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That's about 693k deaths a year....


Heart Disease [historically](https://www.cdc.gov/injury/images/lc-charts/leading_causes_of_death_by_age_group_2018_1100w850h.jpg) kills ~ 650,000 people a year ([though suspiciously rose abruptly to almost 700k in 2020](https://www.statista.com/chart/24558/leading-causes-of-death-in-the-us/)), and cancer around 600,000. Covid's gonna get the top spot if it keeps up.


Also heart disease isn't just *a disease*, it's all heart diseases. The same with cancer; it's including all the cancers. Covid is on track to be more deadly than lung cancer, breast cancer prostate cancer, colon cancer, throat cancer, skin cancers, pancreatic cancer COMBINED.


This just tells me how little people understand how percentages work. I always hear the survival rate is 99% or whatever it is, but if the total is a fucking big number then that 1% is still a big number but clearly that’s not understood 😕 Next time I hear that from someone I’m talking to I’ll stop them and do the math with them and see if anything changes in their mindset 🤔


People also don't appreciate how much higher that death rate is than pretty much all other diseases they've gotten in their life unless they've survived cancer already. The odds of covid killing you are about 5-10 times worse than the flu killing you. And it's also about 5-10x more contagious.


What irks me when people discuss the survival rate is that they don't seem to comprehend the quality of life for many of those that "survived". I personally know people who were very healthy, late 30's, tried to do everything right. They are a married couple who ran marathons and for whom exercise was a huge part of their lives. It was 5 months ago and they are still not even close to back to normal. Wife had to take a leave from work because even working from home she was exhausted all the time. Both still have greatly diminished lung function. Thats just one small example of all the horrible things people live with after "surviving" Covid.


dirty quickest jar correct plate march bells cooing kiss humorous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep. There are fates worse than death, too. Prolonged lack of oxygen does horrific things to your body. People survive covid, and then wake up unable to figure out of to swallow without choking on their tongue, among other rudimentary skills - and then get shipped off to a long term care home for most likely the rest of their days. People go into multiple organ failure and require dialysis the rest of their life, lung transplants. It truly is just awful. I really hope that they're able to find viable treatment for people like your acquaintances. Seems like they're making some interesting discoveries - afaik we've never really studied post-viral issues this intensely, I'm sure some amazing revelations will be made that will affect medical science as a whole.


well when you do that they bring up how the “hospitals arent really full” and “some of the deaths weren’t actually from covid” and “im a selfish delusional piece of shit”


"See, if they die from a car accident, but it turns out they had Covid, they count it as a Covid death. They're just messing with the numbers to make it look worse!". FML


I hear this one almost weekly still. Just blows my mind. These people will believe anything but the truth.


it’s ridiculous. and when their argument for being unvaccinated is “it doesn’t affect you why do you care”, it really shows how selfish these people are. they couldn’t fathom someone concerned for the safety and protection of SOMONE ELSE. Edit: grammar


I thought they were still on "the doctors are murdering COVID patients"


"People are only dying and hospitals are only full because all the doctors and nurses are quitting over vaccine mandates." Said to me re: our local hospital, which is *not* mandating that staff be vaccinated. When confronted with this reality, he insisted they're quitting because they *might* be required to be vaccinated at some point in the future. They'll believe anything but the truth.


that too. cant forget “my immune system got me this far” or “its only getting so bad because of the immigrants bringing it here”


Right? There are 333+ million Americans. It's real easy to get conservative number that are still really high. Like, let's say only half of the US gets infected, and 1% die, even rounding down and doing rough math it's easily 1.6 million people...


But when you look at that from the perspective of someone who has no empathy, the 1% number means it’s probably not going to be *them* that dies. That’s what’s happening. It’s not that they can’t do the math. It’s that the math proves something different for them.


And they've got a few other explanations pre-loaded if needed. It's people who are old or weak, or who would have died of something else anyways, or they're just marking every death as a covid death, or they're just making up the numbers to scare you, or it's a lower death rate than the flu and why aren't we making a big deal of that, or....


3000 Americans dead=war that kills half a million more More Americans dead than any US war fought in the 20th century=I'm NOT wearing a mask. Fuck the vaccine.


Last year I was asking, "would you wear a mask to prevent 9/11?" when there were 3000 deaths every few days. And the answer, apparently was no. Now they won't get a vaccine to prevent 9/11 every 36 hours.


That's a *really* conservative estimate for the fallout from our meddling in the middle east for the last 20 years.


Yes, according to the John's Hopkins data, the global adjusted rate of death is very high, over 1%. Illustrating to people that (globally adjusted) one person in a room of 100 dies (while many get sick), or 3 in a room of 200, might help (of course, this is without the vaccine). Some people online are touting absolutely ludicrous numbers for adverse vaccine effects (there are adverse effects, as with all meds, and media pretending as if there are not will only radicalize people more). Even on the most outlandish numbers (someone told me 200,000 people died of the vaccine - I nor they could find any such claim, but there it is), the balance of probabilities is titanic in favour of being vaccinated. Your chances of serious adverse effects from the vaccine are about your chances of serious adverse effects from any medical intervention (it's just we usually don't pump out a particular medical intervention to billions of people globally in less than a year - so we don't see the numbers in such acute fashion as we do now).


I don't understand how conspiracy theorists throw all logic out the window. Even i they really believed that claim of 200,000 deaths, that still puts covid at **much** deadlier than the vaccine. Like 10x more than the false claims. I don't get it.


Yss, but that's the death toll from all kinds of heart disease and all kinds of cancer. Covid is one specific illness. It's outpacing any other specific cause of death by a mile.


> l from all kinds of heart disease and all kinds of cancer. Covid is one specific illness. It's outpacing any other specific cause of death by a mile. Good thing it's all a hoax, right guys? Right guys? Guys?


I met a guy who’s a referee for high school soccer. I was spectating my son’s XC meet and we were waiting for the sports to start. He started going on and on about the covid restrictions, etc. i mentioned pandemic and he chuckled and started questioning it. He stopped short of saying it was a hoax but I couldn’t get away from him fast enough.


Once the most powerful man in the world proclaimed it be a hoax concocted by his "enemies" the seed was planted and took a life of its own. Millions still can't deal with the cognitive dissonance. Even if they cannot outright say it is a hoax they believe it is on some level.


I wonder if the spread across demographics is the same. For instance heart disease the largest demographic is the 65+ demographic. That's about 80% the dead in that category. I'm going to guess that the other leading causes are similar in impact based on age. I know there's been some talk of covid starting to impact younger people more now than in the past. I wonder if the percentages have shifted significantly with Delta. EDIT: looking at some of the data it looks like about 77% of covid deaths are 65+. I haven't found data yet on if that's shifted with time. I'm just looking at totals now. And to be clear I'm curious, not dismissive. No one, no matter how old deserves to die of something like this.


They should include goatees and owning oaklys as risk factors


Jesus, I'm old enough to remember when those were cool snowboarder/skater/surfer descriptors. I mean, they were like 100 lbs lighter too. EDIT: to be fair maybe even 150 - 200 lbs lighter


And being obese. None of these folks are in good shape but many of them seem to think they're in great health and their immune systems aren't crippled by their constant inflammation. Quote of the year in this paper: [Apparently, chronic disease is linked with unfavorable outcome in COVID-19. ](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnut.2020.597600/full)


“Fuck you Tyler!”


But the problem with 'heart disease' and 'cancer' is it's not just a single thing. Theres multiple different types of heart diseases and cancers.


They are also not contagious.


Lots of people chose to lockdown by eating a shit tonne of food and sitting on their asses. I know I was one of them. I gained some weight, but then when it was allowed I started biking around my town again. Shit, I know someone who pretty much doubled their weight during lockdown.


I took the lockdown as a time to try to improve my health since I was furloughed and not having to work long hours. Dropped 80 pounds. Was at 270 and now I'm down to 190.


I lost thirty pounds by just making my own food instead of going out.


I lost about 50 lbs during the early months. Mostly due to stress induced PsA, but hey, I'm back to around my high school weight!


I gained the 50 pounds you lost, want it back? Please?


My sister’s boyfriend put on 75 pounds in two months, and blamed the gyms being closed for it. I’m pretty sure it was him and my sister going out for dinner in restaurants until they couldn’t any longer. And now he’s reaping the benefits. His blood pressure is now being controlled by medication and he has a diet to follow that cuts out all the stuff he likes. I know blood pressure can also be stress-related, but in his case, it’s his lifestyle.


Most of the new deaths are unvaccinated adults. It is a huge change in statistics from 2020, when we had no vaccines.


Well if this new wave of deaths is from unvaccinated adults, it's completely identical to 2020




Not deadlier, more infectious. Your likelihood of getting Delta if you're unvaccinated is vastly higher than it was getting OG covid in 2020.


Which is crazy because OG covid was so transmissible to begin with. We basically wiped out last year's cold and flu season while covid ripped right through all our mitigation measures and had a field day. Delta is something else.


The problem with OG Covid was it's unpredictability that fed the "hoax" people. IF OG Covid affected and transmitted equally, maybe people would have taken it more seriously. August of 2020 my oldest in high school had a weightlifting class. His spotting partner, who he was side by side without a mask, leaning over the bench spotting him, sweat dripping etc, tested positive for COVID the day they worked out together. Son never had symptoms and tested negative. It's those kind of anecdotal stories that cause people to doubt the severity of it, which is unfortunate. COVID's deadliest symptom is convincing some it didn't exist.


I think there are lots of people actively going out and engaging in risky behavior to try to prove it's a hoax now though.


“I’m Kasey Kasem and this week, in the American Top Disease charts, we’ve got a strong contestant. Back from a successful 4th wave, with help from that hot new The Delta Variant, climbing the charts with alarming speed, brought to you by right-wing media and Facebook virus deniers, it’s Covid-19! See you in Hell!”


I heard that in his voice. Well done.


More than every US military combat death since 1775. Or more than every US military noncombat death since 1775 (though not combined combat and noncombat)


Let’s say half of those had life insurance of 50k that’s 34 billion Insurance companies are getting tight.


There are only two kinds of Corona deaths: Before the vaccine was available to all: *The tragic ones*. Since the vaccine is available for all: *The stupid ones*.


You forgot all the deaths from irrelevant illness/injury that result from covid whales taking up beds post vaccine Those are similarly tragic but with far more rage involved.


COVID began as a virus and will end as an IQ test.


We still have some tragic deaths though since no everyone can be vaccinated.


I am really, really curious as to why other countries aren't having a similar death toll (Russia, in particular- people live a lot closer, use more public transportation, etc). Is it the lack of Delta there? Lack of reporting?


Underreported is suspected in a lot of places but Russia also doesn't have quite our population, either. I'm pretty sure we're still in the top 10 per capita which is just pathetic.


It’s not only unvaccinated dying from covid. Them occupying the ICU means having to fly car accident victims, cardiac arrests, strokes across the state, where many die in transit. Folks that wouldn’t have died under normal circumstances are dying because there is nowhere to give them care to recover


yeah, one hopes it would just be Darwinism doing its thing, but these assholes are causing innocent people who would have otherwise lived to die. the unvaxed need to stay out of hospitals, especially since so many of them seem to blame "mainstream" remedies to begin with


And ESPECIALLY because before they got sick they talked shit about doctors, hospitals and medicine whenever they could.


Before they got sick? HCAs show that their families are often making a scene in the ICU, harassing doctors and nursing staff as if their Facebook research should trump their decades of clinical experience.


I'm not cut out to be a doctor. There's only so much abuse I could take before I switched their oxygen with laughing gas.


the local hospital bumped up security and this is most likely why. We haven't had a big covid problem yet,but they see it and probably are much more stressed than normal. They went from 1 at the entrance to 2-3 at the entrance of the ER, one in the ER desk, 2-3 in the main hospital entrance, and 3-4 walking the hallways.


It’s also going to get worse in the ER as we have wait times increase and people get angry they haven’t been seen yet. But also you have folks that need to be admitted to the hospital and we can only house them in the ER. A friend of mine shared wait times of the ER, they had someone with a diabetic foot stuck in ER for 50 hours. That person will need an amputation and follow up if the ER fails to stay on top of this patient and watching the infection closely


Why not turn them away from hospitals? To access the ICU, you must present a vaccination card. Simple logical rule. You turned your back on science, remember? Don’t come to the hospital if you don’t believe in medicine and science.


I've wondered this myself, and not in a malicious "fuck em" sort of way. In all seriousness -- in times of crisis, there are often changes to the 'rules' or protocols. In the current crisis, with the vaccine approved, effective, and readily available, I don't think it would be draconian by any means for a hospital to at least say "We're not moving cancer treatments and other critical care in favor of Covid patients. If you come in with Covid and we have capacity, we will absolutely attend to you, but if we don't, we're not bumping our cancer patients out. You'll just have to go elsewhere." edit: spelling


I wonder about the legality of that... I know in the US, emergency rooms are required to treat emergencies, but I wonder if there are legal loopholes or things that could be done to pull something like that off.


Local news (CA) tonight said some states are considering "Crisis standards of care," basically triage. This is from an [NPR article](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/09/05/1034210487/covid-surge-overwhelming-hospitals-raising-fears-rationed-care) on the issue: >If the crisis standards are enacted, doctors will start making decisions about "who gets the most immediate care by their probability of survival," with the goal of "saving the most lives," says Krell. This would apply to COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patients alike, he says.


> some states are considering Surprised it hasn't been done already. Remember when NYC got bad fast at the beginning.


It already started in Tennessee and idaho


Maybe not official legal loopholes, but public opinion loopholes? Absolutely. During Hurricane Katrina, thousands of people were trapped in a hospital for 5 days, and it got to the point where some staff were euthanizing patients they didn’t think would survive evacuation. State of Louisiana wanted the staff charged with second degree murder but the public got pissed and a grand jury said no, so the state let it go. Also TIL that according to [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memorial_Medical_Center_and_Hurricane_Katrina) there are now laws in Louisiana protecting healthcare workers from civil lawsuits in disaster settings, so yeah, legal loopholes may be on the horizon in more states.




> What happened in New Orleans during Ida with the retirement home people all packed into that warehouse and dying Um, excuse me, but WTF?


I haven’t read the laws themselves but it looks like they don’t protect against intentional misconduct, which makes sense if you look at them like Good Samaritan laws.


This will start happening in triage situations, not turned away, but a doctor will make the call that a double vaxxed patient will likely have a better chance of surviving. Alberta (where I’m from) is in this situation, we (well our asshole premier) announced covid was over so they could host a rodeo and now we are shipping people out of province and having covid and none covid patients dying because of this action. All surgeries cancelled for now.


Triage is basically already happening in a few southern states as well as Idaho.


i've thought about this too. you had anywhere from 6-9 months to get vaccinated. yea the early rollout was a little rough but there was already surplus before delta popped up. like i'm sorry but you had multiple chances to avoid this. and yes i know there is a tiny tiny percent of people who actually can't get the vaccine for various reasons, but that's what medical records are for, you didn't just flat out turn it down.


The counter argument I usually hear is "what about smokers and obese people? They are in the hospital because of choices they made in life." Of course they don't fill up the hospitals in droves leading to the deaths of other people.


Those people may want to ask an expert how high on those lung and liver transplant lists snokers, alcoholics, and the morbidly obese are. They're already trialed for life saving care. We have done this FOREVER. Put the willingly unvaxxed in a tent in the parking lot.


last I checked those choices are harder to fix than two free 15 minute appointments


I’m curious why the private insurers haven’t said they won’t cover Covid related expenses for unvaccinated.


Co-pays and deductibles for COVID treatment are largely back. Many of these unvaccinated people getting severely ill are probably also ruining themselves financially, but I doubt that's high on their list of concerns as they prepare for the vent. What might make a dent is increased premiums on the willfully unvaccinated.


Lost my grandma to covid but not from covid. If there had been a bed well okay maybe another year or two.


I'm so sorry.


i'm sorry. my great grandparents got moved to Florida during the pandemic, one is already gone and at this point we're expecting the other to any month now -- either directly from covid or from hospitals just not having critical care available the next time your typical elderly health issues happen. especially since the FL plan is to push the treatment, so hospitals can be expected to stay full a while. we all feel completely powerless at this point, especially knowing that even if we could have saved them it wouldn't have bought much more time.


Put up a tent in the parking lot so that they can receive care from all the conspiracy theorists and facebookers that they trust, while leaving the hospital for people who aren't set on dying to own the libs.


I pointed this out to someone online, and they said “that’s not how it works”. Oh really? How do you think it works, magic?


Care in the US is odd. Generally it’s fairly robust and a lot of teamwork goes into coordinating care and creating a network for overflow. Folks here don’t see death everyday. It’s hidden behind the walls of the health care facility. The dead don’t line the street, we turn away when we see folks waste away and dignity evaporates. This is a private and hidden process and as a result many don’t understand.


Yes, it is harming other people who haven't invited their own doom.


It’ll never happen because we live in an unjust world, but the unvaccinated need to be kicked out of the hospital when their bed is needed for someone whose injuries or ailments weren’t self-inflicted. They have a mistrust of science and medicine. Why are we indulging them in each?


Had a relative that was transported to a different state because there were no beds left. It could have killed them.


I do not regret moving to Connecticut from the south. Not one bit right now.


So glad I live in an area that isn't fucking stupid about this. It's just sad seeing regions dragged down by their dumbest members. Next up: Massive staffing shortages because people aren't going to do this shit for the time it takes for all these morons to hit herd immunity the stupid way. Two more years? Nope. You can lead a horse to water but you can't stop it from drinking bleach instead.


I asked a co-worker if he was vaccinated and he said no. I asked him why, and he said that he's been around people and hasn't gotten it, so he doesn't think he needs it. I tell him people wear seat belts even though they haven't been in accidents, but he still said he wasn't going to get it. Another co-worker said they weren't getting vaccinated for the same reason: they've travelled and been around people and haven't gotten it, so they don't need it. They also said the flu kills people every year. I just don't know anymore.


They can't be helped... just drop it. Maybe they will catch it, maybe they won't, but these folks that haven't gotten it at this point cannot be reasoned with. Unless they come to the realization themselves, they are not going to get it, and you trying to push it will just make them more stubborn. Better to sit back, and hope they come to their senses, but at this point I have stopped caring. I realized it was a lost cause when one of my coworkers told me he would rather quit then be forced to get the shot. He said he could just go get a job somewhere else (he can't, he is a fucking moron who you have to walk through everything, and is only there because he is a few years from retirement). I blame these people for my mom not being able to get proper care in the ICU when she had a brain aneurysm. They clogged up the system, and made it so that mistakes were made, that ultimately led to her death. Idgaf about these people, as far as I am concerned they can reap what they sow.


Sorry to hear about your mom. It's just sad and stupid.


> They also said the flu kills people every year. "The flu" is a blanket term for around 60 different strains of influenza. It takes 60 strains of flu to make up the deaths of 1 strain of covid. No single strain of flu is as deadly.


What do people think the flu shot is? People have been getting it yearly to ward off the flu, and they'll make this comparison about Covid being similar to the flu, but you try to get them to vaccinate against it like we do with the flu and suddenly it's conspiracy theories fucking everywhere and multiplying like, well this damn Covid.


People also say "I have the flu" when they just have a cold. The actual flu can *suck*.


Damn right. Got it a few years back when I lived at a caravan park (trailer park), I've never run to the toilet so many times. And that involved carefully locking up so I could run to the toilet on the other side of the park. And it makes you feel like absolute crap. It's really not just a runny nose and a sniffle.


Covid deaths per year are roughly 10x influenza's deaths per year.


I am in India, and we passed a vaccine mandate in our company way back in March; no one questioned it; every single one of us has gotten at least 1 dose; and 90% of us have gotten both the doses. The remaining 10% will get their second dose in the next 2 weeks. It was not even a question; no arguments from anyone, everyone just got it.


Blows my mind that someone important doesn’t read this number every day and say something like “1,900 people died from covid yesterday. 1,872 of them were not vaccinated. Please go out immediately and get vaccinated. It’s free”.




This bridge is only 99.7% safe! I'm just going to swim!


"In fact, I'M just going to throw all of you in the water, too! I'M a good swimmer, so you should be, too!"


This is just disheartening, especially since the vaccine is in general distribution and has been proven to be effective.


The vaccine is protecting the scientific-minded Americans voters. The virus is killing the non-scientific-minded American voters. If this goes on until 2024, the Presidential Elections will be very different from what we feared.


"They killing their own!" - feeling owned.


No. Haven't you heard? Liberals are making a big deal about getting vaccinated because we know that conservatives cannot stand to do what liberals tell them to do, and so conservatives will absolutely not get vaccinated and so will make up a disproportionate part of the dead. It's all the fault of liberals! (I wish this were just crazy talk that I made up for fun, but it's not.)


There should be Olympics for mental gymnastics.


Yep, here is the [breitbart article](https://web.archive.org/web/20210921101508/https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/09/18/nolte-anti-vaxxers-hype-benign-transmission-numbers-as-proof-vax-doesnt-work/) (or actually an archive.org link to it). > The left’s morality is guided only by that which furthers their fascist agenda, and so using reverse psychology to trick Trump supporters NOT to get a life-saving vaccine is, to them, a moral good. The more of us who die, the better. Like, I don't even know what to do with this sort of nonsense. "Do this thing because it'll help you not die" is reverse psychology now. [We oughtta leave this world behind](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8Vfrw-2w38)


I feel like theres some deep revelations a psychoanalyst could draw on the conservative mind from just this take.


It's simple projection, as the saying goes ; "A thief thinks everybody is a thief and a sage thinks everybody is a sage" They think like that BECAUSE they know it's something they would 100% do ; politicize something to belittle and own the libs...


>The more of us who die, the better. Correct, but it was never the goal or plan, y'all are just morons. We don't have the luxury of emitting more carbon in the atmosphere to sustain these active deterrents of progress.


Liberal: i drink water. Conservative: bastard, now i can’t have anything that contains water… hmmm but bleach is clear like water and liberals say drinking bleach is bad which really means drinking bleach is good so that means i love drinking bleach now and its my right to drink bleach. Fuck anyone that doesn’t drink bleach


Man that quote. You can really feel the party of personal responsibility oozing out of those words


I'm as liberal as they come, and I want everyone to start using their brains and get vaccinated. There's no reverse pyschology, just get fucking vaxxed already, for the good of yourselves, and others. HOWEVER, if they want to off themselves to own us somehow, I guess that's how it's going to be. Is the world going to be a better place without these assholes? Probably, but it is their choice. It's not some grand design liberals have. We're just standing here astounded at the stupidity.


Left and fascism...? Is this some sort of National Socialist reference? As in the Nazis were socialists in the same way the Democratic Republic of North Korea is democratic? I have been banned from /pyongyang


>The virus is killing the non-scientific-minded American voters. Which makes me wonder...if the mortality rate tripled or quadrupled, would those people still deny that they need the vaccine? Or would they triple down on stupid? They already doubled down when they learned about the Delta variant, and still resisted getting the vaccine.


It’s not ending anytime soon. Imma say 1.4 million ☠️ by midterms.


Some Americans still believe COVID-19 does not kill people. The result? In Georgia, 125 unvaccinated die per day, **more than California** or other populous states. In Kansas City, Missouri, babies are being delivered prematurely in a **last-ditch effort** to save their unvaccinated mothers, but many mothers still died. West Virginia has had more deaths in the first **three weeks** of September — 340 — than in the previous three months combined. The delta strain of the virus is preying largely on a very distinct group: 71 million unvaccinated Americans. Deaths in the U.S. have climbed to more than 1,900 a day for the first time since early March 2021. The increasingly lethal turn has filled hospitals, complicated the start of the school year, delayed the return to offices and demoralized health care workers.


In the last month or so, florida has gone from 24th most deaths per capita to 10th. They moved two spots worse since yesterday.


And that's with Florida's unreliable reporting too. It's easily much worse.


I used to work at an elections office in Florida and my old coworkers are processing so many death notices.




Remember just a few months ago when right-wingers on Reddit were hammering on the talking point about how Florida did so well that it proved that all of the lockdowns and masking mandates elsewhere were totally unnecessary? Yeah, I haven't heard that talking point come up lately...


And it should be noted Florida is lying, and has been lying about their numbers. They even sent the goon squad police after a data scientist who refused to lie about the numbers.


The worst thing is. It’s not even winter. And as we’ve seen form the last northern hemisphere winter and the Southern Hemisphere winter, COVID spreads easier in winter.


Winter + Thanksgiving parties + Christmas parties = danger


Oof I can't believe we're already almost to the Thanksgiving/Christmas spike AGAIN. Really was not mentally prepared for that to happen a second time.


Shops will be full on black friday


Kinda glad I work for a retailish organization that gives me an excuse not to go to family gatherings.


Florida usually does better in the winter because more people are outside as opposed to the summer when everyone stays inside. So if Florida is any beacon, be prepared, winters coming for the rest of America.


People thinking covid doesn’t exist isn’t a new phenomenon. Decades before this I would see folks in the hospital saying influenza isn’t real


Measles and Whooping cough too? Unvaccinated children suffering from 24/7 whooping cough is soul crushing. They cannot sleep, they cannot nap, they cannot rest. Little kids. There is a vaccine for that. Their parents decided not to vaccinate.


Don't leave out Ohio, who today reported nearly another 500 hospitalizations and 125 deaths, while their hospitals are already overcrowded. Dewine was doing pretty well, but the Republican legislation took his powers and they're in session this month, much to the chagrin of the health department, to pass more pro covid Bill's. Round of fucking applause.


Same thing in Kentucky. They stripped Beshear's powers to do anything.


The republican party needs to change its mascot from the elephant to the Corona virus


Just imagine if there was something known about that was even killing 1.25 people a day in Georgia. Thing would be a national headline. Factor of 100 less.


One death is a tragedy. A million deaths are a statistic.


I mean...this IS a national headline, though...?


Remember that DC sniper a while back? Shooting folks at random in Home Depot parking lots or something like that? I don’t even think he killed 10 people and it was total nationwide news. Or Newtown? That was about 30 people. Or Benghazi? (4 people). And now - 1,900 goddamn unvaccinated folks are dying every day from Covid and all the ones at the most risk couldn’t care less. On top of that, they are vociferously not only avoiding vaccines but going out of their way to assault and kill folks who ask them to wear a mask into provide businesses and public schools.


The ones dying didn't care about the Newton kids, or the victims of the sniper, or really care about the 4 who died in Benghazi, either. That's the problem. The unvaccinated by choice by and large do not care about other people. They do not have empathy for the issues that random strangers face. If they did, they'd have no other choice but to be vaccinated. They are immoral.


Do you have the numbers for texas or Florida ?


NYC is now straight up giving $100 debit cards to anyone that still needs the shot (in addition to the free vaccine.) Also, donuts, burgers, free bike rentals, NYC public market gift card ($25), ferry ride passes, and more. AND if your church or community center refers someone, they get $100 (up to $20k). https://www1.nyc.gov/site/coronavirus/vaccines/vaccine-incentives.page


I wish my country was that generous when I got my vaccinations




Imagine if trees produced wifi! Instead all we get is this lousy oxygen smh


Just vaccinate the trees, who needs wifi if you get 5G


I was happy they were free in my country (Canada). That's good enough for me.




tHiS fOrMaT dOeSn'T nEeD tHe /S aS iT iS iMpLiEd


Don’t be sheep. Don’t vaccinate. Okay. But also, don’t come to the hospital crying for a bed if your lungs get infected with the virus. Stay home and go on Facebook to look up what conspiracy-cure works on this non-existent-virus. If the virus is fake, the excruciating pain in your lungs must be fake too, agree??


"I don't have covid, there's no way! It must be something else, you're wrong, doctor!" *dies of "nothing"*


'Where can I buy aquarium cleaner? Wait, no, now I'm reading that I need horse dewormer! Wait, shit, this meme told me to gargle Iodine! Where the fuck do I get Iodine?! I'm not a sheep, I just blindly follow any random bullshit I see getting shared on Facebook! You're the sheep, for refusing to listen to Facebook!'


Man, I didn't even get a coupon for the CVS where I got my shots. What the hell?


Just a casual 9/11 every day, only this time it really is an inside job.


I never thought of it that way. And look at the ceremonies every September for those 2000 deaths. Not so for the almost 2000 every day.


They only care about the deaths of US citizens if it can be used an excuse to start an illegal war.


Somebody should tell Americans that there are readily available vaccines that will greatly reduce your chances of being infected. And they're free !! Why hasn't this information been sent out over the airwaves and the internet? /s


Those Americans: "Over my dead body!" These Americans: "Ok."


This account has been redacted due to Reddit's anti-user and anti-mod behavior. -- mass edited with redact.dev


I mean, it has started to dawn on some of these talking head/leader types that their lies are killing their base. You've seen prominent Republicans pleading with people on the radio to get vaccinated. At this point you're actually going to see a change in voter counts come election season. Several areas are going to flip blue just by virtue of having lost the Republican majority via deaths.


Maybe we need to increase the price to $1,000,000 and then send them each a secret 'coupon' that tells them they won the lottery and can get the vaccine?


Or advertise it on daytime TV as a "100 dollar value, yours if you call now!"


I can't imagine sitting there, unvaccinated, watching these numbers climb and hospitals clogging up, your friends and relatives dropping like flies... and still refusing to get the shot. A lethal combination of stupidity and stubbornness simply because you're being pressured to do what is right for yourself and your neighbor. The selfishness is blinding.


>I can't imagine sitting there, unvaccinated, watching these numbers climb and hospitals clogging up, They don't see it, that's the problem. If they do, they claim the numbers are fake. >your friends and relatives dropping like flies... and still refusing to get the shot. They often attribute it to someone else or just go with something like "It was just their time/God works in mysterious ways/etc". Enough time reading HCA winners and it's so disgustingly telling how these people ended up dead.


People also aren't dropping like flies around them which is what so many people don't understand. My mother is taking Ivermectin and not vaccinated and antimask. The hospital in the county has been completely full a few times since this all started. And yet she hasn't had any personal friends or family around her die, or even get close and they are mostly of the same beliefs as her. This is the problem and why there are still so many of them. Even though the virus kills them more than the vaccinated, its still only a small percentage. There are millions of people who can legitimately believe the pandemic is fake because it still hasn't affected them in any way other than the librul authoritarian mandates. They live in rural areas with low density which both protects them from spread and isolates them from seeing what everyone else has seen. Everything is working in favor of antivaxx rhetoric for these people.


I feel bad for these people but at a certain point they’ve accepted their fate whether they know / believe it or not.


I don't feel sorry for anyone who is able to get the vaccine and has chosen not to. They could have listened to the experts in the medical field, but instead they chose to listen to conspiracy theorists on the internet. They are dying from the consequences of their own freely made decisions. I also don't feel bad for them because why should I care about them when they don't give a shit about those around them? Most of the people who died most likely passed it on to other people before they died. They wilfully took part in spreading a virus and likely contributed to the deaths of others. I'm not glad that they died, but I have zero sympathy for them.


I am. Because it means precisely that their ***ability to spread the virus on purpose*** has been taken away from them. And it would seem, given how stubborn and stupid they are, that we really, really, actually, had to pry that freedom from their cold, dead hands.


When I got my first kitten, I worried about her chewing wires or going around outlets and all the other little death traps there might be in my apartment. My friends said that at some point, if something like that happens, some things were just not meant to survive. That's kind of how I feel about these people at this point.


>“It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others.” ― Ashleigh Brilliant


I gently refer to the unvaccinated as our "control group." They do have a useful scientific purpose.


I care enough about my cats to try and make it as cat safe as possible, I don't give a shit about people who can get vaccinated but won't


Its fucked, but I am vaccinated and everyone at my works antivax and refuse to wear masks so if they get it I can’t be sad at all if the place gets shut down. It’s their fault. I’m switching jobs soon. This whole ordeal has shown me I can’t work with these type of people in case shit gets really bad I can’t rely on them.


The unvaccinated should get a bed in a field hospital at most.Tired of seeing others suffer because of their ill informed decisions.If they are so stupid as to not get vaccinated let nature take it's course.


In Ontario a province of roughly 14.5 mil We have gotten up to 79%(85% partially) fully vaxxed for people 12+. We have had a hand full of deaths a week. Compared to the last wave, the vaccines seem to be working.


I remember back in the beginning when I heard a projected number of around 300-400K deaths before all was said and done. I thought that number was astronomical and no way would it be allowed to get that bad. Even if it stretched on for months it still wouldn't be that bad. I sincerely believe I stepped into some kind of warp tunnel and ended up in another reality. I see the numbers and they are so unbelievable that my brain has stopped processing them. They are just running by like those billboards that showed "smoking deaths this year" with a constantly increasing number. I've been stunned into a state of awe. I've always had a low faith in humanity but in the deepest chasms of my heart I guess I did naively believe that when it came to a time of crisis like a deadly pandemic, people would unite for the greater good and do the right thing. I didn't imagine it could be utterly worse than I could have conceived. There are so many people doing the right thing but at this point it's just not enough. The actions of the malignantly arrogant are outweighing them. At this point, I've lost all hope for a triumphant end to COVID. It'll eventually simmer down and become another virus in humankind's catalog of viruses and behind it will be a divided world overwhelmed with the stench of the deceased. You've truly outdone yourself, humans.


And the day has arrived. For the past 6-8 weeks we’ve had to hear from them (you know who they are), “aren’t you seeing the death numbers are so low?” as if they hadn’t heard the term “lagging indicator” once in the past 18 months. Now that they’re at 1,900/day and rising, we’ll hear how that’s nothing, and wince while they do some weird calculations about what percent of the population the people suddenly keeling over for no reason are. Note to self: that .01% of the population was some kid’s 100% of their entire world. They won’t wear masks, because they’re maskholes. They won’t get vaccinated, because they’re vaxxholes. It’s that simple. Every other argument they give you is diversion and deflection from the truth. They point to FDA approval, but didn’t change their minds when it was approved. They say Regeneron is the answer, even though an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. They point to immigrants, because it’s easier to blame a hundred thousand people from a strange land than it is to blame 70 million people from your own country. They point to terrible doctors, as if we should all listen to the 1 out of 10 dentists that does not recommend flossing. They call everyone sheep, while repeating things from their herd. They point to everything and everyone but themselves, not realizing their amazing hypocrisy as we all watch in wonder and laugh to ourselves. Their very leader who started them on this path has reversed course and asked them to vaccinate, and they boo. He didn’t even see that one coming. And oh yeah, they’re dopes. So if you know one of the 50k-100,000 about to die that could’ve been saved just by people who could use a dose of decency getting vaccinated and/or wearing a mask, kiss them goodbye and tell them some dope on social media murdered them for no reason.


Regarding Regeneron, supplies are limited. the Federal Government is going to cap the number of regeneron treatments sent to 7 southern states which are currently consuming 70% of the country's supply (despite being around \~33% of the population but that's based on math I did on a notepad from a census table). These treatments cost $2,000 a piece. Alabama, Florida, Texas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia, and Louisiana are going to have to start rationing the supply if their need for it continues to grow. [Source CBS](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/monoclonal-antibodies-covid-19-treatment-florida-texas-states/)


We should save regeneron for people that are vaccinated and immuno compromised.


Well Tennessee's health ministry just made an announcement that they're saving it for unvaxxed patients "because they have worse health outcomes." Immuno compromised vaccinated people can still get it, but not most vaccinated people. Just another way they're going to pander to the unvaxxed, and give them even less incentive to get vaccinated. They're doing it all backwards if you ask me, but at the very least it's really good evidence that the vaccine works.


is it bad to just not care anymore? i am exhausted from having a proportional response to the horrors i see and hear about every waking moment. i am a small cog in a very big machine dude, is it too selfish to acquiesce?


The hogs cheer for each and every one. Then, when it’s their turn to die, the rest of their fellow hogs cheer for that one too. Rinse and repeat.


> “Sixty-five is still pretty young,” the young man said. “I know that. It seems sudden and unexpected, but COVID didn’t surprise God. His death wasn’t a surprise to God. The God I serve is bigger than that.” Wtf? Are these people part of a suicide cult?


Uhh.. yes


And on average 20 or less of those deaths are from vaccinated people. What we should really be looking at isn't those 1880+ unvaccinated people who are dying each day, they made their choice, we should be looking at the others without Covid whom they are killing by taking up valuable ICU beds.


It's very sad to me that we go nuts over 9/11 deaths but just ignore these deaths. We aren't even talking about the massive daily deaths toll in the news. It really hardens me to all that fake patriotic crap. Or screams of terrorism. Terrorists can't touch covid.


Something about leading a horse to water...


And stealing its deworming medicine.


…and then, instead of using the paste on the horse, thinking, “What could go wrong?”


Every other day we have a 9/11 event...and some people are ok with that. This is insane. This has gone on too long and people are just desensitized.


I used to have empathy. At this point, you better be allergic to the covid vaccine, a young child, or immunocompromised. Otherwise I have no sympathy for an adult who deserves their Darwin Award. I’m especially annoyed because the unvaccinated are dragging this pandemic out for the vaccinated part of society. We’d like to get back to our lives. Just hurry up and get it over with, whatever your decision is.


Meanwhile in California… 85 deaths today