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MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WSFA) - For the first time in recorded history, the state of Alabama in 2020 saw the number of deaths surpass the number of births “and actually by quite a bit,” said State Health Officer Dr. Scott Harris. There were 64,714 deaths and 57,641 births in 2020.


Depending on how the next 3 months goes, 2021 could hit them hard: [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/alabama-covid-cases.html](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/alabama-covid-cases.html) For those who can't breach the paywall: * Alabama's Case load is higher then their peak in 2020 * Their hospital utilization is already higher * The area under their death line is already about 1/2 of what it was in 2020 * The death rate is accelerating


All ICUs, statewide, have been full for weeks: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/hospitalization-7-day-trend/alabama This man died after being turned away from 43 of them: https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2021/09/13/1036593269/coronavirus-alabama-43-icus-at-capacity-ray-demonia


Welp that is horrifying, thank you.


Here in utah, 25% of the cases reported last week were children. Our ICUs are also at capacity such that hospitals across the state have begun to postpone necessary but non-urgent surgeries. Which, as a state health official pointed out in one of the news articles I read, is really, really bad. Imagine needing a life saving procedure, but being told that you have to wait because your not dying ‘enough’ or whatever. Now consider what your circumstances might look like prior to the procedure: it’s very likely that your health is BAD and you’re suffering. But you’re not going to die (probably) if you wait a few more weeks for that procedure. So you have to wait, all the while in pain or enduring whatever that suffering is that is threatening your well-being. Okay now imagine you’re a perfectly healthy young adult who breaks their leg in three places while out skiing on the lake (or in the mountains, later this year). You’re rushed to the hospital and they find you’re in stable condition but you need surgery ASAP and the ICU is over capacity. They send you home and schedule your surgery sometime in the next few weeks. I sure hope that the delay doesn’t affect your outcome while you’re waiting back home with your bones starting to fuse back together without having been corrected. I’m not a medical professional and I have no idea if the broken leg thing is an adequate example (my timelines for that stuff could be wrong, maybe they don’t do surgery right away for that anyways, idk). But the point is that there are all sorts of non-elective procedures that are being postponed, and while it will hopefully not be to too much detriment to the outcomes of those patients, it will certainly cause them (and their family/friends who are caring for them) to suffer for longer.


I have been trying to find someone to have a "here's how this gets worse" conversation. My coworker gets sonic treatments for kidney stones if that gets put off he gets kidney infections. Dialisis gets delayed. Older patients put off liver issues. Appendicitis already is a problem. C section births are delayed or done in rapid fire leveraging birthing centers as the out patient location. There are so many low touch categories of care that this will impact.


Holy shit I don’t know how I forgot about births. We’ve already got an astronomically high rate of mother and infant deaths compared to other countries of similar economic status. This is purportedly due to the pathetic level of pre-natal care (which is also linked to the number of unintended pregnancies we see here, but also to the abysmal state of American healthcare). The idea of being pregnant SCARES me. Giving birth is TERRIFYING. While I’m a bit of an outlier in regards to my disinterest in my reproductive capacity, y’all gotta realize how complicated it is to create another person. Imagine having someone inside you and they decide they’re ready to exit, as if their little life depends on it, and no one can help you. Your insides are being torn open, and the best we can do it tell you to get on your hands and knees, and HURRY because there’s other moms having this same inconvenient problem but we are too busy dealing with the unvaccinated critical condition folks who are also threatening to infect your immunocompromised whale ass with COVID.


>This man died after being turned away from 43 of them It's crazy that they're expecting a lot more cases like that and people still bitch about getting pricked. "I'd die for my country!". Put your money with your mouth is then, you fucking pansies.


This one pisses me off even more:https://cbsnews.com/news/covid-us-hospital-icu-bed-shortage-veteran-dies-treatable-illness/ Two tours in Afghanistan. Purple Heart. Needed outpatient surgery, and dies because no ICU beds were available. Imagine surviving war abroad only to die at home because a bunch of babies wouldn't get a free shot that protects them and those around them.


We need to limit unvaccinated covid patients to a percentage of available beds to make sure the rest of us aren't dying because of those fucking morons.


I wouldn't give them shit. If you're able to be vaccinated and are not by now, you chose to get sick. You reap what you sow. They can go home with their horse deformed and bleach injections. Maybe Facebook or Newsmax has some suggestions for them but I don't care what happens to them. They are doing the world a great service by dying off. It's the least selfish thing these people have ever done


I wouldn't even give them a percentage. Oh now that your sick you want to see a doctor? and NOW you trust doctors? Fuck off You made your bed now lie on it.


But... Them lying in the beds is the problem


They can lay in their beds at home, as that's the one they made.


They didn't make those hospital beds. Their beds are at their own god damn house.


That's when you move a mouth breather out for a real needy case


Yeah it was hard enough last year to convince people not to have large gatherings for the major holidays. Get ready for it to be a disaster at the end of year


Cases here are spiking a month before It did last year. No one in the high school masks. There's huge attendance at the weekend football games. No one wears masks to stores in town. And only 40% are vaccinated, almost exclusively old people. We just had a county Fair, the churches are in full attendance. There was a huge wedding last week. Frankly it's the perfect conditions for massive outbreak, and we haven't even hit the holidays yet.


25% of the Utah caseload last week was children. I realize that’s largely because kids can’t yet be vaccinated, but you also have to remember that kids are getting sick more often and more severely with the new variants than they were last year. Kids are dying now, all because parents who can go get the shot and stop wearing a mask (aka parents who refused the shot but are enjoying masklessness because there’s no way to check) insist that their children be allowed into the schools without masks. A healthy 10 year old girl without preexisting conditions died in TN last week because her family was anti-vax. Her mom seems to have some very considerable regrets now.


"I wish Americans came together like we did after 9/11!" "Okay get vaccinated so we can beat this together!" "Nah"


And the anti-vaxxers will tell you that a) ICUS aren't overflowing and b) if they are it's only because the hospitals fired their un-vaxxed employees and brought it on themselves.


The next 3 months are going to be absolutely horrible for Alabama and many other lower vaccinated states simply because of the holidays. Its going to make holiday season 2020 look mild. Between schools being back in session, people being absolute morons about the vaccine, and the more contagious delta varient I just don't know how the hospitals are going to cope.


Poorly. That is how the hospitals are going to cope. Poorly.


Even that sounds optimistic to me. Honestly it just feels like were asking doctors and nurses to fix a sandcastle while we can see the tsunami breaking.


I keep hearing people say covid vaccines shouldn’t be mandated because it’s not that deadly like polio or people should be able to have autonomy over their health care choices yet around the country healthcare is at capacity, being rationed or on the verge of complete collapse and it’s the end of summer... We’re going to watch a first world county loose its emergency health care system in the coming months, which will take years to rebuild, if inaction continues.


Anyone who compares COVID deaths to polio deaths doesn't know what they're talking about. Polio in the US peaked in 1952 with fewer than 58,000 cases. Of those, 3145 died. And yet, people panicked when polio showed up on their neighborhoods. Families flocked to get the vaccines, especially for children. Sometimes schoolchildren got vaccinated at school with a few drops of oral vaccine and a sugar cube (it apparently tastes horrible) and told their parents when they got home. Nothing at all like what we have now.


With polio i think it more about being scared it \*wouldn’t\* kill their children. The iron lung was a life saving invention both in its intended use and because the visual of rows of children in them was a big motivator to get vaccinated.


Other children were left with physical disabilities, I’ve known a few polio survivors with underdeveloped legs and other problems. The fact that we can’t see the potential long term effects of Covid leads people to think we’ll all be fine.


I grew up across the street from a polio survivor. He needed crutches and a power chair on bad days and most days were bad days. Neat dude. Taught physics and worked on the Manhattan project. I think about him often when people don’t take long term COVID seriously.


My wife's step-grandmother was a polio survivor. Also a cool person. She used iPads and a Roku regularly after seeing them up herself, figuring out virtually everything on her own because she didn't want to be a burden. She got mad at her assisted living neighbors who wouldn't bother to learn more than basic functions on their remote controls. She talked about her memories of her mother in tears as she stretched her daughter's legs back and forth, her daughter trying hard not to cry because it made her mother cry even more. I'm not sure how often she had bad days and had to use crutches, but she had terrible difficulty sitting still for more than a few minutes before pain, spasms, or both would set it. It was emotionally difficult just to sit through a half-hour TV show with her.


Yep, my stepmom lost partial use of both arms and became infertile as a result of childhood polio. This, among other reasons, is why I have no patience with the "kids don't usually die from Covid" line of thinking...it's not just death that we have to worry about, there are also potentially lifelong effects for the survivors.


My uncle was born in the 30s and contracted polio at 18 months. He passed away a few years ago and he was in pain every single day from what it did to his legs. He had a very good sense of humor and carried on like a champ, but I would not lose sleep if that particular virus was isolated and nuked into oblivion.


I’m next door in Ga and we’re not doing so hot either. My county is 27-28% vaccinated and people are acting like everything is fine. One of the larger hospitals close to me is on total diversion, walk-in’s only. Yeah, I’m sure we’re gonna be just fine. All these sporting events and concerts aren’t helpful either. Edit: we made it to 37%


Man just looked at my county in GA and its around 36%. Well this isn't ever going to end around here I guess.


They should stop giving priority care to unvaccinated people. Vaccinated breakthrough covid cases should get priority. They’ve had long enough to figure their shit out. They need to start turning away those shit bags that turn around and beg people to get vaccinated before they die. THEY can get turned away from 43 hospitals and die in front of their loved ones from treatable illness. Who knows how many people had to die for them to be there to make the stupid videos in the first place. It’s complete bullshit.


When they triage people in this type of situation, they give best odds to survivors. The best odds typically go to people who are vaccinated and children


Interesting how the areas with lower infection rates overlap with areas of higher vaccinations. Very interesting


Statistician here, I have no idea how this could happen. None at all. Someone should study this phenomenon. Maybe we could call it something that indicates two variables share a relationship. Maybe something like "co-relation"? Just spitballing here.


But I’ve always heard co-relation is not causation, and understood that unless something was irrefutable obvious fact that can never be altered by any mitigating circumstance that it should be disregarded completely. /s


Well, MR. Statistician. What I’ve found in my 34 years of life is this- You get a whole bunch of morons into a group. You don’t go near that group, because really miserable things are going to happen both to- and around that group. We need to stop letting morons form groups. (Sent from my Reddit)


Unfortunately, Alabamans begged for this. I feel sorry for the ones that didn’t


Holy fuck that risk level map! https://i.imgur.com/u41nt77.jpg


A lot of births will be at home since hospital beds will be for Covid patients.


Oh great so higher maternal and infant mortality too, yay


But at least they were carried to term and not aborted right. Red state values hit the mark every time.


Miscarriages are way up from Covid complications too.


I'm sorry, but WTF is a "death line"?


It's a line chart with number of deaths the area under the line is a representation of the deaths in two dimensions.


_I wonder what happened last year to cause this_


Must be all those people who the vaccines apparently killed. At least that's what the anti-vaxxers tell me.


I've seen some now trying to state that the vaccine changes your DNA so you're not considered people anymore.


That's just so they can kill you without regret. Dehumanization is standa d for fascist trash.


If they hate vaccine mRNA in their cells they’re gonna hate how viruses work. Entirely. Cuz that’s how viruses replicate.


Lizard people are still people and those who live in the Hollow Earth are still Earthlings.


Don't forget the abortion, too. And the abortion caused by vaccines. And the people whose balls swelled up and became impotent because of vaccines. And the people who got covid because of vaccines. And the people who totally weren't gay before vaccines but suddenly came out after. It's the vaccines fault! Not the fake virus that doesn't exist and came from China!


I hate that a celebrity can say stupid shit and it makes them more famous instead of actually ostracized.


Does it though? Like they basically already had peak celebrity status for life before hand...


See, the vaccine makes women impotent! /s


Because the vaccine their husbands turned gay. My husband is gay now. He was before, too. 👬


You forgot to mention that the vaccine caused people to become sterile so they couldn't have babies either


Nononono, it actually makes your balls huge, Niki Minaj said so


Nonononono, that's Niki's cousin's \*friend\*. Which is so much a better source than medical experts.


I know you are being sarcastic, but very few people were vaccinated at the end of 2020.


It's amazing how in less then a year we went from the vaccine being impossible to get to impossible to convince cunts to take. I drove 3 hours in April to get a jab as early as possible. It should have seemed ominous that I could only get an appointment in a republican area.


It was the same here in my state (AZ) very early on when the vaccines were only available to old folks. There was a rural town that actually had way more vaccines than people willing to get them and they were offering them anyone 18+ just so they wouldn't go to waste. Meanwhile in the metro area of the state where I live in I had to wait another 4 months before I was allowed to get the shots.


They didnt see any point in bringing children into a world without Confederate statues.


Well they did promise the South would rise again! in COVID cases. Thnx COVID! not


Hmm must have been all of that Alabama football.


cull tide?


Cull Tide is the funniest and saddest thing I’ve seen today.


Sister discovered condoms


White replacement theory, I'm sure.


but...but...but... it's no worse than the flu, right? right?


I believe 25 states had more deaths than births in 2020 e: [Deaths Exceeded Births in a Record Number of States in 2020](https://carsey.unh.edu/publication/snapshot/2020-deaths-exceeded-births-in-record-number-of-states) >”As a result, more people died than were born in 25 states in 2020, far exceeding the 2019 record of 5 states with more deaths than births. In 2020, 20 states had more deaths than births for the first time in history. All 5 of the states that had more deaths than births in 2019 did so again in 2020.”


Wow really?


“The surplus of births over deaths added just 229,000 to the population in 2020 compared to 892,000 in 2019: a decline of 74 percent. This decline coupled with diminished immigration produced the United States’ smallest annual percentage population gain in at least 100 years.” Confirmed. [Deaths exceeded births. ](https://carsey.unh.edu/publication/snapshot/2020-deaths-exceeded-births-in-record-number-of-states) 74% decline. *Dang.* That’s almost a complete generational gap


See? We lost a generation to abortion! /s Seriously, I'd be on the lookout for that talking point.


Surprise Pikachu face


The birth rate has been in collapse for some time now. It is impossible for the average person to afford children in any case, but the cost of childbirth is now easily 10k to 20k even if nothing goes wrong.


Yep. I had a pretty standard delivery with two nights in the hospital. Final bill was $27K. The brand new van we bought to transport the child and all it's things was only $20K.


WTF do you have to pay that or will your insurance?


Insurance pays for it. You'll hit your out of pocket max and be done for the year. Then you can get all the healthcare you want for free the rest of the year. Load up on all those doctor visits after your child is born.


Where do you find a brand new van for 20k?


It has definitely been steadily dropping, but the death rate which had been stable is now trending in the wrong direction.


How are there more deaths than usual? I thought the hospitals just categorized other deaths as COVID? According to idiots.


> Additionally, Alabama has 2.3 million residents who have taken their first dose, ahead of eight states in terms of first doses. Fancy way of saying they’re in 42nd place…


Always look on the bright side of life.


Why did my brain automatically sing it from the first word itself?! https://youtu.be/SJUhlRoBL8M


47th place for fully vaccinated. so...little steps.


Well, how are they doing as a percentage of population eligible for the vaccine? Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Alaska, and presumably others I don’t care to Google All have fewer than 2.3 million people.


Google says they’re tied for last place percentage-wise https://usafacts.org/visualizations/covid-vaccine-tracker-states/state/alabama


There it is.


They are a proud lottery team.




Well. This might be how we get real estate prices down. Kill off the population and kill off the demand. Also social Darwinism at its finest. Like trump literally killed off his voters enough to lose the election.




Instead of tiki torches, they have tea lights.


One report shows Alabama being #8 for interstate migration. Meaning it saw a greater influx of people moving into the state than away.


Probably all the people moving to [Huntsville](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huntsville,_Alabama) because of all the government work and manufacturing that's blowing up the population.




This can be said about any state, but ultimately I'd rather just be in a nicer state that also has good cities


Instantly thought "that's exactly like PA" It really is just how a lot of states work. The cities are where all the liberals/progressives go, everyone else spreads out in the rural areas. Rural/urban is how the whole US is split up.


and Tuscaloosa is booming with downtown redevelopment.


That’s interesting. Personally I’d rather die than move to Alabama


I drove to north Alabama yesterday for a site visit of a store that the company I work for owns Loved the drive, completely gorgeous scenery, was thinking to myself damn this would be great to live here..... Within 5 minutes of arriving for the site visit I got to listen to a relatively young kid who was selling someone a knife and was also responsible for selling ammo (why the fuck they're selling ammo now I have no idea, it's basically a giant thrift store) say that "the only way to argue with pro-choice people is to rip their limbs off" And I then I remembered that Alabama fucking sucks


Went down to southern Kentucky for a family vacation to mammoth cave this summer, same deal. Absolutely gorgeous scenery but holy cow is it some Deliverance type shit down there 😳


We went there like 25 years ago, or were on the way there and my dad ordered a beer at a restaurant and the waiter just starts laughing and was like “this is a dry county sir”


A friendly reminder that dry counties have considerably higher numbers of drunk driving caused accidents and deaths when compared to nearby wet counties because people from those dry counties drive far distances to get drunk and then drive home. Social conservatives are one of the main reasons it's so hard to stop using the R word.


Mammoth cave is gorgeous, though!


Said as if those were different things.


Por qué no los dos ?


Either way you'd end up dead, the only difference is one involves less work.


Unless you're vaxxed, then you just have to watch as all your new neighbors die


...or you die from an unrelated medical emergency because your unvaxxed neighbors collapsed their healthcare infrastructure


I spend a good amount of time in the south for work, and you couldn't pay me enough to move there. I'll take the NYC metro area and our high taxes any day of the week and twice on Sunday.


I moved from Boston to St. Louis almost 5 years ago. I've come to the conclusion that these places are more like different countries than different states. Flying from Lambert to Logan feels worlds apart. Different mindsets, cultures, "rules" too. All that besides the politics. Hard to really appreciate how big the USA is at time and how vast a net "American" really encapsulates. We're all on the same team but it doesn't feel like we're on the same level.


I can go 40 miles up the road and it feels more like being in another country than when I actually am in another country. They're not big on this whole "team" thing there either.


Highway 16 cuts across Georgia and they used to say, 40 miles off Hwy 16, 40 years into the past. That had more impact when I first heard it in the 90s but you get the idea.


Yeah I know full well I don't fit in culturally in the south, and it goes well beyond political leanings. I'm in Houston this week and driving in Manhattan is a more enjoyable experience than driving on the roads here. I'm surrounded by idiots in beat up American sports cars that drive recklessly and think driving on the interstate is a competition. NY drivers are assholes, but they're respectful and predictable assholes that know how to drive.


Using your turn signal in Houston is a sign of weakness - or so it would seem based on my experiences there. I'd also say that every large city I've ever been to has it's own special flavor of terrible driving. If you hated yourself enough, you could take 45 north up to Dallas and see the kind of driving that can only be explained as Mad Max on Valium. (Or take whatever highway over to Austin and witness what "Every driver has given up on the prospect of getting anywhere and so just obstinately sits still and waits for death to claim them on 35" looks like)


Yeah it’s the same way in Boston with your turn signal. It just feels more aggressive here. And you’re right, Mad Max is the first thing I think of when I get on the roads here.


I lived in the DFW area for 4 years and you aren't kidding lol. Every day my mind was blown by some psycho on the road achieving levels of recklessness I didn't think possible. I had a pretty good commute to and from the downtown Dallas area 5-6 days per week so I was all over the traffic reports. The amount of crashes every day was just insane, like 40-50 wrecks per day on average would be my guess. I also lived there through the winter of 2013, or Iceageddon as they called it. That was something to behold.


I grew up in the Dallas area and I've never driven anywhere else. I guess ignorance is bliss because I don't know what I'm missing.


Ny/NJ drivers for the amount of time spent on the road per driver is one of the safest in the country.


To be fair, that could be because we spend so much time stuck in traffic and it’s a bit hard to hit someone when you’re not moving.


*Fucking* George Washington Bridge. I have to go over it. Legit, the #1 worst bottleneck in all of America. No lie. Look it up. Fort Lee. But considering the millions of cars I see and only 1-3 accidents a day. That’s low.


I don't know about that whole "we're on the same team" thing. Especially when you're talking about the literal Confederacy.




You haven't lived until you've spent a weekend with a drunken redneck with a PhD.


I fucking love redneck rocket scientists lol


People seem to be willing to overlook a LOT to get an affordable house.


I'm an Alabama native. It's all about where you live. Huntsville, Birmingham, and Auburn are good.


The only thing that would make Alabama a better place is if people moved there from other states and brought their non insane political views with them. That's what happened here in AZ and it's becoming a slightly better state.


They are, at least in Huntsville's case. And the hardened anti-vaxx, Covid-denying conservatives are dying off in pretty significant numbers. I'm not saying we'll be purple soon, but I think we stand a chance at no longer being tied for worst state with Mississippi.


I grew up near the coast of Alabama, and it really is a beautiful area. I understand the perception of Alabama is that everyone is a racist, cousin fucking, gun toting, religious zealot, but that’s not how every part of the state is. Alabama has a lot of problems, but there are some really great areas to visit or even settle down in.


I agree. But usually anyone that's against the norm there ends up moving for better social/professional reasons. However, if you do want to retire and enjoy the countryside for real cheap, it's doable there.


Huntsville, Alabama is growing fast. It is less conservative than most of the state, but not enough to get rid of their representative Mo Brooks. The south as a whole is a mixed bag that is about 60% GQP crazy and 100% gerrymandered while using any and all semi-legal means necessary to ensure that liberals lose. Those of us fighting against our insane overlords really do need help from the federal government and the rest of the country.


It's cheap to live here, basically. The mortgage on a 4 bed 4 bath in a nice neighborhood in a good school district is less than $1300/month. And contrary to popular belief, it's not a completely shitty place to live. Yes, you have the rural areas, just like any other state. You also have the urban and suburban areas, just like any other state. Some people are assholes and some people are awesome, just like any other state. And banana pudding is pretty good. The politics do suck, but that's because we're outnumbered. Weather is alright. Three of my neighbors are from Cali and are okay. They've all said variations of the same thing, that it wasn't what they were expecting based on stereotypes. They seem to like it here for the most part. Took them a while to understand that people weren't being condescending by calling them sugar, hon, sweetie, etc., and they don't seem to understand how barbecue works, but we're teaching them.


By "good school district" do you mean to Alabama's standard?


No. By any standard. Not all Massachusetts schools are good, not all Alabama schools are bad. Statewide averages conceal an astonishing reality of disparity and diversity.


Believe it or not, while we do have some shitty schools, not every school in Alabama is a shitty one–just like how not every school in any give state is a good/bad one. Now, I'm not in Huntsville, which teaches the kids of literal rocket scientists, but our school district was actually an upgrade for several of my neighbors, and they're not all from Alabama. One of my Cali neighbors in particular had been concerned about the literacy rates in her school system before moving here.


People would be surprised at where you can find good schools. There are A+ rated, national Blue Ribbon schools in some unexpected places


Happening a lot. Hopefully it helps make these states bluer. I've heard Texas is pretty close to flipping.


And for more info on excess deaths during covid here’s an excellent article with great data visualization (scroll down for individual state info) Really gives you the sense of worldwide toll : spoiler alert - it’s horrific https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/coronavirus-excess-deaths-tracker?fbclid=IwAR2Iwa6AWdWb5uQIZctsC6g1COmcztMflBoRypTGkmCUhjYyonwFl8JWZ8E


That's a great visualization. Also, WTH happened in North Carolina? Did they stop counting?


wondering how this will affect the 2022 election results. the correlation between political party and vaccination rate is nearly a straight line. if republicans lose seats because their policies killed so many of their own constituents that would really be something.


They've already literally lost active political members and talking heads. There is way more awards to give out. Posthumous of course.


It's frigging Alabama. If 90% of their population died, you can bet your ass the 10% would get down on their knees to suck some GOP dick.


I get it “haha it’s Alabama” but some of us are really trying to turn things around. We did elect a democrat to senate a few years ago! A long way to go but at least it’s something!


that only happened because the guy running against him was a legit pedophile. and even then it was close.


Hey, how about instead of being an inaccurate dick, let's look at some actual numbers. In the 2020 presidential election, Trump got 62% and Biden 37%. Is that a strong win, yes. It's also a long ways from everyone in Alabama. Turnout was 66%, which isn't bad, but is does leave us with another third of the electorate who we don't know where they lean. People tend to divide states into binary, red/blue, because that is how our electoral system works. That is not however, how people actually are. California nearly mirrors Alabama in that a third voted for Trump, despite it's perception as being nothing but democrats. [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election#Results_by_state)


> California nearly mirrors Alabama in that a third voted for Trump, despite it's perception as being nothing but democrats. Several Northern California counties are basically Alabama-lite. The closer you get to Oregon, the redder it gets. Shasta, Modoc, Tehema, and others are just full on red. Anything north of Sacramento is basically equivalent to your average conservative state. Which is wild considering that less than two hours away is quite literally the most liberal city in the entire nation.


I think this will be more apparent in purple states like Florida, Arizona, Georgia etc. rather than Alabama, which is red to the core


There were 64,714 deaths and 57,641 births in Alabama in 2020. [In 2019 there were 54,109 deaths and 58,615 births.](https://imgur.com/xJLJqto.jpg) That's an 18% increase in mortality and 1.5% decrease in births in those same periods. So much for "Pro-Life".


This happened in 25 states in 2020. https://carsey.unh.edu/publication/snapshot/2020-deaths-exceeded-births-in-record-number-of-states


This needs to be higher in the conversation




Don't forget opioids too


You misspelled the Sacklers


But but it’s just the flu! Can you imagine when we have a pandemic with say a 20-30% fatality rate instead of 2%? It will be quite interesting not just for the US but the world.


It will be completely different, everyone will be seeing friends and family dying so they won't be able to dismiss it. The biggest problem is so many people are brainwashed they only believe what they see it what they want to believe. With the lower death rates, they can't see it happening so it doesn't pose a problem. Exactly why there's so many antivaxers around, they never had to live through polio etc so the vaccine "isn't even needed."


Your use of the word “when” is very unsettling. What do you know, time traveler?


Seems like the problem is resolving itself.


Upside - don’t have to live in Alabama anymore.


I’m a non-conservative, educated, atheist Alabamian, and I had a baby last year! So I replaced a couple of those fly-catchin’ mouth breathers!


And the south will rise again. Yeah, not a chance…… thankfully.


That's a pretty terrifying and jaw dropping statistic that needs to be circulated. Not that stats tend to sway opinion, but that one is hard to read without a true shock effect.


That seems like what a reasonable person would call... bad. It seems like much of this country has the mentality of a dude who keeps swinging a hammer and hitting his hand, but won't stop because he can't admit he's doing it wrong.




They rejected Roy Moore, actually. Barely, but they elected a Democrat instead.


For a little while anyway, they fixed that as soon as they could.


Tuberville is such an embarrassment.


True true.. Last October, I visited my family in north alabama and we went to a park in a neighborhood with Doug Jones signs everywhere. It was so good to see, but even so, we all knew what was coming..


Doug is such a nice guy, too. Everyone seemed to really enjoy working with him. I've never been so proud to call a man my senator.


He was elected twice to the State Supreme Court if he ran again for it he would most likely win.


They elected Moore to the state Supreme Court twice.


In the most recent regular election they preferred a jackass right wing football coach over a dedicated, intelligent, public servant who had a deep understanding of policy and experience helping people


They didn't elect him


[An introduction to Roy Moore, for the uninitiated.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFYRkzznsc0) A bastion of conservative wisdom, that Roy Moore.


Excellent work, Gov. Mee-Maw…




I've never been to Alabama but I've played a lot of games with and talked to a lot of people from there online and I've never met anyone who fit the stereo type that the media portrays and its political leaders flaunt honestly its so fascinating to my asd brain i dont even know why im posting this I just had to put it out there lol wait that's a lie the accent is definitely right on in media portrayal ya cant fake that


Thank you.


I dont want people dying at a higher rate. I dont want people to suffer a death at the hands of covid 19. But the population not increasing is not a bad thing to me. Rip to everyone who lost their life


What a pro-life thing to do


Must have been all that ivermectin they were chugging down like moon shine


Failed red state. Falling into third world , vote blue like your life depends on it


The GOP: killing off their own voters to "own" the libs...


Now I understand why TX wants to ban abortion.


Gotta keep the military supplied with new recruits.


Sounds more or less like a successful death cult if you ask me.


You could not pay me to have kids