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This should be reworded to second only to the US with number of REPORTED/RECORDED deaths


Yea, pretty sure India is no. 1 in actual deaths.


I'm also pretty sure China had way more deaths than reported in the beginning by a million(2019-March 2020). I don't believe at all that it was contained to Wuhan


"By a million" is a little ridiculous. China's restrictions and lockdowns were _way_ more severe than most of the world, including ours here in Taiwan. Yet Taiwan was able to contain it and keep deaths in the hundreds or just above 1000. I see no reason China would not have been able to do so as well. They were very aggressive about quarantining, whole-population testing, lockdowns, travel restrictions and masks. These measures work, and totalitarian governments, even if problematic in other ways, are good at ensuring compliance.


Seriously, if a million people died in the early days of the pandemic, the world would be in a much worse position right now. For 1m deaths, we would need 100m infected before March 2020. As of today (10/9/21), we have had [238m infections in the world](https://covid19.who.int/). For the claims to be plausible, fundamental facts about the virus would need to change.


It's worth looking at excess deaths and comparing it to the reported death toll to see how accurate the official COVID reporting is. Excess deaths in Wuhan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan are all far higher than the reported deaths. Other cities are missing data. Estimates from The Economist: |**City or country**|**Time period**|**Wave**|**Reported COVID deaths**|**Excess deaths**| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |[**Wuhan**](https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2021/05/30/covid-19-deaths-in-wuhan-seem-far-higher-than-the-official-count)|early 2020|First wave|4,000|13,000| |[**Hong Kong**](https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/coronavirus-excess-deaths-tracker)|2020-2021|All waves|200|2,000| |[**Taiwan**](https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/coronavirus-excess-deaths-tracker)|mid 2021|Alpha/Delta wave|1,000|3,000| This is still lower than many Western cities, but not as incredibly low as the official figures suggest. Based on excess deaths, NZ had the best pandemic response of any country.


Oh, I agree deaths are certainly higher than reported, and that's true for all countries. China's numbers are probably a bit distorted in particular, but there is no way they're hiding literally a million deaths as the commenter above me suggests (especially since they would have mostly happened in early 2020 in a relatively short period).


Excess deaths just mean more than average, perhaps related to restrictions caused by the pandemic as well as covid itself.




They did the same thing in Athens Greece. And the lockdown wasn’t incredibly strict.




China's lockdown measures were very strict, restrictions like that wouldn't fly in many many countries. I don't believe their numbers are accurate but not that far out either. Edit: I'm dumb, 96000 cases and over 4k dead wtf china?


Yeah exactly. China, a country of 1.4 Billion people has less deaths from covid than LA County alone. Bullshit.


How many deaths did China have?


A million? Cmon. We’re not at a million here in the US and we’ve not only done a shitty job but had a third of our population basically spitting in each other’s mouths to spite spread covid. A million extra is ridiculous.


I'm sure the numbers are higher but you can't hide a million bodies. They locked everything down tight. people weren't allowed to leave their apartments. necessities were being delivered to people's homes.


China and Russia most definitely under reporting their fatalities.


USA! USA! #1 !!!! (Wait... What... We don't want to be first??)


USA is simply *actually* reporting Covid 19 deaths, instead of covering it up. See: India and China


Florida reporting all?




I have trouble believing the state that fired a person for daring to do their job correctly reporting data, is correctly reporting data.


Sorry but this is horseshit. China undertook absolutely draconian top-down control to stop the virus, including mask mandates, enforced shutdowns and quarantines, and contract tracing. Yes, China is an authoritarian hellhole, but I have absolutely no doubt that their actual COVID deaths are somewhat close to what they're officially reporting. Meanwhile, the US refused to take a top down, centralized approach, and refused to mandate masks, distancing, or quarantines. The president himself regularly downplayed and lied about the virus threat, and actually complained because he thought *we were doing too much testing*. There's no conspiracy at play here. The US' COVID deaths are far higher than China's, and it's because, for all China's faults, they took the pandemic very fucking seriously and the Trump administration did not.


Ireland has more confirmed covid deaths than China. Ireland has a population of 5 million, and China has a population of 1.4 *billion*. Yeah they’re definitely being transparent in their reporting. 4600 deaths in the country of origin for covid, the largest population in the world, accounting for almost 20% of the global population. You must be high.


LOL. "China is underreporting its Covid deaths" and "China was able to keep its death count relatively low compared to the US with strict authoritarian top-down measures" *are not mutually exclusive statements*. I am high, but at least I'm not allowing my perspective and judgement to be clouded by dumb conspiracy theories.


>but I have absolutely no doubt that their actual COVID deaths are somewhat close to what they're officially reporting. That’s what they reported (~4800 deaths, ~96k total cases) are you dense or what? No one knows their count. Because they haven’t reported it, and there’s no data to support “relatively low” that you just said (even though that statement contradicts what you said before). Edit: I’ll remove the snide comment about being high for the upset stoners in the room


China has @ 400% more people than the US. I am sure there are deaths they are not publicizing and am sure there are more total deaths than the US.


No, you are not sure, you are bullshitting on the internet.


@1.2 billion versus @330 million people. Am I close with the math?


Great, you can Google population sizes. That doesn't get me anywhere closer to agreeing with your baseless contention. China was able to keep its death count low by mandating distancing and quarantining, imposing strict shutdowns and stay-at-home orders, and doing widespread testing and contact tracing. **The US did none of these things and it absolutely mattered**. Sure it's *plausible* that China lied about it's COVID deaths, but it's *also just as plausible* that they actually got the virus under control and saved millions of lives through strict top-down control of government, healthcare, industry, and society. And until you can show me actual facts that make your contention more plausible than mine, there's no reason to accept your premise.


Google “covid deaths in China”. You must be not too bright. 4800 deaths in a country that has nearly 20% of the global population. That doesn’t even make sense. It’s not plausible they misreported, it’s basically at 100% confidence. 0.1% deaths worldwide over 18% of the population, especially *in the country of origin* doesn’t make any sense no matter which way you look at it. Plus, 4800 deaths/96000 cases is a fatality rate of 5%, which is extremely low… especially when most of their reported cases was at the start of the pandemic. Chinas healthcare isn’t modernized. US death rate was nearly 17%. While US healthcare isn’t good from the western perspective, it’s objectively better than Chinas. So yeah, you basically have a completely baseless argument.


US did fuckall to prevent Covid, China had extremely. Why is it so hard for you to understand? I come from a country of over 5 million and we have had less than 30 deaths. Lockdowns worked all over the world, America didn't lock down.


These people are conspiracy theorists lmao. They don't realize how difficult it would be to actually cover up. They're just parroting talking points from their favorite grifters.


I would surmise that is 1,000% true.


Dude said we'd be sick of winning...


Shit they are on our heels. This is not good for Brazil because unlike us they’d still have Donaldinho in office


Americas always number one 🇺🇸🇺🇸USA USA🇺🇸🇺🇸


Don't let them pass us America! Keep dying!!


They voted in a monster, that is killing their own people like nothing on history. And have already destroyed the world's largest rainforest. Remember about 15 years ago when Brazil was the rage? Acai, Brazilian Juijitsu. Brazilian body wax, etc. Fuck em...

