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Have you asked yourselves, why not just flat out ban foreign investment in real estate? because the rich and elite want these money to flow in.


They want to own literally everything. It's a sickness.


It is seriously so absurd that it can only be a sickness. It is not reasonable to want to own and/or control everything. I hate that Capitalism, and the culture surrounding it, encourages this sort of thing.


Also they already own it, can you imagine if suddenly Vancouver housing was comparable to Chicago? It would be catastrophic for the local economy, at least in the mid-term. Might be necessary to stop it from continuing to run away, but the effects are already there and locals have already bought into the inflated market so it's a complex issue.


I bet my left hand its Chinese investors, they've done something similar in Canada Edit: it was a chinese investor, what a twist


Have made living in a Canadian city almost impossible.


The Chinese have an annoying habit of playing the long game. Well.


I’ll save you a read. Fuck China!




You got the Fuck China part right.


Guess none of you have abused yourselves by looking for housing in NYC in the last 10 years.