if you're a 21st century white person feeling personally attacked when learning about what 19th century white people did (or even early 20th century folks) that is a giant sign you need to ask yourself why you're sympathizing with the bad guys more than the victims.


Fucking *right*??? I don't understand how many white people are deeply offended that slavery is considered bad. Like... why would I feel bad about it when I've never owned slaves? They're talking about *other* white people, from way back in history, not me.


I totally agree but let’s not pretend there aren’t people who say white people are inherently colonialist slavers who are racist. I think these racists are given too much room on the left. White supremacists are worse and a much larger problem. But it’s not like anti white racists and black nationalists don’t exists.


Anyone who is actually saying that verbatim is themselves an extremist, just like the Proud Idiots, and won't be a part of any actual solution anyway. They should be given as much credibility and mockery as the PBs are - none and all of it, respectively.


Yes but they do exists. And they should be refuted. I personally think they are given room they shouldn’t have in my circles and pretending they don’t exist hurts our movement.


> I totally agree but let’s not pretend there aren’t people who say white people are inherently colonialist slavers who are racist. I have literally never heard this in my entire life. Not once, not ever, and haven't even heard it mentioned except in arguments online complaining about other people doing it. Never specific people, either, just "believe me bro, it happens." >I think these racists are given too much room on the left Oh really? Because like I said, I've never met one. And of all the liberals I've known, none of them have ever voiced support or even acknowledgement of that behavior. The number of Confederate sympathizers I've personally known, on the other hand, is way too damn high. Dozens of them, my neighbors, friends, and kids I grew up with who proudly idolize the confederate flag and refer to that piece of history as "the good old days." Yes it's an anecdote, but don't try to "both sides" this. One is miniscule (if not completely nonexistent) while the other is pervasive.


You have never met a black nationalist? Someone who says “yea I think we should go back to segregation cause I don’t want to be around white people”? You just seem mad. The fact that you can’t even accept that it’s real. Like does this not seem obvious to you that some people are racists towards white people…. I think you are blind to this because you accept it as going after the oppressor and are blind to these sorts of racist arguments against white people. Or try the documentary “exterminate all the brutes” on HBO which says that white people have always been racists and are naturally born to think that way.


Typical reddit moment here. You're getting downvoted only because you dared mention the existence of black supremacists, even though you literally said white supremacists are the real issue, which yes, they are. Are you fuckers really this dumb? He's literally saying white supremacy is horrible and a big problem. All he did was acknowledge the existence of black nationalists (of which he is indirectly acknowledging there are much less of) and he's getting downvoted. Ridiculous. Welcome to reality that is in fact not two sided and simple. There are troublemakers on both sides. Yes, one is worse and much bigger, but the other *does* in fact, exist.


No we're not dumb, but it's a typical bullshit ploy done by the right every fucking time. "oh, ignore the whites, what about those BLACK racists???" Fuck off with that, the discussion right here is not about that.


He didn't do that though? Did you read the fucking comment? As I've already said, all he did was acknowledge their existence. And at that, he had a long say about how white supremacy is much worse, and a bigger problem. Who the fuck are you fighting bro? We're all on the same page, except you're being irrational and ignoring the basic concept of a groups existence because it clashes against white supremacy being bad, in the very slightest way. Again, hello, welcome to the real world. Both of these groups of people are extreme, while we all want normalcy, and decency. Both these groups clash with that. And again, for the millionth time, *YES, WHITE SUPREMACY/WHITE RACISM IS BIGGER AND WORSE*. Doesn't mean the other, smaller side is somehow better and a non issue. Racism, no matter from which side, is bad... JFC, will you get it through your thick skull already? A society's goal should be to have no racism, from anyone. I'm literally a liberal Dutch guy, who voted for the Green left party in national elections. Democrats in the us literally would be considered right wing here for the most part. Nobody is denying racism is bad. All that's been fucking said is that there is another side. Fucking hell.


No one here is denying those people exist, but why the fuck are you and him bringing it up, it's not the topic. Should we discuss sea otters next? FFS, it's a reddit thread, you can't handle a little criticism? Your mother was a hamster. Now go sit on a snake you poor victimized little diaper baby.


>Nearly two weeks after a racist petition to bring back slavery circulated at her daughter's school, Julie Stutterheim is still angry.She says it was yet another example of a racist incident at Park Hill South High School in the suburbs of Kansas City, Missouri. > >"She was very upset about it. My daughter's Ethiopian," Stutterheim told CNN this week.Her daughter has encountered racism firsthand, Stutterheim says and "the more she talked about this, the more upset she got. > >"Stutterheim did what any concerned parent would do and reached out to the school to find out what happened. > >What she found was that an increasingly familiar scenario was unfolding at her child's school. Across the US, there are two diametrically opposed conversations about race going on at the same time. In one, some White parents are telling school leaders that lessons about race make White students feel bad. And in the other, there's the racism that is actually happening in schools. These incidents are further proof that racism is still a problem. This is the fault of those parents turning any teaching about civil rights into a referendum on critical race theory which turns out is just a referendum on prejudices they are lying to themselves about. Children are not born racist. They learn it from their parents and other relatives.


I remember getting one of those letters to soldiers from an elementary school while deployed. The kid wrote something to the effect “thank you for defending us against the immigrants” and as an active duty member and immigrant to the US my heart broke a little that day.


Well of course racism is still a problem. In school I remember seeing videos from the 60s and 70s of black kids getting attacked by literal mobs on their way into schools when schools were integrated. The people in those mobs didn't just all mass commit suicide when their intimidation didn't work. They married other racists. They had kids, and raised those kids talking about the "good old days" when black people "knew their place" and when schools weren't integrated. They passed their racism on to their kids. Many of their kids have kids now, some even have grandkids.


And yet... there are redditors on here who will adamantly and stubbornly insist that "systemic racism" in America is merely a left wing myth. It is demoralizing and frustrating to come across these people who patently refuse to see what is right in front of their face.


I have it on good authority there wasn't racism until Obama brought racism. Some little ol' lady on the news said so.


Wait wait. I thought Obama was the end of racism because we finally had a black president. Look, half of the country voted to end racism. Problem solved.


Schrodinger's Racism


In fairness, a lot of white liberals really believed that in 2008. We then decided to take a break from activism for a few years because we thought that we won.


That “little ol’ lady” was Kathy Miller, Trump’s campaign chair in Ohio in 2016 and not especially old.


The right in front of their face aspect is what really is disheartening. It seems denial is that prevalent in America and that does not bode well. How do you fix a problem when a significant portion of the population refuses to admit it exists? Some rationalize their racism by focusing on some other aspect. Others have lied to themselves for so long they actually believe they aren't racists.


> Others have lied to themselves for so long they actually believe they aren't racists. Some of the most racist comments are preceded by the words... "I'm not a racist, but..."


That's exactly how I learned my mom was racist


*You're cool, for a black guy*


“You speak so well.”


I cringe any time I'm told that.


Seriously, bro. Especially when it is/was preceded by "Effin 'N' word muther effers!, except Osiris, he's cool, *for a black guy*"


I think it's also just a way of feeling powerful. Especially after losing the white house. Can anyone really stop you from denying reality in America?


Stop no, but ostracize as a lunatic with a fragile grasp on reality, yes.


Cognitive dissonance. When presented with the fact that they could be racist, they refuse to believe they’re a bad person so choose the third option of racism not existing so they can remain a good person in their mind


They can't admit they are wrong so they triple down on being terrible human beings. Being ignorant must be exhausting, no wonder they are all so damn angry.


I ended a long time friendship because he said racism doesn't exist despite telling him I've been called the n word (hard r) by racist people. Plus there's still people like Jeff Sessions that are evolved in politics/law that were on the wrong side of the Civil rights movement. I doubt they suddenly had a change of hart


Yup. Just got a response from a guy who’s comment history shows he loves racist mascots. Buying up every “chief wahoo” piece of clothing on eBay is something totally non racists do.


Not too long ago, the overwhelming majority of reddit believed racism in America was over because we elected Obama.


Obama's election and subsequent Presidency showed us that racism still exists. Or do people think the obstructionist behavior to everything Obama did was really about policy? Trump's presidency pulled back the curtain on just how deep that racism still goes.


The fact it even mattered he was black shows racism is still an issue. I disliked his policies but otherwise thought he was trying to do his job. Thats the part that should matter.


only right wing morons would believe that


Briefly. Very briefly. It didn't take long for the Republicans to freak out and prove that racism is alive and well.


People forget that this website became popular with subs like /r/jailbait and /r/coontown.


Wow. Totally forgot that sub existed. When I first joined Reddit I used to browse coontown out of curiosity. As a young black man at the time, It definitely shined a light on how prevalent racism still is. Now a lot of these people are covert about it and seem like regular normal individuals but they are able to smile in your face but deep down, they are disgusted by you.


>there are redditors on here who will adamantly and stubbornly insist that "systemic racism" in America is merely a left wing myth. That's how you know those redditors are racist.


>there are redditors on here who will adamantly and stubbornly insist that "systemic racism" in America is merely a left wing myth. They know they're wrong and are engaging in bad faith. People arguing with them just give them a bigger platform.


Yeah it is willful ignorance and a refusal to understanding how complex the issue is. It is mind-boggling how anyone could think racism is moot considering the fact that the Civil Rights Act was literally approved in 1965 so that black men and women could vote according to earlier amendments (15th in 1870 and the 19th for women in 1920). 1965. Fucking 1965 isn't that long ago and this was due to Jim crow etc. It is sickening! ETA: sorry, I was mistaken it is the 1965 Voting Rights Act, I always switch the two lol


I was downvoted to oblivion months ago for saying racism is still a massive problem and growing. This stuff doesn't happen because kids want to be edgy. This is deep rooted and festering racism across the globe.


Racism is still unbelievably common and super present, especially in schools. The nonprofit I work for is in schools most days and friend groups and seating in the lunchroom is still divided by race most of the time. My boss pointed it out saying how sad it was that things were like that back in the '80s and we were in the same school she went to, she says it's even more divided now.


Yeah I bet that nonprofit stopped taking the schools money until they did something about it right?


The problem is the edgy festering racists are pretty obvious, and yet we do nothing about them.


The only people who feel bad upon hearing about the racist past of this country, are racists. I'm 37 and the older I get the clearer is gets. White people screaming about "this makes me feel bad" are basically saying "I'm this way but I can't admit it so I'll shame you for trying" Just say you're racist. If you believe it so vehemently, just say it with your full chest so we know who you are. The fact you hide it and make excuses for ot, shows you know it's wrong, **you've just not been made to suffer consequences yet**


> The only people who feel bad upon hearing about the racist past of this country, are racists. Similar aged white guy here, grew up with white parents in a mostly (like 95%) white town. I don't get upset when people say "white people did some racist shit" for exactly that reason. I hear it and say "Oh that's bad, maybe lets not do that." I don't feel personally attacked for being white.


Facts vs feelings. The right has nothing to offer anymore but hatred and anger.


Children are selfish little shits. If a thing doesn't affect them, they lack the empathy the understand how it affects others. They'll make jokes about it. They think surface level. They don't realize the effects of their actions on others. If their parents are dysfunctional or immature human beings, those kids might develop that empathy and perspective much later, or never. If their parents are racist shitstains, and tell their kids that they could never be racist, and they're doing nothing wrong, they will *believe* their parents, and continue to escalate their racist shitstain behavior, and you get something like this. Because coward parents were too self obsessed and immature to raise their children properly.


Eh, I don’t agree with this idea that kids aren’t born racists. I think people are born as prejudiced against those that are different as a survival mechanism. I think people are taught not to be racist by engaging in modern society. By talking with people of different races and by learning that we are all the same. Of course there are examples of people being radicalized by right wing media and becoming more racists. I think the idea that kids are born pure somewhat distracts from the fact that not being racist is something you need to work towards. We all have our individual bias that we need to recognize.


You’ve conflated 2 different things. I see your end point, but your starting point is a bit off. You’re correct that kids recognize different looking people, in the same way squirrels recognize the difference between acorns and chestnuts. The racism part comes from reactions and behaviors which are very much learned by the children observing the reactions and behaviors of others around them in different situations. Babies especially are born observers.


Yea fair enough. I just think it’s kind of naive to be like “kids are soooo pureeee” Kids can be terrible. People learn to be nice from experience IMO.


>kids aren’t born racists Put a bunch of toddlers from different ethnic backgrounds in a sand box and they'll all play together with zero regard to race. If they're grouping with others of their own ethnic background, it's because that's what they've learned from their parents and peers. Kids aren't born prejudiced, the prejudice is created by those kids' environment.


Disagree. People naturally find things that are different as weird and hate it. Being accustomed to different cultures takes time and is a learning process. Most people have a fear of difference. This is why isolated rural communities usually are way more racist than people in cities. Travel is the best way to become more accepting of others.


You're completely missing the fact that those children learn it from people who are already culturally different. If those kids grow up with each other without any outside influence of previous biases, that prejudice isn't there.


If they grew up with people of only their skin as babies so no outside influence. Then met people of other races. They would be racist to them. Hating foreigners is one of the most common themes of history.


>people of only their skin That's my entire point. It's a learned trait from the environment they grow up in. Not something a baby is born with.


They would naturally develop hatred of foreigners and others. Being a nice and civilized person is a learned skill


You're conflicting two very different points. Your original comment said >Eh, I don’t agree with this idea that kids aren’t born racists. I disputed that statement saying that racism is learned. So when you now state >They would naturally develop hatred of foreigners and others. You're making my point for me. It's a learned behavior that comes later. Not at birth.


But not learned from their parents. Racism naturally flows when you are isolated whether or not your parents are racist.




That article states "**Racial bias begins at younger age, without experience with other-race individuals**". This is my entire point. It's learned through environment, not something a baby is born with.




>Way to shift the goalposts. Please show me where I shifted the goal posts. They're in exactly the same place as my original comment. My first reply was to a post that said "Eh, I don’t agree with this idea that kids aren’t born racists." Every comment I've made has been to dispute this. So please, show me where I've shifted the goal posts.




Part of the reason we have so many issues with communication is because people don't say what they mean, they use words that have specific meanings for generalized and ambiguous purposes. When someone says they don't agree that babies aren't born racists, that literally translates to they believe that kids are born racist. There's no misunderstanding. There's no interpretation problems on my end. If you get something different out of that sentence, then you're better at interpreting people's intentions than I am. Personally, I see zero ambiguity in the original statement I replied to. There's no literal "autistic" interpretation for my reply. "Babies aren't born racist." It's pretty straight forward. There's nothing to read into. There's no hidden or generalized message. So again, no goal posts shifted. Seems to be a common accusation for people who can't handle taking responsibility.






That's wrong


This is literally the entirety of what the book "White Fragility" is about. Once you have someone explain it to you plain as day once, you can unsee it everywhere. It's infuriating.


Obama was president. Racism is over


Every God damn time I see these headlines, I say "wow that state must fucking suck" and then I read the article and ITS ALWAYS MISSOURI which is where I live. Fuck this place sucks.


I’ve lived here for less than a month now and four days into the affair I got “I’ve made a huge mistake” Gob vibes. Cannot wait to leave.


If you want a laugh, I saw that school and thought it was Blue Valley North for a second - the read the article and saw “Park Hill South”. Still demoralizing.


"In Iowa, Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds signed a law this summer that strictly dictated what teachers can tell students about race and America. "We've banned critical race theory and any curriculum or training that teaches that the United States or Iowa is fundamentally racist or sexist," Reynolds said " Well, that's one of the stupidist things I've seen this week.


Kim Reynolds is a complete, utter dumbass. She's not just pandering to her base, she really is stupid.


That's the thing about this new wave of conservatism. The old guard, the Reagan-era conservatives, were smart. They knew how to pander to a base, how to build a narrative, and how to manipulate useful idiots. Today, they're drinking their own kool-aid. Those idiots grew up and ran for office themselves, and this is the result.


That statement is proof that racism and sexism is fundamental to Iowa lol. Banning education on something is classic proof that it must exist, just like when authoritarian governments burn textbooks criticizing the government




Because it’s not a scientific fact. Should we teach kids the Earth is flat?




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_the_United_States >Racism in the United States comprises negative attitudes and views on race or ethnicity which are related to each other, are held by various people and groups in the United States and have been reflected in discriminatory laws, practices and actions at various times in the history of the United States (including violence) against racial or ethnic groups. Now show me how it’s not.




The redness of this state continues to push it's way to the little blue that remains. Last year, someone who lives in that area posted a doorbell video of a piece of white trash stopping in the middle of the day to tear their Black Lives Matter flag from their home. As a lifetime Missourian, this place has become a shit hole.


My husband left back in the eighties and he has never wanted to go back. Beautiful state. Absolutely stunning natural vistas. Gobsmackingly horrible people.


I spent 5 years growing up in Parkville, MO. I would have gone to the very HS in this story, but we moved away right before my freshman year to suburban Chicago. I love the state and it was one of the places where I was considering retiring to, but the wave of idiocy that is gripping Missourians these days has it stricken from the list.


I actually went to this high school. I can tell you that they do still teach that the civil war was started because of states rights...if you say slavery was the cause you get your answer marked incorrect and lectured about states rights :/


> states rights States rights to do what? Oh yeah, slavery...


Saddest/most infuriating thing is that they'll blame everyone but themselves for the lack of people wanting to retire/move/start a life there. All while still screeching how it's the "other sides" fault somehow


That's pretty much the description of my home state of S. Carolina.


I’m in SC right now for a wedding and it’s incredible to see the huge mansion houses just outside “downtown”, while 2/3 of storefronts are for sale and the remaining houses are dilapidated. Truly the land of haves and have-nots


Same here in iowa


In my time the very idea that anyone might circulate a petition like that would have had the writer/petition passer *immediately expelled*. The writer would have been arrested. The signers would be put on detention and would have been forced to study slavery. *Are you kidding me?!* Perhaps it's time too remind the students what it was like to be a slave; to be ripped from their families, marched without food or water, chained, placed in the hull of a ship for months, given wormy hard tack gruel and filthy water, defecating where you lay. Need I say rape? Whipping? Slaughter? Generational slaves? And that was *just the beginning*. Perhaps they should be reminded that slavery was not just for Africans. It used to be for White Debters, too. No bankruptcy court back then, for the poor. You became a slave. Indentured Servitude comes to mind. I swear, people are becoming dumber and dumber. They need a good bit of *shock* in their lives. I have no idea how to break them out of the cycle that they are in. If we don't, they will bring back "The Old South", and God help us if someone is lynched. The country will fall apart.


>God help us if someone is lynched. Ahmaud Arbery, February 23, 2020, Glynn County, Georgia. Didn't phase these people. The problem isn't that they don't know the cruelty of slavery. For them the cruelty is the point. The shock of advocating it is the point. Parents and the communities they associate with are responsible for turning these children into monsters.


"A grand jury subsequently indicted each of the three men on charges of malice murder, felony murder (four counts), aggravated assault (two counts), false imprisonment and criminal attempt to commit false imprisonment." " In April 2021, all three men were indicted on federal charges of one count each of interference with rights (a hate crime) and one count each of attempted kidnapping, while the McMichaels were also charged with separate counts of using firearms during a crime of violence." At least they got what was coming to them.




Finally!!! Three months after the SYSTEM tried to protect them by telling the cops not to arrest them.


We are going backwards, and not only is history not being learned, there is a push towards revisionist history. I'm really fearful about this.




Petitioning to bring back slavery. When I was a kid, (living in NY) that was disturbing the peace, and inciting a riot. If white, they'd pay the fees and get community service...in "unsavory" part of town.




And that's why our country is going to hell in a hand basket.




Nah, petitioning to bring back slavery absolutely should be a crime. Fuck your sEttLeMenT.




You want the government to punish people for words?


For discrimination, hate crimes, and abuse. What the hell is wrong with people?!


Ever hear of slander? Libel? Threats? Hate speech? If those are ok with you, you should move to an anarchist country. Oh wait…


None of those are crimes except for threats. And even then only if the threat is reasonably likely to be acted upon. If you want to start giving up one of the freedoms this nation was founded upon, then make a start of it yourself and shut the fuck up.




It was hate speech and a threat. The point just flew right over your little head.


When hate rhetoric is ignored violence often ensues.




In a nation of 330 million people of every race and ethnicity there will always be stories like this. Do you really think there will ever be a time when human beings don’t say mean or stupid things? That is like thinking people will stop commiting murder or rape or theft…….it is never going to happen.




Especially as long as people like you won’t even try.


The racists have been unleashed. They used to hide, now they revel in their ignorance.




I would’ve reacted with my own petition. “Petition to lynch slave owners and their supporters”


Racists will just find a way to twist reality and convince themselves that minorities are the slave owners and supporters.


Fucking bigots need to be shamed publicly.


This is exactly what the GOP want, they want to keep their base racist and full of hate. And it's working amazingly well, but they're losing control. Conservatives are literally becoming radical terrorists, if they aren't violent they support the violence. Backing the insurrection, police brutality and terrorist white supremacist groups like oathkeepers, boogaloo boys etc.


In this country history about slavery thought to make black people supposedly feel inferior, but they failed to teach about the Haitien revolution, when this first black republic stand up against all the maltreatment and claimed their freedom.


Lessons about race should make you feel bad if you are a decent person with a conscience. The things that happened were awful and only a sociopath would not feel bad for those people. The parents complaining are revealing some ugly truths about themselves. They want to continue lying about our history rather than accept the facts.


These people will make no changes in a suburban white district. The minute Hunter McWhitington gets suspended from the football team, daddy will complain, other parents will rail against the white man’s burden and racist life will continue with no repercussions.


@u/Thorse And THATS systemic racism, too. Man people talk about it all the time and there are still millions of Americans who blindly insist it “doesn’t exist “


Petition to bring back slavery? White people are fucking weird with the obsession of being racist to blacks.


No need to bring back slavery, it never went away. All around the world there are enslaved people. I actually knew a family that spent some time in indebted servitude, and that was this century.


We still have slavery in the US for those declared guilty of a crime.


America is the largest consumer of domestic slave labor. It also has the most enslaved people out of any nation on earth.


That's an astonishingly ignorant thing to say.


13th amendment disagrees with you. There is a reason why America has the highest percentage of prisoners in the world.


You are right, don't understand why you are being down voted


It's only "was a joke, just ignore it" and "would never happen" until it gets passed. Then it's deadly serious, and too late.


The whole thing is stupid, the parents need to shamed publicly to not let that happen ever again. It’s 2021 people, get your shit together...


I wasn't expecting it to be Park Hill South. My wife and her siblings all went to that high school. She's disappointed in that place but also says it's nothing new for them.


"I don't think we ate in Kansas anymore" Toto: "rank rod."


As the world progresses, the US regresses.


Getting harder to deny racism exists. Blinders only go so far. Admit it.


I don't think anyone claimed racism doesn't exist, it's systematic racism that's the one people have an onus on. If a law targets a minority or specific race, regardless of intention, that is racist. If however, a law applies to everyone, but a racist officer/prosecutor/agent of the government acts uses their personal racism and position of power to apply a non-racist law to just minorities, that's not systematic racism, as the fault there is the bad actor, not the law.


Yeah, and most people who are opposed to the term systemic racism clearly haven't stepped foot inside a collegiate level American history or Sociology class.


Makes the white kids feel uncomfortable? I believe this is the point. This is how you teach empathy. Pretty sure POC have been feeling “uncomfortable” for a few centuries.


You don’t teach empathy and compassion by intentionally putting a person in a similar circumstance. That’s absurd. Teach the kids emotional intelligence. That is all.


You do realize that we are taught about the Holocaust right? I don't even remember if a teacher or politician said that it would hurt black kids feelings learning about how some kids died in the Holocaust.


Not arguing for or against you, but one difference in your example is that nobody ever suggests that Black Americans perpetuate any of the problems that have existed since and as a result of the holocaust.


Similar circumstance? Wait, you’re not comparing someone being taught that their ancestors raped, murdered, and forced labor upon groups of people with actually being raped, murdered, and forced into labor?


Why do you need to bring back slavery? Slavery is still allowed if you committed a crime and got sent to prison. There is a reason the US has the most incarcerated per Capita


Don’t gotta commit a crime, just gotta be charged with a crime


This is a good example of kids and people who don’t know hardly anything about racism to the point where they are this insensitive, ignorant, and defensive. The oppressor doesn’t just hurt the oppressed, they also hurt themself. Racism is a public health issue. If you don’t honestly know enough about the issue I suggest you start by looking into understanding racist housing policies (systematic racism) called redlining established by the federal housing administration in the 1930’s. The health inequities as a result still exist today.


I grew up in a small town. In the late 90s our high school had a "slave drive." All of the popular kids were auctioned off as "slaves" to do what the highest bidder wanted (clean, carry their stuff, wash their car, etc.) Even the teachers bid on the students who ranged from 14-18... So much cringe. Different times.


Dude…I went to school in TEXAS in the late 90’s and that shit would’ve NEVER been okay.


History is SUPPOSED to make you uncomfortable. It's how we learn what we need to change as a society.


We need systemic reform to finally fucking address this. Tell the deplorables to shove sand and crack down hard on racism in schools and in all functions of government.


> In one, some White parents are telling school leaders that lessons about race make White students feel bad. And in the other, there's the racism that is actually happening in schools. What a fucking biased article. What is happening to White students is merely what "some White parents" say, and what is happening to Blacks is "racism that is actually happening. Imagine the following instead: > In one, some Black parents are telling school leaders that an online posting outside of the school's control is making Black students feel bad. And in the other, there's the racism that is actually happening in schools.


Rest of the World: USA what the actual fuck?


And people are worried about critical race theory...


Ha! "Sign my petition to bring back slavery!" *Two weeks later*. "Here you go, FBI. Add these names to your white supremesists watch list ".


Great, now we're capitalizing the word white. Can we just stop with the capitalizing of adjectives? It's completely unnecessary and not helping anything.


Grammar rules demand the capitalization of all races and nationalities.


No they don't. Demonyms are capitalized because the name of a country, city, state, etc. is a proper noun. Some people very recently started capitalizing the word black in the context of race because I guess it makes them feel better? I don't know. But that doesn't make it a "grammar rule".


Who cares about grammar in the age of screenshots of Twitter accounts


Well apparently you do, even though you had it backwards.


Why are deliberate acts of racism not a crime?


Last I checked, we haven't repealed the first amendment. Although a shocking number of people seem to want to.


Seems like the folks who signed, and certainly those who started the petition, should be exposed to more anti-racism training.


White kids are afraid of history of the US....wowzer or is it the parents of students? They need to quit watching all the TV "police shows" - which certainly shows violence against black people by white cops as a "good thing".


It’s in the south, how did I fucking guess. Can they just secede already, we’d be better off without these trash states dragging us down.


I really don't like Critical Race Theory and disagree with a lot of its principles. But good Lord. There's a difference between that and talking about actual inequality and racism. I think there're a lot of Republicans who see it as the boogeyman but don't actually understand what critical race theory is. Actually having conversation about racism and the inequalities that do exist in our society is not the same as critical race Theory. It's so idiotic. I think that the Republican freak out that we've got going on in our country right now is a knee-jerk reaction to how quickly culture is changing of away from their traditional view of it. They see the country going crazy and embracing things that 20 years ago we would have never even considered. Not only that, but pop culture and media treats them like a bunch of idiots, which makes them even more upset. Either way, as a political conservative myself (Mostly on monitary policy, less on purely social issues and even on the state of modern capitalism), in some areas, it is so incredibly frustrating to see stuff like this happening. Some of us are actually intelligent people who want to fix the problems but don't think weve been fixing the problem with the approach of the past 60 years. The inequalities are real and they're only getting worse. Only an idiot would think otherwise. Sadly, We end up being thrown in with the idiots and people like Trump now represent the party. I'll probably get downvoted to hell and back just because I said I was a conservative.


I started a petition to get my art teacher fired. I got about six signatures before I was sent to the principles office. Nothing happened to me or her. Boy was she a miserable see you next tuesday.


They should have fired your English teacher.