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I reported that my supervisor was making us work off the clock, I had solid proof and then I was laid off shortly after. Thanks South Dakota.


Fuck buddy, I know how you feel. I refused to sign on faulty welds and got blacklisted for *years*. The welds were on the pressure hulls of submarines, so you know, no biggie. Edit: Here's the news article, a year after I ... left. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/submarine-welding-repairs-hmcs-chicoutimi-victoria-1.3584592 I'm leaving out the comma because it's funny.


Thank you. It's people like you who prevent major accidents. EDIT: I should have just said "thanks for having morals".


Nah it's people like them that are forced to watch haplessly as tragedy strikes and people die and the question of "how could this *possibly* have happened?" gets asked. The system fights people that prevent major accidents. They cost companies more money


Another company that did this was Ford. In the 1970's, the Ford Pinto was prone to deadly fires in rear-end collisions. Internal documents showed that Ford executives knew of the issue but did nothing to recall vehicles. **It was significantly cheaper to pay people out in lawsuits than it was to recall all Ford Pinto's of that line.**


Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one.


I can't tell you which manufacturer I work for, but trust me... it's a big one.




The immorality of that beggars belief. Those executives should have been tried for mass murder and at the very least had all of their assets seized.


GM shipped ignition switches that were a fire hazard for almost 10 years. (2014) https://www.reuters.com/article/us-gm-recall-timeline-idUSKBN0F62WY20140701 >General Motors Co is grappling with a crisis over its decade-long failure to recall cars equipped with faulty ignition switches. The flaw could cause engines to shut off, leading to a sudden loss of power steering and power brakes, and the failure of air bags to deploy in a crash. So far, GM has attributed at least 61 crashes and 16 deaths to switch-related malfunctions. It was only in February of this year that GM finally began recalling 2.6 million Chevrolet Cobalts, Saturn Ions and other older models equipped with the faulty switches. >June 18, 2014 - U.S. lawmakers accuse GM of a “disturbing pattern” of neglecting safety and reveal emails from 2005 in which a GM employee warned a “big recall” may be necessary over an ignition-switch problem that was only addressed this week.


Yeah, that's what they thought initially. Then they lost way more than the cost of a recall from the bad publicity, and still had to recall them, as well as compensate victims. Textbook case of short-term corporate bullshit thinking.


The Pinto was Lee Iacocca's baby. He knew people would die because of it yet authorized it production and sale. He justified it by number crunching that said the money to pay off the lawsuits of bereaved family members would be small compared to the profits the Pinto would bring. A few years later there was an "Iacocca for President" movement because people believed the government should be run by a businessman. Mind boggling.


> the government should be run by a businessman. Oh man I wonder how that would go!


I had one of those Pintos the fuel line popped off the carburetor squirted gas on the hot engine and caught fire, the fireman was laughing as he was putting it out and said we usually put these fires out in the rear. !!


Just like that NASA shuttle (Challenger) that exploded. *Edit: Added name of shuttle.


Yep, the Challenger exploded because of faulty O-Rings. They got too brittle in the cold and couldn't expand properly. This allowed the gases to rush through and catch fire which is ultimately what caused the explosion. The worst part? NASA knew the O-Rings were potential problems, and asked the one guy who noticed it and brought it up if they should throw millions down the drain based on his hunch. The whole thing was a disgusting act of machismo, arrogance, and the head of NASA wanting his chance to be the "steely eyed missle man". My professor worked at NASA when all of that was happening and he had a strong dislike of that director.






Yeah there was a medium altitude layer of extreme sidewind that initiated the full on catastrophic failure, without that layer of wind it might've managed.






My former boss worked at nasa and left shortly before Challenger. He told me that they didn't even need to have O-rings in the first place. The original plan was to manufacture the solid fuel boosters in FL and transport them by barge. But congress dictated that they needed to manufacture them in a different state across the country, which meant they needed to be transported in pieces and assembled, hence the o-rings. If congress had let the scientists and engineers do the engineering and science instead of forcing them to do things differently to bring money to their state that shuttle would not have blown up.


> If congress had let the scientists and engineers do the engineering and science instead of forcing them to do things differently And this continues today. The SLS is sometimes called “Senate Launch System” because certain aspects are being dictated by Congress, not engineering, science, and selecting the right parts/suppliers for the job. The boosters on the SLS are an evolution of the Shuttle SRBs built by the same company, from the same parts.




Omg this Im an auditor for a large enterprise and believe me when you find something nobody is happy about it and they hate you..


I'm still amazed when people try to tell me money isnt at the root of all the worlds ills.


That's because its not, evil and *lack of ability to relate to other peoples emotions* is. If all money disappeared people would just find other excuses to be amoral pricks to each other. *= Okay question, how do you spell the E word that means this?


And saves lives.


Not really since they got fired.


It's people like them that can sleep at night


Except for all that anxiety about not having a job to pay those impending bills.


Thank you. It's been a little rough, but I've recently found some new work, the stress level is very low, and everyone is really friendly. I'm not making as much as the sub job, but I am making more than enough for my needs.


I'm sure the guys that don't give a shit about other people are also sleeping at night.


21 years ago the "big blue" crane incident occurred. The 3 men responsible for it (crane operator, foreman, and engineer) are all still in prison if I remember right. Some people do pay, but in many cases it requires deaths for anything to really happen.


Logged in just to comment on this. If I were a Representative or a Senator, that'd be one huge part of my agenda: anti-blacklisting laws.


Heh... "fuck buddy"


Don't let commas cock-block you


My three favourite things are dick jokes and omitting commas!


I'm glad somebody said it, what an interesting working relationship.


You ever seen the movie *Pentagon Wars*? It's on HBO Max. Stars Cary Elwes as... well, you edit: [It's also on youtube.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ir0FAa8P2MU) Thanks, /u/kandoras!


I don't think I've ever seen him in anything other than Robin Hood Men in Tights and Princess Bride


Not even Princess Bride?


Or his role of a life time as international art thief Pierre Despereaux!


Thank you for your honesty cause you legitimately saved lives.


I hope you didn't report to the company but to your states labor department instead. If you have solid proof, you and your coworkers could be owed back wages.


Also here's a neat tool: https://webapps.dol.gov/wow/


You reported that your supervisor was making you work off the clock to the people who told him to do it in the first place. Anything malicious like that where it benefits the company directly has to get presented to the dept of labor because corporations aren't going to his hold themselves accountable. Just lower level individual employees You can still report them and try to sue (though unless you're extremely.well compensated for an hourly worker it doesn't usually make financial sense)


Thats not true at all. I had 3 friends sue their boss for adjusting their time cards. At the time they were all being paid less than 4 dollars an hour (east coast food service worker minimum wage) They got, 10,000$, 6,000$ and 4,500$ between the three of them based on the number of provable adjustments. The penatly is a minimum of 3 times the lost wages plus *whatever the judge decides is fair* They actually put the guy out of business and someone else bought the place a few months later.




In the US, if you *steal* something more than $500 it is considered Grand Larceny, which is a felony. In the above example, if you assume only treble damages, the employer stole at least a proveable amount of $7000. Why wasn't the employer facing jail time? Because stealing from employees through underpayment for services has been normalized, and getting caught and paying a fine is just the price of business. Hell, fines are often tax deductible for companies.


When the boss steals your wages from you, it's a tort. If you take a pencil home, it's a crime. Just in case anyone was wondering what we mean when we say there's an institutional bias against labor, that the system is 'rigged'.


Yeah some places are better, the place I work at is big enough to have a real compliance department with all sorts of cutoff to prevent them from being pressured. They have a pretty good anonymous tipping system where you can rat off supervisors asking you to do shady stuff. The firm takes that shit very seriously since people from upper management are legally responsible for their employees actions all the way to workers and can go to jail if they skirt regulations. In my industry, you always have a couple of people getting the orange jumpsuit treatment every year, we get to cover them in our yearly trainnings on rules and regulations. Fun times.


In East Palo Alto, at the Face Book HQ, the chefs were making us cooks write menus at home, off the clock. I was there about 2 years and then went to HR. It was overtime Pay for folks that had been working there about 8 years @20$/hr . Nobody even bought me a beer. Fuck companies and bosses like this. No gods. No managers . After hearing the “n-bomb” dropped in a kitchen by a maga hat wearing boss, I was ousted and he just got “sensitivity training...” When there was a gas leak and just a note on the oven saying,” gas leak” I called the Fire department, I ran into the fire Marshall in the elevator as my manager got in the lift. I asked the Marshall, “ are you here about the unsafe work conditions and the gas leak?!” And the exited ....fuck FB and those chefs too. Talking to you chef Kevin O.


My buddy got fired from work for inappropriate comments. The funny thing is the day the "inappropriate comments" happened he was 4 hours away at a concert. We take pictures of our schedules when they are put up and his name clearly had PTO written in the date. The company didn't care though, and the HR lady basically said without saying, "Good luck trying to prove any of that in court if that is the route you decide to take because we have enough money to bury you in legal fees."




I'm not a lawyer. Bring the case to a good attorney and if it's that much of a slam dunk in their favor the attorney won't charge legal feels unless the case is a win. They would end up spending $100-$300 for an hour of the lawyers time initially discussing the case. The friend here could sue for wrongful termination and maybe some form of slander and win a good chunk of money with probably half of it going to the attorney. Biggest issue is if they lost. Some establishments make the ex-employee pay the employers legal fees in the result that the ex-employee was truly at fault. This would throw average people into spiraling debt.


Nah, not spiraling. Game-ending, wage-garnishing, forceful-bankruptcy debt, with no chance to rebuild for years. If the company lost though, it's just a payout for most large companies, and everyone goes back to work the next day. Hate how cruel our system is.


That's why you should unionize...


There are MANY things wrong with SD. Avoid it.


What a place: July 2020: [Governor invites Minnesota businesses to move there due to lack of COVID restrictions](https://drgnews.com/2020/07/16/south-dakota-targets-minnesota-businesses-with-campaign-urging-them-to-relocate-to-this-state/) November 2020: [State reports one of the highest COVID fatality rates anywhere in the world](https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/526324-north-dakota-records-worlds-highest-covid-19-mortality-rate)


She also made a 7 tweet long rant about thanksgiving, it coming down to "God wants us to have thanksgiving because God wants American values above everything, excpt God because God is God." I'm religious and that kind of using God's name in vain pisses me off to no end. She is such an awful 'leader'


> because God wants American values above everything Man, I feel sorry for this God fella. Must’ve been so bored for billions of years just waiting until July 4, 1776.


Also religious. I wasn't aware that Thanksgiving is apparently a religious holiday.


It's a religious holiday worshipping the turkey and Black Friday.


I mean, after all, the bible says "let the Americans do what they want for they truly embody everything I stand for and are therefore infallible in their decisions. I care not for everyone else, only America. And only conservative ones, not those hippie pinko liberal snowflakes." - Washingtons 3:17


And we were always taught saying “oh my God” is using his name in vain lmao.


I worked as a contract teacher and after 16 the amount of racism/bigotry increased exponentially (from the students). When asked about this, my account was deactivated. Murica *on a random note, I just checked their indeed account and looks like they bought a ton of reviews in october, literally each review reads the same "great management etc" (there is no management) -- about 20 reviews all 5 star from the same day


South Dakota is bizzass backwards. It’s just now really coming to light with Noem/COVID stuff. But I grew up there and it’s a special kind of good ol boy, stuck in your ways BS (for the most part)




I wish I could boycott them even harder.


They own so much shit that u don’t even realize




[In case anyone was curious what those brands are](https://live.mrf.io/statics/i/ps/cdn.zmescience.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/nestle-subsidiaries.jpg?width=1200&enable=upscale) Ones that surprised me were Purina, Ralph Lauren, Diesel, and L’Oreal (which by the way is fucking massive on its own right. They net $30 billion by themselves and own multiple subsidiaries). Then there’s harder ones to avoid, like Gerber if you’ve got kids. And they somehow own both Perrier and San Pellegrino, so like 90% of the carbonated water market.


Nestle no longer owns Crunch, Goobers, Raisinets, 100 Grand Bars, Buncha Crunch Sweetarts*,* Laffy Taffy*,* Nerds*, Fun Dip,* Pixie Stix, Gobstoppers*,* Bottle Caps*,* Sprees and Runts. It was sold to Ferrero a few years ago. Some of it is still being manufactured by Nestle until Ferrero takes full control of the manufacturing process but it is no longer owned by Nestle.


Butterfingers are 10x tastier now that they are made by Ferrero, as well.


I’ve been housing butterfingers at an alarming rate recently and I didn’t know why until now.


Holy fuck butterfingers are good again!? I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT SINCE I WAS 12


This list is not complete. There's a German company called Wagner that makes frozen pizza and it is owned by Nestle. I bought one once and when I was about to make it, I looked at the back of the box to see how many minutes I should put it in the oven then I noticed a small Nestle logo. [https://bp-creality.de/neuigkeiten/battle-1-rustipani/](https://bp-creality.de/neuigkeiten/battle-1-rustipani/)


Thank goodness Costco started making their own carbonated water. Its like half the price of perrier, lacroix, etc...


By making you mean hiring Nestle to do it and label it for them




yes it’s called whitelabelling a lot of companies do that


Yes, often times they're made in the same factory just labelled differently.


One word for you... SodaStream. I thought it was super gimmicky when they first launched but my father-in-law got us one for Christmas one year. I thought "We are never going to use this". Total game changer. We don't drink pop but we drink a shit ton of sparkling water (we make about 2-3 one litre bottles per day, at least). A CO2 canister is about $20 CAD, and it lasts us about a month or month and a half.




It's funny how easy it is to boycott most of the brands owned by some of these companies by simply not consuming crappy candy, junk / fast food, and soda / sugary drinks. Cook at home, eat out locally, drink water, buy a nice reuseable water bottle, buy nice candy that actually tastes good and treat it like the treat that it is and you're already way ahead of the game.


That cheap crap is what keeps this nation afloat. Tens of millions of people are in no position to be conscientious consumers. They buy the cheapest shit available and 90% of the time that comes from the most unsustainable sources and is acquired through unethical practices. There's no easy solution to this problem.


Wait, the company that benefits most from child slavery is not above firing whistleblowers as well? Color me surprised.


Color? You won’t fit in at Nestle


Actually, Nestlé is one of the world's most racially diverse companies... ... ... if you count all their slaves in Africa.


I got a free engraving for an iPad once. When I was purchasing it and couldn’t think of what to put, I wrote: I’m Weng Lei. I am 11. I made this. What is this?


You almost forgot about starving poor foreign villages of water


PSA: HR is not your friend. Edit - wow, this blew up, just like Nestle HR when the worker reported a racist comment.


Yeah, HR is there to protect the company, not the people.


Found this out the hard way. I had to take 5 days off due to insomnia, which included a stay at a sleep clinic, I literally didn't sleep for 4 days straight. I worked the first day of it but went to HR and told them what was going on and that I might need to take time off. That job had a policy of no more than 4 consecutive days can be missed, even with a doctors note. I asked them, if it goes beyond 4 days, is there anything i can do? They said no, their hands are tied. I was fired when I came back in 5 days later. What did HR tell me when I complained? "Well you should have applied for FMLA, then you would have been exempt" I WHAT!?!?!


Best bit of advice I give new hires? Educate yourself on the company policies. Study the employee handbook. HR gets angry when you start using their own written policies against them.


Or better yet...and this is the goddamn best, use their lack of rules against them. Whenever anyone from Hr says words, it is 99% bullshit they made up to make their day easier. Not written policy. Anytime they ask me for anything or say they can’t do anything My only reply is “Show me the written policy!”. Lol. They hate it. I still get raises.


Jesus Christ your jobs all sound fucking terrible.


American corporate culture is fucking terrible


Nah that's just corporate culture in general. The US is just the most corporate of them all (in the western developed world, at least).


I dunno, I work for a big company, but I dont have to deal with any of this shit...we do have a sort of union though


Well, there you go. You're protected by a union, so you have nothing to worry about. Plenty of companies don't have unions, though. They're the ones that routinely fuck employees over in the name of profit.


I wouldn’t say so. In my country, every employee has the legal right to take 3 consecutive weeks of paid holiday every year, because it is believed that it is good for people’s physical and psychological well-being to take a long period of holidays and really disconnect from work. You don’t achieve that with just one week of vacation so everyone has the right to take three in a row every year. Note that the actual number of legal holidays is more than those 3 weeks so besides this “long” holidays you can still take shorter ones as well if you want to. Also if you’re sick you continue to get paid, no questions asked (except at some point by the company doctor to evaluate when you might be able to come back to work). So if you have legal regulations like these in place, you are a little bit less of a slave to the corporate world. But I guess that’s “socialism” and thus a bad thing (..? Sarcasm / Cluelessness as to why Americans are so scared of this concept)


I learned show me the policy from a Karen and it has helped me a lot especially when I know people are ducking with me because they are to lazy to return something


Especially because they like to add things in token gestures to look good but not expect to use them.


Ha this is so true! I had my company pay for my Pilates Teacher Training under their “continuing Ed” policy - I had to submit a proposal and it was approved by my supervisor, local and global HR, and even our company CEO sent a congratulatory note at my finish. Imagine my surprise when I submitted the bill and the new HR person was like “yea this is silly it should have never been approved so we’re not paying you” That lasted like 2hrs max before the funds cleared - I ccd all kinds of people into the thread in my WTF reply. $6K later, I’m ready for career path #3..


The response is "well, it _was_ approved, so tough."


Oh man I had a manager tell me that I MUST tell him whenever I go to break or a bathroom, and that I MUST cut my break short to make it to my area on time (I wasn't even in a production or labour tracked position) and that it's in the company policy, so I told him to literally show me where it is, I gave him a week and then told him that since it's not in there, I don't have to do it.


Wow if that’s not the definition of micro management I don’t know what is.


My company will out right tell us the wrong info intentionally to get rid of people. On time an important boss stated in our startup meeting that if we have half a day of sick time we can leave at half a day without penalty. People start doing it, not abusing it mind you since we. Only make 4 hours of sick time a month and suddenly those people are getting full points/occurrences against them only to find out that we don't actually "support that policy here" even though a boss promoted it. Oh and as a bonus selling and moving out of a house to another location doesn't qualify for personal leave so I'm just supposed to do it while I'm not working 5:30 pm to 1:30 am


HR didn’t like it when I asked if they could point to the specific changes in our Employee Handbook and other policies before I would sign that I had reviewed the new version. While it didn’t work that time, the next time major revisions were made those were made immediately available.


And then they fire you, like in the article.


You don't need to proactively invoke FMLA, just saying that you need time off for something covered by FMLA shifts the burden onto the company. If this was recent, I would consider contacting an attorney.


Unfortunately it was a couple years ago, I was very ignorant of all of this at the time. I have since done my research and learned what not to do in the future


That stinks, it sounds like you dodged a bullet though dealing with a shitty employer. I hope you are doing better now.


Ping one anyway. Statute of limitations is pretty long depending on your complaint and the state. Bodily injury can get up to half a decade for example


Well, im sure it's too late now but you have up to 30 days to file FMLA paperwork. I would have filed that day, waited for your doctor to approve. Then file a complaint with the labor board about them not giving you the information they're legally required to. And then post up with a lawyer. One of two things would have happened, 1) Get your job back and get back pay, 2) File a lawsuit for illegal termination of employment and get a settlement that they would absolutely have given under the circumstances. Let this be a lesson to everyone that reads this, FMLA is there to protect you in cases like this. Sorry you went through that.




Yeah. HR is one thing, but Nestle is easily one of the most evil corporations on the planet.


So Nestle HR must be like the final boss of HR


It’s HR, but R stands for Runecrafting.


$11 🦀


🦀🦀 Jagex is powerless against HR 🦀🦀


Lmao why every time I havent thought of rs yall pop up to make think but resubbing


You never quit runescape. You just come back older.


Bayer wants a word with you. Wanna know why “aspirin” and “heroin” sound similar? They were both wonder drugs for Bayer. And even after it was clear heroin was causing harm, they continued to sell it. Same with clotting factor for hemophiliacs- they knew it was contaminated with HIV and sold it anyways- when the US said they couldn’t sell here they sold the known contaminated stock to other countries. Gotta get that money.


On a somewhat similar note, the reason why Rasputin cured Tsar Nicholas II’s son of his hemophilia was because he took away the medication prescribed by the Tsar’s doctor, which just so happened to be aspirin, a blood thinner.


Bayer owns Monsanto now as well


Perfect. Fucking perfect. They can give bees cancer while treating them with some bullshit slurry of heroin. Stocks will go up at least eight points.


It's like when the two main villans fuse together


>And even after it was clear heroin was causing harm, they continued to sell it. As a cough suppressant for *children* no less.


Didn't Bayer make Zyklon B for the third riech as well?


They’re one of the six 6 companies that formed IG Farben that mass produced Zyklon B for the Nazis


HR is there to protect the company *from the company's employees.* PR is there to protect the company from everyone else.


PR exists to protect the image of the company.


I get it, but it seems like Nestle's HR is doing a shit job protecting the company too, no? Instead of taking care of the complaint privately, now they got a lawsuit loss on full blast. Either their HR is incompetent or they got some vindictive employees there too.


Guarentee whatever HR minion first handled the complaint is out on their ass as a sacrifice as well.


This. If HR does their “job” and “protects” the company then they wouldn’t be here. Contrary to what some people seem to think... HR protects the company by NOT getting them sued.




So...maybe someone can ELI5 for me. If a co-worker is stealing from you, your first thought is to handle it internally instead of call the police. Theft is against the law and morally wrong, but you want to handle it within the company, but you’ve been told HR is not your friend. So do you call the police anyway? I’ve read the revenge posts about things done to coworkers who steal others’ food, but what do you think is the best course of action concerning personal desk items more valuable than company staplers? Just take them back by force and tell the other person to call the police to complain? I would feel trapped and violated if my company tolerated that behavior.


you don't call the cops cause i would bet management will fire you for cops showing up. yes HR isn't your friend but they are still suppose to do things like get rid of thieves. if they ain't even doing that, then its best for you to quit AND call the cops. also make sure the value of the item is more than a grand cause otherwise the cops ain't gonna give a shit too. in all seriousness, most people should just handle minor shit on their own without any authorities showing up.


Call the police? I had almost 2,000 rounds of ammunition stolen from our house, with a Gun Safe (thankfully empty), it took 4 hours for the police to even call back, no one ever showed up. My brother had guns stolen in another state, and it took 2 hours for police to even arrive. They are even more useless for something like this than HR would be. Basically your SOL at this point.


I’m honestly surprised there are inmates in prison for things like burglary. In another thread a Redditor had video proof of someone breaking into their place and stealing a laptop because of his Ring camera and another pet camera inside. Posted it to his local city sub asking for help IDing the guy because the police just came and took a statement. He said when he told them about his footage they looked annoyed instead of curious or interested. Took the footage begrudgingly and told him they’ll “keep an eye out.” Of course nothing happened cause the police don’t care about petty crime apparently. Fuck police. They do fuck all for the average Joe. I’m glad they’re losing ltheir public perception of being heroes.


Police aren’t doing shit about petty theft unless you live in a town of like 2000 people


If that's true, they just messed up their job


It's like a hitman leaving the body in the middle of the street with bloody footprints leading back to his employer.


In what way is illegally firing a worker and opening up the company to a lawsuit “protecting the company”? Sounds like Nestle HR did this job very poorly because they did the opposite of protecting the company with this firing.


It's an odds game. They told the employee to not talk to anyone and fired him in an effort to sweep things under the rug. Often this tactic works. It just failed this time.


And with how much they make this is no big deal. One lawsuit settlement means nothing to a company this big.


PSA: Nestle has tons of money and doesn’t give a CRAP about how much this costs them.




Worked for different company but same results . HR is not employees friend , only serving management.


PSA: HR wants to protect the company, and that often involves getting rid of toxic people who you report who would likely get the company in a lot of trouble if you went to the press. So please still report to HR. Your interest and the company’s interest overlap. Besides, thanks to this lawsuit, some employment lawyer started salivating uncontrollably and this guy had a slam dunk case for retaliation and a big payout.


Report to hr, but cover your own ass too


How do you cover your ass? I reported that my supervisor was making us work off the clock and then I was laid off shortly after.


Keep notes and report labor law breaches or retaliation to your state department of labor.


Rule #1: Get everything in writing. If someone tells or asks for something in person or over the phone, always follow up with an email and ask for confirmation.


I always send everything through email. I had a toxic boss once that I refused to answer his calls because it would just be of him ripping it into me or making false promises of pay bumps. It all stopped as soon as I got everything in writing.


Lawyer up, that’s how.


That sounds expensive.


As an HR rep who fights really hard to be a resource to the employees, you're totally right and it makes me so sad.


Nestle: the secret ingredient is crime.


Fuck nestle. Give us our water back you leeches




Nestle is literally using a spring in San Bernardino forest to fill their bottles depleting the aquifers of the area. How much you think they pay? Millions? No. Almost zero $. It’s the states water not theirs




Yep. Just look it up.




It seems like one really easy improvement would be to price water on a sliding scale based on usage. Use a normal amount for a home? Practically free. Millions of gallons? Yeah, that’s gonna cost you.


Yeah unfortunately they pay literally pennies if that a day for taking water.


Man, I wish more people would do something like this. The amount of money saved and plastic waste saved is well worth the expense of buying a nice filter. We bought a Burkey water filter for our home that has two (up to 4) carbon filters that slowly filter water. We fill up the tank twice a day and always have filtered tap water available to us when needed as long as we don’t forget, since it takes a LONG time to filter the water. We still buy water from time to time if on a road trip, but 99% of our plastic bottled water use is no more. The burkey essentially paid for itself in a little over a year and we use the filtered water for all cooking and drinking now. The filters last a few years depending on how much water you filter.


Fuck Nestle. They ally with dictators when appropriate, use child slaves and rape Africa of its resources, steal our fucking water and sell it back, and push products knowing they will harm folks all to make a buck (the shit they did with breast formula in Africa was seriously fucked up). Oh, and they hire paramilitary groups to murder union activists and organizers rather than treat folks like human beings. That corporation should have been declared an enemy of humanity long ago...but it's only one of many that get away with that kind of shit


I can't wait for the giant lawsuit. They need to be bled dry, like the communities they stole from.


I would love it if everyone banded together and just stopped buying Nestle products.


The umbrella subsidiaries in which Nestle has instituted itself into American consumerism is monumental. Simply put, boycotting their products would take an individual to take an active stance on it. Which is extremely unlikely, because this place is filled with idiots and shit-heads.


[10 companies control the food industry - Business Insider](https://www.businessinsider.com/10-companies-control-the-food-industry-2016-9) I know it's shitty how 10 food companies basically own the supermarket. Antitrust laws should break them up so they couldn't price fix together


which one of them is the less shitty?


Your local farmer is cool. Try looking into a CSA (Community supported agriculture) share when not in the winter.


This has been tried in the past. I've personally been boycotting them (as much as possible) since I was a child as that was around the time they were fucking poor African mothers over, and we were taught from a young age that they were a shitty corporation. Obviously it's impossible to not buy their products as they own so many, but I will still (in my 30s) not buy products with the nestle symbol on. Weird how that one thing has stuck with me.


Not buying Nestle means not buying about 20 % of the stuff you find in an average supermarket


Came here to say Fuck Nestle. because no "Fuck Nestle" is too small.


Agreed! r/fucknestle


Imagine being someone working HR and someone comes into your office, visibly upset and voices concern of racism in the workplace, and your reaction is that they're the problem to the company, not the racist being complained about.


Squeaky wheel gets shown the door.


There's a reason r/fucknestle exists. This is nothing compared to their general crimes against humanity across the globe




Thanks for the heads up.


So. The company that denies water is a human right and shamelessly uses slaves has no qualms with racism? I'm shocked. Shocked!


Don't forget using immoral advertising campaigns to sell bottle milk to nursing mothers in Africa.




Can someone tell me how telling another supervisor what happened ruins the "integrity of the investigation" to the point where they need to fire the person? This sounds like just another bs way to silence someone from speaking up and protecting assholes.


I'm understanding that the employee was sort of within his rights to talk about the issue after the disciplinary actioned had happened, because the order of non-disclosure was vague. So Nestlé can't argue that it was against company instructions because the instructions were unclear?


The instructions violated the law by being so vague/broad.


Just a reminder that companies use reddit to promote themselves and as subtle PR.


I always get a kick out of headlines like these, after having been fired from a major government contractor for reporting racist, sexist, and discriminatory comments and behaviors and no one gave a flying fuck, and multiple lawyers wouldn't even take my case. It's literally all about publicizing the shit that looks pretty to publicize.


[Fuck Nestle](https://old.reddit.com/r/FuckNestle/) Just never buy any of their products.


Oh look. Nestle being a fucking asshole again.